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mathlive - npm Package Versions






0.90.0 2023-03-19

Breaking Changes

This release contains several breaking changes. As much as possible I try to avoid introducing breaking changes, but there was an accumulation of issues that required some breaking change and I figured I would introduce them all at once:

  • the use case where a page had several mathfields was not handled well. Several configuration options were effectively shared, yet each mathfield had its own idea of what the setting was. There were also several duplicate ways of configuring a mathfield, which was confusing.
  • the virtual keyboard was awkward to use and configure with multiple mathfields. The virtual keyboard API was also attached to mathfield instances, instead of the virtual keyboard being its own entity.
  • Fill-in-the-blank is a popular feature, but its current implementation had some limitations. Thanks to a contributed new implementation, those limitations have been removed, and the API to handle fill-in-the-blank has been adjusted accordingly.
  • New implementation of the \placeholder{} command for "fill-in-the-blank" feature. Thank you to James Mullen ( for this contribution.

    Previously, each placeholder was an embedded mathfield inside a "root" mathfield. The placeholders are now special editable regions of a read-only mathfield.

    This improves their layout (for example a placeholder numerator is now displayed at the correct size) and simplify their interaction. When used as a "fill-in-the-blank", set the mathfield to readonly, and specify an ID with the placeholder, i.e. \placeholder[id]{value}. In this situation these placeholders are called "prompts".

  • The mf.getPlaceholderField() function has been replaced with mf.getPromptValue()

  • Use mf.setPromptValue() to change the content of a prompt.

  • Use mf.getPrompts() to get an array of the ids of all the prompts in the expression.

  • Prompts can be either in a correct, incorrect or indeterminate state. In correct or incorrect state, their appearance changes to reflect their state. Use mf.setPromptState() to flag a prompt as being correct or incorrect. mf.setPromptState() can also be used to mark a prompt as no longer being editable.

Virtual Keyboard
  • Previously the virtual keyboard was shared amongst mathfield instances if the makeSharedVirtualKeyboard() function was called or the use-shared-virtual-keyboard attribute was set on a mathfield. Otherwise a virtual keyboard instance was created for each mathfield in the document.

    The virtual keyboard is now always shared.

    The virtual keyboard global instance can be accessed as window.mathVirtualKeyboard or just mathVirtualKeyboard. Its value implements VirtualKeyboardInterface instance, same as was previously returned by makeSharedVirtualKeyboard().

  • The options related to the virtual keyboard should now be set on the global shared virtual keyboard, using window.mathVirtualKeyboard instead of on mathfield instances.

  • The MathLive virtual keyboard API (offered by the window.mathVirtualKeyboard property) has changed to be consistent with the W3C Virtual Keyboard API.

    This includes adding a show() and hide() functions, and a boundingRect property to VirtualKeyboardInterface.

    A geometrychange event is dispatched when the size of the keyboard changes.

    In addition, the MathfieldElement.virtualKeyboardMode property is now called MathfieldElement.mathVirtualKeyboardPolicy and can take a value of "auto" or "manual".

    A value of "manual" corresponds to the previous virtualKeyboardMode value of "off", that is the virtual keyboard is not displayed automatically and must be displayed programmatically.

    The value "onfocus" is no longer supported. To implement the behavior previously provided by this value:

    mf.addEventListener('focusin', () =>;

    If mathVirtualKeyboardPolicy is set to "auto" the virtual keyboard is displayed automatically when a mathfield is focused on a touch-enabled device.

