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fp-ts - npm Package Versions







  • Bug Fix
    • StateReaderTaskEither
      • traverseArrayWithIndex does not pass the output state from each step to the subsequent step, #1486
published 2.10.2 •




  • Bug Fix
    • Record
      • hasOwnProperty should be an alias of ReadonlyRecord.hasOwnProperty
published 2.10.1 •




  • Bug Fix
    • rename hasOwnProperty in internal module, #1481 (@OliverJAsh)
published 2.10.0 •




  • Deprecations
    • deprecate pipeable module, use the specific helpers instead
    • deprecate ValidationT module, use EitherT instead
    • deprecate "mega instances", use small, specific instances instead
    • deprecate the old monad transformers, use the specific helpers instead
    • Applicative
      • deprecate getApplicativeComposition, use ap helper instead
    • Array
      • deprecate prependToAll, use prependAll instead
      • deprecate cons in favour of prepend
      • deprecate snoc in favour of append
      • deprecate empty
    • BooleanAlgebra
      • deprecate booleanAlgebraBoolean, use boolean.BooleanAlgebra instead
      • deprecate getFunctionBooleanAlgebra, use function.getBooleanAlgebra instead
      • deprecate getDualBooleanAlgebra, use reverse instead
    • Bounded
      • deprecate boundedNumber, use number.Bounded instead
    • Choice
      • deprecate splitChoice in favour of split
      • deprecate fanin in favour of fanIn
    • Compactable
      • deprecate getCompactableComposition, use compact, separate helpers instead
      • deprecate Separated, use Separated.Separated instead
    • Either
      • deprecate getApplySemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getApplyMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate getValidationSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getValidationMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate getValidation, use getApplicativeValidation and getAltValidation instead
      • deprecate Json type, use the Json module instead
      • deprecate parseJSON type, use the Json module instead
      • deprecate stringifyJSON type, use the Json module instead
    • Eq
      • deprecate eqBoolean, use boolean.Eq instead
      • deprecate eqString, use string.Eq instead
      • deprecate eqNumber, use number.Eq instead
      • deprecate eqDate, use Date.Eq instead
      • deprecate getStructEq, use struct instead
      • deprecate getTupleEq, use tuple instead
    • Filterable
      • deprecate getFilterableComposition, use filter, filterMap, partition, partitionMap helpers instead
    • Foldable
      • deprecate toArray in favour of toReadonlyArray
      • deprecate getFoldableComposition, use reduce, foldMap, reduceRight helpers instead
    • FoldableWithIndex
      • deprecate getFoldableWithIndexComposition, use reduceWithIndex, foldMapWithIndex, reduceRightWithIndex helpers instead
    • Functor
      • deprecate getFunctorComposition, use map helper instead
    • FunctorWithIndex
      • deprecate getFunctorWithIndexComposition, use mapWithIndex helper instead
    • IO
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate fromIO
    • IOEither
      • deprecate getApplySemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • daprecate getApplyMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getIOValidation, use getApplicativeIOValidation and getAltIOValidation instead
    • Map
      • deprecate insertAt in favour of upsertAt
      • deprecate empty
    • Monoid
      • deprecate monoidAll, use boolean.MonoidAll instead
      • deprecate monoidAny, use boolean.MonoidAny instead
      • deprecate getFunctionMonoid, use function.getMonoid instead
      • deprecate getEndomorphismMonoid, use function.getEndomorphismMonoid instead (Note. The execution order in function.getEndomorphismMonoid is reversed)
      • deprecate monoidString, use string.Monoid instead
      • deprecate monoidSum, use number.MonoidSum instead
      • deprecate monoidProduct, use number.MonoidProduct instead
      • deprecate fold, use concatAll instead
      • deprecate getMeetMonoid, use min instead
      • deprecate getJoinMonoid, use max instead
      • deprecate getDualMonoid, use reverse instead
      • deprecate getStructMonoid, use struct instead
      • deprecate getTupleMonoid, use tuple instead
    • NonEmptyArray
      • deprecate fold, use concatAll instead
      • deprecate prependToAll, use prependAll instead
      • deprecate cons in favour of prepend
      • deprecate snoc in favour of append
      • deprecate uncons in favour of unprepend
      • deprecate unsnoc in favour of unappend
      • deprecate filter in favour of Array's filter
      • deprecate filterWithIndex in favour of Array's filterWithIndex
    • Option
      • deprecate getApplySemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getApplyMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
