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Package description

What is lowlight?

The lowlight npm package is a library for syntax highlighting of code using languages supported by highlight.js. It is primarily used to parse and transform code into a syntax-highlighted format without a browser, making it suitable for server-side applications or pre-processing of static pages.

What are lowlight's main functionalities?

Syntax Highlighting

This feature allows you to highlight syntax of various programming languages. The code sample demonstrates highlighting a simple JavaScript code snippet.

const lowlight = require('lowlight');
const highlightedCode = lowlight.highlight('javascript', 'const x = 123;').value;

Registering Languages

This feature enables the addition of new languages to lowlight's highlighting capabilities by registering them through highlight.js. The code sample shows how to register and highlight Python code.

const lowlight = require('lowlight');
lowlight.registerLanguage('python', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/python'));
const highlightedPython = lowlight.highlight('python', 'def foo(): return 123').value;

Auto-Detection of Language

This feature automatically detects the programming language of a given code snippet and applies appropriate syntax highlighting. The code sample demonstrates auto-detection for a JavaScript snippet.

const lowlight = require('lowlight');
const result = lowlight.highlightAuto('const x = 123;');
console.log(result.language); // 'javascript'

Other packages similar to lowlight




Build Coverage Downloads Size

Virtual syntax highlighting for virtual DOMs and non-HTML things, with language auto-detection. Perfect for React, VDOM, and others.

Lowlight is built to work with all syntaxes supported by highlight.js. There are three builds of lowlight:

  • lib/core.js — 0 languages
  • lib/common.js (default) — 35 languages
  • lib/all.js — 191 languages

Want to use Prism instead? Try refractor!



This package is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.


npm install lowlight



import {lowlight} from 'lowlight'

const tree = lowlight.highlight('js', '"use strict";')

console.dir(tree, {depth: null})


  type: 'root',
  data: {language: 'js', relevance: 10},
  children: [
      type: 'element',
      tagName: 'span',
      properties: {className: ['hljs-meta']},
      children: [{type: 'text', value: '"use strict"'}]
    {type: 'text', value: ';'}

hast trees can be serialized with hast-util-to-html:

import {lowlight} from 'lowlight'
import toHtml from 'hast-util-to-html'

const tree = lowlight.highlight('js', '"use strict";')



<span class="hljs-meta">"use strict"</span>;

hast trees can be turned into other things, like virtual DOMs, with hast-to-hyperscript.

hast trees are also used throughout the rehype (unified) ecosystem:

import unified from 'unified'
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
import {lowlight} from 'lowlight'

const tree = lowlight.highlight('js', '"use strict";')

const processor = unified().use(rehypeStringify)
const html = processor.stringify(tree).toString()



<span class="hljs-meta">"use strict"</span>;


This package exports the following identifiers: lowlight. There is no default export.

lowlight.highlight(language, value[, options])

Parse value (string) according to the language grammar.

  • prefix (string?, default: 'hljs-') — Class prefix

A hast Root with two data fields:

  • relevance (number) — How sure low is that the given code is in the language
  • language (string) — The detected language name
import {lowlight} from 'lowlight'

console.log(lowlight.highlight('css', 'em { color: red }'))


{type: 'root', data: {language: 'css', relevance: 3}, children: [Array]}

lowlight.highlightAuto(value[, options])

Parse value by guessing its grammar.


The options of lowlight.highlight are supported, plus:

  • subset (Array.<string>? default: all registered languages) — List of allowed languages

The same result as lowlight.highlight is returned.

import {lowlight} from 'lowlight'

console.log(lowlight.highlightAuto('"hello, " + name + "!"'))


{type: 'root', data: {language: 'applescript', relevance: 3}, children: [Array]}

lowlight.registerLanguage(language, syntax)

Register a syntax as language (string). Useful in the browser or with custom grammars.

import {lowlight} from 'lowlight/lib/core.js'
import xml from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/xml.js'

lowlight.registerLanguage('xml', xml)

console.log(lowlight.highlight('html', '<em>Emphasis</em>'))


{type: 'root', data: {language: 'html', relevance: 2}, children: [Array]}

lowlight.registerAlias(language, alias)

Register a new alias for language.

