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A jest reporter that generates junit xml files

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Package description

What is jest-junit?

The jest-junit npm package is a Jest reporter that creates compatible JUnit XML reports. It's primarily used in CI/CD pipelines to integrate test results with tools that consume JUnit XML format, such as Jenkins, CircleCI, and others. This allows for better visualization of test outcomes and more efficient debugging when tests fail.

What are jest-junit's main functionalities?

Generating JUnit XML reports

This command runs Jest tests and generates a JUnit XML report. The '--reporters' option specifies that both the default reporter and jest-junit should be used, allowing for output in the console as well as the creation of an XML report.

jest --reporters=default --reporters=jest-junit

Customizing output location and file name

This example demonstrates how to customize the output directory and file name of the JUnit XML report using environment variables. The report will be saved to './artifacts/my_test_results.xml'.

JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR='./artifacts' JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME='my_test_results.xml' jest --reporters=default --reporters=jest-junit

Configuring through jest.config.js

This code snippet shows how to configure jest-junit through Jest's configuration file, jest.config.js. It specifies custom values for the suite name, output directory, and file name of the report.

module.exports = { reporters: ['default', ['jest-junit', { suiteName: 'My Suite', outputDirectory: './reports', outputName: 'results.xml' }]] };

Other packages similar to jest-junit



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A Jest reporter that creates compatible junit xml files

Note: as of jest-junit 11.0.0 NodeJS >= 10.12.0 is required.


yarn add --dev jest-junit


In your jest config add the following entry:

  "reporters": [ "default", "jest-junit" ]

Then simply run:


For your Continuous Integration you can simply do:

jest --ci --reporters=default --reporters=jest-junit

Usage as testResultsProcessor (deprecated)

The support for testResultsProcessor is only kept for legacy reasons and might be removed in the future. You should therefore prefer to configure jest-junit as a reporter.

Should you still want to, add the following entry to your jest config:

  "testResultsProcessor": "jest-junit"

Then simply run:


For your Continuous Integration you can simply do:

jest --ci --testResultsProcessor="jest-junit"


jest-junit offers several configurations based on environment variables or a jest-junit key defined in package.json or a reporter option. Environment variable and package.json configuration should be strings. Reporter options should also be strings exception for suiteNameTemplate, classNameTemplate, titleNameTemplate that can also accept a function returning a string.

Environment Variable NameReporter Config NameDescriptionDefaultPossible Injection Values
JEST_SUITE_NAMEsuiteNamename attribute of <testsuites>"jest tests"N/A
JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIRoutputDirectoryDirectory to save the output.process.cwd()N/A
JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAMEoutputNameFile name for the output."junit.xml"N/A
JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_FILEoutputFileFullpath for the output. If defined, outputDirectory and outputName will be overriddenundefinedN/A
JEST_JUNIT_UNIQUE_OUTPUT_NAMEuniqueOutputNameCreate unique file name for the output leveraging the outputName as a prefix if given ${outputName}-${uuid}.xml or a default of junit-${uuid}.xml if outputName is not specified, overrides outputNamefalseN/A
JEST_JUNIT_SUITE_NAMEsuiteNameTemplateTemplate string for name attribute of the <testsuite>."{title}"{title}, {filepath}, {filename}, {displayName}
JEST_JUNIT_CLASSNAMEclassNameTemplateTemplate string for the classname attribute of <testcase>."{classname} {title}"{classname}, {title}, {suitename}, {filepath}, {filename}, {displayName}
JEST_JUNIT_TITLEtitleTemplateTemplate string for the name attribute of <testcase>."{classname} {title}"{classname}, {title}, {filepath}, {filename}, {displayName}
JEST_JUNIT_ANCESTOR_SEPARATORancestorSeparatorCharacter(s) used to join the describe blocks." "N/A
JEST_JUNIT_ADD_FILE_ATTRIBUTEaddFileAttributeAdd file attribute to the output (validated on CIRCLE CI and GitLab CI). Must be a string."false"N/A
JEST_JUNIT_FILE_PATH_PREFIXfilePathPrefixPrefix to add to the test suite file path. The value will be prefixed using path.join. Useful in case of monorepo""N/A
JEST_JUNIT_INCLUDE_CONSOLE_OUTPUTincludeConsoleOutputAdds console output to any testSuite that generates stdout during a test run.falseN/A
JEST_JUNIT_INCLUDE_SHORT_CONSOLE_OUTPUTincludeShortConsoleOutputAdds short console output (only message value) to any testSuite that generates stdout during a test run.falseN/A
JEST_JUNIT_REPORT_TEST_SUITE_ERRORSreportTestSuiteErrorsReports test suites that failed to execute altogether as error. Note: since the suite name cannot be determined from files that fail to load, it will default to file path.falseN/A
JEST_JUNIT_NO_STACK_TRACEnoStackTraceOmit stack traces from test failure reports, similar to jest --noStackTracefalseN/A
JEST_USE_PATH_FOR_SUITE_NAMEusePathForSuiteNameDEPRECATED. Use suiteNameTemplate instead. Use file path as the name attribute of <testsuite>"false"N/A
JEST_JUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PROPERTIES_JSON_FILEtestSuitePropertiesFileName of the custom testsuite properties file"junitProperties.js"N/A
JEST_JUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PROPERTIES_DIRtestSuitePropertiesDirectoryLocation of the custom testsuite properties fileprocess.cwd()N/A

