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letsfreezethat - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.2.5 to 3.0.0



(function() {
'use strict';
var _freeze, _thaw, fix, freeze, lets, thaw, type_of;
var assign, deep_copy, deep_freeze, freeze_lets, frozen, lets, log, nofreeze_lets, shallow_copy, shallow_freeze;
({type_of} = require('./helpers'));
log = console.log;
freeze = function(x) {
var error;
try {
return _freeze(x);
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
if ( === 'RangeError' && error.message === 'Maximum call stack size exceeded') {
throw new Error("µ45666 unable to freeze circular objects");
throw error;
frozen = Object.isFrozen;
assign = Object.assign;
shallow_freeze = Object.freeze;
shallow_copy = function(x, ...P) {
return assign((Array.isArray(x) ? [] : {}), x, ...P);
thaw = function(x) {
var error;
try {
return _thaw(x);
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
if ( === 'RangeError' && error.message === 'Maximum call stack size exceeded') {
throw new Error("µ45667 unable to thaw circular objects");
throw error;
deep_copy = function(d) {
var R, k, v;
if ((!d) || d === true) {
/* TAINT code duplication */
/* immediately return for zero, empty string, null, undefined, NaN, false, true: */
return d;
/* thx to */
switch ( {
case '[object Array]':
k = d.length;
R = [];
while (k--) {
if (!(((v = d[k]) != null) && ((typeof v) === 'object'))) {
R[k] = deep_copy(v);
return R;
case '[object Object]':
R = {};
for (k in d) {
v = d[k];
if (!((v != null) && ((typeof v) === 'object'))) {
R[k] = deep_copy(v);
return R;
return d;
_freeze = function(x) {
var R, key, value;
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
return Object.freeze((function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = x.length; i < len; i++) {
value = x[i];
deep_freeze = function(d) {
var k, v;
if ((!d) || d === true) {
/* TAINT code duplication */
/* immediately return for zero, empty string, null, undefined, NaN, false, true: */
return d;
/* thx to */
switch ( {
case '[object Array]':
k = d.length;
while (k--) {
if (!(((v = d[k]) != null) && ((typeof v) === 'object'))) {
d[k] = deep_freeze(v);
return results;
return shallow_freeze(d);
case '[object Object]':
for (k in d) {
v = d[k];
if (!((v != null) && ((typeof v) === 'object'))) {
d[k] = deep_freeze(v);
return shallow_freeze(d);
/* kludge to avoid `null` being mistaken as object; should use `type_of` instead of quirky `typeof`,
but that breaks some tests in myterious ways, so hotfixing it like this FTTB: */
if ((x !== null) && typeof x === 'object') {
R = {};
for (key in x) {
value = x[key];
R[key] = _freeze(value);
return Object.freeze(R);
return x;
return d;
_thaw = function(x) {
var R, key, value;
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
return (function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = x.length; i < len; i++) {
value = x[i];
return results;
freeze_lets = lets = function(original, modifier = null) {
var draft;
draft = freeze_lets.thaw(original);
if (modifier != null) {
if ((type_of(x)) === 'object') {
R = {};
for (key in x) {
value = x[key];
R[key] = _thaw(value);
return R;
return x;
return deep_freeze(draft);
lets = function(original, modifier) {
freeze_lets.lets = freeze_lets;
freeze_lets.assign = function(me, ...P) {
return deep_freeze(deep_copy(shallow_copy(me, ...P)));
freeze_lets.freeze = function(me) {
return deep_freeze(me);
freeze_lets.thaw = function(me) {
return deep_copy(me);
freeze_lets.get = function(me, k) {
return me[k];
freeze_lets.set = function(me, k, v) {
var R;
R = shallow_copy(me);
R[k] = v;
return shallow_freeze(R);
nofreeze_lets = function(original, modifier = null) {
var draft;
draft = thaw(original);
draft = nofreeze_lets.thaw(original);
if (modifier != null) {
return freeze(draft);
/* TAINT do not copy */
return deep_copy(draft);
fix = function(target, name, value) {
Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
enumerable: true,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
value: freeze(value)
return target;
nofreeze_lets.lets = nofreeze_lets;
nofreeze_lets.assign = function(me, ...P) {
return deep_copy(shallow_copy(me, ...P));
module.exports = {
nofreeze: require('./nofreeze'),
partial: require('./partial'),
breadboard: require('./breadboard')
nofreeze_lets.freeze = function(me) {
return me;
nofreeze_lets.thaw = function(me) {
return deep_copy(me);
nofreeze_lets.get = freeze_lets.get;
nofreeze_lets.set = function(me, k, v) {
var R;
R = shallow_copy(me);
R[k] = v;
return R;
module.exports = {freeze_lets, nofreeze_lets};
"name": "letsfreezethat",
"version": "2.2.5",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "An utterly minimal immutability library in the spirit of immer",
"main": "lib/main.js",
"main": "./freeze.js",
"directories": {

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "lib": "lib"

"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"test": "echo 'see'"

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ "repository": {

