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get-tsconfig - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.0 to 3.2.0




@@ -1,1262 +0,6 @@

declare global {
interface SymbolConstructor {
readonly observable: symbol;
import { T as TsConfigResult } from './types-67cd9792.js';
export { a as TsConfigJson, b as TsConfigJsonResolved, T as TsConfigResult } from './types-67cd9792.js';
Returns a boolean for whether the two given types are equal.
declare function getTsconfig(searchPath?: string, configName?: string): TsConfigResult | null;
type IsEqual<T, U> =
(<G>() => G extends T ? 1 : 2) extends
(<G>() => G extends U ? 1 : 2)
? true
: false;
Filter out keys from an object.
Returns `never` if `Exclude` is strictly equal to `Key`.
Returns `never` if `Key` extends `Exclude`.
Returns `Key` otherwise.
type Filtered = Filter<'foo', 'foo'>;
//=> never
type Filtered = Filter<'bar', string>;
//=> never
type Filtered = Filter<'bar', 'foo'>;
//=> 'bar'
@see {Except}
type Filter<KeyType, ExcludeType> = IsEqual<KeyType, ExcludeType> extends true ? never : (KeyType extends ExcludeType ? never : KeyType);
Create a type from an object type without certain keys.
This type is a stricter version of [`Omit`]( The `Omit` type does not restrict the omitted keys to be keys present on the given type, while `Except` does. The benefits of a stricter type are avoiding typos and allowing the compiler to pick up on rename refactors automatically.
This type was proposed to the TypeScript team, which declined it, saying they prefer that libraries implement stricter versions of the built-in types ([microsoft/TypeScript#30825](
import type {Except} from 'type-fest';
type Foo = {
a: number;
b: string;
c: boolean;
type FooWithoutA = Except<Foo, 'a' | 'c'>;
//=> {b: string};
@category Object
type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType as Filter<KeyType, KeysType>]: ObjectType[KeyType];
declare namespace TsConfigJson {
namespace CompilerOptions {
export type JSX =
| 'preserve'
| 'react'
| 'react-jsx'
| 'react-jsxdev'
| 'react-native';
export type Module =
| 'CommonJS'
| 'AMD'
| 'System'
| 'UMD'
| 'ES6'
| 'ES2015'
| 'ES2020'
| 'ES2022'
| 'ESNext'
| 'None'
// Lowercase alternatives
| 'commonjs'
| 'amd'
| 'system'
| 'umd'
| 'es6'
| 'es2015'
| 'es2020'
| 'es2022'
| 'esnext'
| 'none';
export type NewLine =
| 'CRLF'
| 'LF'
// Lowercase alternatives
| 'crlf'
| 'lf';
export type Target =
| 'ES3'
| 'ES5'
| 'ES6'
| 'ES2015'
| 'ES2016'
| 'ES2017'
| 'ES2018'
| 'ES2019'
| 'ES2020'
| 'ES2021'
| 'ESNext'
// Lowercase alternatives
| 'es3'
| 'es5'
| 'es6'
| 'es2015'
| 'es2016'
| 'es2017'
| 'es2018'
| 'es2019'
| 'es2020'
| 'es2021'
| 'esnext';
export type Lib =
| 'ES5'
| 'ES6'
| 'ES7'
| 'ES2015'
| 'ES2015.Collection'
| 'ES2015.Core'
| 'ES2015.Generator'
| 'ES2015.Iterable'
| 'ES2015.Promise'
| 'ES2015.Proxy'
| 'ES2015.Reflect'
| 'ES2015.Symbol.WellKnown'
| 'ES2015.Symbol'
| 'ES2016'
| 'ES2016.Array.Include'
| 'ES2017'
| 'ES2017.Intl'
| 'ES2017.Object'
| 'ES2017.SharedMemory'
| 'ES2017.String'
| 'ES2017.TypedArrays'
| 'ES2018'
