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@@ -74,4 +74,10 @@ 'use strict';

var _decorators = require('../utils/decorators');
var _deprecated = require('../utils/decorators/deprecated');
var _deprecated2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deprecated);
var _memoize = require('../utils/decorators/memoize');
var _memoize2 = _interopRequireDefault(_memoize);
var _Relation = require('../relations/Relation');

@@ -128,88 +134,3 @@

* Subclasses of this class represent database tables.
* Subclass can be created like this:
* ```js
* var Model = require('objection').Model;
* function Person() {
* Model.apply(this, arguments);
* }
* Model.extend(Person);
* module.exports = Person;
* // Table name is the only required property.
* Person.tableName = 'Person';
* // This is not the database schema! Nothing is generated based on this. Whenever a
* // Person object is created from a JSON object, the JSON is checked against this
* // schema. For example when you call Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer'});
* Person.jsonSchema = {
* type: 'object',
* required: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
* properties: {
* id: {type: 'integer'},
* parentId: {type: ['integer', 'null']},
* firstName: {type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255},
* lastName: {type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255},
* age: {type: 'number'},
* address: {
* type: 'object',
* properties: {
* street: {type: 'string'},
* city: {type: 'string'},
* zipCode: {type: 'string'}
* }
* }
* }
* };
* // This object defines the relations to other models.
* Person.relationMappings = {
* pets: {
* relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
* // The related model. This can be either a Model subclass constructor or an
* // absolute file path to a module that exports one. We use the file path version
* // here to prevent require loops.
* modelClass: __dirname + '/Animal',
* join: {
* from: '',
* to: 'Animal.ownerId'
* }
* },
* movies: {
* relation: Model.ManyToManyRelation,
* modelClass: __dirname + '/Movie',
* join: {
* from: '',
* // ManyToMany relation needs the `through` object to describe the join table.
* through: {
* from: 'Person_Movie.personId',
* to: 'Person_Movie.movieId'
* },
* to: ''
* }
* },
* children: {
* relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
* modelClass: Person,
* join: {
* from: '',
* to: 'Person.parentId'
* }
* }
* };
* ```
* @extends ModelBase
* @constructor
var Model = (_dec = (0, _decorators.deprecated)({ removedIn: '0.7.0', useInstead: 'BelongsToOneRelation' }), _dec2 = (0, _decorators.deprecated)({ removedIn: '0.7.0', useInstead: 'HasManyRelation' }), (_class = (_temp = _class2 = function (_ModelBase) {
var Model = (_dec = (0, _deprecated2.default)({ removedIn: '0.7.0', useInstead: 'BelongsToOneRelation' }), _dec2 = (0, _deprecated2.default)({ removedIn: '0.7.0', useInstead: 'HasManyRelation' }), (_class = (_temp = _class2 = function (_ModelBase) {
(0, _inherits3.default)(Model, _ModelBase);

@@ -226,24 +147,4 @@

* Returns or sets the identifier of a model instance.
* ```js
* // Returns the id.
* model.$id();
* // Sets the id.
* model.$id(100);
* ```
* The identifier property does not have to be accessed or set using this method.
* If the identifier property is known it can be accessed or set just like any
* other property:
* ```js
* console.log(;
* = 100;
* ```
* This method is just a helper for the cases where the id property is not known.
* @param {*=} id
* @returns {*}
* @param {string|number|Array.<string|number>=} id
* @returns {string|number|Array.<string|number>}

@@ -259,4 +160,2 @@ value: function $id() {

* Shortcut to `this.constructor.knex()`.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -272,4 +171,2 @@ */

* Shortcut to `this.constructor.transaction()`.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -285,44 +182,2 @@ */

* Creates a query builder for this model instance.
* The returned query builder has all the methods a *knex* query builder has. See
* {@link QueryBuilder} and <a href=""></a>
* for more information.
* All queries built using the returned builder only affect this instance.
* Examples:
* Re-fetch the instance from the database:
* ```js
* person.$query().then(function (person) {
* console.log(person);
* });
* ```
* Insert a new model to database:
* ```js
* Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer'}).$query().insert().then(function (jennifer) {
* console.log(;
* });
* ```
* Patch a model:
* ```js
* person.$query().patch({lastName: 'Cooper'}).then(function (person) {
* console.log(person.lastName); // --> 'Cooper'.
* });
* ```
* Delete a model.
* ```js
* person.$query().delete().then(function () {
* console.log('person deleted');
* });
* ```
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -376,119 +231,3 @@ */

* Use this to build a query that only affects the models related to this instance through a relation.
* The returned query builder has all the methods a *knex* query builder has. See
* {@link QueryBuilder} and <a href=""></a>
* for more information.
* Examples:
* Fetch all models related to this instance through a relation. The fetched models are
* also stored to the owner model's property named after the relation:
* ```js
* jennifer.$relatedQuery('pets').then(function (pets) {
* console.log('jennifer has', pets.length, 'pets');
* console.log(jennifer.pets === pets); // --> true
* });
* ```
* The related query is just like any other query. All *knex* methods are available:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .select('Animal.*', ' as ownerName')
* .where('species', '=', 'dog')
* .orWhere('breed', '=', 'cat')
* .innerJoin('Person', '', 'Animal.ownerId')
* .orderBy('')
* .then(function (dogsAndCats) {
* // All the dogs and cats have the owner's name "Jennifer" joined as the `ownerName` property.
* console.log(dogsAndCats);
* });
* ```
* This inserts a new model to the database and binds it to the owner model as defined
* by the relation:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .insert({species: 'dog', name: 'Fluffy'})
* .then(function (waldo) {
* console.log(;
* });
* ```
* To add an existing model to a relation the `relate` method can be used. In this example
* the dog `fluffy` already exists in the database but it isn't related to `jennifer` through
* the `pets` relation. We can make the connection like this:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .relate(
* .then(function () {
* console.log('fluffy is now related to jennifer through pets relation');
* });
* ```
* The connection can be removed using the `unrelate` method. Again, this doesn't delete the
* related model. Only the connection is removed. For example in the case of ManyToMany relation
* the join table entries are deleted.
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .unrelate()
* .where('id',
* .then(function () {
* console.log('jennifer no longer has fluffy as a pet');
* });
* ```
* Related models can be deleted using the delete method. Note that in the case of ManyToManyRelation
* the join table entries are not deleted. Naturally the delete query can be chained with any *knex*
* methods.
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .delete()
* .where('species', 'cat')
* .then(function () {
* console.log('jennifer no longer has any cats');
* });
* ```
* `update` and `patch` can be used to update related models. Only difference between the mentioned
* methods is that `update` validates the input objects using the related model class's full schema
* and `patch` ignores the `required` property of the schema. Use `update` when you want to update
* _all_ properties of a model and `patch` when only a subset should be updated.
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .update({species: 'dog', name: 'Fluffy the great', vaccinated: false})
* .where('id',
* .then(function (updatedFluffy) {
* console.log('fluffy\'s new name is',;
* });
* // This will throw assuming that `name` or `species` is a required property for an Animal.
* jennifer.$relatedQuery('pets').patch({vaccinated: true});
* // This will _not_ throw.
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .patch({vaccinated: true})
* .where('species', 'dog')
* .then(function () {
* console.log('jennifer just got all her dogs vaccinated');
* });
* ```
* @param {string} relationName
* Name of the relation.
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -523,38 +262,2 @@ */

