AMP ⚡ HTML (Accelerated Mobile Pages Project HTML) generator for Hexo.

This plugin automatically generates new AMP HTML pages and validate AMP HTML automaticaly.
Output file path is ./your-posts-parmalink/amp/
. Also, You can freely cutomize the template(.ejs) and style(.css) and AMP path. Further , you can also use caching to speed up generation time.
First of all, please see the examples. The following is my hexo blog.
$ npm install hexo-generator-amp --save
If you occur ERROR Plugin load failed:
error or DTraceProviderBindings.node
error , please see below.
This is an easy step to publish AMP HTML.
In addition, the following things are possible.
Simply installation method
To use this plug-in simply , follow the steps below.
1. Edit your theme
You must add AMP HTML's link to non-AMP.
Accelerated Mobile Pages Project - Prepare Your Page for Discovery and Distribution
First, add the following in your template files. For example , Please edit themes/(your-theme)/layout/_partial/head.ejs
as following . For example , In hexo-theme-landscape you will edit themes/landscape/layout/_partial/head.ejs
<% if (is_post() && config.generator_amp){ %>
<link rel="amphtml" href="<%= config.url %>/<%= page.path %>/amp/index.html">
<% } %>
Please refer follow as about how to use this plugin with based other templates.
2. Set the quick option
Please set the following options. Please edit _config.yml
templateDir: amp-template
assetDistDir: amp-dist
path: sample/sample-logo.png
width: 600
height: 60
path: sample/sample-substituteTitleImage.png
width: 1024
height: 800
warningLog: false
3. Run server
Starts a local server. By default, this is at http://localhost:4000/
$ hexo server
This plugin generated the AMP HTML. Please open http://localhost:4000/your-posts-parmalink/amp/
in browser.
If occured plugin error , Please refer #17 and other issue .
4. Validate AMP HTML
This plugin generated the AMP HTML. Output file path is ./your-posts-parmalink/amp/
. You should validate AMP HTML .
About general validation method
Now validate your AMP HTML. First off all , open your AMP HTML page in Chrome DevTools. The Chrome DevTools console can check for AMP HTML . Second , please Append http://localhost:4000/your-posts-parmalink/amp/#development=1
to the URL. Please see below for the details.
Accelerated Mobile Pages Project - Validate AMP Pages
How to validate AMP - my blog (Japanese)
Internal validation (Automatically validate AMP HTML)
This plugin can validate without being conscious AMP HTML automatically by amphtml-validator ( AMP HTML validator command line tool ).
To use Internal Validation , please change the validateAMP: true
validateAMP: true
For example , when occur the AMP validation error , this plugin displaying following error message .

The content of the message is the same as AMP Validator .
5. Deploy
If no AMP HTML Validation error is displayed , verification is complete . Please deploy at the end.
$ hexo clean
$ hexo server
$ hexo generate
$ hexo deploy -g
When the deployment is completed , Please check the AMP report
Can I customize template ?
You can freely cutomize the template(.ejs) and style(.css). Please edit template files included in the /amp-template/
. Also , template directory can change in the _config.yml
templateDir: amp-template
and amp-template/sample-amp.css
is a very simple template , so please customize it as you like . If you have a cool design template please let me know the issues. I would like to introduce your template in this chapter.
This plugin can set the following options for more detail. Please edit _config.yml
data_ad_client: ca-pub-123456789876543
data_ad_slot: 0123456789
width: 336
height: 280
templateDir: amp-template
assetDistDir: amp-dist
path: sample/sample-logo.png
width: 600
height: 60
path: sample/sample-yoursite-logo.png
width: 1024
height: 400
path: sample/sample-substituteTitleImage.png
width: 1024
height: 800
path: sample/sample-placeholder.png
cssFilePath: sample/sample-amp.css
templateFilePath: sample/sample-amp.ejs
generateAmpPath: :year/:month/:day/:title/amp/
google_analytics: UA-123456789-1
warningLog: true
cache: hexo-generator-amp-cached.json
validateAMP: true
authorReading: Your name description
path: sample/sample-avator.png
width: 150
height: 150
description: Self introduction
copyright_notice: The footer copyright notice
A description of the options
Option can use as follows.
1. Google Adsense Option
If an advertisement is found in an article, it will be converted to AMP specification.
Adout Google Adsense , please see Create an AMP ad unit for the details.
data_ad_client | substitute data_ad_client id |
data_ad_slot | substitute data_ad_slot id |
width | substitute ad width |
height | substitute ad height |
2. Template Option
templateDir & assetDistDir
templateDir | File path of a your AMP template files. |
assetDistDir | File path of a your public AMP Assets. |
use for AMP with structured data .
path | File path of a your logo (schema.org logo for AMP) image. |
width | Width of a your logo (schema.org logo for AMP) image. (width <= 600px) |
height | Height of a your logo (schema.org logo for AMP) image. (height <= 60px) |
path | File path of a your site logo image. |
width | Width of a your site logo image. |
height | Height of a your site logo image. |
use for AMP with structured data .
This plugin search automaticaly the information that the AMP carousel need for structured data(schema.org/BlogPosting).
However, if an image that use for schema.org/BlogPosting can not be found in content , this substitute image is used.
path | File path of a your substitute title image. (Use this when the image is not in the markdown) |
width | Width of a your substitute title image. (width >= 696px) |
height | Height of a your substitute title image. |
This option is the image path used in <amp-iframe>
's placeholder. Please see ampproject/amp-iframe for the detial.
path | File path of a your placeholder image. |
cssFilePath & templateFilePath
If you want to change the path of generate amp files , please set the this option. This option can be describe like Permalinks.
generateAmpPath | path of generate amp (default:./your-posts-parmalink/amp/index.html ) |
This option allows you to specify which menus can be used with the sample theme (sample-amp.ejs
).Please set the menu name and path.
Also , theme.facebook_app_id
is necessary with the facebook's social button. Please see the follow how to create facebook app id.
3. Google Analytics Option
google_analytics | Your google analytics tracking ID. |
4. Minify Option
5. Log & Auto Validation Option
warningLog | Enabled warnings and AMP HTML Validation . |
6. Cache Option
This option improves the generation speed. Old articles will not be generated AMP HTML again and skip AMP HTML Validation . Old articles will use cache.
7. Automatically validate AMP HTML option
To AMP HTML validate automatically, please set true. Please see Validate AMP HTML for more detail.
validateAMP | Enable AMP HTML validate automatically |
This option use for sample template for AMP HTML.
authorReading | Your name description. |
path | File path of a your avator image. |
width | Width of a your avator image. |
height | Height of a your avator image. |
description | Self introduction. |
copyright_notice | The footer copyright notice. |
Front-matter option.
This plugin search automaticaly the information that the AMP carousel need for structured data(schema.org/BlogPosting)
But you can also specify information for each article.
ampSettings.titleImage.path (optional)
You can choose URL of image in BlogPosting(schema.org) on a per post. If post is not contain this option , this plugin search the first image's URL from the content.
For example : hello-world.md
, Please set the following options.
title: Hello World
path: titleImage-on-the-local-folder.png
Welcome to [Hexo](https://hexo.io/)! This is your very first post.
Supports external services
Supports the following external services.
In addition to the above, the embedded <iframe>
tag is converted to amp-iframe tag.
If you want to supports other services , please add new filter and give me pull request .