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libphonenumber-js - npm Package Compare versions

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build/as you type.js
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _getIterator2 = require('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator');
var _getIterator3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getIterator2);
var _classCallCheck2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck');
var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
var _createClass2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/createClass');
var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2);
var _metadata = require('../metadata.min');
var _metadata2 = _interopRequireDefault(_metadata);
var _metadata3 = require('./metadata');
var _parse = require('./parse');
var _common = require('./common');
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
// The digits that have not been entered yet will be represented by a \u2008,
// the punctuation space.
// This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s
// `asyoutypeformatter.js` of 17th November, 2016.
var DIGIT_PATTERN = new RegExp(undefined.DIGIT_PLACEHOLDER);
// A pattern that is used to match character classes in regular expressions.

@@ -15,3 +52,655 @@ // An example of a character class is [1-4].

// two-digit number, since the phone number can be as long as 15 digits.
var STANDALONE_DIGIT_PATTERN = /\d(?=[^,}][^,}])/g;
// A pattern that is used to determine if a numberFormat under availableFormats
// is eligible to be used by the AYTF. It is eligible when the format element
// under numberFormat contains groups of the dollar sign followed by a single
// digit, separated by valid phone number punctuation. This prevents invalid
// punctuation (such as the star sign in Israeli star numbers) getting into the
// output of the AYTF.
var ELIGIBLE_FORMAT_PATTERN = new RegExp('^' + '[' + _parse.VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*' + '(\\$\\d[' + _parse.VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*)+' + '$');
// A set of characters that, if found in a national prefix formatting rules, are
// an indicator to us that we should separate the national prefix from the
// number when formatting.
// This is the minimum length of national number accrued that is required to
// trigger the formatter. The first element of the leadingDigitsPattern of
// each numberFormat contains a regular expression that matches up to this
// number of digits.
// A pattern that is used to determine if the national prefix formatting rule
// has the first group only, i.e., does not start with the national prefix.
// Note that the pattern explicitly allows for unbalanced parentheses.
var VALID_INCOMPLETE_PHONE_NUMBER = '[' + _parse.PLUS_CHARS + ']{0,1}' + '[' + _parse.VALID_PUNCTUATION + _parse.VALID_DIGITS + ']+';
var as_you_type = function () {
function as_you_type(country_code) {
(0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, as_you_type);
if (country_code) {
this.country_code = country_code;
this.country_metadata = _metadata2.default.countries[country_code];
(0, _createClass3.default)(as_you_type, [{
key: 'input',
value: function input(text) {
this.original_input += text;
// Parse input
var extracted_number = (0, _parse.extract_formatted_phone_number)(text, function (number) {
return (0, _common.matches_entirely)(VALID_INCOMPLETE_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN, number);
var _parse_phone_number = (0, _parse.parse_phone_number)(extracted_number);
var number = _parse_phone_number.number;
var is_international = _parse_phone_number.is_international;
// Special case for just the leading '+'
if (!extracted_number && text.indexOf('+') >= 0) {
is_international = true;
var parsed_input = '';
if (is_international) {
parsed_input += '+';
if (number) {
parsed_input += number;
// Feed the parsed input character-by-character
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = (0, _getIterator3.default)(parsed_input), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var character = _step.value;
this.current_output = this.input_character(character);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return this.current_output;
}, {
key: 'input_character',
value: function input_character(character) {
if (character === '+') {
// If an out of position '+' sign detected
// (or a second '+' sign)
if (this.parsed_input) {
this.able_to_format = false;
} else {
this.parsed_input += character;
this.prefix_before_national_number = '+';
} else {
this.parsed_input += character;
this.national_number += character;
// Try to format the parsed input
if (!this.able_to_format) {
// When we are unable to format because of reasons other than that
// formatting chars have been entered, it can be due to really long IDDs or
// NDDs. If that is the case, we might be able to do formatting again after
// extracting them.
if (this.is_international()) {
if (this.extract_country_phone_code()) {
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern_with_national_prefix_extracted();
} else if (this.extract_longer_national_prefix()) {
// Add an additional space to separate long NDD and national significant
// number for readability. We don't set shouldAddSpaceAfterNationalPrefix_
// to true, since we don't want this to change later when we choose
// formatting templates.
this.prefix_before_national_number += SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER;
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern_with_national_prefix_extracted();
return this.parsed_input;
// We start to attempt to format only when at least MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH
// digits (the plus sign is counted as a digit as well for this purpose) have
// been entered.
if (this.parsed_input.length < MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH) {
return this.parsed_input;
if (this.parsed_input.length === MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH) {
if (this.is_international()) {
this.expecting_country_calling_code = true;
} else {
// No IDD or plus sign is found, might be entering in national format.
this.national_prefix = this.extract_national_prefix();
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern();
if (this.expecting_country_calling_code) {
if (this.extract_country_phone_code()) {
this.expecting_country_calling_code = false;
return this.prefix_before_national_number + this.national_number;
if (this.possible_formats.length === 0) {
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern();
// The formatting patterns are already chosen.
var national_number = this.input_national_number_digit(character);
// See if the accrued digits can be formatted properly already. If not,
// use the results from input_national_number_digit(), which does formatting
// based on the formatting pattern chosen.
var formatted_number = this.attempt_to_format_complete_phone_number();
if (formatted_number) {
return formatted_number;
if (this.refresh_format()) {
return this.retype_national_number();
return this.able_to_format ? this.full_phone_number(national_number) : this.parsed_input;
}, {
key: 'clear',
value: function clear() {
// Input text so far, can contain any characters
this.original_input = '';
// Input stripped of non-phone-number characters.
// Can only contain a possible leading '+' sign and digits.
this.parsed_input = '';
this.current_output = '';
this.expecting_country_calling_code = false;
// This contains anything that has been entered so far preceding the national
// significant number, and it is formatted (e.g. with space inserted). For
// example, this can contain IDD, country code, and/or NDD, etc.
this.prefix_before_national_number = '';
// This contains the national prefix that has been extracted. It contains only
// digits without formatting.
this.national_prefix = '';
this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix = false;
this.national_number = '';
}, {
key: 'clear_formatting',
value: function clear_formatting() {
// This indicates whether AsYouTypeFormatter is currently doing the formatting.
this.able_to_format = true;
this.possible_formats = [];
this.last_match_position = 0;
this.formatting_template = undefined;
// The pattern from numberFormat that is currently used to create formattingTemplate.
this.current_formatting_pattern = undefined;
}, {
key: 'retype_national_number',
value: function retype_national_number() {
if (!this.national_number) {
return this.prefix_before_national_number;
var national_number = void 0;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
var _didIteratorError2 = false;
var _iteratorError2 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator2 = (0, _getIterator3.default)(this.national_number), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
var character = _step2.value;
national_number = this.input_national_number_digit(character);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError2 = true;
_iteratorError2 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError2) {
throw _iteratorError2;
return this.able_to_format ? this.full_phone_number(national_number) : this.parsed_input;
}, {
key: 'attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern_with_national_prefix_extracted',
value: function attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern_with_national_prefix_extracted() {
this.expecting_country_calling_code = false;
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern();
}, {
key: 'attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern',
value: function attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern() {
// We start to attempt to format only when at least MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH
// digits of national number (excluding national prefix) have been entered.
if (this.national_number.length < MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH) {
return this.full_phone_number(this.national_number);
// See if the accrued digits can be formatted properly already.
var formatted_number = this.attempt_to_format_complete_phone_number();
if (formatted_number) {
return formatted_number;
if (this.refresh_format()) {
return this.retype_national_number();
return this.parsed_input;
}, {
key: 'refresh_possible_formats',
value: function refresh_possible_formats(leading_digits) {
if (!this.country_metadata) {
var national_prefix = (0, _metadata3.get_national_prefix)(this.country_metadata);
var formats = (0, _metadata3.get_international_formats)(this.country_metadata);
if (formats.length === 0) {
formats = (0, _metadata3.get_formats)(this.country_metadata);
this.possible_formats = formats.filter(function (format) {
return ELIGIBLE_FORMAT_PATTERN.test((0, _metadata3.get_format_international_format)(format));
}, {
key: 'narrow_down_possible_formats',
value: function narrow_down_possible_formats(leading_digits) {
var index_of_leading_digits_pattern = leading_digits.length - MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH;
this.possible_formats = this.possible_formats.filter(function (format) {
var leading_digits_pattern_count = (0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits_patterns)(format).length;
