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immer - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 8.0.3 to 9.0.0-beta.0



@@ -49,3 +49,3 @@ import { IProduceWithPatches, IProduce, ImmerState, Drafted, Patch, Objectish, Draft, PatchListener } from "../internal";

setUseProxies(value: boolean): void;
applyPatches(base: Objectish, patches: Patch[]): any;
applyPatches(base: Objectish, patches: Patch[]): Objectish;

@@ -52,0 +52,0 @@ export declare function createProxy<T extends Objectish>(immer: Immer, value: T, parent?: ImmerState): Drafted<T, ImmerState>;

import { Nothing } from "../internal";
declare type Tail<T extends any[]> = ((...t: T) => any) extends (_: any, ...tail: infer TT) => any ? TT : [];
declare type AnyFunc = (...args: any[]) => any;
declare type PrimitiveType = number | string | boolean;

@@ -38,2 +38,16 @@ /** Object types that should never be mapped */

* Utility types
declare type PatchesTuple<T> = readonly [T, Patch[], Patch[]];
declare type ValidRecipeReturnType<State> = State | void | undefined | (State extends undefined ? Nothing : never);
declare type ValidRecipeReturnTypePossiblyPromise<State> = ValidRecipeReturnType<State> | Promise<ValidRecipeReturnType<State>>;
declare type PromisifyReturnIfNeeded<State, Recipe extends AnyFunc, UsePatches extends boolean> = ReturnType<Recipe> extends Promise<any> ? Promise<UsePatches extends true ? PatchesTuple<State> : State> : UsePatches extends true ? PatchesTuple<State> : State;
* Core Producer inference
declare type InferRecipeFromCurried<Curried> = Curried extends (base: infer State, infer Args) => any ? ReturnType<Curried> extends State ? (draft: Draft<State>, Args) => ValidRecipeReturnType<Draft<State>> : never : never;
declare type InferInitialStateFromCurried<Curried> = Curried extends (base: infer State, any[]) => any ? State : never;
declare type InferCurriedFromRecipe<Recipe, UsePatches extends boolean> = Recipe extends (draft: infer DraftState, ...args: infer RestArgs) => any ? ReturnType<Recipe> extends ValidRecipeReturnTypePossiblyPromise<DraftState> ? (base: Immutable<DraftState>, ...args: RestArgs) => PromisifyReturnIfNeeded<Immutable<DraftState>, Recipe, UsePatches> : never : never;
declare type InferCurriedFromInitialStateAndRecipe<State, Recipe, UsePatches extends boolean> = Recipe extends (draft: Draft<State>, infer RestArgs) => ValidRecipeReturnTypePossiblyPromise<State> ? (base?: State | undefined, ...args: RestArgs) => PromisifyReturnIfNeeded<State, Recipe, UsePatches> : never;
* The `produce` function takes a value and a "recipe function" (whose

@@ -58,8 +72,13 @@ * return value often depends on the base state). The recipe function is

export interface IProduce {
/** Curried producer */
<Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any, Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>, T = Params[0]>(recipe: Recipe): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(base: Base, Tail<Params>) => Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>;
/** Curried producer with initial state */
<Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any, Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>, T = Params[0]>(recipe: Recipe, initialState: Immutable<T>): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(base?: Base, Tail<Params>) => Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>;
/** Curried producer that infers the recipe from the curried output function (e.g. when passing to setState) */
<Curried>(recipe: InferRecipeFromCurried<Curried>, initialState?: InferInitialStateFromCurried<Curried>): Curried;
/** Curried producer that infers curried from the recipe */
<Recipe extends AnyFunc>(recipe: Recipe): InferCurriedFromRecipe<Recipe, false>;
/** Curried producer with initial state, infers recipe from initial state */
<State, Recipe extends Function>(recipe: Recipe, initialState: State): InferCurriedFromInitialStateAndRecipe<State, Recipe, false>;
/** Promisified dormal producer */
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>(base: Base, recipe: (draft: D) => Promise<ValidRecipeReturnType<D>>, listener?: PatchListener): Promise<Base>;
/** Normal producer */
<Base, D = Draft<Base>, Return = void>(base: Base, recipe: (draft: D) => Return, listener?: PatchListener): Produced<Base, Return>;
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>(// By using a default inferred D, rather than Draft<Base> in the recipe, we can override it.
base: Base, recipe: (draft: D) => ValidRecipeReturnType<D>, listener?: PatchListener): Base;

