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@@ -1,9 +0,238 @@

const Hotfile = require('./models/Hotfile')
const Hotfolder = require('./models/Hotfolder')
const Hot = require('./models/Hot')
const fs = require('fs')
const p = require('path')
const crypto = require('crypto')
exports = module.exports = (path) => new Hotfolder(path)
class HotfileError extends Error {}
class Hotfile {
if(p.extname(path) == "" && !this.existsSync(path)) this.mkdirSync(path)
const stat = fs.statSync(path)
this.isFile = stat.isFile()
this.path = path
this.basename = p.basename(path)
this.size = stat.size
stat.isDirectory() ? this.children = [] : this.ext = p.extname(path)
get name(){
return this.ext ? this.basename.replace(this.ext, '') : this.basename
get foldername(){
return this.basename
get lowername(){
get lowerbasename(){
return this.basename.toLowerCase()
get parentPath(){
return p.dirname(this.path)
return this.md5Id(this.path)
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(string).digest('hex');
static mkdirSync(path, options = { recursive: true }){
if(!p.extname(path) == "")
throw(new Error(`mkdirSync expects a folder path, but ${path} provided`))
let flag = true
fs.mkdirSync(path, options)
flag = false
return flag
static existsSync(path){
let flag = true
fs.accessSync(path, fs.constants.F_OK)
flag = false
return flag
mkdirSync(path, options = { recursive: true }){
if(!p.extname(path) == "")
throw(new Error(`mkdirSync expects a folder path, but ${path} provided`))
let flag = true
fs.mkdirSync(path, options)
flag = false
return flag
let flag = true
fs.accessSync(path, fs.constants.F_OK)
flag = false
return flag
async exists(path){
try {
await fs.promises.access(path, fs.constants.F_OK)
return true
} catch (err) {
if(err.message.includes('no such file or directory')) return false
async mkdir(path, options = {}){
if(!p.extname(path) == "")
throw(new Error(`mkdir expects a folder path, but ${path} provided`))
const { recursive, force } = options
if(!force && await this.exists(path)) return false
try {
await fs.promises.mkdir(path, { recursive })
return true
} catch (err) {
return false
async rename(from, to){
try {
await fs.promises.rename(from, to)
this.path = to
} catch (err) {
async delete(){
try {
await fs.promises.unlink(this.path)
} catch (err) {
console.error('there was an error:', err.message)
if(!name) throw(new Error(`setNameTo expects a string, ${name} provided`))
this.basename = name + this.ext
return this
appendToBasename(text = null){
if(text == null) throw(new Error(`setLangTo expects a string, ${text} provided`))
const basename =
this.basename = this.basename.replace(, basename)
return this
setExtTo(ext = null){
if(ext == null) throw(new Error(`setExtTo expects a string, ${ext} provided`))
const _ext = '.' + ext.replace(/\.*/g,'')
this.basename = this.basename.replace(this.ext, _ext)
this.ext = _ext
return this
setBasenameTo(name = null){
if(!name) throw(new Error(`setBasenameTo expects a string, ${name} provided`))
this.basename = name
this.ext = p.extname(name)
return this
async moveTo(instance = null, options = {}){
const { force } = options
if(instance && !(instance instanceof Hotfile))
throw(new Error(`moveTo: expects Hotfile instace or null, ${instance} provided`))
let destDir = this.parent
if(instance) destDir = instance.isFile ? instance.parent : instance.path
const to = p.join(destDir, this.basename)
if(force || !await this.exists(to)) await this.rename(this.path, to)
return new Hotfile(to)
createFolderSync(name, options = { recursive: true }){
const path = p.join(this.path, name)
this.mkdirSync(path, options)
if(!options.force && this.existsSync(path)) return new Hotfile(path)
const folder = new Hotfile(path)
return folder
async createFolder(name, options = { recursive: true }){
const path = p.join(this.path, name)
await this.mkdir(path, options)
if(!options.force && await this.exists(path)) return new Hotfile(path)
const folder = new Hotfile(path)
return folder
async loadChildren(options = {}){
const { depth } = options
this.children = await this.loaddir(this.path, depth, options)
return this
async loaddir(path, depth = 0, options = {}){
const { id, cb, files, exclude, include, $include, $exclude } = options
let items = await fs.promises.readdir(path)
if(exclude) items = items.filter(o => !exclude.includes(o))
if(include) items = items.filter(o => include.includes(o))
if($exclude) items = items.filter(o => !$exclude.find(regex => (regex).test(o)))
if($include) items = items.filter(o => $include.find(regex => (regex).test(o)))
items = => new Hotfile(p.join(path, o)))
for(let i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
/* options */
if(cb) await cb(items[i])
if(id) items[i].id = this.md5Id(items[i].path)
if(files && items[i].isFile) {
if(!this.files) this.files = []
if(!items[i].isFile && depth > 0){
items[i].children = await this.loaddir(items[i].path, depth - 1, options)
return items
exports = module.exports = (path = null) => {
if(!path) throw(new HotfileError(`hotfile requires a directory path, ${path} provided`))
return new Hotfile(path)
exports.Hotfile = Hotfile
exports.Hotfolder = Hotfolder
exports.Hot = Hot
exports.HotfileError = HotfileError