// Keep everything that isn't restricted by leading digits.
if (leading_digits_pattern_count === 0) {
return true;
var suitable_leading_digits_pattern_index = Math.min(index_of_leading_digits_pattern, leading_digits_pattern_count - 1);
var leading_digits_pattern = (0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits_patterns)(format)[suitable_leading_digits_pattern_index];
return === 0;
// Check to see if there is an exact pattern match for these digits. If so, we
// should use this instead of any other formatting template whose
// leadingDigitsPattern also matches the input.
}, {
key: 'attempt_to_format_complete_phone_number',
value: function attempt_to_format_complete_phone_number() {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;
var _didIteratorError3 = false;
var _iteratorError3 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator3 = (0, _getIterator3.default)(this.possible_formats), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {
var format = _step3.value;
var pattern = (0, _metadata3.get_format_pattern)(format);
var pattern_matcher = new RegExp('^(?:' + pattern + ')$');
if (pattern_matcher.test(this.national_number)) {
this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix = NATIONAL_PREFIX_SEPARATORS_PATTERN.test((0, _metadata3.get_format_national_prefix_formatting_rule)(format, this.country_metadata));
var formatted_national_number = this.national_number.replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'g'), this.get_format_format(format));
return this.full_phone_number(formatted_national_number);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError3 = true;
_iteratorError3 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError3) {
throw _iteratorError3;
// Combines the national number with any prefix (IDD/+ and country code or
// national prefix) that was collected. A space will be inserted between them if
// the current formatting template indicates this to be suitable.
}, {
key: 'full_phone_number',
value: function full_phone_number(formatted_national_number) {
if (this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix && this.prefix_before_national_number && this.prefix_before_national_number[this.prefix_before_national_number.length - 1] !== SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER) {
// We want to add a space after the national prefix if the national prefix
// formatting rule indicates that this would normally be done, with the
// exception of the case where we already appended a space because the NDD
// was surprisingly long.
return this.prefix_before_national_number + SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER + formatted_national_number;
return this.prefix_before_national_number + formatted_national_number;
// Extracts the country calling code from the beginning of nationalNumber to
// prefixBeforeNationalNumber when they are available, and places the remaining
// input into nationalNumber.
}, {
key: 'extract_country_phone_code',
value: function extract_country_phone_code() {
if (!this.national_number) {
var _parse_phone_number_a = (0, _parse.parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code)(this.parsed_input);
var country_phone_code = _parse_phone_number_a.country_phone_code;
var number = _parse_phone_number_a.number;
if (!country_phone_code) {
// Check country restriction
if (this.country_code) {
if (country_phone_code !== (0, _metadata3.get_phone_code)(this.country_metadata)) {
// Invalid country phone code for the
// international phone number being input.
this.national_number = number;
this.prefix_before_national_number += country_phone_code + SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER;
// When we have successfully extracted the IDD,
// the previously extracted national prefix
// should be cleared because it is no longer valid.
this.national_prefix = '';
return this.country_metadata = (0, _metadata3.get_metadata_by_country_phone_code)(country_phone_code, _metadata2.default);
// Some national prefixes are a substring of others. If extracting the shorter
// national prefix doesn't result in a number we can format,
// we try to see if we can extract a longer version here.
}, {
key: 'extract_longer_national_prefix',
value: function extract_longer_national_prefix() {
if (this.national_prefix) {
// Put the extracted national prefix back to the national number
// before attempting to extract a new national prefix.
this.national_number = this.national_prefix + this.national_number;
// Remove the previously extracted national prefix from prefixBeforeNationalNumber. We
// cannot simply set it to empty string because people sometimes incorrectly
// enter national prefix after the country code, e.g. +44 (0)20-1234-5678.
var index_of_previous_national_prefix = this.prefix_before_national_number.lastIndexOf(this.national_prefix);
this.prefix_before_national_number = this.prefix_before_national_number.slice(0, index_of_previous_national_prefix);
return this.national_prefix !== this.extract_national_prefix();
// Returns the national prefix extracted, or an empty string if it is not present.
}, {
key: 'extract_national_prefix',
value: function extract_national_prefix() {
var national_number_starts_at = 0;
if (this.country_metadata) {
if (this.is_NANPA_number_with_international_prefix()) {
national_number_starts_at = 1;
this.prefix_before_national_number += '1' + SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER;
} else if ((0, _metadata3.get_national_prefix_for_parsing)(this.country_metadata)) {
var national_prefix_for_parsing = new RegExp('^(?:' + (0, _metadata3.get_national_prefix_for_parsing)(this.country_metadata) + ')');
var matches = this.national_number.match(national_prefix_for_parsing);
// Since some national prefix patterns are entirely optional, check that a
// national prefix could actually be extracted.
if (matches && matches[0]) {
national_number_starts_at = matches[0].length;
this.prefix_before_national_number += this.national_number.substring(0, national_number_starts_at);
this.national_number = this.national_number.slice(national_number_starts_at);
return this.national_number.slice(0, national_number_starts_at);
// Returns `true` if the current country is a NANPA country and the
// national number begins with the national prefix.
}, {
key: 'is_NANPA_number_with_international_prefix',
value: function is_NANPA_number_with_international_prefix() {
// For NANPA numbers beginning with 1[2-9], treat the 1 as the national
// prefix. The reason is that national significant numbers in NANPA always
// start with [2-9] after the national prefix. Numbers beginning with 1[01]
// can only be short/emergency numbers, which don't need the national prefix.
if ((0, _metadata3.get_phone_code)(this.country_metadata) !== 1) {
return false;
return this.national_number[0] === '1' && this.national_number[1] !== '0' && this.national_number[1] !== '1';
}, {
key: 'refresh_format',
value: function refresh_format() {
// When there are multiple available formats, the formatter uses the first
// format where a formatting template could be created.
var _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true;
var _didIteratorError4 = false;
var _iteratorError4 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator4 = (0, _getIterator3.default)(this.possible_formats), _step4; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion4 = (_step4 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true) {
var format = _step4.value;
var pattern = (0, _metadata3.get_format_pattern)(format);
if (this.current_formatting_pattern === pattern) {
return false;
if (this.create_formatting_template(format)) {
this.current_formatting_pattern = pattern;
this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix = NATIONAL_PREFIX_SEPARATORS_PATTERN.test((0, _metadata3.get_format_national_prefix_formatting_rule)(format, this.country_metadata));
// With a new formatting template, the matched position using the old
// template needs to be reset.
this.last_match_position = 0;
return true;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError4 = true;
_iteratorError4 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion4 && _iterator4.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError4) {
throw _iteratorError4;
this.able_to_format = false;
}, {
key: 'create_formatting_template',
value: function create_formatting_template(format) {
var number_pattern = (0, _metadata3.get_format_pattern)(format);
// The formatter doesn't format numbers when numberPattern contains '|', e.g.
// (20|3)\d{4}. In those cases we quickly return.
if (number_pattern.indexOf('|') >= 0) {
number_pattern = number_pattern
// Replace anything in the form of [..] with \d
// Replace any standalone digit (not the one in d{}) with \d
return this.formatting_template = this.get_formatting_template(number_pattern, this.get_format_format(format));
// Gets a formatting template which can be used to efficiently format a
// partial number where digits are added one by one.
}, {
key: 'get_formatting_template',
value: function get_formatting_template(number_pattern, number_format) {
// Creates a phone number consisting only of the digit 9 that matches the
// numberPattern by applying the pattern to the longestPhoneNumber string.
var longest_phone_number = '999999999999999';
var matches = longest_phone_number.match(number_pattern);
// This match will always succeed
var phone_number = matches[0];
// No formatting template can be created if the number of digits entered so
// far is longer than the maximum the current formatting rule can accommodate.
if (phone_number.length < this.national_number.length) {
return phone_number
// Formats the number according to numberFormat
.replace(new RegExp(number_pattern, 'g'), number_format)
// Replaces each digit with character DIGIT_PLACEHOLDER
.replace(new RegExp('9', 'g'), DIGIT_PLACEHOLDER);
}, {
key: 'input_national_number_digit',
value: function input_national_number_digit(digit) {
if (this.formatting_template && this.formatting_template.slice(this.last_match_position).search(DIGIT_PATTERN) >= 0) {
var digit_pattern_start =;
this.formatting_template = this.formatting_template.replace(DIGIT_PATTERN, digit);
this.last_match_position = digit_pattern_start;
return this.formatting_template.slice(0, digit_pattern_start + 1);
if (this.possible_formats.length === 1) {
// More digits are entered than we could handle, and there are
// no other valid patterns to try.
this.able_to_format = false;
// else, we just reset the formatting pattern
this.current_formatting_pattern = undefined;
return this.parsed_input;
}, {
key: 'is_international',
value: function is_international() {
return this.parsed_input[0] === '+';
}, {
key: 'get_format_format',
value: function get_format_format(format) {
// // Always prefer international formatting rules over national ones,
// // because national formatting rules could contain
// // local formatting rules for numbers entered without area code.
// get_format_international_format(format)
if (this.is_international()) {
return (0, _metadata3.get_format_international_format)(format);
return (0, _metadata3.get_format_format)(format);
return as_you_type;
exports.default = as_you_type;
module.exports = exports['default'];
//# sourceMappingURL=as you