* Loads related models using a {@link RelationExpression}.
* Example:
* ```js
* jennifer.$loadRelated('[pets, children.[pets, father]]').then(function (jennifer) {
* console.log('Jennifer has', jennifer.pets.length, 'pets');
* console.log('Jennifer has', jennifer.children.length, 'children');
* console.log('Jennifer\'s first child has', jennifer.children[0].pets.length, 'pets');
* console.log('Jennifer had her first child with', jennifer.children[0];
* });
* ```
* Relations can be filtered by giving named filter functions as arguments
* to the relations:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$loadRelated('children(orderByAge).[pets(onlyDogs, orderByName), movies]', {
* orderByAge: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('age')
* },
* orderByName: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('name');
* },
* onlyDogs: function (builder) {
* builder.where('species', 'dog')
* }
* })
* .then(function (jennifer) {
* console.log(jennifer.children.pets[0]);
* });
* ```
* @see {@link RelationExpression} for more examples on relation expressions.
* @param {string|RelationExpression} relationExpression

@@ -572,7 +275,3 @@ * @param {Object.<string, function(QueryBuilder)>=} filters

* Shortcut for `Model.traverse(filterConstructor, this, callback)`.
* See the static method `Model.traverse` for more info.
* @param {function=} filterConstructor
* @param {Constructor.<Model>=} filterConstructor
* @param {function(Model)} callback

@@ -593,7 +292,2 @@ * @return {Model}

* @override
}, {

@@ -618,7 +312,2 @@ key: '$parseDatabaseJson',

* @override
}, {

@@ -643,7 +332,2 @@ key: '$formatDatabaseJson',

* @override
}, {

@@ -677,6 +361,3 @@ key: '$setJson',

* @override
* @param {boolean} shallow
* If true the relations are omitted from the json.
* @param {boolean=} shallow

@@ -713,11 +394,3 @@

* Called before a model is inserted into the database.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff. You can
* also throw an exception to abort the insert and reject the query. This can be useful if
* you need to do insert specific validation.
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the insert query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}

@@ -731,9 +404,3 @@ */

* Called after a model has been inserted into the database.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff.
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the insert query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}

@@ -747,34 +414,4 @@ */

* Called before a model is updated.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff. You can
* also throw an exception to abort the update and reject the query. This can be useful if
* you need to do update specific validation.
* This method is also called before a model is patched. Therefore all the model's properties
* may not exist. You can check if the update operation is a patch by checking the `opt.patch`
* boolean.
* Also note that this method is called only once when you do something like this:
* ```js
* Person
* .$query()
* .patch({firstName: 'Jennifer'})
* .where('gender', 'female')
* .then(function () {
* ...
* });
* ```
* The example above updates all rows whose `gender` equals `female` but the `$beforeUpdate`
* method is called only once for the `{firstName: 'Jennifer'}` model. This is because the
* updating is done completely in the database and the affected models are never fetched
* to the javascript side.
* @param {ModelOptions} opt
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the update query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}

@@ -788,32 +425,4 @@ */

* Called after a model is updated.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff.
* This method is also called after a model is patched. Therefore all the model's properties
* may not exist. You can check if the update operation is a patch by checking the `opt.patch`
* boolean.
* Also note that this method is called only once when you do something like this:
* ```js
* Person
* .$query()
* .patch({firstName: 'Jennifer'})
* .where('gender', 'female')
* .then(function () {
* ...
* });
* ```
* The example above updates all rows whose `gender` equals `female` but the `$beforeUpdate`
* method is called only once for the `{firstName: 'Jennifer'}` model. This is because the
* updating is done completely in the database and the affected models are never fetched
* to the javascript side.
* @param {ModelOptions} opt
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the update query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}

@@ -827,104 +436,2 @@ */

* Creates a query builder for this table.
* The returned query builder has all the methods a *knex* query builder has. See
* {@link QueryBuilder} and <a href=""></a>
* for more information.
* Examples:
* Read models from the database:
* ```js
* // Get all rows.
* Person.query().then(function(allPersons) {
* console.log('there are', allPersons.length, 'persons in the database');
* });
* // Example of a more complex WHERE clause. This generates:
* // SELECT * FROM "Person" WHERE ("firstName" = 'Jennifer' AND "age" < 30) OR ("firstName" = "Mark" AND "age" > 30)
* Person
* .query()
* .where(function () {
* this.where('firstName', 'Jennifer').where('age', '<', 30);
* })
* .orWhere(function () {
* this.where('firstName', 'Mark').where('age', '>', 30);
* })
* .then(function (marksAndJennifers) {
* console.log(marksAndJennifers);
* });
* // Get a subset of rows and fetch related models for each row.
* Person
* .query()
* .where('age', '>', 60)
* .eager('children.children.movies')
* .then(function (oldPeople) {
* console.log('some old person\'s grand child has appeared in',
* oldPeople[0].children[0].children[0].movies.length,
* 'movies');
* });
* ```
* Insert models to the database:
* ```js
* Person.query().insert({firstName: 'Sylvester', lastName: 'Stallone'}).then(function (sylvester) {
* console.log(sylvester.fullName()); // --> 'Sylvester Stallone'.
* });
* // Batch insert. This only works on Postgresql as it is the only database that returns the
* // identifiers of _all_ inserted rows. If you need to do batch inserts on other databases use
* // *knex* directly. (See .knexQuery() method).
* Person
* .query()
* .insert([
* {firstName: 'Arnold', lastName: 'Schwarzenegger'},
* {firstName: 'Sylvester', lastName: 'Stallone'}
* ])
* .then(function (inserted) {
* console.log(inserted[0].fullName()); // --> 'Arnold Schwarzenegger'
* });
* ```
* `update` and `patch` can be used to update models. Only difference between the mentioned methods
* is that `update` validates the input objects using the model class's full jsonSchema and `patch`
* ignores the `required` property of the schema. Use `update` when you want to update _all_ properties
* of a model and `patch` when only a subset should be updated.
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .update({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 35})
* .where('id',
* .then(function (updatedJennifer) {
* console.log('Jennifer is now', updatedJennifer.age, 'years old');
* });
* // This will throw assuming that `firstName` or `lastName` is a required property for a Person.
* Person.query().patch({age: 100});
* // This will _not_ throw.
* Person
* .query()
* .patch({age: 100})
* .then(function () {
* console.log('Everyone is now 100 years old');
* });
* ```
* Models can be deleted using the delete method. Naturally the delete query can be chained with
* any *knex* methods:
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .delete()
* .where('age', '>', 90)
* .then(function () {
* console.log('anyone over 90 is now removed from the database');
* });
* ```
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -946,22 +453,3 @@ */

* Get/Set the knex instance for this model class.
* Subclasses inherit the connection. A system-wide knex instance can thus be set by calling
* `Model.knex(knex)`. This works even after subclasses have been created.
* ```js
* var knex = require('knex')({
* client: 'sqlite3',
* connection: {
* filename: 'database.db'
* }
* });
* Model.knex(knex);
* knex = Model.knex();
* ```
* @param {knex=} knex
* The knex to set.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -988,16 +476,2 @@ */

* Returns the transaction this model class is bound to using `bindTransaction` methods.
* Handy for making sure two model class are bound to the same transaction:
* ```js
* Person
* .bindTransaction(Animal.transaction())
* .query()
* ...
* ```
* The example above works even if `Animal` is not bound to any transaction. The
* `bindTransaction` call does nothing in this case.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -1013,3 +487,3 @@ */

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().raw()`.
* @return {Raw}

@@ -1025,3 +499,3 @@

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().fn`.
* @return {Object}

@@ -1037,4 +511,2 @@

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().client.formatter()`.
* @return {Formatter}

@@ -1050,4 +522,2 @@ */

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().table(SomeModel.tableName)`.
* @returns {knex.QueryBuilder}

@@ -1063,46 +533,2 @@ */

* Creates a subclass of this class that is bound to the given knex.
* This method can be used to bind a Model subclass to multiple databases for example in
* a multi tenant system.
* Example:
* ```js
* var knex1 = require('knex')({
* client: 'sqlite3',
* connection: {
* filename: 'database1.db'
* }
* });
* var knex2 = require('knex')({
* client: 'sqlite3',
* connection: {
* filename: 'database2.db'
* }
* });
* SomeModel.knex(null);
* var BoundModel1 = SomeModel.bindKnex(knex1);
* var BoundModel2 = SomeModel.bindKnex(knex2);
* // Throws since the knex instance is null.
* SomeModel.query().then();
* // Works.
* BoundModel1.query().then(function (models) {
* console.log(models[0] instanceof SomeModel); // --> true
* console.log(models[0] instanceof BoundModel1); // --> true
* });
* // Works.
* BoundModel2.query().then(function (models) {
* console.log(models[0] instanceof SomeModel); // --> true
* console.log(models[0] instanceof BoundModel2); // --> true
* });
* ```
* @param {knex} knex

@@ -1143,28 +569,3 @@ * @returns {Constructor.<Model>}

* Creates a subclass of this class that is bound to the given transaction.
* ```js
* var Person = require('./models/Person');
* var transaction;
* objection.transaction.start(Person).then(function (trx) {
* transaction = trx;
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer'});
* }).then(function (jennifer) {
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .patch({lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .where('id',;
* }).then(function () {
* return transaction.commit();
* }).catch(function () {
* return transaction.rollback();
* });
* ```
* @param trx
* @param {knex} trx
* @returns {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -1180,6 +581,2 @@ */

* Ensures that the given model is an instance of this class.
* If `model` is already an instance of this class, nothing is done.
* @param {Model|Object} model

@@ -1209,6 +606,2 @@ * @param {ModelOptions=} options

* Ensures that each element in the given array is an instance of this class.
* If an element is already an instance of this class, nothing is done for it.
* @param {Array.<Model|Object>} input

@@ -1242,3 +635,2 @@ * @param {ModelOptions=} options

* @ignore
* @returns {number}

@@ -1248,8 +640,12 @@ */

}, {
key: 'getIdColumnDimension',
value: function getIdColumnDimension() {
if (_lodash2.default.isArray(this.idColumn)) {
return this.idColumn.length;
key: 'getIdPropertyArray',
value: function getIdPropertyArray() {
var ModelClass = this;
if (_lodash2.default.isArray(ModelClass.idColumn)) {
return, function (col) {
return idColumnToIdProperty(ModelClass, col);
} else {
return 1;
return [idColumnToIdProperty(ModelClass, ModelClass.idColumn)];

@@ -1259,8 +655,2 @@ }

* Returns the name of the identifier property.
* The identifier property is equal to the `idColumn` if `$parseDatabaseJson` is not
* implemented. If `$parseDatabaseJson` is implemented it may change the id property's
* name. This method passes the `idColumn` through `$parseDatabaseJson`.
* @returns {string|Array.<string>}

@@ -1284,4 +674,2 @@ */

* Full identifier column name like ''.
* @returns {string|Array.<string>}

@@ -1305,4 +693,2 @@ */

* All relations of this class.
* @return {Object.<string, Relation>}

@@ -1329,6 +715,2 @@ */

* Get a relation by name.
* This should not be used to make queries. Use `$relatedQuery` or `loadRelated` instead.
* @return {Relation}

@@ -1350,32 +732,2 @@ */

* Exactly like $loadRelated but for multiple instances.
* ```js
* Person.loadRelated([person1, person2], 'children.pets').then(function (persons) {
* var person1 = persons[0];
* var person2 = persons[1];
* });
* ```
* Relations can be filtered by giving named filter functions as arguments
* to the relations:
* ```js
* Person
* .loadRelated([person1, person2], 'children(orderByAge).[pets(onlyDogs, orderByName), movies]', {
* orderByAge: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('age')
* },
* orderByName: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('name');
* },
* onlyDogs: function (builder) {
* builder.where('species', 'dog')
* }
* })
* .then(function (persons) {
* console.log(persons[1].children.pets[0]);
* });
* ```
* @param {Array.<Model|Object>} $models

@@ -1405,38 +757,5 @@ * @param {string|RelationExpression} expression

* Traverses the relation tree of a list of models.
* Calls the callback for each related model recursively. The callback is called
* also for the input models themselves.
* There are two ways to call this method:
* ```js
* Model.traverse(models, function (model, parentModel, relationName) {
* doSomething(model);
* });
* ```
* and
* ```js
* Model.traverse(Person, models, function (person, parentModel, relationName) {
* doSomethingForPerson(person);
* });
* ```
* In the second example the traverser function is only called for `Person` instances.
* @param {function=} filterConstructor
* If this optional constructor is given, the `traverser` is only called for
* models for which `model instanceof filterConstructor` returns true.
* @param {Constructor.<Model>=} filterConstructor
* @param {Model|Array.<Model>} models
* The model(s) whose relation trees to traverse.
* @param {function(Model, Model, string)} traverser
* The traverser function that is called for each model. The first argument
* is the model itself. If the model is in a relation of some other model
* the second argument is the parent model and the third argument is the
* name of the relation.
* @return {Model}

@@ -1505,50 +824,5 @@ */

key: 'OneToOneRelation',
* one-to-many relation type.
* @type {OneToOneRelation}
* one-to-one relation type.
* @type {BelongsToOneRelation}
