Security Fundamentals
Obfuscation 101: Unmasking the Tricks Behind Malicious Code
Attackers use obfuscation to hide malware in open source packages. Learn how to spot these techniques across npm, PyPI, Maven, and more.
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Last update: 17/01/2025
Port php lib matomo-org/device-detector to NodeJs
npm install node-device-detector --save
yarn add node-device-detector
// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
clientIndexes: true,
deviceIndexes: true,
deviceAliasCode: false,
deviceTrusted: false,
deviceInfo: false,
maxUserAgentSize: 500,
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const result = detector.detect(userAgent);
console.log('result parse', result);
PS: When creating an object
detector = new DeviceDetector(DeviceDetectorOptions);
data for parsing is reloaded from files, consider this, the best option is initialization at application start I recommend seeing examples
os: {
name: 'Android', // os name
short_name: 'AND', // os short code name (format A-Z0-9{3})
version: '5.0', // os version
platform: '', // os platform (x64, x32, amd etc.)
family: 'Android' // os family
client: {
type: 'browser', // client type
name: 'Chrome Mobile', // client name name
short_name: 'CM', // client short code name (only browser, format A-Z0-9{2,3})
version: '43.0.2357.78', // client version
engine: 'Blink', // client engine name (only browser)
engine_version: '' // client engine version (only browser)
family: 'Chrome' // client family (only browser)
device: {
id: 'ZT', // short code device brand name (format A-Z0-9{2,3})
type: 'smartphone', // device type
brand: 'ZTE', // device brand name
model: 'Nubia Z7 max' // device model name
code: 'NX505J' // device model code (only result for enable detector.deviceAliasCode)
trusted: true // device trusted (result only for enable detector.deviceTrusted and have fixture data + ClientHints are required)
info: {} // device specs (result only fir enable detector.deviceInfo)
Result parse empty
os: {}, // empty objects its os not found
client: {}, // empty objects its client not found
device: {
id: '', // empty string its device brand not found
type : 'device type', // device type or empty string
brand: '', // empty string its device brand not found
model: '' // empty string its device model not found
// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const DeviceHelper = require('node-device-detector/helper');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
import DeviceHelper from "node-device-detector/helper";
const detector = new DeviceDetector();
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const result = detector.detect(userAgent);
/* check device type (feature phone, smartphone or phablet) */
/* check device type is desktop */
/* check device type is tablet */
/* check device type car (side panel in car) */
/* check device type feature phone (push-button telephones) */
/* check device type smartphone */
/* check device type phablet */
/* check device type game console (xBox, PlayStation, Nintendo etc) */
/* check device type smart speaker (Alisa, Alexa, HomePod etc) */
/* check device type SmartTV/TV box */
/* check device type portable camera */
/* portable terminal, portable projector */
/* LCD panel or interactive panel */
/* check device type boxes, blu-ray players */
/* check device type watches, headsets */
/* result device type number id */
/* result device type string */
/* result client type string */
// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const DeviceHelper = require('node-device-detector/helper');
const ClientHints = require('node-device-detector/client-hints');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
import DeviceHelper from "node-device-detector/helper";
import ClientHints from "node-device-detector/client-hints";
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
clientIndexes: true,
deviceIndexes: true,
deviceAliasCode: false,
deviceTrusted: false,
deviceInfo: false,
// ... all options scroll to Setter/Getter/Options
/** server side use celint hinsts */
const clientHints = new ClientHints();
const userAgent = res.headers['user-agent'];
let headers = res.headers;
let meta = {}
option meta interface (needed to detect whether the device is trusted,
this information can be obtained from browser)
width: '720', // Math.ceil(window.screen.width)
height: '1440', // Math.ceil(window.screen.height)
gpu: 'PowerVR SGX Doma', // (()=>{let e=document.createElement("canvas"),t=e.getContext("webgl")||e.getContext("experimental-webgl");return t?t.getParameter(t.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info").UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL):null})();
More details in file docs/CLIENT_HINTS_BROWSER.MD
let hints = clientHints.parse(headers /* or body.hints */, meta /* or body.meta */);
const result = detector.detect(userAgent, hints);
// result promise
// added for 2.0.4 version or later
const result = detector.detectAsync(userAgent, hints);
// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25 (compatible; Googlebot-Mobile/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)';
const detector = new DeviceDetector();
const result = detector.parseBot(userAgent);
// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
clientIndexes: true,
deviceIndexes: true,
deviceAliasCode: false,
const result = detector.parseOs(userAgent/*, clientHintData*/);
console.log('Result parse os', result);
// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
clientIndexes: true,
deviceIndexes: true,
deviceAliasCode: false,
const result = detector.parseClient(userAgent/*, clientHintData*/);
console.log('Result parse client', result);
// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
clientIndexes: true,
deviceIndexes: true,
deviceAliasCode: false,
const resultOs = detector.parseOs(userAgent);
const resultClient = detector.parseClient(userAgent);
const resultDeviceType = detector.parseDeviceType(
/*, clientHintData */
const result = Object.assign({os:resultOs}, {client:resultClient}, {device: resultDeviceType});
console.log('Result parse lite', result);
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
osVersionTruncate: 0, // Truncate OS version from 5.0 to 5 (default '' or null)
clientVersionTruncate: 2, // Truncate Client version Chrome from 43.0.2357.78 to 43.0.2357 (default '' or null)
deviceIndexes: true, // Using indexes for faster device search (default false)
clientIndexes: true, // Using indexes for faster client search (default false)
deviceAliasCode: true, // adds the device code to result device.code as is (default false)
maxUserAgentSize: 500, // uses only 500 chars from useragent string (default null - unlimited)
deviceTrusted: true, // check device by specification (default false)
deviceInfo: true, // adds the device info to result device.info (default false)
// You can override these settings at any time using special setters, example
detector.osVersionTruncate = 0;
detector.clientVersionTruncate = 2;
detector.deviceIndexes = true;
detector.clientIndexes = true;
detector.deviceAliasCode = true;
detector.maxUserAgentSize = 500;
detector.deviceTrusted = true;
detector.deviceInfo = true;
// Array available device types
// Array available devices brands
// Array available browsers
const DEVICE_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getDeviceParserNames(); // result colection names for device parsers
const CLIENT_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getClientParserNames(); // result colection names for client parsers
const OS_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getOsParserNames(); // result collection names for os parsers