  • registerAlias(language, alias|list)
  • registerAlias(aliases)
  • language (string) — Name of a registered language
  • alias (string) — New alias for the registered language
  • list (Array.<alias>) — List of aliases
  • aliases (Object.<language, alias|list>) — Map where each key is a language and each value an alias or a list
import {lowlight} from 'lowlight/lib/core.js'
import md from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/markdown.js'

lowlight.registerLanguage('markdown', md)

// lowlight.highlight('mdown', '<em>Emphasis</em>')
// ^ would throw: Error: Unknown language: `mdown` is not registered

lowlight.registerAlias({markdown: ['mdown', 'mkdn', 'mdwn', 'ron']})
lowlight.highlight('mdown', '<em>Emphasis</em>')
// ^ Works!


List all registered languages.



import {lowlight} from 'lowlight/lib/core.js'
import md from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/markdown.js'

console.log(lowlight.listLanguages()) // => []

lowlight.registerLanguage('markdown', md)

console.log(lowlight.listLanguages()) // => ['markdown']


If you’re using lowlight/lib/core.js, no syntaxes are included. Checked syntaxes are included if you import lowlight (or lowlight/lib/common.js). Unchecked syntaxes are available through lowlight/lib/all.js

Note that highlight.js works as a singleton. That means that if you register a syntax anywhere in your project, it’ll become available everywhere!