@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ "use strict";

// When changing this array also change getters in `./metadata.js`
var format_array = [format.pattern, format.format, format.leading_digits, format.national_prefix_formatting_rule, format.national_prefix_optional_when_formatting, format.international_format];
var format_array = [format.pattern, format.format, format.leading_digits_patterns, format.national_prefix_formatting_rule, format.national_prefix_optional_when_formatting, format.international_format];

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ trim_array(format_array);

@@ -21,2 +21,4 @@ 'use strict';

var _parse = require('./parse');
var _metadata3 = require('./metadata');

@@ -26,21 +28,50 @@

function format(number, format, third_argument) {
// This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s
// `phonenumberutil.js` of 17th November, 2016.
function format(input, format, third_argument) {
// If the first argument object is expanded
if (typeof number === 'string') {
number = { phone: number, country: format };
format = third_argument;
if (typeof input === 'string') {
// If number is passed not as an object
if (typeof third_argument === 'string') {
input = { phone: input, country: format };
format = third_argument;
} else {
input = { phone: input };
var country_metadata = _metadata2.default.countries[];
var country_metadata = _metadata2.default.countries[];
var _parse_phone_number_a = (0, _parse.parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code)(;
var country_phone_code = _parse_phone_number_a.country_phone_code;
var number = _parse_phone_number_a.number;
if (country_phone_code) {
// Check country restriction
if ( && country_phone_code !== (0, _metadata3.get_phone_code)(country_metadata)) {
country_metadata = (0, _metadata3.get_metadata_by_country_phone_code)(country_phone_code, _metadata2.default);
if (!country_metadata) {
switch (format) {
case 'International':
var national_number = format_national_number(, 'International', country_metadata);
var national_number = format_national_number(number, 'International', country_metadata);
return '+' + (0, _metadata3.get_phone_code)(country_metadata) + ' ' + national_number;
case 'International_plaintext':
return '+' + (0, _metadata3.get_phone_code)(country_metadata) +;
return '+' + (0, _metadata3.get_phone_code)(country_metadata) +;
case 'National':
return format_national_number(, 'National', country_metadata);
return format_national_number(number, 'National', country_metadata);

@@ -53,12 +84,15 @@ }

// group actually used in the pattern will be matched.
// This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s
// `phonenumberutil.js` of 17th November, 2016.
var FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN = /(\$\d)/;
function format_national_number(number, format_as, country_metadata) {
var format = choose_format_for_number((0, _metadata3.get_formats)(country_metadata), number);
// When the `international_formats` exist, we use that to format national number
// for the INTERNATIONAL format instead of using the numberDesc.numberFormats.
var available_formats = (0, _metadata3.get_international_formats)(country_metadata);
if (available_formats.length === 0 || format_as === 'National') {
available_formats = (0, _metadata3.get_formats)(country_metadata);
var format = choose_format_for_number(available_formats, number);
if (!format) {

@@ -68,3 +102,2 @@ return number;

var formatting_rule = (0, _metadata3.get_format_international_format)(format);
var pattern_to_match = new RegExp((0, _metadata3.get_format_pattern)(format));

@@ -75,6 +108,6 @@

if (format_as === 'National' && !(0, _metadata3.get_format_national_prefix_is_optional_when_formatting)(format, country_metadata) && national_prefix_formatting_rule) {
return number.replace(pattern_to_match, formatting_rule.replace(FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, national_prefix_formatting_rule));
return number.replace(pattern_to_match, (0, _metadata3.get_format_format)(format).replace(FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, national_prefix_formatting_rule));
var formatted_number = number.replace(pattern_to_match, formatting_rule);
var formatted_number = number.replace(pattern_to_match, format_as === 'International' ? (0, _metadata3.get_format_international_format)(format) : (0, _metadata3.get_format_format)(format));

@@ -97,5 +130,5 @@ if (format_as === 'International') {

if ((0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits)(_format)) {
if ((0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits_patterns)(_format).length > 0) {
// The last leading_digits_pattern is used here, as it is the most detailed
var last_leading_digits_pattern = (0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits)(_format)[(0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits)(_format).length - 1];
var last_leading_digits_pattern = (0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits_patterns)(_format)[(0, _metadata3.get_format_leading_digits_patterns)(_format).length - 1];

@@ -102,0 +135,0 @@ if ( !== 0) {

@@ -140,3 +140,3 @@ 'use strict';

pattern: number_format.$.pattern,
leading_digits: number_format.leadingDigits ? (leading_digits) {
leading_digits_patterns: number_format.leadingDigits ? (leading_digits) {
return leading_digits.replace(/\s/g, '');

@@ -147,3 +147,3 @@ }) : undefined,

format: number_format.format[0],
international_format: number_format.intlFormat && number_format.intlFormat[0] !== 'NA' ? number_format.intlFormat : undefined
international_format: number_format.intlFormat ? number_format.intlFormat[0] : undefined

@@ -331,3 +331,22 @@ });

// `libphonenumber/` was used as a reference.
// There are three Xml metadata files in Google's `libphonenumber`:
// * PhoneNumberMetadata.xml — core data, used both for parse/format and "as you type"
// * PhoneNumberAlternateFormats.xml — alternative phone number formats.
// is presumably used for parsing phone numbers
// written in "alternative" formats.
// is not used by "as you type"
// presumably because of formats ambiguity
// when combined with the core data.
// this metadata is not used in this library
// as there's no clear description on what to do with it
// and how it works in the original `libphonenumber` code.
// * ShortNumberMetadata.xml — emergency numbers, etc. not used in this library.
module.exports = exports['default'];

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

"use strict";
'use strict';

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {

exports.get_formats = get_formats;
exports.get_international_formats = get_international_formats;
exports.get_national_prefix = get_national_prefix;

@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ exports.get_national_prefix_formatting_rule = get_national_prefix_formatting_rule;

exports.get_format_format = get_format_format;
exports.get_format_leading_digits = get_format_leading_digits;
exports.get_format_leading_digits_patterns = get_format_leading_digits_patterns;
exports.get_format_national_prefix_formatting_rule = get_format_national_prefix_formatting_rule;
exports.get_format_national_prefix_is_optional_when_formatting = get_format_national_prefix_is_optional_when_formatting;
exports.get_format_international_format = get_format_international_format;
exports.get_metadata_by_country_phone_code = get_metadata_by_country_phone_code;
function get_phone_code(country_metadata) {

@@ -35,2 +37,8 @@ return country_metadata[0];

function get_international_formats(country_metadata) {
return get_formats(country_metadata).filter(function (format) {
return get_format_international_format(format) !== 'NA';
function get_national_prefix(country_metadata) {

@@ -76,4 +84,4 @@ return country_metadata[3];

function get_format_leading_digits(format_array) {
return format_array[2];
function get_format_leading_digits_patterns(format_array) {
return format_array[2] || [];

@@ -92,2 +100,13 @@

// Formatting information for regions which share
// a country calling code is contained by only one region
// for performance reasons. For example, for NANPA region
// ("North American Numbering Plan Administration",
// which includes USA, Canada, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, etc)
// it will be contained in the metadata for `US`.
function get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code, metadata) {
var country_code = metadata.country_phone_code_to_countries[country_phone_code][0];
return metadata.countries[country_code];

@@ -6,2 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

exports.VALID_PUNCTUATION = exports.VALID_DIGITS = exports.PLUS_CHARS = undefined;

@@ -20,4 +21,6 @@ var _getIterator2 = require('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator');

exports.extract_possible_number = extract_possible_number;
exports.extract_country_phone_code = extract_country_phone_code;
exports.get_metadata_by_country_phone_code = get_metadata_by_country_phone_code;
exports.is_viable_phone_number = is_viable_phone_number;
exports.extract_formatted_phone_number = extract_formatted_phone_number;
exports.parse_phone_number = parse_phone_number;
exports.parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code = parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code;
exports.strip_national_prefix = strip_national_prefix;

