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Comparing version 2.1.3 to 3.0.0-rc1



@@ -0,4 +1,14 @@

"use strict";
var _toArray = function (arr) { return Array.isArray(arr) ? arr : Array.from(arr); };
var _toConsumableArray = function (arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } };
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } };
* make-plural.js --
* Copyright (c) 2014 by Eemeli Aro <>
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 by Eemeli Aro <>

@@ -18,199 +28,272 @@ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any

(function (global) {
var Parser = (function () {
function Parser() {
_classCallCheck(this, Parser);
function parse(cond, symbols) {
if (cond == 'i = 0 or n = 1') return 'n >= 0 && n <= 1';
if (cond == 'i = 0,1') return 'n >= 0 && n < 2';
if (cond == 'i = 1 and v = 0') {
symbols['v0'] = 1;
return 'n == 1 && v0';
return cond
.replace(/([tv]) (!?)= 0/g, function(m, sym, noteq) {
var sn = sym + '0';
symbols[sn] = 1;
return noteq ? '!' + sn : sn;
.replace(/\b[fintv]\b/g, function(m) {
symbols[m] = 1;
return m;
.replace(/([fin]) % (10+)/g, function(m, sym, num) {
var sn = sym + num;
symbols[sn] = 1;
return sn;
.replace(/n10+ = 0/g, 't0 && $&')
.replace(/(\w+ (!?)= )([0-9.]+,[0-9.,]+)/g, function(m, se, noteq, x) {
if (m == 'n = 0,1') return '(n == 0 || n == 1)';
if (noteq) return se + x.split(',').join(' && ' + se);
return '(' + se + x.split(',').join(' || ' + se) + ')';
.replace(/(\w+) (!?)= ([0-9]+)\.\.([0-9]+)/g, function(m, sym, noteq, x0, x1) {
if (Number(x0) + 1 == Number(x1)) {
if (noteq) return sym + ' != ' + x0 + ' && ' + sym + ' != ' + x1;
return '(' + sym + ' == ' + x0 + ' || ' + sym + ' == ' + x1 + ')';
if (noteq) return '(' + sym + ' < ' + x0 + ' || ' + sym + ' > ' + x1 + ')';
if (sym == 'n') { symbols['t0'] = 1; return '(t0 && n >= ' + x0 + ' && n <= ' + x1 + ')'; }
return '(' + sym + ' >= ' + x0 + ' && ' + sym + ' <= ' + x1 + ')';
.replace(/ and /g, ' && ')
.replace(/ or /g, ' || ')
.replace(/ = /g, ' == ');
_createClass(Parser, {
parse: {
value: function parse(cond) {
var _this = this;
function vars(symbols) {
var vars = [];
if (symbols['i']) vars.push("i = s[0]");
if (symbols['f'] || symbols['v']) vars.push("f = s[1] || ''");
if (symbols['t']) vars.push("t = (s[1] || '').replace(/0+$/, '')");
if (symbols['v']) vars.push("v = f.length")
if (symbols['v0']) vars.push("v0 = !s[1]");
if (symbols['t0'] || symbols['n10'] || symbols['n100']) vars.push("t0 = Number(s[0]) == n");
for (var k in symbols) if (/^.10+$/.test(k)) {
var k0 = (k[0] == 'n') ? 't0 && s[0]' : k[0];
vars.push(k + ' = ' + k0 + '.slice(-' + k.substr(2).length + ')');
if (vars.length) {
vars.unshift("s = String(n).split('.')");
return 'var ' + vars.join(', ') + ';';
return '';
if (cond == "i = 0 or n = 1") {
return "n >= 0 && n <= 1";
}if (cond == "i = 0,1") {
return "n >= 0 && n < 2";
}if (cond == "i = 1 and v = 0") {
this.v0 = 1;
return "n == 1 && v0";
return cond.replace(/([tv]) (!?)= 0/g, function (m, sym, noteq) {
var sn = sym + "0";
_this[sn] = 1;
return noteq ? "!" + sn : sn;
}).replace(/\b[fintv]\b/g, function (m) {
_this[m] = 1;
return m;
}).replace(/([fin]) % (10+)/g, function (m, sym, num) {
var sn = sym + num;
_this[sn] = 1;
return sn;
}).replace(/n10+ = 0/g, "t0 && $&").replace(/(\w+ (!?)= )([0-9.]+,[0-9.,]+)/g, function (m, se, noteq, x) {
if (m == "n = 0,1") return "(n == 0 || n == 1)";
if (noteq) return se + x.split(",").join(" && " + se);
return "(" + se + x.split(",").join(" || " + se) + ")";
}).replace(/(\w+) (!?)= ([0-9]+)\.\.([0-9]+)/g, function (m, sym, noteq, x0, x1) {
if (Number(x0) + 1 == Number(x1)) {
if (noteq) return "" + sym + " != " + x0 + " && " + sym + " != " + x1;
