Security News
Next.js Patches Critical Middleware Vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927)
Next.js has patched a critical vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927) that allowed attackers to bypass middleware-based authorization checks in self-hosted apps.
Immutable MVVM for React
IMVVM is designed to complement the React library. A Facebook and Instagram collaboration.
React is:
A Javascript Library for building User Interfaces
To further quote the React website, "lots of people use React as the 'V' in MVC". Well I thought, why not use React as the 'V' in MVVM, and keeping inline with React's philosophy on immutability, lets make it use immutable data. So I created IMVVM.
This is my take on MVVM and immutability using javascript. IMVVM tries to resemble a React application. So it not only feels like your developing in the same environment, but if your coming from React, you should be able to pick up IMVVM quickly.
Anyway, download it, run the example application and try it out. Maybe avoid production environments for the moment. Be sure to raise issues in the Issues Register as you encounter them and please feel free to create pull requests.
TODO: Write some tests. I know, they should have already been done...
IMVVM can be loaded as:
is exposed as a global variable <script src="imvvm.min.js"></script>
$ npm install imvvm
$ bower install imvvm
require(['./imvvm.min.js'], function (IMVVM) {
// Do something with IMVVM
###Install and start the example application (which is intended to act as a reference implementation).
The example application is a good starting place when figuring out how things work. To get it running, navigate to the ./example
directory and run the following commands.
$ npm install
$ cd app
$ bower install
$ bower install imvvm
$ cd ..
$ grunt serve
var PersonModel = IMVVM.createModel({
getInitialState: function(){
return {
age: calculateAge(this.dob),
id: this.id ? this.id : uuid()
id: {
get: function(){
return this.state.id;
name: {
get: function(){
return this.state.firstName;
set: function(newValue){
this.setState({'name': newValue});
dob: {
get: function(){
return this.state.dob;
set: function(newValue){
var age;
if(newValue.length === 10){
age = calculateAge(newValue);
if(newValue.length === 0){
age = 'Enter your Birthday';
dob: newValue,
age: age
gender: {
get: function(){
return this.state.gender;
set: function(newValue){
this.setState({'gender': newValue});
age: {
get: function(){
return this.state.age;
The getInitialState
function initializes any fields that require a value during initialization. Such values include, default values and calculated fields. This function has access to the state which was passed into the constructor, and is able to reference this state via this.state.property
is a simple field descriptor. It defines a getter and setter. The getter returns state that resides in the state's property of the same name. The setter will transition the model to the next state, when a value is assigned to it. It uses the value and passes it, as an object, to the setState function. This will notify any ViewModels that have registered a stateChangedHandler with this model.
is a calculated field. It is set by setting dob
. dob
uses a calculateAge function to set the value of age and passes both the dob and age values to setState. Please note that age
needed to be initialized in the getInitialState() function.
