Key is a tiny little keycode library for your browser. It makes keybound event assertions super simple.

Here's how key can work together with a DOM query library like jQuery to navigate through a [pseudo] image gallery.
var gallery = new GalleryOfAwesome();
$(window).on('keyup', function(event) {
if (key.is(key.code.arrow.left, event.which)) {
} else if (key.is(key.code.arrow.right, event.which)) {
} else if (key.is(key.code.special.esc, event.which)) {
var key = window.key;
var key = require('key');
npm install key
<script src="path/to/vendors/adlawson/key/client/key.min.js"></script>
The content of this library is released under the MIT License by Andrew Lawson.
You can find a copy of this license at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit