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Multi-threaded nanoservices in no time with seamless TypeScript support.

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0.3.1 - 2022-29-12


  • Typos in README.
  • SharedMap.option only accessible statically and not on instances.


  • MessengerList.list() to be a getter method instead of a regular function. New syntax is MessengerList.list.
  • SharedMap.get() to use .subarray() instead of .slice() for a slight memory complexity improvement.
  • README logo image to new blue version.
  • Improve validation in SharedMap's constructor.
  • pool.option back to a regular getter property instead of a static one. Doesn't need to be static.


  • New sections to README for properties & methods of Service, ServiceCluster, and pool.
  • Tests for streaming with Messenger + a test suite for SharedMap




Multithreading in minutes. (More intuitive and feature-rich than Piscina!)

TypeScript CircleCI Install size

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❔ About

Nanolith✨ is a performant, reliable, easy-to-use, and well-documented multithreading library that allows you to easily scale your Node.js applications. It serves to not only build upon, but entirely replace the (deprecated) Threadz library.

There have always been a few main goals for Nanolith:

  1. Performance 🏃
  2. Ease-of-use 😇
  3. Seamless TypeScript support 😎
  4. Modern ESModules-only support 📈
  5. Steady updates with new features & fixes

So what can you do with it?

Here's a quick rundown of everything you can do in Nanolith:

  • Offload expensive tasks to separate threads.
  • Spawn up separate-threaded "nanoservices" that can run any tasks you want.
  • Communicate back and forth between threads by sending messages.
  • Stream data between threads with the already familiar node:stream API.
  • Share memory between threads using the familiar-feeling SharedMap class.

📖 Table of contents

💾 Installation

The latest version can be installed via any package manager of your choice.

npm install nanolith@latest
# or
yarn add nanolith@latest

Beta versions are released under the next tag and can be installed like this:

npm install nanolith@next
# or
yarn add nanolith@next

📝 Defining your tasks

A task is any function that you define which is accessible by Nanolith's APIs. Tasks can be defined using the define() function in a separate file dedicated to definitions.

// worker.ts 💼
import { define } from 'nanolith';

// Exporting the variable is not a requirement, but it is
// necessary to somehow export the resolved value of the
// function in order to have access to it later on.
export const worker = await define({
    add(x: number, y: number) {
        return x + y;
    async waitThenAdd(x: number, y: number) {
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5e3))
        return x + y;
    // Functions don't have to be directly defined within the
    // object, they can be defined elsewhere outside, or even
    // imported from a totally different module.

function subtract(x: number, y: number) {
    return x - y;

By passing functions into define(), you immediately turn them into multithreadable tasks. No further configuration is required.

define() options

As seen above, the first argument to define() is an object containing your functions. The second parameter is an object accepting the following (optional) configurations:

filestringIf define()'s file location detection is not working correctly, the true file location for the set of definitions can be provided here.
identifierstringA unique identifier for the set of definitions. Overrides the auto-identifier generated by Nanolith.
safeModebooleanWhether or not to prevent the usage of the returned Nanolith API from within the same file where their definitions were created. Defaults to true.

👷 Running a task

After defining a set of tasks, you can import them and call them anywhere by directly using the Nanolith API resolved by the define() function. The only difference is that instead of being called on the main thread, a new thread will be created for the task and it will be run there.

// 💡 index.ts
// Importing the Nanolith API we created in worker.ts
import { worker } from './worker.js';

// Run the "add" function on a separate thread and wait
// for it to complete before moving forward.
const result = await worker({
    // Provide the name of the task.
    name: 'add',
    // Provide the parameters of the function.
    params: [2, 3],

// The result is sent back to the main thread
// and resolved by the task function call.
console.log(result); // -> 5

The new thread's process is shut down after the task finishes.

📝 Note: Notice that even with the synchronous add() function, it is now asynchronous when being multithreaded.

Task function options

name and params are amongst many of the possible options that can be passed in when running a task:

namestringThe name of the task to call. Must be present on the set of definitions.
paramsany[]The arguments for the task in array form.
prioritybooleanWhether or not to treat the task's worker as priority over others when being queued into the pool.
reffedbooleanWhen true, the underlying Worker instance is reffed. Defaults to false.
messengersMessenger[]The Messengers that should be accessible to the task.
optionsobjectAn object containing most of the options available on the Worker constructor.

🎩 Understanding services

Services are Nanolith's flagship feature. Running a task on a service works similarly to running a task normally; however, the key difference is that the thread only shuts down when you tell it to. This means that you can run multiple tasks on the same thread rather than spawning up a new one for each call.

Considering the definitions we created here, here is how a service would be launched and a task would be called on it.

