1.1.5-extend_patch (2011-12-13)
- #496 Removed call to put header into minified build, because it's already there. (@freeeve)
- #379 Accept 2xx statuses even for file requests (@khalsah)
- #494 Adding support for absolute paths on Windows. (@jmcclell)
- #514 Fix java.io.FileNotFoundException when @importing from LESS in subdirectory (@eager)
- #461 require 'util' instead of 'sys' in lessc and less-benchmark.js (@dmcass)
- #506 Issue #393 Add support for "rem" dimensions (@feelepxyz)
- #507 Fixed lessc require('sys') for nodejs 0.6.* (@garth)
- #492 fix comments in operations (ex: height: 2px * 4 / ie hack */) (@fat)
- #458 Assignment entities (@fat, @cloudhead, @asolove)