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humanize-duration - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.1 to 0.8.0




@@ -10,161 +10,215 @@ /*

// The main function.
function humanizeDuration(ms, language) {
// What are the languages?
en: {
year: function(c) { return "year" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "month" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "week" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "day" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "hour" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "second" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "millisecond" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); }
ca: {
year: function(c) { return "any" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "mes" + ((c !== 1) ? "os" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "setman" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" :"a"); },
day: function(c) { return "di" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" :"a"); },
hour: function(c) { return "hor" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" :"a"); },
minute: function(c) { return "minut" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "segon" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milisegon" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : "" ); }
es: {
year: function(c) { return "año" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "mes" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "semana" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "día" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "hora" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minuto" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "segundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milisegundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : "" ); }
fr: {
year: function(c) { return "an" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function() { return "mois"; },
week: function(c) { return "semaine" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "jour" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "heure" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "seconde" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milliseconde" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); }
pt: {
year: function(c) { return "ano" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return (c !== 1) ? "meses" : "mês"; },
week: function(c) { return "semana" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "dia" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "hora" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minuto" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "segundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milissegundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); }
ko: {
year: function() { return "년"; },
month: function() { return "개월"; },
week: function() { return "주일"; },
day: function() { return "일"; },
hour: function() { return "시간"; },
minute: function() { return "분"; },
second: function() { return "초"; },
millisecond: function() { return "밀리 초"; }
nob: {
year: function() { return "år"; },
month: function(c) { return "måned" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "uke" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "dag" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "time" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minutt" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "sekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "millisekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); }
de: {
year: function(c) { return "jahr" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "monat" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "woche" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "tag" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "stunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "sekunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "millisekunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); }
pl: {
year: function(c) { return ["rok", "roku", "lata", "lat"][getPolishForm(c)]; },
month: function(c) { return ["miesiąc", "miesiąca", "miesiące", "miesięcy"][getPolishForm(c)]; },
week: function(c) { return ["tydzień", "tygodnia", "tygodnie", "tygodni"][getPolishForm(c)]; },
day: function(c) { return ["dzień", "dnia", "dni", "dni"][getPolishForm(c)]; },
hour: function(c) { return ["godzina", "godziny", "godziny", "godzin"][getPolishForm(c)]; },
minute: function(c) { return ["minuta", "minuty", "minuty", "minut"][getPolishForm(c)]; },
second: function(c) { return ["sekunda", "sekundy", "sekundy", "sekund"][getPolishForm(c)]; },
millisecond: function(c) { return ["milisekunda", "milisekundy", "milisekundy", "milisekund"][getPolishForm(c)]; }
// Turn Number objects into primitives.
if (ms instanceof Number)
ms = ms.valueOf();
// Start by defining the units and how many ms is in each.
var UNITS = [
{ name: "year", milliseconds: 31557600000 },
{ name: "month", milliseconds: 2629800000 },
{ name: "week", milliseconds: 604800000 },
{ name: "day", milliseconds: 86400000 },
{ name: "hour", milliseconds: 3600000 },
{ name: "minute", milliseconds: 60000 },
{ name: "second", milliseconds: 1000 },
{ name: "millisecond", milliseconds: 1 }
// Humanizing zero, I see.
if (ms === 0)
return "0";
// A utility function for creating the strings.
// render(1, "minute") == "1 minute"
// render(12, "hour") == "12 hours"
// render(2, "hour", "es") == "2 horas"
function render(count, word, language) {
var dictionary = LANGUAGES[language || humanizeDuration.language];
return count + " " + dictionary[word](count);
// We'll put everything in an array and turn that into a string at the end.
var result = [];
// Grab the components.
function componentsOf(total, language) {
// Start at the top and keep removing units, bit by bit.
var unit, unitCount, mightBeHalfUnit;
for (var i = 0, len = UNITS.length; (i < len) && (ms); i ++) {
var result = { total: {} };
var ms = total;
// Store the current unit.
unit = UNITS[i];
var unit, unitName, unitTotal, unitCount;
for (var i = 0, len = UNITS.length; i < len; i ++) {
// If it's a half-unit interval, we're done.
if (result.length === 0) {
mightBeHalfUnit = (ms / unit.milliseconds) * 2;
if (mightBeHalfUnit === Math.floor(mightBeHalfUnit))
return render(mightBeHalfUnit / 2,, language);
// Store the current unit.
unit = UNITS[i];
unitName = + "s";
// What's the number of full units we can fit?
unitCount = Math.floor(ms / unit.milliseconds);
// What's the total?
unitTotal = Math.floor(total / unit.milliseconds);[unitName] = render(unitTotal,, language);
// Add the string.
if (unitCount)
result.push(render(unitCount,, language));
// What's the rest?
unitCount = Math.floor(ms / unit.milliseconds);
result[unitName] = render(unitCount,, language);
// Remove what we just figured out.
ms -= unitCount * unit.milliseconds;
// Lower the number of milliseconds.