  • The virtual keyboard customization API has been simplified.


  minimal: {
    rows: [
        {latex: "+"}, {latex: "-"}, {latex: "\\times"},
        {latex: "\\frac{#@}{#?}"}, {latex: "="}, {latex: "."},
        {latex: "("}, {latex: ")"}, {latex: "\\sqrt{#0}"},
        {latex: "#@^{#?}"}
        {latex: "1"}, {latex: "2"}, {latex: "3"}, {latex: "4"},
        {latex: "5"}, {latex: "6"}, {latex: "7"}, {latex: "8"},
        {latex: "9"}, {latex: "0"},

  'minimal': {
    label: 'Minimal',
    layer: 'minimal',

  customVirtualKeyboardLayers: MINIMAL_LAYER,
  customVirtualKeyboards: MINIMAL_KEYBOARD,
  virtualKeyboards: 'minimal',


mathVirtualKeyboard.layouts = {
  rows: [
    ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'],

To change the alphabetic layout:


mf.setOptions({ virtualKeyboardLayout: 'azerty' });


mathVirtualKeyboard.alphabeticLayout = 'azerty';
  • The "roman" virtual keyboard is now called "alphabetic"

  • The virtualKeyboardToolbar option is now mathVirtualKeyboard.actionToolbar

  • The virtualKeyboardContainer option is now mathVirtualKeyboard.container

  • The virtual keyboard toggle glyph can no longer be customized.

  • The virtual keyboard toggle button is displayed by default if the content of mathfield can be modified.

    The display of the toggle button is independent of the mathVirtualKeyboardPolicy.

    Using the math-field::part(virtual-keyboard-toggle) CSS selector, a display: none CSS attribute can be used to hide the virtual keyboard toggle if desired. To replicate the previous default behavior, where the toggle was displayed on touch-enabled devices, use:

    @media not (pointer: coarse) {
      math-field::part(virtual-keyboard-toggle) {
        display: none;
  • The "alt-keys" of the virtual keyboard are now called "variants". The data-alt-keys attribute is now data-variants


Previously all the options to configure a mathfield could be changed using mf.setOptions({...}). Some of these options affected a specific mathfield instance, while others affected all mathfields on the page.

The options that affect all mathfields are now static properties of the MathfieldElement global. The options that affect the virtual keyboard are properties of the mathVirtualKeyboard global singleton. The options specific to a mathfield are now properties or attribute of this element.

For example:


mf.setOptions({ soundsDirectory: null });


MathfieldElement.soundsDirectory = null;