# Let's Freeze Tha{t|w}!
![let's keep calm and freeze that](./artwork/letskeepcalmandfreezethat.png)
# Let's Freeze That!
[LetsFreezeThat]( is an unapologetically minimal library
to make working with immutable objects in JavaScript less of a chore.
npm install letsfreezethat
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](*
{ lets, freeze, thaw, } = require 'letsfreezethat'
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Using `lets()`](#using-lets)
- [Using `thaw()` and `freeze()`](#using-thaw-and-freeze)
- [`get()` and `set()`](#get-and-set)
- [API, and Moving to Production](#api-and-moving-to-production)
- [Notes](#notes)
- [Implementation](#implementation)
- [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
- [Other Libraries, or: Should I COW?](#other-libraries-or-should-i-cow)
- [`klona`, `deepfreeze`, `deepfreezer`, `fast-copy`](#klona-deepfreeze-deepfreezer-fast-copy)
- [Should I COW?](#should-i-cow)
- [To Do](#to-do)
d = lets { foo: 'bar', nested: [ 2, 3, 5, 7, ], } # create object
e = lets d, ( d ) -> d.nested.push 11 # modify copy in callback
console.log 'd ', d # { foo: 'bar', nested: [ 2, 3, 5, 7 ] }
console.log 'e ', e # { foo: 'bar', nested: [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ] }
console.log 'd is e ', d is e # false
console.log 'Object.isFrozen d ', Object.isFrozen d # true
console.log 'Object.isFrozen d.nested ', Object.isFrozen d.nested # true
console.log 'Object.isFrozen e ', Object.isFrozen e # true
console.log 'Object.isFrozen e.nested ', Object.isFrozen e.nested # true
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
LetsFreezeThat copies the core functionality of [immer]( (also see
[here](; the basic
insight being that
## Installation
* deeply immutable objects are a great idea for quite a few reasons;
* working with immutable objects—especially to obtain copies with deeply nested updates—can be a pain in
JavaScript since the language does zilch to support you;
* JavaScript does have lexical scopes and lightweight function syntax;
* so let's use callbacks that demarcate the scope where modification of object graphs is acceptable.
Now `immer` does a lot more than that as it also allows you to track changes and so on. It also allows
you to improve performance by foregoing `object.freeze()` altogether (something that I may implement
in LetsFreezeThat at a later point in time).
What I wanted was a library so small that performance was probably optimal; turns out 50 LOC is generous
for a functional subset of `immer`.
## Let's `fix()` That!
As of version 2, there's also a `fix()` method that allows to hammer down a particular attribute of
a given target object:
npm install letsfreezethat
{ fix, } = require 'letsfreezethat'
d = { foo: 'bar', }
fix d, 'sql', { query: "select * from main;", }
console.log ( k for k of d ) # [ 'foo', 'sql' ]
try d.sql = 'other' catch error then console.log error.message # Cannot assign to read only property 'sql' of object '#<Object>'
try d.sql.query = 'other' catch error then console.log error.message # Cannot assign to read only property 'query' of object '#<Object>'
`fix()` takes three arguments: the `target` object, a `name`, and a `value`. After calling `fix target,
name, value`, `target[ name ]` will equal `value`, as if one had used assignment, as in `target[ name ] =
value`. However, the attribute will be tacked onto `target` using `Object.defineProperty` with a descriptor
`{ enumerable: true, writable: false, configurable: false, value: ( freeze value ), }`, so it cannot (in
strict mode) be altered itself (because it is frozen), nor can `target[ name ]` be re-assigned or modified
(because it is not writable and not configurable).
