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jest-webgl-canvas-mock - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.1 to 0.2.2



@@ -93,3 +93,3 @@ "use strict";

function CanvasRenderingContext2D(canvas) {
function CanvasRenderingContext2D(canvas, contextAttributes) {
var _this = this;

@@ -155,2 +155,3 @@

this._canvas = canvas;
this._contextAttributes = contextAttributes;

@@ -185,2 +186,7 @@

}, {
key: "getContextAttributes",
value: function getContextAttributes() {
return this._contextAttributes;
}, {
key: "arc",

@@ -187,0 +193,0 @@ value: function arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle) {

@@ -20,2 +20,4 @@ "use strict";

function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var HTMLCanvasElement =

@@ -27,4 +29,9 @@ /*#__PURE__*/

_defineProperty(this, "generatedContexts", new WeakMap());
this.width = width || 100;
this.height = height || 100;
this.getContext = jest.fn(this.getContext.bind(this));
this.toBlob = jest.fn(this.toBlob.bind(this));
this.toDataURL = jest.fn(this.toDataURL.bind(this));

@@ -34,12 +41,92 @@

key: "getContext",
value: function getContext(arg) {
switch (arg) {
case "2d":
return new _CanvasRenderingContext2D["default"](this);
value: function getContext(type) {
* Contexts must be indempotent. Once they are generated, they should be returned when
* getContext() is called on the same canvas object multiple times.
if (type === '2d') {
if (this.generatedContexts.has(this)) return this.generatedContexts.get(this);
var ctx = new _CanvasRenderingContext2D["default"](this);
this.generatedContexts.set(this, ctx);
return ctx;
} else if (type === 'webgl' || type === 'experimental-webgl') {
if (this.generatedContexts.has(this)) return this.generatedContexts.get(this);
case "webgl":
case "experimental-webgl":
return new _WebGLRenderingContext["default"](this);
var _ctx = new _WebGLRenderingContext["default"](this);
this.generatedContexts.set(this, _ctx);
return _ctx;
try {
if (!this.dataset.internalRequireTest) require('canvas');
} catch (_unused) {
return null;
* This function technically throws SecurityError at runtime, but it cannot be mocked, because
* we don't know if the canvas is tainted. These kinds of errors will be silent.
}, {
key: "toBlob",
value: function toBlob(callback, mimetype) {
if (arguments.length < 1) throw new TypeError('Failed to execute \'toBlob\' on \'HTMLCanvasElement\': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.');
if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Failed to execute \'toBlob\' on \'HTMLCanvasElement\': The callback provided as parameter 1 is not a function.');
* Mime type must be image/jpeg or image/webp exactly for the browser to accept it, otherwise
* it's image/png.
switch (mimetype) {
case 'image/webp':
case 'image/jpeg':
mimetype = 'image/png';
* This section creates a blob of size width * height * 4. This is not actually valid, because
* jpeg size is variable, and so is png. TODO: Is there a better way to do this?
var length = this.width * this.height * 4;
var data = new Uint8Array(length);
var blob = new window.Blob([data], {
type: mimetype
setTimeout(function () {
return callback(blob);
}, 0);
* This section creates a dataurl with a validated mime type. This is not actually valid, because
* jpeg size is variable, and so is png. TODO: Is there a better way to do this?
}, {
key: "toDataURL",
value: function toDataURL(type, encoderOptions) {
switch (type) {
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/webp':
type = 'image/png';
* This is the smallest valid data url I could generate.
return 'data:' + type + ';base64,00';

@@ -46,0 +133,0 @@



@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ "use strict";