    • Ord
      • deprecate ordBoolean, use boolean.Ord instead
      • deprecate ordString, use string.Ord instead
      • deprecate ordNumber, use number.Ord instead
      • deprecate ordDate, use Date.Ord instead
      • deprecate getDualOrd, use reverse instead
      • deprecate getTupleOrd, use tuple instead
    • Ordering
      • deprecate eqOrdering, use Eq instead
      • deprecate monoidOrdering, use Monoid instead
      • deprecate invert in favour of reverse
    • Ring
      • deprecate getFunctionRing, use function.getRing instead
    • Reader
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
    • ReaderEither
      • deprecate getApplySemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getApplyMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getReaderValidation, use getApplicativeReaderValidation and getAltReaderValidation instead
      • deprecate local, Use Reader's local instead
    • ReaderTask
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate run
      • deprecate local, Use Reader's local instead
    • ReaderTaskEither
      • deprecate getApplySemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getApplyMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getReaderTaskValidation, use getApplicativeReaderTaskValidation and getAltReaderTaskValidation instead
      • deprecate run
      • deprecate local, Use Reader's local instead
    • ReaderTaskEither
      • deprecate run
    • ReadonlyArray
      • deprecate prependToAll, use prependAll instead
      • deprecate cons in favour of prepend
      • deprecate snoc in favour of append
    • ReadonlyNonEmptyArray
      • deprecate fold, use concatAll instead
      • deprecate prependToAll, use prependAll instead
      • deprecate insertAt, Use ReadonlyArray's insertAt instead
      • deprecate cons in favour of prepend
      • deprecate snoc in favour of append
      • deprecate uncons in favour of unprepend
      • deprecate unsnoc in favour of unappend
      • deprecate filter in favour of ReadonlyArray's filter
      • deprecate filterWithIndex in favour of ReadonlyArray's filterWithIndex
    • ReadonlyMap
      • deprecate insertAt in favour of upsertAt
    • ReadonlyRecord
      • deprecate hasOwnProperty, use has instead
      • deprecate insertAt in favour of upsertAt
    • ReadonlySet
      • deprecate fromArray in favour of fromReadonlyArray
    • ReadonlyTuple
      • deprecate mapLeft in favour of mapSnd
      • deprecate map in favour of mapFst
    • Record
      • deprecate hasOwnProperty, use has instead
      • deprecate insertAt in favour of upsertAt
      • deprecate empty
    • Ring
      • deprecate getTupleRing, use tuple instead
    • Semigroup
      • deprecate semigroupAll, use boolean.SemigroupAll instead
      • deprecate semigroupAny, use boolean.SemigroupAny instead
      • deprecate getFunctionSemigroup, use function.getSemigroup instead
      • deprecate semigroupString, use string.Semigroup instead
      • deprecate semigroupSum, use number.SemigroupSum instead
      • deprecate semigroupProduct, use number.SemigroupProduct instead
      • deprecate fold, use concatAll instead
      • deprecate getIntercalateSemigroup, use intercalate instead
      • deprecate getMeetSemigroup, use min instead
      • deprecate getJoinSemigroup, use max instead
      • deprecate getDualSemigroup, use reverse instead
      • deprecate getStructSemigroup, use struct instead
      • deprecate getTupleSemigroup, use tuple instead
      • deprecate getFirstSemigroup, use first instead
      • deprecate getLastSemigroup, use last instead
      • deprecate getObjectSemigroup, use assign instead
    • Set
      • deprecate subset in favour of isSubset
    • Show
      • deprecate showBoolean, use boolean.Show instead
      • deprecate showString, use string.Show instead
      • deprecate showNumber, use number.Show instead
      • deprecate getStructShow, use struct instead
      • deprecate getTupleShow, use tuple instead
    • Strong
      • deprecate splitStrong in favour of split
      • deprecate fanout in favour of fanOut
    • Task
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate fromTask
    • TaskEither
      • deprecate getApplySemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getApplyMonoid in favour of Applicative.getApplicativeMonoid
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate getTaskValidation, use getApplicativeTaskValidation and getAltTaskValidation instead
    • TaskThese
      • deprecate functorTaskThese instance in favour of Functor
      • deprecate bifunctorTaskThese instance in favour of Bifunctor
      • deprecate getSemigroup in favour of Apply.getApplySemigroup
      • deprecate toTuple in favour of toTuple2
    • These
      • deprecate toTuple in favour of toTuple2
    • Traversable
      • deprecate getTraversableComposition, use traversesequence helpers instead
    • Tuple