Thus, `fix()` covers a middle ground between all-out freezing and having everything mutable, all the time.
It is suitable for those situation where some parts of a given state object have to remain updatable when
other parts are not meant to be fiddled with.
Observe that the `nofreeze` version of `fix()` uses plain assignment and no attribute configuration, so
`nofreeze.fix target, name, value` is just a fancy way of writing `target[ name ] = value`. This detail may
change in the future.
## Usage
You can use the `lets()`, `freeze()` and `thaw()` methods by `require`ing them as in `{ lets, freeze, thaw,
} = require 'letsfreezethat'`, but *probably* you only want `lets()`. `lets()` is similar to `immer`'s
`produce()`, except simpler.
`require`ing the module imports a method `lets()`:
`lets()` takes a value to start with, call it `d`, and an optional callback function to modify `d`.
Where the callback is not given, `lets d` is equivalent to `freeze d` which returns a copy of `d` with all
properties recursively frozen.
Where the callback *is* given, that's where you can modify a temporary copy of the first argument `d`. I've
come to always name those copies the same—`d` most of the time—but that *can* be confusing at first.
You should think of
d = lets { key: 'word', value: 'OMG', }
d = lets d, ( d ) -> d.size = 3
lets = require 'letsfreezethat'
as though it was written more like this:
This method is best explained by having a look at its definition which is in essence approximately three
lines long: it takes an `original` value (a JS object or array) and an optional `modifier` callback
function. It then `thaw()`s that value, which entails making a deep copy of it. Next, it calls the
`modifier()` (if given), ignoring the return value of that call. Step 3 consists of freezing the draft
version (in-place, i.e. without copying it) and returning it:
frozen_data_v1 = lets { key: 'word', value: 'OMG', }
frozen_data_v2 = lets frozen_data_v1, ( draft ) -> draft.size = 3
lets = ( original, modifier = null ) ->
draft = freeze_lets.thaw original
modifier draft if modifier?
return deep_freeze draft
The second style has the advantage of being more explicit about the identity of the various values involved;
also, it is sometimes important to be able to reference back to some property of `frozen_data_v1` after the
changes, so there's nothing wrong with writing it the more eloquent way.
### Using `lets()`
Observe you can also use `freeze()` and `thaw()` to the same effect:
The way this is intended to simplify your life is as follows: you have a function that accepts and returns
an object (or array). Within that function, you want to perform some computation and update the object the
functional way (no side effects, no mutations). In order to be on the safe side, you want to work with
deep-frozen objects (at least in development, but we'll come to that) to prevent any slipups. LetsFreezeThat
gives you two styles to accomplish that goal, the 'safer' variant being `lets()`, like in the below:
{ lets
thaw } = require 'letsfreezethat'
lets = require 'letsfreezethat'
set_balance = ( account, amount ) ->
account = lets account, ( d ) ->
d.balance += amount
return null # <- just for clarity but recommended to avoid accidental return value
return account
original_data = { key: 'word', value: 'OMG', }
frozen_data_v1 = freeze original_data
At the point in time `account` is set to the return value of the `lets()` call, it becomes bound to a
faithful copy of the value passed in to `set_balance()`. Whatever you name the second argument to `lets()`
(I chose `d` here for `draft`, `data` or `datom`, whichever you prefer)—that name (binding) cannot leak out
of the modifier function, so you're pretty much on the safe side here. And that's it. No new API to learn
and nothing (well, less) to worry about. Keep calm and `lets()` freeze that!
### Using `thaw()` and `freeze()`
draft = thaw frozen_data_v1
draft.size = 3
frozen_data_v2 = freeze draft
Using `lets()` is fine but the act of calling a function only to get called back adds a bit of computational
overhead. You can shave off a few percent (maybe 10% or so) by using `thaw()` and `freeze()` expöicitly,
like so (using `d` as name for the business data object):
{ thaw, freeze, } = require 'letsfreezethat'
set_balance = ( d, amount ) ->
d = thaw d
d.balance += amount
return freeze d
This is more explicit but also more repetitive.
