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JavaScript Obfuscation Tool.

Version published
Install size
3.17 MB





  • Fixed #89

    • Flatten to not break functions with invalid identifier names
  • Fixed #88

    • Stack to not break functions with syncing arguments
  • Fixed #91

    • Minify to preserve function.length property
  • Fixed #95

    • Rename Variables optimized to obfuscate much faster
  • Added documentation pages for RGF and Control Flow Flattening

  • Removed eval option in favor of rgf option.

    • Removed the "all" option from rgf.
  • Removed nameRecycling option



JS Confuser

JS-Confuser is a JavaScript obfuscation tool to make your programs impossible to read. Try the web version.

NPM GitHub Netlify

Key features


JS-Confuser comes with three presets built into the obfuscator.

PresetTransformsPerformance ReductionSample

You can extend each preset or all go without them entirely.


$ npm install js-confuser


var JsConfuser = require("js-confuser");

  function fibonacci(num){   
    var a = 0, b = 1, c = num;
    while (num-- > 1) {
      c = a + b;
      a = b;
      b = c;
    return c;

  for ( var i = 1; i <= 25; i++ ) {
    console.log(i, fibonacci(i))
`, {
  target: "node",
  preset: "high",
  stringEncoding: false, // <- Normally enabled
}).then(obfuscated => {