// 💡 index.ts
// Importing the Nanolith API we created in worker.ts
import { worker } from './worker.js';

// Spawn up a new thread that has access to all of
// our tasks.
const service = await worker.launchService();

// Command the service thread to run the "add" function.
const result = await{
    name: 'waitThenAdd',
    params: [2, 3],

// We can run as many times as we want, and
// all those tasks will be called on the same thread...

// Similarly to regular task calls, the return value
// is sent back to the main thread and resolve by the call.

// Shut down the second thread.
await service.close();

launchService() options

The configurations for Nanolith.launchService() are nearly identical to the task function options with the addition of exceptionHandler:

exceptionHandlerfunctionAn optional but highly recommended option that allows you to catch uncaught exceptions within the service.
prioritybooleanWhether or not to treat the service's worker as priority over others when being queued into the pool.
reffedbooleanWhen true, the underlying Worker instance is reffed. Defaults to false.
messengersMessenger[]The Messengers that should be accessible to the service.
optionsobjectAn object containing most of the options available on the Worker constructor.

Service properties & methods

Along with .call(), Service offers many other properties and methods:

activeCallsPropertyThe current number of active calls running on the Service instance.
closedPropertyWhether or not the underlying Worker instance has exited its process.
threadIDPropertyThe thread ID of the underlying Worker.
workerPropertyThe raw Worker instance being used by the service.
call()MethodCall a task to be run within the service worker. Usage is similar to running a task normally
close()MethodTerminates the worker, ending its process and marking the Service instance as closed.
sendMessage()MethodSend messages to the service.
onMessage()MethodListen for and receive messages from the service.
waitForMessage()MethodWait for a specific message coming from the service.
createStream()MethodCreate a Writable instance that can be piped into in order to stream data to the service worker.
onStream()MethodListen for and receive data streams from the service.
sendMessenger()MethodDynamically send a Messenger to the service.

🎬 Coordinating services

In a scalable application utilizing multiple identical services, it is possible to optimize them by treating the main thread as an orchestrator and managing the workloads on each service. Nanolith's ServiceCluster automatically does this for you.

// 💡 index.ts
// Importing the Nanolith API we created in worker.ts.
import { worker } from './worker.js';

// Launch 6 identical services at the same time.
// Returns a "ServiceCluster" instance.
const cluster = await worker.clusterize(6, {
    // These options will be applied to all of the 6
    // services being launched.
    exceptionHandler({ error, terminate }) {
    priority: true;

// Use the least busy service on the cluster.
// This is the service that is currently running
// the least amount of task calls.
const service = cluster.use();

// Call the task on the service as you normally would.
const result = await{
    name: 'subtract',
    params: [10, 5],


// Close all services on the cluster.
await cluster.closeAll();

For simplicity of the above example, we are only running a single task. However, ServiceCluster can be used to run a large amount of heavy operations in true parallel on multiple services.

ServiceCluster properties & methods

Along with .use(), ServiceCluster offers many other properties and methods:

activeServicesPropertyThe number of currently running services on the cluster.
currentServicesPropertyAn array of objects representing each active service on the cluster. Each object contains the service and its identifier.
activeServiceCallsPropertyThe number of currently active task calls on all services on the cluster.
launch()MethodLaunch a new service and start automatically managing it with the cluster.
addService()MethodAdd an already running service to the cluster.
use()MethodFind and return the currently least busy Service on the cluster.
notifyAll()MethodSend a message to all running services on the cluster using
closeAll()MethodClose all active services on the cluster.
closeAllIdle()MethodClose all service instances on the cluster that are currently doing nothing (not running any tasks).

🪝 Hooks

For a bit of finer control over your services and tasks, three hooks are available and can be provided directly to define().

// worker.ts 💼
import { define } from 'nanolith';

export const worker = await define({
    // Runs before a service is launched and before the
    // "launchService" function resolves its promise.
    __initializeService(threadId) {
        console.log(`Initializing service on thread: ${threadId}`);
    // Runs before a task is called.
    __beforeTask({ name, inService }) {
        console.log(`Running task ${name}.`);
        // You have access to "inService", which tells you if the
        // task will run standalone, or within a service.
        console.log(`${inService ? 'Is' : 'Is not'} in a service.`);
    // Runs after a task is called.
    __afterTask({ name, inService }) {
        console.log(`Finished task ${name}`);
    // Define your tasks here...

These hooks run on the same thread as their corresponding service/task.

🚨 Managing concurrency

Nanolith automatically manages the concurrency your services and task calls with the internal pool class. By default, the maximum concurrency is one thread per core on the machine. This is a safe value to go with; however, the maxConcurrency can be modified up using one of the available ConcurrencyOptions.