const BOT_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getBotParserNames(); // result collection names for bot parsers
const aliasDevice = detector.getParseAliasDevice(); // result AliasDevice parser
const deviceAppleHint = detector.getParseDeviceAppleHint(); // result DeviceAppleHint parser
const deviceInfo = detector.getParseInfoDevice(); // result InfoDevice parser
// added custom parser
detector.addParseDevice('MyDeviceParser', new MyDeviceParser());
detector.addParseClient('MyClientParser', new MyClientParser());
detector.addParseOs('MyOsParser', new MyOsParser());
detector.addParseBot('MyBotParser', new MyBotParser());
// get single parser by name
detector.getParseDevice('MyDeviceParser' /* or DEVICE_PARSER_NAMES.MOBILE */);
detector.getParseClient('MyClientParser' /* or CLIENT_PARSER_NAMES.BROWSER */);
detector.getParseOs('MyOsParser'/* or OS_PARSER_NAMES.DEFAULT */);
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const detector = new DeviceDetector()
const aliasDevice = detector.getParseAliasDevice();
const result = aliasDevice.parse(userAgent);
console.log('Result parse code model', result);
// or
const AliasDevice = require('node-device-detector/parser/device/alias-device');
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const aliasDevice = new AliasDevice();
const result = aliasDevice.parse(userAgent);
console.log('Result parse code model', result);
name: "NX505J"
is not parse result {name: ""}
node tests/banchmark.js test result:
Test Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 10,449 ops/sec ±0.27% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 261 ops/sec ±88.58% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 1,703 ops/sec ±0.36% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 859 ops/sec ±0.46% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 10,034 ops/sec ±0.23% (94 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 254 ops/sec ±0.46% (85 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 1,114 ops/sec ±1.44% (91 runs sampled)
Test Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; M2101K9AG Build/SKQ1.210908.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Mobile Safari/537.36 UCURSOS/v1.6_273-android
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 5,457 ops/sec ±0.23% (95 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 220 ops/sec ±31.15% (87 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 5,797 ops/sec ±0.32% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 6,243 ops/sec ±0.47% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 7,570 ops/sec ±0.92% (93 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 203 ops/sec ±78.87% (86 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 1,695 ops/sec ±1.49% (88 runs sampled)
Test Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; RNE-L21) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 2,315 ops/sec ±0.62% (94 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 448 ops/sec ±78.47% (89 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 1,664 ops/sec ±0.69% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 844 ops/sec ±1.09% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 10,258 ops/sec ±0.31% (95 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 254 ops/sec ±48.42% (89 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 808 ops/sec ±0.40% (92 runs sampled)
Test Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.124 Safari/537.36 Edg/102.0.1245.44
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 8,387 ops/sec ±1.21% (94 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 8,645 ops/sec ±0.32% (95 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 1,751 ops/sec ±1.87% (91 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 1,227 ops/sec ±0.57% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 4,921 ops/sec ±0.25% (97 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 799 ops/sec ±1.04% (92 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 1,032 ops/sec ±0.61% (94 runs sampled)
Yes we use tests, total tests: ~82.4k
This parser is experimental and contains few devices. (1862 devices, alias devices 3923)
Brand | Device count | Alias count | - | Brand | Device count | Alias count |
360 | 12 | 13 | - | 8848 | 4 | 0 |
2e | 2 | 2 | - | 3gnet | 0 | 1 |
3q | 14 | 62 | - | 4good | 10 | 1 |
4ife | 0 | 1 | - | a1 | 0 | 1 |
accent | 0 | 5 | - | ace | 8 | 0 |
acer | 5 | 68 | - | acteck | 0 | 0 |
advan | 0 | 1 | - | advance | 0 | 14 |
afrione | 0 | 2 | - | agm | 4 | 0 |
ainol | 2 | 16 | - | airness | 0 | 0 |
airo wireless | 1 | 0 | - | airties | 0 | 0 |
ais | 0 | 2 | - | aiuto | 0 | 0 |
aiwa | 0 | 0 | - | akai | 2 | 5 |
alba | 0 | 1 | - | alcatel | 29 | 433 |
alcor | 1 | 0 | - | alfawise | 0 | 0 |
aligator | 0 | 0 | - | allcall | 0 | 3 |
alldocube | 2 | 6 | - | allview | 0 | 46 |
allwinner | 0 | 3 | - | altech uec | 0 | 0 |
altek | 1 | 0 | - | altice | 0 | 0 |
altron | 0 | 1 | - | amazon | 19 | 30 |
amgoo | 2 | 15 | - | amigoo | 0 | 0 |
amoi | 62 | 2 | - | andowl | 0 | 0 |
anry | 0 | 0 | - | ans | 0 | 0 |
aoc | 0 | 0 | - | aoson | 0 | 6 |
apple | 46 | 44 | - | archos | 89 | 7 |
arian space | 4 | 2 | - | ark | 1 | 36 |
armphone | 0 | 0 | - | arnova | 0 | 36 |
arris | 0 | 0 | - | artel | 0 | 2 |
artizlee | 0 | 1 | - | asano | 0 | 1 |
asanzo | 1 | 0 | - | ask | 0 | 0 |
assistant | 2 | 19 | - | asus | 81 | 230 |
at&t | 1 | 2 | - | atom | 0 | 3 |
atvio | 0 | 0 | - | avenzo | 1 | 3 |
avh | 1 | 0 | - | avvio | 3 | 2 |
axxion | 0 | 0 | - | azumi mobile | 0 | 1 |
bangolufsen | 0 | 0 | - | barnes & noble | 1 | 6 |
bb mobile | 2 | 10 | - | beeline | 11 | 1 |
bellphone | 1 | 1 | - | benq | 0 | 1 |
beyond | 0 | 7 | - | bezkam | 1 | 0 |
bigben | 1 | 0 | - | bihee | 2 | 1 |
billion | 1 | 1 | - | bird | 1 | 0 |
bitel | 4 | 1 | - | bitmore | 2 | 1 |
bkav | 1 | 0 | - | black bear | 2 | 0 |
black fox | 18 | 12 | - | blackview | 16 | 9 |
blu | 13 | 15 | - | bravis | 24 | 17 |
cgv | 1 | 0 | - | clarmin | 3 | 0 |
colors | 7 | 2 | - | cyrus | 1 | 0 |
digifors | 1 | 1 | - | engel | 1 | 1 |
firefly mobile | 4 | 1 | - | formuler | 2 | 0 |
geotel | 3 | 0 | - | gionee | 4 | 0 |
3 | 5 | - | hisense | 2 | 0 | |
hoffmann | 1 | 1 | - | hotwav | 18 | 1 |
huawei | 226 | 586 | - | i-mobile | 1 | 0 |
imo mobile | 5 | 0 | - | infinix | 26 | 40 |
inoi | 4 | 0 | - | intex | 18 | 3 |
ipro | 6 | 7 | - | irbis | 15 | 0 |
kiowa | 1 | 0 | - | kurio | 3 | 3 |
lava | 1 | 1 | - | lg | 127 | 286 |
malata | 1 | 0 | - | maze | 4 | 0 |
minix | 1 | 1 | - | mivo | 3 | 2 |
mobicel | 3 | 1 | - | motorola | 28 | 26 |
noa | 1 | 0 | - | nomi | 1 | 1 |
nuu mobile | 9 | 3 | - | nuvo | 3 | 2 |
oneplus | 18 | 48 | - | oppo | 115 | 215 |
oukitel | 8 | 0 | - | öwn | 1 | 2 |
panasonic | 5 | 8 | - | pipo | 5 | 0 |
poco | 9 | 15 | - | realme | 67 | 96 |
samsung | 170 | 718 | - | sony | 44 | 172 |
supra | 1 | 0 | - | tecno mobile | 91 | 131 |
tiphone | 1 | 0 | - | ulefone | 8 | 0 |
utok | 1 | 0 | - | uz mobile | 1 | 0 |
vernee | 9 | 2 | - | vivo | 205 | 297 |
walton | 13 | 0 | - | we | 8 | 0 |
weimei | 1 | 0 | - | wiko | 7 | 12 |
wileyfox | 9 | 0 | - | wink | 4 | 0 |
xiaomi | 9 | 8 | - | zync | 2 | 0 |
zyq | 1 | 13 | - |
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const detector = new DeviceDetector();
const infoDevice = detector.getParseInfoDevice();
const result = infoDevice.info('Asus', 'Zenfone 4');
console.log('Result information', result);
// or
const InfoDevice = require('node-device-detector/parser/device/info-device');
const infoDevice = new InfoDevice();
const result = infoDevice.info('Asus', 'Zenfone 4');
console.log('Result information', result);
display: {
size: '5.5',
resolution: '1080x1920', // width+height
ratio: '16:9',
ppi: "401"
size: '155.4x75.2x7.7', // width+height+thickness
weight: '165',
hardware: {
// ...