You can configure these options via the command line as seen below:

JEST_SUITE_NAME="Jest JUnit Unit Tests" JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR="./artifacts" jest

Or you can also define a jest-junit key in your package.json. All are string values.

  "jest-junit": {
    "suiteName": "jest tests",
    "outputDirectory": ".",
    "outputName": "junit.xml",
    "uniqueOutputName": "false",
    "classNameTemplate": "{classname}-{title}",
    "titleTemplate": "{classname}-{title}",
    "ancestorSeparator": " › ",
    "usePathForSuiteName": "true"

Or you can define your options in your reporter configuration.

// jest.config.js
	reporters: [
    	[ "jest-junit", { suiteName: "jest tests" } ]

Configuration Precedence

If using the usePathForSuiteName and suiteNameTemplate, the usePathForSuiteName value will take precedence. ie: if usePathForSuiteName=true and suiteNameTemplate="{filename}", the filepath will be used as the name attribute of the <testsuite> in the rendered jest-junit.xml).


Below are some example configuration values and the rendered .xml to created by jest-junit.

The following test defined in the file /__tests__/addition.test.js will be used for all examples:

describe('addition', () => {
  describe('positive numbers', () => {
    it('should add up', () => {
      expect(1 + 2).toBe(3);
Example 1

The default output:

<testsuites name="jest tests">
  <testsuite name="addition" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2017-07-13T09:42:28" time="0.161">
    <testcase classname="addition positive numbers should add up" name="addition positive numbers should add up" time="0.004">
Example 2

Using the classNameTemplate and titleTemplate:

JEST_JUNIT_CLASSNAME="{classname}" JEST_JUNIT_TITLE="{title}" jest


<testsuites name="jest tests">
  <testsuite name="addition" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2017-07-13T09:45:42" time="0.154">
    <testcase classname="addition positive numbers" name="should add up" time="0.005">
Example 3

Using the ancestorSeparator:



<testsuites name="jest tests">
  <testsuite name="addition" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2017-07-13T09:47:12" time="0.162">
    <testcase classname="addition › positive numbers should add up" name="addition › positive numbers should add up" time="0.004">
Example 4

Using the suiteNameTemplate:

JEST_JUNIT_SUITE_NAME ="{filename}" jest
<testsuites name="jest tests">
  <testsuite name="addition.test.js" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2017-07-13T09:42:28" time="0.161">
    <testcase classname="addition positive numbers should add up" name="addition positive numbers should add up" time="0.004">
Example 5

Using classNameTemplate as a function in reporter options

// jest.config.js
  reporters: [
          classNameTemplate: (vars) => {
            return vars.classname.toUpperCase();


<testsuites name="jest tests">
  <testsuite name="addition" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2017-07-13T09:42:28" time="0.161">
    <testcase classname="ADDITION POSITIVE NUMBERS" name="addition positive numbers should add up" time="0.004">
Adding custom testsuite properties

New feature as of jest-junit 11.0.0!

Create a file in your project root directory named junitProperties.js:

module.exports = () => {
    return {
       key: "value"

Will render

<testsuites name="jest tests">
  <testsuite name="addition" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2017-07-13T09:42:28" time="0.161">
        <property name="key" value="value" />
    <testcase classname="addition positive numbers should add up" name="addition positive numbers should add up" time="0.004">


Last updated on 20 Apr 2022

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