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npm-package-arg - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.2.1 to 5.0.0



@@ -1,155 +0,191 @@

var url = require('url')
var assert = require('assert')
var util = require('util')
var semver = require('semver')
var HostedGit = require('hosted-git-info')
'use strict'
module.exports = npa
module.exports.resolve = resolve
module.exports.Result = Result
var isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' || global.FAKE_WINDOWS
var slashRe = isWindows ? /\\|[/]/ : /[/]/
let url
let HostedGit
let semver
let path
let validatePackageName
let osenv
var parseName = /^(?:@([^/]+?)[/])?([^/]+?)$/
var nameAt = /^(@([^/]+?)[/])?([^/]+?)@/
var debug = util.debuglog
? util.debuglog('npa')
: /\bnpa\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '')
? function () {
console.error('NPA: ' + util.format.apply(util, arguments).split('\n').join('\nNPA: '))
const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' || global.FAKE_WINDOWS
const hasSlashes = isWindows ? /\\|[/]/ : /[/]/
const isURL = /^(?:git[+])?[a-z]+:/i
const isFilename = /[.](?:tgz|tar.gz|tar)$/i
function npa (arg, where) {
let name
let spec
const nameEndsAt = arg[0] === '@' ? arg.slice(1).indexOf('@') + 1 : arg.indexOf('@')
const namePart = nameEndsAt > 0 ? arg.slice(0, nameEndsAt) : arg
if (isURL.test(arg)) {
spec = arg
} else if (namePart[0] !== '@' && (hasSlashes.test(namePart) || isFilename.test(namePart))) {
spec = arg
} else if (nameEndsAt > 0) {
name = namePart
spec = arg.slice(nameEndsAt + 1)
} else {
if (!validatePackageName) validatePackageName = require('validate-npm-package-name')
const valid = validatePackageName(arg)
if (valid.validForOldPackages) {
name = arg
} else {
spec = arg
: function () {}
function validName (name) {
if (!name) {
debug('not a name %j', name)
return false
var n = name.trim()
if (!n || n.charAt(0) === '.' ||
!n.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/) ||
n.match(/[/()&?#|<>@:%\s\\*'"!~`]/) ||
n.toLowerCase() === 'node_modules' ||
n !== encodeURIComponent(n) ||
n.toLowerCase() === 'favicon.ico') {
debug('not a valid name %j', name)
return false
return n
return resolve(name, spec, where, arg)
function npa (arg) {
assert.equal(typeof arg, 'string')
arg = arg.trim()
const isFilespec = isWindows ? /^(?:[.]|~[/]|[/\\]|[a-zA-Z]:)/ : /^(?:[.]|~[/]|[/]|[a-zA-Z]:)/
var res = new Result()
res.raw = arg
res.scope = null
res.escapedName = null
function resolve (name, spec, where, arg) {
const res = new Result({
raw: arg,
name: name,
rawSpec: spec,
fromArgument: arg != null
// See if it's something like foo@...
var nameparse = arg.match(nameAt)
debug('nameparse', nameparse)
if (nameparse && validName(nameparse[3]) &&
(!nameparse[2] || validName(nameparse[2]))) { = (nameparse[1] || '') + nameparse[3]
res.escapedName = escapeName(
if (nameparse[2]) {
res.scope = '@' + nameparse[2]
arg = arg.substr(nameparse[0].length)
if (name) res.setName(name)
if (spec && (isFilespec.test(spec) || /^file:/i.test(spec))) {
return fromFile(res, where)
if (!HostedGit) HostedGit = require('hosted-git-info')
const hosted = HostedGit.fromUrl(spec, {noGitPlus: true, noCommittish: true})
if (hosted) {
return fromHostedGit(res, hosted)
} else if (spec && isURL.test(spec)) {
return fromURL(res)
} else if (spec && (hasSlashes.test(spec) || isFilename.test(spec))) {
return fromFile(res, where)
} else { = null
return fromRegistry(res)
res.rawSpec = arg
res.spec = arg
function invalidPackageName (name, valid) {
const err = new Error(`Invalid package name "${name}": ${valid.errors.join('; ')}`)
return err
function invalidTagName (name) {
const err = new Error(`Invalid tag name "${name}": Tags may not have any characters that encodeURIComponent encodes.`)
return err
var urlparse = url.parse(arg)
debug('urlparse', urlparse)
function Result (opts) {
this.type = opts.type
this.registry = opts.registry
this.where = opts.where
if (opts.raw == null) {
this.raw = ? + '@' + opts.rawSpec : opts.rawSpec
} else {
this.raw = opts.raw
} = undefined
this.escapedName = undefined
this.scope = undefined
this.rawSpec = opts.rawSpec == null ? '' : opts.rawSpec
this.saveSpec = opts.saveSpec
this.fetchSpec = opts.fetchSpec
if ( this.setName(
this.gitRange = opts.gitRange
this.gitCommittish = opts.gitCommittish
this.hosted = opts.hosted