os: "Android 7.1",
release: "2017.08",
sim": "2",
is not found result null
Cast methods
const InfoDevice = require('node-device-detector/parser/device/info-device');
const infoDevice = new InfoDevice;
const result = infoDevice.info('Asus', 'Zenfone 4');
console.log('Result information', result);
display: {
size: "5.5", // value in inchs
resolution: {
width: "1080", // value in px
height: "1920" // value in px
ratio: "16:9", // calculated field
ppi: "401" // calculated field
hardware: {
ram: "4096", // RAM value in megabytes
cpu_id: 19, // id cpu model in collection
cpu: {
name: "Qualcomm Snapdragon 630", // brand + name
type: "ARM", // architecture type
cores: "8", // number of cores / threads
clock_rate: 2200, // value in MHz
gpu_id: 16 // id gpu model in collection
gpu: {
name: "Qualcomm Adreno 508",
clock_rate: 650
os: "Android 7.1", // initial OS version
release: "2017.08", // date release or anonce
sim": "2", // count SIM
size: {
width: "75.2", // physical width in millimeters
height: "155.4", // physical height in millimeters
thickness: "7.7" // physical thickness in millimeters
weight: "165" // in grams
Brand | Brand | Brand | Brand | Brand | Brand | Brand |
10moons | 2E | 360 | 3GNET | 3GO | 3Q | 4Good |
4ife | 5IVE | 7 Mobile | 8848 | A&K | A1 | A95X |
AAUW | Accent | Accesstyle | Ace | Aceline | Acepad | Acer |
Acteck | actiMirror | Adreamer | Adronix | Advan | Advance | Advantage Air |
AEEZO | AFFIX | AfriOne | AG Mobile | AGM | AIDATA | Ainol |
Airis | Airness | AIRON | Airpha | Airtel | Airties | AirTouch |
AIS | Aiuto | Aiwa | Ajib | Akai | AKIRA | Alba |
Alcatel | Alcor | ALDI NORD | ALDI SÜD | Alfawise | Alienware | Aligator |
All Star | AllCall | AllDocube | allente | ALLINmobile | Allview | Allwinner |
Alps | alpsmart | Altech UEC | Altibox | Altice | Altimo | altron |
Altus | AMA | Amazon | Amazon Basics | AMCV | AMGOO | Amigoo |
Amino | Amoi | ANBERNIC | ANCEL | Andowl | Angelcare | AngelTech |
Anker | Anry | ANS | ANXONIT | AOC | Aocos | Aocwei |
AOpen | Aoro | Aoson | AOYODKG | Apple | Aquarius | Arçelik |
Archos | Arian Space | Arival | Ark | ArmPhone | Arnova | ARRIS |
Artel | Artizlee | ArtLine | Asano | Asanzo | Ask | Aspera |
ASSE | Assistant | astro (MY) | Astro (UA) | Asus | AT&T | Athesi |
Atlantic Electrics | Atmaca Elektronik | ATMAN | ATMPC | ATOL | Atom | Atouch |
Atozee | Attila | Atvio | Audiovox | AUPO | AURIS | Autan |
AUX | Avaya | Avenzo | AVH | Avvio | Awow | AWOX |
AXEN | Axioo | AXXA | Axxion | AYA | AYYA | Azeyou |
AZOM | Azumi Mobile | Azupik | b2m | Backcell | BAFF | BangOlufsen |
Barnes & Noble | BARTEC | BASE | BAUHN | BB Mobile | BBK | BDF |
BDQ | BDsharing | Beafon | Becker | Beeline | Beelink | Beetel |
Beista | Beko | Bell | Bellphone | Benco | Benesse | BenQ |
BenQ-Siemens | BenWee | Benzo | Beyond | Bezkam | BGH | Biegedy |
Bigben | BIHEE | BilimLand | Billion | Billow | BioRugged | Bird |
Bitel | Bitmore | Bittium | Bkav | Black Bear | Black Box | Black Fox |
Blackpcs | Blackphone | Blackton | Blackview | Blaupunkt | Bleck | BLISS |
Blloc | Blow | Blu | Bluboo | Bluebird | Bluedot | Bluegood |
BlueSky | Bluewave | BluSlate | BMAX | Bmobile | BMW | BMXC |
Bobarry | bogo | Bolva | Bookeen | Boost | Botech | Boway |
bq | BrandCode | Brandt | BRAVE | Bravis | BrightSign | Brigmton |
Brondi | BROR | BS Mobile | Bubblegum | Bundy | Bush | BuzzTV |
BYD | BYJU'S | BYYBUO | C Idea | C5 Mobile | CADENA | CAGI |
Camfone | Canaima | Canal Digital | Canal+ | Canguro | Capitel | Captiva |
Carbon Mobile | Carrefour | Casio | Casper | Cat | Cavion | CCIT |
Cecotec | Ceibal | Celcus | Celkon | Cell-C | Cellacom | CellAllure |
Cellution | CENTEK | Centric | CEPTER | CG Mobile | CGV | Chainway |
Changhong | CHCNAV | Cherry Mobile | Chico Mobile | ChiliGreen | China Mobile | China Telecom |
Chuwi | CipherLab | Citycall | CKK Mobile | Claresta | Clarmin | CLAYTON |
ClearPHONE | Clementoni | Cloud | Cloudfone | Cloudpad | Clout | Clovertek |
CMF | CnM | Cobalt | Coby Kyros | COLORROOM | Colors | Comio |
CommScope | Compal | Compaq | COMPUMAX | ComTrade Tesla | Conceptum | Concord |
ConCorde | Condor | Connectce | Connex | Conquest | Continental Edison | Contixo |
COOD-E | Coolpad | Coopers | CORN | Cosmote | Covia | Cowon |
COYOTE | CPDEVICE | CreNova | Crescent | Cricket | Crius Mea | Crony |
Crosscall | Crown | Ctroniq | Cube | CUBOT | Cuiud | Cultraview |
CVTE | Cwowdefu | CX | Cyrus | D-Link | D-Tech | Daewoo |
Danew | DangcapHD | Dany | Daria | DASS | Datalogic | Datamini |
Datang | Datawind | Datsun | Dazen | DbPhone | Dbtel | Dcode |
DEALDIG | Dell | Denali | Denver | Desay | DeWalt | DEXP |
DEYI | DF | DGTEC | DIALN | Dialog | Dicam | Digi |
Digicel | DIGICOM | Digidragon | DIGIFORS | Digihome | Digiland | Digit4G |
Digma | DIJITSU | DIKOM | DIMO | Dinalink | Dinax | DING DING |
Diofox | DIORA | DISH | Disney | Ditecma | Diva | DiverMax |
Divisat | DIXON | DL | DMM | DMOAO | DNS | DoCoMo |
Doffler | Dolamee | Dom.ru | Doogee | Doopro | Doov | Dopod |
Doppio | Dora | DORLAND | Doro | DPA | DRAGON | Dragon Touch |
Dreamgate | DreamStar | DreamTab | Droidlogic | Droxio | DSDevices | DSIC |
Dtac | DUDU AUTO | Dune HD | DUNNS Mobile | Durabook | Duubee | Dykemann |
Dyon | E-Boda | E-Ceros | E-TACHI | E-tel | Eagle | EagleSoar |
EAS Electric | Easypix | EBEN | EBEST | Echo Mobiles | ecom | ECON |
ECOO | ECS | Edenwood | EE | EFT | EGL | EGOTEK |
Ehlel | Einstein | EKINOX | EKO | Eks Mobility | EKT | ELARI |
ELE-GATE | Elecson | Electroneum | ELECTRONIA | Elekta | Elektroland | Element |
Elenberg | Elephone | Elevate | Elista | Elong Mobile | Eltex | Ematic |
Emporia | ENACOM | Energizer | Energy Sistem | Engel | ENIE | Enot |
eNOVA | Entity | Envizen | Ephone | Epic | Epik One | Epson |
Equator | Ergo | Ericsson | Ericy | Erisson | Essential | Essentielb |
eSTAR | ETOE | Eton | eTouch | Etuline | Eudora | Eurocase |
Eurostar | Evercoss | Everest | Everex | Everfine | Everis | Evertek |
Evolio | Evolveo | Evoo | EVPAD | EvroMedia | evvoli | EWIS |
EXCEED | Exmart | ExMobile | EXO | Explay | Express LUCK | ExtraLink |
Extrem | Eyemoo | EYU | Ezio | Ezze | F&U | F+ |
F150 | F2 Mobile | Facetel | Facime | Fairphone | Famoco | |
Famous | Fantec | FaRao Pro | Farassoo | FarEasTone | Fengxiang | Fenoti |
FEONAL | Fero | FFF SmartLife | Figgers | FiGi | FiGO | FiiO |
Filimo | FILIX | FinePower | Finlux | FireFly Mobile | FISE | FITCO |
Fluo | Fly | FLYCAT | FLYCOAY | FMT | FNB | FNF |
Fobem | Fondi | Fonos | FOODO | FORME | Formovie | Formuler |
Forstar | Fortis | FortuneShip | FOSSiBOT | Four Mobile | Fourel | Foxconn |
FoxxD | FPT | free | Freetel | FreeYond | Frunsi | Fuego |
FUJICOM | Fujitsu | Funai | Fusion5 | Future Mobile Technology | Fxtec | G-Guard |
G-PLUS | G-TiDE | G-Touch | Galactic | Galaxy Innovations | Gamma | Garmin-Asus |
Gateway | Gazer | GDL | Geanee | Geant | Gear Mobile | Gemini |
General Mobile | Genesis | Geo Phone | GEOFOX | Geotel | Geotex | GEOZON |
Getnord | GFive | Gfone | Ghia | Ghong | Ghost | Gigabyte |
Gigaset | Gini | Ginzzu | Gionee | GIRASOLE | Globex | Globmall |
GlocalMe | Glofiish | GLONYX | Glory Star | GLX | GN Electronics | GOCLEVER |
Gocomma | GoGEN | Gol Mobile | GOLDBERG | GoldMaster | GoldStar | Goly |
Gome | GoMobile | GOODTEL | Goophone | Gooweel | GOtv | |
Gplus | Gradiente | Graetz | Grape | Great Asia | Gree | Green Lion |
Green Orange | Greentel | Gresso | Gretel | GroBerwert | Grünberg | Grundig |
Gtel | GTMEDIA | GTX | Guophone | GVC Pro | H133 | H96 |
Hafury | Haier | Haipai | Haixu | Hamlet | Hammer | Handheld |
HannSpree | Hanseatic | Hanson | HAOQIN | HAOVM | Hardkernel | Harper |
Hartens | Hasee | Hathway | HDC | HeadWolf | HEC | Heimat |
Helio | Hemilton | HERO | HexaByte | Hezire | Hi | Hi Nova |
Hi-Level | Hiberg | HiBy | High Q | Highscreen | HiGrace | HiHi |
HiKing | HiMax | HIPER | Hipstreet | Hiremco | Hisense | Hitachi |
Hitech | HKC | HKPro | HLLO | HMD | hoco | HOFER |
Hoffmann | HOLLEBERG | Homatics | Hometech | Homtom | Honeywell | HongTop |
HONKUAHG | Hoozo | Hopeland | Horion | Horizon | Horizont | Hosin |
Hot Pepper | Hotel | HOTREALS | Hotwav | How | HP | HTC |
Huadoo | Huagan | Huavi | Huawei | Hugerock | Humanware | Humax |
Hurricane | Huskee | Hyatta | Hykker | Hyrican | Hytera | Hyundai |
Hyve | I KALL | i-Cherry | I-INN | i-Joy | i-mate | i-mobile |
I-Plus | iBall | iBerry | ibowin | iBrit | IconBIT | iData |
IDC | iDino | iDroid | iFIT | iGet | iHome Life | iHunt |
Ikea | IKI Mobile | iKoMo | iKon | iKonia | IKU Mobile | iLA |
iLepo | iLife | iMan | Imaq | iMars | iMI | IMO Mobile |
Imose | Impression | iMuz | iNavi | INCAR | Inch | Inco |
iNew | Infiniton | Infinix | InFocus | InfoKit | Infomir | InFone |
Inhon | Inka | Inkti | InnJoo | Innos | Innostream | iNo Mobile |
Inoi | iNOVA | inovo | INQ | Insignia | INSYS | Intek |
Intel | Intex | Invens | Inverto | Invin | iOcean | IOTWE |
iOutdoor | iPEGTOP | iPro | iQ&T | IQM | IRA | Irbis |
iReplace | Iris | iRobot | iRola | iRulu | iSafe Mobile | iStar |
iSWAG | IT | iTel | iTruck | IUNI | iVA | iView |
iVooMi | ivvi | iWaylink | iXTech | iYou | iZotron | Jambo |
JAY-Tech | Jedi | Jeep | Jeka | Jesy | JFone | Jiake |
Jiayu | Jin Tu | Jinga | Jio | Jivi | JKL | Jolla |
Joy | JoySurf | JPay | JREN | Jumper | Juniper Systems | Just5 |
JVC | JXD | K-Lite | K-Touch | Kaan | Kaiomy | Kalley |
Kanji | Kapsys | Karbonn | Kata | KATV1 | Kazam | Kazuna |
KDDI | Kempler & Strauss | Kenbo | Kendo | Keneksi | KENSHI | KENWOOD |
Kenxinda | Khadas | Kiano | kidiby | Kingbox | Kingstar | Kingsun |
KINGZONE | Kinstone | Kiowa | Kivi | Klipad | KN Mobile | Kocaso |
Kodak | Kogan | Komu | Konka | Konrow | Koobee | Koolnee |
Kooper | KOPO | Korax | Koridy | Koslam | Kraft | KREZ |
KRIP | KRONO | Krüger&Matz | KT-Tech | KUBO | KuGou | Kuliao |
Kult | Kumai | Kurio | KVADRA | Kvant | Kydos | Kyocera |
Kyowon | Kzen | KZG | L-Max | LAIQ | Land Rover | Landvo |
Lanin | Lanix | Lark | Laser | Laurus | Lava | LCT |
Le Pan | Leader Phone | Leagoo | Leben | LeBest | Lectrus | Ledstar |
LeEco | Leelbox | Leff | Legend | Leke | Lemco | LEMFO |
Lemhoov | Lenco | Lenovo | Leotec | Lephone | Lesia | Lexand |
Lexibook | LG | Liberton | Lifemaxx | Lime | Lingbo | Lingwin |
