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Comparing version 0.5.1 to 0.5.2



@@ -44,17 +44,31 @@ /*global define*/

//A toString function to provide a slightly more meaningful representation of values.
const toString = x =>
//A small string representing a value, but not containing the whole value.
const preview = x =>
typeof x === 'string'
? JSON.stringify(x)
: Array.isArray(x)
? `[${', ')}]`
? `[Array ${x.length}]`
: typeof x === 'function'
? typeof === 'string'
? `[Function ${}]`
: '[Function]'
: x && x.toString === Object.prototype.toString
? `{${Object.keys(x).map(String).join(', ')}}`
: String(x);
//A show function to provide a slightly more meaningful representation of values.
const show = x =>
typeof x === 'string'
? preview(x)
: Array.isArray(x)
? `[${', ')}]`
: x && (typeof x.toString === 'function')
? x.toString === Object.prototype.toString
? `{${Object.keys(x).reduce((o, k) => o.concat(`${toString(k)}: ${toString(x[k])}`), []).join(', ')}}`
? `{${Object.keys(x).reduce((o, k) => o.concat(`${preview(k)}: ${preview(x[k])}`), []).join(', ')}}`
: x.toString()
: String(x);
: preview(x);
function error$invalidArgument(it, at, expected, actual){
throw new TypeError(
`${it} expects argument ${at} to ${expected}\n Actual: ${toString(actual)}`
`${it} expects argument ${at} to ${expected}\n Actual: ${show(actual)}`

@@ -66,3 +80,3 @@ }

`${it} was invoked outside the context of a Future. You might want to use`
+ ` a dispatcher instead\n Called on: ${toString(actual)}`
+ ` a dispatcher instead\n Called on: ${show(actual)}`

@@ -89,3 +103,3 @@ }

'Future#chain expects the function its given to return a Future'
+ `\n Actual: ${toString(m)}\n From calling: ${toString(f)}\n With: ${toString(x)}`
+ `\n Actual: ${show(m)}\n From calling: ${show(f)}\n With: ${show(x)}`

@@ -102,3 +116,3 @@ }

'Future.chainRej expects the function its given to return a Future'
+ `\n Actual: ${toString(m)}\n From calling: ${toString(f)}\n With: ${toString(x)}`
+ `\n Actual: ${show(m)}\n From calling: ${show(f)}\n With: ${show(x)}`

@@ -120,3 +134,3 @@ }

if(!isFunction(f)) throw new TypeError(
`Future#ap can only b used on Future<Function> but was used on: ${toString(f)}`
`Future#ap can only b used on Future<Function> but was used on: ${show(f)}`

@@ -150,4 +164,4 @@ }

+ ' Please check your cached Future and make sure it does not call res or rej multiple times'
+ '\n It was ' + (oldState === 2 ? 'rejected' : 'resolved') + ' with: ' + toString(oldValue)
+ '\n It got ' + (newState === 2 ? 'rejected' : 'resolved') + ' with: ' + toString(newValue)
+ '\n It was ' + (oldState === 2 ? 'rejected' : 'resolved') + ' with: ' + show(oldValue)
+ '\n It got ' + (newState === 2 ? 'rejected' : 'resolved') + ' with: ' + show(newValue)

@@ -176,3 +190,3 @@ }

'Future.parallel expects argument 1 to be an array of Futures.'
+ ` The value at position ${i} in the array was not a Future.\n Actual: ${toString(m)}`
+ ` The value at position ${i} in the array was not a Future.\n Actual: ${show(m)}`

@@ -262,3 +276,3 @@ }

function Future$toString(){
return `Future(${toString(this._f)})`;
return `Future(${show(this._f)})`;

@@ -290,3 +304,3 @@

throw new Error(
`Future#value was called on a rejected Future\n Actual: Future.reject(${toString(e)})`
`Future#value was called on a rejected Future\n Actual: Future.reject(${show(e)})`

@@ -293,0 +307,0 @@ },

"name": "fluture",
"version": "0.5.1",
"version": "0.5.2",
"description": "A complete Fantasy Land compatible Future library",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "fluture.js",

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