var testFuncs = ['activeTexture', 'attachShader', 'bindAttribLocation', 'bindBuffer', 'bindFramebuffer', 'bindRenderbuffer', 'bindTexture', 'blendColor', 'blendEquation', 'blendEquationSeparate', 'blendFunc', 'blendFuncSeparate', 'bufferData', 'bufferSubData', 'checkFramebufferStatus', 'clear', 'clearColor', 'clearDepth', 'clearStencil', 'colorMask', 'compileShader', 'compressedTexImage2D', 'compressedTexSubImage2D', 'copyTexImage2D', 'copyTexSubImage2D', 'createBuffer', 'createFramebuffer', 'createProgram', 'createRenderbuffer', 'createShader', 'createTexture', 'cullFace', 'deleteBuffer', 'deleteFramebuffer', 'deleteProgram', 'deleteRenderbuffer', 'deleteShader', 'deleteTexture', 'depthFunc', 'depthMask', 'depthRange', 'detachShader', 'disable', 'disableVertexAttribArray', 'drawArrays', 'drawElements', 'enable', 'enableVertexAttribArray', 'finish', 'flush', 'framebufferRenderbuffer', 'framebufferTexture2D', 'frontFace', 'generateMipmap', 'getActiveAttrib', 'getActiveUniform', 'getAttachedShaders', 'getAttribLocation', 'getBufferParameter', 'getContextAttributes', 'getError', 'getFramebufferAttachmentParameter', 'getProgramParameter', 'getProgramInfoLog', 'getRenderbufferParameter', 'getShaderParameter', 'getShaderInfoLog', 'getShaderPrecisionFormat', 'getShaderSource', 'getSupportedExtensions', 'getTexParameter', 'getUniform', 'getUniformLocation', 'getVertexAttrib', 'getVertexAttribOffset', 'hint', 'isBuffer', 'isContextLost', 'isEnabled', 'isFramebuffer', 'isProgram', 'isRenderbuffer', 'isShader', 'isTexture', 'lineWidth', 'linkProgram', 'pixelStorei', 'polygonOffset', 'readPixels', 'renderbufferStorage', 'sampleCoverage', 'scissor', 'shaderSource', 'stencilFunc', 'stencilFuncSeparate', 'stencilMask', 'stencilMaskSeparate', 'stencilOp', 'stencilOpSeparate', 'texParameterf', 'texParameteri', 'texImage2D', 'texSubImage2D', 'uniform1f', 'uniform1fv', 'uniform1i', 'uniform1iv', 'uniform2f', 'uniform2fv', 'uniform2i', 'uniform2iv', 'uniform3f', 'uniform3fv', 'uniform3i', 'uniform3iv', 'uniform4f', 'uniform4fv', 'uniform4i', 'uniform4iv', 'uniformMatrix2fv', 'uniformMatrix3fv', 'uniformMatrix4fv', 'useProgram', 'validateProgram', 'vertexAttrib1f', 'vertexAttrib1fv', 'vertexAttrib2f', 'vertexAttrib2fv', 'vertexAttrib3f', 'vertexAttrib3fv', 'vertexAttrib4f', 'vertexAttrib4fv', 'vertexAttribPointer', 'viewport'];
var testFuncs = ['activeTexture', 'attachShader', 'bindAttribLocation', 'bindBuffer', 'bindFramebuffer', 'bindRenderbuffer', 'bindTexture', 'blendColor', 'blendEquation', 'blendEquationSeparate', 'blendFunc', 'blendFuncSeparate', 'bufferData', 'bufferSubData', 'checkFramebufferStatus', 'clear', 'clearColor', 'clearDepth', 'clearStencil', 'colorMask', 'compileShader', 'compressedTexImage2D', 'compressedTexSubImage2D', 'copyTexImage2D', 'copyTexSubImage2D', 'createBuffer', 'createFramebuffer', 'createProgram', 'createRenderbuffer', 'createShader', 'createTexture', 'cullFace', 'deleteBuffer', 'deleteFramebuffer', 'deleteProgram', 'deleteRenderbuffer', 'deleteShader', 'deleteTexture', 'depthFunc', 'depthMask', 'depthRange', 'detachShader', 'disable', 'disableVertexAttribArray', 'drawArrays', 'drawElements', 'enable', 'enableVertexAttribArray', 'finish', 'flush', 'framebufferRenderbuffer', 'framebufferTexture2D', 'frontFace', 'generateMipmap', 'getActiveAttrib', 'getActiveUniform', 'getAttachedShaders', 'getAttribLocation', 'getBufferParameter', 'getError', 'getFramebufferAttachmentParameter', 'getProgramParameter', 'getProgramInfoLog', 'getRenderbufferParameter', 'getShaderParameter', 'getShaderInfoLog', 'getShaderPrecisionFormat', 'getShaderSource', 'getSupportedExtensions', 'getTexParameter', 'getUniform', 'getUniformLocation', 'getVertexAttrib', 'getVertexAttribOffset', 'hint', 'isBuffer', 'isContextLost', 'isEnabled', 'isFramebuffer', 'isProgram', 'isRenderbuffer', 'isShader', 'isTexture', 'lineWidth', 'linkProgram', 'pixelStorei', 'polygonOffset', 'readPixels', 'renderbufferStorage', 'sampleCoverage', 'scissor', 'shaderSource', 'stencilFunc', 'stencilFuncSeparate', 'stencilMask', 'stencilMaskSeparate', 'stencilOp', 'stencilOpSeparate', 'texParameterf', 'texParameteri', 'texImage2D', 'texSubImage2D', 'uniform1f', 'uniform1fv', 'uniform1i', 'uniform1iv', 'uniform2f', 'uniform2fv', 'uniform2i', 'uniform2iv', 'uniform3f', 'uniform3fv', 'uniform3i', 'uniform3iv', 'uniform4f', 'uniform4fv', 'uniform4i', 'uniform4iv', 'uniformMatrix2fv', 'uniformMatrix3fv', 'uniformMatrix4fv', 'useProgram', 'validateProgram', 'vertexAttrib1f', 'vertexAttrib1fv', 'vertexAttrib2f', 'vertexAttrib2fv', 'vertexAttrib3f', 'vertexAttrib3fv', 'vertexAttrib4f', 'vertexAttrib4fv', 'vertexAttribPointer', 'viewport'];
var mockEnums = {

