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marketplace-constants - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.9.1 to 0.10.0



@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ {

"description": "Common, universal constants for the Firefox Marketplace",
"version": "0.13.0",
"version": "0.14.0",
"ignore": [

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ "**/*.py",

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ (function(root, factory) {

}(this, function() {
return {"COUNTRY_DETAILS": {"AGO": {"name": "Angola", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 64, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ao", "special": false}, "DZA": {"name": "Algeria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 61, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "dz", "special": false}, "BGD": {"weight": 0, "name": "Bangladesh", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 470, "id": 31, "special": false, "slug": "bd"}, "QAT": {"name": "Qatar", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 195, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "qa", "special": false}, "BGR": {"name": "Bulgaria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 88, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bg", "special": false}, "PAK": {"name": "Pakistan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 187, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pk", "special": false}, "CPV": {"name": "Cabo Verde", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 93, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cv", "special": false}, "VNM": {"name": "Viet Nam", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 244, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vn", "special": false}, "PSE": {"name": "Palestine, State of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 189, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ps", "special": false}, "TZA": {"name": "Tanzania", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 640, "weight": 0, "id": 44, "slug": "tz", "special": false}, "BWA": {"name": "Botswana", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 652, "weight": 0, "id": 45, "slug": "bw", "special": false}, "SPM": {"name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 204, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pm", "special": false}, "KNA": {"name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 201, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kn", "special": false}, "MMR": {"name": "Myanmar", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 414, "weight": 0, "id": 53, "slug": "mm", "special": false}, "GIB": {"name": "Gibraltar", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 125, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gi", "special": false}, "DJI": {"name": "Djibouti", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 107, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "dj", "special": false}, "GIN": {"name": "Guinea-Conakry", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 611, "weight": 0, "id": 55, "slug": "gn", "special": false}, "FIN": {"name": "Finland", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 117, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fi", "special": false}, "THA": {"name": "Thailand", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 229, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "th", "special": false}, "SYC": {"name": "Seychelles", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 210, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sc", "special": false}, "NPL": {"name": "Nepal", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 177, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "np", "special": false}, "LAO": {"name": "Lao People\'s Democratic Republic", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 150, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "la", "special": false}, "YEM": {"name": "Yemen", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 249, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ye", "special": false}, "PHL": {"name": "Philippines", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "low_memory": true, "mcc": 515, "id": 35, "weight": 0, "slug": "ph"}, "ZAF": {"weight": 0, "name": "South Africa", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 655, "id": 37, "special": false, "slug": "za"}, "KIR": {"name": "Kiribati", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 146, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ki", "special": false}, "ROU": {"name": "Romania", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 197, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ro", "special": false}, "SYR": {"name": "Syrian Arab Republic", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 227, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sy", "special": false}, "MAC": {"name": "Macao", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 158, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mo", "special": false}, "MAF": {"weight": 0, "name": "Saint Martin (French part)", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 340, "id": 255, "special": false, "slug": "mf"}, "NIU": {"name": "Niue", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 182, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nu", "special": false}, "DMA": {"name": "Dominica", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 108, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "dm", "special": false}, "BEN": {"name": "Benin", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 79, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bj", "special": false}, "GUF": {"name": "French Guiana", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 118, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gf", "special": false}, "BEL": {"name": "Belgium", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 77, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "be", "special": false}, "GUM": {"name": "Guam", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 129, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gu", "special": false}, "GBR": {"weight": 0, "name": "United Kingdom", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 235, "id": 4, "special": false, "slug": "uk"}, "BES": {"name": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 252, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bq", "special": false}, "GUY": {"name": "Guyana", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 131, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gy", "special": false}, "CRI": {"weight": 0, "name": "Costa Rica", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 712, "id": 27, "special": false, "slug": "cr"}, "CMR": {"name": "Cameroon", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 624, "weight": 0, "id": 42, "slug": "cm", "special": false}, "LSO": {"name": "Lesotho", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 153, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ls", "special": false}, "HUN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Hungary", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 216, "id": 13, "special": false, "slug": "hu"}, "TTO": {"name": "Trinidad and Tobago", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 234, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tt", "special": false}, "PAN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Panama", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 714, "id": 28, "special": false, "slug": "pa"}, "TCD": {"name": "Chad", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 95, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "td", "special": false}, "GEO": {"name": "Georgia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 123, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ge", "special": false}, "SXM": {"name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 256, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sx", "special": false}, "TCA": {"name": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 237, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tc", "special": false}, "MHL": {"name": "Marshall Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 164, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mh", "special": false}, "BLZ": {"name": "Belize", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 78, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bz", "special": false}, "NFK": {"name": "Norfolk Island", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 183, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nf", "special": false}, "VGB": {"name": "Virgin Islands, British", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 245, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vg", "special": false}, "BLR": {"name": "Belarus", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 76, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "by", "special": false}, "BLM": {"name": "Saint