* QueryBuilder subclass to use in `$relatedQuery()` method.
* This constructor is used whenever a query builder is created using the `$relatedQuery()` method.
* You can override this to use your own `QueryBuilder` subclass.
get: function get() {
return _BelongsToOneRelation2.default;
* one-to-many relation type.
* @type {OneToManyRelation}
* one-to-many relation type.
* @type {HasManyRelation}
* one-to-one relation type.
* @type {HasOneRelation}
* QueryBuilder subclass to use in `query()` or `$query()` methods.
* This constructor is used whenever a query builder is created using `query()` or `$query()` methods.
* You can override this to use your own `QueryBuilder` subclass.
}, {

@@ -1561,10 +835,2 @@ key: 'OneToManyRelation',

* may-to-many relation type.
* @type {ManyToManyRelation}
* Name of the database table of this model.
* @type {string}

@@ -1574,8 +840,2 @@ */

* Name of the primary key column in the database table.
* Composite id can be specified by giving an array of column names.
* Defaults to 'id'.
* @type {string|Array.<string>}

@@ -1585,6 +845,2 @@ */

* Name of the property used to store a temporary non-db identifier for the model.
* Defaults to '#id'.
* @type {string}

@@ -1594,6 +850,2 @@ */

* Name of the property used to store a reference to a `uidProp`.
* Defaults to '#ref'.
* @type {string}

@@ -1603,4 +855,2 @@ */

* Regular expression for parsing a reference to a property.
* @type {RegExp}

@@ -1610,31 +860,2 @@ */

* Properties that should be saved to database as JSON strings.
* The properties listed here are serialized to JSON strings upon insertion to the database
* and parsed back to objects when models are read from the database. Combined with the
* postgresql's json or jsonb data type, this is a powerful way of representing documents
* as single database rows.
* If this property is left unset all properties declared as objects or arrays in the
* `jsonSchema` are implicitly added to this list.
* Example:
* ```js
* Person.jsonAttributes = ['address'];
* var jennifer = Person.fromJson({
* name: 'Jennifer',
* address: {
* address: 'Someroad 10',
* zipCode: '1234',
* city: 'Los Angeles'
* }
* });
* var dbRow = jennifer.$toDatabaseJson();
* console.log(dbRow);
* // --> {name: 'Jennifer', address: '{"address":"Someroad 10","zipCode":"1234","city":"Los Angeles"}'}
* ```
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -1644,53 +865,2 @@ */

* This property defines the relations to other models.
* Relations to other models can be defined by setting this property. The best way to explain how to
* do this is by example:
* ```js
* Person.relationMappings = {
* pets: {
* relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
* modelClass: Animal,
* join: {
* from: '',
* to: 'Animal.ownerId'
* }
* },
* father: {
* relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
* modelClass: Person,
* join: {
* from: 'Person.fatherId',
* to: ''
* }
* },
* movies: {
* relation: Model.ManyToManyRelation,
* modelClass: Movie,
* join: {
* from: '',
* through: {
* from: 'Person_Movie.actorId',
* to: 'Person_Movie.movieId'
* },
* to: ''
* }
* }
* };
* ```
* relationMappings is an object whose keys are relation names and values define the relation. The
* `join` property in addition to the relation type define how the models are related to one another.
* The `from` and `to` properties of the `join` object define the database columns through which the
* models are associated. Note that neither of these columns need to be primary keys. They can be any
* columns!. In the case of ManyToManyRelation also the join table needs to be defined. This is
* done using the `through` object.
* The `modelClass` passed to the relation mappings is the class of the related model. It can be either
* a Model subclass constructor or an absolute path to a module that exports one. Using file paths
* is a handy way to prevent require loops.
* @type {Object.<string, RelationMapping>}

@@ -1709,9 +879,5 @@ */

return Model;
}(_ModelBase3.default), _class2.QueryBuilder = _QueryBuilder2.default, _class2.RelatedQueryBuilder = _QueryBuilder2.default, _class2.HasOneRelation = _HasOneRelation2.default, _class2.BelongsToOneRelation = _BelongsToOneRelation2.default, _class2.HasManyRelation = _HasManyRelation2.default, _class2.ManyToManyRelation = _ManyToManyRelation2.default, _class2.tableName = null, _class2.idColumn = 'id', _class2.uidProp = '#id', _class2.uidRefProp = '#ref', _class2.propRefRegex = /#ref{([^\.]+)\.([^}]+)}/g, _class2.jsonAttributes = null, _class2.relationMappings = null, _class2.$$knex = null, _class2.$$relations = null, _temp), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'OneToOneRelation', [_dec], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'OneToOneRelation'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'OneToManyRelation', [_dec2], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'OneToManyRelation'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'getIdProperty', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'getIdProperty'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'getFullIdColumn', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'getFullIdColumn'), _class)), _class));
}(_ModelBase3.default), _class2.QueryBuilder = _QueryBuilder2.default, _class2.RelatedQueryBuilder = _QueryBuilder2.default, _class2.HasOneRelation = _HasOneRelation2.default, _class2.BelongsToOneRelation = _BelongsToOneRelation2.default, _class2.HasManyRelation = _HasManyRelation2.default, _class2.ManyToManyRelation = _ManyToManyRelation2.default, _class2.tableName = null, _class2.idColumn = 'id', _class2.uidProp = '#id', _class2.uidRefProp = '#ref', _class2.propRefRegex = /#ref{([^\.]+)\.([^}]+)}/g, _class2.jsonAttributes = null, _class2.relationMappings = null, _class2.$$knex = null, _class2.$$relations = null, _temp), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'OneToOneRelation', [_dec], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'OneToOneRelation'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'OneToManyRelation', [_dec2], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'OneToManyRelation'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'getIdPropertyArray', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'getIdPropertyArray'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'getIdProperty', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'getIdProperty'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'getFullIdColumn', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'getFullIdColumn'), _class)), _class));
exports.default = Model;
* @private
exports.default = Model;
function ensureArray(obj) {

@@ -1725,5 +891,2 @@ if (_lodash2.default.isArray(obj)) {

* @private
function _traverse(models, parent, relationName, modelClass, callback) {

@@ -1743,5 +906,2 @@ if (!_lodash2.default.isObject(models)) {

* @private
function traverseOne(model, parent, relationName, modelClass, callback) {

@@ -1763,5 +923,2 @@ if (!(model instanceof Model)) {

* @private
function idColumnToIdProperty(ModelClass, idColumn) {

@@ -1777,5 +934,2 @@ var idProperty = ModelClass.columnNameToPropertyName(idColumn);

* @private
function setId(model, id) {

@@ -1814,5 +968,2 @@ var idProp = model.constructor.getIdProperty();

* @private
function getId(model) {

@@ -1819,0 +970,0 @@ var idProp = model.constructor.getIdProperty();

'use strict';
var _desc, _value, _class, _class2, _temp;
var _dec, _dec2, _dec3, _desc, _value, _class, _class2, _temp;

@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {

var _hiddenDataGetterSetter = require('../utils/decorators/hiddenDataGetterSetter');
var _hiddenDataGetterSetter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_hiddenDataGetterSetter);
var _splitQueryProps = require('../utils/splitQueryProps');
var _splitQueryProps2 = _interopRequireDefault(_splitQueryProps);
var _classUtils = require('../utils/classUtils');
var _decorators = require('../utils/decorators');
var _memoize = require('../utils/decorators/memoize');
var _memoize2 = _interopRequireDefault(_memoize);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

@@ -78,89 +88,6 @@

* @property {boolean} [patch]
* If true the json is treated as a patch and the `required` field of the json schema is
* ignored in the validation. This allows us to create models with a subset of required
* properties for patch operations.
* @property {boolean} [skipValidation]
* If true the json schema validation is skipped.
* Base class for models.
* ModelBase provides a mechanism for automatic JSON validation and a way to attach
* functionality to plain javascript objects. A subclass can be created like this:
* ```js
* function Person() {
* ModelBase.apply(this, arguments);
* }
* ModelBase.extend(Person);
* Person.prototype.fullName = function () {
* return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
* };
* Person.jsonSchema = {
* type: 'object',
* properties: {
* id: {type: 'integer'},
* firstName: {type: 'string'},
* lastName: {type: 'string'}
* }
* };
* ```
* Use `ModelBase.from*Json` methods to create models from JSON objects:
* ```js
* var person = Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'});
* console.log(person.firstName); // --> 'Jennifer'
* console.log(person.lastName); // --> 'Lawrence'
* console.log(person.fullName()); // --> 'Jennifer Lawrence'
* // This throws because the schema validation fails.
* var person2 = Person.fromJson({firstName: 10});
* ```
* Properties that are prefixed with '$' are excluded from all JSON representations:
* ```js
* var person = Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer');
* person.$spam = 100;
* console.log(person); // --> {firstName: 'Jennifer'}
* console.log(person.$toJson()); // --> {firstName: 'Jennifer'}
* ```
* ModelBase makes it possible to have a different database representation for a model.
* For example if your column names are snake_cased in the database but you want to use
* camelCased properties in the code and outside the server you can do this:
* ```js
* // This is called when an object is serialized to database format.
* Person.prototype.$formatDatabaseJson = function (json) {
* // Call superclass implementation.
* json = ModelBase.prototype.$, json);
* return _.mapKeys(json, function (value, key) {
* return _.snakeCase(key);
* });
* };
* // This is called when an object is read from database.
* Person.prototype.$parseDatabaseJson = function (json) {
* json = _.mapKeys(json, function (value, key) {
* return _.camelCase(key);
* });
* // Call superclass implementation.
* return ModelBase.prototype.$, json);
* };
* ```
* @constructor
var ModelBase = (_class = (_temp = _class2 = function () {
var ModelBase = (_dec = (0, _hiddenDataGetterSetter2.default)('omitFromJson'), _dec2 = (0, _hiddenDataGetterSetter2.default)('omitFromDatabaseJson'), _dec3 = (0, _hiddenDataGetterSetter2.default)('stashedQueryProps'), (_class = (_temp = _class2 = function () {
function ModelBase() {

@@ -174,17 +101,6 @@ (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, ModelBase);

* This is called before validation.
* Here you can dynamically edit the jsonSchema if needed.
* @param {Object} jsonSchema
* A deep clone of this class's jsonSchema.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object to be validated.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @return {Object}
* The (possibly) modified jsonSchema.

@@ -197,32 +113,9 @@ value: function $beforeValidate(jsonSchema, json, options) {

* Validates the given JSON object.
* Calls `$beforeValidation` and `$afterValidation` methods. This method is called
* automatically from `fromJson` and `$setJson` methods. This method can also be
* called explicitly when needed.
* @throws {ValidationError}
* If validation fails.
* @param {Object=} json
* If not given ==> this.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @return {Object}
* The input json
* The optional schema against which the JSON is validated.
* The jsonSchema can be dynamically modified in the `$beforeValidate` method.
* Must follow specification. If null no validation is done.
* @see $beforeValidate()
* @see $validate()
* @see $afterValidate()
* @type {Object}

@@ -262,11 +155,4 @@ */

* This is called after successful validation.
* You can do further validation here and throw a ValidationError if something goes wrong.
* @param {Object=} json
* The JSON object to validate.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.

@@ -280,18 +166,4 @@

* This is called when a ModelBase is created from a database JSON object.
* Converts the JSON object from the database format to the internal format.
* @note This function must handle the case where any subset of the columns comes
* in the `json` argument. You cannot assume that all columns are present as it
* depends on the select statement. There can also be additional columns because
* of join clauses, aliases etc.
* @note If you override this remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in database format.
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in internal format.

@@ -306,13 +178,4 @@

* This is called when a ModelBase is converted to database format.
* Converts the JSON object from the internal format to the database format.
* @note If you override this remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in internal format.
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in database format.

@@ -327,16 +190,5 @@

* This is called when a ModelBase is created from a JSON object.
* Converts the JSON object to the internal format.
* @note If you override this remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in external format.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in internal format.

@@ -351,11 +203,4 @@

* This is called when a ModelBase is converted to JSON.
* @note Remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in internal format
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in external format.

@@ -370,8 +215,3 @@

* Exports this model as a database JSON object.
* Calls `$formatDatabaseJson()`.
* @return {Object}
* This model as a JSON object in database format.

@@ -386,8 +226,3 @@

* Exports this model as a JSON object.
* Calls `$formatJson()`.
* @return {Object}
* This model as a JSON object.

@@ -400,9 +235,2 @@

* Alias for `this.$toJson()`.
* For JSON.stringify compatibility.
}, {

@@ -415,16 +243,6 @@ key: 'toJSON',

* Sets the values from a JSON object.
* Validates the JSON before setting values. Calls `this.$parseJson()`.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object to set.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}
* @throws ValidationError
* If validation fails.

@@ -448,17 +266,21 @@

json = this.$parseJson(json, options);
json = this.$validate(json, options);
// If the json contains query properties like, knex Raw queries or knex/objection query
