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Comparing version 9.8.0 to 9.9.0




@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

import { BaseExternalAccountClient, BaseExternalAccountClientOptions } from './baseexternalclient';
import { AwsSecurityCredentials } from './awsrequestsigner';
import { BaseExternalAccountClient, BaseExternalAccountClientOptions, ExternalAccountSupplierContext } from './baseexternalclient';
import { AuthClientOptions } from './authclient';
import { SnakeToCamelObject } from '../util';

@@ -7,11 +9,72 @@ * AWS credentials JSON interface. This is used for AWS workloads.

export interface AwsClientOptions extends BaseExternalAccountClientOptions {
credential_source: {
* Object containing options to retrieve AWS security credentials. A valid credential
* source or a aws security credentials supplier should be specified.
credential_source?: {
* AWS environment ID. Currently only 'AWS1' is supported.
environment_id: string;
* The EC2 metadata URL to retrieve the current AWS region from. If this is
* not provided, the region should be present in the AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
* environment variables.
region_url?: string;
* The EC2 metadata URL to retrieve AWS security credentials. If this is not provided,
* the credentials should be present in the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
* and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables.
url?: string;
* The regional GetCallerIdentity action URL, used to determine the account
* ID and its roles.
regional_cred_verification_url: string;
* The imdsv2 session token url is used to fetch session token from AWS
* which is later sent through headers for metadata requests. If the
* field is missing, then session token won't be fetched and sent with
* the metadata requests.
* The session token is required for IMDSv2 but optional for IMDSv1
imdsv2_session_token_url?: string;
* The AWS security credentials supplier to call to retrieve the AWS region
* and AWS security credentials. Either this or a valid credential source
* must be specified.
aws_security_credentials_supplier?: AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier;
* Supplier interface for AWS security credentials. This can be implemented to
* return an AWS region and AWS security credentials. These credentials can
* then be exchanged for a GCP token by an {@link AwsClient}.
export interface AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier {
* Gets the active AWS region.
* @param context {@link ExternalAccountSupplierContext} from the calling
* {@link AwsClient}, contains the requested audience and subject token type
* for the external account identity as well as the transport from the
* calling client to use for requests.
* @return A promise that resolves with the AWS region string.
getAwsRegion: (context: ExternalAccountSupplierContext) => Promise<string>;
* Gets valid AWS security credentials for the requested external account
* identity. Note that these are not cached by the calling {@link AwsClient},
* so caching should be including in the implementation.
* @param context {@link ExternalAccountSupplierContext} from the calling
* {@link AwsClient}, contains the requested audience and subject token type
* for the external account identity as well as the transport from the
* calling client to use for requests.
* @return A promise that resolves with the requested {@link AwsSecurityCredentials}.
getAwsSecurityCredentials: (context: ExternalAccountSupplierContext) => Promise<AwsSecurityCredentials>;
* AWS external account client. This is used for AWS workloads, where

@@ -22,10 +85,15 @@ * AWS STS GetCallerIdentity serialized signed requests are exchanged for

export declare class AwsClient extends BaseExternalAccountClient {
private readonly environmentId;
private readonly regionUrl?;
private readonly securityCredentialsUrl?;
private readonly environmentId?;
private readonly awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier;
private readonly regionalCredVerificationUrl;
private readonly imdsV2SessionTokenUrl?;
private awsRequestSigner;
private region;
* @deprecated AWS client no validates the EC2 metadata address.
* @deprecated AWS client no validates the EC2 metadata address.