var personStateChangedHandler = function(nextState){
var persons = {};
persons.collection = this.collection.map(function(person){
if(person.id === nextState.id){
persons.selectedPerson = new Person(nextState);
return persons.selectedPerson;
return person;
var Person = function(){
return new PersonModel(personStateChangedHandler).apply(this, arguments);
var PersonsViewModel = IMVVM.createViewModel({
getInitialState: function(){
var nextState = {};
nextState.collection = DataService.getData().map(function(person, idx){
if (idx === 0){
nextState.selectedPerson = new Person(person, true);
return nextState.selectedPerson;
return new Person(person, true);
return nextState;
getWatchedState: function() {
return {
'hobbies': {
alias: 'hobbiesContext',
'online': {
alias: 'imOnline'
imOnline: {
get: function(){
return this.state.imOnline;
selectedPerson: {
kind: 'instance',
get: function() { return this.state.selectedPerson; }
collection: {
kind: 'array',
get: function(){ return this.state.collection; },
selectedHobby: {
kind: 'pseudo',
get: function() {
return this.state.hobbiesContext.current ? this.state.hobbiesContext.current.name: void(0);
selectPerson: function(id){
for (var i = this.collection.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(this.selectedPerson.id !== id && this.collection[i].id === id){
this.setState({ selectedPerson: new Person(this.collection[i]) });
addPerson: function(value){
var nextState = {};
var name;
if(value && value.length > 0){
name = value.split(' ');
nextState.selectedPerson = new Person({
firstName: name[0],
lastName: name.slice(1).join(' ')
}, true);
nextState.collection = this.collection.slice(0);
nextState.collection = nextState.collection.concat(nextState.selectedPerson);
deletePerson: function(uid){
var nextState = {};
nextState.collection = this.collection.filter(function(person){
return person.id !== uid;
nextState.selectedPerson = void(0);
if(nextState.collection.length > 0){
if (this.selectedPerson.id === uid){
nextState.selectedPerson = new Person(nextState.collection[0]);
} else {
nextState.selectedPerson = new Person(this.selectedPerson);
The getInitialState
function initializes any fields that require a value and
can initialize models to establish the data for the Viewmodel. Unlike Models, the ViewModel does not have access to state
The getWatchedState
function establises links between ViewModels. In the code above, getWatchedState
is referencing the hobbies
data context with the alias of hobbiesContext. This enables the ViewModel to refer to hobbies
as hobbiesContext
(i.e. this.state.hobbiesContext...
). Enabling fields to be displayed from other ViewModels and will be automatically update thier values.
We can also reference fields from the DomainViewModel. We simply specify the field name and supply an alias. Then it can be referred to from the state object.
The imOnline
field is referencing the linked DomainModel field online
with an alias of imOnline
. It simply forwards the online value it recieves from the DomainViewModel to the View and has no influence over its output. It is for this reason that the field descriptor has a kind
decorator of pseudo
. Fields that obtain their value from other sources and have no influence on the output value, should be flagged with the decorator kind:'pseudo'
is another field that has a kind
decorator. The selectedPerson
field is of kind instance
. Which simply means that it will return a model instance.
has a kind
decorator of array
. Yes, you guessed it, because it returns an array.
The reason that the kind decorator is used is because IMVVM does some extra processing with these types.
will be invoked anytime setState
is called within the model that it is registered to. This function processes changes in the ViewModel and notifies the DomainModel of any changes so that the DomainModel can transition to the next state.
is a wrapper around the PersonModel
constructor. It makes PersonModel
easier to invoke and acts like a Model Factory of sorts. The parameters passed to Person
are passed directly to the PersonModel
constructor, but not before registering the stateChangedHandler personStateChangedHandler
, to ensure that all state changes in PersonModel notify interested Models/ViewModels and is handled approapriately.
#####selectPerson, addPerson & deletePerson
These functions are exposed to the View and enable tasks to be performed in the ViewModel. However, the View will also interact with any Models the ViewModel exposes to it. In this instance the ViewModel exposes the PersonModel via the selectedPerson
property. See A word on how to update a Model from the View
I've added a code snippet of HobbiesViewModel, from the example application to help explain a little more about getWatchedState
HobbiesViewModel snippet
var onPersonChangedHandler = function(nextState, prevState, field, context){
if(this.current !== void(0) && context === 'persons' &&
nextState.id !== prevState.id){
return { hobbies: { current: void(0) }, busy: false };
var HobbiesViewModel = IMVVM.createViewModel({
getWatchedState: function() {
return {
'persons': {
alias: 'personsContext',
fields: {
'selectedPerson': onPersonChangedHandler
'busy': {
alias: 'busy'
selectHobby: function(id){
for (var i = this.hobbies.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((this.current === void(0) || this.current.id !== id) && this.hobbies[i].id === id){
this.setState({current: new Hobby(this.hobbies[i])}, {busy: true});
//OR use a callback
this.setState({current: new Hobby(this.hobbies[i])}, function(){
this.setState(void(0), {busy: true});
Notice in this instance of the getWatchedState
function, the persons
object has an extra property called fields
. fields
the ViewModel should be notified when persons.selectedPerson
changes, and if it does change trigger the onPersonChanged
Both the alias
and fields
properties are optional. However at least one must be present.
will be triggered whenever any of the fields that it is assigned to changes. It is important to note that if there is a change, onPersonChangedHandler
must return a state object. If no change has occurred, return either void(0) or don't return anything. It should also be noted that the returned state object has a property with the data context, hobbies
, and the associated next state object. This is necessary so that any data context or domain property can be updated from this ViewModel by specfying it in the returned object.