return "(" + sym + " == " + x0 + " || " + sym + " == " + x1 + ")";
if (noteq) return "(" + sym + " < " + x0 + " || " + sym + " > " + x1 + ")";
if (sym == "n") {
_this.t0 = 1;return "(t0 && n >= " + x0 + " && n <= " + x1 + ")";
return "(" + sym + " >= " + x0 + " && " + sym + " <= " + x1 + ")";
}).replace(/ and /g, " && ").replace(/ or /g, " || ").replace(/ = /g, " == ");
vars: {
value: function vars() {
var vars = [];
if (this.i) vars.push("i = s[0]");
if (this.f || this.v) vars.push("f = s[1] || ''");
if (this.t) vars.push("t = (s[1] || '').replace(/0+$/, '')");
if (this.v) vars.push("v = f.length");
if (this.v0) vars.push("v0 = !s[1]");
if (this.t0 || this.n10 || this.n100) vars.push("t0 = Number(s[0]) == n");
for (var k in this) {
if (/^.10+$/.test(k)) {
var k0 = k[0] == "n" ? "t0 && s[0]" : k[0];
vars.push("" + k + " = " + k0 + ".slice(-" + k.substr(2).length + ")");
}if (!vars.length) {
return "";
}return "var " + ["s = String(n).split('.')"].concat(vars).join(", ");
function build(lc, opt, tests) {
var lines = [], symbols = {},
_fold = function(l) { return l.replace(/(.{1,72})( \|\| |$) ?/gm, '$1\n $2').replace(/\s+$/gm, ''); },
_compile = function(type, req) {
var cases = [];
if (!MakePlural.rules || !MakePlural.rules[type]) {
MakePlural.load((type == 'ordinal')
? './data/unicode-cldr-ordinal-rules.json'
: './data/unicode-cldr-plural-rules.json');
if (MakePlural.rules[type][lc]) {
for (var r in MakePlural.rules[type][lc]) {
var key = r.replace('pluralRule-count-', ''),
parts = MakePlural.rules[type][lc][r].split(/@\w*/),
cond = parts.shift().trim();
if (cond) cases.push([parse(cond, symbols), key]);
tests[type][key] = parts.join(' ')
.replace(/^[ ,]+|[ ,…]+$/g, '')
.replace(/(0\.[0-9])~(1\.[1-9])/g, '$1 1.0 $2')
.split(/[ ,~…]+/);
} else if (req) {
if (!opt['quiet']) console.error('Locale "' + lc + '" ' + type + ' rules not found');
return false;
if (!cases.length) return "'other'";
if (cases.length == 1) return "(" + cases[0][0] + ") ? '" + cases[0][1] + "' : 'other'";
return { return "(" + c[0] + ") ? '" + c[1] + "'"; }).concat("'other'").join('\n : ');
return Parser;
if (opt['ordinals']) {
if (opt['no_cardinals']) {
var l = _compile('ordinal', true);
if (!l) return null;
lines.push(_fold(' return ' + l + ';'));
} else {
lines.push(_fold(' if (ord) return ' + _compile('ordinal', false) + ';'));
if (!opt['no_cardinals']) {
var l = _compile('cardinal', true);
if (!l) return null;
lines.push(_fold(' return ' + l + ';'));
var fn_vars = vars(symbols).replace(/(.{1,78})(,|$) ?/g, '\n $1$2').trim();
if (fn_vars) lines.unshift(' ' + fn_vars);
return lines.join('\n');
var Rules = (function () {
function Rules() {
_classCallCheck(this, Rules);
function test(lc, fn, tests, opt) {
var ok = true,
_test = function(k, x, ord) {
try { var r = fn(x, ord); }
catch (e) { r = e.toString(); }
if (r != k) {
ok = false;
if (!opt['quiet']) console.error(
'Locale "' + lc + '" ' + (ord ? 'ordinal' : 'cardinal')
+ ' rule self-test failed for v = '
+ (typeof x == 'string' ? '"' + x + '"' : x)
+ ' (was "' + r + '", expected "' + k + '")'
return false;
return true;
for (var t in tests) {
var ord = (t == 'ordinal');
for (var k in tests[t]) {
tests[t][k].forEach(function(v) {
if (_test(k, v, ord) && !/\.0+$/.test(v)) _test(k, Number(v), ord);
return ok;
} = {};
this.rootPath = "./data/";
function xhr_require(src, url) {
if (src && (url[0] == '.')) url = src.replace(/[^\/]*$/, url);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', url, false);
return (xhr.status == 200) && JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
_createClass(Rules, {
loadData: {
value: function loadData(cldr) {
var data = cldr && cldr.supplemental || {};
return = {
cardinal: data["plurals-type-cardinal"] ||,