ms -= unitCount * unit.milliseconds;
// All done! Turn the array into a string.
return result.join(", ");
return result;
// Start by defining the units and how many ms is in each.
var UNITS = [
{ name: "year", milliseconds: 31557600000 },
{ name: "month", milliseconds: 2629800000 },
{ name: "week", milliseconds: 604800000 },
{ name: "day", milliseconds: 86400000 },
{ name: "hour", milliseconds: 3600000 },
{ name: "minute", milliseconds: 60000 },
{ name: "second", milliseconds: 1000 },
{ name: "millisecond", milliseconds: 1 }
// The main function.
function humanizeDuration(ms, language) {
// A utility function for creating the strings.
// render(1, "minute") == "1 minute"
// render(12, "hour") == "12 hours"
// render(2, "hour", "es") == "2 horas"
var render = function(count, word, language) {
var dictionary = humanizeDuration.LANGUAGES[language || humanizeDuration.language];
return count + " " + dictionary[word](count);
// Turn Number objects into primitives.
if (ms instanceof Number)
ms = ms.valueOf();
// What are the languages?
humanizeDuration.LANGUAGES = {
en: {
year: function(c) { return "year" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "month" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "week" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "day" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "hour" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "second" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "millisecond" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); }
ca: {
year: function(c) { return "any" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "mes" + ((c !== 1) ? "os" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "setman" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" :"a"); },
day: function(c) { return "di" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" :"a"); },
hour: function(c) { return "hor" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" :"a"); },
minute: function(c) { return "minut" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "segon" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milisegon" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : "" ); }
es: {
year: function(c) { return "año" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "mes" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "semana" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "día" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "hora" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minuto" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "segundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milisegundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : "" ); }
fr: {
year: function(c) { return "an" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function() { return "mois"; },
week: function(c) { return "semaine" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "jour" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "heure" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "seconde" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milliseconde" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); }
pt: {
year: function(c) { return "ano" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "mês" + ((c !== 1) ? "es" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "semana" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "dia" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "hora" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minuto" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "segundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "milesegundo" + ((c !== 1) ? "s" : ""); }
ko: {
year: function() { return "년"; },
month: function() { return "개월"; },
week: function() { return "주일"; },
day: function() { return "일"; },
hour: function() { return "시간"; },
minute: function() { return "분"; },
second: function() { return "초"; },
millisecond: function() { return "밀리 초"; }
nob: {
year: function() { return "år"; },
month: function(c) { return "måned" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "uke" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "dag" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "time" + ((c !== 1) ? "r" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minutt" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "sekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "millisekund" + ((c !== 1) ? "er" : ""); }
de: {
year: function(c) { return "jahr" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
month: function(c) { return "monat" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
week: function(c) { return "woche" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
day: function(c) { return "tag" + ((c !== 1) ? "e" : ""); },
hour: function(c) { return "stunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
minute: function(c) { return "minute" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
second: function(c) { return "sekunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); },
millisecond: function(c) { return "millisekunde" + ((c !== 1) ? "n" : ""); }
// Humanizing zero, I see.
if (ms === 0)
return "0";
// What's the default language?
humanizeDuration.language = "en";
// We'll put everything in an array and turn that into a string at the end.
var result = [];
// Export this baby.
if ((typeof module !== "undefined") && (module.exports))
module.exports = humanizeDuration;
this.humanizeDuration = humanizeDuration;
// Start at the top and keep removing units, bit by bit.
var unit, unitCount, mightBeHalfUnit;
for (var i = 0, len = UNITS.length; (i < len) && (ms); i ++) {
// Store the current unit.
unit = UNITS[i];
// If it's a half-unit interval, we're done.
if (result.length === 0) {
mightBeHalfUnit = (ms / unit.milliseconds) * 2;
if (mightBeHalfUnit === Math.floor(mightBeHalfUnit))
return render(mightBeHalfUnit / 2,, language);
// What's the number of full units we can fit?
unitCount = Math.floor(ms / unit.milliseconds);
// Add the string.
if (unitCount)
result.push(render(unitCount,, language));
// Remove what we just figured out.
ms -= unitCount * unit.milliseconds;
// All done! Turn the array into a string.
return result.join(", ");
// Helper function for Polish language.
function getPolishForm(c) {
if (c === 1) {
return 0;
} else if (Math.floor(c) !== c) {
return 1;
} else if (2 <= c % 10 && c % 10 <= 4 && !(10 < c % 100 && c % 100 < 20)) {
return 2;
} else {
return 3;
// What's the default language?
humanizeDuration.language = "en";
// Export this baby.
humanizeDuration.componentsOf = componentsOf;
if ((typeof module !== "undefined") && (module.exports))
module.exports = humanizeDuration;
this.humanizeDuration = humanizeDuration;
"name": "humanize-duration",
"author": "Evan Hahn",
"version": "0.6.1",
"author": "Evan Hahn <> (",
"contributors": [
"Martin Prins (",
"Filipi Siqueira (",
"Peter Rekdal Sunde (",
"Michał Janiec ("
"version": "0.8.0",
"description": "Convert millisecond durations to English or many other languages.",