@@ -37,2 +40,132 @@ exports.find_country_code = find_country_code;

var PLUS_CHARS = exports.PLUS_CHARS = '++';
// Digits accepted in phone numbers
// (ascii, fullwidth, arabic-indic, and eastern arabic digits).
// This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s
// `phonenumberutil.js` of 17th November, 2016.
var VALID_DIGITS = exports.VALID_DIGITS = '0-90-9٠-٩۰-۹';
// Regular expression of acceptable punctuation found in phone numbers. This
// excludes punctuation found as a leading character only. This consists of dash
// characters, white space characters, full stops, slashes, square brackets,
// parentheses and tildes. It also includes the letter 'x' as that is found as a
// placeholder for carrier information in some phone numbers. Full-width
// variants are also present.
var VALID_PUNCTUATION = exports.VALID_PUNCTUATION = '-x‐-―−ー--/  ­​⁠ ' + '()()[].\\[\\]/~⁓∼~';
// Regular expression of viable phone numbers. This is location independent.
// Checks we have at least three leading digits, and only valid punctuation,
// alpha characters and digits in the phone number. Does not include extension
// data. The symbol 'x' is allowed here as valid punctuation since it is often
// used as a placeholder for carrier codes, for example in Brazilian phone
// numbers. We also allow multiple '+' characters at the start.
// Corresponds to the following:
// [digits]{minLengthNsn}|
// plus_sign*
// (([punctuation]|[star])*[digits]){3,}([punctuation]|[star]|[digits]|[alpha])*
// The first reg-ex is to allow short numbers (two digits long) to be parsed if
// they are entered as "15" etc, but only if there is no punctuation in them.
// The second expression restricts the number of digits to three or more, but
// then allows them to be in international form, and to have alpha-characters
// and punctuation. We split up the two reg-exes here and combine them when
// creating the reg-ex VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN itself so we can prefix it
// with ^ and append $ to each branch.
// Note VALID_PUNCTUATION starts with a -, so must be the first in the range.
// (wtf did they mean by saying that; probably nothing)
// And this is the second reg-exp:
// (see MIN_LENGTH_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN for a full description of this reg-exp)
var VALID_PHONE_NUMBER = '[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']{0,1}' + '(?:' + '[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*' + '[' + VALID_DIGITS + ']' + '){3,}' + '[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + VALID_DIGITS + ']*';
// The combined regular expression for valid phone numbers:
// Either a short two-digit-only phone number
// Or a longer fully parsed phone number (min 3 characters)
// screw phone number extensions
// '(?:' + EXTN_PATTERNS_FOR_PARSING + ')?' +
'$', 'i');
// This consists of the plus symbol, digits, and arabic-indic digits.
// Regular expression of trailing characters that we want to remove. We remove
// all characters that are not alpha or numerical characters. The hash character
// is retained here, as it may signify the previous block was an extension.
var LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN = new RegExp('^[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']+');
// These mappings map a character (key) to a specific digit that should
// replace it for normalization purposes. Non-European digits that
// may be used in phone numbers are mapped to a European equivalent.
'0': '0',
'1': '1',
'2': '2',
'3': '3',
'4': '4',
'5': '5',
'6': '6',
'7': '7',
'8': '8',
'9': '9',
'0': '0', // Fullwidth digit 0
'1': '1', // Fullwidth digit 1
'2': '2', // Fullwidth digit 2
'3': '3', // Fullwidth digit 3
'4': '4', // Fullwidth digit 4
'5': '5', // Fullwidth digit 5
'6': '6', // Fullwidth digit 6
'7': '7', // Fullwidth digit 7
'8': '8', // Fullwidth digit 8
'9': '9', // Fullwidth digit 9
'٠': '0', // Arabic-indic digit 0
'١': '1', // Arabic-indic digit 1
'٢': '2', // Arabic-indic digit 2
'٣': '3', // Arabic-indic digit 3
'٤': '4', // Arabic-indic digit 4
'٥': '5', // Arabic-indic digit 5
'٦': '6', // Arabic-indic digit 6
'٧': '7', // Arabic-indic digit 7
'٨': '8', // Arabic-indic digit 8
'٩': '9', // Arabic-indic digit 9
'۰': '0', // Eastern-Arabic digit 0
'۱': '1', // Eastern-Arabic digit 1
'۲': '2', // Eastern-Arabic digit 2
'۳': '3', // Eastern-Arabic digit 3
'۴': '4', // Eastern-Arabic digit 4
'۵': '5', // Eastern-Arabic digit 5
'۶': '6', // Eastern-Arabic digit 6
'۷': '7', // Eastern-Arabic digit 7
'۸': '8', // Eastern-Arabic digit 8
'۹': '9' // Eastern-Arabic digit 9
// The maximum length of the country calling code.
// The minimum length of the national significant number.
// The ITU says the maximum length should be 15,
// but one can find longer numbers in Germany.
// We don't allow input strings for parsing to be longer than 250 chars.
// This prevents malicious input from consuming CPU.
var default_options = {

@@ -56,7 +189,2 @@ country: {}

// Returns `{ country, number }`
// This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s
// `phonenumberutil.js` of 17th November, 2016.
function parse(text, options) {

@@ -80,13 +208,9 @@ if (typeof options === 'string') {

if (!text || text.length > MAX_INPUT_STRING_LENGTH) {
return {};
var formatted_phone_number = extract_formatted_phone_number(text);
text = extract_possible_number(text);
var _parse_phone_number_a = parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code(formatted_phone_number);
var _extract_country_phon = extract_country_phone_code(text);
var country_phone_code = _parse_phone_number_a.country_phone_code;
var number = _parse_phone_number_a.number;
var country_phone_code = _extract_country_phon.country_phone_code;
var number = _extract_country_phon.number;
// Maybe invalid country phone code encountered

@@ -107,3 +231,3 @@

country_metadata = get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code);
country_metadata = (0, _metadata3.get_metadata_by_country_phone_code)(country_phone_code, _metadata2.default);
} else if ( || {

@@ -151,78 +275,2 @@ country = ||;

var PLUS_CHARS = '++';
// Digits accepted in phone numbers
// (ascii, fullwidth, arabic-indic, and eastern arabic digits).
var VALID_DIGITS = '0-90-9٠-٩۰-۹';
// This consists of the plus symbol, digits, and arabic-indic digits.
// Regular expression of trailing characters that we want to remove. We remove
// all characters that are not alpha or numerical characters. The hash character
// is retained here, as it may signify the previous block was an extension.
var LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN = new RegExp('^[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']+');
// These mappings map a character (key) to a specific digit that should
// replace it for normalization purposes. Non-European digits that
// may be used in phone numbers are mapped to a European equivalent.
'0': '0',
'1': '1',
'2': '2',
'3': '3',
'4': '4',
'5': '5',
'6': '6',
'7': '7',
'8': '8',
'9': '9',
'0': '0', // Fullwidth digit 0
'1': '1', // Fullwidth digit 1
'2': '2', // Fullwidth digit 2
'3': '3', // Fullwidth digit 3
'4': '4', // Fullwidth digit 4
'5': '5', // Fullwidth digit 5
'6': '6', // Fullwidth digit 6
'7': '7', // Fullwidth digit 7
'8': '8', // Fullwidth digit 8
'9': '9', // Fullwidth digit 9
'٠': '0', // Arabic-indic digit 0
'١': '1', // Arabic-indic digit 1
'٢': '2', // Arabic-indic digit 2
'٣': '3', // Arabic-indic digit 3
'٤': '4', // Arabic-indic digit 4
'٥': '5', // Arabic-indic digit 5
'٦': '6', // Arabic-indic digit 6
'٧': '7', // Arabic-indic digit 7
'٨': '8', // Arabic-indic digit 8
'٩': '9', // Arabic-indic digit 9
'۰': '0', // Eastern-Arabic digit 0
'۱': '1', // Eastern-Arabic digit 1
'۲': '2', // Eastern-Arabic digit 2
'۳': '3', // Eastern-Arabic digit 3
'۴': '4', // Eastern-Arabic digit 4
'۵': '5', // Eastern-Arabic digit 5
'۶': '6', // Eastern-Arabic digit 6
'۷': '7', // Eastern-Arabic digit 7
'۸': '8', // Eastern-Arabic digit 8
'۹': '9' // Eastern-Arabic digit 9
// The maximum length of the country calling code.
// The minimum length of the national significant number.
// The ITU says the maximum length should be 15,
// but one can find longer numbers in Germany.
// We don't allow input strings for parsing to be longer than 250 chars.
// This prevents malicious input from consuming CPU.
// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number.