var AF59rI,ZgbbeaU,WDgj3I,gpR2qG,Ox61sk,pTNPNpX;AF59rI=[60,17,25,416,22,23,83,26,27,28,18,382,66,29,30,31,2,5,33,4,13,16,10,11,24,1,3,15,6,7,8,167,50,9,21,35,12,14,116],ZgbbeaU=AF59rI;for(var TlMIASm=62;TlMIASm;TlMIASm--)ZgbbeaU.unshift(ZgbbeaU.pop());WDgj3I=MBh_HcM("length1charCodeAt1slice1replaĕ1!ğğ1uģģ1<~A8bt#D.RU,~>Ħ~E,ol,ATMnijĵ@rH7+DertŀħDKTtlBhE[ŋ~@q]:k6Z6LHŖ6$*Ŗ7n#j;20AŖ;g3Cn<]'Ŗ<Fna!Cii#ŖAU&0.Eb0;TŖ4ƌĴħ3rƍ)eVMBK\\!Ŗ+=M;Q@;]UaŖž=3&.0Ŗ/M2-WEcYr5ŖD?ƯTqŸb>-Q:c8Ŗ?SF2m2*!WQŖ2)RIJƐ~ž<ƿĴmČuĀ1 (local)").split('1');function pprWr0(ZgbbeaU){var WDgj3I,gpR2qG,Ox61sk,pTNPNpX,TlMIASm,pprWr0,M1ClYmT,kHWl72,xw_ohrD,sT8e3fv,bxd0KVG;WDgj3I=void 0,gpR2qG=void 0,Ox61sk=void 0,pTNPNpX=void 0,TlMIASm=void 0,pprWr0=String,M1ClYmT=CVH25o3(0),kHWl72=255,xw_ohrD=CVH25o3(1),sT8e3fv=CVH25o3(AF59rI[0]),bxd0KVG=CVH25o3(3);for('<~'===ZgbbeaU[sT8e3fv](0,AF59rI[0])&&'~>'===ZgbbeaU[sT8e3fv](-AF59rI[0]),ZgbbeaU=ZgbbeaU[sT8e3fv](AF59rI[0],-AF59rI[0])[bxd0KVG](/s/g,'')[bxd0KVG]('z',CVH25o3(AF59rI[3])),WDgj3I=CVH25o3(AF59rI[1])[sT8e3fv](ZgbbeaU[M1ClYmT]%AF59rI[1]||AF59rI[1]),ZgbbeaU+=WDgj3I,Ox61sk=[],pTNPNpX=0,TlMIASm=ZgbbeaU[M1ClYmT];TlMIASm>pTNPNpX;pTNPNpX+=AF59rI[1])gpR2qG=52200625*(ZgbbeaU[xw_ohrD](pTNPNpX)-AF59rI[2])+614125*(ZgbbeaU[xw_ohrD](pTNPNpX+AF59rI[9])-AF59rI[2])+7225*(ZgbbeaU[xw_ohrD](pTNPNpX+AF59rI[0])-AF59rI[2])+85*(ZgbbeaU[xw_ohrD](pTNPNpX+AF59rI[10])-AF59rI[2])+(ZgbbeaU[xw_ohrD](pTNPNpX+AF59rI[3])-AF59rI[2]),Ox61sk.push(kHWl72&gpR2qG>>AF59rI[8],kHWl72&gpR2qG>>AF59rI[5],kHWl72&gpR2qG>>8,kHWl72&gpR2qG);return function(ZgbbeaU,Ox61sk){for(var WDgj3I=Ox61sk;WDgj3I>0;WDgj3I--)ZgbbeaU.pop()}(Ox61sk,WDgj3I[M1ClYmT]),pprWr0.fromCharCode.apply(pprWr0,Ox61sk)}gpR2qG=[CVH25o3(AF59rI[12]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[13]),CVH25o3(8),CVH25o3(AF59rI[17]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[6]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[7]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[20]),'<~AQO1jBl7V~>',CVH25o3(AF59rI[4]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[21]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[4]),CVH25o3(9),CVH25o3(AF59rI[11]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[5]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[24]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[33]),'<~E%u9/13QC~>',CVH25o3(AF59rI[6]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[7]),CVH25o3(19),CVH25o3(20),CVH25o3(AF59rI[18]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[27]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[28]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[8]),'<~?T9_t1,(IC~>','<~1bpf~>',CVH25o3(AF59rI[25]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[30]),CVH25o3(AF59rI[31]),CVH25o3(14),CVH25o3(AF59rI[8])];function M1ClYmT(AF59rI){return pprWr0(gpR2qG[AF59rI])}function kHWl72(){try{return global}catch(AF59rI){return this}};function xw_ohrD(ZgbbeaU){switch(ZgbbeaU){case 608:return Ox61sk[M1ClYmT(0)];case-884:return Ox61sk[CVH25o3(AF59rI[32])];case AF59rI[26]:return Ox61sk[M1ClYmT(AF59rI[9])];case-AF59rI[35]:return Ox61sk[M1ClYmT(2)]}}function sT8e3fv(ZgbbeaU,WDgj3I,gpR2qG){var Ox61sk;Ox61sk=11;while(Ox61sk!=51){var pTNPNpX,TlMIASm,pprWr0,kHWl72;pTNPNpX=Ox61sk*-244+217;switch(pTNPNpX){case-2467:TlMIASm=false,Ox61sk+=37;break;case-4175:kHWl72=WDgj3I==M1ClYmT(AF59rI[10])&&ziPI9L.qzUvJu1[M1ClYmT(4)+M1ClYmT(AF59rI[1])](AF59rI[9])==48?function(...WDgj3I){var gpR2qG;gpR2qG=AF59rI[1];while(gpR2qG!=AF59rI[11]){var Ox61sk;Ox61sk=gpR2qG*41+199;switch(Ox61sk){case 732:return pprWr0[ZgbbeaU].call(this,M1ClYmT(AF59rI[12]));case 404:IZftqI=WDgj3I,gpR2qG+=AF59rI[14]}}}:pprWr0[ZgbbeaU](M1ClYmT(AF59rI[13])),Ox61sk-=AF59rI[10];break;case-11495:pprWr0={[M1ClYmT(AF59rI[14])]:function(ZgbbeaU,WDgj3I,gpR2qG){var Ox61sk;Ox61sk=64;while(Ox61sk!=AF59rI[16]){var pTNPNpX,TlMIASm,pprWr0;pTNPNpX=Ox61sk*AF59rI[15]+144;switch(pTNPNpX){case 10832:TlMIASm=822,Ox61sk+=AF59rI[10];break;case 812:pprWr0[AF59rI[10]]=pprWr0[0],Ox61sk+=47;break;case 8661:while(TlMIASm!=772){var kHWl72;kHWl72=TlMIASm*234+191;switch(kHWl72){case 207515:TlMIASm-=528;break;case 129593:pprWr0[3]=bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],pprWr0[AF59rI[9]],pprWr0[AF59rI[0]]),pprWr0[AF59rI[9]]=pprWr0[AF59rI[0]],pprWr0[AF59rI[0]]=pprWr0[AF59rI[10]],TlMIASm+=333;break;case 83963:TlMIASm+=bxd0KVG(-AF59rI[29],pprWr0[0]--,AF59rI[9])&&ziPI9L.U1LXDgJ()?195:414;break;case 192539:TlMIASm-=464}}Ox61sk-=AF59rI[16];break;case 10999:[...pprWr0]=IZftqI,pprWr0.length=1,Ox61sk-=AF59rI[38];break;case 6824:return[];case 11333:if(!ZgbbeaU){return WDgj3I(this,gpR2qG)}Ox61sk-=AF59rI[0];break;case 311:return[pprWr0[AF59rI[10]]];case 5822:pprWr0[1]=0,pprWr0[AF59rI[0]]=AF59rI[9],Ox61sk-=AF59rI[37]}}},[M1ClYmT(AF59rI[17])]:function(ZgbbeaU,WDgj3I,gpR2qG){var Ox61sk;Ox61sk=AF59rI[18];while(Ox61sk!