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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 7.0.0-alpha.2

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v7.0.0-alpha.2</a>

npm install iridium@7.0.0-alpha.2


  • 2563e88 Version 7.0.0-alpha.2
  • 45723b5 doc: Update README with install instructions
  • baa6a74 fix: Point typescript resolution at core module
  • 64e006e fix: Include iridium.d.ts compiled file
  • c65a288 refactor: Revert to exposing an external module (and requiring dependencies) for package typings.
  • 16ee3c5 fix: Export type definitions as an external module for typescript
  • def0e0e fix: Add main definition file to project
  • cf34189 chore: Build the project
  • d2105ce ci: Add a bundling process for the build
  • 1ba840a repo: Remove another unnecessary definition file
  • eef8158 refactor: Switch from PromisesAPlus to core PromiseLike for Cache API
  • acb776e repo: Remove a number of unnecessary definition and map files from the repo
  • 34b3dbd tweak: Don't include skmatc typings during compilation
  • 6bc3587 refactor: Switch to promises-a-plus for cache promise definition
  • 5651467 fix: Use Thenable<T> instead of Promise<T> to prevent mutating the interface
  • 4187dff feat: Add skmatc typings reference
  • ed33631 fix: Reference the correct definition file for typings
  • 4b20bca Version 7.0.0-alpha.1
  • d929524 fix: Correctly reference iridium distribution files
  • 5685304 chore: Compile everything again
  • ac3505e feat: Generate definition files for distribution
  • ca6bbff refactor: Export MongoDB ObjectID and Binary types for lib/BSON
  • 3ea4aa7 refactor: Remove random index and iridium.d.ts files
  • 95ffbbc refactor: Update typings module modes to work more correctly
  • bfc18b6 fix: Embed typings module reference in index.ts
  • c3c8a85 doc: Update typescript version in README
  • e63836a repo: Remove obsolete entries in .gitignore
  • 0a9cf5b repo: Ignore benchmark and example file compilation results for git
  • 57cd185 doc: Remove documentation step since TypeDoc doesn't currently support TypeScript 1.8.x
  • a170f98 refactor: Fix benchmarks to use latest APIs
  • 888922a refactor: Update the way things are built to take advantage of typings
  • 6349114 refactor: Switch to typings instead of tsd (DefinitelyTyped)
  • 2dd9b63 doc: Update documentation
  • 25913e9 Version 6.7.0
published 6.7.0 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.7.0

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.7.0</a>

npm install iridium@6.7.0


  • 3a8a1e3 Version 6.7.0
  • ea646e0 refactor: Update to the latest available typescript definitions
  • 3428558 Updated documentation
  • 8a05b3e Updated CHANGELOG
published 6.6.1 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.6.1

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.6.1</a>

npm install iridium@6.6.1


  • f82c213 Version 6.6.1
  • 870a80e fix: Specify _id as a default transform property
published 6.5.3 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.5.3

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.5.3</a>

npm install iridium@6.5.3


  • 6ad5fc7 Version 6.5.3
  • 0916ab6 fix: Compile document clone fix
  • 32a43aa ci: Fix uploading test coverage to code climate
  • 549514f ci: Fix installation of MongoDB
  • 8b00699 ci: Fix starting of MongoDB server
  • 46c3a84 ci: Fix CI build
  • 58affd5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/release'
  • cd18c4a ci: Transition to Travis CI container infrastructure
  • 30cc850 fix: Use correct clone method
  • 309f2d0 Merge branch 'master' into release
  • d1ff2f2 Updated documentation
  • 6f23b1c Updated CHANGELOG
published 6.5.1 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.5.1

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.5.1</a>

npm install iridium@6.5.1


  • 3ecbcfa Version 6.5.1
  • 2a6b079 fix #25: Address issues when cloning values of type MongoDB.ObjectID and MongoDB.Binary
  • 95a5dff doc: Updated docs
  • defa9cb Updated CHANGELOG
published 6.4.1 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.4.1

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.4.1</a>

npm install iridium@6.4.1


  • 238db28 Version 6.4.1
  • 5bdb845 build: Compile code with latest changes
  • 6419b2a fix: Correct behaviour of _.cloneDeep when working with buffers
  • e182b97 tweak: Adjust the transform function for binary properties
  • 3ced29a tweak: Adjust error message to be more explicit about what can pass
  • 7b12722 tweak: Improved error messages when a binary object fails validation
  • a10dbd4 test: Added a number of additional tests for the new binary type
  • c122bae Merge branch 'master' into release
  • ec0890a Updated documentation
  • a76f656 Updated CHANGELOG
published 6.4.0 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.4.0

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.4.0</a>

npm install iridium@6.4.0


  • 4409543 Version 6.4.0
  • 075b3bf build: Build latest code versions
  • c857951 feat: Add a Binary property decorator for use with binary data properties in Buffer format
  • b182464 refactor: Move default transforms into their own file
  • bf895e5 refactor: Move default validators into their own file
  • 255b39c Merge branch 'master' into release
  • 1b481fa Updated documentation
  • 84aba6a Updated CHANGELOG
published 6.3.0 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.3.0

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.3.0</a>

npm install iridium@6.3.0


  • 50713c7 Version 6.3.0
  • f09fa1b Merge branch 'feat/async-hooks'
  • fcddc72 Merge branch 'pr/20'
  • 1fe25e2 refactor: Remove duplicate wrapped definition
  • c697682 docs: Added some comments regarding promise performance under async conditions
  • d24448e build: Update js maps following support for Promise.Thenable on external APIs
  • 9e56ec9 refactor: Support libraries other than Bluebird for external promise sources
  • 8ad539f build: Update distributable files with new async hooks changes
  • 004733b test: Add tests for async hooks to ensure execution order is guaranteed
  • 5538f28 feat: Add support for awaiting hooks using promises, as well as performance warnings in documentation
  • 108e471 benchmark: Further fixes to benchmark to correct an error using ObjectIDs
  • e37b56e benchmark: Update benchmark file to make use of latest API
  • 2dabf54 Promises support in hooks
  • 0a8ee18 feat: Add ability to specify a cursor's read preference using readFrom()
  • ea3eb8f feat: Add ability to use cursor to retrieve a single document
  • bd0858e Test case for promises in hooks
  • 0db5f34 Promises support in hooks
  • 1354dc0 Merge branch 'master' into release
  • be5e698 Updated documentation
published 6.2.0 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.2.0

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.2.0</a>

npm install iridium@6.2.0


  • 88b2d60 Version 6.2.0
  • 7e0c6b3 ci: Have Travis publish npm versions
  • 17edecd feat: Added one() method to cursor to read a single item from the database
  • fe1ab5f feat: Added readFrom method to cursor
  • 2fc6604 Merge branch 'master' into release
  • a914a64 Updated Changelog
published 6.1.1 •

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply Chain



Version 6.1.1

<a style="border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px 8px; background: rgb(64, 120, 192); color: #fff;" href="">tag: v6.1.1</a>

npm install iridium@6.1.1


  • 5eb946f Version 6.1.1
  • 410ec6e build: Rebuild all JS for coverage checking
  • f8ebf0e fix: Handle null config entry correctly
  • 69624f4 Merge branch 'master' into release
  • 297fcdc Updated CHANGELOG
  • 30d132c Updated documentation
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