@@ -43,55 +111,13 @@ /**

constructor(options: AwsClientOptions, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions);
constructor(options: AwsClientOptions | SnakeToCamelObject<AwsClientOptions>, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions);
private validateEnvironmentId;
* Triggered when an external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a
* GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint.
* This uses the `options.credential_source` object to figure out how
* to retrieve the token using the current environment. In this case,
* this uses a serialized AWS signed request to the STS GetCallerIdentity
* endpoint.
* The logic is summarized as:
* 1. If imdsv2_session_token_url is provided in the credential source, then
* fetch the aws session token and include it in the headers of the
* metadata requests. This is a requirement for IDMSv2 but optional
* for IDMSv1.
* 2. Retrieve AWS region from availability-zone.
* 3a. Check AWS credentials in environment variables. If not found, get
* from security-credentials endpoint.
* 3b. Get AWS credentials from security-credentials endpoint. In order
* to retrieve this, the AWS role needs to be determined by calling
* security-credentials endpoint without any argument. Then the
* credentials can be retrieved via: security-credentials/role_name
* 4. Generate the signed request to AWS STS GetCallerIdentity action.
* 5. Inject x-goog-cloud-target-resource into header and serialize the
* signed request. This will be the subject-token to pass to GCP STS.
* GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint. This will call the
* {@link AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier} to retrieve an AWS region and AWS
* Security Credentials, then use them to create a signed AWS STS request that
* can be exchanged for a GCP access token.
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
retrieveSubjectToken(): Promise<string>;
* @return A promise that resolves with the IMDSv2 Session Token.
private getImdsV2SessionToken;
* @param headers The headers to be used in the metadata request.
* @return A promise that resolves with the current AWS region.
private getAwsRegion;
* @param headers The headers to be used in the metadata request.
* @return A promise that resolves with the assigned role to the current
* AWS VM. This is needed for calling the security-credentials endpoint.
private getAwsRoleName;
* Retrieves the temporary AWS credentials by calling the security-credentials
* endpoint as specified in the `credential_source` object.
* @param roleName The role attached to the current VM.
* @param headers The headers to be used in the metadata request.
* @return A promise that resolves with the temporary AWS credentials
* needed for creating the GetCallerIdentity signed request.
private getAwsSecurityCredentials;
private get regionFromEnv();
private get securityCredentialsFromEnv();

@@ -15,2 +15,8 @@ "use strict";

// limitations under the License.
var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -20,2 +26,4 @@ exports.AwsClient = void 0;

const baseexternalclient_1 = require("./baseexternalclient");
const defaultawssecuritycredentialssupplier_1 = require("./defaultawssecuritycredentialssupplier");
const util_1 = require("../util");

@@ -40,22 +48,45 @@ * AWS external account client. This is used for AWS workloads, where

super(options, additionalOptions);
this.environmentId = options.credential_source.environment_id;
// This is only required if the AWS region is not available in the
// AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables.
this.regionUrl = options.credential_source.region_url;
// This is only required if AWS security credentials are not available in
// environment variables.
this.securityCredentialsUrl = options.credential_source.url;
this.regionalCredVerificationUrl =
this.imdsV2SessionTokenUrl =
const opts = (0, util_1.originalOrCamelOptions)(options);
const credentialSource = opts.get('credential_source');
const awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier = opts.get('aws_security_credentials_supplier');
// Validate credential sourcing configuration.
if (!credentialSource && !awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier) {
throw new Error('A credential source or AWS security credentials supplier must be specified.');
if (credentialSource && awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier) {
throw new Error('Only one of credential source or AWS security credentials supplier can be specified.');
if (awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier) {
this.awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier = awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier;
this.regionalCredVerificationUrl =
__classPrivateFieldGet(_a, _a, "f", _AwsClient_DEFAULT_AWS_REGIONAL_CREDENTIAL_VERIFICATION_URL);
this.credentialSourceType = 'programmatic';
else {
const credentialSourceOpts = (0, util_1.originalOrCamelOptions)(credentialSource);
this.environmentId = credentialSourceOpts.get('environment_id');
// This is only required if the AWS region is not available in the
// AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables.
const regionUrl = credentialSourceOpts.get('region_url');
// This is only required if AWS security credentials are not available in
// environment variables.
const securityCredentialsUrl = credentialSourceOpts.get('url');
const imdsV2SessionTokenUrl = credentialSourceOpts.get('imdsv2_session_token_url');
this.awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier =
new defaultawssecuritycredentialssupplier_1.DefaultAwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier({
regionUrl: regionUrl,
securityCredentialsUrl: securityCredentialsUrl,
imdsV2SessionTokenUrl: imdsV2SessionTokenUrl,
this.regionalCredVerificationUrl = credentialSourceOpts.get('regional_cred_verification_url');
this.credentialSourceType = 'aws';
// Data validators.
this.awsRequestSigner = null;
this.region = '';
this.credentialSourceType = 'aws';
// Data validators.
validateEnvironmentId() {
var _a;
const match = (_a = this.environmentId) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.match(/^(aws)(\d+)$/);
var _b;
const match = (_b = this.environmentId) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.match(/^(aws)(\d+)$/);
if (!match || !this.regionalCredVerificationUrl) {