  • 1c — 1C:Enterprise
  • abnf — Augmented Backus-Naur Form
  • accesslog — Apache Access Log
  • actionscript (as) — ActionScript
  • ada — Ada
  • angelscript (asc) — AngelScript
  • apache (apacheconf) — Apache config
  • applescript (osascript) — AppleScript
  • arcade — ArcGIS Arcade
  • arduino (ino) — Arduino
  • armasm (arm) — ARM Assembly
  • asciidoc (adoc) — AsciiDoc
  • aspectj — AspectJ
  • autohotkey (ahk) — AutoHotkey
  • autoit — AutoIt
  • avrasm — AVR Assembly
  • awk — Awk
  • axapta (x++) — X++
  • bash (sh) — Bash
  • basic — BASIC
  • bnf — Backus–Naur Form
  • brainfuck (bf) — Brainfuck
  • c (h) — C
  • cal — C/AL
  • capnproto (capnp) — Cap’n Proto
  • ceylon — Ceylon
  • clean (icl, dcl) — Clean
  • clojure (clj) — Clojure
  • clojure-repl — Clojure REPL
  • cmake ( — CMake
  • coffeescript (coffee, cson, iced) — CoffeeScript
  • coq — Coq
  • cos (cls) — Caché Object Script
  • cpp (cc, c++, h++, hpp, hh, hxx, cxx) — C++
  • crmsh (crm, pcmk) — crmsh
  • crystal (cr) — Crystal
  • csharp (cs, c#) — C#
  • csp — CSP
  • css — CSS
  • d — D
  • dart — Dart
  • delphi (dpr, dfm, pas, pascal) — Delphi
  • diff (patch) — Diff
  • django (jinja) — Django
  • dns (bind, zone) — DNS Zone
  • dockerfile (docker) — Dockerfile
  • dos (bat, cmd) — Batch file (DOS)
  • dsconfig — undefined
  • dts — Device Tree
  • dust (dst) — Dust
  • ebnf — Extended Backus-Naur Form
  • elixir — Elixir
  • elm — Elm
  • erb — ERB
  • erlang (erl) — Erlang
  • erlang-repl — Erlang REPL
  • excel (xlsx, xls) — Excel formulae
  • fix — FIX
  • flix — Flix
  • fortran (f90, f95) — Fortran
  • fsharp (fs) — F#
  • gams (gms) — GAMS
  • gauss (gss) — GAUSS
  • gcode (nc) — G-code (ISO 6983)
  • gherkin (feature) — Gherkin
  • glsl — GLSL
  • gml — GML
  • go (golang) — Go
  • golo — Golo
  • gradle — Gradle
  • groovy — Groovy
  • haml — HAML
  • handlebars (hbs, html.hbs, html.handlebars, htmlbars) — Handlebars
  • haskell (hs) — Haskell
  • haxe (hx) — Haxe
  • hsp — HSP
  • http (https) — HTTP
  • hy (hylang) — Hy
  • inform7 (i7) — Inform 7
  • ini (toml) — TOML, also INI
  • irpf90 — IRPF90
  • isbl — ISBL
  • java (jsp) — Java
  • javascript (js, jsx, mjs, cjs) — Javascript
  • jboss-cli (wildfly-cli) — JBoss CLI
  • json — JSON
  • julia — Julia
  • julia-repl — Julia REPL
  • kotlin (kt, kts) — Kotlin
  • lasso (ls, lassoscript) — Lasso
  • latex (tex) — LaTeX
  • ldif — LDIF
  • leaf — Leaf
  • less — Less
  • lisp — Lisp
  • livecodeserver — LiveCode
  • livescript (ls) — LiveScript
  • llvm — LLVM IR
  • lsl — LSL (Linden Scripting Language)
  • lua — Lua
  • makefile (mk, mak, make) — Makefile
  • markdown (md, mkdown, mkd) — Markdown
  • mathematica (mma, wl) — Mathematica
  • matlab — Matlab
  • maxima — Maxima
  • mel — MEL
  • mercury (m, moo) — Mercury
  • mipsasm (mips) — MIPS Assembly
  • mizar — Mizar
  • mojolicious — Mojolicious
  • monkey — Monkey
  • moonscript (moon) — MoonScript
  • n1ql — N1QL
  • nestedtext (nt) — Nested Text
  • nginx (nginxconf) — Nginx config
  • nim — Nim
  • nix (nixos) — Nix
  • node-repl — Node REPL
  • nsis — NSIS
  • objectivec (mm, objc, obj-c, obj-c++, objective-c++) — Objective-C
  • ocaml (ml) — OCaml
  • openscad (scad) — OpenSCAD
  • oxygene — Oxygene
  • parser3 — Parser3
  • perl (pl, pm) — Perl
  • pf (pf.conf) — Packet Filter config
  • pgsql (postgres, postgresql) — PostgreSQL
  • php — undefined
  • php-template — PHP template
  • plaintext (text, txt) — Plain text
  • pony — Pony
  • powershell (ps, ps1) — PowerShell
  • processing (pde) — Processing
  • profile — Python profiler
  • prolog — Prolog
  • properties — .properties
  • protobuf — Protocol Buffers
  • puppet (pp) — Puppet
  • purebasic (pb, pbi) — PureBASIC
  • python (py, gyp, ipython) — Python
  • python-repl (pycon) — undefined
  • q (k, kdb) — Q
  • qml (qt) — QML
  • r — R
  • reasonml (re) — ReasonML
  • rib — RenderMan RIB
  • roboconf (graph, instances) — Roboconf
  • routeros (mikrotik) — Microtik RouterOS script
  • rsl — RenderMan RSL
  • ruby (rb, gemspec, podspec, thor, irb) — Ruby
  • ruleslanguage — Oracle Rules Language
  • rust (rs) — Rust
  • sas — SAS
  • scala — Scala
  • scheme — Scheme
  • scilab (sci) — Scilab
  • scss — SCSS
  • shell (console, shellsession) — Shell Session
  • smali — Smali
  • smalltalk (st) — Smalltalk
  • sml (ml) — SML (Standard ML)
  • sqf — SQF
  • sql — SQL
  • stan (stanfuncs) — Stan
  • stata (do, ado) — Stata
  • step21 (p21, step, stp) — STEP Part 21
  • stylus (styl) — Stylus
  • subunit — SubUnit
  • swift — Swift
  • taggerscript — Tagger Script
  • tap — Test Anything Protocol
  • tcl (tk) — Tcl
  • thrift — Thrift
  • tp — TP
  • twig (craftcms) — Twig
  • typescript (ts, tsx) — TypeScript
  • vala — Vala
  • vbnet (vb) — Visual Basic .NET
  • vbscript (vbs) — VBScript
  • vbscript-html — VBScript in HTML
  • verilog (v, sv, svh) — Verilog
  • vhdl — VHDL
  • vim — Vim Script
  • wasm — WebAssembly
  • wren — Wren
  • x86asm — Intel x86 Assembly
  • xl (tao) — XL
  • xml (html, xhtml, rss, atom, xjb, xsd, xsl, plist, wsf, svg) — HTML, XML
  • xquery (xpath, xq) — XQuery
  • yaml (yml) — YAML
  • zephir (zep) — Zephir



MIT © Titus Wormer



Last updated on 30 May 2021

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