=38){var pTNPNpX,TlMIASm,pprWr0;pTNPNpX=Ox61sk*182+-139;switch(pTNPNpX){case 4047:pprWr0[AF59rI[9]]=sT8e3fv(M1ClYmT(AF59rI[6]),M1ClYmT(AF59rI[7])).call([],pprWr0[0]),Ox61sk+=AF59rI[19];break;case 3683:TlMIASm=false,Ox61sk+=21;break;case 7505:[...pprWr0]=IZftqI,Ox61sk-=10;break;case 225:return pprWr0[AF59rI[9]].pop();case 10417:if(TlMIASm){var kHWl72=(ZgbbeaU,WDgj3I,gpR2qG)=>{var Ox61sk;Ox61sk=32;while(Ox61sk!=AF59rI[19]){var pTNPNpX,TlMIASm,pprWr0;pTNPNpX=Ox61sk*38+90;switch(pTNPNpX){case 508:TlMIASm=bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],M1ClYmT(AF59rI[20]),pprWr0.toUTCString()),Ox61sk+=AF59rI[21];break;case 584:pprWr0.setTime(bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],pprWr0.getTime(),bxd0KVG(AF59rI[22],bxd0KVG(116,bxd0KVG(AF59rI[22],bxd0KVG(116,gpR2qG,AF59rI[8]),AF59rI[23]),AF59rI[23]),1e3))),Ox61sk-=2;break;case 1040:xw_ohrD(608).cookie=bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],bxd0KVG(AF59rI[15],ZgbbeaU,M1ClYmT(AF59rI[4])),WDgj3I),M1ClYmT(AF59rI[21])),TlMIASm),M1ClYmT(15)),Ox61sk+=AF59rI[6];break;case 1306:pprWr0=new Date,Ox61sk-=19}}}}Ox61sk-=56;break;case 5685:pprWr0.length=1,Ox61sk-=AF59rI[17]}}}},Ox61sk-=43;break;case-14179:kHWl72=void 0;if(WDgj3I==M1ClYmT(AF59rI[5])&&ziPI9L.VNaV0wv[M1ClYmT(AF59rI[24])+M1ClYmT(18)](AF59rI[6])==AF59rI[16]){IZftqI=[]}Ox61sk-=41;break;case-1003:if(TlMIASm){xw_ohrD(-884).exports=async()=>{var ZgbbeaU;ZgbbeaU=33;while(ZgbbeaU!=AF59rI[7]){var WDgj3I,gpR2qG,Ox61sk;WDgj3I=ZgbbeaU*95+-150;switch(WDgj3I){case 3175:gpR2qG=await(async()=>{var ZgbbeaU;ZgbbeaU=14;while(ZgbbeaU!=AF59rI[13]){var WDgj3I;WDgj3I=ZgbbeaU*100+-59;switch(WDgj3I){case 1341:if(isStandaloneExecutable){return M1ClYmT(19)+M1ClYmT(20)}ZgbbeaU+=AF59rI[6];break;case 2341:if(redactedPath===await resolveLocalredactedPath()){return CVH25o3(AF59rI[36])}ZgbbeaU-=AF59rI[13];break;case 1641:return''}}})(),ZgbbeaU-=AF59rI[25];break;case 2985:Ox61sk=new Set(xw_ohrD(AF59rI[26]).argv.slice(2)),ZgbbeaU-=AF59rI[6];break;case 2035:if(!Ox61sk.has(M1ClYmT(AF59rI[18])+M1ClYmT(AF59rI[27]))){var pTNPNpX;pTNPNpX=AF59rI[14];while(pTNPNpX!=9){var TlMIASm;TlMIASm=pTNPNpX*-204+38;switch(TlMIASm){case-1594:if(bxd0KVG(427,Ox61sk.size,1)){return false}pTNPNpX-=AF59rI[3];break;case-778:if(!Ox61sk.has(M1ClYmT(AF59rI[28]))){return false}pTNPNpX+=AF59rI[1]}}}ZgbbeaU+=AF59rI[20];break;case 800:return true}}}}Ox61sk+=54;break;case-3443:return gpR2qG==M1ClYmT(AF59rI[8])&&ziPI9L.U1LXDgJ()?{QVbrqy9:kHWl72}:kHWl72}}}function bxd0KVG(ZgbbeaU,WDgj3I,gpR2qG){switch(ZgbbeaU){case-AF59rI[34]:return WDgj3I<=gpR2qG;case-AF59rI[29]:return WDgj3I>gpR2qG;case AF59rI[15]:return WDgj3I+gpR2qG;case AF59rI[22]:return WDgj3I*gpR2qG;case 427:return WDgj3I!==gpR2qG}}pTNPNpX=AF59rI[12];while(pTNPNpX!=AF59rI[24]){var kBznIi,sCb8UYh,ziPI9L,IZftqI;kBznIi=pTNPNpX*-55+-214;switch(kBznIi){case-544:sCb8UYh=846,pTNPNpX+=AF59rI[0];break;case-654:ziPI9L={wHDYSl:[],U1LXDgJ:function(){if(!ziPI9L.wHDYSl[0]){ziPI9L.wHDYSl.push(87)}return ziPI9L.wHDYSl.length},VNaV0wv:M1ClYmT(AF59rI[25])+M1ClYmT(AF59rI[30]),qzUvJu1:M1ClYmT(AF59rI[31])+M1ClYmT(AF59rI[32])},pTNPNpX+=AF59rI[33];break;case-1644:IZftqI=[],pTNPNpX-=7;break;case-1259:while(sCb8UYh!=316){var XsBuZX,mgjtps2;XsBuZX=sCb8UYh*229+-125;switch(XsBuZX){case 193609:mgjtps2=AF59rI[9],sCb8UYh-=733;break;case 25752:sCb8UYh+=bxd0KVG(-AF59rI[34],mgjtps2,25)&&ziPI9L.U1LXDgJ()?662:203;break;case 177350:xw_ohrD(-AF59rI[35])[M1ClYmT(AF59rI[36])](mgjtps2,(IZftqI=[mgjtps2],new sT8e3fv(M1ClYmT(AF59rI[37]),void 0,M1ClYmT(AF59rI[38])).QVbrqy9)),sCb8UYh-=569;break;case 47049:mgjtps2++,sCb8UYh-=93}}pTNPNpX-=AF59rI[0]}}function CVH25o3(AF59rI){return WDgj3I[AF59rI]}function MBh_HcM(ZgbbeaU){var WDgj3I,gpR2qG,Ox61sk,pTNPNpX,TlMIASm,pprWr0,M1ClYmT,kHWl72;WDgj3I=void 0,gpR2qG=void 0,Ox61sk=void 0,pTNPNpX={},TlMIASm=ZgbbeaU.split(''),pprWr0=gpR2qG=TlMIASm[0],M1ClYmT=[pprWr0],kHWl72=WDgj3I=256;for(ZgbbeaU=AF59rI[9];ZgbbeaU<TlMIASm.length;ZgbbeaU++)Ox61sk=TlMIASm[ZgbbeaU].charCodeAt(0),Ox61sk=kHWl72>Ox61sk?TlMIASm[ZgbbeaU]:pTNPNpX[Ox61sk]?pTNPNpX[Ox61sk]:gpR2qG+pprWr0,M1ClYmT.push(Ox61sk),pprWr0=Ox61sk.charAt(0),pTNPNpX[WDgj3I]=gpR2qG+pprWr0,WDgj3I++,gpR2qG=Ox61sk;return M1ClYmT.join('')}