Linnex | Linsar | Linsay | Listo | LNMBBS | Loewe | Logic |
Logic Instrument | Logicom | Logik | Logitech | LOKMAT | LongTV | Loview |
Lovme | LPX-G | LT Mobile | Lumigon | Lumitel | Lumus | Luna |
LUO | Luxor | Lville | LW | LYF | LYOTECH LABS | M-Horse |
M-KOPA | M-Tech | M.T.T. | M3 Mobile | M4tel | MAC AUDIO | Macoox |
Mafe | MAG | MAGCH | Magicsee | Magnus | Majestic | Malata |
Mango | Manhattan | Mann | Manta Multimedia | Mantra | Mara | Marshal |
Mascom | Massgo | Masstel | Master-G | Mastertech | Matco Tools | Matrix |
Maunfeld | Maxcom | Maxfone | Maximus | Maxtron | MAXVI | Maxwell |
Maxwest | MAXX | Maze | Maze Speed | MBI | MBK | MBOX |
MDC Store | MDTV | meanIT | Mecer | MECHEN | Mecool | Mediacom |
Medion | MEEG | MEGA VISION | Megacable | MegaFon | MEGAMAX | Meitu |
Meizu | Melrose | MeMobile | Memup | MEO | MESWAO | Meta |
Metz | MEU | MicroMax | Microsoft | Microtech | Mightier | Minix |
Mint | Mintt | Mio | Mione | mipo | Miray | Mitchell & Brown |
Mito | Mitsubishi | Mitsui | MIVO | MIWANG | MIXC | MiXzo |
MLAB | MLLED | MLS | MMI | Mobell | Mobicel | MobiIoT |
Mobiistar | Mobile Kingdom | Mobiola | Mobistel | MobiWire | Mobo | Mobvoi |
Mode Mobile | Modecom | Mofut | Moondrop | Mosimosi | Motiv | Motorola |
Motorola Solutions | Movic | MOVISUN | Movitel | Moxee | mPhone | Mpman |
MSI | MStar | MTC | MTN | multibox | Multilaser | MultiPOS |
MwalimuPlus | MYFON | MyGica | MygPad | Mymaga | MyMobile | MyPhone (PH) |
myPhone (PL) | Myria | Myros | Mystery | MyTab | MyWigo | N-one |
Nabi | NABO | Nanho | Naomi Phone | NASCO | National | Navcity |
Navitech | Navitel | Navon | NavRoad | NEC | Necnot | Nedaphone |
Neffos | NEKO | Neo | neoCore | Neolix | Neomi | Neon IQ |
Neoregent | NetBox | Netgear | Netmak | NETWIT | NeuImage | NeuTab |
NEVIR | New Balance | New Bridge | Newal | Newgen | Newland | Newman |
Newsday | NewsMy | Nexa | NEXBOX | Nexian | NEXON | NEXT |
Next & NextStar | Nextbit | NextBook | NextTab | NG Optics | NGM | NGpon |
Nikon | NINETEC | NINETOLOGY | Nintendo | nJoy | NOA | Noain |
Nobby | Noblex | NOBUX | noDROPOUT | NOGA | Nokia | Nomi |
Nomu | Noontec | Nordfrost | Nordmende | NORMANDE | NorthTech | Nos |
Nothing | Nous | Novacom | Novex | Novey | NoviSea | NOVO |
NTT West | NuAns | Nubia | NUU Mobile | NuVision | Nuvo | Nvidia |
NYX Mobile | O+ | O2 | Oale | Oangcc | OASYS | Obabox |
Ober | Obi | OCEANIC | Odotpad | Odys | Oilsky | OINOM |
ok. | Okapi | Okapia | Oking | OKSI | OKWU | Olax |
Olkya | Ollee | OLTO | Olympia | OMIX | Onda | OneClick |
OneLern | OnePlus | Onida | Onix | Onkyo | ONN | ONVO |
ONYX BOOX | Ookee | Ooredoo | OpelMobile | Openbox | Ophone | OPPO |
Opsson | Optoma | Orange | Orange Pi | Orava | Orbic | Orbita |
Orbsmart | Ordissimo | Orion | OSCAL | OTTO | OUJIA | Ouki |
Oukitel | OUYA | Overmax | Ovvi | öwn | Owwo | OX TAB |
OYSIN | Oysters | Oyyu | OzoneHD | P-UP | Pacific Research Alliance | Packard Bell |
Padpro | PAGRAER | Paladin | Palm | Panacom | Panasonic | Panavox |
Pano | Panodic | Panoramic | Pantech | PAPYRE | Parrot Mobile | Partner Mobile |
PC Smart | PCBOX | PCD | PCD Argentina | PEAQ | Pelitt | Pendoo |
Penta | Pentagram | Perfeo | Phicomm | Philco | Philips | Phonemax |
phoneOne | Pico | PINE | Pioneer | Pioneer Computers | PiPO | PIRANHA |
Pixela | Pixelphone | PIXPRO | Pixus | Planet Computers | Platoon | Play Now |
PLDT | Ployer | Plum | PlusStyle | Pluzz | PocketBook | POCO |
Point Mobile | Point of View | Polar | PolarLine | Polaroid | Polestar | PolyPad |
Polytron | Pomp | Poppox | POPTEL | Porsche | Portfolio | Positivo |
Positivo BGH | PPTV | Premier | Premio | Prestigio | PRIME | Primepad |
Primux | PRISM+ | Pritom | Prixton | PROFiLO | Proline | Prology |
ProScan | PROSONIC | Protruly | ProVision | PULID | Punos | Purism |
PVBox | Q-Box | Q-Touch | Q.Bell | QFX | Qilive | QIN |
QLink | QMobile | Qnet Mobile | QTECH | Qtek | Quantum | Quatro |
Qubo | Quechua | Quest | Quipus | Qumo | Qware | QWATT |
R-TV | R3Di | Rakuten | Ramos | Raspberry | Ravoz | Raylandz |
Razer | RCA Tablets | RCT | Reach | Readboy | Realix | Realme |
RED | RED-X | Redbean | Redfox | RedLine | Redway | Reeder |
REGAL | RelNAT | Relndoo | Remdun | Renova | RENSO | rephone |
Retroid Pocket | Revo | Revomovil | Rhino | Ricoh | Rikomagic | RIM |
Ringing Bells | Rinno | Ritmix | Ritzviva | Riviera | Rivo | Rizzen |
ROADMAX | Roadrover | Roam Cat | ROCH | Rocket | ROiK | Rokit |
Roku | Rombica | Ross&Moor | Rover | RoverPad | Royole | RoyQueen |
RT Project | RTK | RugGear | RuggeTech | Ruggex | Ruio | Runbo |
Rupa | Ryte | S-Color | S-TELL | S2Tel | Saba | Safaricom |
Sagem | Sagemcom | Saiet | SAILF | Salora | Samsung | Samtech |
Samtron | Sanei | Sankey | Sansui | Santin | SANY | Sanyo |
Savio | Sber | Schneider | Schok | Scoole | Scosmos | Seatel |
SEBBE | Seeken | SEEWO | SEG | Sega | SEHMAX | Selecline |
Selenga | Selevision | Selfix | SEMP TCL | Sencor | Sendo | Senkatel |
SENNA | Senseit | Senwa | SERVO | Seuic | Sewoo | SFR |
SGIN | Shanling | Sharp | Shift Phones | Shivaki | Shtrikh-M | Shuttle |