// builders, we need to split those off into a separate object. This object will be
// joined back in the $toDatabaseJson method.
var split = (0, _splitQueryProps2.default)(this.constructor, json);
return this.$set(json);
if (split.query) {
// Stash the query properties for later use in $toDatabaseJson method.
split.json = this.$parseJson(split.json, options);
split.json = this.$validate(split.json, options);
return this.$set(split.json);
* Sets the values from a JSON object in database format.
* Calls `this.$parseDatabaseJson()`.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in database format.
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}

@@ -481,9 +303,4 @@

* Sets the values from another model or object.
* Unlike $setJson, this doesn't call any `$parseJson` methods or validate the input.
* This simply sets each value in the object to this object.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}

@@ -506,37 +323,31 @@

* Omits a set of properties.
* The selected properties are set to `undefined`. Note that this is done in-place.
* Properties are set to undefined instead of deleting them for performance reasons
* (V8 doesn't like delete).
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$omit('lastName')
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$omit(['lastName'])
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$omit({lastName: true})
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* @param {Array.<string>=} keys
* @returns {Array.<string>}
}, {
key: '$omitFromJson',
value: function $omitFromJson(keys) {}
* @param {Array.<string>=} keys
* @returns {Array.<string>}
}, {
key: '$omitFromDatabaseJson',
value: function $omitFromDatabaseJson(keys) {}
* @param {Object=} queryProps
* @returns {Object}
}, {
key: '$stashedQueryProps',
value: function $stashedQueryProps(queryProps) {}
* @param {string|Array.<string>|Object.<string, boolean>} keys
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}

@@ -563,35 +374,2 @@

* Picks a set of properties.
* All other properties but the selected ones are set to `undefined`. Note that
* this is done in-place. Properties are set to undefined instead of deleting
* them for performance reasons (V8 doesn't like delete).
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$pick('firstName', 'age')
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$pick(['firstName', 'age'])
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$pick({firstName: true, age: true})
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* @param {string|Array.<string>|Object.<string, boolean>} keys

@@ -620,4 +398,2 @@ * @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.

* Returns the values of the given properties as an array.
* @param {Array.<string>} props

@@ -646,7 +422,2 @@ * @return {Array.<*>}

* Returns a deep copy of this model.
* If this object has instances of ModelBase as properties (or arrays of them)
* they are cloned using their `.$clone()` method.
* @return {ModelBase}

@@ -688,6 +459,4 @@ */

* Makes the given constructor a subclass of this class.
* @param {function=} subclassConstructor
* @return {function}
* @return {Constructor.<ModelBase>}

@@ -707,16 +476,6 @@

* Creates a model instance from a JSON object.
* The object is checked against `jsonSchema` and an exception is thrown on failure.
* @param {Object=} json
* The JSON from which to create the model.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @returns {Model}
* @throws ValidationError
* If validation fails.

@@ -733,7 +492,3 @@

* Creates a model instance from a JSON object in database format.
* @param {Object=} json
* The JSON from which to create the model.
* @returns {Model}

@@ -751,8 +506,2 @@ */

* Omit implementation to use.
* The default just sets the property to undefined for performance reasons.
* If the slight performance drop is not an issue for you, you can override
* this method to delete the property instead.
* @param {Object} obj

@@ -769,3 +518,2 @@ * @param {string} prop

* @ignore
* @param {string} columnName

@@ -791,3 +539,2 @@ * @returns {string}

* @ignore
* @param {string} propertyName

@@ -813,9 +560,5 @@ * @returns {string}

return ModelBase;
}(), _class2.jsonSchema = null, _temp), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'columnNameToPropertyName', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'columnNameToPropertyName'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'propertyNameToColumnName', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'propertyNameToColumnName'), _class)), _class);
}(), _class2.jsonSchema = null, _temp), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, '$omitFromJson', [_dec], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, '$omitFromJson'), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, '$omitFromDatabaseJson', [_dec2], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, '$omitFromDatabaseJson'), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, '$stashedQueryProps', [_dec3], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, '$stashedQueryProps'), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'columnNameToPropertyName', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'columnNameToPropertyName'), _class), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class, 'propertyNameToColumnName', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class, 'propertyNameToColumnName'), _class)), _class));
exports.default = ModelBase;
* @private
exports.default = ModelBase;
function mergeWithDefaults(jsonSchema, json) {

@@ -853,5 +596,2 @@ var merged = null;

* @private
function tryValidate(jsonSchema, json, options) {

@@ -874,5 +614,2 @@ var required = undefined;

* @private
function parseValidationError(report) {

@@ -908,11 +645,17 @@ var errorHash = {};

* @private
function toJsonImpl(self, createDbJson, omit, pick) {
function toJsonImpl(model, createDbJson, omit, pick) {
var json = {};
_lodash2.default.each(self, function (value, key) {
if (key.charAt(0) !== '$' && !_lodash2.default.isFunction(value) && !_lodash2.default.isUndefined(value) && (!omit || !omit[key]) && (!pick || pick[key])) {
var omitFromJson = createDbJson ? model.$omitFromDatabaseJson() : model.$omitFromJson();
if (createDbJson) {
// If creating a database json object, restore the query properties.
_lodash2.default.each(model.$stashedQueryProps(), function (query, key) {
json[key] = query;
_lodash2.default.each(model, function (value, key) {
if (key.charAt(0) !== '$' && !_lodash2.default.isFunction(value) && !_lodash2.default.isUndefined(value) && (!omit || !omit[key]) && (!pick || pick[key]) && (!omitFromJson || !contains(omitFromJson, key))) {
if (_lodash2.default.isObject(value)) {

@@ -929,5 +672,2 @@ json[key] = toJsonObject(value, createDbJson);

* @private
function toJsonObject(value, createDbJson) {

@@ -942,2 +682,4 @@ if (_lodash2.default.isArray(value)) {

} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) {
return value;
} else {

@@ -948,5 +690,2 @@ return _lodash2.default.cloneDeep(value);

* @private
function toJsonArray(value, createDbJson) {

@@ -958,5 +697,2 @@ return, function (value) {

* @private
function cloneObject(value) {

@@ -967,2 +703,4 @@ if (_lodash2.default.isArray(value)) {

return value.$clone();
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) {
return new Buffer(value);
} else {

@@ -973,5 +711,2 @@ return _lodash2.default.cloneDeep(value);

* @private
function cloneArray(value) {

@@ -981,5 +716,2 @@ return, cloneObject);

* @private
function omitObject(model, keyObj) {

@@ -995,5 +727,2 @@ var ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function omitArray(model, keys) {

@@ -1009,5 +738,2 @@ var ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function pickObject(model, keyObj) {

@@ -1023,5 +749,2 @@ var ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function pickArray(model, keys) {

@@ -1037,5 +760,2 @@ var ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function contains(arr, value) {

@@ -1042,0 +762,0 @@ for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) {

@@ -38,6 +38,2 @@ 'use strict';

* @ignore
var EagerFetcher = function () {

@@ -44,0 +40,0 @@ function EagerFetcher(_ref) {

@@ -26,28 +26,2 @@ 'use strict';

* Internal representation of insert and update data.
* Data passed to update or insert queries can be:
* 1. Javascript primitives
* 2. knex raw SQL expressions
* 3. knex queries
* 4. objection queries
* This class splits the insert data into two parts:
* Part 1:
* * Javascript primitives
* Part 2:
* * everything else
* The part 1 is converted into `Model` instances and the part 2 is left untouched. As the `InsertionOrUpdate`
* instance passes through objection during an insert or update operation, the different functions can operate
* on the models (for example call $beforeInsert etc. methods on them). When the `InsertionOrUpdate` instance
* finally reaches knex, the two parts are glued back together.
* @ignore
var InsertionOrUpdate = function () {

@@ -60,8 +34,5 @@ function InsertionOrUpdate(_ref) {

this.ModelClass = ModelClass;
this._models = [];
this._rawOrQuery = [];
this._modelClass = ModelClass;
this._arrayInput = false;
this._models = null;
this.setData(modelsOrObjects, modelOptions);

@@ -82,5 +53,2 @@ }

* Returns true if the input to `setData` method was an array.
* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}

@@ -96,6 +64,3 @@ */

* Sets the actual insert/update data.
* @ignore
* @param {(Object|Array.<Object>)} data
* @param {(Object|Array.<Object>)} modelsOrObjects
* @param {ModelOptions} modelOptions

@@ -106,72 +71,6 @@ */

key: 'setData',
value: function setData(data, modelOptions) {
var _this = this;
var knex = this.ModelClass.knex();
var KnexQueryBuilder = knex.client.QueryBuilder;
var Raw = knex.client.Raw;
// knex.QueryBuilder and knex.Raw are not documented properties.
// We make sure here that things break if knex changes things.
if (!_lodash2.default.isFunction(KnexQueryBuilder) || !_lodash2.default.isFunction(Raw)) {
throw new Error('knex API has changed: knex.QueryBuilder or knex.Raw constructor missing.');
this._models = [];
this._rawOrQuery = [];
this._arrayInput = _lodash2.default.isArray(data);
if (!this._arrayInput) {
data = _lodash2.default.isObject(data) ? [data] : [];
// Separate raw queries and query builders from javascript primitives.
// The javascript primitives are converted into a Model instance and the
// "query" properties are stored separately.
_lodash2.default.forEach(data, function (obj) {
if (obj instanceof _this.ModelClass) {
} else {
(function () {
var modelJson = {};
var rawOrSubquery = {};
_lodash2.default.forEach(obj, function (value, key) {
if (value instanceof KnexQueryBuilder || value instanceof Raw) {
rawOrSubquery[key] = value;
} else if (value instanceof _QueryBuilderBase2.default) {
rawOrSubquery[key] =;
} else {
modelJson[key] = value;
_this._models.push(_this.ModelClass.fromJson(modelJson, modelOptions));
value: function setData(modelsOrObjects, modelOptions) {
this._models = this._modelClass.ensureModelArray(modelsOrObjects, modelOptions);
this._arrayInput = _lodash2.default.isArray(modelsOrObjects);
* Create an object that can be given for the knex update or insert method.
* @ignore
* @returns {Object|Array.<Object>}
}, {
key: 'toKnexInput',
value: function toKnexInput() {
var _this2 = this;
var knexInput =, function (model, i) {
return _lodash2.default.merge(model.$toDatabaseJson(), _lodash2.default.mapKeys(_this2._rawOrQuery[i], function (value, key) {
return model.constructor.propertyNameToColumnName(key);
return knexInput.length === 1 ? knexInput[0] : knexInput;

@@ -178,0 +77,0 @@ return InsertionOrUpdate;

@@ -52,9 +52,2 @@ 'use strict';

* Given an model with nested relations, finds a fast way to insert the models into
* database so that not-null constraints are not broken.
* @ignore
var InsertWithRelated = function () {

@@ -235,6 +228,3 @@ function InsertWithRelated(_ref) {

var sourceVal = node.model.$values(conn.relation.ownerProp);
var targetVal = conn.node.model.$values(conn.relation.relatedProp);
var joinModel = {};
var ownerProp = node.model.$values(conn.relation.ownerProp);
var knex = conn.relation.ownerModelClass.knex();

@@ -248,12 +238,5 @@ var modelClass = conn.relation.joinTableModelClass;

for (var i = 0; i < sourceVal.length; ++i) {
joinModel[conn.relation.joinTableOwnerProp[i]] = sourceVal[i];
var joinModel = conn.relation.createJoinModels(ownerProp, [conn.node.model]);
joinModel = modelClass.fromJson(joinModel[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < targetVal.length; ++i) {
joinModel[conn.relation.joinTableRelatedProp[i]] = targetVal[i];
joinModel = modelClass.fromJson(joinModel);
if (!tableInsertion) {

@@ -394,2 +377,3 @@ tableInsertion = new TableInsertion(modelClass, true);

this.relation = relation;

@@ -396,0 +380,0 @@

@@ -34,66 +34,11 @@ 'use strict';

* Relation expression is a simple DSL for expressing relation trees.
* For example an expression `children.[movies.actors.[pets, children], pets]` represents a tree:
* ```
* children
* (Person)
* |
* -----------------
* | |
* movies pets
* (Movie) (Animal)
* |
* actors
* (Person)
* |
* -----------
* | |
* pets children
* (Animal) (Person)
* ```
* The model classes are shown in parenthesis.
* This class rarely needs to be used directly. The relation expression can be given to a bunch
* of functions in objection.js. For example:
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .eager('children.[movies.actors.[pets, children], pets]')
* .then(function (persons) {
* // All persons have the given relation tree fetched.
* console.log(persons[0].children[0].movies[0].actors[0].pets[0].name);
* });
* ```
* There are two tokens that have special meaning: `*` and `^`. `*` means "all relations recursively" and
* `^` means "this relation recursively".
* For example `children.*` means "relation `children` and all its relations, and all their relations and ...".
* The `*` token must be used with caution or you will end up fetching your entire database.
* Expression `parent.^` is equivalent to `parent.parent.parent.parent...` up to the point a relation no longer
* has results for the `parent` relation.
* Relation expressions can also have arguments. Arguments are listed in parenthesis after the relation names
* like this:
* ```js
* children(arg1, arg2).[movies.actors(arg3), pets]
* ```
* In this example `children` relation had arguments `arg1` and `arg2` and `actors` relation had
* the argument `arg3`.
var RECURSIVE_REGEX = /^\^(\d*)$/;
var RelationExpression = function () {
function RelationExpression(node) {
function RelationExpression(node, recursionDepth) {
(0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, RelationExpression);
node = node || {}; = || null;

