Work in progress but it currently reads a lot of info already.
npm install font
var font = require('font');
It's currently very much not done but here's what you get so far:
{ filename: 'DejaVuSansMono.ttf',
name: 'DejaVuSansMono',
{ version: 'TrueType',
tableCount: 18,
range: 256,
selector: 4,
shift: 32 },
[ { tag: 'FFTM',
checksum: 1407076357,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 300 },
length: 28 },
{ tag: 'GDEF',
checksum: 2053270988,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 328 },
length: 176 },
{ tag: 'GPOS',
checksum: 1094198046,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 504 },
length: 14582 },
{ tag: 'GSUB',
checksum: 1445877738,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 15088 },
length: 1212 },
{ tag: 'OS/2',
checksum: 2298243506,
{ version: 1,
avgCharWidth: 1233,
weightClass: 'Semi-light',
widthClass: 'Medium',
typer: 0,
{ size: { width: 1331, height: 1433 },
position: { x: 0, y: 286 } },
{ size: { width: 1331, height: 1433 },
position: { x: 0, y: 983 } },
strikeout: { size: 102, position: 530 },
class: [ 0, 0 ],
{ familyType: [ 'Script' ],
serifStyle: [ 'Cove', 'Obtuse Cove', 'Obtuse Square Cove' ],
weight: [ 'Light', 'Thin' ],
proportion: [ 'Old Style', 'Expanded' ],
contrast: [ 'None', 'Very Low' ],
strokeVariation: [ 'Gradual/Horizontal' ],
armStyle: [ 'Straight Arms/Vertical' ],
letterform: [ 'Normal/Weighted' ],
midline: [ 'Standard/Pointed' ],
xHeight: [ 'Constant/Large' ] },
[ 'Alphabetic Presentation Forms',
'Arabic ',
'Arabic Presentation Forms-B',
'Arabic Supplement',
'Arrows ',
'Basic Latin',
'Block Elements ',
'Box Drawing',
'Combining Diacritical Marks',
'Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement ',
'Control Pictures ',
'Currency Symbols ',
'Cyrillic ',
'Cyrillic Extended-A',
'Cyrillic Extended-B',
'Cyrillic Supplement',
'Dingbats ',
'Geometric Shapes ',
'Georgian ',
'Georgian Supplement',
'Greek Extended ',
'Greek and Coptic ',
'IPA Extensions ',
'Latin Extended Additional',
'Latin Extended-A ',
'Latin Extended-B ',
'Latin Extended-C ',
'Latin Extended-D ',
'Latin-1 Supplement ',
'Letterlike Symbols ',
'Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols',
'Mathematical Operators ',
'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A ',
'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B ',
'Miscellaneous Symbols',
'Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows ',
'Miscellaneous Technical',
'Modifier Tone Letters',
'Non-Plane 0 *',
'Number Forms ',
'Phonetic Extensions',
'Phonetic Extensions Supplement ',
'Private Use Area (plane 0) ',
'Spacing Modifier Letters ',
'Specials ',
'Superscripts And Subscripts',
'Supplemental Arrows-A',
'Supplemental Arrows-B',
'Supplemental Mathematical Operators' ],
vendorID: 'PfEd',
selection: 64,
firstChar: 32,
lastChar: 65535,
typographic: { ascender: 1556, descender: -492, lineGap: 410 },
winTypograph: { ascender: 1901, descender: 483 },
[ '0',
'Latin 1',
'Latin 2: Eastern Europe',
'Windows Baltic',
'Macintosh Character Set (US Roman)',
'OEM Character Set' ],
[ 'IBM Greek',
'MS-DOS Russian',
'MS-DOS Nordic',
'MS-DOS Canadian French',
'MS-DOS Icelandic',
'MS-DOS Portuguese',
'IBM Turkish',
'IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian',
'Latin 2',
'MS-DOS Baltic',
'Greek; former 437 G',
'WE/Latin 1' ],
xHeight: 0,
capHeight: 0,
defaultChar: 5,
breakChar: 0,
maxContext: 3 },
length: 86 },
{ tag: 'cmap',
checksum: 230425762,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 16388 },
length: 5538 },
{ tag: 'cvt ',
checksum: 3918989068,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 21928 },
length: 560 },
{ tag: 'fpgm',
checksum: 1526885343,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 22488 },
length: 172 },
{ tag: 'gasp',
checksum: 458759,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 22660 },
length: 12 },
{ tag: 'glyf',
checksum: 1883368785,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 22672 },
length: 239352 },
{ tag: 'head',
checksum: 3992135760,
{ version: '0100',
fontRevision: 150732,
checkSumAdj: 2633691831,
magicNumber: 1594834165,
flags: 31,
unitsPerEm: 2048,
created: Thu Aug 27 2009 10:28:40 GMT-0400 (US Eastern Daylight Time),
modified: Thu Aug 27 2009 10:28:40 GMT-0400 (US Eastern Daylight Time),
min: { x: -1142, y: -767 },
max: { x: 1470, y: 2133 },
macStyle: 0,
lowestRecPPEM: 8,
fontDirHint: 0,
indexToLocFormat: 1,
glyphDataFormat: 0 },
length: 54 },
{ tag: 'hhea',
checksum: 146276871,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 262080 },
length: 36 },
{ tag: 'hmtx',
checksum: 243468867,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 262116 },
length: 6346 },
{ tag: 'loca',
checksum: 362015968,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 268464 },
length: 12680 },
{ tag: 'maxp',
checksum: 302449703,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 281144 },
length: 32 },
{ tag: 'name',
checksum: 1625352837,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 281176 },
length: 8469 },
{ tag: 'post',
checksum: 2878182796,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 289648 },
length: 30055 },
{ tag: 'prep',
checksum: 986169351,
contents: { type: ‹VoidPtr›, address: 319704 },
length: 1819 } ] }