And that's it, a little bit simpler than the code for `lets()` if you will but also a little bit more open
to accidental slips. YMMV.
### `get()` and `set()`
## Performance And `nofreeze` Option
`get()` and `set()` are available FTTB but not necessarily recommended. `set()` takes a data object, a key,
and a value; it will produce a draft copy of the data object, set the key to the value given, freeze the
data object and return it. If you have a single attribute to set, that's one way to do it:
According to my highly scientific tests, LetsFreezeThat is roughly around 3 times as fast as `immer`. When
your software works to plan and you made sure you used `'use strict'` so JavaScript would have throw an
error if you had accidentally tried to modify a frozen value, you can get some extra miles for free by
replacing `{ lets, freeze, thaw, } = require 'letsfreezethat'` with `{ lets, freeze, thaw, } = ( require
'letsfreezethat' ).nofreeze`. These methods avoid to call `Object.freeze()` and run about twice as fast as
the freezing versions: `thaw()` just returns its only argument, making it a no-op; `freeze()` just performs
a deep copy; `lets()` will likewise make a deep copy, and the value that you can modify in the callback will
be the return value of the method.
{ thaw, freeze, get, set, } = require 'letsfreezethat'
d = freeze d
d = set d, 'key', value
w = get d, 'key'
# as of LetsFreezeThat v2.2.3, immer v3.3.0
# calls to `lets()`, `produce()` per second, changing one property at a time
00:00 BENCHMARKS ▶ using_letsfreezethat_nofreeze 565,727 Hz 100.0 % │████████████▌│
00:00 BENCHMARKS ▶ using_letsfreezethat_standard 185,332 Hz 32.8 % │████▏ │
00:00 BENCHMARKS ▶ using_immer 50,839 Hz 9.0 % │█▏ │
00:00 BENCHMARKS ▶ using_letsfreezethat_partial 30,216 Hz 5.3 % │▋ │
## What it Does, and What it Doesn't
### API, and Moving to Production
* LetsFreezeThat always gives back a copy of the value passed in, no matter whether you use `lets()`,
`freeze()`, or `thaw()`; this means that even when you don't manipulate a value, the old reference will
remain untouched:
LetsFreezeThat comes in two configurable flavors, one that does indeed freeze and thaw (and, thereby,
implicitly copies) objects, and one that skips the freezing and thawing (but not the copying).
`require()`ing either flavor returns a method `lets()` as discussed above:
d = lets d, ( d ) -> # do nothing
* `lets = require 'letsfreezethat'` which indeed deep-freezes objects and arrays, and
* `lets = ( require 'letsfreezethat' ).nofreeze` which forgoes freezing (but not copying).
This is different from `immer`'s `produce()`, which will give you back the original object in case no
modification was made.
The `lets()` method has a number of attributes which are callable by themselves (no JS tear-off /
`this`-juggling here):
* LetsFreezeThat does *not* do structural sharing or copy-on-write (COW), nor will it do so in the future.
Both structural sharing and COW are great techniques to drive down memory requirements, enhance cache
locality and save on garbage collection cycles, but they do come with additional complexities.
* **`lets = ( d, modifier = null ) ->`**—copy of the same method.
* **`assign = ( d, P... ) ->`**—bulk-assign, semantics like `Object.assign()`, returns copy of `d`.
* **`freeze = ( d ) ->`**—deep-freeze in-place; a no-op with `nofreeze`.
* **`thaw = ( d ) ->`**—thaw a deep copy (in the `freeze` flavor) of `d` and return it;
* **`get = ( d, key ) ->`**—return value of an attribute of `d`.
* **`set = ( d, key, value ) ->`**—set an attribute of a copy of d, return the copy.
The intended use case for LetsFreezeThat are situations where you have many rather small, rather shallow
objects, which offer little opportunity for the benefits of structural sharing and COW to kick in.