@@ -70,22 +101,6 @@ throw new Error('No valid AWS "credential_source" provided');

* Triggered when an external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a
* GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint.
* This uses the `options.credential_source` object to figure out how
* to retrieve the token using the current environment. In this case,
* this uses a serialized AWS signed request to the STS GetCallerIdentity
* endpoint.
* The logic is summarized as:
* 1. If imdsv2_session_token_url is provided in the credential source, then
* fetch the aws session token and include it in the headers of the
* metadata requests. This is a requirement for IDMSv2 but optional
* for IDMSv1.
* 2. Retrieve AWS region from availability-zone.
* 3a. Check AWS credentials in environment variables. If not found, get
* from security-credentials endpoint.
* 3b. Get AWS credentials from security-credentials endpoint. In order
* to retrieve this, the AWS role needs to be determined by calling
* security-credentials endpoint without any argument. Then the
* credentials can be retrieved via: security-credentials/role_name
* 4. Generate the signed request to AWS STS GetCallerIdentity action.
* 5. Inject x-goog-cloud-target-resource into header and serialize the
* signed request. This will be the subject-token to pass to GCP STS.
* GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint. This will call the
* {@link AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier} to retrieve an AWS region and AWS
* Security Credentials, then use them to create a signed AWS STS request that
* can be exchanged for a GCP access token.
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.

@@ -96,35 +111,5 @@ */

if (!this.awsRequestSigner) {
const metadataHeaders = {};
// Only retrieve the IMDSv2 session token if both the security credentials and region are
// not retrievable through the environment.
// The credential config contains all the URLs by default but clients may be running this
// where the metadata server is not available and returning the credentials through the environment.
// Removing this check may break them.
if (!this.regionFromEnv && this.imdsV2SessionTokenUrl) {
metadataHeaders['x-aws-ec2-metadata-token'] =
await this.getImdsV2SessionToken();
this.region = await this.getAwsRegion(metadataHeaders);
this.region = await this.awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier.getAwsRegion(this.supplierContext);
this.awsRequestSigner = new awsrequestsigner_1.AwsRequestSigner(async () => {
// Check environment variables for permanent credentials first.
if (this.securityCredentialsFromEnv) {
return this.securityCredentialsFromEnv;
if (this.imdsV2SessionTokenUrl) {
metadataHeaders['x-aws-ec2-metadata-token'] =
await this.getImdsV2SessionToken();
// Since the role on a VM can change, we don't need to cache it.
const roleName = await this.getAwsRoleName(metadataHeaders);
// Temporary credentials typically last for several hours.
// Expiration is returned in response.
// Consider future optimization of this logic to cache AWS tokens
// until their natural expiration.
const awsCreds = await this.getAwsSecurityCredentials(roleName, metadataHeaders);
return {
accessKeyId: awsCreds.AccessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: awsCreds.SecretAccessKey,
token: awsCreds.Token,
return this.awsSecurityCredentialsSupplier.getAwsSecurityCredentials(this.supplierContext);
}, this.region);

@@ -135,3 +120,3 @@ }

const options = await this.awsRequestSigner.getRequestOptions({
url: this.regionalCredVerificationUrl.replace('{region}', this.region),