@@ -11,11 +17,25 @@ "main": "humanize-duration.js",

"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "1.17.x",
"chai": "1.8.x",
"sugar": "1.4.x"
"mocha": "1.18.x",
"chai": "1.9.x",
"sugar": "1.4.x",
"coffee-script": "1.7.x"
"keywords": [
"humanize", "duration",
"time", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "days", "years", "months",
"english", "spanish", "french", "catalan", "portuguese", "korean",
"norwegian", "german"

@@ -44,3 +64,5 @@ "jshintConfig": {

"describe", "it", "beforeEach"

@@ -47,0 +69,0 @@ },

@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@ Humanize Duration

humanizeDuration.language = "fr" // change default language to French
humanizeDuration.language = "fr" // change language to French
humanizeDuration(3000) // "3 secondes"
humanizeDuration(5000, "ko") // "5 초"
humanizeDuration.language = "en" // change language back to English
var components = humanizeDuration.componentsOf(97320000);
// components.days == "1 day"
// == "1 day"
// components.hours == "3 hours"
// == "27 hours"
// components.seconds == "0 seconds"
// == "97320 seconds"
In the browser:

@@ -38,7 +47,8 @@

* Norwegian (nob)
* Polish (pl)
* Portuguese (pt)
* Spanish (es)
Lovingly made by [Evan Hahn]( with language support by [Martin Prins]( Thanks to [Filipi Siqueira]( for Portuguese support and to [Peter Rekdal Sunde](Peter Rekdal Sunde) for Norwegian support.
Lovingly made by [Evan Hahn]( with language support by [Martin Prins]( Thanks to [Filipi Siqueira]( for Portuguese support, [Peter Rekdal Sunde]( for Norwegian support, and [Michał Janiec]( for Polish support.

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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