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marketplace-constants - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.0 to 0.8.0




@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ {

"description": "Common, universal constants for the Firefox Marketplace",
"version": "0.5.0",
"version": "0.13.0",
"ignore": [

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ "**/*.py",

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ (function(root, factory) {

}(this, function() {
return {"COLLECTION_COLORS": {"amber": "#ED8040", "topaz": "#FAD73B", "amethyst": "#8D4B87", "sapphire": "#3A5990", "emerald": "#8BC873", "aquamarine": "#00C9A8", "garnet": "#E77286", "ruby": "#D46952"}};
return {"COLLECTION_COLORS": {"amber": "#cc440d", "topaz": "#ffb300", "amethyst": "#7a3675", "sapphire": "#2d457e", "emerald": "#1b8215", "aquamarine": "#197b99", "garnet": "#cc3388", "ruby": "#c93333"}};

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ (function(root, factory) {

}(this, function() {
return {"COUNTRY_DETAILS": {"SRB": {"slug": "rs", "weight": 0, "name": "Serbia", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 220, "default_language": "sr", "id": 16, "special": false, "default_currency": "RSD"}, "FRA": {"slug": "fr", "weight": 0, "name": "France", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 208, "default_language": "fr", "id": 30, "special": false, "default_currency": "EUR"}, "BGD": {"slug": "bd", "weight": 0, "name": "Bangladesh", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 470, "default_language": "en", "id": 31, "special": false, "default_currency": "BDT"}, "LTU": {"slug": "lt", "weight": 0, "name": "Lithuania", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 370, "default_language": "lt", "id": 38, "special": false, "default_currency": "LTL"}, "ESP": {"slug": "es", "weight": 0, "name": "Spain", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 214, "default_language": "es", "id": 8, "special": false, "default_currency": "EUR"}, "SLV": {"slug": "sv", "weight": 0, "name": "El Salvador", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 706, "default_language": "es", "id": 24, "special": false, "default_currency": "USD"}, "CHL": {"slug": "cl", "weight": 0, "name": "Chile", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 730, "default_language": "es", "id": 23, "special": false, "default_currency": "CLP"}, "DEU": {"slug": "de", "weight": 0, "name": "Germany", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "USK", "mcc": 262, "default_language": "de", "id": 14, "special": false, "default_currency": "EUR"}, "CHN": {"slug": "cn", "weight": 0, "name": "China", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 460, "default_language": "zh-CN", "id": 21, "special": true, "default_currency": "RMB"}, "GTM": {"slug": "gt", "weight": 0, "name": "Guatemala", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 704, "default_language": "es", "id": 25, "special": false, "default_currency": "GTQ"}, "PER": {"slug": "pe", "weight": 0, "name": "Peru", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 716, "default_language": "es", "id": 18, "special": false, "default_currency": "PEN"}, "GBR": {"slug": "uk", "weight": 0, "name": "United Kingdom", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 235, "default_language": "en-US", "id": 4, "special": false, "default_currency": "GBP"}, "GRC": {"slug": "gr", "weight": 0, "name": "Greece", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 202, "default_language": "el", "id": 17, "special": false, "default_currency": "EUR"}, "VEN": {"slug": "ve", "weight": 0, "name": "Venezuela", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 734, "default_language": "es", "id": 10, "special": false, "default_currency": "USD"}, "CRI": {"slug": "cr", "weight": 0, "name": "Costa Rica", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 712, "default_language": "es", "id": 27, "special": false, "default_currency": "CRC"}, "COL": {"slug": "co", "weight": 0, "name": "Colombia", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 732, "default_language": "es", "id": 9, "special": false, "default_currency": "COP"}, "PAN": {"slug": "pa", "weight": 0, "name": "Panama", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 714, "default_language": "es", "id": 28, "special": false, "default_currency": "USD"}, "MNE": {"slug": "me", "weight": 0, "name": "Montenegro", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 297, "default_language": "srp", "id": 15, "special": false, "default_currency": "EUR"}, "USA": {"slug": "us", "weight": 1, "name": "United States", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 310, "default_language": "en-US", "id": 2, "special": false, "default_currency": "USD"}, "JPN": {"slug": "jp", "weight": 0, "name": "Japan", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 440, "default_language": "ja", "id": 33, "special": false, "default_currency": "JPY"}, "ZAF": {"slug": "za", "weight": 0, "name": "South Africa", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 655, "default_language": "en-US", "id": 37, "special": false, "default_currency": "ZAR"}, "NIC": {"slug": "ni", "weight": 0, "name": "Nicaragua", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 710, "default_language": "es", "id": 29, "special": false, "default_currency": "NIO"}, "HUN": {"slug": "hu", "weight": 0, "name": "Hungary", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 216, "default_language": "hu", "id": 13, "special": false, "default_currency": "HUF"}, "PHL": {"slug": "ph", "name": "Philippines", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 515, "low_memory": true, "default_language": "en", "id": 35, "weight": 0, "default_currency": "PHP"}, "POL": {"slug": "pl", "weight": 