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Comparing version 2.8.5 to 2.8.6


"name": "minipass",
"version": "2.8.5",
"version": "2.8.6",
"description": "minimal implementation of a PassThrough stream",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -55,2 +55,5 @@ # minipass

Please read these caveats if you are familiar with noode-core streams and
intend to use Minipass streams in your programs.
### Timing

@@ -90,7 +93,98 @@

### Hazards of Buffering (or: Why Minipass Is So Fast)
Since data written to a Minipass stream is immediately written all the way
through the pipeline, and `write()` always returns true/false based on
whether the data was fully flushed, backpressure is communicated
immediately to the upstream caller. This minimizes buffering.
Consider this case:
const {PassThrough} = require('stream')
const p1 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
const p2 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
const p3 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
const p4 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
p4.on('data', () => console.log('made it through'))
// this returns false and buffers, then writes to p2 on next tick (1)
// p2 returns false and buffers, pausing p1, then writes to p3 on next tick (2)
// p3 returns false and buffers, pausing p2, then writes to p4 on next tick (3)
// p4 returns false and buffers, pausing p3, then emits 'data' and 'drain'
// on next tick (4)
// p3 sees p4's 'drain' event, and calls resume(), emitting 'resume' and
// 'drain' on next tick (5)
// p2 sees p3's 'drain', calls resume(), emits 'resume' and 'drain' on next tick (6)
// p1 sees p2's 'drain', calls resume(), emits 'resume' and 'drain' on next
// tick (7)
p1.write(Buffer.alloc(2048)) // returns false
Along the way, the data was buffered and deferred at each stage, and
multiple event deferrals happened, for an unblocked pipeline where it was
perfectly safe to write all the way through!
Furthermore, setting a `highWaterMark` of `1024` might lead someone reading
the code to think an advisory maximum of 1KiB is being set for the
pipeline. However, the actual advisory buffering level is the _sum_ of
`highWaterMark` values, since each one has its own bucket.
Consider the Minipass case:
const m1 = new Minipass()
const m2 = new Minipass()
const m3 = new Minipass()
const m4 = new Minipass()
m4.on('data', () => console.log('made it through'))
// m1 is flowing, so it writes the data to m2 immediately
// m2 is flowing, so it writes the data to m3 immediately
// m3 is flowing, so it writes the data to m4 immediately
// m4 is flowing, so it fires the 'data' event immediately, returns true
// m4's write returned true, so m3 is still flowing, returns true
// m3's write returned true, so m2 is still flowing, returns true
// m2's write returned true, so m1 is still flowing, returns true
// No event deferrals or buffering along the way!
m1.write(Buffer.alloc(2048)) // returns true
It is extremely unlikely that you _don't_ want to buffer any data written,
or _ever_ buffer data that can be flushed all the way through. Neither
node-core streams nor Minipass ever fail to buffer written data, but
node-core streams do a lot of unnecessary buffering and pausing.
As always, the faster implementation is the one that does less stuff and
waits less time to do it.
### Immediately emit `end` for empty streams (when not paused)
If a stream is not paused, and `end()` is called before writing any data
into it, then it will emit `end` immediately.
If you have logic that occurs on the `end` event which you don't want to
potentially happen immediately (for example, closing file descriptors,
moving on to the next entry in an archive parse stream, etc.) then be sure
to call `stream.pause()` on creation, and then `stream.resume()` once you
are ready to respond to the `end` event.
### Emit `end` When Asked
If you do `stream.on('end', someFunction)`, and the stream has already
emitted `end`, then it will emit it again.
One hazard of immediately emitting `'end'` is that you may not yet have had
a chance to add a listener. In order to avoid this hazard, Minipass
streams safely re-emit the `'end'` event if a new listener is added after
`'end'` has been emitted.
Ie, if you do `stream.on('end', someFunction)`, and the stream has already
emitted `end`, then it will call the handler right away. (You can think of
this somewhat like attaching a new `.then(fn)` to a previously-resolved
To prevent calling handlers multiple times who would not expect multiple

@@ -100,4 +194,67 @@ ends to occur, all listeners are removed from the `'end'` event whenever it

### Impact of "immediate flow" on Tee-streams
A "tee stream" is a stream piping to multiple destinations:
const tee = new Minipass()
t.write('foo') // goes to both destinations
Since Minipass streams _immediately_ process any pending data through the
pipeline when a new pipe destination is added, this can have surprising
effects, especially when a stream comes in from some other function and may
or may not have data in its buffer.
const src = new Minipass()
src.pipe(dest1) // 'foo' chunk flows to dest1 immediately, and is gone
src.pipe(dest2) // gets nothing!
The solution is to create a dedicated tee-stream junction that pipes to
both locations, and then pipe to _that_ instead.
// Safe example: tee to both places
const src = new Minipass()
const tee = new Minipass()
stream.pipe(tee) // tee gets 'foo', pipes to both locations
The same caveat applies to `on('data')` event listeners. The first one
added will _immediately_ receive all of the data, leaving nothing for the
const src = new Minipass()
src.on('data', handler1) // receives 'foo' right away
src.on('data', handler2) // nothing to see here!
Using a dedicated tee-stream can be used in this case as well:
// Safe example: tee to both data handlers
const src = new Minipass()
const tee = new Minipass()
tee.on('data', handler1)
tee.on('data', handler2)
It's a stream! Use it like a stream and it'll most likely do what you want.

@@ -104,0 +261,0 @@ const Minipass = require('minipass')

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