CLI Usage

<coming soon>

obfuscate(sourceCode, options)

Obfuscates the sourceCode. Returns a Promise that resolves to a string of the obfuscated code.

sourceCodestringThe JavaScript code to be obfuscated.
optionsobjectThe obfuscator settings.

obfuscateAST(AST, options)

Obfuscates an ESTree compliant AST. Returns a Promise.

Note: Mutates the object.

ASTobjectThe ESTree compliant AST. This object will be mutated.
optionsobjectThe obfuscator settings.



The execution context for your output. Required.

  1. "node"
  2. "browser"


JS-Confuser comes with three presets built into the obfuscator. Optional. ("high"/"medium"/"low")

var JsConfuser = require('js-confuser');

JsConfuser.obfuscate(`<source code>`, {
  target: "node",
  preset: "high" // | "medium" | "low"
  console.log(obfuscated); // obfuscated is a string


Remove's whitespace from the final output. Enabled by default. (true/false)


Uses the hexadecimal representation for numbers. (true/false)


Minifies redundant code. (true/false)


Converts output to ES5-compatible code. (true/false)

Does not cover all cases such as Promises or Generator functions. Use Babel.


Determines if variables should be renamed. (true/false)

// Input
var twoSum = function (nums, target) {
  var hash = {};
  var len = nums.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    if (nums[i] in hash) return [hash[nums[i]], i];
    hash[target - nums[i]] = i;
  return [-1, -1];

var test = function () {
  var inputNums = [2, 7, 11, 15];
  var inputTarget = 9;
  var expectedResult = [0, 1];

  var actualResult = twoSum(inputNums, inputTarget);
  ok(actualResult[0] === expectedResult[0]);
  ok(actualResult[1] === expectedResult[1]);


// Output
var _O2mOcF = function (kB4uXM, w_07HXS) {
  var ZLTJcx = {};
  var sXQOaUx = kB4uXM["length"];
  for (var JYYxEk = 0; JYYxEk < sXQOaUx; JYYxEk++) {
    if (kB4uXM[JYYxEk] in ZLTJcx) {
      return [ZLTJcx[kB4uXM[JYYxEk]], JYYxEk];
    ZLTJcx[w_07HXS - kB4uXM[JYYxEk]] = JYYxEk;
  return [-1, -1];
var qFaI6S = function () {
  var fZpeOw = [2, 7, 11, 15];
  var UJ62R2c = 9;
  var dG6R0cV = [0, 1];
  var WgYXwn = _O2mOcF(fZpeOw, UJ62R2c);
  void (ok(WgYXwn[0] === dG6R0cV[0]), ok(WgYXwn[1] === dG6R0cV[1]));


