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FormData implementation for Node.js. Built over Readable stream and async generators.

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Package description

What is formdata-node?

The formdata-node package is a Node.js module that allows you to create, manipulate, and encode multipart/form-data streams. It can be used to submit forms and upload files via HTTP requests in a way that is compatible with browser FormData API.

What are formdata-node's main functionalities?

Creating FormData

This feature allows you to create a new FormData instance and append fields to it, similar to how you would in a browser environment.

const { FormData } = require('formdata-node');
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('key', 'value');

Appending Files

This feature enables appending files to the FormData instance, which can then be used to upload files to a server.

const { FormData, fileFromPath } = require('formdata-node');
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', fileFromPath('./path/to/file.txt'));

Retrieving FormData Content

This feature allows you to iterate over the entries in the FormData object, enabling you to access the keys and values that have been appended.

const { FormData } = require('formdata-node');
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('key', 'value');
for (const [key, value] of formData) {
  console.log(key, value);

Encoding FormData

This feature is used to encode the FormData into a Blob, which can then be used to send the data over an HTTP request.

const { FormData, formDataToBlob } = require('formdata-node');
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('key', 'value');
const blob = formDataToBlob(formData);

Other packages similar to formdata-node




FormData implementation for Node.js. Built over Readable stream and async generators.

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You can install this package from npm:

npm install formdata-node

Or with yarn:

yarn add formdata-node


Each FormData instance allows you to read its data from Readable stream, just use FormData#stream property for that.

You can send queries via HTTP clients that supports headers setting Readable stream as body.

  1. Let's take a look at minimal example with got:
import {FormData} from "formdata-node"

import got from "got"

const fd = new FormData()

fd.set("greeting", "Hello, World!")

const options = {
  body:, // Set internal stream as request body
  headers: fd.headers // Set headers of the current FormData instance
}"", options)
  .then(res => console.log("Res: ", res.body))
  .catch(err => console.error("Error: ", err))
  1. Sending files over form-data:
import {createReadStream} from "fs"

import {FormData} from "formdata-node"

// I assume that there's node-fetch@3 is used for this example since it has formdata-node support out of the box
// Note that they still in beta.
import fetch from "node-fetch"

const fd = new FormData()

fd.set("file", createReadStream("/path/to/a/file"))

// Just like that, you can send a file with formdata-node
await fetch("", {method: "post", body: fd})
  1. You can also append files using fileFromPathSync helper. It does the same thing as fetch-blob/from, but returns a File instead of Blob
import {FormData, fileFromPathSync} from "formdata-node"

import fetch from "node-fetch"

const fd = new FormData()

fd.set("file", fileFromPathSync("/path/to/a/file"))

await fetch("", {method: "post", body: fd})
  1. And of course you can create your own File manually – formdata-node gets you covered. It has a File object that inherits Blob from fetch-blob package
import {FormData, File} from "formdata-node"

import fetch from "node-fetch"

const fd = new FormData()
const file = new File(["My hovercraft is full of eels"], "hovercraft.txt")

fd.set("file", file)

await fetch("", {method: "post", body: fd})
  1. Blobs as field's values allowed too
import {FormData} from "formdata-node"

import Blob from "fetch-blob"

const fd = new FormData()
const blob = new Blob(["Some content"], {type: "text/plain"})

fd.set("blob", blob)

fd.get("blob") // Will always be returned as `File`


constructor FormData([entries])

Initialize new FormData instance

  • {array} [entries = null] – an optional FormData initial entries. Each initial field should be passed as a collection of the objects with "name", "value" and "filename" props. See the FormData#append() for more info about the available format.
Instance properties
boundary -> {string}

Returns a boundary string of the current FormData instance. Read-only property.

stream -> {stream.Readable}

Returns an internal Readable stream. Use it to send queries, but don't push anything into it. Read-only property.

headers -> {object}

Returns object with Content-Type header. Read-only property.

Instance methods
set(name, value[, filename, options]) -> {void}

Set a new value for an existing key inside FormData, or add the new field if it does not already exist.

  • {string} name – The name of the field whose data is contained in value
  • {any} value – The field value. You can pass any JavaScript primitive type (including null and undefined), Buffer, ReadStream, Blob or File. Note that Arrays and Object will be converted to string by using String function.
  • {string} [filename = undefined] – A filename of given field. Can be added only for Buffer, File, Blob and ReadStream. You can set it either from and argument or options.
  • {object} [object = {}] - Additional field options
  • {string} [object.filename = undefined] – A filename of given field. Can be added only for Buffer, File, Blob and ReadStream. You can set it either from and argument or options.
  • {number} [options.lastModified =] – provides the last modified date of the file as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at midnight). Files without a known last modified date return the current date.
  • {string} [options.type = ""] - Returns the media type (MIME) of the file represented by a File object.
append(name, value[, filename, options]) -> {void}

Appends a new value onto an existing key inside a FormData object, or adds the key if it does not already exist.