@@ -287,4 +335,33 @@ // This converts wide-ascii and arabic-indic numerals to European numerals,

// Tries to extract a country calling code from a number
function extract_country_phone_code(number) {
// Checks to see if the string of characters could possibly be a phone number at
// all. At the moment, checks to see that the string begins with at least 2
// digits, ignoring any punctuation commonly found in phone numbers. This method
// does not require the number to be normalized in advance - but does assume
// that leading non-number symbols have been removed, such as by the method
// `extract_possible_number`.
function is_viable_phone_number(number) {
return number.length >= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN && (0, _common.matches_entirely)(VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN, number);
function extract_formatted_phone_number(text) {
var is_valid = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? is_viable_phone_number : arguments[1];
if (!text || text.length > MAX_INPUT_STRING_LENGTH) {
// Extracts a piece of text possibly containing a phone number
text = extract_possible_number(text);
if (is_valid(text)) {
return text;
// Parses a formatted phone number
// and returns `{ is_international, number }`
// where `number` is either national (significant) phone number
// or an international phone number with the leading '+' stripped.
function parse_phone_number(number) {
if (!number) {

@@ -294,11 +371,24 @@ return {};

// If this is not an international phone number,
// then don't extract country phone code.
if (!LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN.test(number)) {
return { number: number };
var is_international = LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN.test(number);
// Strip the leading '+' and remove non-digits
number = normalize(number.replace(LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN, ''));
// Remove non-digits
// (and strip the possible leading '+')
number = normalize(number);
return { number: number, is_international: is_international };
// Parses a formatted phone number
// and returns `{ country_phone_code, number }`
// where `number` is the national (significant) phone number.
// (aka `maybeExtractCountryPhoneCode`)
function parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code(_number) {
var _parse_phone_number = parse_phone_number(_number);
var number = _parse_phone_number.number;
var is_international = _parse_phone_number.is_international;
if (!number) {

@@ -308,2 +398,8 @@ return {};

// If this is not an international phone number,
// then don't extract country phone code.
if (!is_international) {
return { number: number };
// Country codes do not begin with a '0'

@@ -337,13 +433,2 @@ if (number[0] === '0') {

// Formatting information for regions which share
// a country calling code is contained by only one region
// for performance reasons. For example, for NANPA region
// ("North American Numbering Plan Administration",
// which includes USA, Canada, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, etc)
// it will be contained in the metadata for `US`.
function get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code) {
var country_code = _metadata2.default.country_phone_code_to_countries[country_phone_code][0];
return _metadata2.default.countries[country_code];
// Strips any national prefix (such as 0, 1) present in the number provided

@@ -350,0 +435,0 @@ function strip_national_prefix(number, country_metadata) {

@@ -1,2 +0,23 @@

"use strict";
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _keys = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys');
var _keys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_keys);
exports.default = is_valid;
var _parse = require('./parse');
var _parse2 = _interopRequireDefault(_parse);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function is_valid(number, country_code) {
return (0, _keys2.default)((0, _parse2.default)(number, country_code)).length > 0;
module.exports = exports['default'];

@@ -0,1 +1,6 @@

0.1.0 / 28.11.2016
* Added `asYouType` and `isValidNumber`.
0.0.3 / 24.11.2016

@@ -2,0 +7,0 @@ ===================

@@ -8,2 +8,5 @@ 'use strict'

// exports.is_valid_number = require('./build/validate')
// exports.isValidNumber = require('./build/validate')
// exports['default'] = ...

@@ -12,1 +12,8 @@ export

from './source/format'
// export
// {
// default as is_valid_number,
// default as isValidNumber
// }
// from './source/format'
"name": "libphonenumber-js",
"version": "0.0.3",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "A simpler (and smaller) rewrite of Google Android's famous libphonenumber library",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.common.js",

@@ -9,4 +9,2 @@ # libphonenumber-js

**Work in Progress, will be released in the next few days**
## LibPhoneNumber

@@ -20,3 +18,3 @@

## Differences from Google's `libphonenumber`
## Difference from Google's `libphonenumber`

@@ -31,3 +29,4 @@ * Weighs less than 70 KiloBytes while `libphonenumber` bundle weighs about 220 KiloBytes

* Doesn't distinguish between fixed line, mobile, pager, voicemail, toll free and other XXth century bullsh*t
* Doesn't format phone numbers for "out of country dialing", e.g. `011 ...` in the US (again, just use the `+...` notaion accepted worldwide for mobile phones)
* Doesn't format phone numbers for "out of country dialing", e.g. `011 ...` in the US (again, just use the `+...` notation accepted worldwide for mobile phones)
* Doesn't parse `tel:...` URIs ([RFC 3966]( because it's not relevant for user-facing web experience

@@ -43,7 +42,14 @@ ## Installation

import { parse } from 'libphonenumber-js'
import { parse, format, asYouType } from 'libphonenumber-js'
parse('8 (800) 555 35 35', 'RU') === { country: 'RU', phone: '8005553535' }
parse('8 (800) 555 35 35', 'RU')
// { country: 'RU', phone: '8005553535' }
format({ country: 'US', phone: '2133734253' }, 'International') === '+1-213-373-4253'
format('2133734253', 'US', 'International')
// '+1-213-373-4253'
new asYouType().input('+12133734')
// '+1 213 373 4'
new asYouType('US').input('2133734')
// '(213) 373-4'

@@ -92,5 +98,32 @@

### isValidNumber(number, country_code)
(aka `is_valid_number`)
This function is simply a wrapper for `parse`: if `parse` returns an empty object then the phone number is not valid.
isValidNumber('+1-213-373-4253') === true
isValidNumber('+1-213-373') === false
isValidNumber('(213) 373-4253', 'US') === true
isValidNumber('(213) 37', 'US') === false
### `class` asYouType(country_code)
(aka `as_you_type`)
Creates a formatter for partially entered phone number. The two-letter `country_code` is optional and if specified restricts the phone number being input to the specified country. The instance of this class has two methods:
* `input(text)` — takes any text and appends it to the input; returns the formatted phone number
* `clear()` — clears input
new asYouType().input('+12133734') === '+1 213 373 4'
new asYouType('US').input('2133734') === '(213) 373-4'
## To do
* Maybe exclude `national_prefix` from metadata due to it not being used (superseded by the relevant regular expressions)
* Implement "As you type"

@@ -97,0 +130,0 @@ ## Contributing

@@ -0,4 +1,50 @@

// This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s
// `asyoutypeformatter.js` of 17th November, 2016.
import metadata from '../metadata.min'
from './metadata'
from './parse'
from './common'
// The digits that have not been entered yet will be represented by a \u2008,
// the punctuation space.
const DIGIT_PLACEHOLDER = '\u2008'
// A pattern that is used to match character classes in regular expressions.

@@ -13,2 +59,615 @@ // An example of a character class is [1-4].