0, "name": "Poland", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 260, "default_language": "pl", "id": 11, "special": false, "default_currency": "PLN"}, "ITA": {"slug": "it", "weight": 0, "name": "Italy", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 222, "default_language": "it", "id": 22, "special": false, "default_currency": "EUR"}, "URY": {"slug": "uy", "weight": 0, "name": "Uruguay", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 748, "default_language": "es", "id": 19, "special": false, "default_currency": "UYU"}, "ECU": {"slug": "ec", "weight": 0, "name": "Ecuador", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 740, "default_language": "es", "id": 26, "special": false, "default_currency": "USD"}, "ARG": {"slug": "ar", "weight": 0, "name": "Argentina", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 722, "default_language": "es", "id": 20, "special": false, "default_currency": "ARS"}, "IND": {"slug": "in", "name": "India", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 405, "low_memory": true, "default_language": "en", "id": 32, "weight": 0, "default_currency": "INR"}, "RUS": {"slug": "ru", "weight": 0, "name": "Russia", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 250, "default_language": "ru", "id": 36, "special": false, "default_currency": "EUR"}, "MEX": {"slug": "mx", "weight": 0, "name": "Mexico", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 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"TJK", "TZA", "THA", "TLS", "TGO", "TKL", "TON", "TTO", "TUN", "TUR", "TKM", "TCA", "TUV", "UGA", "UKR", "ARE", "GBR", "USA", "UMI", "URY", "UZB", "VUT", "VEN", "VNM", "VGB", "VIR", "WLF", "ESH", "YEM", "ZMB", "ZWE"]};
return {"COUNTRY_DETAILS": {"AGO": {"name": "Angola", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 64, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ao", "special": false}, "DZA": {"name": "Algeria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 61, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "dz", "special": false}, "BGD": {"weight": 0, "name": "Bangladesh", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 470, "id": 31, "special": false, "slug": "bd"}, "QAT": {"name": "Qatar", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 195, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "qa", "special": false}, "BGR": {"name": "Bulgaria", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 88, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bg", "special": false}, "PAK": {"name": "Pakistan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 187, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pk", "special": false}, "CPV": {"name": "Cabo Verde", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 93, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cv", "special": false}, "VNM": {"name": "Viet Nam", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 244, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vn", "special": false}, "PSE": {"name": "Palestine, State of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 189, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ps", "special": false}, "TZA": {"name": "Tanzania", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 640, "weight": 0, "id": 44, "slug": "tz", "special": false}, "BWA": {"name": "Botswana", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 652, "weight": 0, "id": 45, "slug": "bw", "special": false}, "SPM": {"name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 204, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pm", "special": false}, "KNA": {"name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 201, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kn", "special": false}, "MMR": {"name": "Myanmar", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 414, "weight": 0, "id": 53, "slug": "mm", "special": false}, "GIB": {"name": "Gibraltar", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 125, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gi", "special": false}, "DJI": {"name": "Djibouti", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 107, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "dj", "special": false}, "GIN": {"name": "Guinea-Conakry", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 611, "weight": 0, "id": 55, "slug": "gn", "special": false}, "FIN": {"name": "Finland", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 117, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fi", "special": false}, "THA": {"name": "Thailand", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 229, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "th", "special": false}, "SYC": {"name": "Seychelles", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 210, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sc", "special": false}, "NPL": {"name": "Nepal", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 177, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "np", "special": false}, "LAO": {"name": "Lao People\'s Democratic Republic", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 150, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "la", "special": false}, "YEM": {"name": "Yemen", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 249, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ye", "special": false}, "PHL": {"name": "Philippines", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "low_memory": true, "mcc": 515, "id": 35, "weight": 0, "slug": "ph"}, "ZAF": {"weight": 0, "name": "South Africa", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 655, "id": 37, "special": false, "slug": "za"}, "KIR": {"name": "Kiribati", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 146, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ki", "special": false}, "ROU": {"name": "Romania", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 197, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ro", "special": false}, "SYR": {"name": "Syrian Arab Republic", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 227, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sy", "special": false}, "MAC": {"name": "Macao", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 158, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mo", "special": false}, "MAF": {"weight": 0, "name": "Saint Martin (French part)", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "mcc": 340, "id": 255, "special": false, "slug": "mf"}, "NIU": {"name": "Niue", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 182, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nu", "special": false}, "DMA": {"name": "Dominica", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 108, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "dm", "special": false}, "BEN": {"name": "Benin", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 79, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bj", "special": false}, "GUF": {"name": "French Guiana", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 118, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gf", "special": false}, "BEL": {"name": "Belgium", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 77, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "be", "special": false}, "GUM": {"name": "Guam", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 129, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gu", "special": false}, "GBR": {"weight": 0, "name": "United Kingdom", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 235, "id": 4, "special": false, "slug": "uk"}, "BES": {"name": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 252, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bq", "special": false}, "GUY": {"name": "Guyana", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 131, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gy", "special": false}, "CRI": {"weight": 0, "name": "Costa Rica", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 712, "id": 27, "special": false, "slug": "cr"}, "CMR": {"name": "Cameroon", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 624, "weight": 0, "id": 42, "slug": "cm", "special": false}, "LSO": {"name": "Lesotho", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 153, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ls", "special": false}, "HUN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Hungary", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 216, "id": 13, "special": false, "slug": "hu"}, "TTO": {"name": "Trinidad and Tobago", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 234, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tt", "special": false}, "PAN": {"weight": 0, "name": "Panama", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 714, "id": 28, "special": false, "slug": "pa"}, "TCD": {"name": "Chad", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 95, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "td", "special": false}, "GEO": {"name": "Georgia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 123, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ge", "special": false}, "SXM": {"name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 256, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sx", "special": false}, "TCA": {"name": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 237, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tc", "special": false}, "MHL": {"name": "Marshall Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 164, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mh", "special": false}, "BLZ": {"name": "Belize", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 78, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bz", "special": false}, "NFK": {"name": "Norfolk Island", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 183, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nf", "special": false}, "VGB": {"name": "Virgin Islands, British", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 245, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vg", "special": false}, "BLR": {"name": "Belarus", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 76, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "by", "special": false}, "BLM": {"name": "Saint Barth\u00e9lemy", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 253, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bl", "special": false}, "GRD": {"name": "Grenada", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 127, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gd", "special": false}, "GRC": {"weight": 0, "name": "Greece", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 202, "id": 17, "special": false, "slug": "gr"}, "VAT": {"name": "Holy See", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 134, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "va", "special": false}, "GRL": {"name": "Greenland", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 126, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gl", "special": false}, "AND": {"name": "Andorra", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 63, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ad", "special": false}, "MOZ": {"name": "Mozambique", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 174, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mz", "special": false}, "TJK": {"name": "Tajikistan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 228, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tj", "special": false}, "MEX": {"weight": 0, "name": "Mexico", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 334, "id": 12, "special": false, "slug": "mx"}, "LCA": {"name": "Saint Lucia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 202, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "lc", "special": false}, "IND": {"name": "India", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": null, "low_memory": true, "mcc": 405, "id": 32, "weight": 0, "slug": "in"}, "NOR": {"name": "Norway", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 185, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "no", "special": false}, "FJI": {"name": "Fiji", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 116, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fj", "special": false}, "HND": {"name": "Honduras", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 135, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "hn", "special": false}, "DOM": {"name": "Dominican Republic", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 109, 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{"name": "Guadeloupe", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 128, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gp", "special": false}, "COK": {"name": "Cook Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 101, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ck", "special": false}, "COM": {"name": "Comoros", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 98, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "km", "special": false}, "COL": {"weight": 0, "name": "Colombia", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 732, "id": 9, "special": false, "slug": "co"}, "MDA": {"name": "Moldova, Republic of", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 169, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "md", "special": false}, "GGY": {"name": "Guernsey", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 130, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gg", "special": false}, "MDG": {"name": "Madagascar", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 646, "weight": 0, "id": 49, "slug": "mg", "special": false}, "MDV": {"name": "Maldives", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 162, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": 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"ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gm", "special": false}, "SSD": {"name": "South Sudan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 219, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ss", "special": false}, "FRO": {"name": "Faroe Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 115, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "fo", "special": false}, "GTM": {"weight": 0, "name": "Guatemala", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 704, "id": 25, "special": false, "slug": "gt"}, "DNK": {"name": "Denmark", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 106, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "dk", "special": false}, "IMN": {"name": "Isle of Man", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 141, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "im", "special": false}, "CUB": {"name": "Cuba", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 103, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cu", "special": false}, "SJM": {"name": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 223, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sj", "special": false}, "KEN": {"name": "Kenya", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 639, "weight": 0, "id": 56, "slug": "ke", "special": false}, "TUR": {"name": "Turkey", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 235, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tr", "special": false}, "OMN": {"name": "Oman", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 186, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "om", "special": false}, "TUV": {"name": "Tuvalu", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 238, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tv", "special": false}, "ITA": {"weight": 0, "name": "Italy", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 222, "id": 22, "special": false, "slug": "it"}, "BRN": {"name": "Brunei Darussalam", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 87, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bn", "special": false}, "TUN": {"name": "Tunisia", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 605, "weight": 0, "id": 39, "slug": "tn", "special": false}, "PCN": {"name": "Pitcairn", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 192, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "pn", "special": false}, "BRB": {"name": "Barbados", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 75, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "bb", "special": false}, "BRA": {"weight": 0, "name": "Brazil", "adolescent": false, "ratingsbody": "CLASSIND", "mcc": 724, "id": 7, "special": false, "slug": "br"}, "TLS": {"name": "Timor-Leste", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 230, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tl", "special": false}, "USA": {"weight": 1, "name": "United States", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 310, "id": 2, "special": false, "slug": "us"}, "SWE": {"name": "Sweden", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 225, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "se", "special": false}, "MSR": {"name": "Montserrat", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 172, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ms", "special": false}, "SWZ": {"name": "Swaziland", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 224, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sz", "special": false}, "CIV": {"name": "C\u00f4te d\'Ivoire", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 612, "weight": 0, "id": 40, "slug": "ci", "special": false}, "CYP": {"name": "Cyprus", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 105, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "cy", "special": false}, "BIH": {"name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 84, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ba", "special": false}, "SGP": {"name": "Singapore", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 212, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sg", "special": false}, "SGS": {"name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 218, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "gs", "special": false}, "UZB": {"name": "Uzbekistan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 243, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "uz", "special": false}, "POL": {"weight": 0, "name": "Poland", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 260, "id": 11, "special": false, "slug": "pl"}, "KWT": {"name": "Kuwait", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 148, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kw", "special": false}, "TGO": {"name": "Togo", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 231, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "tg", "special": false}, "CYM": {"name": "Cayman Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 94, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ky", "special": false}, "EST": {"name": "Estonia", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 112, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ee", "special": false}, "ESP": {"weight": 0, "name": "Spain", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "PEGI", "mcc": 214, "id": 8, "special": false, "slug": "es"}, "SLV": {"weight": 0, "name": "El Salvador", "adolescent": true, "ratingsbody": "ESRB", "mcc": 706, "id": 24, "special": false, "slug": "sv"}, "MLI": {"name": "Mali", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 610, "weight": 0, "id": 48, "slug": "ml", "special": false}, "VCT": {"name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 205, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "vc", "special": false}, "MLT": {"name": "Malta", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 163, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mt", "special": false}, "SLE": {"name": "Sierra Leone", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 211, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sl", "special": false}, "SDN": {"name": "Sudan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 221, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sd", "special": false}, "SLB": {"name": "Solomon Islands", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 216, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "sb", "special": false}, "ESH": {"name": "Western Sahara", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 248, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "eh", "special": false}, "MCO": {"name": "Monaco", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 170, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "mc", "special": false}, "JPN": {"name": "Japan", "adolescent": true, "mcc": 440, "weight": 0, "id": 33, "slug": "jp", "special": false}, "KGZ": {"name": "Kyrgyzstan", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 149, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "kg", "special": false}, "UGA": {"name": "Uganda", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 239, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "ug", "special": false}, "NRU": {"name": "Nauru", "adolescent": true, "weight": 0, "id": 176, "ratingsbody": null, "slug": "nr", "special": false}}, "COUNTRIES": ["ABW", "AFG", "AGO", "AIA", "ALA", "ALB", "AND", "ARE", "ARG", "ARM", "ASM", "ATA", "ATF", "ATG", "AUS", "AUT", "AZE", "BDI", "BEL", "BEN", "BES", "BFA", "BGD", "BGR", "BHR", "BHS", "BIH", "BLM", "BLR", "BLZ", "BMU", "BOL", "BRA", "BRB", "BRN", "BTN", "BVT", "BWA", "CAF", "CAN", "CCK", "CHE", "CHL", "CHN", "CIV", "CMR", "COD", "COG", "COK", "COL", "COM", "CPV", "CRI", "CUB", "CUW", "CXR", "CYM", "CYP", "CZE", "DEU", "DJI", "DMA", "DNK", "DOM", "DZA", "ECU", "EGY", "ERI", "ESH", "ESP", "EST", "ETH", "FIN", "FJI", "FLK", "FRA", "FRO", "FSM", "GAB", "GBR", "GEO", "GGY", "GHA", "GIB", "GIN", "GLP", "GMB", "GNB", "GNQ", "GRC", "GRD", "GRL", "GTM", "GUF", "GUM", "GUY", "HKG", "HMD", "HND", "HRV", "HTI", "HUN", "IDN", "IMN", "IND", "IOT", "IRL", "IRQ", "ISL", "ISR", "ITA", "JAM", "JEY", "JOR", "JPN", "KAZ", "KEN", "KGZ", "KHM", "KIR", "KNA", "KOR", "KWT", "LAO", "LBN", "LBR", "LBY", "LCA", "LIE", "LKA", "LSO", "LTU", "LUX", "LVA", "MAC", "MAF", "MAR", "MCO", "MDA", "MDG", "MDV", "MEX", "MHL", "MKD", "MLI", "MLT", "MMR", "MNE", "MNG", "MNP", "MOZ", "MRT", "MSR", "MTQ", "MUS", "MWI", "MYS", "MYT", "NAM", "NCL", "NER", "NFK", "NGA", "NIC", "NIU", "NLD", "NOR", "NPL", "NRU", "NZL", "OMN", "PAK", "PAN", "PCN", "PER", "PHL", "PLW", "PNG", "POL", "PRI", "PRT", "PRY", "PSE", "PYF", "QAT", "REU", "ROU", "RUS", "RWA", "SAU", "SDN", "SEN", "SGP", "SGS", "SHN", "SJM", "SLB", "SLE", "SLV", "SMR", "SOM", "SPM", "SRB", "SSD", "STP", "SUR", "SVK", "SVN", "SWE", "SWZ", "SXM", "SYC", "SYR", "TCA", "TCD", "TGO", "THA", "TJK", "TKL", "TKM", "TLS", "TON", "TTO", "TUN", "TUR", "TUV", "TWN", "TZA", "UGA", "UKR", "UMI", "URY", "USA", "UZB", "VAT", "VCT", "VEN", "VGB", "VIR", "VNM", "VUT", "WLF", "WSM", "YEM", "ZAF", "ZMB", "ZWE"]};

