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fluture - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.2.2 to 6.2.3



@@ -795,5 +795,6 @@ (function (global, factory) {

if(action !== terminator){
if(async && action !== terminator){
while(async && (it = queue.shift()) && it !== terminator) { it.cancel(); }
while((it = queue.shift()) && it !== terminator) { it.cancel(); }

@@ -817,10 +818,9 @@ settle(m);

if(settled) { continue; }
action =;
if(settled) { continue; }
while(it = cold.pop()){
it =;
if(settled) { break; }
if(!settled) { queue.unshift(it); }
if(settled) { continue; }
action =;
if(settled) { continue; }
async = true;

@@ -827,0 +827,0 @@ return;

"name": "fluture",
"version": "6.2.2",
"version": "6.2.3",
"description": "FantasyLand compliant (monadic) alternative to Promises",

@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ "main": "index.js",

"lint": "eslint src test",
"lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix",
"lint:readme": "remark --no-stdout --frail -u remark-validate-links",
"prepublish": "npm run build",
"release": "npm outdated --long && xyz --edit --repo --tag 'X.Y.Z' --increment",
"toc": "node scripts/toc.js",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run lint:readme && npm run test:unit",
"test:opt": "node --allow-natives-syntax --trace-opt --trace-deopt --trace-inlining scripts/test-opt",
"test:mem": "node scripts/test-mem",
"test:unit": "rollup -c rollup.config.test.js && mocha --require source-map-support/register --reporter test/reporter.js index.test.js",

@@ -77,3 +73,2 @@ "test:coverage": "codecov"

"lodash.curry": "^4.1.1",
"markdown-toc": "^1.0.2",
"mocha": "^3.4.1",

@@ -80,0 +75,0 @@ "ramda": "^0.24.0",

@@ -26,2 +26,3 @@ # [![Fluture](logo.png)](#butterfly)

* [API documentation](#documentation)
* [Wiki: Compare Futures to Promises][wiki:promises]

@@ -76,59 +77,2 @@ * [Wiki: Compare Fluture to similar libraries][wiki:similar]

## Table of contents
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Interoperability](#interoperability)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
1. [Type signatures](#type-signatures)
* [Types](#types)
* [Type classes](#type-classes)
1. [Stack safety](#stack-safety)
1. [Creating Futures](#creating-futures)
* [Future](#future)
* [of](#of)
* [reject](#reject)
* [after](#after)
* [rejectAfter](#rejectafter)
* [cache](#cache)
* [do](#do)
* [try](#try)
* [tryP](#tryp)
* [node](#node)
* [encase](#encase)
* [encaseP](#encasep)
* [encaseN](#encasen)
* [chainRec](#chainrec)
1. [Transforming Futures](#transforming-futures)
* [map](#map)
* [bimap](#bimap)
* [chain](#chain)
* [swap](#swap)
* [mapRej](#maprej)
* [chainRej](#chainrej)
* [fold](#fold)
1. [Combining Futures](#combining-futures)
* [ap](#ap)
* [and](#and)
* [or](#or)
1. [Resource management](#resource-management)
* [hook](#hook)
* [finally](#finally)
1. [Consuming Futures](#consuming-futures)
* [fork](#fork)
* [value](#value)
* [done](#done)
* [promise](#promise)
1. [Parallelism](#parallelism)
* [race](#race)
* [both](#both)
* [parallel](#parallel)
* [ConcurrentFuture](#concurrentfuture)
1. [Utility functions](#utility-functions)
* [isFuture](#isfuture)
* [never](#never)
* [isNever](#isnever)
1. [Sanctuary](#sanctuary)
1. [Casting Futures](#casting-futures)
- [Butterfly](#butterfly)
## Interoperability

