A Grunt task that concatenates files in order via path references.
This task was initially developed to be used in conjunction with grunt-ts for concatenating separately compiled JavaScript files. However, the task's functionality has been expanded to be useful in a variety of ways.
Written in TypeScript.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-depend-concat --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The method option determines what the task searches for to find dependencies.
JavaDoc-like Tags - doctag
Setting the method.type
option to "doctag"
will have the task recognize documentation tags matching the method.tag
For example, the following method options ...
method: {
type: 'doctag',
tag: 'use'
... will recognize the following tags as dependencies:
* @use ../path/to/file.js
XML Tags - xmltag
Setting the method.type
option to "xmltag"
will have the task recognize documentation tags matching the method.tag
For example, the following method options ...
method: {
type: 'xmltag',
tag: 'use'
... will recognize the following tags as dependencies:
// <use path="../path/to/file.ts" />
/// <use path="../path/to/file.ts" />
The xmltag
type has additional options.
The method.attribute
and method.prefix
options will alter the regular expression used for finding dependencies.
For example, the following method options ...
method: {
type: 'xmltag',
tag: 'require',
attribute: 'src',
prefix: '<\\!-- *'
... will recognize the following tags as dependencies:
<!-- <require src="../path/to/file.ts" />
TypeScript References
Set the method
option to "reference"
for TypeScript references to be recognized. The following is an example reference.
/// <reference path="../path/to/file.ts" />
You can also use a custom method by providing the method
option to a literal object with the regex
and index
properties set.
* A regular expression used to find the dependencies
regex: /somefancyregex/gi,
* An array index where each dependency's file path
* can be found from the result of RegExp.exec()
index: 1
File contents separator. Default: "\n"
When looking for matching dependency files, the file extensions are ignored. Allows TypeScript references (.ts) to discover their compiled (.js) counterparts. Default: true
'depend-concat': {
@depends /path/to/dependency.js
depends_doctag: {
options: {
method: {
type: 'doctag',
tag: 'depends'
src: ['compiled/files/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/concat.js'
/// <reference path="../path/to/file.ts" />
typescript_reference: {
options: {
method: 'reference'
src: ['compiled/files/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/concat.js'
<!-- <require filepath="../path/to/file.xml" /> -->
require_xmltag: {
options: {
method: : {
type: 'doctag',
tag: 'require',
attribute: 'filepath',
prefix: '<\\!-- *'
ignore_ext: false,
src: ['compiled/files/*.xml'],
dest: 'dist/concat.xml'
Released under the MIT license