Sico | Siemens | Sigma | Silelis | Silent Circle | Silva Schneider | Simbans |
simfer | Simply | SINGER | Singtech | Siragon | Sirin Labs | Siswoo |
SK Broadband | SKG | SKK Mobile | Sky | Skyline | SkyStream | Skytech |
Skyworth | Smadl | Smailo | Smart | Smart Electronic | Smart Kassel | Smart Tech |
Smartab | SmartBook | SMARTEC | Smartex | Smartfren | Smartisan | Smarty |
Smooth Mobile | Smotreshka | SMT Telecom | SMUX | SNAMI | SobieTech | Soda |
Softbank | Soho Style | Solas | SOLE | SOLO | Solone | Sonim |
SONOS | Sony | Sony Ericsson | SOSH | SoulLink | Soundmax | Soyes |
Spark | Sparx | SPC | Spectralink | Spectrum | Spice | Sprint |
SPURT | SQOOL | SSKY | Star | Starlight | Starmobile | Starway |
Starwind | STF Mobile | STG Telecom | Stilevs | STK | Stonex | Storex |
StrawBerry | Stream | STRONG | Stylo | Subor | Sugar | Sumvision |
Sunmax | Sunmi | Sunny | Sunstech | SunVan | Sunvell | SUNWIND |
Super General | SuperBOX | Supermax | SuperSonic | SuperTab | SuperTV | Supra |
Supraim | Surfans | Surge | Suzuki | Sveon | Swipe | SWISSMOBILITY |
Swisstone | Switel | SWOFY | Syco | SYH | Sylvania | Symphony |
Syrox | System76 | T-Mobile | T96 | TADAAM | TAG Tech | Taiga System |
Takara | Talius | Tambo | Tanix | TAUBE | TB Touch | TCL |
TCL SCBC | TD Systems | TD Tech | TeachTouch | Technicolor | Technika | TechniSat |
Technopc | TECHNOSAT | TechnoTrend | TechPad | TechSmart | Techstorm | Techwood |
Teclast | Tecno Mobile | TecToy | TEENO | Teknosa | Tele2 | Telefunken |
Telego | Telenor | Telia | Telit | Telkom | Telly | Telma |
TeloSystems | Telpo | Temigereev | TENPLUS | Teracube | Tesco | Tesla |
TETC | Tetratab | teXet | ThL | Thomson | Thuraya | TIANYU |
Tibuta | Tigers | Time2 | Timovi | TIMvision | Tinai | Tinmo |
TiPhone | Tivax | TiVo | TJC | TJD | TOKYO | Tolino |
Tone | TOOGO | Tooky | Top House | Top-Tech | TopDevice | TOPDON |
Topelotek | Toplux | TOPSHOWS | Topsion | Topway | Torex | Torque |
TOSCIDO | Toshiba | Touch Plus | Touchmate | TOX | TPS | Transpeed |
TrekStor | Trevi | TriaPlay | Trident | Trifone | Trimble | Trio |
Tronsmart | True | True Slim | Tsinghua Tongfang | TTEC | TTfone | TTK-TV |
TuCEL | TUCSON | Tunisie Telecom | Turbo | Turbo-X | TurboKids | TurboPad |
Türk Telekom | Turkcell | Tuvio | TV+ | TVC | TwinMOS | TWM |
Twoe | TWZ | TYD | Tymes | U-Magic | U.S. Cellular | UD |
UE | UGINE | Ugoos | Uhans | Uhappy | Ulefone | Umax |
UMIDIGI | Umiio | Unblock Tech | Uniden | Unihertz | Unimax | Uniqcell |
Uniscope | Unistrong | Unitech | UNITED | United Group | UNIWA | Unknown |
Unnecto | Unnion Technologies | UNNO | Unonu | UnoPhone | Unowhy | UOOGOU |
Urovo | UTime | UTOK | UTStarcom | UZ Mobile | V-Gen | V-HOME |
Vankyo | VANWIN | Vargo | Vastking | VAVA | VC | VDVD |
Vega | Veidoo | Vekta | Venso | Venstar | Venturer | VEON |
Verico | Verizon | Vernee | Verssed | Versus | Vertex | Vertu |
Verykool | Vesta | Vestel | VETAS | Vexia | VGO TEL | ViBox |
Victurio | VIDA | Videocon | Videoweb | Viendo | ViewSonic | VIIPOO |
VIKUSHA | VILLAON | VIMOQ | Vinabox | Vinga | Vinsoc | Vios |
Viper | Vipro | Virzo | Vision Technology | Vision Touch | Visual Land | Vitelcom |
Vityaz | Viumee | Vivax | VIVIBright | VIVIMAGE | Vivo | VIWA |
Vizio | Vizmo | VK Mobile | VKworld | VNPT Technology | VOCAL | Vodacom |
Vodafone | VOGA | Völfen | VOLIA | VOLKANO | Volla | Volt |
Vonino | Vontar | Vorago | Vorcom | Vorke | Vormor | Vortex |
Voto | VOX | Voxtel | Voyo | Vsmart | Vsun | VUCATIMES |
Vue Micro | Vulcan | VVETIME | W&O | WAF | Wainyok | Walker |
Walton | Waltter | Wanmukang | WANSA | WE | We. by Loewe. | Web TV |
Webfleet | WeChip | Wecool | Weelikeit | Weiimi | Weimei | WellcoM |
WELLINGTON | Western Digital | Weston | Westpoint | Wexler | White Mobile | Whoop |
Wieppo | Wigor | Wiko | WildRed | Wileyfox | Winds | Wink |
Winmax | Winnovo | Winstar | Wintouch | Wiseasy | WIWA | WizarPos |
Wizz | Wolder | Wolfgang | Wolki | WONDER | Wonu | Woo |
Wortmann | Woxter | WOZIFAN | WS | X-AGE | X-BO | X-Mobile |
X-TIGI | X-View | X.Vision | X88 | X96 | X96Q | Xcell |
XCOM | Xcruiser | XElectron | XGEM | XGIMI | Xgody | Xiaodu |
Xiaolajiao | Xiaomi | Xion | Xolo | Xoro | XPPen | XREAL |
Xshitou | Xsmart | Xtouch | Xtratech | Xwave | XY Auto | Yandex |
Yarvik | YASIN | YELLYOUTH | YEPEN | Yes | Yestel | Yezz |
Yoka TV | Yooz | Yota | YOTOPT | Youin | Youwei | Ytone |
Yu | YU Fly | Yuandao | YUHO | YUMKEM | YUNDOO | Yuno |
YunSong | Yusun | Yxtel | Z-Kai | Zaith | Zamolxe | Zatec |
Zealot | Zeblaze | Zebra | Zeeker | Zeemi | Zen | Zenek |
Zentality | Zfiner | ZH&K | Zidoo | ZIFFLER | ZIFRO | Zigo |
ZIK | Zinox | Ziox | Zonda | Zonko | Zoom | ZoomSmart |
Zopo | ZTE | Zuum | Zync | ZYQ | Zyrex | ZZB |
type | id |
desktop | 0 |
smartphone | 1 |
tablet | 2 |
feature phone | 3 |
console | 4 |
tv | 5 |
car browser | 6 |
smart display | 7 |
camera | 8 |
portable media player | 9 |
phablet | 10 |
smart speaker | 11 |
wearable | 12 |
peripheral | 13 |
Browser | Browser | Browser | Browser | Browser | Browser | Browser |
115 Browser | 18+ Privacy Browser | 1DM Browser | 1DM+ Browser | 2345 Browser | 360 Phone Browser | 360 Secure Browser |