// index.ts 💡
// Importing the pool.
import { pool, ConcurrencyOption } from 'nanolith';

// One thread per four cores.
// One thread per two cores.
// Default concurrency. One thread per core (x1).
// One thread per core.
// Two threads per core.
// Four threads per core.
// Six threads per core.
// Eight threads per core.
// Ten threads per core.
// Warning: This is overkill.

pool properties & methods

Along with .setConcurrency(), pool offers many other properties and methods:

optionPropertyEasy access to the ConcurrencyOption enum.
maxConcurrencyPropertyThe maximum concurrency of the pool.
maxedPropertyWhether or not the pool has currently reached its max concurrency.
queueLengthPropertyThe current number of item in the pool's queue.
activeCountPropertyThe current number of workers that are running under the pool.
idlePropertyA boolean indicating whether or not the pool is currently doing nothing.
nextPropertyReturns the internal PoolItemOptions for the next worker in the queue to be run.
setConcurrency()MethodModify the maxConcurrency of the pool. Use this wisely.

📨 Communicating between threads

There are two ways of communicating between threads in Nanolith.

Between a service and the main thread

When using services, you are automatically able to communicate between the service and main thread with no extra work.

The __initializeService() hook can be used to register listeners on the MainThread:

// worker.ts 💼
import { define, MainThread } from 'nanolith';

export const worker = await define({
    // When the service is launched, this function will be
    // called.
    __initializeService() {
        // Register a listener for a message coming from the
        // main thread.
        MainThread.onMessage<string>((message) => {
            // Log the message when it is received.

            // Then, after the message is received, send a
            // confirmation to the main thread.
            MainThread.sendMessage('hello from the service!');

Then, the .onMessage() and .sendMessage() methods on the created service can be used to send messages to and receive messages from the service:

// 💡 index.ts
import { worker } from './worker.js';

const service = await worker.launchService();

// After the service is launched and initialized, send
// a message to it.
service.sendMessage('hello from the main thread');

// Register a listener for when a message is received
// from the service.
service.onMessage(async (message) => {
    // When a message is received, first log the message's
    // contents.

    // Then, close the service.
    await service.close();

Between all threads

A bit of extra work is required when there is a need to communicate between all threads (including the main thread). First, an instance of Messenger must be created. That instance can then be exposed to as many services and tasks as you want.

Within task functions, the .use() method on MessengerList can be used to grab hold of Messengers exposed to the thread:

// worker.ts 💼
import { define, MessengerList } from 'nanolith';

export const worker = await define({
    // When the service is launched, this function will be
    // called.
    async __initializeService() {
        // Grab hold of the exposed "foo" messenger.
        const fooMessenger = await MessengerList.use('foo');
        // Register a listener for a message received on the
        // messenger.
        fooMessenger.onMessage<string>((message) => {
            // Log the message when it is received.
            // Exit the process once any message has been received.
    // A task function which will trigger a message to be sent
    // on the exposed "foo" messenger.
    async sendSomeMessage() {
        const fooMessenger = await MessengerList.use('foo');
        fooMessenger.sendMessage('hello from other service!');

The messenger instance can be exposed to a task call or service by using the messengers option.

// 💡 index.ts
import { Messenger } from 'nanolith';
import { worker } from './worker.js';

// Create a new messenger with the ID of "foo"
const fooMessenger = new Messenger('foo');

// Launch two services that have the "foo" messenger
// exposed to both of them.
const service1 = await worker.launchService({
    messengers: [fooMessenger],
const service2 = await worker.launchService({
    messengers: [fooMessenger],

// Call the task which sends a message on the exposed
// "foo" messenger.
await{ name: 'sendSomeMessage' });

// Finally close the first service. The second will have
// already closed itself.
await service1.close();

Note: The Messenger class can be used to communicate between all threads. That means between task calls, between services, between the main thread and multiple services/task calls, etc.

📡 Streaming data between threads

It's possible to stream data from one thread to another either using Service, Messenger, and MainThread. All have the .createStream() and .onStream() methods.

// worker.ts 💼
import { define, MainThread } from 'nanolith';
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';

export const worker = await define({
    __initializeService() {
        // Wait for streams coming from the main thread.
        MainThread.onStream((stream) => {
            const writeStream = createWriteStream('./movie.mp4');
            // Once the stream has finished, notify the main thread
            // that the service is ready to be closed.
            stream.on('end', () => {
                MainThread.sendMessage('close please');

            // Pipe the received stream right into our created
            // write stream.
// 💡 index.ts
import axios from 'axios';
import { worker } from './worker.js';
import type { Readable } from 'stream';

const service = await worker.launchService();

// Once a message has been received from the service,
// close it immediately.
service.onMessage(async () => {
    await service.close();

// Get a Readstream for the entire movie "Edward Scissorhands"
const { data: readStream } = await axios.get<Readable>(
        responseType: 'stream',

// Send the stream to the service to be handled.
readStream.pipe(await service.createStream());

When using Messenger, things work a bit differently. The .onStream() method takes a different type of callback that must first accept the stream before handling it. This is because with messengers, there are multiple possible recipients, and not all of them might want to accept the stream.