| 'ES2018.AsyncGenerator'
| 'ES2018.AsyncIterable'
| 'ES2018.Intl'
| 'ES2018.Promise'
| 'ES2018.Regexp'
| 'ES2019'
| 'ES2019.Array'
| 'ES2019.Object'
| 'ES2019.String'
| 'ES2019.Symbol'
| 'ES2020'
| 'ES2020.BigInt'
| 'ES2020.Promise'
| 'ES2020.String'
| 'ES2020.Symbol.WellKnown'
| 'ES2020.SharedMemory'
| 'ES2020.Intl'
| 'ES2021'
| 'ES2021.Promise'
| 'ES2021.String'
| 'ES2021.WeakRef'
| 'ESNext'
| 'ESNext.Array'
| 'ESNext.AsyncIterable'
| 'ESNext.BigInt'
| 'ESNext.Intl'
| 'ESNext.Promise'
| 'ESNext.String'
| 'ESNext.Symbol'
| 'ESNext.WeakRef'
| 'DOM'
| 'DOM.Iterable'
| 'ScriptHost'
| 'WebWorker'
| 'WebWorker.ImportScripts'
| 'WebWorker.Iterable'
// Lowercase alternatives
| 'es5'
| 'es6'
| 'es7'
| 'es2015'
| 'es2015.collection'
| 'es2015.core'
| 'es2015.generator'
| 'es2015.iterable'
| 'es2015.promise'
| 'es2015.proxy'
| 'es2015.reflect'
| 'es2015.symbol.wellknown'
| 'es2015.symbol'
| 'es2016'
| 'es2016.array.include'
| 'es2017'
| 'es2017.intl'
| 'es2017.object'
| 'es2017.sharedmemory'
| 'es2017.string'
| 'es2017.typedarrays'
| 'es2018'
| 'es2018.asyncgenerator'
| 'es2018.asynciterable'
| 'es2018.intl'
| 'es2018.promise'
| 'es2018.regexp'
| 'es2019'
| 'es2019.array'
| 'es2019.object'
| 'es2019.string'
| 'es2019.symbol'
| 'es2020'
| 'es2020.bigint'
| 'es2020.promise'
| 'es2020.string'
| 'es2020.symbol.wellknown'
| 'es2020.sharedmemory'
| 'es2020.intl'
| 'es2021'
| 'es2021.promise'
| 'es2021.string'
| 'es2021.weakref'
| 'esnext'
| 'esnext.array'
| 'esnext.asynciterable'
| 'esnext.bigint'
| 'esnext.intl'
| 'esnext.promise'
| 'esnext.string'
| 'esnext.symbol'
| 'esnext.weakref'
| 'dom'
| 'dom.iterable'
| 'scripthost'
| 'webworker'
| 'webworker.importscripts'
| 'webworker.iterable';
export interface Plugin {
[key: string]: unknown;
Plugin name.
name?: string;
export type ImportsNotUsedAsValues =
| 'remove'
| 'preserve'
| 'error';
export type FallbackPolling =
| 'fixedPollingInterval'
| 'priorityPollingInterval'
| 'dynamicPriorityPolling'
| 'fixedInterval'
| 'priorityInterval'
| 'dynamicPriority'
| 'fixedChunkSize';
export type WatchDirectory =
| 'useFsEvents'
| 'fixedPollingInterval'
| 'dynamicPriorityPolling'
| 'fixedChunkSizePolling';
export type WatchFile =
| 'fixedPollingInterval'
| 'priorityPollingInterval'
| 'dynamicPriorityPolling'
| 'useFsEvents'
| 'useFsEventsOnParentDirectory'
| 'fixedChunkSizePolling';
export interface CompilerOptions {
The character set of the input files.
@default 'utf8'
charset?: string;
Enables building for project references.
@default true
composite?: boolean;
Generates corresponding d.ts files.
@default false
declaration?: boolean;
Specify output directory for generated declaration files.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
declarationDir?: string;
Show diagnostic information.
@default false
diagnostics?: boolean;
Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript.
Requires TypeScript version 4.0 or later.
@default false
disableReferencedProjectLoad?: boolean;
Enforces using indexed accessors for keys declared using an indexed type.
Requires TypeScript version 4.2 or later.
