mii-logger.js is NodeJs Simple logger

npm i mii-logger.js --save
Just require it
const mLogger = require('mii-logger.js');
Main console print functions:
console.log( ' #console.log' );
console.info( ' #console.info' );
console.info2( ' #console.info2' );
console.ok( ' #console.ok' );
console.warn( ' #console.warn' );
console.error( ' #console.error' );
console.debug( ' #console.debug' );
console.nocol( ' #console.nocol' );
console.p( ' #console.p' );
console.watch( ' #console.watch' );
console.force( ' #console.force' );
console.json( {key: '#console.json'} );
mute and unMute all console output:
console.log(' this line will not be printed');
console.log(' this line will not be printed');
console.force(' Forced to print ');
console.log(' this line will not be printed');
console.log(' this line will not be printed');
const mObj = {
user: {
email: '****',
data: { age: 124 },
const newMObj = console.deepClone(mObj);
newMObj.user.data.age = 666;
console.log( mObj.user.data.age );
console.log( newMObj.user.data.age );
console.log( new Error('Automatic detected Error Object with stack-trace') );
console.log( console.R(' Каждый — красный ') );
console.log( console.W(' Охотник — оранжевый ') );
console.log( console.Y(' Желает — жёлтый ') );
console.log( console.G(' Знать — зелёный ') );
console.log( console.LB(' Где — голубой ') );
console.log( console.B(' Сидит — синий ') );
console.log( console.P(' Фазан — фиолетовый ') );
console.log( console.R(' Richard — red ') );
console.log( console.W(' Of — orange ') );
console.log( console.Y(' York —yellow ') );
console.log( console.G(' Gave — green ') );
console.log( console.LB(' Battle — blue ') );
console.log( console.B(' In — indigo ') );
console.log( console.P(' Vain — violet ') );
Build-In Tools:
printing JSON;
const testObject = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 123,
myArr: [0,0,0,0,0],
myObj: { A:{ B:{ C:{} } } },
console.json( testObject );
"name": "Tom",
"age": 123,
"myArr": [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
"myObj": {
"A": {
"B": {
"C": {}
console.json( testObject, false );
console.json( testObject, true, 2, false );
"name": "Tom",
"age": 123,
"myArr": [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
"myObj": {
"A": {
"B": {
"C": {}
getting JSON;
const testObject = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 123,
myArr: [0,0,0,0,0],
myObj: { A:{ B:{ C:{} } } },
console.toJson( testObject );
Hash text && files
const sha1 = console.hash.sha1('Hello world');
const sha256 = console.hash.sha256('Hello world');
const sha384 = console.hash.sha384('Hello world');
const sha512 = console.hash.sha512('Hello world');
const md5 = console.hash.md5('Hello world');
sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, md5
"sha1": "7b502c3a1f48c8609ae212cdfb639dee39673f5e",
"sha256": "64ec88ca00b268e5ba1a35678a1b5316d212f4f366b2477232534a8aeca37f3c",
"sha384": "9203b0c4439fd1e6ae5878866337b7c532acd6d9260150c80318e8ab8c27ce330189f8df94fb890df1d298ff360627e1",
"sha512": "b7f783baed8297f0db917462184ff4f08e69c2d5e5f79a942600f9725f58ce1f29c18139bf80b06c0fff2bdd34738452ecf40c488c22a7e3d80cdf6f9c1c0d47",
"md5": "3e25960a79dbc69b674cd4ec67a72c62"
const sha1File = console.hash.sha1File('./src/index.js');
const sha256File = console.hash.sha256File('./src/index.js');
const sha384File = console.hash.sha384File('./src/index.js');
const sha512File = console.hash.sha512File('./src/index.js');
const md5File = console.hash.md5File('./src/index.js');
sha1File, sha256File, sha384File, sha512File, md5File
"sha1File": "64c68f13518ae7a9d7cd0527efb0bd4f05971bd1",
"sha256File": "f713de98a0e30a8a6be1ca75dde114348cef739e98c96f1474e918312f18e737",
"sha384File": "dd9a60907ce6caa615f0ac5bf38e35c0445f1baf84feb3ce380640d3e7e48e039739a114b9a1c65987f3599f39ebbc6e",
"sha512File": "b290b58dff4aac29be4884745712b09f20e9397ca8d5367e7e2d27d1145957f7ded16b1823280571960ed2422919d8cce7e342d51bb41123b37d18b3c585c372",
"md5File": "5ce1be8a91e7cdab8f21a09e272d32e9"
const absPath = console.getAbsPath( './test.json' );
const file = console.readFileSync( './test.json' );
const json_t = console.jsonFromFile('./test.json');
const randInt = console.randInt( 0, 1000 );
const randFloat = console.randFloat( 0, 1000 );
const hostname = console.getHostname();
const isFile = console.isFile('./test.json');
const isDir = console.isDir('./test.json');
const listDir = console.listDir('./');
absPath, file:'[*file-content*]', json_t, randInt, randFloat, hostname, isFile, isDir, listDir
}, true, 4);
"absPath": "/m-sys/prog/nodejs/mii-logger/test.json",
"file": "[*file-content*]",
"json_t": {
"name": "Tom",
"age": 123,
"PI": 3.1415,
"obj": {
"A": {
"B": {
"C": {
"D": {
"END": 777
"randInt": 302,
"randFloat": 247.4021970490431,
"hostname": "abi",
"isFile": true,
"isDir": false,
"listDir": [
Get File-System [file/dir] info object
const fileInfo = console.getFileInfo( './src/index.js' );
console.json({ fileInfo });
"fileInfo": {
"dev": 2052,
"mode": 33188,
"nlink": 1,
"uid": 1000,
"gid": 1000,
"rdev": 0,
"blksize": 4096,
"ino": 7574841,
"size": 14233,
"blocks": 32,
"atimeMs": 1553686826588.2861,
"mtimeMs": 1553686821032.3079,
"ctimeMs": 1553686821032.3079,
"birthtimeMs": 1553686821032.3079,
"atime": "2019-03-27T11:40:26.588Z",
"mtime": "2019-03-27T11:40:21.032Z",
"ctime": "2019-03-27T11:40:21.032Z",
"birthtime": "2019-03-27T11:40:21.032Z"
Reading and saving JSON and raw file
const json_t = console.jsonFromFile( 'my-file.json' );
console.jsonToFile( 'my-file.json', {myKey: 'myVal'} );
console.jsonToFile( 'my-file.json', {myKey: 'myVal'}, format=true, indent=2 );
const file = console.readFileSync( 'my-file.txt' );
console.writeFileSync( 'my-file.txt', 'some text data or json' );
console.appendFileSync( 'my-file.txt', 'some text data or json'+"\n" );
console.writeFileSync( 'my-file.txt', 'some text data or json', encoding='utf-8' );
(async ()=>{
await console.sleep( 2000 );
(async ()=>{
await console.sleep(2000);
const mSec = console.TE('my-custom-timer-tag');
'execution-duration': `${mSec} mSec`
Disable && Enable log-time
const logger = require('mii-logger.js');
console.logTime( false );
console.log(' No Time ... ');
console.logTime( true );
console.log(' With Time ... ');
Disable && Enable log-color
const logger = require('mii-logger.js');
console.logColor( false );
console.log(' no color ... ');
console.logColor( true );
console.log(' colored ... ');