@@ -103,7 +48,10 @@ this.args = node.args || [];

this.children = node.children || {};
Object.defineProperty(this, 'recursionDepth', {
enumerable: false,
value: recursionDepth || 0
* Parses an expression string into a {@link RelationExpression} object.
* @param {string|RelationExpression} expr

@@ -117,18 +65,2 @@ * @returns {RelationExpression}

* Tests if another expression is a sub expression of this one.
* Expression B is a sub expression of expression A if:
* - A and B have the same root
* - And each path from root to a leaf in B can be found in A
* For example sub expressions of `children.[movies.actors, pets]` are:
* - `children`
* - `children.movies`
* - `children.pets`
* - `children.movies.actors`
* - `children.[movies, pets]`
* - `children.[movies.actors, pets]`
* @param {string|RelationExpression} expr

@@ -154,4 +86,6 @@ * @returns {boolean}

if (expr.isRecursive()) {
return this.isAllRecursive() || this.isRecursive();
var maxRecursionDepth = expr.maxRecursionDepth();
if (maxRecursionDepth > 0) {
return this.isAllRecursive() || this.maxRecursionDepth() >= maxRecursionDepth;

@@ -168,14 +102,30 @@

* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}
* @returns {number}
}, {
key: 'isRecursive',
value: function isRecursive() {
return !!this.children['^'];
key: 'maxRecursionDepth',
value: function maxRecursionDepth() {
if (this.numChildren !== 1) {
return 0;
return, function (val, key) {
var rec = RECURSIVE_REGEX.exec(key);
if (rec) {
var maxDepth = rec[1];
if (maxDepth) {
return parseInt(maxDepth, 10);
} else {
} else {
return 0;
* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}

@@ -187,7 +137,8 @@ */

value: function isAllRecursive() {
return this.numChildren === 1 && !!this.children['*'];
return this.numChildren === 1 && _lodash2.default.all(this.children, function (val, key) {
return ALL_RECURSIVE_REGEX.test(key);
* @ignore
* @returns {RelationExpression}

@@ -199,4 +150,4 @@ */

value: function childExpression(childName) {
if (this.isAllRecursive() || this.isRecursive() && childName === {
return this;
if (this.isAllRecursive() || childName === && this.recursionDepth < this.maxRecursionDepth() - 1) {
return new RelationExpression(this, this.recursionDepth + 1);

@@ -212,3 +163,3 @@

* @ignore
* @returns {RelationExpression}

@@ -221,7 +172,2 @@

* @ignore
}, {

@@ -231,3 +177,3 @@ key: 'forEachChild',

_lodash2.default.each(this.children, function (child, childName) {
if (childName !== '*' && childName !== '^') {
if (!ALL_RECURSIVE_REGEX.test(childName) && !RECURSIVE_REGEX.test(childName)) {
cb(child, childName);

@@ -239,3 +185,2 @@ }

* @ignore
* @return {Array.<RelationExpression>}

@@ -242,0 +187,0 @@ */

@@ -36,9 +36,8 @@ 'use strict';

var _normalizeIds = require('../utils/normalizeIds');
var _normalizeIds2 = _interopRequireDefault(_normalizeIds);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* @ignore
* @extends Relation
var BelongsToOneRelation = function (_Relation) {

@@ -54,7 +53,2 @@ (0, _inherits3.default)(BelongsToOneRelation, _Relation);

key: 'createRelationProp',
* @override
* @inheritDoc
value: function createRelationProp(owners, related) {

@@ -72,8 +66,2 @@ var _this2 = this;

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {

@@ -105,8 +93,2 @@ key: 'insert',

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {

@@ -117,3 +99,3 @@ key: 'relate',

ids = this.normalizeId(ids, this.relatedProp.length);
ids = (0, _normalizeIds2.default)(ids, this.relatedProp, { arrayOutput: true });

@@ -135,8 +117,2 @@ if (ids.length > 1) {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {

@@ -143,0 +119,0 @@ key: 'unrelate',

@@ -36,9 +36,8 @@ 'use strict';

var _normalizeIds = require('../utils/normalizeIds');
var _normalizeIds2 = _interopRequireDefault(_normalizeIds);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* @ignore
* @extends Relation
var HasManyRelation = function (_Relation) {

@@ -54,7 +53,2 @@ (0, _inherits3.default)(HasManyRelation, _Relation);

key: 'createRelationProp',
* @override
* @inheritDoc
value: function createRelationProp(owners, related) {

@@ -72,8 +66,2 @@ var _this2 = this;

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {

@@ -99,7 +87,2 @@ key: 'insert',

* @protected
}, {

@@ -110,8 +93,2 @@ key: 'appendRelationProp',

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {

@@ -122,3 +99,3 @@ key: 'relate',

ids = this.normalizeId(ids, this.relatedModelClass.getIdColumnDimension());
ids = (0, _normalizeIds2.default)(ids, this.relatedModelClass.getIdPropertyArray(), { arrayOutput: true });

@@ -135,8 +112,2 @@ builder.setQueryExecutor(function (builder) {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {

@@ -143,0 +114,0 @@ key: 'unrelate',

@@ -38,7 +38,2 @@ 'use strict';

* @ignore
* @extends HasManyRelation
var HasOneRelation = function (_HasManyRelation) {

@@ -54,7 +49,2 @@ (0, _inherits3.default)(HasOneRelation, _HasManyRelation);

key: 'createRelationProp',
* @override
* @inheritDoc
value: function createRelationProp(owners, related) {

@@ -72,8 +62,2 @@ var _this2 = this;

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {

@@ -80,0 +64,0 @@ key: 'appendRelationProp',

@@ -46,2 +46,6 @@ 'use strict';

var _ModelBase = require('../model/ModelBase');
var _ModelBase2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ModelBase);
var _inheritModel = require('../model/inheritModel');

@@ -51,2 +55,6 @@

var _normalizeIds = require('../utils/normalizeIds');
var _normalizeIds2 = _interopRequireDefault(_normalizeIds);
var _dbUtils = require('../utils/dbUtils');

@@ -56,4 +64,6 @@

var _decorators = require('../utils/decorators');
var _memoize = require('../utils/decorators/memoize');
var _memoize2 = _interopRequireDefault(_memoize);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

@@ -93,6 +103,2 @@

* @ignore
* @extends Relation
var ManyToManyRelation = (_dec = (0, _dbUtils.overwriteForDatabase)(), _dec2 = (0, _dbUtils.overwriteForDatabase)({

@@ -115,4 +121,2 @@ sqlite3: 'unrelate_sqlite3'

* The join table.
* @type {string}

@@ -126,4 +130,2 @@ */

* The relation column in the join table that points to the owner table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -134,4 +136,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the join model that points to the owner table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -142,4 +142,2 @@ */

* The relation column in the join table that points to the related table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -150,4 +148,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the join model that points to the related table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -158,18 +154,18 @@ */

* The join table model class.
* This can be optionally given using the `join.through.modelClass` property,
* otherwise an anonymous model class is created in `setMapping` method.
* @type {Class.<Model>}
* @type {Constructor.<Model>}
_this.joinTableModelClass = null;
* @type {Array.<string>}
_this.joinTableExtraCols = null;
* @type {Array.<string>}
_this.joinTableExtraProps = null;
return _this;
* @override
* @inheritDoc
(0, _createClass3.default)(ManyToManyRelation, [{

@@ -194,2 +190,3 @@ key: 'setMapping',

var joinTableTo = this.parseReference(;
var joinTableExtra = mapping.join.through.extra || [];

@@ -209,2 +206,3 @@ if (!joinTableFrom.table || _lodash2.default.isEmpty(joinTableFrom.columns)) {

this.joinTable = joinTableFrom.table;
this.joinTableExtraCols = joinTableExtra;

@@ -250,2 +248,3 @@ if (joinFrom.table === this.ownerModelClass.tableName) {

this.joinTableRelatedProp = this.propertyName(this.joinTableRelatedCol, this.joinTableModelClass);
this.joinTableExtraProps = this.propertyName(this.joinTableExtraCols, this.joinTableModelClass);

@@ -256,6 +255,2 @@ return retVal;

* Reference to the column in the join table that refers to `fullOwnerCol()`.
* For example: [`Person_Movie.actorId`].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -275,6 +270,2 @@ */

* Reference to the column in the join table that refers to `fullRelatedCol()`.
* For example: [`Person_Movie.movieId`].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -294,6 +285,16 @@ */

* Alias to use for the join table when joining with the owner table.
* For example: `Person_Movie_rel_movies`.
* @returns {Array.<string>}
}, {
key: 'fullJoinTableExtraCols',
value: function fullJoinTableExtraCols() {
var _this4 = this;
return, function (col) {
return _this4.joinTable + '.' + col;
* @returns {string}

@@ -309,4 +310,3 @@ */

* @inheritDoc
* @override
* @returns {ManyToManyRelation}

@@ -325,2 +325,4 @@

relation.joinTableModelClass = this.joinTableModelClass;
relation.joinTableExtraCols = this.joinTableExtraCols;
relation.joinTableExtraProps = this.joinTableExtraProps;

@@ -331,4 +333,3 @@ return relation;

* @inheritDoc
* @override
* @returns {ManyToManyRelation}

@@ -345,4 +346,2 @@

* @override
* @inheritDoc
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -354,3 +353,3 @@ */

value: function findQuery(builder, ownerIds, isColumnRef) {
var _this4 = this;
var _this5 = this;

@@ -360,3 +359,3 @@ var fullRelatedCol = this.fullRelatedCol();

builder.join(this.joinTable, function (join) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this4.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), function (joinTableRelatedCol, idx) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this5.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), function (joinTableRelatedCol, idx) {
join.on(joinTableRelatedCol, fullRelatedCol[idx]);

@@ -385,4 +384,2 @@ });

* @override
* @inheritDoc
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -426,12 +423,6 @@ */

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {
key: 'find',
value: function find(builder, owners) {
var _this5 = this;
var _this6 = this;

@@ -442,3 +433,3 @@ var ownerJoinColumnAlias = _lodash2.default.times(this.joinTableOwnerCol.length, function (idx) {

var ownerJoinPropertyAlias =, function (alias) {
return _this5.relatedModelClass.columnNameToPropertyName(alias);
return _this6.relatedModelClass.columnNameToPropertyName(alias);

@@ -448,3 +439,3 @@

var ids = (0, _lodash2.default)(owners).map(function (owner) {
return owner.$values(_this5.ownerProp);
return owner.$values(_this6.ownerProp);
}).unique(function (id) {

@@ -457,10 +448,15 @@ return id.join();

// If we don't do this we also get the join table's columns. + '.*'); + '.*');
// Also select all extra columns.
_lodash2.default.each(_this6.fullJoinTableExtraCols(), function (col) {;
_this5.findQuery(builder, ids);
_this6.findQuery(builder, ids);
// We must select the owner join columns so that we know for which owner model the related
// models belong to after the requests.
_lodash2.default.each(_this5.fullJoinTableOwnerCol(), function (fullJoinTableOwnerCol, idx) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this6.fullJoinTableOwnerCol(), function (fullJoinTableOwnerCol, idx) { + ' as ' + ownerJoinColumnAlias[idx]);

@@ -476,3 +472,3 @@ });

_lodash2.default.each(owners, function (owner) {
owner[] = relatedByOwnerId[owner.$values(_this5.ownerProp)] || [];
owner[] = relatedByOwnerId[owner.$values(_this6.ownerProp)] || [];

@@ -490,13 +486,9 @@

* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {
key: 'insert',
value: function insert(builder, owner, insertion) {
var _this6 = this;
var _this7 = this;
builder.onBuild(function (builder) {