7654 Browser | 7Star | ABrowse | Acoo Browser | AdBlock Browser | Adult Browser | Ai Browser |
Airfind Secure Browser | Aloha Browser | Aloha Browser Lite | AltiBrowser | ALVA | Amaya | Amaze Browser |
Amerigo | Amiga Aweb | Amiga Voyager | Amigo | Android Browser | Anka Browser | ANT Fresco |
ANTGalio | AOL Desktop | AOL Explorer | AOL Shield | AOL Shield Pro | Aplix | APN Browser |
AppBrowzer | AppTec Secure Browser | APUS Browser | Arachne | Arc Search | Arctic Fox | Armorfly Browser |
Arora | Arvin | Ask.com | Asus Browser | Atlas | Atom | Atomic Web Browser |
Avant Browser | Avast Secure Browser | AVG Secure Browser | Avira Secure Browser | Awesomium | AwoX | Azka Browser |
B-Line | Baidu Browser | Baidu Spark | Bang | Bangla Browser | Basic Web Browser | Basilisk |
Beaker Browser | Beamrise | Belva Browser | Beonex | Berry Browser | Beyond Private Browser | BF Browser |
Bitchute Browser | Biyubi | BizBrowser | Black Lion Browser | BlackBerry Browser | BlackHawk | Bloket |
Blue Browser | Bluefy | Bonsai | Borealis Navigator | Brave | BriskBard | BroKeep Browser |
Browlser | BrowsBit | BrowseHere | Browser Hup Pro | Browser Mini | BrowseX | Browspeed Browser |
Browzar | Bunjalloo | BXE Browser | Byffox | Cake Browser | Camino | Catalyst |
Catsxp | Cave Browser | CCleaner | Centaury | CG Browser | ChanjetCloud | Charon |
Chedot | Cheetah Browser | Cherry Browser | Cheshire | Chim Lac | Chowbo | Chrome |
Chrome Frame | Chrome Mobile | Chrome Mobile iOS | Chrome Webview | ChromePlus | Chromium | Chromium GOST |
Classilla | Cliqz | CM Browser | CM Mini | Coast | Coc Coc | Colibri |
Colom Browser | Columbus Browser | CometBird | Comfort Browser | Comodo Dragon | Conkeror | CoolBrowser |
CoolNovo | Cornowser | COS Browser | Craving Explorer | Crazy Browser | Cromite | Crow Browser |
Crusta | Cunaguaro | Cyberfox | CyBrowser | Dark Browser | Dark Web | Dark Web Browser |
Dark Web Private | dbrowser | Debuggable Browser | Decentr | Deepnet Explorer | deg-degan | Deledao |
Delta Browser | Desi Browser | DeskBrowse | Dezor | Diigo Browser | Dillo | DoCoMo |
Dolphin | Dolphin Zero | Dooble | Dorado | Dot Browser | Dragon Browser | DUC Browser |
DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser | East Browser | Easy Browser | Ecosia | Edge WebView | EinkBro | Element Browser |
Elements Browser | Elinks | Eolie | Epic | Espial TV Browser | EudoraWeb | EUI Browser |
Every Browser | Explore Browser | eZ Browser | Falkon | Fast Browser UC Lite | Fast Explorer | Faux Browser |
Fennec | fGet | Fiery Browser | Fire Browser | Firebird | Firefox | Firefox Focus |
Firefox Klar | Firefox Mobile | Firefox Mobile iOS | Firefox Reality | Firefox Rocket | Fireweb | Fireweb Navigator |
Flash Browser | Flast | Float Browser | Flock | Floorp | Flow | Flow Browser |
Fluid | Flyperlink | FOSS Browser | Freedom Browser | FreeU | Frost | Frost+ |
Fulldive | G Browser | Galeon | Gener8 | Ghostery Privacy Browser | GinxDroid Browser | Glass Browser |
GNOME Web | GO Browser | GoBrowser | Godzilla Browser | GOG Galaxy | GoKu | Good Browser |
Google Earth | Google Earth Pro | GreenBrowser | Habit Browser | Halo Browser | Harman Browser | HasBrowser |
Hawk Quick Browser | Hawk Turbo Browser | Headless Chrome | Helio | Herond Browser | Hexa Web Browser | Hi Browser |
hola! Browser | Holla Web Browser | HONOR Browser | HotBrowser | HotJava | HTC Browser | Huawei Browser |
Huawei Browser Mobile | HUB Browser | IBrowse | iBrowser | iBrowser Mini | iCab | iCab Mobile |
IceCat | IceDragon | Iceweasel | iDesktop PC Browser | IE Browser Fast | IE Mobile | Impervious Browser |
InBrowser | Incognito Browser | Indian UC Mini Browser | iNet Browser | Inspect Browser | Insta Browser | Internet Browser Secure |
Internet Explorer | Internet Webbrowser | Intune Managed Browser | Involta Go | Iridium | Iron | Iron Mobile |
Isivioo | IVVI Browser | Japan Browser | Jasmine | JavaFX | Jelly | Jig Browser |
Jig Browser Plus | JioSphere | JUZI Browser | K-meleon | K-Ninja | K.Browser | Kapiko |
Kazehakase | Keepsafe Browser | KeepSolid Browser | Keyboard Browser | Kids Safe Browser | Kindle Browser | Kinza |
Kitt | Kiwi | Kode Browser | Konqueror | KUN | KUTO Mini Browser | Kylo |
Ladybird | Lagatos Browser | Lark Browser | Legan Browser | Lenovo Browser | Lexi Browser | LG Browser |
LieBaoFast | Light | Lightning Browser | Lightning Browser Plus | Lilo | Links | Liri Browser |
LogicUI TV Browser | Lolifox | Lotus | Lovense Browser | LT Browser | LuaKit | LUJO TV Browser |
Lulumi | Lunascape | Lunascape Lite | Lynket Browser | Lynx | Maelstrom | Mandarin |
Maple | MarsLab Web Browser | MAUI WAP Browser | MaxBrowser | Maxthon | MaxTube Browser | mCent |
Me Browser | Meizu Browser | Mercury | Mi Browser | MicroB | Microsoft Edge | Midori |
Midori Lite | Minimo | Mint Browser | Mises | MixerBox AI | MMBOX XBrowser | Mmx Browser |
Mobicip | Mobile Safari | Mobile Silk | Mogok Browser | Monument Browser | Motorola Internet Browser | MxNitro |
Mypal | Naenara Browser | Naked Browser | Naked Browser Pro | Navigateur Web | NCSA Mosaic | NetFront |