      • deprecate mapLeft in favour of mapSnd
      • deprecate map in favour of mapFst
  • New Feature
    • add Pointed type class
    • add FromEither type class
    • add FromIO type class
    • add FromTask type class
    • add TaskOption module
    • add string module
    • add number module
    • add Separated module (@YBogomolov)
    • add Json module
    • Apply
      • add ap helper
      • add apS helper
      • add apFirst helper
      • add apSecond helper
      • add getApplySemigroup
    • Applicative
      • add getApplicativeMonoid
    • Array
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add matchLeft alias
      • add matchRight alias
      • add size
      • better unsafeInsertAt signature
      • better chunksOf signature
      • add getSemigroup
    • boolean
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add Eq instance
      • add BooleanAlgebra instance
      • add SemigroupAll instance
      • add SemigroupAny instance
      • add MonoidAll instance
      • add MonoidAny instance
      • add Ord instance
      • add Show instance
    • BooleanAlgebra
      • add reverse
    • Chain
      • add bind helper
      • add chainFirst helper
    • Compactable
      • add compact helper
      • add separate helper
      • add separated constructor
    • Date
      • add Eq instance
      • add Ord instance
    • Filterable
      • add filter helper
      • add filterMap helper
      • add partition helper
      • add partitionMap helper
    • Foldable
      • add reduce helper
      • add foldaMap helper
      • add reduceRight helper
    • FoldableWithIndex
      • add reduceWithIndex helper
      • add foldaMapWithIndex helper
      • add reduceRightWithIndex helper
    • function
      • add getBooleanAlgebra
      • add getSemigroup
      • add getMonoid
      • add getSemiring
      • add getRing
      • add getEndomorphismMonoid
    • Functor
      • add map helper
      • add bindTo helper
      • add flap derivable, #1393 (@williamareynolds)
    • FunctorWithIndex
      • add mapWithIndex helper
    • Either
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add getCompactable
      • add getFilterable
      • add FromEither instance
      • add toUnion, closes #1362
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add orElseW
      • add tryCatchK
      • add fromOptionK
      • add chainOptionK
    • EitherT
      • split getEitherM into separated functions
    • Eq
      • add getSemigroup
      • add struct
      • add tuple
    • Identity
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
    • IO
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add FromIO instance
    • IOEither
      • add Pointed instance
      • add getCompactable
      • add FromIO instance
      • add FromEither instance
      • add tryCatchK combinator
      • add toUnion
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add orElseW
      • add fromOptionK
      • add chainOptionK
    • Map
      • add filterWithIndex combinator
      • add filterMapWithIndex combinator
      • add partitionWithIndex combinator
      • add partitionMapWithIndex combinator
      • add getTraversableWithIndex instance
      • add getFoldableWithIndex instance
    • Monoid
      • add concatAll
      • add min
      • add max
      • add reverse
      • add struct
      • add tuple
    • NonEmptyArray
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add concatAll
      • add isNonEmpty guard
      • add fromReadonlyNonEmptyArray constructor
      • add chainWithIndex combinator
      • add chop
      • add splitAt
      • add chunksOf
    • Option
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add tryCatchK
    • OptionT
      • split getOptionM into separated functions
    • Ord
      • add equalsDefault
      • add reverse
      • add tuple
    • Ordering
      • add Eq instance
      • add Semigroup instance
      • add Monoid instance
      • add match
    • Random
      • add randomElem
    • Reader
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • export first, second, left, right
    • ReaderT
      • split getReaderM into separated functions
    • ReaderEither
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add FromEither instance
      • add getCompactable
      • add getFilterable
      • add toUnion
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add orElseW
      • add fromOptionK
      • add chainOptionK
    • ReaderTask
      • add Pointed instance
      • add ApplyPar instance
      • add ApplySeq instance
      • add FromIO instance
      • add FromTask instance
      • add traverseSeqArrayWithIndex
      • add traverseSeqArray
      • add sequenceSeqArray
      • export Chain instance
      • export Monad instance
      • export MonadIO instance
      • export MonadTask instance
    • ReaderTaskEither
      • add Pointed instance
      • add ApplyPar instance
      • add ApplySeq instance
      • add FromIO instance