"name": "hotfile",
"version": "0.1.9",
"description": "",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "Hotfile makes working with folders and files in node-js easy and clear.",
"main": "index.js",

@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ "scripts": {

"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"keywords": ["folder", "files", "dirtree", "readdir"],
"author": "David M.Chen",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ "url": ""

# Hotfile
Hotfile makes working with folders and files in node-js easy and clear.
## Getting Started
1. <code>$ npm i hotfile</code>
const SOME_FOLDER_PATH = 'some-folder-path'
const aHotFolder = require('hotfile')(SOME_FOLDER_PATH)
const someAsyncFunction = async () => {
await aHotFolder.loadChildren()
##### console.log(aHotFolder)
"isFile": false,
"path": "home",
"basename": "home",
"size": 224,
"children": [
"isFile": false,
"path": "home/1",
"basename": "1",
"size": 192,
"children": []
"isFile": true,
"path": "home/an video file.mp4",
"basename": "an video file.mp4",
"size": 60,
"ext": ".mp4"
## Documentation
### Diagram A
Below is a tree diagram of the folders and files that we will be using in this documentation. This diagram will hereinafter be referred to as "Diagram A"
├── 1
| ├── 2
| | └── 3
| | └── 4
| | └── 5
| | ├── a subtitle
| | ├── an audio file.mp3
| | └── a video file.mp4
| ├── a subtitle file.en
| ├── an audio file.mp3
| └── a video file.mp4
├── a
| ├── a subtitle
| ├── an audio file.mp3
| ├── an video file.mp4
| └── b
| └── c
| └── d
| └── e
| ├── a subtitle
| ├── an audio file.mp3
| └── a video file.mp4
├── a subtitle
├── an audio file.mp3
└── a video file.mp4
directory: 10 file: 15
### Usage
#### instantiation
#### Instantiation
#### Example 1
const { Hotfolder, Hotfile, Hot } = require('hotfile')
// const myfolder = require('hotfile')('./myfolder')
const dirpath = './myfolder'
const filepath = './myfile.txt'
const myfolder = new Hotfolder(dirpath)
const myfile = new Hotfile(filepath)
const SOME_FOLDER_PATH = 'home'
const SOME_FILE_PATH = 'home/a/a subtitle'
const aHotFolder = require('hotfile')(SOME_FOLDER_PATH)
const aHotFile = require('hotfile')(SOME_FILE_PATH)
#### 0. place your code in an asycn function
#### Example 2
If you would like to access the Hotfile and or HotfileError class
const someAsyncFucn = async () => {
// NOTE: all the code below shuold be placed in an asycn function
const SOME_FOLDER_PATH = 'home'
const SOME_FILE_PATH = 'home/a/a subtitle'
const { Hotfile, HotfileError } = require('hotfile')
const aHotFolder = Hotfile(SOME_FOLDER_PATH)
const aHotFile = Hotfile(SOME_FILE_PATH)
### Options
When you want to load the subfolders of a hotfile folder instance can specify certain parameters by passing an options object to the loadChildren function like so: <code>instance.loadChildren(/* options */)</code>
const options = {
id: true, // generates md5 hashes of an item's path and adds that to the item as its id property
depth: 3, // how deep down the directory tree it loads items, this is 0 by default.
files: true, // constructs an array of files present in the loaded folders and attaches it to the instance that called the load method.
cb: async (item) => { /* code in here runs for each loaded file and folder */ },
exclude: ['strings'], // files and folders matching any of the strings in this array will not be loaded
include: ['strings'], // files and folders matching any of the strings in this array will be loaded
$exclude: ['regex'], // files and folders matching any of the regular expressions in this array will not be loaded
$include: ['regex'] // files and folders matching any of the regular expressions in this array will be loaded
#### 1. Create sub-folders
Note: filters can not be mixed, as such only one of the four filters (include, exclude, $include, $exclude) may be included in an object.
#### Example 1
In this example we add md5 ids to each loaded item, load just 1 subfolder deep, collect the files in an array, filter out <code>.SD_Store</code> files, and run an async call back function which renames and moves all files to another Hotfile folder instance.
const someAsyncFunction = async () => {
const sub1folder = await myfolder.createFolder('subfolder-01')
const sub2folder = await myfolder.createFolder('subfolder-02')
await aHotFolder.loadChildren({
id: true,
depth: 1,
files: true,
exclude: ['.DS_Store'],
cb: async (item) => {
const name = item.md5Id(new Date().toISOString())
const ext = 'mp4'
await item.setNameTo(name).setExtTo(ext).moveTo(anotherHotFolder)
#### Example 2
In this example we load 5 levels deep and delete all files and folders.
const someAsyncFunction = async () => {
await aHotFolder.loadChildren({
depth: 5,
files: true,
cb: async (item) => {
await item.delete()
#### 2. Create file in folder
### Instance Methods
#### Example 1: Creating a Subfolder
You can create subfolders in Hotfile folder instances by using the createFolder or createFolderSync method. Both of these return an instance of the newly created subfolder.
const file = await subfolder.create('summer.js')
instance.createFolderSync(string) -> instance
instance.createFolder(string) -> instance
In the following example we create 4 nested folders A,B,C, and D.
const aHotFolderA = require('hotfile')(SOME_FOLDER_PATH)
const foldername = 'some-name-not-a-path'
const aHotfolderB = aHotFolderA.createFolderSync(foldername)
const aHotfolderC = aHotfolderB.createFolderSync(foldername)
const aHotfolderD = aHotfolderC.createFolderSync(foldername)
#### 3. Move file to another folder
#### Example 2: Moving a Hotfile
Hotfile file instances can be move from one Hotfile folder instance to another.
await file.setNameTo('water').setBasenameTo('nemo.mp4').moveTo(sub2folder)
async instance.moveTo(instanec) -> instance
#### 4. Load subfolders with their files
Hotfile file instances can be move from one Hotfile folder instance to another.
await myfolder.laodChildren()
const aHotFolderA = require('hotfile')(SOME_FOLDER_PATH_A)
const aHotFolderB = require('hotfile')(SOME_FOLDER_PATH_A)
const aHotFile = require('hotfile')(SOME_FILE_PATH)
await aHotfile.moveTo(aHotFolderA)
await aHotfile.moveTo(aHotFolderB)
#### 5. Load subfolders, their files and for callback for each child
#### Example 3: Renaming a File
Hotfile file instances can be renamed.
const cb = async (item) => {
// later files here
}else {
// later folders here
await myfolder.laodChildren({cb})
instance.setNameTo(string) -> self
#### 6. Ignore children that are included
With Hotfiles renaming a file is made easy and clear with the setNameTo method.
Note: the moveTo() method should be called for the rename to take place on the file system. Do not pass it any parameters when you call it.
await myfolder.laodChildren({
exclude: ['node_modules', 'exact_name_of_unwated_file', 'DS_Store']
const aHotFile = require('hotfile')(SOME_FILE_PATH)
const result = await aHotfile.setNameTo('a cool new name').moveTo()
#### 7. Exclude all hidden files
#### Example 4: Changing File Extension
Hotfile file instances their extensions can be changed.
await myfolder.laodChildren({
deny: [ /(^|\/)\.[^\/\.]/g, /.*\.mp4/g]
instance.setExtTo(string) -> self
With Hotfiles changeing file extensions is made easy and clear with the setExtTo method.
Note: the moveTo() method should be called for the rename to take place on the file system. Do not pass it any parameters when you call it.
const aHotFile = require('hotfile')(SOME_FILE_PATH)
const ext = '.mp4' // including the period is optional. It will work either way.
const result = await aHotfile.setExtTo('mp4').moveTo()
#### Example 5: Deleting a Hotlile
Hotfile file instances can be deleted from anywhere.
async instance.delete() -> boolean
Hotfile file instances can be move from one Hotfile folder instance to another.
const aHotFile = require('hotfile')(SOME_FILE_PATH)
const result = await aHotfile.delete()

