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monaco-editor - npm Package Versions






[0.13.1] (15.05.2018)

  • Fixes issue #871: TypeScript import error after mocaco-editor upgraded from 0.12 to 0.13
published 0.13.0 •



[0.13.0] (11.05.2018)

New & Noteworthy

  • New folding provider registerFoldingRangeProvider.
  • You can now specifies the stack order of a decoration by setting IModelDecorationOptions.zIndex. A decoration with greater stack order is always in front of a decoration with a lower stack order.
  • You can now tell Monaco if there is an inlineClassName which affects letter spacing. the stack order of a decoration by setting IModelDecorationOptions.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing.
  • Get the text length for a certain line on text model (ITextModel.getLineLength(lineNumber: number))
  • New option codeActionsOnSave, controls whether code action kinds will be run on save.
  • New option codeActionsOnSaveTimeout, controls timeout for running code actions on save.
  • New option multiCursorMergeOverlapping, controls if overlapping selections should be merged. Default to true.

Breaking Change

  • Removed ICodeEditor.getCenteredRangeInViewport.
  • RenameProvider.resolveRenameLocation now returns RenameLocation instead of IRange.

Thank you

published 0.12.0 •



[0.12.0] (11.04.2018)

  • Special thanks to Tim Kendrick for contributing a webpack plugin - monaco-editor-webpack-plugin - now available on npm.

Breaking changes

  • Introduced MarkerSeverity instead of Severity for markers serverity.
  • Replaced RenameProvider.resolveInitialRenameValue with RenameProvider.resolveRenameLocation.
  • Fixed typo in monaco-typescript, renamed setMaximunWorkerIdleTime to setMaximumWorkerIdleTime.

Thank you

published 0.11.1 •



[0.11.1] (15.03.2018)

  • Fixes issue #756: Can't use "Enter" key to accept an IntelliSense item
  • Fixes issue #757: TypeScript errors in editor.api.d.ts typings
published 0.11.0 •



[0.11.0] (14.03.2018)

New & Noteworthy

  • ESM distribution (compatible with e.g. webpack).
  • New interval tree decorations implementation.
  • New piece tree text buffer implementation.
  • The minimap can be placed to the left.
  • Line numbers can be displayed in an interval.
  • The cursor width can be customized.
  • Smooth scrolling can be turned on.
  • Color decorators and color picker via DocumentColorProvider.

Breaking changes

  • Replaced MarkedString with IMarkdownString. Source code snippets can be expressed using the GH markdown syntax.
  • Renamed IResourceEdit to ResourceTextEdit.

API changes

  • Merged IModel, IReadOnlyModel, IEditableTextModel, ITextModelWithMarkers, ITokenizedModel, ITextModelWithDecorations to ITextModel. A type alias for IModel is defined for compatibility.
  • Merged ICommonCodeEditor and ICodeEditor to ICodeEditor.
  • Merged ICommonDiffEditor and IDiffEditor to IDiffEditor.
  • CompletionItem.documentation, ParameterInformation.documentation and SignatureInformation.documentation can now be an IMarkdownString.
  • Added CompetionItem.command, CompletionItem.commitCharacters and CompletionItem.additionalTextEdits.
  • Added language configuration folding which can define markers for code patterns where a folding regions should be created. See for example the Python configuration.
  • Added by accident ResourceFileEdit (due to how monaco.d.ts is generated from vscode). That is not honoured by the editor, and should not be used.

Thank you

published 0.10.1 •



[0.10.1] (16.10.2017)

  • Fixes issue #601: window.opener should be set to null to protect against malicious code
published 0.10.0 •



[0.10.0] (17.08.2017)

Breaking changes

  • Removed CodeAction.
  • Method provideCodeActions in CodeActionProvider now returns Command[] | Thenable<Command[]> instead of CodeAction[] | Thenable<CodeAction[]>, which is already removed.

API changes

  • added monaco.editor.getModelMarkers. Get markers for owner and/or resource.

Notable Fixes

  • No longer use CSS class .row for command palette to avoid CSS conflicts with Bootstrap.
  • Fix Accessibility Help Dialog accessible issue on IE/Edge.
  • Fix Find Widget CSS compatibility issues with IE11.
  • Toggle Block Comment can remove extra whitespaces.

Thank you

published 0.9.0 •



[0.9.0] (03.07.2017)

New & Noteworthy

  • Minimap (on by default, use editor.minimap to disable it).
  • Drag and Drop (on by default, use editor.dragAndDrop to disable it).
  • Copy text with formatting.


  • There is a new guide for making the editor accessible to all.
  • There is a new Alt+F1 (Ctrl+F1 in IE) accessibility help panel.
  • There is a new F8/Shift+F8 diff review panel in the diff editor.
  • Many bugfixes, including now respecting the Windows High Contrast Theme on Edge.

Breaking changes

  • A lot has changed w.r.t. how themes work in the editor, mostly driven by the work to support theming in VS Code. editor.updateOptions() no longer accepts theme; the theme can be changed via the newly introduced monaco.editor.setTheme(). Additionally, we recommend editor colors be customized via monaco.editor.defineTheme() instead of via CSS -- see sample. The color names will be stable, while the CSS class names might break at any time.
  • Support for the internal snippet syntax has been discontinued and snippet must now use the official, TextMate-like syntax. Find its grammar and samples here.
  • Changed IModel.findMatches to accept a list of word separators.
  • Changed the shape of the IModelContentChangedEvent emitted via IModel.onDidChangeContent to now contain a batch of all the changes that the model had.
  • No longer using transform: translate3d, now using will-change: transform for browser layer hinting. Use the disableLayerHinting option if you have any trouble with browser layers (blurriness or high GPU memory usage).
  • Simplified wrapping settings: wordWrap, wordWrapColumn and wordWrapMinified.

API changes

  • added monaco.languages.registerTypeDefinitionProvider.
  • new editor options:
    • accessibilityHelpUrl - the url of a page to open for documentation about how to operate the editor when using a Screen Reader.
    • find.seedSearchStringFromSelection - Ctrl+F/Cmd+F seeds search string from the editor selection.
    • find.autoFindInSelection - Ctrl+F/Cmd+F turns on the find in selection toggle if the editor selection is multiline.
    • minimap.enabled - enable minimap.
    • minimap.showSlider - control when to render the minimap slider.
    • minimap.renderCharacters - render characters or blocks in the minimap.
    • minimap.maxColumn - maximum number of columns the minimap shows.
    • overviewRulerBorder - toggle that the overview ruler renders a border.
    • links - enable link detection.
    • multiCursorModifier - change the multi cursor modifier key.
    • accessibilitySupport - optimize the editor for use with a Screen Reader.
    • autoIndent - automatically fix indentation when moving lines, pasting or typing.
    • dragAndDrop - dragging and dropping editor selection within the editor.
    • occurrencesHighlight - enable highlighting of occurences.
    • showFoldingControls - fine-tune when the folding icons should show
    • matchBrackets - enable bracket matching
    • letterSpacing - configure font's letter-spacing.

Thank you

published 0.8.3 •



[0.8.3] (03.03.2017)

  • Fixes an issue in monaco-typescript where it would attempt to validate a disposed model.

published 0.8.2 •



[0.8.2] (01.03.2017)

  • Fixes the following regressions:
    • issue #385: Cannot add action to the left-hand-side of the diff editor
    • issue #386: Shortcuts for actions added via editor.addAction don't show up in the Command Palette
    • issue #387: Cannot change diff editor to a custom theme based on high contrast

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