@@ -507,78 +499,51 @@ builder.$$insert(insertion);

builder.runAfterModelCreate(function (related) {
var ownerId = owner.$values(_this6.ownerProp);
var relatedIds =, function (related) {
return related.$values(_this6.relatedProp);
var joinModels = _this6._createJoinModels(ownerId, relatedIds);
var ownerId = owner.$values(_this7.ownerProp);
var joinModels = _this7.createJoinModels(ownerId, related);
owner[] = _this6.mergeModels(owner[], related);
owner[] = _this7.mergeModels(owner[], related);
// Insert the join rows to the join table.
return _this6.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).insert(joinModels).return(related);
return _this7.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).insert(joinModels).return(related);
* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {
key: 'update',
value: function update(builder, owner, _update) {
var _this7 = this;
var _this8 = this;
builder.onBuild(function (builder) {
_this7._selectForModify(builder, owner).$$update(_update).call(_this7.filter);
_this8._selectForModify(builder, owner).$$update(_update).call(_this8.filter);
* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {
key: 'delete',
value: function _delete(builder, owner) {
var _this8 = this;
var _this9 = this;
builder.onBuild(function (builder) {
_this8._selectForModify(builder, owner).$$delete().call(_this8.filter);
_this9._selectForModify(builder, owner).$$delete().call(_this9.filter);
* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {
key: 'relate',
value: function relate(builder, owner, ids) {
var _this9 = this;
var _this10 = this;
ids = this.normalizeId(ids, this.relatedProp.length);
ids = (0, _normalizeIds2.default)(ids, this.relatedProp);
builder.setQueryExecutor(function (builder) {
var joinModels = _this9._createJoinModels(owner.$values(_this9.ownerProp), ids);
var joinModels = _this10.createJoinModels(owner.$values(_this10.ownerProp), ids);
return _this9.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).insert(joinModels).runAfter(_lodash2.default.constant({}));
return _this10.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).insert(joinModels).runAfter(_lodash2.default.constant({}));
* @override
* @inheritDoc
}, {
key: 'unrelate',
value: function unrelate(builder, owner) {
var _this10 = this;
var _this11 = this;
builder.setQueryExecutor(function (builder) {
var selectRelatedColQuery = _this10.relatedModelClass.query().childQueryOf(builder).copyFrom(builder, /where/i).select(_this10.fullRelatedCol()).call(_this10.filter);
var selectRelatedColQuery = _this11.relatedModelClass.query().childQueryOf(builder).copyFrom(builder, /where/i).select(_this11.fullRelatedCol()).call(_this11.filter);
return _this10.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).delete().whereComposite(_this10.fullJoinTableOwnerCol(), owner.$values(_this10.ownerProp)).whereInComposite(_this10.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), selectRelatedColQuery).runAfter(_lodash2.default.constant({}));
return _this11.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).delete().whereComposite(_this11.fullJoinTableOwnerCol(), owner.$values(_this11.ownerProp)).whereInComposite(_this11.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), selectRelatedColQuery).runAfter(_lodash2.default.constant({}));

@@ -588,5 +553,2 @@ }

* Special unrelate implementation for sqlite3. sqlite3 doesn't support multi-value
* where-in clauses. We need to use the built-in _rowid_ instead.
* @private

@@ -598,15 +560,15 @@ */

value: function unrelate_sqlite3(builder, owner) {
var _this11 = this;
var _this12 = this;
builder.setQueryExecutor(function (builder) {
var joinTableAlias = _this11.joinTableAlias();
var joinTableAsAlias = _this11.joinTable + ' as ' + joinTableAlias;
var joinTableAlias = _this12.joinTableAlias();
var joinTableAsAlias = _this12.joinTable + ' as ' + joinTableAlias;
var joinTableAliasRowId = joinTableAlias + '.' + sqliteBuiltInRowId;
var joinTableRowId = _this11.joinTable + '.' + sqliteBuiltInRowId;
var joinTableRowId = _this12.joinTable + '.' + sqliteBuiltInRowId;
var ownerId = owner.$values(_this11.ownerProp);
var fullRelatedCol = _this11.fullRelatedCol();
var ownerId = owner.$values(_this12.ownerProp);
var fullRelatedCol = _this12.fullRelatedCol();
var selectRelatedQuery = _this11.relatedModelClass.query().childQueryOf(builder).copyFrom(builder, /where/i).select(joinTableAliasRowId).call(_this11.filter).whereComposite(_this11.fullJoinTableOwnerCol(), ownerId).join(joinTableAsAlias, function (join) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this11.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), function (joinTableRelatedCol, idx) {
var selectRelatedQuery = _this12.relatedModelClass.query().childQueryOf(builder).copyFrom(builder, /where/i).select(joinTableAliasRowId).call(_this12.filter).whereComposite(_this12.fullJoinTableOwnerCol(), ownerId).join(joinTableAsAlias, function (join) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this12.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), function (joinTableRelatedCol, idx) {
join.on(joinTableRelatedCol, fullRelatedCol[idx]);

@@ -616,3 +578,3 @@ });

return _this11.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).delete().whereIn(joinTableRowId, selectRelatedQuery).runAfter(_lodash2.default.constant({}));
return _this12.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).delete().whereIn(joinTableRowId, selectRelatedQuery).runAfter(_lodash2.default.constant({}));

@@ -636,5 +598,2 @@ }

* Special _selectForModify implementation for sqlite3. sqlite3 doesn't support multi-value
* where-in clauses. We need to use the built-in _rowid_ instead.
* @private

@@ -646,3 +605,3 @@ */

value: function _selectForModify_sqlite3(builder, owner) {
var _this12 = this;
var _this13 = this;

@@ -659,3 +618,3 @@ var relatedTable = this.relatedModelClass.tableName;

var selectRelatedQuery = this.joinTableModelClass.bindKnex(builder.knex()).query().childQueryOf(builder).select(relatedTableAliasRowId).whereComposite(this.fullJoinTableOwnerCol(), ownerId).join(relatedTableAsAlias, function (join) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this12.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), function (joinTableRelatedCol, idx) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this13.fullJoinTableRelatedCol(), function (joinTableRelatedCol, idx) {
join.on(joinTableRelatedCol, fullRelatedCol[idx]);

@@ -667,29 +626,39 @@ });

* @private
}, {
key: '_createJoinModels',
value: function _createJoinModels(ownerId, relatedIds) {
var _this13 = this;
key: 'createJoinModels',
value: function createJoinModels(ownerId, related) {
var _this14 = this;
return, function (relatedId) {
return, function (related) {
var joinModel = {};
_lodash2.default.each(_this13.joinTableOwnerProp, function (joinTableOwnerProp, idx) {
_lodash2.default.each(_this14.joinTableOwnerProp, function (joinTableOwnerProp, idx) {
joinModel[joinTableOwnerProp] = ownerId[idx];
_lodash2.default.each(_this13.joinTableRelatedProp, function (joinTableRelatedProp, idx) {
joinModel[joinTableRelatedProp] = relatedId[idx];
_lodash2.default.each(_this14.joinTableRelatedProp, function (joinTableRelatedProp, idx) {
joinModel[joinTableRelatedProp] = related[_this14.relatedProp[idx]];
_lodash2.default.each(_this14.joinTableExtraProps, function (extraProp) {
if (!_lodash2.default.isUndefined(related[extraProp])) {
joinModel[extraProp] = related[extraProp];
return joinModel;
}, {
key: 'omitExtraProps',
value: function omitExtraProps(models) {
var _this15 = this;
_lodash2.default.each(models, function (model) {
return model.$omitFromDatabaseJson(_this15.joinTableExtraProps);
return ManyToManyRelation;
}(_Relation3.default), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableOwnerCol', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableOwnerCol'), _class2.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableRelatedCol', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableRelatedCol'), _class2.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, 'unrelate', [_dec2], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, 'unrelate'), _class2.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, '_selectForModify', [_dec3], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, '_selectForModify'), _class2.prototype)), _class2)) || _class);
}(_Relation3.default), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableOwnerCol', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableOwnerCol'), _class2.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableRelatedCol', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableRelatedCol'), _class2.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableExtraCols', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, 'fullJoinTableExtraCols'), _class2.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, 'unrelate', [_dec2], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, 'unrelate'), _class2.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class2.prototype, '_selectForModify', [_dec3], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class2.prototype, '_selectForModify'), _class2.prototype)), _class2)) || _class);
exports.default = ManyToManyRelation;

@@ -32,4 +32,6 @@ 'use strict';

var _decorators = require('../utils/decorators');
var _memoize = require('../utils/decorators/memoize');
var _memoize2 = _interopRequireDefault(_memoize);
var _QueryBuilder = require('../queryBuilder/QueryBuilder');

@@ -72,54 +74,10 @@

* @typedef {Object} RelationJoin
* An object literal that describes how two tables are related to one another. For example:
* ```js
* {
* from: 'Animal.ownerId',
* to: ''
* }
* ```
* or in the case of a many-to-many relation:
* ```js
* {
* from: '',
* through: {
* from: 'Person_Movie.actorId',
* to: 'Person_Movie.movieId'
* },
* to: ''
* }
* ```
* @property {string|Array.<string>} from
* The relation column in the owner table. Must be given with the table name.
* For example ``. Composite key can be specified using an array of
* columns e.g. `['Person.a', 'Person.b']`. Note that neither this nor `to`
* need to be foreign keys or primary keys. You can join any column to
* any column.
* @property {string|Array.<string>} to
* The relation column in the related table. Must be given with the table name.
* For example ``. Composite key can be specified using an array of
* columns e.g. `['Movie.a', 'Movie.b']`. Note that neither this nor `from`
* need to be foreign keys or primary keys. You can join any column to any column.
* @property {Object} through
* Describes the join table if the models are related through one.
* @property {Class.<Model>} through.modelClass
* If the there is model class available for the join table, it can be provided
* using this property.
* @property {Constructor.<Model>} through.modelClass
* @property {string|Array.<string>} through.from
* The column that is joined to `from` property of the `RelationJoin`. For example
* `Person_Movie.actorId` where `Person_Movie` is the join table. Composite key can
* be specified using an array of columns e.g. `['Person_Movie.a', 'Person_Movie.b']`.
* @property {string|Array.<string>}
* The column that is joined to `to` property of the `RelationJoin`. For example
* `Person_Movie.movieId` where `Person_Movie` is the join table. Composite key can
* be specified using an array of columns e.g. `['Person_Movie.a', 'Person_Movie.b']`.
* @property {Array.<string>} through.extra

@@ -130,29 +88,9 @@

* @property {Class.<Model>|string} modelClass
* A {@link Model} subclass constructor or an absolute path to a module that exports one.
* @property {Constructor.<Model>|string} modelClass
* @property {Relation} relation
* A relation constructor. You can use one of Model.BelongsToOneRelation, Model.HasOneRelation, Model.HasManyRelation and
* Model.ManyToManyRelation or even write your own relation type by subclassing {@link Relation}.
* @property {Object|function(QueryBuilder)} filter
* Additional filter for the relation. It can be either a hash of {column: 'value'} pairs or
* a function that takes a QueryBuilder as a parameter.
* @property {RelationJoin} [join]
* An object that describes how the two models are related.
* Represents a relation between two `Model` subclasses.
* This is an abstract base class and should never be instantiated.
* @param {string} relationName
* Name of the relation.
* @param {Model} OwnerClass
* The Model subclass that owns this relation.
* @ignore
* @abstract

@@ -165,4 +103,2 @@ */

* Name of the relation.
* @type {string}

@@ -173,7 +109,3 @@ */

* The owner class of this relation.
* This must be a subclass of Model.
* @type {Class.<Model>}
* @type {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -183,7 +115,3 @@ this.ownerModelClass = OwnerClass;

* The related class.
* This must be a subclass of Model.
* @type {Class.<Model>}
* @type {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -193,4 +121,2 @@ this.relatedModelClass = null;

* The relation column in the owner table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -201,4 +127,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the owner model.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -209,4 +133,2 @@ */

* The relation column in the related table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -217,4 +139,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the related model.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -225,4 +145,2 @@ */

* Optional additional filter query.
* @type {function (QueryBuilder)}

@@ -234,6 +152,4 @@ */

* Makes the given constructor a subclass of this class.
* @param {function=} subclassConstructor
* @return {Class.<Model>}
* @return {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -245,4 +161,2 @@

* Constructs the instance based on a mapping data.
* @param {RelationMapping} mapping

@@ -330,3 +244,3 @@ */

* Return the knex connection.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -341,6 +255,2 @@

* Reference to the relation column in the owner model's table.
* For example: [``].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -360,6 +270,2 @@ */

* Reference to the relation column in the related model's table.
* For example: [``].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -379,6 +285,2 @@ */

* Alias to use for the related table when joining with the owner table.
* For example: `Movie_rel_movies`.
* @returns {string}

@@ -394,4 +296,2 @@ */

* Clones this relation.
* @returns {Relation}

@@ -416,7 +316,3 @@ */

* Returns a clone of this relation with `relatedModelClass` and `ownerModelClass` bound to the given knex.
* See `Model.bindKnex`.
* @param knex
* @param {knex} knex
* @returns {Relation}