Barth\u00e9lemy", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 253, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bl", "special": false}, "GRD": {"name": "Grenada", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 127, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gd", "special": false}, "GRC": {"weight": 0, "name": "Greece", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 202, "id": 17, "special": false, "slug": "gr"}, "VAT": {"name": "Holy See", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 134, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "va", "special": false}, "GRL": {"name": "Greenland", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 126, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gl", "special": false}, "AND": {"name": "Andorra", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 63, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ad", "special": false}, "MOZ": {"name": "Mozambique", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 174, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mz", "special": false}, "TJK": {"name": "Tajikistan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 228, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tj", "special": false}, "MEX": {"weight": 0, "name": "Mexico", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 334, "id": 12, "special": false, "slug": "mx"}, "LCA": {"name": "Saint Lucia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 202, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "lc", "special": false}, "IND": {"name": "India", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "low_memory": true, "mcc": 405, "id": 32, "weight": 0, "slug": "in"}, "NOR": {"name": "Norway", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 185, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "no", "special": false}, "FJI": {"name": "Fiji", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 116, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fj", "special": false}, "HND": {"name": "Honduras", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 135, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "hn", "special": false}, "DOM": {"name": "Dominican Republic", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 109, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "do", "special": false}, "FSM": {"name": "Micronesia, Federated States of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 168, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fm", "special": false}, "PER": {"weight": 0, "name": "Peru", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 716, "id": 18, "special": false, "slug": "pe"}, "REU": {"name": "R\u00e9union", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 196, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "re", "special": false}, "VUT": {"name": "Vanuatu", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 541, "weight": 0, "id": 47, "slug": "vu", "special": false}, "GNQ": {"name": "Equatorial Guinea", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 110, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gq", "special": false}, "COD": {"name": "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 100, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cd", "special": false}, "COG": {"name": "Congo", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 99, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cg", "special": false}, "GLP": {"name": "Guadeloupe", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 128, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gp", "special": false}, "COK": {"name": "Cook Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 101, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ck", "special": false}, "COM": {"name": "Comoros", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 98, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "km", "special": false}, "COL": {"weight": 0, "name": "Colombia", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 732, "id": 9, "special": false, "slug": "co"}, "MDA": {"name": "Moldova, Republic of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 169, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "md", "special": false}, "GGY": {"name": "Guernsey", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 130, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gg", "special": false}, "MDG": {"name": "Madagascar", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 646, "weight": 0, "id": 49, "slug": "mg", "special": false}, "MDV": {"name": "Maldives", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 162, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mv", "special": false}, "SRB": {"weight": 0, "name": "Serbia", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 220, "id": 16, "special": false, "slug": "rs"}, "LTU": {"name": "Lithuania", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 370, "weight": 0, "id": 38, "slug": "lt", "special": false}, "RWA": {"name": "Rwanda", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 198, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "rw", "special": false}, "ZMB": {"name": "Zambia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 250, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "zm", "special": false}, "TWN": {"name": "Taiwan", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 466, "weight": 0, "id": 57, "slug": "tw", "special": false}, "WLF": {"name": "Wallis and Futuna", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 247, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "wf", "special": false}, "JEY": {"name": "Jersey", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 144, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "je", "special": false}, "AZE": {"name": "Azerbaijan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 72, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "az", "special": false}, "AUS": {"name": "Australia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 70, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "au", "special": false}, "AUT": {"name": "Austria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 71, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "at", "special": false}, "VEN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Venezuela", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 734, "id": 10, "special": false, "slug": "ve"}, "PLW": {"name": "Palau", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 188, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pw", "special": false}, "ALB": {"name": "Albania", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 60, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "al", "special": false}, "ALA": {"name": "\u00c5land Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 59, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ax", "special": false}, "RUS": {"name": "Russia", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 250, "weight": 0, "id": 36, "slug": "ru", "special": false}, "MKD": {"name": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 159, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mk", "special": false}, "WSM": {"name": "Samoa", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 206, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ws", "special": false}, "UKR": {"name": "Ukraine", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 240, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ua", "special": false}, "GNB": {"name": "Guinea-Bissau", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 632, "weight": 0, "id": 46, "slug": "gw", "special": false}, "TON": {"name": "Tonga", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 233, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "to", "special": false}, "CAN": {"name": "Canada", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 92, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ca", "special": false}, "KOR": {"name": "Korea, Republic of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 147, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kr", "special": false}, "AIA": {"name": "Anguilla", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 65, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ai", "special": false}, "CAF": {"name": "Central African Republic", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 623, "weight": 0, "id": 54, "slug": "cf", "special": false}, "SVK": {"name": "Slovakia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 214, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sk", "special": false}, "SOM": {"name": "Somalia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 217, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "so", "special": false}, "ERI": {"name": "Eritrea", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 111, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "er", "special": false}, "GAB": {"name": "Gabon", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 121, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ga", "special": false}, "IRQ": {"name": "Iraq", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 139, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "iq", "special": false}, "MTQ": {"name": "Martinique", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 165, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mq", "special": false}, "IRL": {"name": "Ireland", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 140, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ie", "special": false}, "ABW": {"name": "Aruba", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 69, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "aw", "special": false}, "NZL": {"name": "New Zealand", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 180, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nz", "special": false}, "JAM": {"name": "Jamaica", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 143, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "jm", "special": false}, "NCL": {"name": "New Caledonia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 179, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nc", "special": false}, "ARE": {"name": "United Arab Emirates", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 241, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ae", "special": false}, "ARG": {"weight": 0, "name": "Argentina", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 722, "id": 20, "special": false, "slug": "ar"}, "BHS": {"name": "Bahamas", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 73, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bs", "special": false}, "BHR": {"name": "Bahrain", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 74, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bh", "special": false}, "ARM": {"name": "Armenia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 68, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "am", "special": false}, "PNG": {"name": "Papua New Guinea", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 190, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pg", "special": false}, "LIE": {"name": "Liechtenstein", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 156, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "li", "special": false}, "EGY": {"name": "Egypt", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 602, "weight": 0, "id": 43, "slug": "eg", "special": false}, "NAM": {"name": "Namibia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 175, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "na", "special": false}, "BOL": {"name": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 82, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bo", "special": false}, "GHA": {"name": "Ghana", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 124, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gh", "special": false}, "CCK": {"name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 97, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cc", "special": false}, "JOR": {"name": "Jordan", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 416, "weight": 0, "id": 51, "slug": "jo", "special": false}, "LBR": {"name": "Liberia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 154, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "lr", "special": false}, "LBY": {"name": "Libya", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 155, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ly", "special": false}, "MYS": {"name": "Malaysia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 161, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "my", "special": false}, "IOT": {"name": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 86, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "io", "special": false}, "PRI": {"name": "Puerto Rico", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 194, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pr", "special": false}, "MYT": {"name": "Mayotte", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 167, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "yt", "special": false}, "PRT": {"name": "Portugal", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 193, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pt", "special": false}, "KHM": {"name": "Cambodia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 91, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kh", "special": false}, "PRY": {"name": "Paraguay", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 191, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "py", "special": false}, "HKG": {"name": "Hong Kong", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 136, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "hk", "special": false}, "SAU": {"name": "Saudi Arabia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 209, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sa", "special": false}, "LBN": {"name": "Lebanon", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 152, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "lb", "special": false}, "SVN": {"name": "Slovenia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 215, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "si", "special": false}, "BFA": {"name": "Burkina Faso", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 89, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bf", "special": false}, "CHE": {"name": "Switzerland", "adolescent": 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"CXR": {"name": "Christmas Island", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 96, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cx", "special": false}, "BVT": {"name": "Bouvet Island", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 85, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bv", "special": false}, "VIR": {"name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 246, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vi", "special": false}, "NIC": {"weight": 0, "name": "Nicaragua", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 710, "id": 29, "special": false, "slug": "ni"}, "KAZ": {"name": "Kazakhstan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 145, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kz", "special": false}, "PYF": {"name": "French Polynesia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 119, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pf", "special": false}, "NGA": {"name": "Nigeria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 181, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ng", "special": false}, "DEU": {"weight": 0, "name": "Germany", "adolescent": true, 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{"name": "Guyana", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 131, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gy", "special": false}, "CRI": {"weight": 0, "name": "Costa Rica", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 712, "id": 27, "special": false, "slug": "cr"}, "CMR": {"name": "Cameroon", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 624, "weight": 0, "id": 42, "slug": "cm", "special": false}, "LSO": {"name": "Lesotho", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 153, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ls", "special": false}, "HUN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Hungary", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 216, "id": 13, "special": false, "slug": "hu"}, "TTO": {"name": "Trinidad and Tobago", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 234, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tt", "special": false}, "PAN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Panama", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 714, "id": 28, "special": false, "slug": "pa"}, "TCD": {"name": "Chad", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 95, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "td", "special": false}, "GEO": {"name": "Georgia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 123, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ge", "special": false}, "SXM": {"name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 256, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sx", "special": false}, "TCA": {"name": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 237, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tc", "special": false}, "MHL": {"name": "Marshall Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 164, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mh", "special": false}, "BLZ": {"name": "Belize", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 78, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bz", "special": false}, "NFK": {"name": "Norfolk Island", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 183, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nf", "special": false}, "VGB": {"name": "Virgin Islands, British", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 245, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vg", "special": false}, "BLR": {"name": "Belarus", 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"ratingsbody": null, "slug": "do", "special": false}, "FSM": {"name": "Micronesia, Federated States of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 168, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fm", "special": false}, "PER": {"weight": 0, "name": "Peru", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 716, "id": 18, "special": false, "slug": "pe"}, "REU": {"name": "R\u00e9union", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 196, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "re", "special": false}, "VUT": {"name": "Vanuatu", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 541, "weight": 0, "id": 47, "slug": "vu", "special": false}, "GNQ": {"name": "Equatorial Guinea", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 110, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gq", "special": false}, "COD": {"name": "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 100, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cd", "special": false}, "COG": {"name": "Congo", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 99, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cg", "special": false}, "GLP": {"name": "Guadeloupe", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 128, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gp", "special": false}, "COK": {"name": "Cook Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 101, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ck", "special": false}, "COM": {"name": "Comoros", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 98, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "km", "special": false}, "COL": {"weight": 0, "name": "Colombia", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 732, "id": 9, "special": false, "slug": "co"}, "MDA": {"name": "Moldova, Republic of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 169, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "md", "special": false}, "GGY": {"name": "Guernsey", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 130, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gg", "special": false}, "MDG": {"name": "Madagascar", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 646, "weight": 0, "id": 49, "slug": "mg", "special": false}, "MDV": {"name": "Maldives", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 162, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": 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"slug": "az", "special": false}, "AUS": {"name": "Australia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 70, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "au", "special": false}, "AUT": {"name": "Austria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 71, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "at", "special": false}, "VEN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Venezuela", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 734, "id": 10, "special": false, "slug": "ve"}, "PLW": {"name": "Palau", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 188, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pw", "special": false}, "ALB": {"name": "Albania", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 60, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "al", "special": false}, "ALA": {"name": "\u00c5land Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 59, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ax", "special": false}, "RUS": {"name": "Russia", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 250, "weight": 0, "id": 36, "slug": "ru", "special": false}, "MKD": {"name": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of", "adolescent": 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"adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 69, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "aw", "special": false}, "NZL": {"name": "New Zealand", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 180, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nz", "special": false}, "JAM": {"name": "Jamaica", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 143, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "jm", "special": false}, "NCL": {"name": "New Caledonia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 179, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nc", "special": false}, "ARE": {"name": "United Arab Emirates", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 241, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ae", "special": false}, "ARG": {"weight": 0, "name": "Argentina", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 722, "id": 20, "special": false, "slug": "ar"}, "BHS": {"name": "Bahamas", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 73, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bs", "special": false}, "BHR": {"name": "Bahrain", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 74, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bh", "special": 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"ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cc", "special": false}, "JOR": {"name": "Jordan", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 416, "weight": 0, "id": 51, "slug": "jo", "special": false}, "LBR": {"name": "Liberia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 154, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "lr", "special": false}, "LBY": {"name": "Libya", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 155, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ly", "special": false}, "MYS": {"name": "Malaysia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 161, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "my", "special": false}, "IOT": {"name": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 86, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "io", "special": false}, "PRI": {"name": "Puerto Rico", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 194, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pr", "special": false}, "MYT": {"name": "Mayotte", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 167, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "yt", "special": false}, "PRT": {"name": "Portugal", "adolescent": true, "weight": 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"CXR": {"name": "Christmas Island", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 96, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cx", "special": false}, "BVT": {"name": "Bouvet Island", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 85, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bv", "special": false}, "VIR": {"name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 246, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vi", "special": false}, "NIC": {"weight": 0, "name": "Nicaragua", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 710, "id": 29, "special": false, "slug": "ni"}, "KAZ": {"name": "Kazakhstan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 145, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kz", "special": false}, "PYF": {"name": "French Polynesia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 119, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pf", "special": false}, "NGA": {"name": "Nigeria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 181, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ng", "special": false}, "DEU": {"weight": 0, "name": "Germany", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "USK", "mcc": 262, "id": 14, "special": false, "slug": "de"}, "LKA": {"name": "Sri Lanka", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 220, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "lk", "special": false}, "FLK": {"name": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 114, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fk", "special": false}, "MWI": {"name": "Malawi", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 160, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mw", "special": false}, "ETH": {"name": "Ethiopia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 113, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "et", "special": false}, "MNP": {"name": "Northern Mariana Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 184, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mp", "special": false}, "UMI": {"name": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 257, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "um", "special": false}, "TKL": {"name": "Tokelau", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 232, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tk", 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@@ -54,2 +54,6 @@ {

