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generic-paginate - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.4 to 0.1.0



"name": "generic-paginate",
"version": "0.0.4",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "A simple class that calculates pagination params that is easly usable in a View",
"main": "lib/paginate.js",
"main": "./index.js",
"scripts": {

@@ -17,4 +17,7 @@ "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

"author": "Harish.K",
"author": {
"name": "Harish.K",
"email": ""
"license": "BSD"

@@ -1,106 +0,87 @@

# generic-paginate
A simple Javascript class for calculating pagination data that can be easily used in template file.
A simple Javascript function for calculating pagination data which can be easily integrated into any view-layer
## Usage
npm i generic-paginate -S
this module exports a single function called `paginate`
Usage in controller
var options = {
activeClass: 'active',
inactiveClass: '',
defaults: {
size: 2, // Result per page
listLength: 2, // Length pagination Result.
// eg: listLength = 2; ==> << 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 >>
// listLength = 1; ==> << 6, 7, 8 >>
var Paginator = require('generic-paginate');
var paginator = Paginator( options );
return Mango.count( conditions, function( err, count ){
var paginationParams = {};
paginationParams.count = count; =; // Page number
paginationParams.size = req.query.size; // Result per page
var pagination = paginator.paginate( paginationParams );
return Mango.find(conditions)
.sort( sort )
.limit ( pagination.size )
.exec(function( err, mangoes ){
var data = {
mangoes: mangoes,
pagination: pagination
return res.render('mangoes/index', data );
#### paginate(total, skip, limit, opts) ⇒ paginationData
Calculate pagination data using given params
* pagination = {
* next: 7,
* prev: 5,
* currentPage: 6,
* range: { '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': 'active', '7': '' },
* totalPages: 7,
* totalItems: 13
* size: 2,
* start: 11
* };
##### Arguments
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| total | <code>Number</code> | | Total number of records |
| skip | <code>Number</code> | | Number of records to be skiped. AKA offset |
| [limit] | <code>Number</code> | <code>10</code> | Number of items per page |
| [opts] | <code>Object</code> | <code>{}</code> | additional options |
| [opts.buttonCount] | <code>Number</code> | <code>5</code> | length of pagination button list. <b>Eg:</b> <ul> <li> < 2, *3*, 4, > -> Means buttonCount=3 </li> <li> < 2, *3*, 4, 5, 6 > -> Means buttonCount=5 </li> <li> < 2, *3*, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 > -> Means buttonCount=7 </li> </ul> |
| [opts.activeClass] | <code>string</code> | <code>&quot;active&quot;</code> | HTML class attribute to be applied for button other than current page button |
| [opts.inactiveClass] | <code>string</code> | <code>&quot;inactive&quot;</code> | HTML class attribute to be applied for current page button |
and the template for Ect.Js is
<ul class="pagination">
<li><a href="/mangoes?page=1">&laquo;</a></li>
<% for page, className of @pagination.range : %>
<li class="<%= className %>"><a href="/mangoes?page=<%= page %>"><%= page %></a></li>
<% end %>
<li><a href="/mangoes?page=<%= %>">&raquo;</a></li>
## Class Paginator ##
##### Properties of output paginationData
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| next | <code>Number</code> \| <code>undefined</code> | next page number. `undefined` if there is no next page |
| prev | <code>Number</code> \| <code>undefined</code> | previous page number. `undefined` if there is no previous page |
| currentPage | <code>Number</code> | current page number |
| totalPages | <code>Number</code> | total number of pages |
| totalItems | <code>Number</code> | total number of items |
| limit | <code>Number</code> | items per page. copied from argument |
| skip | <code>Number</code> | no of skipped records. copied from argument |
| buttons | <code>Array.&lt;Object&gt;</code> | array of buttons in the pagination list |
| buttons[].page | <code>Number</code> | page number of button |
| buttons[].class | <code>string</code> | html class of button.<br> current page will have `opts.inactiveClass` and all others will have `opts.activeClass` |
### Initialization ###
var paginator = Paginator( options )
### @arg options ###
* Type: Object
* Structure:
* ```activeClass``` : class name used for current page
* ```inactiveClass``` : class name used for all other pages
* ```defaults``` : Object. Used as default vule for instance.paginate function.
* ```size``` : Results per page. Default=10
* ```listLength``` : number of pages listed in both sides of centre item Default=2
## Methods ##
### Example
### paginate ###
calculate pagination data.
var Paginate = require('generic-paginate');
#### Usage ####
var pagination = paginator.paginate( options );
// 37 total items,
// 10 items/page,
// skipping first 20 => current page is 3
var paginationData = Paginate( 37, 20, 10 );
console.log( paginationData );
Output will be
{ next: 4,
prev: 2,
currentPage: 3,
[ { page: 1, class: 'inactive' },
{ page: 2, class: 'inactive' },
{ page: 3, class: 'active' },
{ page: 4, class: 'inactive' } ],
totalPages: 4,
totalItems: 37,
limit: 10,
skip: 20 }
#### @arg options ####
* options : Structure
* ```count``` : Total number of items.
* ```page``` : current page. Default = 1
* ```size``` : overides Initialization param defaults.size
* ```listLength``` : overides Initialization param defaults.listLength
##### A sample AngularJs tempalte will be like this
#### returns ####
* Type: Object
* ```page``` : current page
* ```range``` : a map of pagenumer to its className.
* ```total``` : total number of pages
* ```size``` : Result per pages.
* ```start``` : starting number of results
<ul class="pagination">
<li ng-enable="pagination.prev" >
<a href="/mangoes?page={{ pagination.prev }}">&laquo;</a>
<li ng-repeat="button in pagination.buttons" ng-class="{{ button.class }}">
<a href="/mangoes?page={{ }}">{{ }}</a>
<li ng-enable="">
<a href="/mangoes?page={{ }}">&raquo;</a>
<span>Showing page: {{ pagination.currentPage}}/{{pagination.totalPages}} </span>
<span>Total items: {{ pagination.totalItems}}</span>
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