@@ -73,8 +92,6 @@ /**

export interface IProduceWithPatches {
/** Curried producer */
<Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any, Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>, T = Params[0]>(recipe: Recipe): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(base: Base, Tail<Params>) => [Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>, Patch[], Patch[]];
/** Curried producer with initial state */
<Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any, Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>, T = Params[0]>(recipe: Recipe, initialState: Immutable<T>): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(base?: Base, Tail<Params>) => [Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>, Patch[], Patch[]];
/** Normal producer */
<Base, D = Draft<Base>, Return = void>(base: Base, recipe: (draft: D) => Return): [Produced<Base, Return>, Patch[], Patch[]];
<Recipe extends AnyFunc>(recipe: Recipe): InferCurriedFromRecipe<Recipe, true>;
<State, Recipe extends Function>(recipe: Recipe, initialState: State): InferCurriedFromInitialStateAndRecipe<State, Recipe, true>;
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>(base: Base, recipe: (draft: D) => ValidRecipeReturnType<Base>, listener?: PatchListener): PatchesTuple<Immutable<Base>>;
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>(base: Base, recipe: (draft: D) => Promise<ValidRecipeReturnType<Base>>, listener?: PatchListener): PatchesTuple<Promise<Immutable<Base>>>;

@@ -81,0 +98,0 @@ export declare function never_used(): void;

"name": "immer",
"version": "8.0.3",
"version": "9.0.0-beta.0",
"description": "Create your next immutable state by mutating the current one",

@@ -95,3 +95,3 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"tsdx": "^0.12.3",
"typescript": "^3.9.3",
"typescript": "^4.2.3",
"webpack": "^4.41.6",

@@ -98,0 +98,0 @@ "webpack-cli": "^3.3.11"

import {Nothing} from "../internal"
type Tail<T extends any[]> = ((...t: T) => any) extends (
_: any,
...tail: infer TT
) => any
? TT
: []
type AnyFunc = (...args: any[]) => any

@@ -88,2 +83,75 @@ type PrimitiveType = number | string | boolean

* Utility types
type PatchesTuple<T> = readonly [T, Patch[], Patch[]]
type ValidRecipeReturnType<State> =
| State
| void
| undefined
| (State extends undefined ? Nothing : never)
type ValidRecipeReturnTypePossiblyPromise<State> =
| ValidRecipeReturnType<State>
| Promise<ValidRecipeReturnType<State>>
type PromisifyReturnIfNeeded<
Recipe extends AnyFunc,
UsePatches extends boolean
> = ReturnType<Recipe> extends Promise<any>
? Promise<UsePatches extends true ? PatchesTuple<State> : State>
: UsePatches extends true
? PatchesTuple<State>
: State
* Core Producer inference
type InferRecipeFromCurried<Curried> = Curried extends (
base: infer State, infer Args
) => any // extra assertion to make sure this is a proper curried function (state, args) => state
? ReturnType<Curried> extends State
? (
draft: Draft<State>, Args
) => ValidRecipeReturnType<Draft<State>>
: never
: never
type InferInitialStateFromCurried<Curried> = Curried extends (
base: infer State, any[]
) => any // extra assertion to make sure this is a proper curried function (state, args) => state
? State
: never
type InferCurriedFromRecipe<
UsePatches extends boolean
> = Recipe extends (draft: infer DraftState, ...args: infer RestArgs) => any // verify return type
? ReturnType<Recipe> extends ValidRecipeReturnTypePossiblyPromise<DraftState>
? (
base: Immutable<DraftState>,
...args: RestArgs
) => PromisifyReturnIfNeeded<Immutable<DraftState>, Recipe, UsePatches>
: never // incorrect return type
: never // not a function
type InferCurriedFromInitialStateAndRecipe<
UsePatches extends boolean
> = Recipe extends (
draft: Draft<State>, infer RestArgs
) => ValidRecipeReturnTypePossiblyPromise<State>
? (
base?: State | undefined,
...args: RestArgs
) => PromisifyReturnIfNeeded<State, Recipe, UsePatches>
: never // recipe doesn't match initial state
* The `produce` function takes a value and a "recipe function" (whose