@@ -174,99 +159,13 @@ method: 'POST',

* @return A promise that resolves with the IMDSv2 Session Token.
async getImdsV2SessionToken() {
const opts = {
url: this.imdsV2SessionTokenUrl,
method: 'PUT',
responseType: 'text',
headers: { 'x-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds': '300' },
const response = await this.transporter.request(opts);
* @param headers The headers to be used in the metadata request.
* @return A promise that resolves with the current AWS region.
async getAwsRegion(headers) {
// Priority order for region determination:
// AWS_REGION > AWS_DEFAULT_REGION > metadata server.
if (this.regionFromEnv) {
return this.regionFromEnv;
if (!this.regionUrl) {
throw new Error('Unable to determine AWS region due to missing ' +
const opts = {
url: this.regionUrl,
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'text',
headers: headers,
const response = await this.transporter.request(opts);
// Remove last character. For example, if us-east-2b is returned,
// the region would be us-east-2.
return, - 1);
* @param headers The headers to be used in the metadata request.
* @return A promise that resolves with the assigned role to the current
* AWS VM. This is needed for calling the security-credentials endpoint.
async getAwsRoleName(headers) {
if (!this.securityCredentialsUrl) {
throw new Error('Unable to determine AWS role name due to missing ' +
const opts = {
url: this.securityCredentialsUrl,
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'text',
headers: headers,
const response = await this.transporter.request(opts);
* Retrieves the temporary AWS credentials by calling the security-credentials
* endpoint as specified in the `credential_source` object.
* @param roleName The role attached to the current VM.
* @param headers The headers to be used in the metadata request.
* @return A promise that resolves with the temporary AWS credentials
* needed for creating the GetCallerIdentity signed request.
async getAwsSecurityCredentials(roleName, headers) {
const response = await this.transporter.request({
url: `${this.securityCredentialsUrl}/${roleName}`,
responseType: 'json',
headers: headers,
get regionFromEnv() {
// The AWS region can be provided through AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.
// Only one is required.
return (process.env['AWS_REGION'] || process.env['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] || null);
get securityCredentialsFromEnv() {
if (process.env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] &&
process.env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']) {
return {
accessKeyId: process.env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
secretAccessKey: process.env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'],
token: process.env['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'],
return null;
exports.AwsClient = AwsClient;
_a = AwsClient;
_AwsClient_DEFAULT_AWS_REGIONAL_CREDENTIAL_VERIFICATION_URL = { value: 'https://sts.{region}' };
* @deprecated AWS client no validates the EC2 metadata address.
* @deprecated AWS client no validates the EC2 metadata address.
AwsClient.AWS_EC2_METADATA_IPV6_ADDRESS = 'fd00:ec2::254';

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { GaxiosOptions, GaxiosPromise, GaxiosResponse } from 'gaxios';
import { Gaxios, GaxiosOptions, GaxiosPromise, GaxiosResponse } from 'gaxios';
import { Credentials } from './credentials';
import { AuthClient, AuthClientOptions } from './authclient';
import { BodyResponseCallback } from '../transporters';
import { BodyResponseCallback, Transporter } from '../transporters';
import { GetAccessTokenResponse, Headers } from './oauth2client';

@@ -29,20 +29,96 @@ import { SnakeToCamelObject } from '../util';