The selectHobby
function is nothing special. What is different about it, is the setState
function. A ViewModel's setState
function has an extra parameter which enables the ViewModel to update state in other data contexts. The second parameter takes a state object, not dissimilar to the state object that is returned from onPersonChangedHandler
. The second parameter accepts an object that specifies the data context or domain property and its associated state.
For instance this.setState({current: new Hobby(this.hobbies[i])}, {busy: true});
. The first parameter is the next state for the hobbies
data context, the second parameter specifies that busy
, a property in the domain data context, should be changed to true
. This second parameter also accepts other data contexts (e.g. {persons: {selectedPerson: new Person(personState)}}
Also noted within comments, is that this can be achieved within a callback, ensuring to pass void(0)
as the first parameter to setState
n.b. You may have noticed that not all fields have setters, however, the values are still able to be updated. This is what setState
does. You only need to supply a setter if you would like the View to update the field directly.
var DomainViewModel = IMVVM.createDomainViewModel({
getInitialState: function(){
return {
online: true,
busy: false
persons: {
viewModel: PersonsViewModel,
get: function(){
return this.state.persons;
hobbies: {
viewModel: HobbiesViewModel,
get: function(){
return this.state.hobbies;
personCount: {
get: function(){
return this.persons ? this.persons.collection.length : 0;
busy: {
get: function(){
return this.state.busy;
online: {
get: function(){
return this.state.online;
set: function(newValue){
this.setState({'online': newValue });
The 'getInitialState' is the same as for the ViewModel.
The persons
property sets up a data context called 'persons'. It has a special decorator called viewModel
, which specifies the associated ViewModel for this data context.
This is probably a good time to explain a little about what gets exposed to the View.
When a Model, ViewModel or DomainViewModel is instantiated, IMVVM takes all the defined functions and places them on the Object's prototype. It also takes all the field descriptors and assigns them as properties for the newly created object.
So all functions and fields defined within a Model, ViewModel or DomainModel, are visible to other objects. This means that the View has visibility and access to these functions and fields, including any implementation specific functions, which probably should be kept separate from the View.
What would be preferred, is to only expose the properties and functions the View needs. To accomplish this, define variables, properties or functions outside of your Models, ViewModels and DomainViewModels, and simply reference them. That way the View API is kept nice and clean and your implementation is kept separate.
Refer to the reference implementation (i.e. example application), which uses this technique.
Once you have created your Models. ViewModels and DomainViewModel, you're ready to hook it up the the View. All you need to do is specify the mixin and IMVVM will attach a domainDataContext
to the state object that will be kept in sync with you're ViewModel.
var ApplicationView = React.createClass({
mixins: [IMVVM.mixin],
render: function(){
return (
<NavBarView appContext={this.state.domainDataContext} />
<SideBarView appContext={this.state.domainDataContext} />
<DetailsView appContext={this.state.domainDataContext} />
The domainDataContext
has all the properties that were specified in the DomainViewModel. So this domainDataContext
will have the following properties:
Then you just render the View, specifying a domainModel
prop, that references the 'DomainViewModel'.