@@ -108,36 +176,33 @@ * return value often depends on the base state). The recipe function is

export interface IProduce {
/** Curried producer */
Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any,
Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>,
T = Params[0]
recipe: Recipe
): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(
base: Base, Tail<Params>
) => Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>
// ^ by making the returned type generic, the actual type of the passed in object is preferred
// over the type used in the recipe. However, it does have to satisfy the immutable version used in the recipe
// Note: the type of S is the widened version of T, so it can have more props than T, but that is technically actually correct!
/** Curried producer that infers the recipe from the curried output function (e.g. when passing to setState) */
recipe: InferRecipeFromCurried<Curried>,
initialState?: InferInitialStateFromCurried<Curried>
): Curried
/** Curried producer with initial state */
Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any,
Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>,
T = Params[0]
/** Curried producer that infers curried from the recipe */
<Recipe extends AnyFunc>(recipe: Recipe): InferCurriedFromRecipe<
/** Curried producer with initial state, infers recipe from initial state */
<State, Recipe extends Function>(
recipe: Recipe,
initialState: Immutable<T>
): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(
base?: Base, Tail<Params>
) => Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>
initialState: State
): InferCurriedFromInitialStateAndRecipe<State, Recipe, false>
/** Promisified dormal producer */
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>(
base: Base,
recipe: (draft: D) => Promise<ValidRecipeReturnType<D>>,
listener?: PatchListener
): Promise<Base>
/** Normal producer */
<Base, D = Draft<Base>, Return = void>(
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>( // By using a default inferred D, rather than Draft<Base> in the recipe, we can override it.
base: Base,
recipe: (draft: D) => Return,
recipe: (draft: D) => ValidRecipeReturnType<D>,
listener?: PatchListener
): Produced<Base, Return>
): Base

@@ -152,35 +217,18 @@

export interface IProduceWithPatches {
/** Curried producer */
Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any,
Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>,
T = Params[0]
recipe: Recipe
): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(
base: Base, Tail<Params>
) => [Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>, Patch[], Patch[]]
// ^ by making the returned type generic, the actual type of the passed in object is preferred
// over the type used in the recipe. However, it does have to satisfy the immutable version used in the recipe
// Note: the type of S is the widened version of T, so it can have more props than T, but that is technically actually correct!
/** Curried producer with initial state */
Recipe extends (...args: any[]) => any,
Params extends any[] = Parameters<Recipe>,
T = Params[0]
// Types copied from IProduce, wrapped with PatchesTuple
<Recipe extends AnyFunc>(recipe: Recipe): InferCurriedFromRecipe<Recipe, true>
<State, Recipe extends Function>(
recipe: Recipe,
initialState: Immutable<T>
): <Base extends Immutable<T>>(
base?: Base, Tail<Params>
) => [Produced<Base, ReturnType<Recipe>>, Patch[], Patch[]]
/** Normal producer */
<Base, D = Draft<Base>, Return = void>(
initialState: State
): InferCurriedFromInitialStateAndRecipe<State, Recipe, true>
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>(
base: Base,
recipe: (draft: D) => Return
): [Produced<Base, Return>, Patch[], Patch[]]
recipe: (draft: D) => ValidRecipeReturnType<Base>,
listener?: PatchListener
): PatchesTuple<Immutable<Base>>
<Base, D = Draft<Base>>(
base: Base,
recipe: (draft: D) => Promise<ValidRecipeReturnType<Base>>,
listener?: PatchListener
): PatchesTuple<Promise<Immutable<Base>>>

@@ -187,0 +235,0 @@

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