@@ -145,4 +89,100 @@

## Butterfly
The name "Fluture" is a conjunction of "FL" (the acronym to [Fantasy Land][FL])
and "future". Fluture means butterfly in Romanian: A creature you might expect
to see in Fantasy Land.
Thanks to [Erik Fuente][8] for the logo, and [WEAREREASONABLEPEOPLE][9] for
sponsoring the project.
## Documentation
### Table of contents
<details open><summary>General</summary>
- [How to read the type signatures](#type-signatures)
- [On stack safety](#stack-safety)
- [Usage with Sanctuary](#sanctuary)
- [Using multiple versions of Fluture](#casting-futures)
<details><summary>Creating new Futures</summary>
- [`Future`: Create a possibly cancellable Future](#future)
- [`of`: Create a resolved Future](#of)
- [`reject`: Create a rejected Future](#reject)
- [`after`: Create a Future that resolves after a timeout](#after)
- [`rejectAfter`: Create a Future that rejects after a timeout](#rejectafter)
- [`do`: Create a "coroutine" using a generator function](#do)
- [`try`: Create a Future using a possibly throwing function](#try)
- [`tryP`: Create a Future using a Promise-returning function](#tryp)
- [`node`: Create a Future using a Node-style callback](#node)
- [`encase`: Convert a possibly throwing function to a Future function](#encase)
- [`encaseP`: Convert a Promise-retuning function to a Future function](#encasep)
- [`encaseN`: Convert a Nodeback function to a Future function](#encasen)
<details><summary>Converting between Nodeback APIs and Futures</summary>
- [`node`: Create a Future using a Node-style callback](#node)
- [`encaseN`: Convert a Nodeback function to a Future function](#encasen)
- [`done`: Consume a Future by providing a Nodeback](#done)
<details><summary>Converting between Promises and Futures</summary>
- [`tryP`: Create a Future using a Promise-returning function](#tryp)
- [`encaseP`: Convert a Promise-retuning function to a Future function](#encasep)
- [`promise`: Convert a Future to a Promise](#promise)
<details><summary>Transforming and combining Futures</summary>
- [`map`: Synchronously process the success value in a Future](#map)
- [`bimap`: Synchronously process the success or failure value in a Future](#bimap)
- [`chain`: Asynchronously process the success value in a Future](#chain)
- [`swap`: Swap the success with the failure value](#swap)
- [`mapRej`: Synchronously process the failure value in a Future](#maprej)
- [`chainRej`: Asynchronously process the failure value in a Future](#chainrej)
- [`fold`: Coerce success and failure values into the same success value](#fold)
- [`ap`: Combine the success values of multiple Futures using a function](#ap)
- [`and`: Logical *and* for Futures](#and)
- [`or`: Logical *or* for Futures](#or)
<details><summary>Consuming/forking Futures</summary>
- [`fork`: Standard way to run a Future and get at its result](#fork)
- [`value`: Shorter variant of `fork` for Futures sure to succeed](#value)
- [`done`: Nodeback style `fork`](#done)
- [`promise`: Convert a Future to a Promise](#promise)
<details><summary>Concurrency related utilities and data structures</summary>
- [`race`: Race two Futures against each other](#race)
- [`both`: Await both success values from two Futures](#both)
- [`parallel`: Await all success values from many Futures](#parallel)
- [`ConcurrentFuture`: A separate data-type for doing algebraic concurrency](#concurrentfuture)
<details><summary>Resource management and utilities</summary>
- [`hook`: Safely create and dispose resources](#hook)
- [`finally`: Clean up resources](#finally)
- [`cache`: Cache a Future so that it can be forked multiple times](#cache)
- [`isFuture`: Determine whether a value is a Fluture compatible Future](#isfuture)
- [`never`: A Future that never settles](#never)
### Type signatures

@@ -209,2 +249,54 @@

To learn more about memory and stack usage under different types of recursion,
see (or execute) [`scripts/test-mem`](scripts/test-mem).
### Sanctuary
When using this module with [Sanctuary Def][$] (and [Sanctuary][S] by
extension) you might run into the following issue:
const S = require('sanctuary');
const Future = require('fluture');
//! Since there is no type of which all the above values are members,
//! the type-variable constraint has been violated.
This happens because Sanctuary Def needs to know about the types created by
Fluture to determine whether the type-variables are consistent.
To let Sanctuary know about these types, we can obtain the type definitions from
[`fluture-sanctuary-types`][FST] and pass them to [`S.create`][S:create]:
const {create, env} = require('sanctuary');
const {env: flutureEnv} = require('fluture-sanctuary-types');
const Future = require('fluture');
const S = create({checkTypes: true, env: env.concat(flutureEnv)});
//> Future.of(1)
### Casting Futures
Sometimes you may need to convert one Future to another, for example when the
Future was created by another package, or an incompatible version of Fluture.
When [`isFuture`](#isfuture) returns `false`, a conversion is necessary. Usually
the most concise way of doing this is as follows:
const NoFuture = require('incompatible-future');
const incompatible = NoFuture.of('Hello');
//Cast the incompatible Future to our version of Future:
const compatible = Future(incompatible.fork.bind(incompatible));
//> ["Hello", "world"]
### Creating Futures

