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Advanced tools
The ngx-image-cropper is an Angular library that provides a highly customizable image cropping tool. It allows users to crop images in various shapes and sizes, and offers a range of features to enhance the image cropping experience.
Basic Image Cropping
This feature allows users to crop images while maintaining a specific aspect ratio. The cropped image is emitted in the specified format (e.g., PNG).
<image-cropper [imageChangedEvent]="imageChangedEvent" [maintainAspectRatio]="true" [aspectRatio]="4 / 3" format="png" (imageCropped)="imageCropped($event)"></image-cropper>
Free Aspect Ratio Cropping
This feature allows users to crop images without maintaining a fixed aspect ratio, providing more flexibility in selecting the crop area.
<image-cropper [imageChangedEvent]="imageChangedEvent" [maintainAspectRatio]="false" format="jpeg" (imageCropped)="imageCropped($event)"></image-cropper>
Round Cropping
This feature allows users to crop images in a circular shape, which is useful for profile pictures and other round image requirements.
<image-cropper [imageChangedEvent]="imageChangedEvent" [maintainAspectRatio]="true" [aspectRatio]="1 / 1" [roundCropper]="true" format="png" (imageCropped)="imageCropped($event)"></image-cropper>
Image Rotation
This feature allows users to rotate the image before cropping, ensuring the image is properly oriented.
<image-cropper [imageChangedEvent]="imageChangedEvent" [maintainAspectRatio]="true" [aspectRatio]="4 / 3" format="png" (imageCropped)="imageCropped($event)" (imageLoaded)="imageLoaded()" (cropperReady)="cropperReady()" (loadImageFailed)="loadImageFailed()"></image-cropper>
Cropper.js is a JavaScript image cropping library that provides a rich set of features for cropping images. It is highly customizable and can be used with various frameworks, including Angular. Compared to ngx-image-cropper, Cropper.js offers more advanced features and greater flexibility but requires more setup and integration effort.
React Image Crop is a library specifically designed for React applications. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for cropping images. While it offers similar functionalities to ngx-image-cropper, it is tailored for React rather than Angular, making it a better choice for React developers.
Vue Cropper is a Vue.js component for image cropping. It offers a range of features similar to ngx-image-cropper but is designed for use with Vue.js. It provides a seamless integration with Vue applications and is a good alternative for developers working with the Vue framework.
npm install ngx-image-cropper --save
For a list of breaking changes and update instructions, go to releases. Only Angular 17.3+ is supported since version 9.0.0.
Add the element to your HTML:
<input type="file" (change)="fileChangeEvent($event)" />
[aspectRatio]="4 / 3"
<img [src]="croppedImage" />
In your ts file, declare the usage of ImageCropperComponent
and add the following methods:
import { ImageCropperComponent, ImageCroppedEvent, LoadedImage } from 'ngx-image-cropper';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';
standalone: true,
imports: [ImageCropperComponent]
export class YourComponent {
imageChangedEvent: Event | null = null;
croppedImage: SafeUrl = '';
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer
) {
fileChangeEvent(event: Event): void {
this.imageChangedEvent = event;
imageCropped(event: ImageCroppedEvent) {
this.croppedImage = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(event.objectUrl);
// event.blob can be used to upload the cropped image
imageLoaded(image: LoadedImage) {
// show cropper
cropperReady() {
// cropper ready
loadImageFailed() {
// show message
When you choose a file from the file input, it will trigger fileChangeEvent
That event is then passed to the image cropper through imageChangedEvent
which will load the image into the cropper.
Everytime you release the mouse, the imageCropped
event will be triggered with the cropped image as a Base64 string in its payload.
Pintura features cropping, rotating, flipping, filtering, annotating, and lots of additional functionality to cover all your image and video editing needs on both mobile and desktop devices.