ordinal: data["plurals-type-ordinal"] ||
loadPath: {
value: function loadPath(path) {
if (path.indexOf("/") == -1) path = this.rootPath + path;
if (typeof require == "function") {
return this.loadData(require(path));
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"get", path, false);
if (xhr.status != 200) throw new Error("XMLHttpRequest failed for " + JSON.stringify(path));
return this.loadData(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText));
cardinal: {
get: function () {
return || this.loadPath("unicode-cldr-plural-rules.json").cardinal;
ordinal: {
get: function () {
return || this.loadPath("unicode-cldr-ordinal-rules.json").ordinal;
return Rules;
var MakePlural = function(lc, opt) {
if (typeof lc == 'object') { opt = lc; lc =; }
else {
if (!opt) opt = MakePlural.opt;
if (!lc) lc =;
var tests = { 'ordinal':{}, 'cardinal':{} },
fn_body = build(lc, opt, tests),
fn = opt['ordinals'] && !opt['no_cardinals']
? new Function('n', 'ord', fn_body)
: new Function('n', fn_body);
fn.toString = function(name) {
var s =;
return s.replace(/^function( \w+)?/, name ? 'function ' + name : 'function');
return fn_body && (opt['no_tests'] || test(lc, fn, tests, opt)) ? fn : null;
var Tests = (function () {
function Tests(obj) {
_classCallCheck(this, Tests);
MakePlural.opt = {};
MakePlural.rules = {};
this.obj = obj;
this.ordinal = {};
this.cardinal = {};
MakePlural.load = function(/* arguments */) {
var _require = (typeof require == 'function') ? require : function(url) { return xhr_require(MakePlural.src_url, url); };
if (!MakePlural.rules) MakePlural.rules = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
var cldr = (typeof arguments[i] == 'string') ? _require(arguments[i]) : arguments[i];
if (cldr && cldr['supplemental']) ['cardinal', 'ordinal'].forEach(function(type) {
var set = cldr['supplemental']['plurals-type-' + type];
if (set) MakePlural.rules[type] = set;
return MakePlural;
_createClass(Tests, {
add: {
value: function add(type, cat, examples) {
this[type][cat] = examples.join(" ").replace(/^[ ,]+|[ ,…]+$/g, "").replace(/(0\.[0-9])~(1\.[1-9])/g, "$1 1.0 $2").split(/[ ,~…]+/);
testCond: {
value: function testCond(n, type, expResult) {
try {
var r = this.obj.fn(n, type == "ordinal");
} catch (e) {
r = e.toString();
if (r != expResult) throw new Error("Locale " + JSON.stringify( + type + " rule self-test failed for v = " + JSON.stringify(n) + " (was " + JSON.stringify(r) + ", expected " + JSON.stringify(expResult) + ")");
return true;
testCat: {
value: function testCat(type, cat) {
var _this = this;
this[type][cat].forEach(function (n) {
_this.testCond(n, type, cat);
/\.0+$/.test(n) || _this.testCond(Number(n), type, cat);
return true;
testAll: {
value: function testAll() {
for (var cat in this.cardinal) {
this.testCat("cardinal", cat);
}for (var cat in this.ordinal) {
this.testCat("ordinal", cat);
}return true;
if ((typeof module !== 'undefined') && module.exports) {
module.exports = MakePlural;
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
for (var p in MakePlural) exports[p] = MakePlural[p];
exports.get = MakePlural;
} else if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd) {
define(function() { return MakePlural; });
} else {
try { MakePlural.src_url ='script')).pop().src; }
catch (e) { MakePlural.src_url = ''; }
global.MakePlural = MakePlural;
return Tests;
var MakePlural = (function () {
function MakePlural(lc) {
var opt = arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];
_classCallCheck(this, MakePlural);
if (typeof lc == "object") {
opt = lc;
lc =;
} = lc ||;
this.cardinals = opt.cardinals || MakePlural.cardinals;
this.ordinals = opt.ordinals || MakePlural.ordinals;