// two-digit number, since the phone number can be as long as 15 digits.
const STANDALONE_DIGIT_PATTERN = /\d(?=[^,}][^,}])/g
// A pattern that is used to determine if a numberFormat under availableFormats
// is eligible to be used by the AYTF. It is eligible when the format element
// under numberFormat contains groups of the dollar sign followed by a single
// digit, separated by valid phone number punctuation. This prevents invalid
// punctuation (such as the star sign in Israeli star numbers) getting into the
// output of the AYTF.
'^' +
'[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*' +
'(\\$\\d[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*)+' +
// A set of characters that, if found in a national prefix formatting rules, are
// an indicator to us that we should separate the national prefix from the
// number when formatting.
// This is the minimum length of national number accrued that is required to
// trigger the formatter. The first element of the leadingDigitsPattern of
// each numberFormat contains a regular expression that matches up to this
// number of digits.
// A pattern that is used to determine if the national prefix formatting rule
// has the first group only, i.e., does not start with the national prefix.
// Note that the pattern explicitly allows for unbalanced parentheses.
'[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']{0,1}' +
'[' +
export default class as_you_type
if (country_code)
this.country_code = country_code
this.country_metadata = metadata.countries[country_code]
this.original_input += text
// Parse input
let extracted_number = extract_formatted_phone_number(text, number => matches_entirely(VALID_INCOMPLETE_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN, number))
let { number, is_international } = parse_phone_number(extracted_number)
// Special case for just the leading '+'
if (!extracted_number && text.indexOf('+') >= 0)
is_international = true
let parsed_input = ''
if (is_international)
parsed_input += '+'
if (number)
parsed_input += number
// Feed the parsed input character-by-character
for (let character of parsed_input)
this.current_output = this.input_character(character)
return this.current_output
if (character === '+')
// If an out of position '+' sign detected
// (or a second '+' sign)
if (this.parsed_input)
this.able_to_format = false
this.parsed_input += character
this.prefix_before_national_number = '+'
this.parsed_input += character
this.national_number += character
// Try to format the parsed input
if (!this.able_to_format)
// When we are unable to format because of reasons other than that
// formatting chars have been entered, it can be due to really long IDDs or
// NDDs. If that is the case, we might be able to do formatting again after
// extracting them.
if (this.is_international())
if (this.extract_country_phone_code())
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern_with_national_prefix_extracted()
else if (this.extract_longer_national_prefix())
// Add an additional space to separate long NDD and national significant
// number for readability. We don't set shouldAddSpaceAfterNationalPrefix_
// to true, since we don't want this to change later when we choose
// formatting templates.
this.prefix_before_national_number += SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern_with_national_prefix_extracted()
return this.parsed_input
// We start to attempt to format only when at least MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH
// digits (the plus sign is counted as a digit as well for this purpose) have
// been entered.
if (this.parsed_input.length < MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH)
return this.parsed_input
if (this.parsed_input.length === MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH)
if (this.is_international())
this.expecting_country_calling_code = true
// No IDD or plus sign is found, might be entering in national format.
this.national_prefix = this.extract_national_prefix()
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern()
if (this.expecting_country_calling_code)
if (this.extract_country_phone_code())
this.expecting_country_calling_code = false
return this.prefix_before_national_number + this.national_number
if (this.possible_formats.length === 0)
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern()
// The formatting patterns are already chosen.
const national_number = this.input_national_number_digit(character)
// See if the accrued digits can be formatted properly already. If not,
// use the results from input_national_number_digit(), which does formatting
// based on the formatting pattern chosen.
const formatted_number = this.attempt_to_format_complete_phone_number()
if (formatted_number)
return formatted_number
if (this.refresh_format())
return this.retype_national_number()
return this.able_to_format ? this.full_phone_number(national_number) : this.parsed_input
// Input text so far, can contain any characters
this.original_input = ''
// Input stripped of non-phone-number characters.
// Can only contain a possible leading '+' sign and digits.
this.parsed_input = ''
this.current_output = ''
this.expecting_country_calling_code = false
// This contains anything that has been entered so far preceding the national
// significant number, and it is formatted (e.g. with space inserted). For
// example, this can contain IDD, country code, and/or NDD, etc.
this.prefix_before_national_number = ''
// This contains the national prefix that has been extracted. It contains only
// digits without formatting.
this.national_prefix = ''
this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix = false
this.national_number = ''
// This indicates whether AsYouTypeFormatter is currently doing the formatting.
this.able_to_format = true
this.possible_formats = []
this.last_match_position = 0
this.formatting_template = undefined
// The pattern from numberFormat that is currently used to create formattingTemplate.
this.current_formatting_pattern = undefined
if (!this.national_number)
return this.prefix_before_national_number
let national_number
for (let character of this.national_number)
national_number = this.input_national_number_digit(character)
return this.able_to_format ? this.full_phone_number(national_number) : this.parsed_input
this.expecting_country_calling_code = false
return this.attempt_to_choose_formatting_pattern()
// We start to attempt to format only when at least MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH
// digits of national number (excluding national prefix) have been entered.
if (this.national_number.length < MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH)
return this.full_phone_number(this.national_number)
// See if the accrued digits can be formatted properly already.
const formatted_number = this.attempt_to_format_complete_phone_number()
if (formatted_number)
return formatted_number
if (this.refresh_format())
return this.retype_national_number()
return this.parsed_input
if (!this.country_metadata)
const national_prefix = get_national_prefix(this.country_metadata)
let formats = get_international_formats(this.country_metadata)
if (formats.length === 0)
formats = get_formats(this.country_metadata)
this.possible_formats = formats.filter((format) =>
return ELIGIBLE_FORMAT_PATTERN.test(get_format_international_format(format))
const index_of_leading_digits_pattern = leading_digits.length - MIN_LEADING_DIGITS_LENGTH
this.possible_formats = this.possible_formats.filter((format) =>
const leading_digits_pattern_count = get_format_leading_digits_patterns(format).length
// Keep everything that isn't restricted by leading digits.
if (leading_digits_pattern_count === 0)
return true
const suitable_leading_digits_pattern_index = Math.min(index_of_leading_digits_pattern, leading_digits_pattern_count - 1)
const leading_digits_pattern = get_format_leading_digits_patterns(format)[suitable_leading_digits_pattern_index]
return === 0
// Check to see if there is an exact pattern match for these digits. If so, we
// should use this instead of any other formatting template whose
// leadingDigitsPattern also matches the input.
for (let format of this.possible_formats)
const pattern = get_format_pattern(format)
const pattern_matcher = new RegExp('^(?:' + pattern + ')$')
if (pattern_matcher.test(this.national_number))
this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix = NATIONAL_PREFIX_SEPARATORS_PATTERN.test(get_format_national_prefix_formatting_rule(format, this.country_metadata))
const formatted_national_number = this.national_number.replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'g'), this.get_format_format(format))
return this.full_phone_number(formatted_national_number)
// Combines the national number with any prefix (IDD/+ and country code or
// national prefix) that was collected. A space will be inserted between them if
// the current formatting template indicates this to be suitable.
if (this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix &&
this.prefix_before_national_number &&
this.prefix_before_national_number[this.prefix_before_national_number.length - 1] !== SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER)
// We want to add a space after the national prefix if the national prefix
// formatting rule indicates that this would normally be done, with the
// exception of the case where we already appended a space because the NDD
// was surprisingly long.
return this.prefix_before_national_number +
return this.prefix_before_national_number + formatted_national_number
// Extracts the country calling code from the beginning of nationalNumber to
// prefixBeforeNationalNumber when they are available, and places the remaining
// input into nationalNumber.
if (!this.national_number)
const { country_phone_code, number } = parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code(this.parsed_input)
if (!country_phone_code)
// Check country restriction
if (this.country_code)
if (country_phone_code !== get_phone_code(this.country_metadata))
// Invalid country phone code for the
// international phone number being input.
this.national_number = number
this.prefix_before_national_number += country_phone_code + SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER
// When we have successfully extracted the IDD,
// the previously extracted national prefix
// should be cleared because it is no longer valid.
this.national_prefix = ''
return this.country_metadata = get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code, metadata)
// Some national prefixes are a substring of others. If extracting the shorter
// national prefix doesn't result in a number we can format,
// we try to see if we can extract a longer version here.
if (this.national_prefix)
// Put the extracted national prefix back to the national number
// before attempting to extract a new national prefix.
this.national_number = this.national_prefix + this.national_number
// Remove the previously extracted national prefix from prefixBeforeNationalNumber. We
// cannot simply set it to empty string because people sometimes incorrectly
// enter national prefix after the country code, e.g. +44 (0)20-1234-5678.
const index_of_previous_national_prefix = this.prefix_before_national_number.lastIndexOf(this.national_prefix)
this.prefix_before_national_number = this.prefix_before_national_number.slice(0, index_of_previous_national_prefix)
return this.national_prefix !== this.extract_national_prefix()
// Returns the national prefix extracted, or an empty string if it is not present.
let national_number_starts_at = 0
if (this.country_metadata)
if (this.is_NANPA_number_with_international_prefix())
national_number_starts_at = 1
this.prefix_before_national_number += '1' + SEPARATOR_BEFORE_NATIONAL_NUMBER
else if (get_national_prefix_for_parsing(this.country_metadata))
var national_prefix_for_parsing = new RegExp('^(?:' + get_national_prefix_for_parsing(this.country_metadata) + ')')
var matches = this.national_number.match(national_prefix_for_parsing)
// Since some national prefix patterns are entirely optional, check that a
// national prefix could actually be extracted.
if (matches && matches[0])
national_number_starts_at = matches[0].length
this.prefix_before_national_number += this.national_number.substring(0, national_number_starts_at)
this.national_number = this.national_number.slice(national_number_starts_at)
return this.national_number.slice(0, national_number_starts_at)
// Returns `true` if the current country is a NANPA country and the
// national number begins with the national prefix.
// For NANPA numbers beginning with 1[2-9], treat the 1 as the national
// prefix. The reason is that national significant numbers in NANPA always
// start with [2-9] after the national prefix. Numbers beginning with 1[01]
// can only be short/emergency numbers, which don't need the national prefix.
if (get_phone_code(this.country_metadata) !== 1)
return false
return this.national_number[0] === '1' &&
this.national_number[1] !== '0' &&
this.national_number[1] !== '1'
// When there are multiple available formats, the formatter uses the first
// format where a formatting template could be created.
for (let format of this.possible_formats)
const pattern = get_format_pattern(format)
if (this.current_formatting_pattern === pattern)
return false
if (this.create_formatting_template(format))
this.current_formatting_pattern = pattern
this.should_add_space_after_national_prefix = NATIONAL_PREFIX_SEPARATORS_PATTERN.test(get_format_national_prefix_formatting_rule(format, this.country_metadata))
// With a new formatting template, the matched position using the old
// template needs to be reset.
this.last_match_position = 0
return true
this.able_to_format = false
let number_pattern = get_format_pattern(format)
// The formatter doesn't format numbers when numberPattern contains '|', e.g.
// (20|3)\d{4}. In those cases we quickly return.
if (number_pattern.indexOf('|') >= 0)
number_pattern = number_pattern
// Replace anything in the form of [..] with \d
// Replace any standalone digit (not the one in d{}) with \d
return this.formatting_template = this.get_formatting_template(number_pattern, this.get_format_format(format))
// Gets a formatting template which can be used to efficiently format a
// partial number where digits are added one by one.
get_formatting_template(number_pattern, number_format)
// Creates a phone number consisting only of the digit 9 that matches the
// numberPattern by applying the pattern to the longestPhoneNumber string.
const longest_phone_number = '999999999999999'
const matches = longest_phone_number.match(number_pattern)
// This match will always succeed
const phone_number = matches[0]
// No formatting template can be created if the number of digits entered so
// far is longer than the maximum the current formatting rule can accommodate.
if (phone_number.length < this.national_number.length)
return phone_number
// Formats the number according to numberFormat
.replace(new RegExp(number_pattern, 'g'), number_format)
// Replaces each digit with character DIGIT_PLACEHOLDER
.replace(new RegExp('9', 'g'), DIGIT_PLACEHOLDER)
if (this.formatting_template && this.formatting_template.slice(this.last_match_position).search(DIGIT_PATTERN) >= 0)
const digit_pattern_start =
this.formatting_template = this.formatting_template.replace(DIGIT_PATTERN, digit)
this.last_match_position = digit_pattern_start
return this.formatting_template.slice(0, digit_pattern_start + 1)
if (this.possible_formats.length === 1)
// More digits are entered than we could handle, and there are
// no other valid patterns to try.
this.able_to_format = false
// else, we just reset the formatting pattern
this.current_formatting_pattern = undefined
return this.parsed_input
return this.parsed_input[0] === '+'
// // Always prefer international formatting rules over national ones,
// // because national formatting rules could contain
// // local formatting rules for numbers entered without area code.
// get_format_international_format(format)
if (this.is_international())
return get_format_international_format(format)
return get_format_format(format)

