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lingui-react - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1


"name": "lingui-react",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "React components for translations",

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ "main": "index.js",

"babel-runtime": "^6.23.0",
"lingui-formats": "^1.0.0",
"lingui-i18n": "^1.0.0",
"lingui-formats": "^1.0.1",
"lingui-i18n": "^1.0.1",
"prop-types": "^15.5.10"

@@ -41,0 +41,0 @@ },

@@ -1,628 +0,34 @@

[Tutorial](#quickstart) | [API reference](#api)
# lingui-react
> React Components for I18n using ICU message format
> React components for internationalization
`lingui-react` provides React components for writing texts using ICU message format
`lingui-react` is part of [js-lingui][jsLingui]. See the [documentation][Documentation] for all information, tutorials and examples.
## Install
## Installation
npm install lingui-react
# or
yarn add lingui-react
# npm install --save lingui-react
:warning: It's possible to use this library without `babel-preset-lingui-react`.
However, it's highly encouraged to use this preset. All examples below assume
that it's installed.
## Usage
## Quickstart
See the [tutorial][Tutorial] or [reference][Reference] documenation.
> This is an introductory tutorial. For [API reference](#api), scroll below.
## License
`lingui-react` provides several components which represent ICU MessageFormat in
React. It's useful to understand this format, but certainly not required.
Please make sure that you have `babel-preset-lingui-react` installed and added
to your babel config.
:bulb: All components are exported from the top of `lingui-react` package.
### 1. Setup I18nProvider
Translations are loaded from message catalogs for given language. The top
component which adds messages and language to React component tree is
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { I18nProvider } from 'lingui-react'
import messages from './locales/en.json'
import App from './App'
<I18nProvider language="en" catalogs={{ en: { messages } }}>
<App />
:hammer_and_wrench: Under the hood this component adds messages and language to
context. All `lingui-react` components access messages from this context, so
it's not necessary to pass them in props manually.
:bulb: Active language can be managed for example in `redux` store. In that case,
add [I18nProvider](#i18nprovider) in main component (e.g. `App`) and read
`language` from `redux` store. Loading of messages dynamically can be achieved
in several ways depending on bundler (e.g. webpack) and it's not covered in this
### 2. Wrap messages in i18n components
The simplest i18n component is [Trans](#trans). It's used for simple, singular
translations. It supports both variables and inline components.
Suppose we have a `Header` component, which displays the name of currently
logged in user:
import React from 'react'
const Header = ({ username }) => (
<div className="UserProfile">
Welcome, <Link to="/profile">{username}</Link>
If we want to translate this component, just wrap all messages in
[Trans](#trans) component:
import React from 'react'
import { Trans } from 'lingui-react'
const Header = ({ username }) => (
<div className="UserProfile">
<Trans>Welcome, <Link to="/profile">{username}</Link></Trans>
This process is completely seamless and doesn't require any other changes
to `Header` component.
**:warning: Only simple variables are supported inside [Trans](#trans) component.**
It's not possible to use constants, function calls or object properties.
Any of following examples won't work:
const messages = [
<Trans>The answer is {42}</Trans>
#### :hammer_and_wrench: How the extracted messages are going to look like
Extraction of messages into external message catalogs isn't covered in this
tutorial because it's a responsibility of `lingui-cli` package. However, now it's
probably the best and only time to mention, how extracted messages are going
to look like.
Given the example above, we'll get two messages:
// example of empty message catalog
export default {
"Documentation": "",
"Welcome, <0>{username}</0>": ""
Anything wrapped inside [Trans](#trans) component is considered as
a **source message**.
Names of variables are preserved. This is the reason why only simple variables
are allowed - variable names are used as placeholders.
Inline components are replaced with dummy `<0>`, `<1>`, etc. tags. Using
anonymous tags has several advantages:
- Both built-in (e.g: `span`) and custom (e.g: `Link`) components are supported
- Change of props doesn't require update of translations (e.g. when class name is changed)
### 3. Translations of attributes
Sometimes it's necessary to translate element attributes, like link `title` or
`aria-label`. [Trans](#trans) is a React component, but in this case we need
just a text.
It's possible to access low-level i18n API using [WithI18n](#withi18n)
high-order component.
All we need to do is wrap our component and then
we can use `lingui-i18n` API from `i18n` prop:
import React from 'react'
import { Trans, WithI18n } from 'lingui-react'
// WithI18n injects `i18n` prop
const LogoutIcon = WithI18n()(
({ i18n }) => <Icon name="turn-off" aria-label={i18n.t`Log out`}/>
**:warning: Watch the empty braces after `WithI18n`. `WithI18n` expects options
as a first argument and return configured HOC.**