@@ -704,5 +600,6 @@ */

for (var i = 0; i < ref.length; ++i) {
var parts = ref[i].split('.');
var tableName = parts[0] && parts[0].trim();
var columnName = parts[1] && parts[1].trim();
var refItem = ref[i];
var ndx = refItem.lastIndexOf('.');
var tableName = refItem.substr(0, ndx).trim();
var columnName = refItem.substr(ndx + 1, refItem.length).trim();

@@ -732,47 +629,2 @@ if (!tableName || table && table !== tableName || !columnName) {

}, {
key: 'normalizeId',
value: function normalizeId(ids, compositeLength) {
var _this7 = this;
var isComposite = compositeLength > 1;
if (isComposite) {
// For composite ids these two are okay:
// 1. [1, 3, 4]
// 2. [[1, 3, 4], [4, 6, 1]]
if (!_lodash2.default.isArray(ids) || !_lodash2.default.isArray(ids[0]) && ids.length !== compositeLength) {
this.throwError('Invalid composite key ' + ids);
// Normalize to array of arrays.
if (!_lodash2.default.isArray(ids[0])) {
ids = [ids];
} else {
// Normalize to array of arrays.
if (!_lodash2.default.isArray(ids)) {
ids = [[ids]];
} else if (!_lodash2.default.isArray(ids[0])) {
ids =, function (id) {
return [id];
_lodash2.default.each(ids, function (id) {
if (id.length !== compositeLength) {
_this7.throwError('Id ' + id + ' has invalid length. Expected ' + compositeLength);
return ids;
* @protected
}, {
key: 'throwError',

@@ -794,3 +646,3 @@ value: function throwError(message) {

return Relation;
}(), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, 'fullOwnerCol', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, 'fullOwnerCol'), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, 'fullRelatedCol', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, 'fullRelatedCol'), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, 'relatedTableAlias', [_decorators.memoize], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, 'relatedTableAlias'), _class.prototype)), _class);
}(), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, 'fullOwnerCol', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, 'fullOwnerCol'), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, 'fullRelatedCol', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, 'fullRelatedCol'), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, 'relatedTableAlias', [_memoize2.default], (0, _getOwnPropertyDescriptor2.default)(_class.prototype, 'relatedTableAlias'), _class.prototype)), _class);
exports.default = Relation;

@@ -25,76 +25,2 @@ 'use strict';

* Starts a transaction.
* Give the the model classes you want to use in the transaction as arguments to this
* function. The model classes are bound to a newly created transaction and passed to
* the callback. All queries created using the bound model classes or any result acquired
* through them take part in the same transaction.
* You must return a promise from the callback. If this promise is fulfilled the transaction
* is committed. If the promise is rejected the transaction is rolled back.
* Examples:
* ```js
* objection.transaction(Person, Animal, function (Person, Animal) {
* return Person
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .then(function () {
* return Animal.query().insert({name: 'Scrappy'});
* });
* }).then(function (scrappy) {
* console.log('Jennifer and Scrappy were successfully inserted');
* }).catch(function (err) {
* console.log('Something went wrong. Neither Jennifer nor Scrappy were inserted');
* });
* ```
* Related model classes are automatically bound to the same transaction. So if you use
* `Animal` implicitly through `Person`'s relations you don't have to bind Animal explicitly.
* The following example clarifies this:
* ```js
* objection.transaction(Person, function (Person) {
* return Person
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .then(function (jennifer) {
* // This insert takes part in the transaction even though we didn't explicitly
* // bind the `Animal` model class.
* return jennifer.$relatedQuery('pets').insert({name: 'Scrappy'});
* });
* }).then(function (scrappy) {
* console.log('Jennifer and Scrappy were successfully inserted');
* }).catch(function (err) {
* console.log('Something went wrong. Neither Jennifer nor Scrappy were inserted');
* });
* ```
* Inside the callback `this` is the knex transaction object. So if you need to create
* knex queries you can do this:
* ```js
* objection.transaction(Person, function (Person) {
* let knex = this;
* return Person
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .then(function (jennifer) {
* return knex.insert({name: 'Scrappy'}}.into('Animal');
* });
* }).then(function () {
* console.log('Jennifer and Scrappy were successfully inserted');
* }).catch(function (err) {
* console.log('Something went wrong. Neither Jennifer nor Scrappy were inserted');
* });
* ```
* @function transaction
* @returns {Promise}

@@ -143,37 +69,3 @@ */

* Starts a transaction.
* The returned promise is resolved with a knex transaction object that can be used as
* a query builder. You can bind `Model` classes to the transaction using the `Model.bindTransaction`
* method. The transaction object has `commit` and `rollback` methods for committing and
* rolling back the transaction.
* ```js
* let Person = require('./models/Person');
* let transaction;
* objection.transaction.start(Person).then(function (trx) {
* transaction = trx;
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer'});
* }).then(function (jennifer) {
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .patch({lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .where('id',;
* }).then(function () {
* return transaction.commit();
* }).catch(function () {
* return transaction.rollback();
* });
* ```
* @param {Class.<Model>|knex} modelClassOrKnex
* A knex instance or any model that has a knex connection set. Note that you can bind any model
* to the created transaction regardless of the model given to this method. This argument is used
* only to get a knex connection for starting the transaction.
* @param {Constructor.<Model>|knex} modelClassOrKnex
* @returns {Promise}

@@ -180,0 +72,0 @@ */

@@ -31,3 +31,2 @@ "use strict";

* @ignore
* @param {Object} subClass

@@ -60,3 +59,2 @@ * @param {Object} superClass

* @ignore
* @param {Object} Constructor

@@ -63,0 +61,0 @@ * @param {Object} SuperConstructor

@@ -13,2 +13,6 @@ 'use strict';

var _defineProperty = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/define-property');
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(_defineProperty);
var _lodash = require('lodash');

@@ -20,5 +24,4 @@

* @ignore
var OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY = '@overwriteForDatabase';
function getDialect(knex) {

@@ -28,5 +31,2 @@ return knex.client.dialect;

* @ignore
function isPostgres(knex) {

@@ -36,5 +36,2 @@ return getDialect(knex) === 'postgresql';

* @ignore
function isMySql(knex) {

@@ -44,5 +41,2 @@ return getDialect(knex) === 'mysql';

* @ignore
function isSqlite(knex) {

@@ -52,5 +46,2 @@ return getDialect(knex) === 'sqlite3';

* @ignore
function isKnexQueryBuilder(knexQueryBuilder) {

@@ -60,14 +51,20 @@ return knexQueryBuilder && knexQueryBuilder.client && _lodash2.default.isString(knexQueryBuilder.client.dialect);

* @ignore
function overwriteForDatabase(input) {
if (!input) {
input = function input(inst) {
return inst.knex();
// If there is no input or if the input is a function, we assume that the
// decorator was applied to a class instead of a method.
var isClassDecorator = _lodash2.default.isUndefined(input) || _lodash2.default.isFunction(input);
if (_lodash2.default.isFunction(input)) {
return overwriteForDatabaseClass(input);
if (isClassDecorator) {
// In case of class decorator, the input should be a function that returns
// a knex instance that the method version can use.
var getKnex = input;
if (_lodash2.default.isUndefined(getKnex)) {
// The default getter attempts to call a function called `knex`.
getKnex = function getKnex(inst) {
return inst.knex();
return overwriteForDatabaseClass(getKnex);
} else {

@@ -78,14 +75,10 @@ return overwriteForDatabaseMethod(input);

* @ignore
function overwriteForDatabaseClass(input) {
function overwriteForDatabaseClass(getKnex) {
return function (constructor) {
var getKnex = input;
if (constructor['@overwriteForDatabase']) {
if (constructor[OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY]) {
// Knex getter is already registered. Do nothing.
Object.defineProperty(constructor, '@overwriteForDatabase', {
(0, _defineProperty2.default)(constructor, OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY, {
enumerable: false,

@@ -98,5 +91,2 @@ writable: false,

* @ignore
function overwriteForDatabaseMethod(input) {

@@ -108,5 +98,6 @@ return function (target, property, descriptor) {

descriptor.value = function () {
var knex = this.constructor['@overwriteForDatabase'].getKnex(this);
var knex = this.constructor[OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY].getKnex(this);
var dialect = getDialect(knex);
// Call the correct method based on the dialect.
if (dialect in methodNameByDialect) {

@@ -113,0 +104,0 @@ var methodName = methodNameByDialect[dialect];

@@ -22,6 +22,3 @@ 'use strict';

* Error of this class is thrown when a Model validation fails.
* @param {Object} errors
* @constructor

@@ -33,4 +30,2 @@ function ValidationError(errors) {

* Any data that describes the errors.
* @type {Object}

@@ -37,0 +32,0 @@ */

"name": "objection",
"version": "0.5.0-alpha.2",
"version": "0.5.0-rc.1",
"description": "An SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/objection.js",

@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ import _ from 'lodash';

import EagerFetcher from '../queryBuilder/EagerFetcher';
import {memoize, deprecated} from '../utils/decorators';
import deprecated from '../utils/decorators/deprecated';
import memoize from '../utils/decorators/memoize';

@@ -17,131 +18,11 @@ import Relation from '../relations/Relation';

* Subclasses of this class represent database tables.
* Subclass can be created like this:
* ```js
* var Model = require('objection').Model;
* function Person() {
* Model.apply(this, arguments);
* }
* Model.extend(Person);
* module.exports = Person;
* // Table name is the only required property.
* Person.tableName = 'Person';
* // This is not the database schema! Nothing is generated based on this. Whenever a
* // Person object is created from a JSON object, the JSON is checked against this
* // schema. For example when you call Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer'});
* Person.jsonSchema = {
* type: 'object',
* required: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
* properties: {
* id: {type: 'integer'},
* parentId: {type: ['integer', 'null']},
* firstName: {type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255},
* lastName: {type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255},
* age: {type: 'number'},
* address: {
* type: 'object',
* properties: {
* street: {type: 'string'},
* city: {type: 'string'},
* zipCode: {type: 'string'}
* }
* }
* }
* };
* // This object defines the relations to other models.
* Person.relationMappings = {
* pets: {
* relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
* // The related model. This can be either a Model subclass constructor or an
* // absolute file path to a module that exports one. We use the file path version
* // here to prevent require loops.
* modelClass: __dirname + '/Animal',
* join: {
* from: '',
* to: 'Animal.ownerId'
* }
* },
* movies: {
* relation: Model.ManyToManyRelation,
* modelClass: __dirname + '/Movie',
* join: {
* from: '',
* // ManyToMany relation needs the `through` object to describe the join table.
* through: {
* from: 'Person_Movie.personId',
* to: 'Person_Movie.movieId'
* },
* to: ''
* }
* },
* children: {
* relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
* modelClass: Person,
* join: {
* from: '',
* to: 'Person.parentId'
* }
* }
* };
* ```
* @extends ModelBase
* @constructor
export default class Model extends ModelBase {
* QueryBuilder subclass to use in `query()` or `$query()` methods.
* This constructor is used whenever a query builder is created using `query()` or `$query()` methods.
* You can override this to use your own `QueryBuilder` subclass.
static QueryBuilder = QueryBuilder;
* QueryBuilder subclass to use in `$relatedQuery()` method.
* This constructor is used whenever a query builder is created using the `$relatedQuery()` method.
* You can override this to use your own `QueryBuilder` subclass.
static RelatedQueryBuilder = QueryBuilder;
* one-to-one relation type.
* @type {HasOneRelation}
static HasOneRelation = HasOneRelation;
* one-to-one relation type.
* @type {BelongsToOneRelation}
static BelongsToOneRelation = BelongsToOneRelation;
* one-to-many relation type.
* @type {HasManyRelation}
static HasManyRelation = HasManyRelation;
static ManyToManyRelation = ManyToManyRelation;
* one-to-many relation type.
* @type {OneToOneRelation}
@deprecated({removedIn: '0.7.0', useInstead: 'BelongsToOneRelation'})

@@ -152,7 +33,2 @@ static get OneToOneRelation() {

* one-to-many relation type.
* @type {OneToManyRelation}
@deprecated({removedIn: '0.7.0', useInstead: 'HasManyRelation'})