## Notes
* LetsFreezeThat does *not* track changes; if you need a report on what properties were affected by some
part of your program, use `immer` instead. While having a change manifest may be potentially useful when,
say, persisting an object to a DB, those benefits will diminish with smaller object size, same as with
structural sharing.
* LFT does not copy objects on explicit or implicit `freeze()`. That should be fine for most use cases since
what one usually wants to do is either create or thaw a given value (which implies making a copy),
manipulate (i.e. mutate) it, and then freeze it prior to passing it on. As long as manipulations are local
to a not-too-long single function, chances of screwing up are limited, so we can safely forgo the added
overhead of making an additional copy when either `freeze()` is called or a call to `lets d, ( d ) -> ...`
has finished.
## Partial Freezing (Experimental)
* The idea is that you can switch to the more performant `nofreeze` flavor in production:
> “[...] when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let's compute!, without further ado, to
> see who is right”—Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1685
if running_in_dev_mode then { lets, freeze, thaw } = require 'letsfreezethat'
else { lets, freeze, thaw } = ( require 'letsfreezethat' ).nofreeze
It is sometimes desirable to freeze as many properties of a given object as possible and still keep some
properties in a mutable state; this is often the case when a custom object contains other objects from
libraries one has no control over.
once you have made it sufficiently plausible that no part of your code performs unintended mutation of
values chalked up as immutable. Yes, it's all about probabilities rather than proof of correctness.
For example, I recently ran into that conundrum when writing a library that accepts an object representing a
database and some configuration in order to read from and write to the DB. That library will construct an
object `{ foo: 42, bar: [...], db, }` to represent both the configuration and the DB instance; naturally, I
would very much like to freeze the configurational part of that object, but I can't do that with that
3rd-party DB instance which might rely on being mutable.
* The non-freezing configuration is a tad faster on `thaw()` and ≈5 times faster on `freeze()`.
This is where `(require 'letsfreezethat' ).partial` comes in. It offers the same methods as the standard
version of LetsFreezeThat, but they are implemented (with `Object.seal()`) in such a way that *dynamic
properties that use getters and/or setters will not be frozen*. Such properties can be defined by
JavaScript's `Object.defineProperty()` method; because that is a bit cumbersome, LetsFreezeThat/partial
implements a method
* Observe that the `thaw()` method will always make a copy even with the `nofreeze` flavor;
otherwise it is hardly conceivable how an application could switch from the slower `{ freeze: true, }`
configuration to the faster `{ freeze: false, }` without breaking.
lets_compute = ( original, name, get, set = null ) -> ...
* In the case a list or an object originates from the outside and other places might still hold references
to that value or one of its properties, one can use `thaw()` to make sure any mutations will not be
visible from the outside. In this regard, `thaw()` could have been called `deep_copy()`.
to simplify the process.
## Implementation
As a trivial example, let's define a dynamic property `time` to always reflect
the current time in milliseconds; first the approach that won't work:
The performance gains seen when going from LetsFreezeThat v2 to v3 are almost entirely due to the code used
by the [`klona`]( library, specifically its
[JSON]( module. The code is simple, straightforward,
and fast—mostly because it's a well-written piece that does something very specific, name only concerning
itself with (JSON, JS) objects and arrays.
d = { foo: 'bar', }
Object.defineProperty d, 'time', { get: ( -> ), }
d.time # 1569337726
d.time # 1569337738
LetsFreezeThat has a similar focus and forgoes freezing `RegExp`s, `Date`s, `Int32Array`s or anything but
plain `Object`s and `Array`s, so that's a perfect fit. I totally just copied the code of the linked module
to avoid the dependency on whatever else it is that `klona` has in store (it's a lot got check it out).
OK, great. But when you `d = freeze d`, then that `time` attribute gets frozen, too:
## Benchmarks
{ freeze, } = require 'letsfreezethat'
d = freeze d
d.time # 1569337742
d.time # 1569337742
d.time # 1569337742
**where to find the code**—The code that produced the below benchmarks is available in
[𐌷𐌴𐌽𐌲𐌹𐍃𐍄]( (which is my
workbench of sorts to develop, test and benchmark my software). In each case, thousands of small-ish JS
objects were frozen, manipulated, and thawed, as the case may be, using a number of approaches and a number
of software packages.