@default false
noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature?: boolean;
Emit a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in the beginning of output files.
@default false
emitBOM?: boolean;
Only emit `.d.ts` declaration files.
@default false
emitDeclarationOnly?: boolean;
Differentiate between undefined and not present when type checking.
Requires TypeScript version 4.4 or later.
@default false
exactOptionalPropertyTypes?: boolean;
Enable incremental compilation.
@default `composite`
incremental?: boolean;
Specify file to store incremental compilation information.
@default '.tsbuildinfo'
tsBuildInfoFile?: string;
Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file.
@default false
inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file.
Requires `--inlineSourceMap` to be set.
@default false
inlineSources?: boolean;
Specify what JSX code is generated.
@default 'preserve'
jsx?: CompilerOptions.JSX;
Specifies the object invoked for `createElement` and `__spread` when targeting `'react'` JSX emit.
@default 'React'
reactNamespace?: string;
Specify the JSX factory function to use when targeting React JSX emit, e.g. `React.createElement` or `h`.
Requires TypeScript version 2.1 or later.
@default 'React.createElement'
jsxFactory?: string;
Specify the JSX Fragment reference used for fragments when targeting React JSX emit e.g. 'React.Fragment' or 'Fragment'.
Requires TypeScript version 4.0 or later.
@default 'React.Fragment'
jsxFragmentFactory?: string;
Specify module specifier used to import the JSX factory functions when using `jsx: react-jsx*`.
Requires TypeScript version 4.1 or later.
@default 'react'
jsxImportSource?: string;
Print names of files part of the compilation.
@default false
listFiles?: boolean;
Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations.
mapRoot?: string;
Specify module code generation: 'None', 'CommonJS', 'AMD', 'System', 'UMD', 'ES6', 'ES2015' or 'ESNext'. Only 'AMD' and 'System' can be used in conjunction with `--outFile`. 'ES6' and 'ES2015' values may be used when targeting 'ES5' or lower.
@default ['ES3', 'ES5'].includes(target) ? 'CommonJS' : 'ES6'
module?: CompilerOptions.Module;
Specifies module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre 1.6).
@default ['AMD', 'System', 'ES6'].includes(module) ? 'classic' : 'node'
moduleResolution?: 'classic' | 'node';
Specifies the end of line sequence to be used when emitting files: 'crlf' (Windows) or 'lf' (Unix).
Default: Platform specific
newLine?: CompilerOptions.NewLine;
Do not emit output.
@default false
noEmit?: boolean;
Do not generate custom helper functions like `__extends` in compiled output.
@default false
noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
Do not emit outputs if any type checking errors were reported.
@default false
noEmitOnError?: boolean;
Warn on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type.
@default false
noImplicitAny?: boolean;
Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied any type.
@default false
noImplicitThis?: boolean;
Report errors on unused locals.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
@default false
noUnusedLocals?: boolean;
Report errors on unused parameters.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
@default false
noUnusedParameters?: boolean;
Do not include the default library file (lib.d.ts).
@default false
noLib?: boolean;
Do not add triple-slash references or module import targets to the list of compiled files.
@default false
noResolve?: boolean;
Disable strict checking of generic signatures in function types.
@default false
noStrictGenericChecks?: boolean;
@deprecated use `skipLibCheck` instead.
skipDefaultLibCheck?: boolean;
Skip type checking of declaration files.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
@default false
skipLibCheck?: boolean;
Concatenate and emit output to single file.
outFile?: string;
Redirect output structure to the directory.
outDir?: string;
Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code.
@default false
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
Do not resolve symlinks to their real path; treat a symlinked file like a real one.
@default false
preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
Keep outdated console output in watch mode instead of clearing the screen.
@default false
preserveWatchOutput?: boolean;
Stylize errors and messages using color and context (experimental).
@default true // Unless piping to another program or redirecting output to a file.
pretty?: boolean;
Do not emit comments to output.
@default false
removeComments?: boolean;
Specifies the root directory of input files.
Use to control the output directory structure with `--outDir`.
rootDir?: string;
Unconditionally emit imports for unresolved files.