@@ -277,26 +369,2 @@

#### cache
##### `.cache :: Future a b -> Future a b`
Returns a Future which caches the resolution value of the given Future so that
whenever it's forked, it can load the value from cache rather than reexecuting
the chain.
const {readFile} = require('fs');
const eventualPackage = Future.cache(
Future.node(done => {
console.log('Reading some big data');
readFile('package.json', 'utf8', done);
eventualPackage.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> "Reading some big data"
//> "{...}"
eventualPackage.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> "{...}"
#### do

@@ -684,95 +752,2 @@ ##### `.do :: (() -> Iterator) -> Future a b`

### Resource management
Functions listed under this category allow for more fine-grained control over
the flow of acquired values.
#### hook
##### `.hook :: Future a b -> (b -> Future a c) -> (b -> Future a d) -> Future a d`
Allows a Future-returning function to be decorated with resource acquistion
and disposal. The signature is like `hook(acquire, dispose, consume)`, where
`acquire` is a Future which might create connections, open file handlers, etc.
`dispose` is a function that takes the result from `acquire` and should be used
to clean up (close connections etc) and `consume` also takes the result from
`acquire`, and may be used to perform any arbitrary computations using the
resource. The resolution value of `dispose` is ignored.
<!-- eslint-disable no-undef -->
const withConnection = Future.hook(
conn => query(conn, 'EAT * cakes FROM bakery')
.fork(console.error, console.log);
In the case that a hooked Future is *cancelled* after the resource was acquired,
`dispose` will be executed and immediately cancelled. This means that rejections
which may happen during this disposal are **silently ignored**. To ensure that
resources are disposed during cancellation, you might synchronously dispose
resources in the `cancel` function of the disposal Future:
<!-- eslint-disable no-unused-vars -->
const closeConnection = conn => Future((rej, res) => {
//We try to dispose gracefully.
conn.flushGracefully(err => {
if(err === null){
//On cancel, we force dispose.
return () => conn.close();
#### finally
##### `#finally :: Future a b ~> Future a c -> Future a b`
##### `#lastly :: Future a b ~> Future a c -> Future a b`
##### `.finally :: Future a c -> Future a b -> Future a b`
##### `.lastly :: Future a c -> Future a b -> Future a b`
Run a second Future after the first settles (successfully or unsuccessfully).
Rejects with the rejection reason from the first or second Future, or resolves
with the resolution value from the first Future.
.finally(Future.of('All done!').map(console.log))
.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> "All done!"
//> "Hello"
Note that the *first* Future is given as the *last* argument to `Future.finally()`:
const program = S.pipe([
Future.finally(Future.of('All done!').map(console.log)),
Future.fork(console.error, console.log)
//> "All done!"
//> "Hello"
As with [`hook`](#hook); when the Future is cancelled before the *finally
computation* is running, the *finally computation* is executed and immediately
This function has an alias `lastly`, for environments in which `finally` is a reserved word.
### Consuming Futures