@@ -320,3 +320,4 @@ 'DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT': 256,

'WEBGL_lose_context': {
restoreContext: function restoreContext() {}
restoreContext: function restoreContext() {},
loseContext: function loseContext() {}

@@ -358,5 +359,6 @@ 'OES_standard_derivatives': {},

function () {
function WebGLRenderingContext(canvas) {
function WebGLRenderingContext(canvas, contextAttributes) {
_classCallCheck(this, WebGLRenderingContext);
this._contextAttributes = contextAttributes;
testFuncs.forEach(function (key) {

@@ -383,2 +385,7 @@ WebGLRenderingContext.prototype[key] = function () {

}, {
key: "getContextAttributes",
value: function getContextAttributes() {
return this._contextAttributes;

@@ -385,0 +392,0 @@

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ "use strict";

var ver = "0.2.1";
var ver = "0.2.2";
exports.ver = ver;

@@ -14,3 +14,2 @@ "use strict";

// import HTMLCanvasElement from "../classes/HTMLCanvasElement";
function mockPrototype() {

@@ -29,3 +28,3 @@ /**

var getContext2D = jest.fn(function getContext2d(type) {
function getContext(type, options) {
if (type === '2d') {

@@ -37,3 +36,3 @@ /**

if (generatedContexts.has(this)) return generatedContexts.get(this);
var ctx = new _CanvasRenderingContext2D["default"](this);
var ctx = new _CanvasRenderingContext2D["default"](this, options);
generatedContexts.set(this, ctx);

@@ -44,3 +43,3 @@ return ctx;

var _ctx = new _WebGLRenderingContext["default"](this);
var _ctx = new _WebGLRenderingContext["default"](this, options);

@@ -51,18 +50,7 @@ generatedContexts.set(this, _ctx);

try {
if (!this.dataset.internalRequireTest) require('canvas');
} catch (_unused) {
return null;
return, type);
if (!jest.isMockFunction(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext)) {
getContext2D.internal = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext;
} else {
getContext2D.internal = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.internal;
return, type, options);
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = getContext2D;
getContext.internal = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = getContext;

@@ -69,0 +57,0 @@ * This function technically throws SecurityError at runtime, but it cannot be mocked, because

@@ -28,4 +28,2 @@ "use strict";

var _HTMLCanvasElement = _interopRequireDefault(require("./classes/HTMLCanvasElement"));
var _Image = _interopRequireDefault(require("./classes/Image"));

@@ -80,3 +78,2 @@

if (!win.createImageBitmap) win.createImageBitmap = _createImageBitmap["default"];
if (!win.HTMLCanvasElement) win.HTMLCanvasElement = _HTMLCanvasElement["default"];
if (!win.Image) win.Image = _Image["default"];

@@ -83,0 +80,0 @@ if (!win.HTMLImageElement) win.HTMLImageElement = _Image["default"];

"name": "jest-webgl-canvas-mock",
"version": "0.2.1",
"version": "0.2.2",
"description": "Mock both 2D and WebGL contexts in Jest.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

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