@default false
isolatedModules?: boolean;
Generates corresponding '.map' file.
@default false
sourceMap?: boolean;
Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations.
sourceRoot?: string;
Suppress excess property checks for object literals.
@default false
suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean;
Suppress noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures.
@default false
suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean;
Do not emit declarations for code that has an `@internal` annotation.
stripInternal?: boolean;
Specify ECMAScript target version.
@default 'es3'
target?: CompilerOptions.Target;
Default catch clause variables as `unknown` instead of `any`.
Requires TypeScript version 4.4 or later.
@default false
useUnknownInCatchVariables?: boolean;
Watch input files.
@default false
@deprecated Use watchOptions instead.
watch?: boolean;
Specify the polling strategy to use when the system runs out of or doesn't support native file watchers.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
@deprecated Use watchOptions.fallbackPolling instead.
fallbackPolling?: CompilerOptions.FallbackPolling;
Specify the strategy for watching directories under systems that lack recursive file-watching functionality.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
@default 'useFsEvents'
@deprecated Use watchOptions.watchDirectory instead.
watchDirectory?: CompilerOptions.WatchDirectory;
Specify the strategy for watching individual files.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
@default 'useFsEvents'
@deprecated Use watchOptions.watchFile instead.
watchFile?: CompilerOptions.WatchFile;
Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators.
@default false
experimentalDecorators?: boolean;
Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source.
@default false
emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
Do not report errors on unused labels.
@default false
allowUnusedLabels?: boolean;
Report error when not all code paths in function return a value.
@default false
noImplicitReturns?: boolean;
Add `undefined` to a type when accessed using an index.
Requires TypeScript version 4.1 or later.
@default false
noUncheckedIndexedAccess?: boolean;
Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement.
@default false
noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean;
Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an override modifier.
@default false
noImplicitOverride?: boolean;
Do not report errors on unreachable code.
@default false
allowUnreachableCode?: boolean;
Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file.
@default false
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames?: boolean;
Emit a v8 CPU profile of the compiler run for debugging.
Requires TypeScript version 3.7 or later.
@default 'profile.cpuprofile'
generateCpuProfile?: string;
Base directory to resolve non-relative module names.
baseUrl?: string;
Specify path mapping to be computed relative to baseUrl option.
paths?: Partial<Record<string, string[]>>;
List of TypeScript language server plugins to load.
Requires TypeScript version 2.3 or later.
plugins?: CompilerOptions.Plugin[];
Specify list of root directories to be used when resolving modules.
rootDirs?: string[];
Specify list of directories for type definition files to be included.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
typeRoots?: string[];
Type declaration files to be included in compilation.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
types?: string[];
Enable tracing of the name resolution process.
@default false
traceResolution?: boolean;
Allow javascript files to be compiled.
@default false
allowJs?: boolean;
Do not truncate error messages.
@default false
noErrorTruncation?: boolean;
Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking.
@default module === 'system' || esModuleInterop
allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean;
Do not emit `'use strict'` directives in module output.
@default false
noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean;
Enable to list all emitted files.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
@default false
listEmittedFiles?: boolean;
Disable size limit for JavaScript project.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
@default false
disableSizeLimit?: boolean;
List of library files to be included in the compilation.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
lib?: CompilerOptions.Lib[];
Enable strict null checks.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
@default false
strictNullChecks?: boolean;
The maximum dependency depth to search under `node_modules` and load JavaScript files. Only applicable with `--allowJs`.
@default 0
maxNodeModuleJsDepth?: number;
Import emit helpers (e.g. `__extends`, `__rest`, etc..) from tslib.
Requires TypeScript version 2.1 or later.
@default false
importHelpers?: boolean;
Specify emit/checking behavior for imports that are only used for types.
@default 'remove'
importsNotUsedAsValues?: CompilerOptions.ImportsNotUsedAsValues;
Parse in strict mode and emit `'use strict'` for each source file.
Requires TypeScript version 2.1 or later.
@default false
alwaysStrict?: boolean;
Enable all strict type checking options.