@@ -86,2 +86,6 @@ {

"yo": {
"native": "Yor\u00f9b\u00e1",
"English": "Yoruba"
"bn-IN": {

@@ -136,3 +140,3 @@ "native": "\u09ac\u09be\u0982\u09b2\u09be (\u09ad\u09be\u09b0\u09a4)",

"ee": {
"native": "\u00c8\u028begbe",
"native": "E\u028be",
"English": "Ewe"

@@ -304,2 +308,6 @@ },

"tl": {
"native": "Tagalog",
"English": "Tagalog"
"hi-IN": {

@@ -349,2 +357,6 @@ "native": "\u0939\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0926\u0940 (\u092d\u093e\u0930\u0924)",

"ha": {
"native": "Hausa",
"English": "Hausa"
"he": {

@@ -462,2 +474,6 @@ "native": "\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea",

"ig": {
"native": "Igbo",
"English": "Igbo"
"sat": {

@@ -464,0 +480,0 @@ "native": "\u0938\u0902\u0924\u093e\u0932\u0940",

(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['l10n'], factory);
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {

@@ -14,10 +14,4 @@ // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but

}(this, function(l10n) {
var gettext = function(str) {
return str;
if (l10n) {
var gettext = l10n.gettext;
return {"MOBILE_CODES": {"216": "hu", "740": "ec", "214": "es", "704": "gt", "334": "mx", "706": "sv", "310": "us", "316": "us", "404": "in", "440": "jp", "748": "uy", "234": "uk", "235": "uk", "313": "us", "230": "cz", "250": "ru", "724": "br", "730": "cl", "405": "in", "732": "co", "734": "ve", "716": "pe", "311": "us", "202": "gr", "208": "fr", "441": "jp", "714": "pa", "460": "cn", "712": "cr", "262": "de", "246": "lt", "655": "za", "710": "ni", "222": "it", "220": "rs", "470": "bd", "260": "pl", "722": "ar", "297": "me", "515": "ph"}, "REGION_CHOICES_SLUG": {"gt": gettext('Guatemala'), "co": gettext('Colombia'), "cn": gettext('China'), "cl": gettext('Chile'), "za": gettext('South Africa'), "ec": gettext('Ecuador'), "cz": gettext('Czech Republic'), "ar": gettext('Argentina'), "in": gettext('India'), "cr": gettext('Costa Rica'), "es": gettext('Spain'), "ve": gettext('Venezuela'), "ni": gettext('Nicaragua'), "rs": gettext('Serbia'), "lt": gettext('Lithuania'), "pa": gettext('Panama'), "restofworld": gettext('Rest of World'), "pe": gettext('Peru'), "it": gettext('Italy'), "ph": gettext('Philippines'), "pl": gettext('Poland'), "bd": gettext('Bangladesh'), "fr": gettext('France'), "ru": gettext('Russia'), "de": gettext('Germany'), "jp": gettext('Japan'), "hu": gettext('Hungary'), "br": gettext('Brazil'), "gr": gettext('Greece'), "me": gettext('Montenegro'), "uy": gettext('Uruguay'), "sv": gettext('El Salvador'), "us": gettext('United States'), "uk": gettext('United Kingdom'), "mx": gettext('Mexico')}};
}(this, function() {
return {"MOBILE_CODES": {"216": "hu", "214": "es", "212": "mc", "213": "ad", "218": "ba", "219": "hr", "653": "sz", "null": "gs", "626": "st", "525": "sg", "540": "sb", "222": "it", "289": "ge", "288": "fo", "405": "in", "404": "in", "340": "mq", "547": "pf", "401": "kz", "545": "ki", "280": "cy", "548": "ck", "282": "ge", "348": "vg", "284": "bg", "286": "tr", "402": "bt", "716": "pe", "714": "pa", "712": "cr", "330": "pr", "366": "dm", "260": "pl", "266": "gi", "268": "pt", "736": "bo", "422": "om", "362": "cw", "424": "ae", "414": "mm", "415": "lb", "416": "jo", "417": "sy", "410": "pk", "360": "vc", "412": "af", "530": "nz", "441": "jp", "370": "do", "294": "mk", "295": "li", "418": "iq", "374": "tt", "290": "gl", "376": "tc", "605": "tn", "708": "hn", "704": "gt", "311": "us", "310": "us", "316": "us", "702": "bz", "270": "lu", "272": "ie", "619": "sl", "274": "is", "276": "al", "278": "mt", "313": "us", "204": "nl", "537": "pg", "344": "ag", "429": "np", "428": "mn", "520": "th", "368": "cu", "613": "bf", "421": "ye", "420": "sa", "364": "bs", "365": "ai", "425": "il", "363": "aw", "427": "qa", "426": "bh", "308": "pm", "440": "jp", "536": "nr", "542": "fj", "302": "ca", "413": "lk", "244": "ax", "247": "lv", "246": "lt", "240": "se", "242": "bv", "607": "gm", "248": "ee", "372": "ht", "292": "sm", "293": "si", "641": "ug", "640": "tz", "643": "mz", "642": "bi", "645": "zm", "539": "to", "647": "re", "646": "mg", "436": "tj", "648": "zw", "434": "uz", "515": "ph", "514": "tl", "623": "cf", "622": "td", "621": "ng", "620": "gh", "627": "gq", "338": "bm", "625": "cv", "624": "cm", "450": "kr", "334": "mx", "452": "vn", "628": "ga", "454": "hk", "455": "mo", "456": "kh", "457": "la", "259": "md", "250": "ru", "257": "by", "255": "ua", "541": "vu", "746": "sr", "730": "cl", "346": "ky", "657": "er", "654": "km", "732": "co", "652": "bw", "734": "ve", "650": "mw", "651": "ls", "738": "gy", "505": "au", "502": "my", "706": "sv", "546": "nc", "630": "cd", "631": "ao", "632": "gw", "633": "sc", "634": "sd", "635": "rw", "636": "et", "637": "so", "638": "dj", "609": "mr", "466": "tw", "460": "cn", "608": "sn", "528": "bn", "228": "ch", "226": "ro", "225": "va", "342": "bb", "283": "am", "220": "rs", "549": "ws", "659": "ss", "629": "cg", "724": "br", "722": "ar", "544": "as", "297": "me", "740": "ec", "604": "eh", "748": "uy", "606": "ly", "744": "py", "603": "dz", "602": "eg", "555": "nu", "400": "az", "551": "mh", "550": "fm", "553": "tv", "552": "pw", "750": "fk", "238": "dk", "234": "im", "235": "uk", "230": "cz", "231": "sk", "232": "at", "639": "ke", "437": "kg", "618": "lr", "202": "gr", "438": "tm", "206": "be", "612": "ci", "208": "fr", "610": "ml", "611": "gn", "616": "bj", "617": "mu", "614": "ne", "419": "kw", "649": "na", "615": "tg", "510": "id", "655": "za", "710": "ni", "262": "de", "472": "mv", "356": "kn", "470": "bd", "354": "ms", "352": "gd", "350": "bm", "358": "lc"}, "REGION_CHOICES_SLUG": {"gw": "Guinea-Bissau", "gu": "Guam", "gt": "Guatemala", "gs": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "gr": "Greece", "gq": "Equatorial Guinea", "gp": "Guadeloupe", "gy": "Guyana", "gg": "Guernsey", "gf": "French Guiana", "ge": "Georgia", "gd": "Grenada", "ga": "Gabon", "gn": "Guinea-Conakry", "gm": "Gambia", "gl": "Greenland", "gi": "Gibraltar", "gh": "Ghana", "tz": "Tanzania", "lc": "Saint Lucia", "la": "Lao People's Democratic Republic", "tv": "Tuvalu", "tw": "Taiwan", "tt": "Trinidad and Tobago", "tr": "Turkey", "lk": "Sri Lanka", "li": "Liechtenstein", "lv": "Latvia", "to": "Tonga", "lt": "Lithuania", "tm": "Turkmenistan", "tj": "Tajikistan", "ls": "Lesotho", "th": "Thailand", "tf": "French Southern Territories", "tg": "Togo", "td": "Chad", "tc": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "ly": "Libya", "do": "Dominican Republic", "dm": "Dominica", "dj": "Djibouti", "dk": "Denmark", "de": "Germany", "ye": "Yemen", "me": "Montenegro", "dz": "Algeria", "uy": "Uruguay", "yt": "Mayotte", "qa": "Qatar", "zm": "Zambia", "eh": "Western Sahara", "wf": "Wallis and Futuna", "ee": "Estonia", "eg": "Egypt", "za": "South Africa", "ec": "Ecuador", "sj": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "sg": "Singapore", "us": "United States", "et": "Ethiopia", "zw": "Zimbabwe", "es": "Spain", "er": "Eritrea", "ru": "Russia", "rw": "Rwanda", "rs": "Serbia", "re": "R\u00e9union", "it": "Italy", "ro": "Romania", "tk": "Tokelau", "bd": "Bangladesh", "be": "Belgium", "bf": "Burkina Faso", "bg": "Bulgaria", "ms": "Montserrat", "bb": "Barbados", "bl": "Saint Barth\u00e9lemy", "bm": "Bermuda", "bn": "Brunei Darussalam", "bo": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of", "bh": "Bahrain", "bi": "Burundi", "bj": "Benin", "bt": "Bhutan", "jm": "Jamaica", "bv": "Bouvet Island", "bw": "Botswana", "ws": "Samoa", "bq": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "br": "Brazil", "bs": "Bahamas", "je": "Jersey", "by": "Belarus", "bz": "Belize", "tn": "Tunisia", "om": "Oman", "my": "Malaysia", "ky": "Cayman Islands", "lr": "Liberia", "jo": "Jordan", "ck": "Cook Islands", "ci": "C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", "ch": "Switzerland", "co": "Colombia", "cn": "China", "cm": "Cameroon", "cl": "Chile", "cc": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "ca": "Canada", "cg": "Congo", "cf": "Central African Republic", "cd": "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", "cz": "Czech Republic", "cy": "Cyprus", "cx": "Christmas Island", "cr": "Costa