"nso": {
"native": "Sepedi",
"English": "Northern Sotho"
"tr": {

@@ -75,2 +79,6 @@ "native": "T\u00fcrk\u00e7e",

"tsz": {
"native": "Pur\u00e9pecha",
"English": "Pur\u00e9pecha"
"th": {

@@ -185,3 +193,3 @@ "native": "\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22",

"ro": {
"native": "rom\u00e2n\u0103",
"native": "Rom\u00e2n\u0103",
"English": "Romanian"

@@ -217,2 +225,6 @@ },

"bm": {
"native": "Bamanankan",
"English": "Bambara"
"br": {

@@ -274,5 +286,5 @@ "native": "Brezhoneg",

"nso": {
"native": "Sepedi",
"English": "Northern Sotho"
"brx": {
"native": "\u092c\u0930'",
"English": "Bodo"

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"kok": {
"native": "\u0915\u094b\u0902\u0915\u0928\u0940",
"English": "Konkani"
"tl": {

@@ -400,2 +416,6 @@ "native": "Tagalog",

"cak": {
"native": "Maya Kaqchikel",
"English": "Kaqchikel"
"ss": {

@@ -485,2 +505,6 @@ "native": "siSwati",

"sk": {
"native": "sloven\u010dina",
"English": "Slovak"
"sr": {

@@ -574,5 +598,5 @@ "native": "\u0421\u0440\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438",

"sk": {
"native": "sloven\u010dina",
"English": "Slovak"
"ks": {
"native": "\u0643\u0634\u0645\u06cc\u0631\u06cc",
"English": "Kashmiri"