  • {string} name – The name of the field whose data is contained in value
  • {any} value – The field value. You can pass any JavaScript primitive type (including null and undefined), Buffer, ReadStream, Blob or File. Note that Arrays and Object will be converted to string by using String function.
  • {string} [filename = undefined] – A filename of given field. Can be added only for Buffer, File, Blob and ReadStream. You can set it either from and argument or options.
  • {object} [object = {}] - Additional field options
  • {string} [object.filename = undefined] – A filename of given field. Can be added only for Buffer, File, Blob and ReadStream. You can set it either from and argument or options.
  • {number} [options.lastModified =] – provides the last modified date of the file as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at midnight). Files without a known last modified date return the current date.
  • {string} [options.type = ""] - Returns the media type (MIME) of the file represented by a File object.
get(name) -> {string | File}

Returns the first value associated with the given name. If the field has Blob, Buffer, File or ReadStream value, the File-like object will be returned.

  • {string} name – A name of the value you want to retrieve.
getAll(name) -> {Array<string | File>}

Returns all the values associated with a given key from within a FormData object. If the field has Blob, Buffer, File or ReadStream value, the File-like object will be returned.

  • {string} name – A name of the value you want to retrieve.
has(name) -> {boolean}

Check if a field with the given name exists inside FormData.

  • {string} – A name of the field you want to test for.
delete(name) -> {void}

Deletes a key and its value(s) from a FormData object.

  • {string} name – The name of the key you want to delete.
getComputedLength() -> {Promise<number>}

Returns computed length of the FormData content.

forEach(callback[, ctx]) -> {void}

Executes a given callback for each field of the FormData instance

  • {function} callback – Function to execute for each element, taking three arguments:
    • {string | File} value – A value(s) of the current field.
    • {string} name – Name of the current field.
    • {FormData} fd – The FormData instance that forEach is being applied to
  • {any} [ctx = null] – Value to use as this context when executing the given callback
keys() -> {Generator<string>}

Returns an iterator allowing to go through the FormData keys

values() -> {Generator<string | File>}

Returns an iterator allowing to go through the FormData values

entries() -> {Generator<[string, string | File]>}

Returns an iterator allowing to go through the FormData key/value pairs

[Symbol.iterator]() -> {Generator<[string, string | File]>}

An alias for FormData#entries()

[Symbol.asyncIterator]() -> {AsyncGenerator<Buffer>}

Returns an async iterator allowing to read a data from internal Readable stream using for-await-of syntax. Read the async iteration proposal to get more info about async iterators.

constructor File(blobParts, filename[, options])

The File class provides information about files. The File object inherits Blob from fetch-blob package.

  • {(ArrayBufferLike | ArrayBufferView | Blob | Buffer | string)[]} blobParts
  • {string} filename – Representing the file name.
  • {object} [options = {}] - An options object containing optional attributes for the file. Available options are as follows
  • {number} [options.lastModified =] – provides the last modified date of the file as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at midnight). Files without a known last modified date return the current date.
  • {string} [options.type = ""] - Returns the media type (MIME) of the file represented by a File object.

fileFromPathSync(path[, filename, options]) -> {File}

Creates a File referencing the one on a disk by given path.

  • {string} path - Path to a file
  • {string} [filename] - Name of the file. Will be passed as second argument in File constructor. If not presented, the file path will be used to get it.
  • {object} [options = {}] - File options.
  • {number} [options.lastModified =] – provides the last modified date of the file as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at midnight). Files without a known last modified date return the current date.
  • {string} [options.type = ""] - Returns the media type (MIME) of the file represented by a File object.
  • FormData interface documentation on MDN
  • formdata-polyfill HTML5 FormData polyfill for Browsers.
  • fetch-blob a Blob implementation on node.js, originally from node-fetch.
  • then-busboy a promise-based wrapper around Busboy. Process multipart/form-data content and returns it as a single object. Will be helpful to handle your data on the server-side applications.
  • @octetstream/object-to-form-data converts JavaScript object to FormData.



Last updated on 14 Apr 2021

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