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ export default function compress(input)


@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ format.national_prefix_optional_when_formatting,

@@ -11,35 +11,69 @@ // This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s

from './parse'
from './metadata'
export default function format(number, format, third_argument)
export default function format(input, format, third_argument)
// If the first argument object is expanded
if (typeof number === 'string')
if (typeof input === 'string')
number = { phone: number, country: format }
format = third_argument
// If number is passed not as an object
if (typeof third_argument === 'string')
input = { phone: input, country: format }
format = third_argument
input = { phone: input }
const country_metadata = metadata.countries[]
let country_metadata = metadata.countries[]
const { country_phone_code, number } = parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code(
if (country_phone_code)
// Check country restriction
if ( && country_phone_code !== get_phone_code(country_metadata))
country_metadata = get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code, metadata)
if (!country_metadata)
switch (format)
case 'International':
const national_number = format_national_number(, 'International', country_metadata)
const national_number = format_national_number(number, 'International', country_metadata)
return `+${get_phone_code(country_metadata)} ${national_number}`
case 'International_plaintext':
return `+${get_phone_code(country_metadata)}${}`
return `+${get_phone_code(country_metadata)}${}`
case 'National':
return format_national_number(, 'National', country_metadata)
return format_national_number(number, 'National', country_metadata)

@@ -56,4 +90,13 @@ }

const format = choose_format_for_number(get_formats(country_metadata), number)
// When the `international_formats` exist, we use that to format national number
// for the INTERNATIONAL format instead of using the numberDesc.numberFormats.
let available_formats = get_international_formats(country_metadata)
if (available_formats.length === 0 || format_as === 'National')
available_formats = get_formats(country_metadata)
const format = choose_format_for_number(available_formats, number)
if (!format)

@@ -64,3 +107,2 @@ {

const formatting_rule = get_format_international_format(format)
const pattern_to_match = new RegExp(get_format_pattern(format))

@@ -75,6 +117,6 @@

return number.replace(pattern_to_match,
formatting_rule.replace(FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, national_prefix_formatting_rule))
get_format_format(format).replace(FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, national_prefix_formatting_rule))
const formatted_number = number.replace(pattern_to_match, formatting_rule)
const formatted_number = number.replace(pattern_to_match, format_as === 'International' ? get_format_international_format(format) : get_format_format(format))

@@ -93,6 +135,6 @@ if (format_as === 'International')

if (get_format_leading_digits(format))
if (get_format_leading_digits_patterns(format).length > 0)
// The last leading_digits_pattern is used here, as it is the most detailed
const last_leading_digits_pattern = get_format_leading_digits(format)[get_format_leading_digits(format).length - 1]
const last_leading_digits_pattern = get_format_leading_digits_patterns(format)[get_format_leading_digits_patterns(format).length - 1]

@@ -99,0 +141,0 @@ if ( !== 0)

@@ -47,2 +47,21 @@ import { parseString } from 'xml2js'

// `libphonenumber/` was used as a reference.
// There are three Xml metadata files in Google's `libphonenumber`:
// * PhoneNumberMetadata.xml — core data, used both for parse/format and "as you type"
// * PhoneNumberAlternateFormats.xml — alternative phone number formats.
// is presumably used for parsing phone numbers
// written in "alternative" formats.
// is not used by "as you type"
// presumably because of formats ambiguity
// when combined with the core data.
// this metadata is not used in this library
// as there's no clear description on what to do with it
// and how it works in the original `libphonenumber` code.
// * ShortNumberMetadata.xml — emergency numbers, etc. not used in this library.
export default function(input)

@@ -194,7 +213,7 @@ {

pattern: number_format.$.pattern,
leading_digits: number_format.leadingDigits ? => leading_digits.replace(/\s/g, '')) : undefined,
leading_digits_patterns: number_format.leadingDigits ? => leading_digits.replace(/\s/g, '')) : undefined,
national_prefix_formatting_rule: national_prefix_formatting_rule(number_format.$.nationalPrefixFormattingRule, territory.$.nationalPrefix),
national_prefix_optional_when_formatting: number_format.$.nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting,
format: number_format.format[0],
international_format: (number_format.intlFormat && number_format.intlFormat[0] !== 'NA') ? number_format.intlFormat : undefined
international_format: number_format.intlFormat ? number_format.intlFormat[0] : undefined

@@ -201,0 +220,0 @@

@@ -16,2 +16,7 @@ export function get_phone_code(country_metadata)

export function get_international_formats(country_metadata)
return get_formats(country_metadata).filter(format => get_format_international_format(format) !== 'NA')
export function get_national_prefix(country_metadata)

@@ -66,5 +71,5 @@ {

export function get_format_leading_digits(format_array)
export function get_format_leading_digits_patterns(format_array)
return format_array[2]
return format_array[2] || []

@@ -85,2 +90,14 @@

return format_array[5] || get_format_format(format_array)
// Formatting information for regions which share
// a country calling code is contained by only one region
// for performance reasons. For example, for NANPA region
// ("North American Numbering Plan Administration",
// which includes USA, Canada, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, etc)
// it will be contained in the metadata for `US`.
export function get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code, metadata)
const country_code = metadata.country_phone_code_to_countries[country_phone_code][0]
return metadata.countries[country_code]