Rica", "cw": "Cura\u00e7ao", "cv": "Cabo Verde", "cu": "Cuba", "ve": "Venezuela", "pr": "Puerto Rico", "ps": "Palestine, State of", "pw": "Palau", "pt": "Portugal", "py": "Paraguay", "tl": "Timor-Leste", "mu": "Mauritius", "iq": "Iraq", "pa": "Panama", "restofworld": "Rest of World", "pg": "Papua New Guinea", "pe": "Peru", "pk": "Pakistan", "ph": "Philippines", "pn": "Pitcairn", "pl": "Poland", "pm": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "hr": "Croatia", "ht": "Haiti", "hu": "Hungary", "hk": "Hong Kong", "lu": "Luxembourg", "hn": "Honduras", "vn": "Viet Nam", "hm": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "jp": "Japan", "lb": "Lebanon", "md": "Moldova, Republic of", "mg": "Madagascar", "mf": "Saint Martin (French part)", "ma": "Morocco", "mc": "Monaco", "uz": "Uzbekistan", "mm": "Myanmar", "ml": "Mali", "mo": "Macao", "mn": "Mongolia", "mh": "Marshall Islands", "mk": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of", "um": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "mt": "Malta", "mw": "Malawi", "mv": "Maldives", "mq": "Martinique", "mp": "Northern Mariana Islands", "uk": "United Kingdom", "mr": "Mauritania", "im": "Isle of Man", "ug": "Uganda", "ua": "Ukraine", "mx": "Mexico", "mz": "Mozambique", "va": "Holy See", "vc": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "ae": "United Arab Emirates", "ad": "Andorra", "ag": "Antigua and Barbuda", "vg": "Virgin Islands, British", "ai": "Anguilla", "vi": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "is": "Iceland", "am": "Armenia", "al": "Albania", "ao": "Angola", "sv": "El Salvador", "aq": "Antarctica", "as": "American Samoa", "ar": "Argentina", "au": "Australia", "vu": "Vanuatu", "aw": "Aruba", "in": "India", "ax": "\u00c5land Islands", "az": "Azerbaijan", "ie": "Ireland", "id": "Indonesia", "ni": "Nicaragua", "nl": "Netherlands", "no": "Norway", "il": "Israel", "na": "Namibia", "nc": "New Caledonia", "ne": "Niger", "nf": "Norfolk Island", "ng": "Nigeria", "nz": "New Zealand", "np": "Nepal", "kw": "Kuwait", "nr": "Nauru", "nu": "Niue", "fr": "France", "io": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "pf": "French Polynesia", "af": "Afghanistan", "ba": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "sb": "Solomon Islands", "fi": "Finland", "fj": "Fiji", "fk": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "fm": "Micronesia, Federated States of", "fo": "Faroe Islands", "sz": "Swaziland", "sy": "Syrian Arab Republic", "sx": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "kg": "Kyrgyzstan", "ke": "Kenya", "ss": "South Sudan", "sr": "Suriname", "ki": "Kiribati", "kh": "Cambodia", "kn": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "km": "Comoros", "st": "Sao Tome and Principe", "sk": "Slovakia", "kr": "Korea, Republic of", "si": "Slovenia", "sh": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "so": "Somalia", "sn": "Senegal", "sm": "San Marino", "sl": "Sierra Leone", "sc": "Seychelles", "kz": "Kazakhstan", "sa": "Saudi Arabia", "at": "Austria", "se": "Sweden", "sd": "Sudan"}};

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"description": "Common, universal constants for the Firefox Marketplace",
"version": "0.5.0",
"version": "0.8.0",
"repository": {

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "url": ""

@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ Marketplace Constants

* Python code copied out of the various marketplace repositories
* Python code from this repository (originally copied out of the various
marketplace repositories)
* JSON code pulled from the Mozilla SVN servers
If you want to update any constants from SVN, or add in any new constants, then
run the generate script to build out the new files. Compare the differences,
add or remove any files from git and commit.
run the generate script to build out the new files once you are done.
Compare the differences, then add or remove any files from git and commit.

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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