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Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos

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Package description

What is nx?

The nx npm package is a suite of powerful, extensible dev tools to help you architect, test, build, and develop your software projects. It is particularly well-suited for monorepo development, where multiple projects coexist in a single repository. Nx provides tools for project scaffolding, dependency graph analysis, affected change analysis, and more.

What are nx's main functionalities?

Project Scaffolding

This command sets up a new workspace. Nx supports many presets to scaffold applications using various frameworks like Angular, React, or Node.js.

npx create-nx-workspace@latest myworkspace

Generating Components

Generates a new component within a specified project in the workspace. This helps maintain consistency and follows best practices.

nx generate component my-component --project=my-app

Running Tasks

Executes a specific task, such as building a project. Nx uses an executor to run tasks which can be configured for different environments.

nx run my-app:build

Affected Change Analysis

Determines which apps and libs are affected by changes to the current git branch, and performs the build task only for those.

nx affected:build

Dependency Graph

Visualizes the dependency graph of the workspace, showing how projects depend on one another. This is useful for understanding the structure and ensuring that changes do not have unintended consequences.

nx dep-graph

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What is Nx?

🔎 Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos.

Nx Helps You

Develop like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft

Nx helps scale your development from one team building one application to many teams building multiple frontend and backend applications all in the same workspace. When using Nx, developers have a holistic dev experience powered by an advanced CLI (with editor plugins), capabilities for controlled code sharing and consistent code generation.

Use Intelligent Build System with Distributed Caching

Nx is smart. It analyzes your workspace and figures out what can be affected by every code change. That's why Nx doesn't rebuild and retest everything on every commit--it only rebuilds what is necessary.

Nx also uses a distributed computation cache. If someone has already built or tested similar code, Nx will use their results to speed up the command for everyone else instead of rebuilding or retesting the code from scratch. This, in combination with Nx’s support for distributed and incremental builds, can help teams see up to 10x reduction in build and test times.

Use Modern Tools

Nx is an open platform with plugins for many modern tools and frameworks. It has support for TypeScript, React, Angular, Cypress, Jest, Prettier, Nest.js, Next.js, Storybook, Ionic among others. With Nx, you get a consistent dev experience regardless of the tools used.

Getting Started

Creating an Nx Workspace

Using npx

npx create-nx-workspace

Using npm init

npm init nx-workspace

Using yarn create

yarn create nx-workspace

The create-nx-workspace command will ask you to select a preset, which will configure some plugins and create your applications to help you get started.

? What to create in the new workspace (Use arrow keys)
❯ empty             [an empty workspace with a layout that works best for building apps]
  oss               [an empty workspace with a layout that works best for open-source projects]
  web components    [a workspace with a single app built using web components]
  angular           [a workspace with a single Angular application]
  angular-nest      [a workspace with a full stack application (Angular + Nest)]
  react             [a workspace with a single React application]
  react-express     [a workspace with a full stack application (React + Express)]
  next.js           [a workspace with a single Next.js application]

Select the preset that works best for you.

Serving Application

  • Run nx serve myapp to serve the newly generated application!
  • Run nx test myapp to test it.
  • Run nx e2e myapp-e2e to run e2e tests for it.




Podcasts and Shows

Nx Demo & Tutorial Videos

Books amd Blogs




Last updated on 02 Oct 2020

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