export { DEFAULT_UNIVERSE } from './authclient';
* Shared options used to build {@link ExternalAccountClient} and
* {@link ExternalAccountAuthorizedUserClient}.
export interface SharedExternalAccountClientOptions extends AuthClientOptions {
* The Security Token Service audience, which is usually the fully specified
* resource name of the workload or workforce pool provider.
audience: string;
token_url: string;
* The Security Token Service token URL used to exchange the third party token
* for a GCP access token. If not provided, will default to
* ''
token_url?: string;
* Interface containing context about the requested external identity. This is
* passed on all requests from external account clients to external identity suppliers.
export interface ExternalAccountSupplierContext {
* The requested external account audience. For example:
* * "//"
audience: string;
* The requested subject token type. Expected values include:
* * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"
* * "urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request"
* * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2"
* * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token"
subjectTokenType: string;
/** The {@link Gaxios} or {@link Transporter} instance from
* the calling external account to use for requests.
transporter: Transporter | Gaxios;
* Base external account credentials json interface.
export interface BaseExternalAccountClientOptions extends SharedExternalAccountClientOptions {
type: string;
* Credential type, should always be 'external_account'.
type?: string;
* The Security Token Service subject token type based on the OAuth 2.0
* token exchange spec. Expected values include:
* * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt'
* * 'urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request'
* * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2'
* * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token'
subject_token_type: string;
* The URL for the service account impersonation request. This URL is required
* for some APIs. If this URL is not available, the access token from the
* Security Token Service is used directly.
service_account_impersonation_url?: string;
* Object containing additional options for service account impersonation.
service_account_impersonation?: {
* The desired lifetime of the impersonated service account access token.
* If not provided, the default lifetime will be 3600 seconds.
token_lifetime_seconds?: number;
* The endpoint used to retrieve account related information.
token_info_url?: string;
* Client ID of the service account from the console.
client_id?: string;
* Client secret of the service account from the console.
client_secret?: string;
* The workforce pool user project. Required when using a workforce identity
* pool.
workforce_pool_user_project?: string;
* The scopes to request during the authorization grant.
scopes?: string[];

@@ -119,2 +195,3 @@ /**

protected cloudResourceManagerURL: URL | string;
protected supplierContext: ExternalAccountSupplierContext;

@@ -121,0 +198,0 @@ * Instantiate a BaseExternalAccountClient instance using the provided JSON

@@ -53,2 +53,3 @@ "use strict";

const WORKFORCE_AUDIENCE_PATTERN = '//iam\\.googleapis\\.com/locations/[^/]+/workforcePools/[^/]+/providers/.+';
const DEFAULT_TOKEN_URL = 'https://sts.{universeDomain}/v1/token';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires

@@ -83,5 +84,7 @@ const pkg = require('../../../package.json');

constructor(options, additionalOptions) {
var _a;
super({ ...options, ...additionalOptions });
const opts = (0, util_1.originalOrCamelOptions)(options);
if (opts.get('type') !== exports.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE) {
const type = opts.get('type');
if (type && type !== exports.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE) {
throw new Error(`Expected "${exports.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE}" type but ` +

@@ -92,3 +95,3 @@ `received "${options.type}"`);

const clientSecret = opts.get('client_secret');
const tokenUrl = opts.get('token_url');
const tokenUrl = (_a = opts.get('token_url')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : DEFAULT_TOKEN_URL.replace('{universeDomain}', this.universeDomain);
const subjectTokenType = opts.get('subject_token_type');

@@ -131,2 +134,7 @@ const workforcePoolUserProject = opts.get('workforce_pool_user_project');

this.projectNumber = this.getProjectNumber(this.audience);
this.supplierContext = {
audience: this.audience,
subjectTokenType: this.subjectTokenType,
transporter: this.transporter,

@@ -133,0 +141,0 @@ /** The service account email to be impersonated, if available. */

@@ -26,2 +26,3 @@ "use strict";

exports.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZED_USER_TYPE = 'external_account_authorized_user';
const DEFAULT_TOKEN_URL = 'https://sts.{universeDomain}/v1/oauthtoken';

@@ -110,3 +111,7 @@ * Handler for token refresh requests sent to the token_url endpoint for external

constructor(options, additionalOptions) {
var _a;
super({ ...options, ...additionalOptions });
if (options.universe_domain) {
this.universeDomain = options.universe_domain;
this.refreshToken = options.refresh_token;

@@ -119,3 +124,3 @@ const clientAuth = {

this.externalAccountAuthorizedUserHandler =
new ExternalAccountAuthorizedUserHandler(options.token_url, this.transporter, clientAuth);
new ExternalAccountAuthorizedUserHandler((_a = options.token_url) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : DEFAULT_TOKEN_URL.replace('{universeDomain}', this.universeDomain), this.transporter, clientAuth);
this.cachedAccessToken = null;