Learn more about Pintura Image Editor
All inputs are optional. Either the imageChangedEvent
, imageBase64
or imageFile
should be set to load an image into the cropper.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
imageChangedEvent | FileEvent | The change event from your file input (set to null to reset the cropper) | |
imageFile | Blob(File) | The file you want to change (set to null to reset the cropper) | |
imageBase64 | string | If you don't want to use a file input, you can set a base64 image directly and it will be loaded into the cropper | |
imageURL | string | If you don't want to use a file input or a base64 you can set an URL to get the image from. If requesting an image from a different domain make sure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is allowed or the image will fail to load. | |
imageAltText | string | Alternative text for uploaded image for accessibility compliance. | |
cropperFrameAriaLabel | string | 'Crop photo' | Aria-label text for the focusable cropper frame element. |
format | string | png | Output format (png, jpeg, webp, bmp, ico) (not all browsers support all types, png is always supported, others are optional) |
output | string | blob | Output type (blob or base64) (blob is the most performant) |
aspectRatio | number | 1 / 1 | The width / height ratio (e.g. 1 / 1 for a square, 4 / 3, 16 / 9 ...) |
maintainAspectRatio | boolean | true | Keep width and height of cropped image equal according to the aspectRatio |
containWithinAspectRatio | boolean | false | When set to true, padding will be added around the image to make it fit to the aspect ratio |
resizeToWidth | number | 0 (disabled) | Cropped image will be resized to at most this width (in px) |
resizeToHeight | number | 0 (disabled) | Cropped image will be resized to at most this height (in px) |
cropperStaticWidth | number | 0 (disabled) | Set Cropper Width and disable resize (in px) |
cropperStaticHeight | number | 0 (disabled) | Set Cropper Height and disable resize (in px) |
cropperMinWidth | number | 0 (disabled) | The cropper cannot be made smaller than this number of pixels in width (relative to original image's size) (in px) |
cropperMinHeight | number | 0 (disabled) | The cropper cannot be made smaller than this number of pixels in height (relative to original image's size) (in px) (will be ignored if maintainAspectRatio is set) |
cropperMaxWidth | number | 0 (disabled) | The cropper cannot be made bigger than this number of pixels in width (in px) |
cropperMaxHeight | number | 0 (disabled) | The cropper cannot be made bigger than this number of pixels in height (in px) |
initialStepSize | number | 3 (px) | The initial step size in pixels when moving the cropper using the keyboard. Step size can then be changed by using the numpad when the cropper is focused |
onlyScaleDown | boolean | false | When the resizeToWidth or resizeToHeight is set, enabling this option will make sure smaller images are not scaled up |
cropper | CropperPosition | To be able to overwrite the cropper coordinates, you can use this input. Create a new object of type CropperPosition and assign it to this input. Make sure to create a new object each time you wish to overwrite the cropper's position and wait for the cropperReady event to have fired. | |
roundCropper | boolean | false | Set this to true for a round cropper. Resulting image will still be square, use border-radius: 100% on resulting image to show it as round. |
imageQuality | number | 92 | This only applies when using jpeg or webp as output format. Entering a number between 0 and 100 will determine the quality of the output image. |
autoCrop | boolean | true | When set to true, the cropper will emit an image each time the position or size of the cropper is changed. When set to false, you can call the crop method yourself (use @ViewChild to get access to the croppers methods). |
alignImage | 'left' or 'center' | 'center' | Use this to align the image in the cropper either to the left or center. |
backgroundColor | string | Use this to set a backgroundColor, this is useful if you upload an image of a format with transparent colors and convert it to 'jpeg' or 'bmp'. The transparent pixels will then become the set color or the default value. Enter any string representing a CSS color (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value). | |
hideResizeSquares | boolean | false | Disables the resize-squares at the border of the cropper. This is mostly useful for Touch Devices where you can change the Size of the Cropper via Pinch-To-Zoom |
disabled | boolean | false | Disables the component and prevents changing the cropper position |
canvasRotation | number | 0 | Rotate the canvas (1 = 90deg, 2 = 180deg...) |
transform | ImageTransform | {} | Flip, rotate and scale image. (if allowMoveImage is enabled, make sure to use 2-way data binding [(transform)]="transform" . |
allowMoveImage | boolean | false | Allow background image to be moved. When enabled and using the transform input, make sure to use 2-way data binding for the transform input ([(transform)]="transform" ). |
hidden | boolean | false | Set to true to hide image cropper |
options | Partial | undefined | Provide more options at once instead of using the individual inputs. The options passed using this input will be applied as a patch. If you pass {canvasRotation: 3} and then {} , this will not reset the canvasRotation . To reset it, you should pass {canvasRotation: 0} . |
