Tool for checking if the current node version matches what is provided in the enginges
section of the project's package.json
Main functionality:
- Attempts to find a package.json in the current directory or one of its ancestors.
- If package.json is found compare the current version of node with the version specified in the package.json
- If the current version of node does not satisfy the version from package.json throw an error.
- If the current version of node does satisfy the version from package.json print a friendly message that everything is ok.
- loose instead of checking semver.satisfies checks only if the current version is greater than the requested version
- switch if the versions do not match attempt to use the
package manager to switch to a compliant node version
Easy command line usage:
npm install -g node-version-checker
Dev dependency:
npm install node-version-checker --save-dev
Command Line Usage
Usage: nvc [options]
--loose Check only that the current node version is greater the required
engine version
--switch If the node version doesn't satisfy the engine version attempt to
use the n pacakage manager to switch the current node version to a
compliant version.
-h Show help [boolean]
Node Usage
Just require checker and then invoke it.
var checker = require('node-version-checker').default;
import checker from 'node-version-checker';
Checker will throw an error if the versions don't match the rules. You can optionally pass in an options object to modify behavior:
checker({loose: true, switch: false});
Node Options
You can specify the following options when using through node:
const options = {
loose: true || false,
switch: true || false
Package.json script
"scripts": {
"checkVer": "node node_modules/node-version-checker"