`i18n.t` returns plain text. It's the same API which can be used outside React
context and it's described in `lingui-i18n`
### 4. Plurals, categories, and formats
ICU MessageFormat is very powerful and extensible format. It supports plurals,
categories and date/number formats.
#### Plurals
[Plural](#plural) component selects the appropriate plural form based on given
`value`. For example in English, there are only two plural forms: singular and
plural. If we want to translate message with plural support, we need to define
import React from 'react'
import { Trans } from 'lingui-react'
const Notifications = ({ newMessageCount }) => {
return (
one="# message"
other="# messages"
In English, [Plural](#plural) will render `1 message`, but `3 messages` depending on
`value`. It means that `one` prop expresses singular while `other` is for plural.
Plural forms for other than source language are defined in message catalogs.
If we use English as a source language, we'll always use only `one` and `other`
props in [Plural](#plural).
Just to clarify, the message above is extracted as:
`{newMessageCount, plural, one {# message} other {# messages}}`
In Czech, it would be translated as:
`{newMessageCount, plural, one {# zpráva} few {# zprávy} other {# zpráv}}`
This is different compared to `gettext`, which maps singular/plural to
language specific plural forms. In ICU message format, we always have only
one message with all plural forms per language.
:hammer_and_wrench: All possible plural forms are `zero`, `one`, `two`, `few`,
`many`, `other`.
:bulb: Plural forms for all languages are listed at CLDR page -
[Language Plural Rules](
#### Select
Some languages have different forms based on gender or level of politeness.
Such cases are handled using [Select](#select) component, which works like
a `switch` statement:
import React from 'react'
import { Trans } from 'lingui-react'
const Book = ({ gender }) => {
return (
male="His book"
female="Her book"
other="Their book"
There's no magic here. [Select](#select) uses the form based on `value`.
`other` prop defines default form.
#### DateFormat and NumberFormat
Localization isn't just about text, but also about different number and date
formats. [NumberFormat](#numberformat) is used for formatting numbers
(decimals, percents, currencies), while [DateFormat](#dateformat) is for
import React from 'react'
import { DateFormat, NumberFormat } from 'lingui-react'
const Invoice = ({ invoiceNumber, datePaid, amount }) => {
return (
<h1><Trans>Invoice {invoiceNumber}</Trans></h1>
Amount <NumberFormat
format={{ style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }}
/> paid on <DateFormat value={datePaid} />
### 6. What's next
Once the app is *internationalized*, it's ready to be *localized*. Localization
process includes extracting messages into message catalog, translating message
catalogs and importing them in the application.
`lingui-cli` provides `extract` command, which creates new or updates existing
message catalogs.
Finally, after the message catalog is translated, it can be loaded back to the
application. [I18nProvider](#i18nprovider) expects a dictionary of messages,
where the key is a message in source language and the value is a message in target langauge.
Other useful links:
- [lingui-i18n]( docs
- [lingui-cli]( CLI utility
## API
Component | Example MessageFormat
--- | ---
[Trans](#trans) | `My name is {name}`
**Categories** |
[Plural](#plural) | `{count, plural, one {# book} other {# books}}`
[Select](#select) | `{gender, select, male {His} female {Her} other {Their}}`
[SelectOrdinal](#selectordinal) | `{count, selectordinal, one {#st} two {#nd} few {#rd} other {#th}}`
**Formats** |
[DateFormat](#dateformat) | `{value, date, short}`
[NumberFormat](#numberformat) | `{value, number, percent}`
- Providers and HOCs
- [I18nProvider](#i18nprovider)
- [WithI18n](#withi18n)
### General concepts
#### Rendering in components
All i18n components support two optional props:
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`className` | string | Class name to be added to `<span>` element
`render` | React.Element | React.Class | Custom wrapper element to render translation
Setting `className` is enough in most cases. If we need to replace `<span>`
with a custom element, we can pass it to `render` prop.
When `render` is React.Element, it is cloned with `translation` as children:
<Trans render={<h1 />}>Heading</Trans>
Using React.Component (or stateless component) in `render` prop is useful to
get more control over the rendering of translation. Component passed to `render`
receive translation/value in `translation` prop.
<Trans render={({ translation }) => <Icon label={translation} />}>
Sign in
#### Variables inside components
**:warning: Only simple variables are supported inside [Trans](#trans) component
and as a `value` prop in other i18n components.**
It's not possible to use constants, function calls or object properties.
Any of following examples won't work:
const messages = [
<Trans>The answer is {42}</Trans>
<DateFormat value={new Date()}
### Trans
This is the main component for translation. It supports variables and components
inside messages. It's also possible to override generated message ID using `id`
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`id` | string | Override auto-generated message ID