Result.prototype = {}
// windows paths look like urls
// don't be fooled!
if (isWindows && urlparse && urlparse.protocol &&
urlparse.protocol.match(/^[a-zA-Z]:$/)) {
debug('windows url-ish local path', urlparse)
urlparse = {}
Result.prototype.setName = function (name) {
if (!validatePackageName) validatePackageName = require('validate-npm-package-name')
const valid = validatePackageName(name)
if (!valid.validForOldPackages) {
throw invalidPackageName(name, valid)
} = name
this.scope = name[0] === '@' ? name.slice(0, name.indexOf('/')) : undefined
// scoped packages in couch must have slash url-encoded, e.g. @foo%2Fbar
this.escapedName = name.replace('/', '%2f')
return this
if (urlparse.protocol || HostedGit.fromUrl(arg)) {
return parseUrl(res, arg, urlparse)
Result.prototype.toJSON = function () {
const result = Object.assign({}, this)
delete result.hosted
return result
function setGitCommittish (res, committish) {
if (committish != null && committish.length >= 7 && committish.slice(0, 7) === 'semver:') {
res.gitRange = decodeURIComponent(committish.slice(7))
res.gitCommittish = null
} else if (committish == null || committish === '') {
res.gitCommittish = 'master'
} else {
res.gitCommittish = committish
return res
// at this point, it's not a url, and not hosted
// If it's a valid name, and doesn't already have a name, then assume
// $name@"" range
// if it's got / chars in it, then assume that it's local.
const isAbsolutePath = /^[/]|^[A-Za-z]:/
if ( {
if (arg === '') arg = 'latest'
var version = semver.valid(arg, true)
var range = semver.validRange(arg, true)
// foo@...
if (version) {
res.spec = version
res.type = 'version'
} else if (range) {
res.spec = range
res.type = 'range'
} else if (slashRe.test(arg)) {
parseLocal(res, arg)
} else {
res.type = 'tag'
res.spec = arg
function resolvePath (where, spec) {
if (isAbsolutePath.test(spec)) return spec
if (!path) path = require('path')
return path.resolve(where, spec)
function isAbsolute (dir) {
if (dir[0] === '/') return true
if (/^[A-Za-z]:/.test(dir)) return true
return false
function fromFile (res, where) {
if (!where) where = process.cwd()
res.type = isFilename.test(res.rawSpec) ? 'file' : 'directory'
res.where = where
const spec = res.rawSpec.replace(/\\/g, '/')
.replace(/^file:[/]*([A-Za-z]:)/, '$1') // drive name paths on windows
.replace(/^file:(?:[/]*([~./]))?/, '$1')
if (/^~[/]/.test(spec)) {
// this is needed for windows and for file:~/foo/bar
if (!osenv) osenv = require('osenv')
res.fetchSpec = resolvePath(osenv.home(), spec.slice(2))
res.saveSpec = 'file:' + spec
} else {
var p = arg.match(parseName)
if (p && validName(p[2]) &&
(!p[1] || validName(p[1]))) {
res.type = 'tag'
res.spec = 'latest'
res.rawSpec = '' = arg
res.escapedName = escapeName(
if (p[1]) {
res.scope = '@' + p[1]
res.fetchSpec = resolvePath(where, spec)
if (isAbsolute(spec)) {
res.saveSpec = 'file:' + spec
} else {
parseLocal(res, arg)
if (!path) path = require('path')
res.saveSpec = 'file:' + path.relative(where, res.fetchSpec)
return res
function escapeName (name) {
// scoped packages in couch must have slash url-encoded, e.g. @foo%2Fbar
return name && name.replace('/', '%2f')
function fromHostedGit (res, hosted) {
res.type = 'git'
res.hosted = hosted
res.saveSpec = hosted.toString({noGitPlus: false, noCommittish: false})
res.fetchSpec = hosted.getDefaultRepresentation() === 'shortcut' ? null : hosted.toString()
return setGitCommittish(res, hosted.committish)
function parseLocal (res, arg) {
// turns out nearly every character is allowed in fs paths
if (/\0/.test(arg)) {
throw new Error('Invalid Path: ' + JSON.stringify(arg))
res.type = 'local'
res.spec = arg
function unsupportedURLType (protocol, spec) {
const err = new Error(`Unsupported URL Type "${protocol}": ${spec}`)
return err
function parseUrl (res, arg, urlparse) {
var gitHost = HostedGit.fromUrl(arg)
if (gitHost) {
res.type = 'hosted'
res.spec = gitHost.toString()
res.hosted = {
type: gitHost.type,
ssh: gitHost.ssh(),
sshUrl: gitHost.sshurl(),
httpsUrl: gitHost.https(),
gitUrl: gitHost.git(),
shortcut: gitHost.shortcut(),
directUrl: gitHost.file('package.json')
return res
function fromURL (res) {
if (!url) url = require('url')
const urlparse = url.parse(res.rawSpec)
res.saveSpec = res.rawSpec
// check the protocol, and then see if it's git or not