      • add FromTask instance
      • add FromEither instance
      • add getCompactable
      • add getFilterable
      • add toUnion
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add orElseW
      • add fromOptionK
      • add chainOptionK
      • export Chain instance
      • export Monad instance
      • export MonadIO instance
      • export MonadTask instance
      • export MonadThrow instance
    • ReadonlyArray
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add getSemigroup
      • add matchLeft instance
      • add matchRight instance
      • add size
      • better unsafeInsertAt signature
      • better chunksOf signature, closes #1407
    • ReadonlyMap
      • add filterWithIndex combinator
      • add filterMapWithIndex combinator
      • add partitionWithIndex combinator
      • add partitionMapWithIndex combinator
      • add getFunctorWithIndex
      • add getFoldable
      • add getFoldableWithIndex
      • add getTraversable
      • add getTraversableWithIndex
    • ReadonlyNonEmptyArray
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add concatAll
      • add isNonEmpty
      • add chainWithIndex
      • add chop
      • add splitAt
      • add chunksOf
    • ReadonlySet
      • add isEmpty
      • add size
      • add toggle
    • Ring
      • add tuple
    • Set
      • add isEmpty
      • add size
    • Semigroup
      • add constant
      • add concatAll
      • add intercalate
      • add min
      • add max
      • add struct
      • add tuple
      • add first
      • add last
      • add assign
    • Show
      • add struct
      • add tuple
    • State
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
    • StateT
      • split getStateM into separated functions
    • StateReaderTaskEither
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
      • add Monad instance
      • add FromIO instance
      • add FromTask instance
      • add FromEither instance
      • add fromOptionK
      • add chainOptionK
      • export MonadIO instance
      • export MonadTask instance
      • export MonadThrow instance
    • Task
      • add Pointed instance
      • add ApplyPar instance
      • add ApplySeq instance
      • add FromIO instance
      • add FromTask instance
      • export Chain instance
      • export Monad instance
      • export MonadIO instance
      • export MonadTask instance
    • TaskEither
      • add Pointed instance
      • add ApplyPar instance
      • add ApplySeq instance
      • add getCompactable
      • add FromIO instance
      • add FromTask instance
      • add FromEither instance
      • add toUnion
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add orElseW
      • add fromOptionK
      • add chainOptionK
      • export Chain instance
      • export Monad instance
      • export MonadIO instance
      • export MonadTask instance
      • export MonadThrow instance
    • TaskThese
      • add Functor instance
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Bifunctor instance
      • add toTuple2
      • add getApply
      • add FromIO instance
      • add FromTask instance
      • add fromEither function
      • add FromEither instance
      • add getChain instance
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add fromOption
      • add fromOptionK
      • add fromPredicate
    • These
      • add Pointed instance
      • add of function
      • add getApply
      • add toTuple2
      • add FromEither instance
      • add fromOption constructor
      • add foldW
      • add match alias
      • add matchW alias
      • add fromOptionK
    • TaskOption
      • export Chain instance
      • export Monad instance
    • TheseT
      • split getTheseM into separated functions
    • Traversable
      • add traverse helper
      • add sequence helper
    • Tree
      • add Pointed instance
      • add Apply instance
    • Writer
      • add getPointed
      • add getApply
      • add getApplicative
      • add getChain
  • Bug Fix
    • ReadonlyRecord / Record: remove extends string constraints in singleton / insertAt, closes #1413
    • TaskOption
      • fix getOrElseW signature
  • Internal
    • add internal module
  • Polish
    • the scope in bindTo, bind, bindW, apS, apSW is now correctly readonly
    • fix FromEither type parameter order
    • Array / ReadonlyArray
      • assert arrays as non-empty when using some, #1424 (@thewilkybarkid)
      • fix matchLeft, matchRight type parameter order
    • EitherT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
    • OptionT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
    • ReaderT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
    • ReadonlyMap
      • sort keys in getShow
    • ReadonlySet
      • sort keys in getShow
    • StateT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3
    • TheseT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
published 2.10.0-rc.8 •