Requires TypeScript version 2.3 or later.
@default false
strict?: boolean;
Enable stricter checking of of the `bind`, `call`, and `apply` methods on functions.
@default false
strictBindCallApply?: boolean;
Provide full support for iterables in `for-of`, spread, and destructuring when targeting `ES5` or `ES3`.
Requires TypeScript version 2.3 or later.
@default false
downlevelIteration?: boolean;
Report errors in `.js` files.
Requires TypeScript version 2.3 or later.
@default false
checkJs?: boolean;
Disable bivariant parameter checking for function types.
Requires TypeScript version 2.6 or later.
@default false
strictFunctionTypes?: boolean;
Ensure non-undefined class properties are initialized in the constructor.
Requires TypeScript version 2.7 or later.
@default false
strictPropertyInitialization?: boolean;
Emit `__importStar` and `__importDefault` helpers for runtime Babel ecosystem compatibility and enable `--allowSyntheticDefaultImports` for typesystem compatibility.
Requires TypeScript version 2.7 or later.
@default false
esModuleInterop?: boolean;
Allow accessing UMD globals from modules.
@default false
allowUmdGlobalAccess?: boolean;
Resolve `keyof` to string valued property names only (no numbers or symbols).
Requires TypeScript version 2.9 or later.
@default false
keyofStringsOnly?: boolean;
Emit ECMAScript standard class fields.
Requires TypeScript version 3.7 or later.
@default false
useDefineForClassFields?: boolean;
Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding `.d.ts` file.
Requires TypeScript version 2.9 or later.
@default false
declarationMap?: boolean;
Include modules imported with `.json` extension.
Requires TypeScript version 2.9 or later.
@default false
resolveJsonModule?: boolean;
Have recompiles in '--incremental' and '--watch' assume that changes within a file will only affect files directly depending on it.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
@default false
assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies?: boolean;
Output more detailed compiler performance information after building.
@default false
extendedDiagnostics?: boolean;
Print names of files that are part of the compilation and then stop processing.
@default false
listFilesOnly?: boolean;
Disable preferring source files instead of declaration files when referencing composite projects.
@default true if composite, false otherwise
disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect?: boolean;
Opt a project out of multi-project reference checking when editing.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
@default false
disableSolutionSearching?: boolean;
Print names of files which TypeScript sees as a part of your project and the reason they are part of the compilation.
Requires TypeScript version 4.2 or later.
@default false
explainFiles?: boolean;
namespace WatchOptions {
export type WatchFileKind =
| 'FixedPollingInterval'
| 'PriorityPollingInterval'
| 'DynamicPriorityPolling'
| 'FixedChunkSizePolling'
| 'UseFsEvents'
| 'UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory';
export type WatchDirectoryKind =
| 'UseFsEvents'
| 'FixedPollingInterval'
| 'DynamicPriorityPolling'
| 'FixedChunkSizePolling';
export type PollingWatchKind =
| 'FixedInterval'
| 'PriorityInterval'
| 'DynamicPriority'
| 'FixedChunkSize';
export interface WatchOptions {
Specify the strategy for watching individual files.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
@default 'UseFsEvents'
watchFile?: WatchOptions.WatchFileKind | Lowercase<WatchOptions.WatchFileKind>;
Specify the strategy for watching directories under systems that lack recursive file-watching functionality.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
@default 'UseFsEvents'
watchDirectory?: WatchOptions.WatchDirectoryKind | Lowercase<WatchOptions.WatchDirectoryKind>;
Specify the polling strategy to use when the system runs out of or doesn't support native file watchers.
Requires TypeScript version 3.8 or later.
fallbackPolling?: WatchOptions.PollingWatchKind | Lowercase<WatchOptions.PollingWatchKind>;
Enable synchronous updates on directory watchers for platforms that don't support recursive watching natively.
synchronousWatchDirectory?: boolean;
Specifies a list of directories to exclude from watch
excludeDirectories?: string[];
Specifies a list of files to exclude from watch
excludeFiles?: string[];
Auto type (.d.ts) acquisition options for this project.