@@ -1,20 +0,31 @@

global.z = (v) => console.log(v)
const { Hotfolder, Hotfile, Hot } = require('./index')
// const myfolder = require('hotfile')('./myfolder')
const dirpath = './myfolder/sub01/sub02'
const filepath = './myfile.txt'
// if(!Hot.exists(dirpath)) Hot.mkdir(dirpath)
const myfolder = new Hotfolder(dirpath)
// const myfile = new Hotfile(filepath)
global.v = (v) => console.log(v)
const app = new (require('koa'))
const rootdir = 'home'
const folder = require('./index')(rootdir)
const someAsyncFucn = async () => {
// create sub-folders
// const subfolder = await myfolder.createFolder('subfolder-05')
// const subfolder2 = await subfolder.createFolder('subfolder-04')
// const file = await subfolder.create('summer.js')
// await file.setNameTo('water').moveTo(subfolder)
await myfolder.loadChildren()
const SOME_FOLDER_PATH = 'home'
const ANOTHER_FOLDER_PATH = 'home2'
const SOME_FILE_PATH = 'home/a/a subtitle'
const aHotFolder = require('./index')(SOME_FOLDER_PATH)
// const aHotFile = require('./index')(SOME_FILE_PATH)
const anotherHotFolder = require('./index')(ANOTHER_FOLDER_PATH)
app.use(async (ctx) => {
// await anotherHotFolder.loadChildren({
// id:true,
// depth: 5,
// files: true,
// cb: async (item) => {
// await item.delete()
// }
// })
console.log(aHotFolder.md5Id(new Date().toISOString()))
const foldername = 'some-name-not-a-path'
const aHotFolderB = aHotFolder.createFolderSync(foldername)
ctx.body = aHotFolder
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