| Before | Now | | :-------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | mf.setOptions({defaultMode: ...}) | mf.defaultMode = ... | | mf.setOptions({letterShapeStyle: ...}) | mf.letterShapeStyle = ... | | mf.setOptions({horizontalSpacingScale: ...}) | Removed. Use "thinmuskip", "medmuskip", and "thickmuskip" registers ', | | mf.setOptions({macros: ...}) | mf.macros = ... | | mf.setOptions({registers: ...}) | mf.registers = ... | | mf.setOptions({backgroundColorMap: ...}) | mf.backgroundColorMap = ... | | mf.setOptions({colorMap: ...}) | mf.colorMap = ... | | mf.setOptions({enablePopover: ...}) | mf.popoverPolicy = ... | | mf.setOptions({mathModeSpace: ...}) | mf.mathModeSpace = ... | | mf.setOptions({placeholderSymbol: ...}) | mf.placeholderSymbol = ... | | mf.setOptions({readOnly: ...}) | mf.readOnly = ... | | mf.setOptions({removeExtraneousParentheses: ...}) | mf.removeExtraneousParentheses = ... | | mf.setOptions({scriptDepth: ...}) | mf.scriptDepth = ... | | mf.setOptions({smartFence: ...}) | mf.smartFence = ... | | mf.setOptions({smartMode: ...}) | mf.smartMode = ... | | mf.setOptions({smartSuperscript: ...}) | mf.smartSuperscript = ... | | mf.setOptions({inlineShortcutTimeout: ...}) | mf.inlineShortcutTimeout = ... | | mf.setOptions({inlineShortcuts: ...}) | mf.inlineShortcuts = ... | | mf.setOptions({keybindings: ...}) | mf.keybindings = ... | | mf.setOptions({virtualKeyboardMode: ...}) | mf.mathVirtualKeyboardPolicy = ... | | mf.setOptions({customVirtualKeyboardLayers: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.layouts.layers = ... | | mf.setOptions({customVirtualKeyboards: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.layouts = ... | | mf.setOptions({keypressSound: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.keypressSound = ... | | mf.setOptions({keypressVibration: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.keypressVibration = ... | | mf.setOptions({plonkSound: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.plonkSound = ... | | mf.setOptions({virtualKeyboardContainer: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.container = ... | | mf.setOptions({virtualKeyboardLayout: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.alphabeticLayout = ... | | mf.setOptions({virtualKeyboardTheme: ...}) | No longer supported | | mf.setOptions({virtualKeyboardToggleGlyph: ...}) | No longer supported | | mf.setOptions({virtualKeyboardToolbar: ...}) | mathVirtualKeyboard.actionToolbar = ... | | mf.setOptions({virtualKeyboards: ...}) | Use mathVirtualKeyboard.layouts | | mf.setOptions({speechEngine: ...}) | MathfieldElement.speechEngine | | mf.setOptions({speechEngineRate: ...}) | MathfieldElement.speechEngineRate | | mf.setOptions({speechEngineVoice: ...}) | MathfieldElement.speechEngineVoice | | mf.setOptions({textToSpeechMarkup: ...}) | MathfieldElement.textToSpeechMarkup | | mf.setOptions({textToSpeechRules: ...}) | MathfieldElement.textToSpeechRules | | mf.setOptions({textToSpeechRulesOptions: ...}) | MathfieldElement.textToSpeechRulesOptions | | mf.setOptions({readAloudHook: ...}) | MathfieldElement.readAloudHook | | mf.setOptions({speakHook: ...}) | MathfieldElement.speakHook | | mf.setOptions({computeEngine: ...}) | MathfieldElement.computeEngine | | mf.setOptions({fontsDirectory: ...}) | MathfieldElement.fontsDirectory | | mf.setOptions({soundsDirectory: ...}) | MathfieldElement.soundsDirectory | | mf.setOptions({createHTML: ...}) | MathfieldElement.createHTML | | mf.setOptions({onExport: ...}) | MathfieldElement.onExport | | mf.setOptions({onInlineShortcut: ...}) | MathfieldElement.onInlineShortcut | | mf.setOptions({locale: ...}) | MathfieldElement.locale = ... | | mf.setOptions({strings: ...}) | MathfieldElement.strings = ... | | mf.setOptions({decimalSeparator: ...}) | MathfieldElement.decimalSeparator = ... | | mf.setOptions({fractionNavigationOrder: ...}) | MathfieldElement.fractionNavigationOrder = ... |

Miscellaneous Breaking Changes
  • For consistency with <textarea> the <math-field> tag now has a default display style of "inline". You can change the display style to "block" using a CSS rule.
  • The <math-field> tag now has some default styling, including a background and border, consistent with a <textarea> element. You can override this styling by defining CSS rules for the math-field selector.
  • The previously deprecated option horizontalSpacingScalehas been removed. It is replaced by the standard TeX registers\thinmuskip, \medmuskip and \thickmuskip.
  • It was previously possible to specify a set of options for a mathfield as a <script> tag inside the mathfield, as JSON data structure. This is no longer supported.
  • It was previously possible to supply a custom style sheet to be applied inside the shadow DOM by using a <style> tag inside the mathfield. This is no longer supported. Use custom CSS variables or part selectors to apply custom styling to the mathfield.