@@ -992,4 +967,121 @@

### Resource management
Functions listed under this category allow for more fine-grained control over
the flow of acquired values.
#### hook
##### `.hook :: Future a b -> (b -> Future a c) -> (b -> Future a d) -> Future a d`
Allows a Future-returning function to be decorated with resource acquistion
and disposal. The signature is like `hook(acquire, dispose, consume)`, where
`acquire` is a Future which might create connections, open file handlers, etc.
`dispose` is a function that takes the result from `acquire` and should be used
to clean up (close connections etc) and `consume` also takes the result from
`acquire`, and may be used to perform any arbitrary computations using the
resource. The resolution value of `dispose` is ignored.
<!-- eslint-disable no-undef -->
const withConnection = Future.hook(
conn => query(conn, 'EAT * cakes FROM bakery')
.fork(console.error, console.log);
In the case that a hooked Future is *cancelled* after the resource was acquired,
`dispose` will be executed and immediately cancelled. This means that rejections
which may happen during this disposal are **silently ignored**. To ensure that
resources are disposed during cancellation, you might synchronously dispose
resources in the `cancel` function of the disposal Future:
<!-- eslint-disable no-unused-vars -->
const closeConnection = conn => Future((rej, res) => {
//We try to dispose gracefully.
conn.flushGracefully(err => {
if(err === null){
//On cancel, we force dispose.
return () => conn.close();
#### finally
##### `#finally :: Future a b ~> Future a c -> Future a b`
##### `#lastly :: Future a b ~> Future a c -> Future a b`
##### `.finally :: Future a c -> Future a b -> Future a b`
##### `.lastly :: Future a c -> Future a b -> Future a b`
Run a second Future after the first settles (successfully or unsuccessfully).
Rejects with the rejection reason from the first or second Future, or resolves
with the resolution value from the first Future.
.finally(Future.of('All done!').map(console.log))
.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> "All done!"
//> "Hello"
Note that the *first* Future is given as the *last* argument to `Future.finally()`:
const program = S.pipe([
Future.finally(Future.of('All done!').map(console.log)),
Future.fork(console.error, console.log)
//> "All done!"
//> "Hello"
As with [`hook`](#hook); when the Future is cancelled before the *finally
computation* is running, the *finally computation* is executed and immediately
This function has an alias `lastly`, for environments in which `finally` is a reserved word.
### Utility functions
#### cache
##### `.cache :: Future a b -> Future a b`
Returns a Future which caches the resolution value of the given Future so that
whenever it's forked, it can load the value from cache rather than reexecuting
the chain.
const {readFile} = require('fs');
const eventualPackage = Future.cache(
Future.node(done => {
console.log('Reading some big data');
readFile('package.json', 'utf8', done);
eventualPackage.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> "Reading some big data"
//> "{...}"
eventualPackage.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> "{...}"
#### isFuture

@@ -1030,62 +1122,4 @@ ##### `.isFuture :: a -> Boolean`

### Sanctuary
## License
When using this module with [Sanctuary Def][$] (and [Sanctuary][S] by
extension) you might run into the following issue:
const S = require('sanctuary');
const Future = require('fluture');
//! Since there is no type of which all the above values are members,
//! the type-variable constraint has been violated.
This happens because Sanctuary Def needs to know about the types created by
Fluture to determine whether the type-variables are consistent.
To let Sanctuary know about these types, we can obtain the type definitions from
[`fluture-sanctuary-types`][FST] and pass them to [`S.create`][S:create]:
const {create, env} = require('sanctuary');
const {env: flutureEnv} = require('fluture-sanctuary-types');
const Future = require('fluture');
const S = create({checkTypes: true, env: env.concat(flutureEnv)});
//> Future.of(1)
### Casting Futures
Sometimes you may need to convert one Future to another, for example when the
Future was created by another package, or an incompatible version of Fluture.
When [`isFuture`](#isfuture) returns `false`, a conversion is necessary. Usually
the most concise way of doing this is as follows:
const NoFuture = require('incompatible-future');
const incompatible = NoFuture.of('Hello');
//Cast the incompatible Future to our version of Future:
const compatible = Future(incompatible.fork.bind(incompatible));
//> ["Hello", "world"]
## Butterfly
The name "Fluture" is a conjunction of "FL" (the acronym to [Fantasy Land][FL])
and "future". Fluture means butterfly in Romanian: A creature you might expect
to see in Fantasy Land.
Thanks to [Erik Fuente][8] for the logo, and [WEAREREASONABLEPEOPLE][9] for
sponsoring the project.
[MIT licensed](LICENSE)

@@ -1092,0 +1126,0 @@

@@ -584,5 +584,6 @@ /*eslint no-param-reassign:0, no-cond-assign:0, no-unmodified-loop-condition:0 */

if(action !== terminator){
if(async && action !== terminator){
while(async && (it = queue.shift()) && it !== terminator) it.cancel();
while((it = queue.shift()) && it !== terminator) it.cancel();

@@ -606,10 +607,9 @@ settle(m);

if(settled) continue;
action =;
if(settled) continue;
while(it = cold.pop()){
it =;
if(settled) break;
if(!settled) queue.unshift(it);
if(settled) continue;
action =;
if(settled) continue;
async = true;

@@ -616,0 +616,0 @@ return;

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