@@ -15,6 +15,151 @@ // This is a port of Google Android `libphonenumber`'s

from './metadata'
export const PLUS_CHARS = '+\uFF0B'
// Digits accepted in phone numbers
// (ascii, fullwidth, arabic-indic, and eastern arabic digits).
export const VALID_DIGITS = '0-9\uFF10-\uFF19\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9'
// Regular expression of acceptable punctuation found in phone numbers. This
// excludes punctuation found as a leading character only. This consists of dash
// characters, white space characters, full stops, slashes, square brackets,
// parentheses and tildes. It also includes the letter 'x' as that is found as a
// placeholder for carrier information in some phone numbers. Full-width
// variants are also present.
export const VALID_PUNCTUATION =
'-x\u2010-\u2015\u2212\u30FC\uFF0D-\uFF0F \u00A0\u00AD\u200B\u2060\u3000' +
// Regular expression of viable phone numbers. This is location independent.
// Checks we have at least three leading digits, and only valid punctuation,
// alpha characters and digits in the phone number. Does not include extension
// data. The symbol 'x' is allowed here as valid punctuation since it is often
// used as a placeholder for carrier codes, for example in Brazilian phone
// numbers. We also allow multiple '+' characters at the start.
// Corresponds to the following:
// [digits]{minLengthNsn}|
// plus_sign*
// (([punctuation]|[star])*[digits]){3,}([punctuation]|[star]|[digits]|[alpha])*
// The first reg-ex is to allow short numbers (two digits long) to be parsed if
// they are entered as "15" etc, but only if there is no punctuation in them.
// The second expression restricts the number of digits to three or more, but
// then allows them to be in international form, and to have alpha-characters
// and punctuation. We split up the two reg-exes here and combine them when
// creating the reg-ex VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN itself so we can prefix it
// with ^ and append $ to each branch.
// Note VALID_PUNCTUATION starts with a -, so must be the first in the range.
// (wtf did they mean by saying that; probably nothing)
// And this is the second reg-exp:
// (see MIN_LENGTH_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN for a full description of this reg-exp)
'[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']{0,1}' +
'(?:' +
'[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*' +
'[' + VALID_DIGITS + ']' +
'){3,}' +
'[' +
// The combined regular expression for valid phone numbers:
// Either a short two-digit-only phone number
'^' +
'$' +
'|' +
// Or a longer fully parsed phone number (min 3 characters)
'^' +
// screw phone number extensions
// '(?:' + EXTN_PATTERNS_FOR_PARSING + ')?' +
// This consists of the plus symbol, digits, and arabic-indic digits.
// Regular expression of trailing characters that we want to remove. We remove
// all characters that are not alpha or numerical characters. The hash character
// is retained here, as it may signify the previous block was an extension.
const AFTER_PHONE_NUMBER_END_PATTERN = new RegExp('[^' + VALID_DIGITS + ']+$')
const LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN = new RegExp('^[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']+')
// These mappings map a character (key) to a specific digit that should
// replace it for normalization purposes. Non-European digits that
// may be used in phone numbers are mapped to a European equivalent.
'0': '0',
'1': '1',
'2': '2',
'3': '3',
'4': '4',
'5': '5',
'6': '6',
'7': '7',
'8': '8',
'9': '9',
'\uFF10': '0', // Fullwidth digit 0
'\uFF11': '1', // Fullwidth digit 1
'\uFF12': '2', // Fullwidth digit 2
'\uFF13': '3', // Fullwidth digit 3
'\uFF14': '4', // Fullwidth digit 4
'\uFF15': '5', // Fullwidth digit 5
'\uFF16': '6', // Fullwidth digit 6
'\uFF17': '7', // Fullwidth digit 7
'\uFF18': '8', // Fullwidth digit 8
'\uFF19': '9', // Fullwidth digit 9
'\u0660': '0', // Arabic-indic digit 0
'\u0661': '1', // Arabic-indic digit 1
'\u0662': '2', // Arabic-indic digit 2
'\u0663': '3', // Arabic-indic digit 3
'\u0664': '4', // Arabic-indic digit 4
'\u0665': '5', // Arabic-indic digit 5
'\u0666': '6', // Arabic-indic digit 6
'\u0667': '7', // Arabic-indic digit 7
'\u0668': '8', // Arabic-indic digit 8
'\u0669': '9', // Arabic-indic digit 9
'\u06F0': '0', // Eastern-Arabic digit 0
'\u06F1': '1', // Eastern-Arabic digit 1
'\u06F2': '2', // Eastern-Arabic digit 2
'\u06F3': '3', // Eastern-Arabic digit 3
'\u06F4': '4', // Eastern-Arabic digit 4
'\u06F5': '5', // Eastern-Arabic digit 5
'\u06F6': '6', // Eastern-Arabic digit 6
'\u06F7': '7', // Eastern-Arabic digit 7
'\u06F8': '8', // Eastern-Arabic digit 8
'\u06F9': '9' // Eastern-Arabic digit 9
// The maximum length of the country calling code.
// The minimum length of the national significant number.
// The ITU says the maximum length should be 15,
// but one can find longer numbers in Germany.
// We don't allow input strings for parsing to be longer than 250 chars.
// This prevents malicious input from consuming CPU.
const default_options =

@@ -63,11 +208,6 @@ {

if (!text || text.length > MAX_INPUT_STRING_LENGTH)
return {}
const formatted_phone_number = extract_formatted_phone_number(text)
text = extract_possible_number(text)
let { country_phone_code, number } = parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code(formatted_phone_number)
let { country_phone_code, number } = extract_country_phone_code(text)
// Maybe invalid country phone code encountered

@@ -91,3 +231,3 @@ if (!country_phone_code && !number)

country_metadata = get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code)
country_metadata = get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code, metadata)

@@ -144,79 +284,2 @@ else if ( ||

const PLUS_CHARS = '+\uFF0B'
// Digits accepted in phone numbers
// (ascii, fullwidth, arabic-indic, and eastern arabic digits).
const VALID_DIGITS = '0-9\uFF10-\uFF19\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9'
// This consists of the plus symbol, digits, and arabic-indic digits.
// Regular expression of trailing characters that we want to remove. We remove
// all characters that are not alpha or numerical characters. The hash character
// is retained here, as it may signify the previous block was an extension.
const AFTER_PHONE_NUMBER_END_PATTERN = new RegExp('[^' + VALID_DIGITS + ']+$')
const LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN = new RegExp('^[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']+')
// These mappings map a character (key) to a specific digit that should
// replace it for normalization purposes. Non-European digits that
// may be used in phone numbers are mapped to a European equivalent.
'0': '0',
'1': '1',
'2': '2',
'3': '3',
'4': '4',
'5': '5',
'6': '6',
'7': '7',
'8': '8',
'9': '9',
'\uFF10': '0', // Fullwidth digit 0
'\uFF11': '1', // Fullwidth digit 1
'\uFF12': '2', // Fullwidth digit 2
'\uFF13': '3', // Fullwidth digit 3
'\uFF14': '4', // Fullwidth digit 4
'\uFF15': '5', // Fullwidth digit 5
'\uFF16': '6', // Fullwidth digit 6
'\uFF17': '7', // Fullwidth digit 7
'\uFF18': '8', // Fullwidth digit 8
'\uFF19': '9', // Fullwidth digit 9
'\u0660': '0', // Arabic-indic digit 0
'\u0661': '1', // Arabic-indic digit 1
'\u0662': '2', // Arabic-indic digit 2
'\u0663': '3', // Arabic-indic digit 3
'\u0664': '4', // Arabic-indic digit 4
'\u0665': '5', // Arabic-indic digit 5
'\u0666': '6', // Arabic-indic digit 6
'\u0667': '7', // Arabic-indic digit 7
'\u0668': '8', // Arabic-indic digit 8
'\u0669': '9', // Arabic-indic digit 9
'\u06F0': '0', // Eastern-Arabic digit 0
'\u06F1': '1', // Eastern-Arabic digit 1
'\u06F2': '2', // Eastern-Arabic digit 2
'\u06F3': '3', // Eastern-Arabic digit 3
'\u06F4': '4', // Eastern-Arabic digit 4
'\u06F5': '5', // Eastern-Arabic digit 5
'\u06F6': '6', // Eastern-Arabic digit 6
'\u06F7': '7', // Eastern-Arabic digit 7
'\u06F8': '8', // Eastern-Arabic digit 8
'\u06F9': '9' // Eastern-Arabic digit 9
// The maximum length of the country calling code.
// The minimum length of the national significant number.
// The ITU says the maximum length should be 15,
// but one can find longer numbers in Germany.
// We don't allow input strings for parsing to be longer than 250 chars.
// This prevents malicious input from consuming CPU.
// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number.

@@ -266,20 +329,61 @@ // This converts wide-ascii and arabic-indic numerals to European numerals,

// Tries to extract a country calling code from a number
export function extract_country_phone_code(number)
// Checks to see if the string of characters could possibly be a phone number at
// all. At the moment, checks to see that the string begins with at least 2
// digits, ignoring any punctuation commonly found in phone numbers. This method
// does not require the number to be normalized in advance - but does assume
// that leading non-number symbols have been removed, such as by the method
// `extract_possible_number`.
export function is_viable_phone_number(number)
if (!number)
return number.length >= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN &&
matches_entirely(VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN, number)
export function extract_formatted_phone_number(text, is_valid = is_viable_phone_number)
if (!text || text.length > MAX_INPUT_STRING_LENGTH)
return {}
// If this is not an international phone number,
// then don't extract country phone code.
// Extracts a piece of text possibly containing a phone number
text = extract_possible_number(text)
if (is_valid(text))
return { number }
return text
// Strip the leading '+' and remove non-digits
number = normalize(number.replace(LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN, ''))
// Parses a formatted phone number
// and returns `{ is_international, number }`
// where `number` is either national (significant) phone number
// or an international phone number with the leading '+' stripped.
export function parse_phone_number(number)
if (!number)
return {}
const is_international = LEADING_PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN.test(number)
// Remove non-digits
// (and strip the possible leading '+')
number = normalize(number)
return { number, is_international }
// Parses a formatted phone number
// and returns `{ country_phone_code, number }`
// where `number` is the national (significant) phone number.
// (aka `maybeExtractCountryPhoneCode`)
export function parse_phone_number_and_country_phone_code(_number)
const { number, is_international } = parse_phone_number(_number)
if (!number)

@@ -290,2 +394,9 @@ {

// If this is not an international phone number,
// then don't extract country phone code.
if (!is_international)
return { number }
// Country codes do not begin with a '0'

@@ -322,14 +433,2 @@ if (number[0] === '0')

// Formatting information for regions which share
// a country calling code is contained by only one region
// for performance reasons. For example, for NANPA region
// ("North American Numbering Plan Administration",
// which includes USA, Canada, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, etc)
// it will be contained in the metadata for `US`.
export function get_metadata_by_country_phone_code(country_phone_code)
const country_code = metadata.country_phone_code_to_countries[country_phone_code][0]
return metadata.countries[country_code]
// Strips any national prefix (such as 0, 1) present in the number provided

@@ -336,0 +435,0 @@ export function strip_national_prefix(number, country_metadata)

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