if (!this.ordinals && !this.cardinals) throw new Error("At least one type of plural is required");
this.parser = new Parser();
this.tests = new Tests(this);
this.fn = this.buildFunction();
this.fn.obj = this;
this.fn.test = (function () {
return this.tests.testAll() && this.fn;
this.fn.toString = this.fnToString.bind(this);
return this.fn;
_createClass(MakePlural, {
compile: {
value: function compile(type, req) {
var cases = [];
var rules = MakePlural.rules[type][];
if (!rules) {
if (req) throw new Error("Locale \"" + + "\" " + type + " rules not found");
return "'other'";
for (var r in rules) {
var _rules$r$trim$split = rules[r].trim().split(/\s*@\w*/);
var _rules$r$trim$split2 = _toArray(_rules$r$trim$split);
var cond = _rules$r$trim$split2[0];
var examples = _rules$r$trim$split2.slice(1);
var cat = r.replace("pluralRule-count-", "");
if (cond) cases.push([this.parser.parse(cond), cat]);
this.tests.add(type, cat, examples);
if (cases.length == 1) {
return "(" + cases[0][0] + ") ? '" + cases[0][1] + "' : 'other'";
} else {
return [].concat(_toConsumableArray( (c) {
return "(" + c[0] + ") ? '" + c[1] + "'";
})), ["'other'"]).join("\n : ");
buildFunction: {
value: function buildFunction() {
var _this = this;
var compile = function (c) {
var _ref;
return c ? (c[1] ? "return " : "if (ord) return ") + (_ref = _this).compile.apply(_ref, _toConsumableArray(c)) : "";
fold = { vars: function (str) {
return (" " + str + ";").replace(/(.{1,78})(,|$) ?/g, "$1$2\n ");
cond: function (str) {
return (" " + str + ";").replace(/(.{1,78}) (\|\| |$) ?/gm, "$1\n $2");
} },
cond = [this.ordinals && ["ordinal", !this.cardinals], this.cardinals && ["cardinal", true]].map(compile).map(fold.cond),
body = [fold.vars(this.parser.vars())].concat(_toConsumableArray(cond)).join("\n").replace(/\s+$/gm, "").replace(/^[\s;]*[\r\n]+/gm, ""),
args = this.ordinals && this.cardinals ? "n, ord" : "n";
return new Function(args, body);
fnToString: {
value: function fnToString(name) {
return^function( \w+)?/, name ? "function " + name : "function").replace("\n/**/", "");
}, {
load: {
value: function load() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
args.forEach(function (arg) {
if (typeof arg == "string") MakePlural.rules.loadPath(arg);else MakePlural.rules.loadData(arg);
return MakePlural;
return MakePlural;
if (typeof module !== "undefined") module.exports = MakePlural;
MakePlural.cardinals = true;
MakePlural.ordinals = false;
MakePlural.rules = new Rules();
"name": "make-plural",
"version": "2.1.3",
"version": "3.0.0-rc1",
"description": "Translates Unicode CLDR pluralization rules to executable JavaScript",
"keywords": ["unicode", "cldr", "i18n", "internationalization", "pluralization"],
"keywords": [
"author": "Eemeli Aro <>",
"license": "ISC",
"homepage": "",
"repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" },
"bugs": { "url": "" },
"files": [ "bin/", "data/", "make-plural.js" ],
"bin": { "make-plural": "./bin/make-plural" },
"main": "make-plural"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"files": [
"bin": {
"make-plural": "./bin/make-plural"
"main": "make-plural",
"scripts": {
"prepublish": "make",
"test": "make test"
"devDependencies": {
"babel": "^4.7.9",
"expect.js": "^0.3.1",
"http-server": "^0.7.5",
"mocha": "^2.2.1"
A JavaScript module that translates [Unicode CLDR](
[![ISC License](](
[![Build Status](](
Make-plural is a JavaScript module that translates [Unicode CLDR](
[pluralization rules](
to JavaScript functions.
Can be used as a CommonJS or AMD module, or directly in a browser environment.
It's written in [ECMAScript 6]( and transpiled using [Babel]( to CommonJS, AMD and ES6 module formats, as well as being suitable for use in browser environments.

