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A wrapper around ldapjs to provide promises, pooling, config by environment, and other conveniences.

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This library is a wrapper around ldapjs providing convenience with a few core principles:

  • Focus on promises and async iterators, do away with callbacks and event-emitting streams
  • Always use a connection pool
  • Hide everything having to do with acquiring/releasing connections
  • Provide an easy way to configure with environment variables

Getting Started

Standard connection

An Ldap instance represents a connection pool. You will want to make a single pool and export it so that it can be imported in any other code file in your project.

import Ldap from 'ldap-async'
export const ldap = new Ldap({
  // either
  url: 'ldap://yourhost:10389',
  // or
  host: 'yourhost',
  port: 10389,
  secure: false,

  // optional pool size (default is 5 simultaneous connections)
  poolSize: 5,

  // then your login and password
  bindDN: 'cn=root',
  bindCredentials: 'secret',

  // and any other options supported by ldapjs
  timeout: 30000

async function main() {
  const person = await ldap.get('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com')
main().catch(e => console.error(e))

Connect with environment variables

When working in docker, it's common to keep configuration in environment variables. In order to make that easy, this library provides a convenient way to import a singleton pool created with the following environment variables:

  LDAP_PORT // default is 389 or 636 if you set LDAP_SECURE
  LDAP_SECURE // set truthy to use ldaps protocol
  LDAP_DN // the DN with which to bind
  LDAP_PASS // the password for the bind DN
  LDAP_POOLSIZE (default: 5)

This way, connecting is very simple, and you don't have to worry about creating a singleton pool for the rest of your codebase to import, because it's done for you:

import ldap from 'ldap-async/client'

async function main() {
  const person = await ldap.get('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com')
main().catch(e => console.error(e))

CommonJS imports

You must refer to .default when importing with require:

const Ldap = require('ldap-async').default
// or the instance created with environment variables (see above)
const ldap = require('ldap-async/client').default

Basic Usage

Convenience methods are provided that allow you to specify the kind of operation you are about to do and the type of return data you expect.


const person = await ldap.get('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com')
console.log(person) // { givenName: 'John', ... }

const people = await'ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', { scope: 'sub', filter: 'objectclass=person' })
console.log(people) // [{ givenName: 'John', ... }, { givenName: 'Mary', ... }]

// write operations
await ldap.setAttribute('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', 'email', '')
await ldap.pushAttribute('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', 'email', '')
await ldap.pullAttribute('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', 'email', [''])
await ldap.add('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', { /* a person record */ })
await ldap.remove('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com')
await ldap.modifyDN('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', 'cn=yourself')

// special group membership functions
await ldap.addMember('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', 'cn=yourgroup,ou=groups,dc=yourdomain,dc=com')
await ldap.removeMember('cn=you,ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', 'cn=yourgroup,ou=groups,dc=yourdomain,dc=com')


When you construct LDAP search query strings, it's important to escape any input strings to prevent injection attacks. LDAP has two kinds of strings with different escaping requirements, so we provide a template literal helper for each.

For DN strings, use ldap.dn:

const person = await ldap.get(ldap.dn`cn=${myCN},ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com`)

For filter strings, use ldap.filter:

const people = await'ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', {
  scope: 'sub',
  filter: ldap.filter`givenName=${n}`

More complex queries may also use ldap.filter inside a map function, such as this one that finds many users by their names:

const people = await'ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', {
  scope: 'sub',
  filter: `(|${ => ldap.filter`(givenName=${n})`).join('')})`

Filter helpers

For convenience, a few helper functions are provided to help you construct LDAP filters: in, any, all, and anyall. These functions take care of escaping for you.

  • Everyone named John or Mary:['John', 'Mary'], 'givenName')
    // => '(|(givenName=John)(givenName=Mary))
  • Everyone named John or with the surname Smith
    ldap.any({ givenName: 'John', sn: 'Smith' })
    // => '(|(givenName=John)(sn=Smith))
  • Everyone named John Smith
    ldap.all({ givenName: 'John', sn: 'Smith' })
    // => '(&(givenName=John)(sn=Smith))
  • Everyone named John Smith or Mary Scott
    ldap.anyall([{ givenName: 'John', sn: 'Smith' }, { givenName: 'Mary', sn: 'Scott' }])
    // => '(|(&(givenName=John)(sn=Smith))(&(givenName=Mary)(sn=Scott)))'

Note that any, all and anyall can accept an optional wildcard parameter if you want users to be able to provide wildcards. Other special characters like parentheses will be properly escaped.

  • Everyone named John whose surname starts with S
    ldap.all({ givenName: 'John', sn: 'S*' }, true)
    // => '(&(givenName=John)(sn=S*))

Advanced Usage


To avoid using too much memory on huge datasets, we provide a stream method that performs the same as search but returns a node Readable. It is recommended to use the async iterator pattern:

const stream ='ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com', {
  scope: 'sub',
  filter:, 'givenName')
for await (const person of stream) {
  // do some work on the person

for await is very safe, as breaking the loop or throwing an error inside the loop will clean up the stream appropriately.

Since .stream() returns a Readable in object mode, you can easily do other things with it like .pipe() it to another stream processor. When using the stream without for await, you must call stream.destroy() if you do not want to finish processing it and carefully use try {} finally {} to destroy it in case your code throws an error. Failure to do so will leak a connection from the pool.

Binary data

Some LDAP services store binary data as properties of records (e.g. user profile photos), but the ldapjs library assumes that all properties are UTF8 strings and will mangle the binary data. To work around this issue, we provide the raw data inside the property _raw. For example, to convert profile photos to data URLs, you could do something like this:

const user = await ldap.get(userDn)
const convertedUser = {
  jpegPhoto: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${Buffer.from(user._raw.jpegPhoto).toString('base64')}`,


This library is written in typescript and provides its own types. For added convenience, methods that return objects will accept a generic so that you can specify the return type you expect:

interface LDAPPerson {
  cn: string
  givenName: string
const person = ldap.get<LDAPPerson>(ldap.dn`cn=${myCN},ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com`)
// person will be an LDAPPerson



Last updated on 14 Jul 2022

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