  • #1854 Attempt to solve multiple reading of field content by screen readers on focus
  • #1855 Updated support for more recent versions of SRE (Speech Rule Engine)
  • Improved interaction with some screen readers
  • #843, #1845 Smarter smart-fence: fewer fence combinations are now valid, resulting in more correct results
  • #1859 In math mode, after pressing the SPACE key, the variant style (upright, italic, etc...) from neighboring atoms is not adopted by subsequent characters.
  • The disabled and readonly attributes and the user-select CSS property are now consistent with <textarea>:
    • a readonly mathfield is still focusable
    • a disabled mathfield is not focusable
    • The content of a readonly or disabled mathfield can be selected, unless the contenteditable attribute is set to "false" and the user-select CSS property is set to "none". (fixes #1136)
  • A mathfield can be used inline, for example inside a <p> element.
  • For consistency with a <textarea>, click events are not dispatched when a disabled <math-element> is clicked.
  • #1722 The theme applied to the keyboard can be set programmatically by apply a theme attribute to the container of the keyboard, for example <body theme="dark"> or <body theme="light">.
  • When a mathfield contains placeholders (or prompts), tabbing at the last placeholder will move to the next focusable element on the page (previously, it would circularly stay inside the current mathfield, with no possibility of escape).

Issues Resolved

  • #1850 When multiple \char commands were in an expression, they would all have the same argument when serialized
  • #1691 Inserting a left parenthesis to the left of a right parenthesis caused the expression to be incorrectly balanced
  • #1858 The spoken representation of the \pm command was incorrect
  • #1856 Displaying the virtual keyboard in a custom container was broken
  • #1877 Setting options on read-only field was not working
  • #1771 Incorrect layout of fill-in-the-blank
  • #1770 mf.setValue() did not affect fill-in-the-blank sections
  • #1736 Layout issues with fill-in-the-blank
  • #1048 Virtual keyboard inside a custom container is now displayed correctly.
published 0.89.4 •



0.89.4 2023-02-27

Issues Resolved

  • Fix an issue where the virtual keyboard would not activate when not using a shared virtual keyboard.
published 0.89.3 •



0.89.3 2023-02-27

Issues Resolved

  • #1723 The Ctrl-X/C/V keyboard shortcuts did not trigger when using a touch-capable device with a physical keyboard connected.
  • #1834 On Windows, using Firefox with the Swedish keyboard layout, pressing the "¨" or "`" key resulted in a runtime error.
  • #1684 The visual state of the Undo button in the virtual keyboard is now correct


  • Improved layout for the virtual keyboard: automatically increase the size of the keycaps when possible, better adapt to various device layouts.
  • When selecting an expression on iPadOS, do not display the OS selection UI
  • On iPadOS, account for the safe area at the bottom of the screen when displaying the virtual keyboard.
  • Added Cut and Copy commands in the virtual keyboard default action toolbar
  • Changed the implementation of the physical keyboard event handling. The same implementation is now used for touch-enabled and non-touch-enabled devices. Instead of an invisible <textarea>, the keyboard events are now captured by a content editable <span>.
  • More accurately position the accessory windows of IMEs during composition
  • #1843 Work around a WebKit/Safari bug by replicating the inputType property as the data property of "input" and "beforeinput" events. WebKit/Safari erroneously strip the inputType property.
published 0.89.2 •



0.89.2 2023-02-17


  • #1833 MathLive 0.87.0 dropped support for UMD. It turns out, there are some use cases that still require it, sadly. This release should restore the UMD support.
    • As background for this, there are many ways to package a JavaScript library so it can be used in different contexts. The modern packaging supported by both the browsers and Node ecosystem is the JavaScript module. Files in the /dist directory with a .mjs extension are packaged as modules and can be used with a JavaScript import statement or a <script type=module> tag.
    • The files with a .js extension are packaged to be used with a regular <script> tag (no type=module). This format is called IIFE and declares a MathLive global variable from which the MathLive API can be accessed.
    • Another convention was in use before the universal support for JavaScript modules, which used a require() API. This was implemented in Node, but also supported by some toolchains, such as WebPack. Unfortunately, some of those older toolchains are still in use and difficult to move away from. In order to support require() the library needs to be packaged using the UMD format. The UMD format is not supported by modern bundling tools, such as esbuild, which is what MathLive uses since 0.87.0. In this release, the support for UMD is re-introduced by implementing it manually in MathLive, rather than relying on the bundler.
published 0.89.1 •

published 0.89.0 •



0.89.0 2023-02-12


  • #1150 Deleting the empty numerator or denominator of a fraction now behaves more intuitively. The behavior now matches the Desmos graphing calculator.
  • #1806 Support for speaking matrices and other LaTeX environments. Contribution from @androettop. Thanks, Pablo!