@@ -165,3 +201,6 @@ switch (urlparse.protocol) {

res.type = 'git'
res.spec = arg.replace(/^git[+]/, '')
setGitCommittish(res, urlparse.hash != null ? urlparse.hash.slice(1) : '')
urlparse.protocol = urlparse.protocol.replace(/^git[+]/, '')
delete urlparse.hash
res.fetchSpec = url.format(urlparse)

@@ -172,18 +211,7 @@

res.type = 'remote'
res.spec = arg
res.fetchSpec = res.saveSpec
case 'file:':
res.type = 'local'
if (isWindows && arg.match(/^file:\/\/\/?[a-z]:/i)) {
// Windows URIs usually parse all wrong, so we just take matters
// into our own hands, in this case.
res.spec = arg.replace(/^file:\/\/\/?/i, '')
} else {
res.spec = urlparse.pathname
throw new Error('Unsupported URL Type: ' + arg)
throw unsupportedURLType(urlparse.protocol, res.rawSpec)

@@ -194,9 +222,23 @@

function Result () {
if (!(this instanceof Result)) return new Result()
function fromRegistry (res) {
res.registry = true
const spec = res.rawSpec === '' ? 'latest' : res.rawSpec
// no save spec for registry components as we save based on the fetched
// version, not on the argument so this can't compute that.
res.saveSpec = null
res.fetchSpec = spec
if (!semver) semver = require('semver')
const version = semver.valid(spec, true)
const range = semver.validRange(spec, true)
if (version) {
res.type = 'version'
} else if (range) {
res.type = 'range'
} else {
if (encodeURIComponent(spec) !== spec) {
throw invalidTagName(spec)
res.type = 'tag'
return res
} = null
Result.prototype.type = null
Result.prototype.spec = null
Result.prototype.raw = null
Result.prototype.hosted = null
"name": "npm-package-arg",
"version": "4.2.1",
"version": "5.0.0",
"description": "Parse the things that can be arguments to `npm install`",

@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ "main": "npa.js",

"dependencies": {
"hosted-git-info": "^2.1.5",
"semver": "^5.1.0"
"hosted-git-info": "^2.4.2",
"osenv": "^0.1.4",
"semver": "^5.1.0",
"validate-npm-package-name": "^3.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"standard": "^7.1.2",
"tap": "^5.7.2"
"standard": "9.0.2",
"tap": "^10.3.0"
"scripts": {
"test": "standard && tap --coverage test/*.js"
"test": "standard && tap -J --coverage test/*.js"

@@ -24,0 +26,0 @@ "repository": {

# npm-package-arg
Parse package name and specifier passed to commands like `npm install` or
`npm cache add`. This just parses the text given-- it's worth noting that
`npm` has further logic it applies by looking at your disk to figure out
what ambiguous specifiers are. If you want that logic, please see
Parses package name and specifier passed to commands like `npm install` or
`npm cache add`, or as found in `package.json` dependency sections.
Arguments look like: `foo@1.2`, `@bar/foo@1.2`, `foo@user/foo`, ``,
`git+`, `bitbucket:user/foo`, `foo.tar.gz` or `bar`

@@ -21,42 +13,7 @@

// Pass in the descriptor, and it'll return an object
var parsed = npa("@bar/foo@1.2")
// Returns an object like:
raw: '@bar/foo@1.2', // what was passed in
name: '@bar/foo', // the name of the package
escapedName: '@bar%2ffoo', // the escaped name, for making requests against a registry
scope: '@bar', // the scope of the package, or null
type: 'range', // the type of specifier this is
spec: '>=1.2.0 <1.3.0', // the expanded specifier
rawSpec: '1.2' // the specifier as passed in
// Parsing urls pointing at hosted git services produces a variation:
var parsed = npa("git+")
// Returns an object like:
raw: 'git+',
scope: null,
name: null,
escapedName: null,
rawSpec: 'git+',
spec: 'user/foo',
type: 'hosted',
hosted: {
type: 'github',
ssh: '',
sshurl: 'git+ssh://',
https: '',
directUrl: ''
try {
var parsed = npa("@bar/foo@1.2")
} catch (ex) {
// Completely unreasonable invalid garbage throws an error
// Make sure you wrap this in a try/catch if you have not
// already sanitized the inputs!
assert.throws(function() {
npa("this is not \0 a valid package name or url")