Again, we use the __initializeService() hook:

// worker.ts 💼
import { define, MessengerList, MainThread } from 'nanolith';
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';

export const worker = await define({
    async __initializeService() {
        // Use the exposed "foo" messenger
        const fooMessenger = await MessengerList.use('foo');

        // Register a listener for once a stream is received.
        fooMessenger.onStream(({ metaData, accept }) => {
            // If the metadata of the stream matches what we
            // want, we will continue. Otherwise we'll decline
            // the stream by doing nothing.
            if (metaData.scissorhands !== true) return;

            // Retrieve the stream by calling the "accept" function.
            const stream = accept();

            const writeStream = createWriteStream('./movie.mp4');
            // Once the stream has finished, notify the main thread
            // that the service is ready to be closed.
            stream.on('end', () => {
                MainThread.sendMessage('close please');

            // Pipe the received stream right into our created
            // write stream.

When it comes to actually sending the stream with Messenger, the workflow is nearly the same as messaging between a service and the main thread:

// 💡 index.ts
import { Messenger } from 'nanolith';
import axios from 'axios';
import { worker } from './worker.js';
import type { Readable } from 'stream';

const fooMessenger = new Messenger('foo');

const service = await worker.launchService({
    messengers: [fooMessenger],

// Once a message has been received from the service,
// close it immediately.
service.onMessage(async () => {
    await service.close();

// Get a Readstream for the entire movie "Edward Scissorhands"
const { data: readStream } = await axios.get<Readable>(
        responseType: 'stream',

// Send the stream on the messenger instance to be accepted
// the  subsequently handled.
// Attach some metadata to the stream to help the receivers distinguish
// it from other streams. This metadata can be anything.
readStream.pipe(await fooMessenger.createStream({ scissorhands: true }));

💾 Sharing memory between threads

In vanilla Node.js, memory can only be shared between threads using raw bytes with SharedArrayBuffer. That totally sucks, but luckily sharing memory is easy in Nanolith. If you're already familiar with the JavaScript Map object, you'll feel comfortable with SharedMap.

In a single-threaded sense, SharedMap works in quite a standard way:

// 💡 index.ts
import { SharedMap } from 'nanolith';

// Initialize a new SharedMap that has a key of "foo"
const myMap = new SharedMap({ foo: 'bar' });

// Set the new value of "foo" to be "hello world"
await myMap.set('foo', 'hello world');

// Grab the current value of "foo"
console.log(await myMap.get('foo'));

// Close the mutex orchestrator (only necessary on the
// thread where the SharedMap was first instantiated).

Note: The .close() method must be called when finished using the initial SharedMap instance. Once it is closed, no other instances using the transfer object will work.

But the main point of SharedMap is that it can be used to share values between threads without making copies of the data. This also allows for a large concurrency of parallel operations to modify the same memory location at the same time.

// worker.ts 💼
import { define, SharedMap } from 'nanolith';
import type { SharedMapTransfer } from 'nanolith';

export const worker = await define({
    // Create a task that accept a transfer object that can be converted into a
    // SharedMap instance.
    async handleMap(transfer: SharedMapTransfer<{ count: number }>) {
        // Instantiate a SharedMap instance based on the received transfer.
        const countMap = new SharedMap(transfer);

        // Increment the count a thousand times.
        for (let i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
            // Use a callback function inside ".set()" to set the new value based
            // on the previously existing value.
            await countMap.set('count', (prev) => {
                return +prev + 1;
// 💡 index.ts
import { SharedMap } from 'nanolith';
import { worker } from './worker.js';

// Initialize a new SharedMap that has a key of "foo"
const countMap = new SharedMap({ count: 0 });

// Run 5 task functions in true parallel which will each increment
// the count by one thousand.
await Promise.all([
    worker({ name: 'handleMap', params: [countMap.transfer] }),
    worker({ name: 'handleMap', params: [countMap.transfer] }),
    worker({ name: 'handleMap', params: [countMap.transfer] }),
    worker({ name: 'handleMap', params: [countMap.transfer] }),
    worker({ name: 'handleMap', params: [countMap.transfer] }),

// This can be expected to be "5000"
console.log(await countMap.get('count'));

// Close the mutex orchestrator (only necessary on the
// thread where the SharedMap was first instantiated).

🧑‍🏫 Examples

Examples coming soon!

📜 License

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2022 Matthias Stephens

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.




Last updated on 30 Dec 2022

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