  • Polish
    • the scope in bindTo, bind, bindW, apS, apSW is now correctly readonly
    • fix FromEither type parameter order
published 2.10.0-rc.7 •




  • Breaking Change (with respect to 2.10.0-rc)
    • rename module object to struct
published 3.0.0-alpha.16 •

published 2.10.0-rc.6 •




  • Bug Fix
    • ReadonlyNonEmptyArray
      • remove circular dependency on NonEmptyArray, closes #1443
  • Breaking Change (with respect to 2.10.0-rc)
    • EitherT
      • rename match to matchE and add match
    • IOEither
      • rename match / matchW to matchE / matchWE and add match / matchW
    • OptionT
      • rename match to matchE and add match
    • ReaderEither
      • rename match / matchW to matchE / matchWE and add match / matchW
    • ReaderTaskEither
      • rename match / matchW to matchE / matchWE and add match / matchW
    • TheseT
      • rename match to matchE and add match
    • TaskEither
      • rename match / matchW to matchE / matchWE and add match / matchW
    • TaskOption
      • rename match / matchW to matchE / matchWE and add match / matchW
    • TaskThese
      • rename match / matchW to matchE / matchWE and add match / matchW
published 2.10.0-rc.5 •




  • Bug Fix
    • TaskOption
      • fix getOrElseW signature
  • Breaking Change (with respect to 2.10.0-rc)
    • OptionT
      • rename none to zero and change signature
    • ReaderT
      • remove ask, asks (they will be derived from the FromReader type-class in 2.11)
    • Semigroup
      • move assign to object module and rename to getAssignSemigroup
    • ReaderT
      • remove get, put, modify, gets (they will be derived from the FromState type-class in 2.11)
  • Deprecation
    • Tuple
      • deprecate mapLeft in favour of mapSnd
      • deprecate map in favour of mapFst
    • ReadonlyTuple
      • deprecate mapLeft in favour of mapSnd
      • deprecate map in favour of mapFst
  • Polish
    • Array / ReadonlyArray
      • assert arrays as non-empty when using some, #1424 (@thewilkybarkid)
      • fix matchLeft, matchRight type parameter order
    • EitherT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
    • OptionT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
    • ReaderT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
    • ReadonlyMap
      • sort keys in getShow
    • ReadonlySet
      • sort keys in getShow
    • StateT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3
    • TheseT
      • add overloads for Kind2, Kind3, Kind4
  • Internal
    • add internal module
published 2.10.0-rc.4 •




  • Deprecations
    • Array
      • deprecate empty
    • Map
      • deprecate empty
    • NonEmptyArray
      • deprecate filter in favour of Array's filter
      • deprecate filterWithIndex in favour of Array's filterWithIndex
    • ReadonlyNonEmptyArray
      • deprecate filter in favour of ReadonlyArray's filter
      • deprecate filterWithIndex in favour of ReadonlyArray's filterWithIndex
    • Record
      • deprecate empty
  • Polish
    • NonEmptyArray
      • remove duplicated append, prepend, isNonEmpty
    • ReadonlyNonEmptyArray
      • remove duplicated append, prepend, isNonEmpty
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