@@ -68,9 +25,24 @@

* var result = npa(*arg*)
### var result = npa(*arg*[, *where*])
Parses *arg* and returns a result object detailing what *arg* is.
* *arg* - a string that you might pass to `npm install`, like:
`foo@1.2`, `@bar/foo@1.2`, `foo@user/foo`, ``,
`git+`, `bitbucket:user/foo`, `foo.tar.gz`,
`../foo/bar/` or `bar`. If the *arg* you provide doesn't have a specifier
part, eg `foo` then the specifier will default to `latest`.
* *where* - Optionally the path to resolve file paths relative to. Defaults to `process.cwd()`
*arg* -- a package descriptor, like: `foo@1.2`, or `foo@user/foo`, or
``, or `git+`
**Throws** if the package name is invalid, a dist-tag is invalid or a URL's protocol is not supported.
### var result = npa.resolve(*name*, *spec*[, *where*])
* *name* - The name of the module you want to install. For example: `foo` or `@bar/foo`.
* *spec* - The specifier indicating where and how you can get this module. Something like:
`1.2`, `^1.7.17`, ``, `git+`,
`bitbucket:user/foo`, `file:foo.tar.gz` or `file:../foo/bar/`. If not
included then the default is `latest`.
* *where* - Optionally the path to resolve file paths relative to. Defaults to `process.cwd()`
**Throws** if the package name is invalid, a dist-tag is invalid or a URL's protocol is not supported.

@@ -81,24 +53,13 @@

* `name` - If known, the `name` field expected in the resulting pkg.
* `type` - One of the following strings:
* `git` - A git repo
* `hosted` - A hosted project, from github, bitbucket or gitlab. Originally
either a full url pointing at one of these services or a shorthand like
`user/project` or `github:user/project` for github or `bitbucket:user/project`
for bitbucket.
* `tag` - A tagged version, like `"foo@latest"`
* `version` - A specific version number, like `"foo@1.2.3"`
* `range` - A version range, like `"foo@2.x"`
* `local` - A local file or folder path
* `file` - A local `.tar.gz`, `.tar` or `.tgz` file.
* `directory` - A local directory.
* `remote` - An http url (presumably to a tgz)
* `spec` - The "thing". URL, the range, git repo, etc.
* `hosted` - If type=hosted this will be an object with the following keys:
* `type` - github, bitbucket or gitlab
* `ssh` - The ssh path for this git repo
* `sshUrl` - The ssh URL for this git repo
* `httpsUrl` - The HTTPS URL for this git repo
* `directUrl` - The URL for the package.json in this git repo
* `raw` - The original un-modified string that was provided.
* `rawSpec` - The part after the `name@...`, as it was originally
* `registry` - If true this specifier refers to a resource hosted on a
registry. This is true for `tag`, `version` and `range` types.
* `name` - If known, the `name` field expected in the resulting pkg.
* `scope` - If a name is something like `@org/module` then the `scope`

@@ -110,5 +71,15 @@ field will be set to `@org`. If it doesn't have a scoped name, then

`name` is `null`, `escapedName` will also be `null`.
If you only include a name and no specifier part, eg, `foo` or `foo@` then
a default of `latest` will be used (as of 4.1.0). This is contrast with
previous behavior where `*` was used.
* `rawSpec` - The specifier part that was parsed out in calls to `npa(arg)`,
or the value of `spec` in calls to `npa.resolve(name, spec).
* `saveSpec` - The normalized specifier, for saving to package.json files.
`null` for registry dependencies.
* `fetchSpec` - The version of the specifier to be used to fetch this
resource. `null` for shortcuts to hosted git dependencies as there isn't
just one URL to try with them.
* `gitRange` - If set, this is a semver specifier to match against git tags with
* `gitCommittish` - If set, this is the specific committish to use with a git dependency.
* `hosted` - If `from === 'hosted'` then this will be a `hosted-git-info`
object. This property is not included when serializing the object as
* `raw` - The original un-modified string that was provided. If called as
`npa.resolve(name, spec)` then this will be `name + '@' + spec`.
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