To make this work as intended, use LetsFreezeThat/partial:
**how to read the tags**—`letsfreezethat_v{2|3}_f{0|1}` is to be read as: '`letsfreezethat` using { legacy
v2.2.5 | code for upcoming v3 in the present state } with freezing turned { off | on }'.
{ freeze, } = ( require 'letsfreezethat' ).partial
d = freeze d
d.time # 1569337742
d.time # 1569337744
d.time # 1569337900
**how to understand the numbers**—Absolute numbers are cycles per second (Hz) where mulling through the
tasks for a single object is counted as one cycle, and the number and nature of tasks is identical for all
libraries tested, as far as possible. To obtain a baseline for comparison, JavaScript's `Object.freeze()`
have been used for freezing and `Object.assign()` for thawing, but keep in mind that both methods are
shallow in the sense that neither method would affect the nested list in a value like `{ x: [ 1, 2, 3, ],
}`. LetsFreezeThat does do deep freezing and deep thawing, though (and some of the other libraries do so
too; others don't), so the comparison is slightly in favor of JavaScript native methods (because they get as
much credit for each cycle although less gets done).
Here is how one would typically use partial freezing and `lets_compute()`:
**why native JS looks slow in comparison**—One would fully expect JS native methods to be always on top of
the scores but this is not the case. For one thing `letsfreezethat.nofreeze.freeze()` does not actually do
anything, its literally just the `id()` function: `nofreeze_lets.freeze = ( me ) -> me`, bam. Deep freezing
without the part where you deep-freeze is indeed faster than shallow freezing, of course. Also, although
care has been taken to run garbage collection explicitly and to perform any computation that is external to
each test such that it does not affect the timings, there's always an observable and, sadly, unavoidable
jitter in performance which can add up to as much as 10 or even 20 per cent of the figures shown. Each test
case has been run with hundreds or thousands of values and a few (3 to 5) repeated runs, some of them in
shuffled order, to minimize such effects. I hope to provide error bars in future editions but for now please
understand that `100,00Hz` means something close to `between 80,000Hz and 120,000Hz` and `50%` is really
`maybe something around 40% to 60%` of the best performing solution.
{ lets, lets_compute, } = ( require 'letsfreezethat' ).partial
d = lets { foo: 'bar', } # can't be changed, can't add attributes to d
d = lets_compute d, 'time', ( -> ) # as above, but time keeps changing:
d.time # 1569337742
d.time # 1569337744
**only temporal, no spatial benchmarks**—So far I have not looked at RAM consumption figures for the various
test cases. This is in part because the intended use case for LetsFreezeThat is in passing around lots of
small-ish objects that are not very deeply nested ([`datom`s to be more
precise]( I do not expect any copy-on-write (COW)
implementation to be very space- and time-efficient in JavaScript *for this particular use cae* except for
the hypothetical case where we have something like [Hash Array Mapped Tries
(HAMTs)]( built right into the language like Clojure
has. The story might well be different in the case where you have deeply nested, larg-ish objects where once
in while you want to modify-but-not-mutate this or that attribute in a tree. I did not test for that in the
current iteration. Since the memory consumption of each individual piece of data is so small, just making a
copy as fast as you can without asking questions turns out to be quite efficient time-wise, and I just
assume that it will be somehow-acceptable space-wise, too, because garbage collection. It would still be
nice to have some memory consumption for the various libraries, so maybe sometime.
**what to learn from the benchmarks**—The overall trend is clear. Barring any dumb blunders in my
benchmarking code what clearly stands out is that structural sharing (as provided by `immutable.js`,
`immer`, `HAMT`, and `mori`) does not pay out *in terms of time costs* and *provided you have many
small-ish, flat-tish objects*. It's just not worth the trouble. These are well thought-out, tested and honed
libraries that go a long way to prevent unwarranted duplication of data, yet their demands in terms of CPU
cycles is non-trivial when compared to stupid copying.
