Markdown Documentation Maker
This is a markdown-based documentation generator. The module is used in the Tool Cool Range Slider library.
Add the following scripts to package.json:
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"docs:website": "http-server ./docs",
"docs:build": "node ./src/docs/generator/index.js",
"docs:watch": "nodemon ./src/docs/generator/index.js",
"docs:install": "node node_modules/markdown-documentation-maker/run/install.js"
Run install command:
npm run docs:install
- First of all, edit the configuration file located in /src/docs/data/config.json.
- By default, the documentation sidebar is automatically generated from the filenames. You can set other names in the following configuration file: /src/docs/data/pages/pages-config.json.
- Layout files are located at /src/docs/data/layouts.
- Homepage is located at /src/docs/data/special-pages/index.html.
The following command is used to compile the documentation website:
npm run docs:build
The following command is used to compile the documentation website in watch mode:
npm run docs:watch
Run the documentation website locally (for debugging purposes only):
npm run docs:website