Renames top-level variables, turn this off for web-related scripts. Enabled by default. (true/false)

// Output (Same input from above)
var twoSum = function (Oc4nmjB, Fk3nptX) {
  var on_KnCm = {};
  var lqAauc = Oc4nmjB["length"];
  for (var mALijp8 = 0; mALijp8 < lqAauc; mALijp8++) {
    if (Oc4nmjB[mALijp8] in on_KnCm) {
      return [on_KnCm[Oc4nmjB[mALijp8]], mALijp8];
    on_KnCm[Fk3nptX - Oc4nmjB[mALijp8]] = mALijp8;
  return [-1, -1];
var test = function () {
  var y5ySeZ = [2, 7, 11, 15];
  var gHYMOm = 9;
  var aAdj3v = [0, 1];
  var GnLVHX = twoSum(y5ySeZ, gHYMOm);
  !(ok(GnLVHX[0] === aAdj3v[0]), ok(GnLVHX[1] === aAdj3v[1]));


Determines how variables are renamed.

"hexadecimal"Random hex strings_0xa8db5
"randomized"Random charactersw$Tsu4G
"zeroWidth"Invisible charactersU+200D
"mangled"Alphabet sequencea, b, c
"number"Numbered sequencevar_1, var_2
<function>Write a custom name generatorSee Below
// Custom implementation
JsConfuser.obfuscate(code, {
  target: "node",
  renameVariables: true,
  identifierGenerator: function () {
    return "$" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);

// Numbered variables
var counter = 0;
JsConfuser.obfuscate(code, {
  target: "node",
  renameVariables: true,
  identifierGenerator: function () {
    return "var_" + (counter++);

JSConfuser tries to reuse names when possible, creating very potent code.


⚠️ Significantly impacts performance, use sparingly!

Control-flow Flattening hinders program comprehension by creating convoluted switch statements. (true/false/0-1)

Use a number to control the percentage from 0 to 1.

Learn more here.

// Input
function countTo(num){
  for ( var i = 1; i <= num; i++ ) {

var number = 10;
countTo(number); // 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

// Output
var n2DUka,
  mJMdMhJ = -337,
  A1Nyvv = -94,
  xDwpOk6 = 495,
  uKcJl2 = {
    TGCpW6t: "log",
    qUrjFe: function () {
      return xDwpOk6 == (126 > mJMdMhJ ? -16 : 34);
    YN20IBx: function () {
      return (A1Nyvv -= 53);
    CTW4vwx: -73,
    PLzWYDx: function () {
      return (O7yZ0oU = [[385, -94, -282], [10]]);
    bW2FK2: function () {
      return (mJMdMhJ *= 2), (mJMdMhJ += 366);
    AfOoRT: function () {
      return xDwpOk6 == xDwpOk6 + 867;
    KTNMdj: function () {
      if (uKcJl2.AfOoRT()) {
        typeof ((mJMdMhJ += 0), uKcJl2.Q0I6e4f(), (xDwpOk6 += 0));
        return "cobTe8G";
      typeof (uKcJl2.htRXYx(),
      (mJMdMhJ += 59),
      (A1Nyvv -= 537),
      (xDwpOk6 += uKcJl2.mLuSzZ < mJMdMhJ ? 449 : -33));
      return "cobTe8G";
while (mJMdMhJ + A1Nyvv + xDwpOk6 != 83) {
  var yQNDJh = (mJMdMhJ + A1Nyvv + xDwpOk6) * 58 + 54;
  switch (yQNDJh) {
    case 750:
      if (A1Nyvv == 24) {
    case 1214:
      if (uKcJl2.qUrjFe()) {
        typeof ((mJMdMhJ *= -8 > xDwpOk6 ? -109 : 2),
        (mJMdMhJ += 1168),
        (xDwpOk6 += xDwpOk6 - 1290));
      function _VSsIw() {
        var [yQNDJh, _VSsIw] = O7yZ0oU,
          [L9B14E] = _VSsIw,
          uTyFFb = 322;
        while (uTyFFb != 23) {
          var cBx3ysg = uTyFFb * 48 - 77;
          switch (cBx3ysg) {
            case 15379:
              var IOoqIZ = 1;
              uTyFFb -= 306;
            case 691:
              uTyFFb += IOoqIZ <= L9B14E ? 976 : 7;
            case 47539:
              typeof (console[uKcJl2.TGCpW6t](IOoqIZ), (uTyFFb -= 795));
            case 9379:
              !(IOoqIZ++, (uTyFFb -= 181));
        return ([mJMdMhJ, A1Nyvv, xDwpOk6] = yQNDJh), (n2DUka = void 0);
      (xDwpOk6 == -73 ? parseInt : _VSsIw)();
    case 576:
      typeof (mJMdMhJ == -4 ? clearImmediate : void 0,
      (xDwpOk6 -= 463));
    case 4172:
      var L9B14E = 10;
      void ((O7yZ0oU = [[385, -94, -282], [10]]),
      (mJMdMhJ -= 187),
      (xDwpOk6 += 189));
    case 3766:
      !((uKcJl2.Fpp8x5 = -167),
      (uKcJl2.mLuSzZ = 144),
      (uKcJl2.FxREGd6 = function () {
        return (mJMdMhJ += uKcJl2.Fpp8x5), (xDwpOk6 += 164);
      (uKcJl2.bky8kL = function () {
        return (A1Nyvv += 537);
      (uKcJl2.Q0I6e4f = function () {
        return (A1Nyvv += 0);
      (uKcJl2.htRXYx = function () {
        return (xDwpOk6 = -82);
      var L9B14E = 10;
      void (uKcJl2.PLzWYDx(), uKcJl2.bW2FK2(), (xDwpOk6 += uKcJl2.CTW4vwx));
      if (uKcJl2.KTNMdj() == "cobTe8G") {