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"mg": "Madagascar", "mf": "Saint Martin (French part)", "ma": "Morocco", "mc": "Monaco", "uz": "Uzbekistan", "mm": "Myanmar", "ml": "Mali", "mo": "Macao", "mn": "Mongolia", "mh": "Marshall Islands", "mk": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of", "um": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "mt": "Malta", "mw": "Malawi", "mv": "Maldives", "mq": "Martinique", "mp": "Northern Mariana Islands", "uk": "United Kingdom", "mr": "Mauritania", "im": "Isle of Man", "ug": "Uganda", "ua": "Ukraine", "mx": "Mexico", "mz": "Mozambique", "va": "Holy See", "vc": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "ae": "United Arab Emirates", "ad": "Andorra", "ag": "Antigua and Barbuda", "vg": "Virgin Islands, British", "ai": "Anguilla", "vi": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "is": "Iceland", "am": "Armenia", "al": "Albania", "ao": "Angola", "sv": "El Salvador", "aq": "Antarctica", "as": "American Samoa", "ar": "Argentina", "au": "Australia", "vu": "Vanuatu", "aw": "Aruba", "in": "India", "ax": "\u00c5land Islands", 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"Somalia", "sn": "Senegal", "sm": "San Marino", "sl": "Sierra Leone", "sc": "Seychelles", "kz": "Kazakhstan", "sa": "Saudi Arabia", "at": "Austria", "se": "Sweden", "sd": "Sudan"}};
return {"MOBILE_CODES": {"216": "hu", "214": "es", "212": "mc", "213": "ad", "218": "ba", "219": "hr", "653": "sz", "626": "st", "525": "sg", "540": "sb", "222": "it", "289": "ge", "288": "fo", "405": "in", "404": "in", "340": "mq", "547": "pf", "401": "kz", "545": "ki", "280": "cy", "548": "ck", "282": "ge", "348": "vg", "284": "bg", "286": "tr", "402": "bt", "716": "pe", "714": "pa", "712": "cr", "330": "pr", "366": "dm", "260": "pl", "266": "gi", "268": "pt", "736": "bo", "422": "om", "362": "cw", "424": "ae", "414": "mm", "415": "lb", "416": "jo", "417": "sy", "410": "pk", "360": "vc", "412": "af", "530": "nz", "441": "jp", "370": "do", "294": "mk", "295": "li", "418": "iq", "374": "tt", "290": "gl", "null": "gs", "605": "tn", "708": "hn", "704": "gt", "311": "us", "310": "us", "316": "us", "702": "bz", "270": "lu", "272": "ie", "619": "sl", "274": "is", "276": "al", "278": "mt", "313": "us", "204": "nl", "537": "pg", "344": "ag", "429": "np", "428": "mn", "520": "th", "368": "cu", 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"632": "gw", "633": "sc", "634": "sd", "635": "rw", "636": "et", "637": "so", "638": "dj", "609": "mr", "466": "tw", "460": "cn", "608": "sn", "528": "bn", "228": "ch", "226": "ro", "225": "va", "342": "bb", "283": "am", "220": "rs", "549": "ws", "659": "ss", "629": "cg", "724": "br", "722": "ar", "544": "as", "297": "me", "740": "ec", "604": "eh", "748": "uy", "606": "ly", "744": "py", "603": "dz", "602": "eg", "555": "nu", "400": "az", "551": "mh", "550": "fm", "553": "tv", "552": "pw", "750": "fk", "238": "dk", "234": "im", "235": "uk", "230": "cz", "231": "sk", "232": "at", "639": "ke", "437": "kg", "618": "lr", "202": "gr", "438": "tm", "206": "be", "612": "ci", "208": "fr", "610": "ml", "611": "gn", "616": "bj", "617": "mu", "614": "ne", "419": "kw", "649": "na", "615": "tg", "510": "id", "655": "za", "710": "ni", "262": "de", "472": "mv", "356": "kn", "470": "bd", "354": "ms", "352": "gd", "350": "bm", "358": "lc"}, "REGION_CHOICES_SLUG": {"gw": "Guinea-Bissau", "gu": "Guam", "gt": "Guatemala", "gs": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "gr": "Greece", "gq": "Equatorial Guinea", "gp": "Guadeloupe", "gy": "Guyana", "gg": "Guernsey", "gf": "French