NetFront Life | NetPositive | Netscape | NetSurf | NextWord Browser | NFS Browser | Ninesky |
Ninetails | Nokia Browser | Nokia OSS Browser | Nokia Ovi Browser | NOMone VR Browser | NOOK Browser | Norton Private Browser |
Nova Video Downloader Pro | Nox Browser | NTENT Browser | Nuanti Meta | Nuviu | Obigo | Ocean Browser |
OceanHero | Oculus Browser | Odd Browser | Odin | Odin Browser | Odyssey Web Browser | Off By One |
Office Browser | OH Browser | OH Private Browser | OhHai Browser | OJR Browser | OmniWeb | OnBrowser Lite |
ONE Browser | Onion Browser | ONIONBrowser | Open Browser | Open Browser 4U | Open Browser fast 5G | Open Browser Lite |
Open TV Browser | OpenFin | Openwave Mobile Browser | Opera | Opera Crypto | Opera Devices | Opera GX |
Opera Mini | Opera Mini iOS | Opera Mobile | Opera Neon | Opera Next | Opera Touch | Oppo Browser |
Opus Browser | Orbitum | Orca | Ordissimo | Oregano | Origin In-Game Overlay | Origyn Web Browser |
OrNET Browser | Otter Browser | Owl Browser | Pale Moon | Palm Blazer | Palm Pre | Palm WebPro |
Palmscape | Pawxy | Peach Browser | Peeps dBrowser | Perfect Browser | Perk | Phantom Browser |
Phantom.me | Phoenix | Phoenix Browser | Photon | Pi Browser | PICO Browser | Pintar Browser |
PirateBrowser | PlayFree Browser | Pluma | PocketBook Browser | Polaris | Polarity | PolyBrowser |
Polypane | Presearch | Prism | Privacy Browser | Privacy Explorer Fast Safe | Privacy Pioneer Browser | PrivacyWall |
Private Internet Browser | PronHub Browser | Proxy Browser | ProxyFox | Proxyium | ProxyMax | Proxynet |
PSI Secure Browser | Puffin Cloud Browser | Puffin Incognito Browser | Puffin Secure Browser | Puffin Web Browser | Pure Lite Browser | Pure Mini Browser |
Qazweb | Qiyu | QJY TV Browser | Qmamu | QQ Browser | QQ Browser Lite | QQ Browser Mini |
QtWeb | QtWebEngine | Quark | Quick Browser | Quick Search TV | QupZilla | Qutebrowser |
Qwant Mobile | Rabbit Private Browser | Raise Fast Browser | Rakuten Browser | Rakuten Web Search | Raspbian Chromium | RCA Tor Explorer |
Realme Browser | Rekonq | Reqwireless WebViewer | Roccat | RockMelt | Roku Browser | Safari |
Safari Technology Preview | Safe Exam Browser | Sailfish Browser | SalamWeb | Samsung Browser | Samsung Browser Lite | Savannah Browser |
SavySoda | SberBrowser | Secure Browser | Secure Private Browser | SecureX | Seewo Browser | SEMC-Browser |
Seraphic Sraf | Seznam Browser | SFive | Sharkee Browser | Shiira | Sidekick | SilverMob US |
SimpleBrowser | Singlebox | SiteKiosk | Sizzy | Skye | Skyfire | SkyLeap |
Sleipnir | SlimBoat | Slimjet | Smart Browser | Smart Lenovo Browser | Smart Search & Web Browser | Smooz |
Snowshoe | Sogou Explorer | Sogou Mobile Browser | Sony Small Browser | SOTI Surf | Soul Browser | Soundy Browser |
SP Browser | Spark | Spectre Browser | Splash | Sputnik Browser | Stampy Browser | Stargon |
START Internet Browser | Stealth Browser | Steam In-Game Overlay | Streamy | Sunflower Browser | Sunrise | Super Fast Browser |
SuperBird | SuperFast Browser | surf | Surf Browser | Surfy Browser | Sushi Browser | Sweet Browser |
Swiftfox | Swiftweasel | SX Browser | T-Browser | t-online.de Browser | T+Browser | TalkTo |
Tao Browser | tararia | TenFourFox | Tenta Browser | Tesla Browser | Thor | Tint Browser |
Tizen Browser | ToGate | Tor Browser | Total Browser | TQ Browser | TrueLocation Browser | TUC Mini Browser |
Tungsten | TUSK | TV Bro | TV-Browser Internet | TweakStyle | U Browser | UBrowser |
UC Browser | UC Browser HD | UC Browser Mini | UC Browser Turbo | Ui Browser Mini | Ume Browser | UPhone Browser |
UR Browser | Uzbl | Vast Browser | vBrowser | VD Browser | Veera | Vegas Browser |
Venus Browser | Vertex Surf | Vewd Browser | Via | Viasat Browser | VibeMate | Vision Mobile Browser |
Vivaldi | Vivid Browser Mini | vivo Browser | VMS Mosaic | VMware AirWatch | Vonkeror | Vuhuv |
w3m | Waterfox | Wave Browser | Wavebox | Wear Internet Browser | Web Browser & Explorer | Web Explorer |
WebDiscover | Webian Shell | WebPositive | Weltweitimnetz Browser | WeTab Browser | Wexond | Whale Browser |
Whale TV Browser | Wolvic | World Browser | wOSBrowser | Wukong Browser | Wyzo | X Browser Lite |
X-VPN | xBrowser | XBrowser Mini | xBrowser Pro Super Fast | Xiino | XnBrowse | XNX Browser |
Xooloo Internet | xStand | XtremeCast | Xvast | Yaani Browser | YAGI | Yahoo! Japan Browser |
Yandex Browser | Yandex Browser Corp | Yandex Browser Lite | Yo Browser | Yolo Browser | YouBrowser | YouCare |
Yuzu Browser | Zetakey | Zirco Browser | Zordo Browser | ZTE Browser | Zvu |
Nodejs device detector (port matomo-org/device-detector)
We found that node-device-detector demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Attackers use obfuscation to hide malware in open source packages. Learn how to spot these techniques across npm, PyPI, Maven, and more.
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Security News
Biome's v2.0 beta introduces custom plugins, domain-specific linting, and type-aware rules while laying groundwork for HTML support and embedded language features in 2025.