@@ -134,5 +139,2 @@ this.quotaProjectId = options.quota_project_id;

this.forceRefreshOnFailure = !!(additionalOptions === null || additionalOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : additionalOptions.forceRefreshOnFailure);
if (options.universe_domain) {
this.universeDomain = options.universe_domain;

@@ -139,0 +141,0 @@ async getAccessToken() {

@@ -1,6 +0,27 @@

import { BaseExternalAccountClient, BaseExternalAccountClientOptions } from './baseexternalclient';
import { BaseExternalAccountClient, BaseExternalAccountClientOptions, ExternalAccountSupplierContext } from './baseexternalclient';
import { AuthClientOptions } from './authclient';
import { SnakeToCamelObject } from '../util';
type SubjectTokenFormatType = 'json' | 'text';
export type SubjectTokenFormatType = 'json' | 'text';
export interface SubjectTokenJsonResponse {
[key: string]: string;
* Supplier interface for subject tokens. This can be implemented to
* return a subject token which can then be exchanged for a GCP token by an
* {@link IdentityPoolClient}.
export interface SubjectTokenSupplier {
* Gets a valid subject token for the requested external account identity.
* Note that these are not cached by the calling {@link IdentityPoolClient},
* so caching should be including in the implementation.
* @param context {@link ExternalAccountSupplierContext} from the calling
* {@link IdentityPoolClient}, contains the requested audience and subject token type
* for the external account identity as well as the transport from the
* calling client to use for requests.
* @return A promise that resolves with the requested subject token string.
getSubjectToken: (context: ExternalAccountSupplierContext) => Promise<string>;
* Url-sourced/file-sourced credentials json interface.

@@ -10,13 +31,44 @@ * This is used for K8s and Azure workloads.

export interface IdentityPoolClientOptions extends BaseExternalAccountClientOptions {
credential_source: {
* Object containing options to retrieve identity pool credentials. A valid credential
* source or a subject token supplier must be specified.
credential_source?: {
* The file location to read the subject token from. Either this or a URL
* should be specified.
file?: string;
* The URL to call to retrieve the subject token. Either this or a file
* location should be specified.
url?: string;
* Optional headers to send on the request to the specified URL.
headers?: {
[key: string]: string;
* The format that the subject token is in the file or the URL response.
* If not provided, will default to reading the text string directly.
format?: {
* The format type. Can either be 'text' or 'json'.
type: SubjectTokenFormatType;
* The field name containing the subject token value if the type is 'json'.
subject_token_field_name?: string;
* The subject token supplier to call to retrieve the subject token to exchange
* for a GCP access token. Either this or a valid credential source should
* be specified.
subject_token_supplier?: SubjectTokenSupplier;

@@ -28,7 +80,3 @@ /**

export declare class IdentityPoolClient extends BaseExternalAccountClient {
private readonly file?;
private readonly url?;
private readonly headers?;
private readonly formatType;
private readonly formatSubjectTokenFieldName?;
private readonly subjectTokenSupplier;

@@ -51,37 +99,7 @@ * Instantiate an IdentityPoolClient instance using the provided JSON

* Triggered when a external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP
* access token via GCP STS endpoint.
* This uses the `options.credential_source` object to figure out how
* to retrieve the token using the current environment. In this case,
* this either retrieves the local credential from a file location (k8s
* workload) or by sending a GET request to a local metadata server (Azure
* workloads).
* access token via GCP STS endpoint. Gets a subject token by calling
* the configured {@link SubjectTokenSupplier}
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
retrieveSubjectToken(): Promise<string>;
* Looks up the external subject token in the file path provided and
* resolves with that token.
* @param file The file path where the external credential is located.
* @param formatType The token file or URL response type (JSON or text).
* @param formatSubjectTokenFieldName For JSON response types, this is the
* subject_token field name. For Azure, this is access_token. For text
* response types, this is ignored.
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
private getTokenFromFile;
* Sends a GET request to the URL provided and resolves with the returned
* external subject token.
* @param url The URL to call to retrieve the subject token. This is typically
* a local metadata server.
* @param formatType The token file or URL response type (JSON or text).
* @param formatSubjectTokenFieldName For JSON response types, this is the
* subject_token field name. For Azure, this is access_token. For text
* response types, this is ignored.
* @param headers The optional additional headers to send with the request to
* the metadata server url.
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
private getTokenFromUrl;
export {};