Name | Type | Description |
imageCropped | ImageCroppedEvent | Emits an ImageCroppedEvent each time the image is cropped |
imageLoaded | LoadedImage | Emits the LoadedImage when it was loaded into the cropper |
cropperReady | Dimensions | Emits when the cropper is ready to be interacted. The Dimensions object that is returned contains the displayed image size |
startCropImage | void | Emits when the component started cropping the image |
loadImageFailed | void | Emits when a wrong file type was selected (only png, gif and jpg are allowed) |
transformChange | ImageTransform | Emits when the image transformations changed. It can be used for 2-way data-binding because this object can be changed from outside as well as inside the component. |
cropperChange | CropperPosition | Emits when the cropper position changed. It can be used for 2-way data-binding because this object can be changed from outside as well as inside the component. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
--cropper-outline-color | string | rgba(255,255,255,0.3) | The background color you see around the cropper |
--cropper-overlay-color | string | rgba(255,255,255) | The background color you see around the image |
--cropper-color | string | #53535C | The color you see in the cropping selection |
--cropper-border | string | 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) | The border you see around the cropper |
--cropper-hover-border | string | --cropper-border | The border you see around the cropper when it's hovered |
--cropper-focus-border | string | 2px solid dodgerblue | The border you see around the cropper when it's focused |
--cropper-resize-square-bg | string | #53535C | The background color of the resize squares |
--cropper-resize-square-border | string | 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) | The border of the resize squares |
--cropper-resize-square-hover-bg | string | --cropper-resize-square-bg | The background color of the resize squares when they are hovered |
--cropper-resize-square-hover-border | string | --cropper-resize-square-border | The border of the resize squares when they are hovered |
--cropper-resize-square-focus-bg | string | --cropper-resize-square-bg | The background color of the resize squares when the cropper is focussed |
--cropper-resize-square-focus-border | string | --cropper-resize-square-border | The border of the resize squares when the cropper is focussed |
To gain access to the image cropper's methods use @ViewChild(ImageCropperComponent) imageCropper: ImageCropperComponent;
Name | Returns | Description |
crop(output?: 'blob' | 'base64') | Promise or ImageCroppedEvent | Crops the source image to the current cropper position. Be sure to set autoCrop to false if you only wish to use this function directly. When output is set to blob , a Promise will be returned. |
Property | Type | Description |
x1 | number | X position of first coordinate (in px) |
y1 | number | Y position of first coordinate (in px) |
x2 | number | X position of second coordinate (in px) |
y2 | number | Y position of second coordinate (in px) |
Property | Type | Description |
scale | number | Scale image (1=normal, 2=2x zoom...) |
rotate | number | Rotation in degrees |
flipH | boolean | Flipped horizontally |
flipV | boolean | Flipped vertically |
translateH | number | Move horizontally (in %) |
translateV | number | Moved vertically (in %) |
translateUnit | number | The unit used for the translate (% or px) (default = %) |
Property | Type | Description |
blob | Blob | Blob of the cropped image (only if output="blob") |
objectUrl | string | Object url pointing to the generated blob (only if output="blob") |
base64 | string | Base64 string of the cropped image (only if output="base64") |
width | number | Width of the cropped image |
height | number | Height of the cropped image |
cropperPosition | CropperPosition | Position of the cropper when it was cropped relative to the displayed image size |
imagePosition | CropperPosition | Position of the cropper when it was cropped relative to the original image size |
offsetImagePosition | CropperPosition | Position of the cropper when it was cropped relative to the original image size without padding when containWithinAspectRatio is true |
Property | Type | Description |
original.objectUrl | string | Object url pointing to the original image |
original.image | HTMLImageElement | HTMLImageElement of the original image |
original.size | Dimension | Width and height of the original image |
transformed.objectUrl | string | Object url pointing to the transformed image |
transformed.image | HTMLImageElement | HTMLImageElement of the transformed image |
transformed.size | Dimension | Width and height of the transformed image |
exifTransform | ExifTransform | Exif transformations read from original image |
An image cropper for Angular
The npm package ngx-image-cropper receives a total of 142,828 weekly downloads. As such, ngx-image-cropper popularity was classified as popular.
We found that ngx-image-cropper demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Join Socket for exclusive networking events, rooftop gatherings, and one-on-one meetings during BSidesSF and RSA 2025 in San Francisco.
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Next.js has patched a critical vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927) that allowed attackers to bypass middleware-based authorization checks in self-hosted apps.