#### Examples:
// basic use case
<Trans>Hello World</Trans>
// custom message ID
<Trans id="msg.hello">Hello World</Trans>
// variable interpolation
const name = "Fred"
<Trans>My name is {name}</Trans>
// inline components
<Trans>See the <Link to="/more">description</Link> below.</Trans>
### Plural
MessageFormat: `{arg, plural, ...forms}`
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | number | Override auto-generated message ID
`offset` | number | Offsets plural forms but doesn't affect exact matches
`zero` | string | Form for empty `value`
`one` | string | *Singular* form
`two` | string | *Dual* form
`few` | string | *Paucal* form
`many` | string | *Plural* form
`other` | string | (required) general *plural* form
`_0`, `_1`, ... | string | Exact match form, correspond to `=N` rule
See [Language Plural Rules](
Based on language, the `value` is mapped to specific plural form. If such plural
form isn't defined, the `other` form is used. `#` character inside message is used
as a placeholder for `value`:
const count = 42
// renders as '42 books'
one="# book"
other="# books"
It's also possible to use exact matches. This is common used in combination with
`offset` prop. `offset` doesn't affect `value` for exact matches, only plural forms:
const count = 42
// when value = 0
_0="Nobody arrived"
// when value = 1
_1="Only you arrived"
// when value = 2
// value - offset = 1 -> `one` plural form
one="You and # other guest"
// when value >= 3
other="You and # other guests"
### Select
MessageFormat: `{arg, select, ...forms}`
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | number | Override auto-generated message ID
`other` | number | (required) Default, catch-all form
This component selects appropriate form based on content of `value`. It
behaves like an `switch` statement. `other` prop is used when no prop matches
// gender = "female" -> `Her book`
// gender = "male" -> `His book`
// gender = "unspecified" -> `Their book`
male="His book"
female="Her book"
other="Their books"
### SelectOrdinal
MessageFormat: `{arg, selectordinal, ...forms}`
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | number | Override auto-generated message ID
`offset` | number | Offsets plural forms but doesn't affect exact matches
`zero` | string | Form for empty `value`
`one` | string | *Singular* form
`two` | string | *Dual* form
`few` | string | *Paucal* form
`many` | string | *Plural* form
`other` | string | (required) general *plural* form
`_0`, `_1`, ... | string | Exact match form, correspond to `=N` rule
See [Language Plural Rules](
This component is equivalent to [Plural](#plural). The only difference is that it
uses **ordinal** plural forms, instead of **cardinal** ones.
### DateFormat
MessageFormat: `{arg, date, format}`
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | number | Date to be formatted
`format` | string or Object | Date format passed as options to [Intl.DateTimeFormat](
This component is a wrapper around [Intl.DateTimeFormat](
const now = new Date()
// default language format
<DateFormat value={now} />
const now = new Date()
// custom format
<DateFormat value={now} format={{
year: "numberic",
month: "long",
day: "numeric"
### NumberFormat
MessageFormat: `{arg, number, format}`
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | number | Number to be formatted
`format` | string or Object | Number format passed as options to [Intl.NumberFormat](
This component is a wrapper around [Intl.NumberFormat](
const num = 0.42
// default language format
<NumberFormat value={num} />
const amount = 3.14
// custom format
<NumberFormat value={amount} format={{
style: "currency",
currency: 'EUR',
minimumFractionDigits: 2
## Providers
Message catalogs and active language are passed to the context in
[I18nProvider](#i18nprovider). However, context should never be accessed
directly. [WithI18n](#withi18n) hoc passes i18n prop to wrapped component
and shadows all implementation details:
### I18nProvider
Prop name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`language` | string | Active language
`messages` | object | Message catalog
`messages` must be in format: `{ [language]: messageCatalog }`. This component
should live above all i18n components. The good place is top-level application
component. However, if the `language` is stored in the `redux` store, this
component should be inserted below `react-redux/Provider`.
import React from 'react'
import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux'
import { I18nProvider } from 'lingui-react'
const App = connect(state => ({ language: state.language }))(
({ language} ) => {
const messages = require(`locales/${language}.json`)
return (
<I18nProvider language={language} messages={{ [language]: messages }}>
// the rest of app
### WithI18n
`WithI18n([ options ])`
Options | Description
--- | ---
`withRef` | Returns reference to wrapped instance in `getWrappedInstance`
This HOC injects `i18n` prop to wrapped component. It's useful when wrapped
component needs to access `lingui-i18n` API for plain text translations.
import React from 'react'
import { Trans, WithI18n } from 'lingui-react'
// WithI18n injects `i18n` prop
const LogoutIcon = WithI18n()(
({ i18n }) => <Icon name="turn-off" aria-label={i18n.t`Log out`}/>
# License

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