# hengist/dev/letsfreezethat/src/
thaw_____shallow_native 829,171 Hz 100.0 % │████████████▌│
thaw_____klona 347,483 Hz 41.9 % │█████▎ │
█ thaw_____letsfreezethat_v3_f0 330,089 Hz 39.8 % │█████ │
█ thaw_____letsfreezethat_v3_f1 242,111 Hz 29.2 % │███▋ │
thaw_____fast_copy 176,418 Hz 21.3 % │██▋ │
thaw_____letsfreezethat_v2 93,441 Hz 11.3 % │█▍ │
thaw_____deepfreezer 50,249 Hz 6.1 % │▊ │
thaw_____deepcopy 31,608 Hz 3.8 % │▌ │
thaw_____fast_copy_strict 17,539 Hz 2.1 % │▎ │
█ freeze___letsfreezethat_v3_f0 745,781 Hz 89.9 % │███████████▎ │
freeze___shallow_native 665,340 Hz 80.2 % │██████████ │
█ freeze___letsfreezethat_v3_f1 201,651 Hz 24.3 % │███ │
freeze___letsfreezethat_v2 70,091 Hz 8.5 % │█ │
freeze___deepfreeze 59,320 Hz 7.2 % │▉ │
freeze___deepfreezer 37,352 Hz 4.5 % │▋ │
## BreadBoard Mode (Experimental)
# hengist/dev/letsfreezethat/src/
BreadBoard mode is an exploration into a form of 'mild immutability' that can (partially) preserve object
identity while allowing controlled modification of attributes.
plainjs_mutable 8,268 Hz 100.0 % │████████████▌│
plainjs_immutable 4,933 Hz 59.7 % │███████▌ │
█ letsfreezethat_v3_thaw_freeze_f0 4,682 Hz 56.6 % │███████▏ │
letsfreezethat_v2_standard 4,464 Hz 54.0 % │██████▊ │
█ letsfreezethat_v3_lets_f0 4,444 Hz 53.8 % │██████▊ │
█ letsfreezethat_v3_lets_f1 4,213 Hz 51.0 % │██████▍ │
█ letsfreezethat_v3_thaw_freeze_f1 4,034 Hz 48.8 % │██████▏ │
letsfreezethat_v2_nofreeze 2,143 Hz 25.9 % │███▎ │
immutable 1,852 Hz 22.4 % │██▊ │
mori 1,779 Hz 21.5 % │██▊ │
hamt 1,752 Hz 21.2 % │██▋ │
immer 1,352 Hz 16.3 % │██ │
### What is BreadBoard good for?
# hengist/dev/letsfreezethat/src/
The problem with immutability as used by LetsFreezeThat/standard is, of course, that object identity cannot
be preserved across object manipulations. This is the desired effect which offers the guarantees we as
programmers want to have—most of the time: Whenever I call `foo = lets { ... }; foo fancy, 42` I can be sure
that `fancy` still has the same value—indeed, be the same unmodified object—before and after the call to
█ letsfreezethat_v3_f0_freezethaw 116,513 Hz 100.0 % │████████████▌│
█ letsfreezethat_v3_f1_freezethaw 97,101 Hz 83.3 % │██████████▍ │
█ letsfreezethat_v3_f0_lets 93,101 Hz 79.9 % │██████████ │
█ letsfreezethat_v3_f1_lets 76,045 Hz 65.3 % │████████▏ │
plainjs_mutable 28,035 Hz 24.1 % │███ │
letsfreezethat_v2_f0_lets 22,410 Hz 19.2 % │██▍ │
letsfreezethat_v2_f0_freezethaw 16,854 Hz 14.5 % │█▊ │
letsfreezethat_v2_f1_freezethaw 16,443 Hz 14.1 % │█▊ │
letsfreezethat_v2_f1_lets 13,648 Hz 11.7 % │█▌ │
immutable 8,359 Hz 7.2 % │▉ │
mori 7,845 Hz 6.7 % │▉ │
hamt 7,449 Hz 6.4 % │▊ │
immer 4,943 Hz 4.2 % │▌ │
But there's a catch: What if I want to have a method, call it `is_frobbed ( d ) -> ...`, that returns, say,
a Boolean to see whether `d` has some derived quality `frobbed` that is computationally expensive? Because
it is expensive, we would very much like to cache its result, and the most straightforward way to do so is
by storing results on the object (`d`) itself. Of course, modification means duplication in
LetsFreezeThat/standard, so we must return a copy of `d` XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
## Other Libraries, or: Should I COW?
1) do not use API `if ( boolean = is_QUALITY d ) then ...`, use `d = update_QUALITY d; if d.QUALITY then
...` instead; this is slightly more verbose but does the job.