@@ -18,5 +21,14 @@

bower install make-plural
git clone
cd make-plural.js
npm install
make all
make test-browser
## Usage: Node

@@ -26,16 +38,19 @@

> MakePlural = require('make-plural')
{ [Function] opt: {}, rules: {}, load: [Function] }
{ [Function: MakePlural]
cardinals: true,
ordinals: false,
rules: { data: {}, rootPath: './data/' } }
> sk = MakePlural('sk')
{ [Function] toString: [Function] }
> sk = new MakePlural('sk')
{ [Function]
{ lc: 'sk',
cardinals: true,
ordinals: false,
parser: { v0: 1, i: 1 },
tests: { obj: [Circular], ordinal: {}, cardinal: [Object] },
fn: [Circular] },
test: [Function],
toString: [Function] }
> console.log(sk.toString())
function(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'), i = s[0], v0 = !s[1];
return (n == 1 && v0) ? 'one'
: ((i >= 2 && i <= 4) && v0) ? 'few'
: (!v0) ? 'many'
: 'other';
> sk(1)

@@ -53,9 +68,33 @@ 'one'

> en = MakePlural('en', {ordinals:1})
{ [Function] toString: [Function] }
> console.log(sk.toString())
function(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'), i = s[0], v0 = !s[1];
return (i == 1 && v0 ) ? 'one'
: ((i >= 2 && i <= 4) && v0 ) ? 'few'
: (!v0 ) ? 'many'
: 'other';
> en = new MakePlural('en', {ordinals:1})
{ [Function]
{ lc: 'en',
cardinals: true,
ordinals: 1,
parser: { n: 1, n10: 1, n100: 1, v0: 1 },
tests: { obj: [Circular], ordinal: [Object], cardinal: [Object] },
fn: [Circular] },
test: [Function],
toString: [Function] }
> en(2)
> en(2, true)
> console.log(en.toString())
function(n,ord) {
function(n, ord) {
var s = String(n).split('.'), v0 = !s[1], t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].substr(-1), n100 = t0 && s[0].substr(-2);
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1), n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
if (ord) return (n10 == 1 && n100 != 11) ? 'one'