@@ -15,16 +15,8 @@ "use strict";

// limitations under the License.
var _a, _b, _c;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.IdentityPoolClient = void 0;
const fs = require("fs");
const util_1 = require("util");
const baseexternalclient_1 = require("./baseexternalclient");
const util_2 = require("../util");
// fs.readfile is undefined in browser karma tests causing
// `npm run browser-test` to fail as test.oauth2.ts imports this file via
// src/index.ts.
// Fallback to void function to avoid promisify throwing a TypeError.
const readFile = (0, util_1.promisify)((_a = fs.readFile) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (() => { }));
const realpath = (0, util_1.promisify)((_b = fs.realpath) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (() => { }));
const lstat = (0, util_1.promisify)((_c = fs.lstat) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : (() => { }));
const util_1 = require("../util");
const filesubjecttokensupplier_1 = require("./filesubjecttokensupplier");
const urlsubjecttokensupplier_1 = require("./urlsubjecttokensupplier");

@@ -51,124 +43,67 @@ * Defines the Url-sourced and file-sourced external account clients mainly

super(options, additionalOptions);
const opts = (0, util_2.originalOrCamelOptions)(options);
const opts = (0, util_1.originalOrCamelOptions)(options);
const credentialSource = opts.get('credential_source');
const credentialSourceOpts = (0, util_2.originalOrCamelOptions)(credentialSource);
this.file = credentialSourceOpts.get('file');
this.url = credentialSourceOpts.get('url');
this.headers = credentialSourceOpts.get('headers');
if (this.file && this.url) {
throw new Error('No valid Identity Pool "credential_source" provided, must be either file or url.');
const subjectTokenSupplier = opts.get('subject_token_supplier');
// Validate credential sourcing configuration.
if (!credentialSource && !subjectTokenSupplier) {
throw new Error('A credential source or subject token supplier must be specified.');
else if (this.file && !this.url) {
this.credentialSourceType = 'file';
if (credentialSource && subjectTokenSupplier) {
throw new Error('Only one of credential source or subject token supplier can be specified.');
else if (!this.file && this.url) {
this.credentialSourceType = 'url';
if (subjectTokenSupplier) {
this.subjectTokenSupplier = subjectTokenSupplier;
this.credentialSourceType = 'programmatic';
else {
throw new Error('No valid Identity Pool "credential_source" provided, must be either file or url.');
const credentialSourceOpts = (0, util_1.originalOrCamelOptions)(credentialSource);
const formatOpts = (0, util_1.originalOrCamelOptions)(credentialSourceOpts.get('format'));
// Text is the default format type.
const formatType = formatOpts.get('type') || 'text';
const formatSubjectTokenFieldName = formatOpts.get('subject_token_field_name');
if (formatType !== 'json' && formatType !== 'text') {
throw new Error(`Invalid credential_source format "${formatType}"`);
if (formatType === 'json' && !formatSubjectTokenFieldName) {
throw new Error('Missing subject_token_field_name for JSON credential_source format');
const file = credentialSourceOpts.get('file');
const url = credentialSourceOpts.get('url');
const headers = credentialSourceOpts.get('headers');
if (file && url) {
throw new Error('No valid Identity Pool "credential_source" provided, must be either file or url.');
else if (file && !url) {
this.credentialSourceType = 'file';
this.subjectTokenSupplier = new filesubjecttokensupplier_1.FileSubjectTokenSupplier({
filePath: file,
formatType: formatType,
subjectTokenFieldName: formatSubjectTokenFieldName,
else if (!file && url) {
this.credentialSourceType = 'url';
this.subjectTokenSupplier = new urlsubjecttokensupplier_1.UrlSubjectTokenSupplier({
url: url,
formatType: formatType,
subjectTokenFieldName: formatSubjectTokenFieldName,
headers: headers,
additionalGaxiosOptions: IdentityPoolClient.RETRY_CONFIG,
else {
throw new Error('No valid Identity Pool "credential_source" provided, must be either file or url.');
const formatOpts = (0, util_2.originalOrCamelOptions)(credentialSourceOpts.get('format'));
// Text is the default format type.
this.formatType = formatOpts.get('type') || 'text';