Global Concealing hides global variables being accessed. (true/false)

// Input
console.log("Hello World");

// Output
yAt1T_y(-93)["log"]("Hello World");


String Compression uses LZW's compression algorithm to compress strings. (true/false/0-1)

"console" -> inflate('replaĕ!ğğuģģ<~@')


String Concealing involves encoding strings to conceal plain-text values. (true/false/0-1)

Use a number to control the percentage of strings.

"console" -> decrypt('<~@rH7+Dert~>')


String Encoding transforms a string into an encoded representation. (true/false/0-1)

Use a number to control the percentage of strings.

"console" -> '\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x6f\x6c\x65'


String Splitting splits your strings into multiple expressions. (true/false/0-1)

Use a number to control the percentage of strings.

"console" -> String.fromCharCode(99) + 'ons' + 'ole'


Duplicate Literals Removal replaces duplicate literals with a single variable name. (true/false)


Creates a middleman function to process function calls. (true/false/0-1)

// Input
function print(x){

print("Hello World"); // "Hello World"

// Output
var RfN5Yz = Object.create(null),
  GEMxMoq = [];
typeof ((GEMxMoq = ["Hello World"]), yT9GzM("jlg2V0"));
function yT9GzM(yT9GzM, ChVrLK, b8q2HVZ) {
  var RuH38a = {
      jlg2V0: function (_x5bmV, fslYszl, YbdYYlj) {
        if (!_x5bmV) {
          return fslYszl(this, YbdYYlj);
        var [yT9GzM] = GEMxMoq;
  if (ChVrLK == "smHux1f") {
    GEMxMoq = [];
  JwN3oMY =
    ChVrLK == "DiwMvrE"
      ? RfN5Yz[yT9GzM] ||
        (RfN5Yz[yT9GzM] = function (...fslYszl) {
          GEMxMoq = fslYszl;
          return RuH38a[yT9GzM].call(this, "vZWlke7");
      : RuH38a[yT9GzM]("EuVJE6");
  return b8q2HVZ == "ePsy9W" ? { occYQrC: JwN3oMY } : JwN3oMY;


RGF (Runtime-Generated-Functions) uses the new Function(code...) syntax to construct executable code from strings. (true/false/0-1)

  • This can break your code.
  • Due to the security concerns of arbitrary code execution, you must enable this yourself.
  • The arbitrary code is also obfuscated.

Note: RGF will only apply to functions that do not rely on any outside-scoped variables. Enable flatten along with rgf to apply to these functions.

Note: Does not apply to arrow, async, or generator functions.

Use a number to control the percentage of functions changed.

Learn more here.

// Input
function printToConsole(message){

printToConsole("Hello World"); // "Hello World"

// Output
var Ricvq8s = [new Function('function HIGRHaD(ANVivo_){console[\'log\'](ANVivo_)}return HIGRHaD[\'apply\'](this,arguments)')];
function uhj6obs() {
    return Ricvq8s[0]['apply'](this, arguments);
uhj6obs('Hello World'); // "Hello World"


Brings independent declarations to the highest scope. (true/false/0-1)

This transformation makes functions eligible for the RGF transformation.

Use a number to control the percentage of functions changed.

// Input
  var stringToPrint = "Hello World";
  var timesPrinted = 0;

  function printString(){

  printString(); // "Hello World"

// Output
var XKlik0N = lP2p9dc(([], pgswImq) => {
  void (pgswImq.rGFfJKd++, console.log(pgswImq.I6NTID));
function M5IeIO([], mu63vsS) {
  var p_hOdnM = "Hello World",
    X_bU9rL = 0;
  function Iwe3cJW(...nuTwoiz) {
    var aNxnp94 = {
      set rGFfJKd(C9XSMeD) {
        X_bU9rL = C9XSMeD;
      get I6NTID() {
        return p_hOdnM;
      get rGFfJKd() {
        return X_bU9rL;
    return mu63vsS.PbELcOw(nuTwoiz, aNxnp94);
lP2p9dc((...AvydL3) => {
  var B6ymQf = {
    get PbELcOw() {
      return XKlik0N;
  return M5IeIO(AvydL3, B6ymQf);
function lP2p9dc(fJxfZW) {
  return function () {
    return fJxfZW(...arguments);


Extracts object properties into separate variables. (true/false)

// Input
var utils = {
  isString: x=>typeof x === "string",
  isBoolean: x=>typeof x === "boolean"
if ( utils.isString("Hello") ) {
  // ...