@@ -67,10 +106,5 @@ : (n10 == 2 && n100 != 12) ? 'two'

> en(2)
> en(2, true)
## Usage: Web

@@ -81,6 +115,6 @@

var ru = MakePlural('ru', {ordinals:1});
var ru = new MakePlural('ru', {ordinals:1});
console.log('1: ' + ru(1) + ', 3.0: ' + ru(3.0) +
', "1.0": ' + ru('1.0') + ', "0": ' + ru('0'));

@@ -90,5 +124,7 @@ ```

function(n,ord) {
var s = String(n).split('.'), i = s[0], v0 = !s[1], i10 = i.substr(-1),
i100 = i.substr(-2);
1: one, 3.0: few, "1.0": other, "0": many
function(n, ord) {
var s = String(n).split('.'), i = s[0], v0 = !s[1], i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2);
if (ord) return 'other';

@@ -102,10 +138,8 @@ return (v0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11) ? 'one'

1: one, 3.0: few, "1.0": other, "0": many
If `request()` isn't available, the CLDR rules are fetched automatically when
If `require()` isn't available, the CLDR rules are fetched automatically when
required using synchronous `XMLHttpRequest` calls for the JSON files at the
default locations. If that doesn't work for you, you should call
`MakePlural.load(cldr)` before calling `MakePlural()`.
`MakePlural.load(cldr)` before calling `new MakePlural()`.

@@ -129,3 +163,3 @@

$ ./bin/make-plural fr
function fr(n,ord) {
function fr(n, ord) {
if (ord) return (n == 1) ? 'one' : 'other';

@@ -142,5 +176,5 @@ return (n >= 0 && n < 2) ? 'one' : 'other';

### MakePlural(lc, opt)
Returns a function that takes a single argument `n` and returns its plural
category for the given locale `lc`.
### new MakePlural(lc, opt)
Returns a function that takes an argument `n` and returns its plural category
for the given locale `lc`.

@@ -151,21 +185,15 @@ The returned function has an overloaded `toString(name)` method that may be

The optional `opt` parameter may contain the following members, each of which is
assumed false by default:
* `no_cardinals` — if true, rules for cardinal values (1 day, 2 days, etc.)
are not included
* `no_tests` — if true, the generated function is not verified by testing it
with each of the example values included in the CLDR rules
The optional `opt` parameter may contain the following boolean members:
* `cardinals` — if true, rules for cardinal values (1 day, 2 days, etc.) are
* `ordinals` — if true, rules for ordinal values (1st, 2nd, etc.) are included
* `quiet` — if true, no output is reported to `console.error` on error
If `opt.ordinals` is true and `opt.no_cardinals` is not true, the returned
function takes a second parameter `ord`. Then, if `ord` is true, the function
will return the ordinal rather than cardinal category applicable to `n` in
locale `lc`.
If both `opt.ordinals` and `opt.cardinals` are true, the returned function takes
a second parameter `ord`. Then, if `ord` is true, the function will return the
ordinal rather than cardinal category applicable to `n` in locale `lc`.
If `opt` is not set, it takes the value of `MakePlural.opt`. If `lc` is not set,
it takes the value of ``.
If `lc` or the `opt` values are not set, the values are taken from
`` (no default value), `MakePlural.cardinals` (default `true`) and
`MakePlural.ordinals` (default `false`).
In a context where `module.exports` is not available but `exports` is, this
function is exported as `MakePlural.get()`.

@@ -190,3 +218,4 @@ ### MakePlural.load(cldr, ...)

None. CLDR plural rule data is included in JSON format; make-plural supports the
Make-plural has no runtime dependencies. CLDR plural rule data is included in
JSON format; make-plural supports the
[LDML Language Plural Rules](

@@ -204,4 +233,5 @@ as used in CLDR release 24 and later.

> MakePlural('ar')(3.14);
> ar = new MakePlural('ar');
> ar(3.14);

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