Guiana", "ge": "Georgia", "gd": "Grenada", "ga": "Gabon", "gn": "Guinea-Conakry", "gm": "Gambia", "gl": "Greenland", "gi": "Gibraltar", "gh": "Ghana", "tz": "Tanzania", "lc": "Saint Lucia", "la": "Lao People's Democratic Republic", "tv": "Tuvalu", "tw": "Taiwan", "tt": "Trinidad and Tobago", "tr": "Turkey", "lk": "Sri Lanka", "li": "Liechtenstein", "lv": "Latvia", "to": "Tonga", "lt": "Lithuania", "tm": "Turkmenistan", "tj": "Tajikistan", "ls": "Lesotho", "th": "Thailand", "tf": "French Southern Territories", "tg": "Togo", "td": "Chad", "tc": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "ly": "Libya", "do": "Dominican Republic", "dm": "Dominica", "dj": "Djibouti", "dk": "Denmark", "de": "Germany", "ye": "Yemen", "me": "Montenegro", "dz": "Algeria", "uy": "Uruguay", "yt": "Mayotte", "qa": "Qatar", "zm": "Zambia", "eh": "Western Sahara", "wf": "Wallis and Futuna", "ee": "Estonia", "eg": "Egypt", "za": "South Africa", "ec": "Ecuador", "sj": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "sg": "Singapore", "us": "United States", "et": "Ethiopia", "zw": "Zimbabwe", "es": "Spain", "er": "Eritrea", "ru": "Russia", "rw": "Rwanda", "rs": "Serbia", "re": "R\u00e9union", "it": "Italy", "ro": "Romania", "tk": "Tokelau", "bd": "Bangladesh", "be": "Belgium", "bf": "Burkina Faso", "bg": "Bulgaria", "ms": "Montserrat", "bb": "Barbados", "bl": "Saint Barth\u00e9lemy", "bm": "Bermuda", "bn": "Brunei Darussalam", "bo": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of", "bh": "Bahrain", "bi": "Burundi", "bj": "Benin", "bt": "Bhutan", "jm": "Jamaica", "bv": "Bouvet Island", "bw": "Botswana", "ws": "Samoa", "bq": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "br": "Brazil", "bs": "Bahamas", "je": "Jersey", "by": "Belarus", "bz": "Belize", "tn": "Tunisia", "om": "Oman", "my": "Malaysia", "ky": "Cayman Islands", "lr": "Liberia", "jo": "Jordan", "ck": "Cook Islands", 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"mg": "Madagascar", "mf": "Saint Martin (French part)", "ma": "Morocco", "mc": "Monaco", "uz": "Uzbekistan", "mm": "Myanmar", "ml": "Mali", "mo": "Macao", "mn": "Mongolia", "mh": "Marshall Islands", "mk": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of", "um": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "mt": "Malta", "mw": "Malawi", "mv": "Maldives", "mq": "Martinique", "mp": "Northern Mariana Islands", "uk": "United Kingdom", "mr": "Mauritania", "im": "Isle of Man", "ug": "Uganda", "ua": "Ukraine", "mx": "Mexico", "mz": "Mozambique", "va": "Holy See", "vc": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "ae": "United Arab Emirates", "ad": "Andorra", "ag": "Antigua and Barbuda", "vg": "Virgin Islands, British", "ai": "Anguilla", "vi": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "is": "Iceland", "am": "Armenia", "al": "Albania", "ao": "Angola", "sv": "El Salvador", "aq": "Antarctica", "as": "American Samoa", "ar": "Argentina", "au": "Australia", "vu": "Vanuatu", "aw": "Aruba", "in": "India", "ax": "\u00c5land Islands", 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"Somalia", "sn": "Senegal", "sm": "San Marino", "sl": "Sierra Leone", "sc": "Seychelles", "kz": "Kazakhstan", "sa": "Saudi Arabia", "at": "Austria", "se": "Sweden", "sd": "Sudan"}};

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"description": "Common, universal constants for the Firefox Marketplace",
"version": "0.9.1",
"version": "0.10.0",
"repository": {

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "url": ""

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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