// Output
var utils_isString = x=>typeof x === "string";
var utils_isBoolean = x=>typeof x === "boolean";
if ( utils_isString("Hello") ) {
  // ...


Randomly injects dead code. (true/false/0-1)

Use a number to control the percentage from 0 to 1.


Creates a calculator function to handle arithmetic and logical expressions. (true/false/0-1)


Adds debugger statements throughout the code. Additionally adds a background function for DevTools detection. (true/false/0-1)


Properties that must be present on the window object (or global for NodeJS). (string[])


When the program is first able to be used. (number or Date)

Number should be in milliseconds.


When the program is no longer able to be used. (number or Date)

Number should be in milliseconds.


Array of regex strings that the window.location.href must follow. (Regex[] or string[])


Array of operating-systems where the script is allowed to run. (string[])

Allowed values: "linux", "windows", "osx", "android", "ios"

Example: ["linux", "windows"]


Array of browsers where the script is allowed to run. (string[])

Allowed values: "firefox", "chrome", "iexplorer", "edge", "safari", "opera"

Example: ["firefox", "chrome"]


Prevents the use of code beautifiers or formatters against your code.

Identical to's Self Defending


Integrity ensures the source code is unchanged. (true/false/0-1)

Learn more here.


A custom callback function to invoke when a lock is triggered. (string/false)

Learn more about the countermeasures function.

Otherwise, the obfuscator falls back to crashing the process.


Moves variable declarations to the top of the context. (true/false)

// Input
function getAreaOfCircle(radius) {
  var pi = Math.PI;
  var radiusSquared = Math.pow(radius, 2);
  var area = pi * radiusSquared;

  return area;

// Output
function getAreaOfCircle(yLu5YB1) {
  var eUf7Wle, XVYH4D;
  var F8QuPL = Math["PI"];
  typeof ((eUf7Wle = Math["pow"](yLu5YB1, 2)), (XVYH4D = F8QuPL * eUf7Wle));
  return XVYH4D;


An Opaque Predicate that is evaluated at runtime, this can confuse reverse engineers from understanding your code. (true/false/0-1)


Shuffles the initial order of arrays. The order is brought back to the original during runtime. ("hash"/true/false/0-1)

"hash"Array is shifted based on hash of the elements
trueArrays are shifted n elements, unshifted at runtime
falseFeature disabled


Local variables are consolidated into a rotating array. (true/false/0-1)

Similar to Jscrambler's Variable Masking

// Input
function add3(x, y, z){
  return x + y + z;

// Output
function iVQoGQD(...iVQoGQD){
  ~(iVQoGQD.length = 3, iVQoGQD[215] = iVQoGQD[2], iVQoGQD[75] = 227, iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[75] - (iVQoGQD[75] - 75)] = iVQoGQD[75] - (iVQoGQD[75] - 239), iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[75] - 164] - 127] = iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[75] - 238], iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[75] - 104] = iVQoGQD[75] - 482, iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[135] + 378] = iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[135] + 318] - 335, iVQoGQD[21] = iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[135] + 96], iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[75] - 104] - (iVQoGQD[75] - 502)] = iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[75] - 164] - 440);
  return iVQoGQD[75] > iVQoGQD[75] + 90 ? iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[135] - (iVQoGQD[135] + 54)] : iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[135] + 117] + iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[iVQoGQD[75] - (iVQoGQD[75] - (iVQoGQD[75] - 104))] - (iVQoGQD[135] - 112)] + iVQoGQD[215];

High preset

  target: "node",
  preset: "high",

  calculator: true,
  compact: true,
  hexadecimalNumbers: true,
  controlFlowFlattening: 0.75,
  deadCode: 0.2,
  dispatcher: true,
  duplicateLiteralsRemoval: 0.75,
  flatten: true,
  globalConcealing: true,
  identifierGenerator: "randomized",
  minify: true,
  movedDeclarations: true,
  objectExtraction: true,
  opaquePredicates: 0.75,
  renameVariables: true,
  renameGlobals: true,
  shuffle: { hash: 0.5, true: 0.5 },
  stack: true,
  stringConcealing: true,
  stringCompression: true,
  stringEncoding: true,
  stringSplitting: 0.75,