During the implementation of LetsFreezeThat I realized there's quite a few packages available that do
immutability in JavaScript, e.g.
2) alternatively, use a cache `c = {}` to store transient results as `c[ id ]`. This way, we can have `if (
boolean = is_QUALITY d ) then ...` and still retrieve the cached value as `c[ ].QUALITY`.
* [`HAMT`](
* [`mori`](
* [`immutable.js`](
and, last but not least,
### Some Points
* [`immer`](
* Root must be an object; this is called 'the breadboard'
**`immer` provided the inspiration**—The key idea of `immer` is that in order to achieve immutability in
JavaScript, instead of inventing one's own data structures and APIs, it is much simpler to just recursively
make use of `Object.freeze()` and `Object.assign()` and give the programmer a convenience function—in
LetsFreezeThat: `lets()`; in `immer`: `produce()`—that allows to perform mutation within the confines of a
callback function. `immer` aims at reducing memory usage by providing structural sharing. I have not looked
into its implementation and did not collect any figures on RAM consumption, so I'll leave the reader with
the [benchmarks](#benchmarks).
* identity *of the breadboard* is kept (so no copying when doing `lets bb, ( d ) ->`), but identity *of
its properties* may change
**`mori` is tempting, but not convincing for my use case**—`mori` is a standalone library that brings some
ClojureScript goodness to JS programs. Its API is a bit un-JS-ish but does provide some interesting
functionality. On the downside, it cannot initialize `HashMap`s from plain JS objects, only from sequence of
key/value pairs, and when doing so, must explicitly take care of nested objects and lists. What you then get
is data structures that internally look very unlike plain JS objects so even to get a meaningful ouput when
debugging you can never just `console.log( myvalue )`, you must always convert back to plain JS. These two
considerations pretty much precluded using `mori` under the hood; also, the [benchmarks](#benchmarks).
* root will be locked to extensions with `Object.preventExtensions()`—this is final in the sense that it
cannot be undone without copying the object
* computed properties are treated as in LetsFreezeThat/partial
### `klona`, `deepfreeze`, `deepfreezer`, `fast-copy`
* ??????????????? the descriptors of all other properties will be set to unwritable and unconfigurable
**most deep-copy algos too slow**—In search for a fast solution that would only provide deep-copying (i.e.
no copy-on-write / structural sharing) and/or deep-freezing capabilities I found
[`klona`](, [`fast-copy`](,
[`deepfreeze`](, and [`deepfreezer` (a.k.a.
DeepFreezerJS)]( Of these, [benchmarks](#benchmarks) convinced me
that only `klona` was likely to bring speedups to the next version of LetsFreezeThat so I did not consider
the rest any more. Deep-freezing nested compound values in-situ is almost exactly the same as deep-copying
nested compound values so I used `klona`'s approach for both chores. Be it said though that I did not
evaluate other possibly interesting aspects of any of these packages, so if your use cases involves copying
or freezing JS `Date` objects, `Int32Array`s, `RegExp`s, I encourage you to have a second look at any of
### Should I COW?
**HAMT a solution for COW, *but***—Copy-On-Write is a (not new) technique to eschew 'speculative', avoidable
memory consumption. One Phil Bagwell proposed a technique how to do that efficiently for trees of data in [a
paper titled *Ideal Hash Trees* (Lausanne,
2000)](; subsequentially, his technique was
used by the [Clojure]( community to get more memory-efficient and performant COW
semantics into the language. **Q**: What's not to like?—**A**: It's *still* not as fast in JS to justify the
effort when your data items are small; again, see the [benchmarks](#benchmarks).
## To Do
* [ ] preserve symbol attributes when freezing
* [ ] consider to offer an implementation of HAMT
(,, (? for the frequent use
case of immutable maps

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