Requires TypeScript version 2.1 or later.
export interface TypeAcquisition {
Enable auto type acquisition.
enable?: boolean;
Specifies a list of type declarations to be included in auto type acquisition. For example, `['jquery', 'lodash']`.
include?: string[];
Specifies a list of type declarations to be excluded from auto type acquisition. For example, `['jquery', 'lodash']`.
exclude?: string[];
export interface References {
A normalized path on disk.
path: string;
The path as the user originally wrote it.
originalPath?: string;
True if the output of this reference should be prepended to the output of this project.
Only valid for `--outFile` compilations.
prepend?: boolean;
True if it is intended that this reference form a circularity.
circular?: boolean;
Type for [TypeScript's `tsconfig.json` file]( (TypeScript 3.7).
@category File
interface TsConfigJson {
Instructs the TypeScript compiler how to compile `.ts` files.
compilerOptions?: TsConfigJson.CompilerOptions;
Instructs the TypeScript compiler how to watch files.
watchOptions?: TsConfigJson.WatchOptions;
Auto type (.d.ts) acquisition options for this project.
Requires TypeScript version 2.1 or later.
typeAcquisition?: TsConfigJson.TypeAcquisition;
Enable Compile-on-Save for this project.
compileOnSave?: boolean;
Path to base configuration file to inherit from.
Requires TypeScript version 2.1 or later.
extends?: string;
If no `files` or `include` property is present in a `tsconfig.json`, the compiler defaults to including all files in the containing directory and subdirectories except those specified by `exclude`. When a `files` property is specified, only those files and those specified by `include` are included.
files?: string[];
Specifies a list of files to be excluded from compilation. The `exclude` property only affects the files included via the `include` property and not the `files` property.
Glob patterns require TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
exclude?: string[];
Specifies a list of glob patterns that match files to be included in compilation.
If no `files` or `include` property is present in a `tsconfig.json`, the compiler defaults to including all files in the containing directory and subdirectories except those specified by `exclude`.
Requires TypeScript version 2.0 or later.
include?: string[];
Referenced projects.
Requires TypeScript version 3.0 or later.
references?: TsConfigJson.References[];
declare type TsConfigJsonResolved = Except<TsConfigJson, 'extends'>;
declare type TsConfigResult = {
* The path to the tsconfig.json file
path: string;
* The resolved tsconfig.json file
config: TsConfigJsonResolved;
} | null;
declare function getTsconfig(searchPath?: string, configName?: string): TsConfigResult;
export { TsConfigJson, TsConfigJsonResolved, TsConfigResult, getTsconfig as default };
export { getTsconfig as default };
"name": "get-tsconfig",
"version": "3.1.0",
"version": "3.2.0",
"description": "Find and parse the tsconfig.json file from a directory path",

@@ -26,5 +26,12 @@ "keywords": [

"exports": {
"require": "./dist/index.js",
"import": "./dist/index.mjs",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts"
".": {
"require": "./dist/index.js",
"import": "./dist/index.mjs",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts"
"./paths": {
"require": "./dist/paths/index.js",
"import": "./dist/paths/index.mjs",
"types": "./dist/paths/index.d.ts"

@@ -31,0 +38,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@ # get-tsconfig [![Latest version](](

config: TsConfigJsonResolved
} | null

@@ -77,3 +77,21 @@

### createPathsMatcher(tsconfig: TsconfigResult)
Given a tsconfig with [`compilerOptions.paths`]( defined, it returns a matcher function.
import getTsconfig from 'get-tsconfig'
import { createPathsMatcher } from 'get-tsconfig/paths'
const tsconfig = getTsconfig()
const pathsMatcher = createPathsMatcher(tsconfig)
The matcher function accepts an [import specifier (the path to resolve)](, checks it against `compilerOptions.paths`, and returns an array of possible paths to check:
function pathsMatcher(specifier: string): string[]
This function only returns possible paths and doesn't actually do any resolution. This helps increase compatibility wtih file/build systems which usually have their own resolvers.
## FAQ

@@ -80,0 +98,0 @@

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