  // Use at own risk
  eval: false,
  rgf: false

Medium preset

  target: "node",
  preset: "medium",

  calculator: true,
  compact: true,
  hexadecimalNumbers: true,
  controlFlowFlattening: 0.5,
  deadCode: 0.025,
  dispatcher: 0.75,
  duplicateLiteralsRemoval: 0.5,
  globalConcealing: true,
  identifierGenerator: "randomized",
  minify: true,
  movedDeclarations: true,
  objectExtraction: true,
  opaquePredicates: 0.5,
  renameVariables: true,
  renameGlobals: true,
  shuffle: true,
  stack: 0.5,
  stringConcealing: true,
  stringSplitting: 0.25

Low Preset

  target: "node",
  preset: "low",

  calculator: true,
  compact: true,
  hexadecimalNumbers: true,
  controlFlowFlattening: 0.25,
  deadCode: 0.01,
  dispatcher: 0.5,
  duplicateLiteralsRemoval: true,
  identifierGenerator: "randomized",
  minify: true,
  movedDeclarations: true,
  objectExtraction: true,
  opaquePredicates: 0.1,
  renameVariables: true,
  renameGlobals: true,
  stringConcealing: true


You must enable locks yourself, and configure them to your needs.

  target: "node",
  lock: {
    integrity: true,
    selfDefending: true,
    domainLock: [""],
    osLock: ["windows", "linux"],
    browserLock: ["firefox"],
    startDate: new Date("Feb 1 2021"),
    endDate: new Date("Mar 1 2021"),
    antiDebug: true,

    // crashes browser
    countermeasures: true,

    // or custom callback (pre-obfuscated name)
    countermeasures: "onLockDetected"

Optional features

These features are experimental or a security concern.

  target: "node",
  eval: true, // (security concern)
  rgf: true, // (security concern)

  // set to false for web-related scripts
  renameGlobals: false,

  // experimental
  identifierGenerator: function(){
    return "myvar_" + (counter++);


Most settings allow percentages to control the frequency of the transformation. Fine-tune the percentages to keep file size down, and performance high.

  target: "node",
  controlFlowFlattening: true, // equal to 1, which is 100% (slow)

  controlFlowFlattening: 0.5, // 50%
  controlFlowFlattening: 0.01 // 1%


Mix modes using an object with key-value pairs to represent each mode's percentage.

  target: "node",
  identifierGenerator: {
    "hexadecimal": 0.25, // 25% each
    "randomized": 0.25,
    "mangled": 0.25,
    "number": 0.25

  shuffle: {hash: 0.5, true: 0.5} // 50% hash, 50% normal

Custom Implementations

  target: "node",
  // avoid renaming a certain variable
  renameVariables: name=>name!="jQuery",

  // custom variable names
  identifierGenerator: ()=>{
    return "_0x" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 8);

  // force encoding on a string
  stringConcealing: (str)=>{
    if (str==""){
      return true;

    // 60%
    return Math.random() < 0.6;

  // set limits
  deadCode: ()=>{

    return dead < 50;

Potential Issues

  1. String Encoding can corrupt files. Disable stringEncoding if this happens.
  2. Dead Code can bloat file size. Reduce or disable deadCode.
  3. Rename Globals can break web-scripts. i. Disable renameGlobals or ii. Refactor your code
    // Avoid doing this
    var myGlobalFunction = ()=>console.log("Called");
    // Do this instead
    window.myGlobalFunction = ()=>console.log("Called");

File size and Performance

Obfuscation can bloat file size and negatively impact performance. Avoid using the following:

deadCodeBloats file size. Use low percentages.
stringSplitting, stringEncodingBloats file size. Avoid using these altogether.
controlFlowFlatteningSignificant performance impact. Use very low percentage when source code is large.
dispatcherSlow performance. Use low percentage.

"The obfuscator broke my code!"

Try disabling features in the following order:

  1. flatten
  2. stack
  3. dispatcher

If the error continues then open an issue.

Bug report

Please open an issue with the code and config used.

Feature request

Please open an issue and be descriptive. Don't submit any PRs until approved.

JsConfuser vs. Javascript-obfuscator

Javascript-obfuscator ( is the popular choice for JS obfuscation. This means more attackers are aware of their strategies. JSConfuser provides unique features and is lesser-known.

Automated deobfuscators are aware of's techniques:

However, the dev is quick to fix these. The one above no longer works.

Alternatively, you could go the paid-route with (enterprise only) or

I've included several alternative obfuscators in the samples/ folder. They are all derived from the input.js file.


Enable logs to view the obfuscator's state.

  target: "node",
  verbose: true

About the internals

This obfuscator depends on two libraries to work: acorn and escodegen

  • acorn is responsible for parsing source code into an AST.
  • escodegen is responsible for generating source from modified AST.

The tree is modified by transformations, which each traverse the entire tree. Properties starting with $ are for saving information (typically circular data), these properties are deleted before output.



Last updated on 04 Jul 2023

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