React.renderComponent(<ApplicationView domainModel={DomainViewModel}/>,
#####A word on how to update a Model from the View
As mentioned above, the PersonsViewModel
has a persons
data context. This data context exposes a Person
model instance via the selectedPerson
To update the Person
instance, simply assign values to the associated properties on the selectedPerson
FormView example
var FormView = React.createClass({
updateName: function(e){
this.props.appContext.persons.selectedPerson.name = e.target.value;
updateGender: function(e){
this.props.appContext.persons.selectedPerson.gender = e.target.value;
updateDOB: function(e){
this.props.appContext.persons.selectedPerson.dob = e.target.value;
render: function() {
var current = this.props.appContext.persons.selectedPerson;
return (
<div key={current.id}>
<form role="form">
<input type="text" value={current.name}
onChange={this.updateName} />
<input type="radio" onChange={this.updateGender}
checked={current.gender === 'male'} />
<input type="radio" onChange={this.updateGender}
checked={current.gender === 'female'} />
<input type="text"
onChange={this.updateDOB} />
<div className="form-group">
###Class ####Constructors
#####function createDomainViewModel(object specification) Creates a DomainViewModel object.
specification - see Specification
#####function createViewModel(object specification) Creates a ViewModel object.
specification - see Specification
#####function createModel(object specification) Creates a Model object.
specification - see Specification
###Instance ####Functions
#####void setState(object nextState[, oject nextDomainState, function callback]) Transition Data Context to the next state.
Object containing the next state values.
nextDomainState n.b. This parameter is only available in ViewModels
Object containing the next state values which are to be passed to the Domain Data Context.
//From PersonsViewModel
hobbies: { current: void(0) },
busy: false
Used to do sequential setState calls and returns latest Domain Data Context state.
example n.b. This example is not part of the reference implementation.It demonstrates how a callback can be used. Here the callback updates an amount property on a currentTarget object, which had been selected by the calling function selectTarget
and passed back as returnedAppContext
. Notice that you do not need to bind to this
using this approach.
handleChange: function(target, e){
this.props.appContext.positionsContext.selectTarget(target, function(returnedAppContext){
returnedAppContext.positionsContext.currentTarget.amount = Utils.unformat(e.target.value);
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
#####object revert()
transitions state to the previous state. Requires enableUndo
to be true
to enable this functionality.
Available in: DomainViewModel
#####object advance()
transitions state to the next state. Requires enableUndo
to be true
to enable this functionality.
Available in: DomainViewModel
#####state Holds object state.
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
#####previousState Holds Domain Data Context previous state.
Available in: DomainViewModel
#####nextState Holds Domain Data Context next state.
Available in: DomainViewModel
- can revert to previous state.
- can not revert to previous state.
Available in: DomainViewModel
- can advance to next state.
- can not advance to next state.
Available in: DomainViewModel
###Specification ####Functions
#####object getInitialState() Called when initalized in order to initialize state. Returns a state object;
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
Optional: true
#####object getWatchedState() Provides watched items to domain. Returns a WatchedState object definition.
######Watching ViewModel state dataContext: { [alias]: preferredName, [fields]: { dataContextField: ViewModelStateChangedHandler } }
n.b. alias
and fields
are optional, however at least one must be present. This is intentional. alias
is an indicator that the ViewModel should attach the specified dataContext to the state
object. If alias
is not specified then it will not be attached.
######Watching Domain Data Context state field: { alias: preferredName }
n.b. alias
is not optional, in this instance, as only fields can be referenced to the Domain dataContext.
getWatchedState: function() {
return {
'persons': {
alias: 'personsContext',
fields: {
'selected': onPersonChange
'busy': {
alias: 'busy'
Available in: ViewModel
Optional: true
#####object ViewModelStateChangedHandler(object nextState, object previousState, string field, string dataContext)
Next state of the watched field.
Previous state of the watched field.
Watched field name.
Watched Data Context name.
onPersonChange: function(nextState, prevState, field, context){
if(this.current !== void(0) && context === 'persons' &&
nextState.id !== prevState.id){
return { hobbies: { current: void(0) }, busy: false };
Available in: ViewModel
#####void ModelStateChangedHandler(object nextState[, function callback])
Next state of the model.