Issues Resolved

  • #1802 MathML markup for expressions like a(b)^2 was invalid.
published 0.87.1 •



0.87.1 2023-01-26


  • Better MathML serialization of \operatorname{} and \mathrm{}

Issues Resolved

  • #1772 Typing / after f(x) will now consider f(x) as the numerator, instead of (x)
  • #1797 The result type of makeSharedVirtualKeyboard() was incorrectly specified as a private type.
  • #1798 Using a keyboard shortcut with the control or command key would not reset the inline keystroke buffer. As a result, typing s + i + ctrl-6 + n would yield \sin instead of \si^n.
  • #1799 Better fix for #1795. Deleting numerator or denominator of a fraction would no longer collapse the fraction.
  • #1800 More closely matches the behavior of the textarea element. Only dispatch an "input" event with an inputType of "insertLineBreak" when the user pressed the RETURN or ENTER key. Also dispatch a focusin and focusout event when applicable.
published 0.87.0 •



0.87.0 2023-01-20


  • Removed dependency on jsdom for server-side rendering.
  • Switched bundler from rollup to esbuild

Issues Resolved

  • #1795 Deleting forward when there is nothing to delete was throwing an exception (introduced in 0.86.1)
  • #1763 The "plonk" sound and other accessibility announcements were not dispatched. Also, sounds were not audible the first time they were played.
  • #1762 The \smallint command was erroneously displayed as an extensible symbol
  • The MathML serialization for superscripts and subscripts was invalid in some cases.
published 0.86.1 •



0.86.1 2023-01-18

Issues Resolved

  • #1773, #1542: better handling of interaction with the virtual keyboard on touch-based devices (always use PointerEvents to handle interaction with keycaps)
  • #1035 Removing the last mathfield element from a page could result in math content rendered with renderMathInElement() to no longer be rendered correctly (the necessary stylesheet was erroneously removed).
  • #1791 The "aside" labels in the virtual keyboard were barely visible in dark mode.
  • #1726 Deleting the last element of a fraction also deletes the fraction
  • #1764 The MathML serialization for superscripts and subscripts was invalid.
  • #1790 Annotations from the \enclose command could not be displayed in some cases if the z-index of the expression they decorated had certain values.
published 0.86.0 •



0.86.0 2022-12-02

Breaking Changes

  • The Compute Engine has been split from MathLive to reduce the package size and improve the TTI (Time To Interactive) metric. The Compute Engine now needs to be loaded separately:
import '';


import { ComputeEngine } from '';

to create custom Compute Engine instances, which can then be associated with a mathfield using mf.setOptions({computeEngine: ce}) or mf.computeEngine = ce.

If the Compute Engine library is not loaded, some functionality of the mathfield will not be available: mf.expression will always return null and cannot be used to change the content of the mathfield, and math-json is not available as a format on the clipboard,

Issues Resolved

  • The vertical placement of the superscript after a \left...\right command was incorrect.
  • Extensible arrows with superscript or subscript would not serialize the superscript/subscript.
  • The fraction line and surd line would not be visible when printing with the "Don't show image background" option in the print dialog.
  • The "placeholder-change" event was not dispatched.


  • Tweaked the layout of the symbols virtual keyboard to make regular arrows the default, rather than extensible arrows.
  • Fill-in-the-blank (placeholder) nested mathfields now line up with the baseline. They also inherit the font-size of their parent container.
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