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Package description

What is node-notifier?

The node-notifier package is a Node.js module for sending native notifications on different platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux. It provides an easy-to-use API to show system notifications using the native notification system of the operating system.

What are node-notifier's main functionalities?

Cross-platform notifications

This feature allows you to send desktop notifications across different operating systems. The code sample shows how to send a simple notification with a title and a message.

const notifier = require('node-notifier');
  title: 'My notification',
  message: 'Hello, this is a notification!'

Notification actions

This feature allows you to listen for user interactions with the notification, such as clicking on it. The code sample demonstrates how to handle a click event on the notification.

const notifier = require('node-notifier');
  title: 'My notification',
  message: 'Click to perform an action',
  wait: true
}, (err, response, metadata) => {
  if (metadata.activationType === 'clicked') {
    console.log('Notification clicked!');

Custom notification sound

This feature allows you to customize the notification sound and appearance. The code sample shows how to send a notification with a custom sound and icon.

const notifier = require('node-notifier');
  title: 'My notification',
  message: 'With a custom sound!',
  sound: true, // Only Notification Center or Windows Toasters
  appIcon: '/path/to/icon.png', // Absolute path (doesn't work on balloons)
  contentImage: '/path/to/image.png' // Absolute Path to Attached Image (Content Image)

Other packages similar to node-notifier



node-notifier NPM version Build Status Dependency Status

A node module for sending notification using node. Uses terminal-notifier on mac, notify-send for Linux and growl for others.

For mac this is a wrapper for the terminal-notifier application by Eloy Durán.


  • Mac OS X (>= 10.8)
  • Linux with the notify-send module
  • Or Growl on Windows

If using Linux, notify-send must be installed on your system. However, terminal-notifier, comes bundled in the module. So on Mac, not additional installations is necessary.

If using Windows/Growl, growl must be installed. For windows see Growl for Windows. You can also use growl on mac, but you need to specify this manually (see API).

By default Notification Center will be used on Mac, notify-send will be used on Linux, and Growl will be used if neither mac or linux.


$ npm install node-notifier

Standard Usage

var Notification = require('node-notifier');

var notifier = new Notification();
	message: 'Hello World'

Notification also has specifications for all types of notifications, to be used manually.


var nn = require('node-notifier');

new nn.NotificationCenter().notify();
new nn.NotifySend().notify();
new nn.Growl().notify(options);

Usage NotificationCenter

Same usage and parameter setup as terminal-notifier.

Note: Output parsing from Notification Center is deprecated as of 3.0.0.

Parsing of output given by terminal-notifier is removed as of node-notifier 3.0.0. You can still use both remove and list but the output given will not be parsed into a object.


Where terminal-notifier say to use the -message option, you can do this in node-notifier

var Notification = require('node-notifier');

var notifier = new Notification();
	message: 'Hello World'

You can specify the second argument as a callback for getting error and response.

var Notification = require('node-notifier');

var notifier = new Notification();
	title: 'My application',
	message: 'New notification'
}, function(error, response) {

As of version 3.0.0, you can also specify image used as icon or content image. For Mac OS notifications, requires 10.9.

  "title": "Phil Coulson",
  "subtitle": "Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.",
  "message": "If I come out, will you shoot me? 'Cause then I won't come out.",
  "sound": "Funk", // case sensitive
  "contentImage": __dirname + "/coulson.jpg",
  "open": "file://" + __dirname + "/coulson.jpg"

The response will be given as an object. E.g., when running notifier.notify({list: "ALL"}), this could be the response: Note: Deprecated as of version 3.0.0.

{ response:
   [ { GroupID: null,
       Title: 'Terminal',
       Subtitle: null,
       Message: 'Another message',
       'Delivered At': Wed Dec 12 2012 15:23:38 GMT+0100 (CET) },
     { GroupID: null,
       Title: 'Terminal',
       Subtitle: null,
       Message: 'Another message',
       'Delivered At': Wed Dec 12 2012 15:23:31 GMT+0100 (CET) },
     { GroupID: 2,
       Title: 'Terminal',
       Subtitle: null,
       Message: 'Testing',
       'Delivered At': Wed Dec 12 2012 15:22:41 GMT+0100 (CET) },
     { GroupID: 1,
       Title: 'Terminal',
       Subtitle: null,
       Message: 'Testing',
       'Delivered At': Wed Dec 12 2012 15:22:29 GMT+0100 (CET) } ],
  type: 'list' }

There are three different types:

  • deliviered when a message is delivered.
  • removed when all or one message is removed. If all messages are removed, the response property will have several elements.
  • list when a list is presented. Even when doing list: 1.

Usage NotifySend

var Notification = require('node-notifier');

var notifier = new Notification();
	title: 'Foo',
	message: 'Hello World'
	// .. and other notify-send flags

Usage Growl

var Notification = require('node-notifier');

var notifier = new Notification({
	// Options as passed to Growler
	title: 'Foo',
	message: 'Hello World'
	// and other growl options like sticky etc.

See more information for constructor options in growler.

Module TODO

  1. Add tests for growl



  1. Updates terminal-notifier to version 1.6.0; adding support for appIcon and contentImage
  2. Removes parsing of output sent from notifier (Notification Center)


MIT License



Last updated on 03 Jun 2014

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