Returns latest Domain Data Context state.
personStateChangedHandler: function(nextState){
var persons = {};
persons.collection = this.collection.map(function(person){
if(person.id === nextState.id){
persons.selected = new Person(nextState, person, true);
return persons.selected;
return person;
Available in: ViewModel
#####ModelInstance ModelName([function stateChangedHandler])([object nextState, object extendState, boolean initialize]) Returns a new model instance. This function is usually wrapped in another function for easier usage.
State changed handler which is triggered whenever setState is called from within the model.
n.b. Only use stateChangedHandlers in ViewModels. Do not use stateChangedHandlers in Models. You can still use Model within Models. Below is an example of how you would initialize Model instances inside other Models.
var Hobby: function(){
return new HobbyModel().apply(this, arguments);
Object containing the next state values for the model.
Object containing more next state values for the model. This parameter is for convenience, so that there is no need to call extend to update a model. The examples below both update personObj.firstName
to 'Fred'.
var nextState = this.extend(personObj, {firstName: 'Fred'});
persons.selectedPerson = new Person(nextState);
persons.selectedPerson = new Person(personObj, {firstName: 'Fred'});
Boolean value indicating the model instance should be initialized. (Calls getInitialState())
Available in: ViewModel, Model
Usage example
n.b. This is suggested usage and not part of the API
var Person: function(){
return new PersonModel(personStateChangedHandler).apply(this, arguments);
#####fieldName : Descriptor Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
#####Functions ######get()
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
######void set(newValue)
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
######kind: ['instance' || 'array' || 'pseudo'] instance
Specifies that the getter returns a model instance. This needs to be specified if the View interacts with the returned model object. i.e. It will update values on the model.
Available in: ViewModel
Specifies that the field holds an array. This will initialize the array, if it hasn't already been initialized.
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
Specifies that the value for this field is obtained from other properties.
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
######aliasFor: string originalKey aliasFor
Transforms key from original data source to specified field.
In the original data source, job
was is property name. However, aliasFor
will expose job
as occupation
to the View. This is a one way transformation. If it is required to persist the data as job
, that will need to be transformed back within the application.
occupation: {
aliasFor: 'job',
get: function(){
return this.state.occupation;
set: function(newValue){
this.setState({'occupation': newValue });
Available in: Model
######viewModel: ViewModel Class viewModel
Identifies the ViewModel to be used for the defined data context.
Available in: DomainViewModel
###Mixin ####IMVVM.mixin
#####mixins: [IMVVM.mixin]
Adds domainDataContext to state object.
var ApplicationView = React.createClass({
mixins: [IMVVM.mixin],
render: function(){
return <DetailsView appContext={this.state.domainDataContext} />;
####props #####domainModel= DomainViewModel Class #####[enableUndo]= boolean: default = false
Point the View to the DomainViewModel.
React.renderComponent(<ApplicationView domainModel={DomainViewModel}/>,
###Static methods ####IMVVM.extend()
#####object extend(object currentState[, object... nextState]) Creates a shallow copy of currentState. Adds/replaces properties with properties of subsequent objects.
Old state object.
Next state objects.
Usage example
var nextState = IMVVM.extend(currentState, nextState);
Available in: DomainViewModel, ViewModel, Model
Most ECMAScript 5 compliant browsers. IE8 and below are not supported.
Entrendipity - Follow @entrendipity
Frank Panetta - Follow @fattenap
##License ###The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Entrendipity
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Immutable MVVM for React - Renamed: Please use Astarisx
The npm package imvvm receives a total of 1 weekly downloads. As such, imvvm popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that imvvm demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
Next.js has patched a critical vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927) that allowed attackers to bypass middleware-based authorization checks in self-hosted apps.
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A survey of 500 cybersecurity pros reveals high pay isn't enough—lack of growth and flexibility is driving attrition and risking organizational security.
Socket, the leader in open source security, is now available on Google Cloud Marketplace for simplified procurement and enhanced protection against supply chain attacks.