this.formatSubjectTokenFieldName = formatOpts.get('subject_token_field_name');
if (this.formatType !== 'json' && this.formatType !== 'text') {
throw new Error(`Invalid credential_source format "${this.formatType}"`);
if (this.formatType === 'json' && !this.formatSubjectTokenFieldName) {
throw new Error('Missing subject_token_field_name for JSON credential_source format');
* Triggered when a external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP
* access token via GCP STS endpoint.
* This uses the `options.credential_source` object to figure out how
* to retrieve the token using the current environment. In this case,
* this either retrieves the local credential from a file location (k8s
* workload) or by sending a GET request to a local metadata server (Azure
* workloads).
* access token via GCP STS endpoint. Gets a subject token by calling
* the configured {@link SubjectTokenSupplier}
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
async retrieveSubjectToken() {
if (this.file) {
return await this.getTokenFromFile(this.file, this.formatType, this.formatSubjectTokenFieldName);
return await this.getTokenFromUrl(this.url, this.formatType, this.formatSubjectTokenFieldName, this.headers);
return this.subjectTokenSupplier.getSubjectToken(this.supplierContext);
* Looks up the external subject token in the file path provided and
* resolves with that token.
* @param file The file path where the external credential is located.
* @param formatType The token file or URL response type (JSON or text).
* @param formatSubjectTokenFieldName For JSON response types, this is the
* subject_token field name. For Azure, this is access_token. For text
* response types, this is ignored.
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
async getTokenFromFile(filePath, formatType, formatSubjectTokenFieldName) {
// Make sure there is a file at the path. lstatSync will throw if there is
// nothing there.
try {
// Resolve path to actual file in case of symlink. Expect a thrown error
// if not resolvable.
filePath = await realpath(filePath);
if (!(await lstat(filePath)).isFile()) {
throw new Error();
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof Error) {
err.message = `The file at ${filePath} does not exist, or it is not a file. ${err.message}`;
throw err;
let subjectToken;
const rawText = await readFile(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
if (formatType === 'text') {
subjectToken = rawText;
else if (formatType === 'json' && formatSubjectTokenFieldName) {
const json = JSON.parse(rawText);
subjectToken = json[formatSubjectTokenFieldName];
if (!subjectToken) {
throw new Error('Unable to parse the subject_token from the credential_source file');
return subjectToken;
* Sends a GET request to the URL provided and resolves with the returned
* external subject token.
* @param url The URL to call to retrieve the subject token. This is typically
* a local metadata server.
* @param formatType The token file or URL response type (JSON or text).
* @param formatSubjectTokenFieldName For JSON response types, this is the
* subject_token field name. For Azure, this is access_token. For text
* response types, this is ignored.
* @param headers The optional additional headers to send with the request to
* the metadata server url.
* @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
async getTokenFromUrl(url, formatType, formatSubjectTokenFieldName, headers) {
const opts = {
method: 'GET',
responseType: formatType,
let subjectToken;
if (formatType === 'text') {
const response = await this.transporter.request(opts);
subjectToken =;
else if (formatType === 'json' && formatSubjectTokenFieldName) {
const response = await this.transporter.request(opts);
subjectToken =[formatSubjectTokenFieldName];
if (!subjectToken) {
throw new Error('Unable to parse the subject_token from the credential_source URL');
return subjectToken;
exports.IdentityPoolClient = IdentityPoolClient;
"name": "google-auth-library",
"version": "9.8.0",
"version": "9.9.0",
"author": "Google Inc.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "Google APIs Authentication Client Library for Node.js",

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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