- harvest daemon (harvestd)
- harvest client
- harvest front-end/visualizer
Run standalone
Environment variables
Install and run
npm install --global harvestd
Use as a library
npm install harvestd
var Harvestd = require('harvestd');
var server = Harvestd.create({
logger: logWranglerInst,
store: customStore
config: {
cookieDomain: '',
cookieSecure: false,
cookieMaxAge: 365 * 60 * 24 * 24,
cookieHttpOnly: true
allowCORS: true
server: express()
Creating a custom store
By default, Harvestd comes with and Elasticsearch adapter and will use it as its default data store.
Depending on your usecase however, you may want to use some other datastore, multiple datastores, or
event format your data in an entirely different way. To do that, all you need to do is implement the
Harvestd.Store prototype for track
and identify
and pass an instance of it when creating
your Harvestd server instance.
var Q = require('q');
var Harvestd = require('harvestd');
function MyStore(){
MyStore.prototype = Object.create(Harvestd.Store.prototype);
MyStore.prototype.track = function(token, event, data){
return Q.resolve();
MyStore.prototype.identify = function(token, uuid, userId){
return Q.resolve();
var server = Harvestd.create({
store: new MyStore()
Available helper functions in the Store prototype:
Takes an attribute and formats it. If you pass and object or an array, it will traverse it, formatting all nested fields.
The main purpose is to ensure that values are the correct types. For example:
var data = {
someBool: "true"
data = Store.prototype.formatAttribute(data);
ESStore Storage Layer
Harvestd comes with a really simple layer that will store everything in Elasticsearch.
var Harvestd = require('harvestd');
var store = Harvestd.ESStore.create({
host: '',
port: 9200,
apiVersion: '1.1',
index: 'analytics',
type: 'event'
var server = Harvestd.create({
store: store
API Routes
Track an event with any arbitrary amount of data. See services/harvestd/modules/api/elasticsearchStore/mappings for an example of available fields (if using the ESStore handler).
POST /track
Content-Type: application/json
"token": "your account token",
"event": "an event name",
"data": {
"$uuid": "client uuid"
Identify is used to associate tracked events with a particular UUID with some kind of userId from
your own backend. This can be any string value you want - an integer user id, a user's email, etc, as
long as its unique within your system. By default when you track an event, the $uuid will be used as the $userId
if the $userId is not provided.
Calling identify()
will also store the provided userId for the session so subsequent track()
are identified.
should be called whenever a user can be identified; this could be after signup, login, or at any other point that a user's identity is determined in your app.
POST /identify
Content-Type: application/json
"token": "your account token",
"uuid": "client uuid"
"userId": "ID of identified user"
Customer Profiles
Customer profiles allows you to store information about your customers. Customers need to have some kind of unique identifier - this can be an internal id from your own database, and email, etc.
Due to the possibility of users interacting with more than one platform, it is possible for multiple session UUIDs (used in the track and identify functions). This will help you identify actions taken by each user regardless of platform/location.
POST /profile
Content-Type: application/json
"token": "your account token",
"$id": "customer unique id",
"uuid": "their current UUID"
Using the web client
Include the client on your page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//<domain where your harvestd instance is>/js/client.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">