@@ -164,11 +40,2 @@ static get OneToManyRelation() {

* may-to-many relation type.
* @type {ManyToManyRelation}
static ManyToManyRelation = ManyToManyRelation;
* Name of the database table of this model.
* @type {string}

@@ -179,8 +46,2 @@ */

* Name of the primary key column in the database table.
* Composite id can be specified by giving an array of column names.
* Defaults to 'id'.
* @type {string|Array.<string>}

@@ -191,6 +52,2 @@ */

* Name of the property used to store a temporary non-db identifier for the model.
* Defaults to '#id'.
* @type {string}

@@ -201,6 +58,2 @@ */

* Name of the property used to store a reference to a `uidProp`.
* Defaults to '#ref'.
* @type {string}

@@ -211,4 +64,2 @@ */

* Regular expression for parsing a reference to a property.
* @type {RegExp}

@@ -219,31 +70,2 @@ */

* Properties that should be saved to database as JSON strings.
* The properties listed here are serialized to JSON strings upon insertion to the database
* and parsed back to objects when models are read from the database. Combined with the
* postgresql's json or jsonb data type, this is a powerful way of representing documents
* as single database rows.
* If this property is left unset all properties declared as objects or arrays in the
* `jsonSchema` are implicitly added to this list.
* Example:
* ```js
* Person.jsonAttributes = ['address'];
* var jennifer = Person.fromJson({
* name: 'Jennifer',
* address: {
* address: 'Someroad 10',
* zipCode: '1234',
* city: 'Los Angeles'
* }
* });
* var dbRow = jennifer.$toDatabaseJson();
* console.log(dbRow);
* // --> {name: 'Jennifer', address: '{"address":"Someroad 10","zipCode":"1234","city":"Los Angeles"}'}
* ```
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -254,53 +76,2 @@ */

* This property defines the relations to other models.
* Relations to other models can be defined by setting this property. The best way to explain how to
* do this is by example:
* ```js
* Person.relationMappings = {
* pets: {
* relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
* modelClass: Animal,
* join: {
* from: '',
* to: 'Animal.ownerId'
* }
* },
* father: {
* relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
* modelClass: Person,
* join: {
* from: 'Person.fatherId',
* to: ''
* }
* },
* movies: {
* relation: Model.ManyToManyRelation,
* modelClass: Movie,
* join: {
* from: '',
* through: {
* from: 'Person_Movie.actorId',
* to: 'Person_Movie.movieId'
* },
* to: ''
* }
* }
* };
* ```
* relationMappings is an object whose keys are relation names and values define the relation. The
* `join` property in addition to the relation type define how the models are related to one another.
* The `from` and `to` properties of the `join` object define the database columns through which the
* models are associated. Note that neither of these columns need to be primary keys. They can be any
* columns!. In the case of ManyToManyRelation also the join table needs to be defined. This is
* done using the `through` object.
* The `modelClass` passed to the relation mappings is the class of the related model. It can be either
* a Model subclass constructor or an absolute path to a module that exports one. Using file paths
* is a handy way to prevent require loops.
* @type {Object.<string, RelationMapping>}

@@ -321,24 +92,4 @@ */

* Returns or sets the identifier of a model instance.
* ```js
* // Returns the id.
* model.$id();
* // Sets the id.
* model.$id(100);
* ```
* The identifier property does not have to be accessed or set using this method.
* If the identifier property is known it can be accessed or set just like any
* other property:
* ```js
* console.log(;
* = 100;
* ```
* This method is just a helper for the cases where the id property is not known.
* @param {*=} id
* @returns {*}
* @param {string|number|Array.<string|number>=} id
* @returns {string|number|Array.<string|number>}

@@ -354,4 +105,2 @@ $id() {

* Shortcut to `this.constructor.knex()`.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -364,4 +113,2 @@ */

* Shortcut to `this.constructor.transaction()`.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -374,44 +121,2 @@ */

* Creates a query builder for this model instance.
* The returned query builder has all the methods a *knex* query builder has. See
* {@link QueryBuilder} and <a href=""></a>
* for more information.
* All queries built using the returned builder only affect this instance.
* Examples:
* Re-fetch the instance from the database:
* ```js
* person.$query().then(function (person) {
* console.log(person);
* });
* ```
* Insert a new model to database:
* ```js
* Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer'}).$query().insert().then(function (jennifer) {
* console.log(;
* });
* ```
* Patch a model:
* ```js
* person.$query().patch({lastName: 'Cooper'}).then(function (person) {
* console.log(person.lastName); // --> 'Cooper'.
* });
* ```
* Delete a model.
* ```js
* person.$query().delete().then(function () {
* console.log('person deleted');
* });
* ```
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -468,119 +173,3 @@ */

* Use this to build a query that only affects the models related to this instance through a relation.
* The returned query builder has all the methods a *knex* query builder has. See
* {@link QueryBuilder} and <a href=""></a>
* for more information.
* Examples:
* Fetch all models related to this instance through a relation. The fetched models are
* also stored to the owner model's property named after the relation:
* ```js
* jennifer.$relatedQuery('pets').then(function (pets) {
* console.log('jennifer has', pets.length, 'pets');
* console.log(jennifer.pets === pets); // --> true
* });
* ```
* The related query is just like any other query. All *knex* methods are available:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .select('Animal.*', ' as ownerName')
* .where('species', '=', 'dog')
* .orWhere('breed', '=', 'cat')
* .innerJoin('Person', '', 'Animal.ownerId')
* .orderBy('')
* .then(function (dogsAndCats) {
* // All the dogs and cats have the owner's name "Jennifer" joined as the `ownerName` property.
* console.log(dogsAndCats);
* });
* ```
* This inserts a new model to the database and binds it to the owner model as defined
* by the relation:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .insert({species: 'dog', name: 'Fluffy'})
* .then(function (waldo) {
* console.log(;
* });
* ```
* To add an existing model to a relation the `relate` method can be used. In this example
* the dog `fluffy` already exists in the database but it isn't related to `jennifer` through
* the `pets` relation. We can make the connection like this:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .relate(
* .then(function () {
* console.log('fluffy is now related to jennifer through pets relation');
* });
* ```
* The connection can be removed using the `unrelate` method. Again, this doesn't delete the
* related model. Only the connection is removed. For example in the case of ManyToMany relation
* the join table entries are deleted.
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .unrelate()
* .where('id',
* .then(function () {
* console.log('jennifer no longer has fluffy as a pet');
* });
* ```
* Related models can be deleted using the delete method. Note that in the case of ManyToManyRelation
* the join table entries are not deleted. Naturally the delete query can be chained with any *knex*
* methods.
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .delete()
* .where('species', 'cat')
* .then(function () {
* console.log('jennifer no longer has any cats');
* });
* ```
* `update` and `patch` can be used to update related models. Only difference between the mentioned
* methods is that `update` validates the input objects using the related model class's full schema
* and `patch` ignores the `required` property of the schema. Use `update` when you want to update
* _all_ properties of a model and `patch` when only a subset should be updated.
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .update({species: 'dog', name: 'Fluffy the great', vaccinated: false})
* .where('id',
* .then(function (updatedFluffy) {
* console.log('fluffy\'s new name is',;
* });
* // This will throw assuming that `name` or `species` is a required property for an Animal.
* jennifer.$relatedQuery('pets').patch({vaccinated: true});
* // This will _not_ throw.
* jennifer
* .$relatedQuery('pets')
* .patch({vaccinated: true})
* .where('species', 'dog')
* .then(function () {
* console.log('jennifer just got all her dogs vaccinated');
* });
* ```
* @param {string} relationName
* Name of the relation.
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -618,38 +207,2 @@ */

* Loads related models using a {@link RelationExpression}.
* Example:
* ```js
* jennifer.$loadRelated('[pets, children.[pets, father]]').then(function (jennifer) {
* console.log('Jennifer has', jennifer.pets.length, 'pets');
* console.log('Jennifer has', jennifer.children.length, 'children');
* console.log('Jennifer\'s first child has', jennifer.children[0].pets.length, 'pets');
* console.log('Jennifer had her first child with', jennifer.children[0];
* });
* ```
* Relations can be filtered by giving named filter functions as arguments
* to the relations:
* ```js
* jennifer
* .$loadRelated('children(orderByAge).[pets(onlyDogs, orderByName), movies]', {
* orderByAge: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('age')
* },
* orderByName: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('name');
* },
* onlyDogs: function (builder) {
* builder.where('species', 'dog')
* }
* })
* .then(function (jennifer) {
* console.log(jennifer.children.pets[0]);
* });
* ```
* @see {@link RelationExpression} for more examples on relation expressions.
* @param {string|RelationExpression} relationExpression

@@ -664,7 +217,3 @@ * @param {Object.<string, function(QueryBuilder)>=} filters

* Shortcut for `Model.traverse(filterConstructor, this, callback)`.
* See the static method `Model.traverse` for more info.
* @param {function=} filterConstructor
* @param {Constructor.<Model>=} filterConstructor
* @param {function(Model)} callback

@@ -683,5 +232,2 @@ * @return {Model}

* @override
$parseDatabaseJson(json) {

@@ -705,5 +251,2 @@ const ModelClass = this.constructor;

* @override
$formatDatabaseJson(json) {

@@ -727,5 +270,2 @@ const ModelClass = this.constructor;

* @override
$setJson(json, options) {

@@ -757,6 +297,3 @@ super.$setJson(json, options);

* @override
* @param {boolean} shallow
* If true the relations are omitted from the json.
* @param {boolean=} shallow

@@ -787,210 +324,28 @@ $toJson(shallow) {

* Called before a model is inserted into the database.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff. You can
* also throw an exception to abort the insert and reject the query. This can be useful if
* you need to do insert specific validation.
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the insert query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}
$beforeInsert(queryContext) {
$beforeInsert(queryContext) {}
* Called after a model has been inserted into the database.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff.
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the insert query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}
$afterInsert(queryContext) {
$afterInsert(queryContext) {}
* Called before a model is updated.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff. You can
* also throw an exception to abort the update and reject the query. This can be useful if
* you need to do update specific validation.
* This method is also called before a model is patched. Therefore all the model's properties
* may not exist. You can check if the update operation is a patch by checking the `opt.patch`
* boolean.
* Also note that this method is called only once when you do something like this:
* ```js
* Person
* .$query()
* .patch({firstName: 'Jennifer'})
* .where('gender', 'female')
* .then(function () {
* ...
* });
* ```
* The example above updates all rows whose `gender` equals `female` but the `$beforeUpdate`
* method is called only once for the `{firstName: 'Jennifer'}` model. This is because the
* updating is done completely in the database and the affected models are never fetched
* to the javascript side.
* @param {ModelOptions} opt
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the update query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}
$beforeUpdate(opt, queryContext) {
$beforeUpdate(opt, queryContext) {}
* Called after a model is updated.
* You can return a promise from this function if you need to do asynchronous stuff.
* This method is also called after a model is patched. Therefore all the model's properties
* may not exist. You can check if the update operation is a patch by checking the `opt.patch`
* boolean.
* Also note that this method is called only once when you do something like this:
* ```js
* Person
* .$query()
* .patch({firstName: 'Jennifer'})
* .where('gender', 'female')
* .then(function () {
* ...
* });
* ```
* The example above updates all rows whose `gender` equals `female` but the `$beforeUpdate`
* method is called only once for the `{firstName: 'Jennifer'}` model. This is because the
* updating is done completely in the database and the affected models are never fetched
* to the javascript side.
* @param {ModelOptions} opt
* @param {Object} queryContext
* The context object of the update query. See {@link QueryBuilder#context}.
* @returns {Promise|*}
$afterUpdate(opt, queryContext) {
$afterUpdate(opt, queryContext) {}
* Creates a query builder for this table.
* The returned query builder has all the methods a *knex* query builder has. See
* {@link QueryBuilder} and <a href=""></a>
* for more information.
* Examples:
* Read models from the database:
* ```js
* // Get all rows.
* Person.query().then(function(allPersons) {
* console.log('there are', allPersons.length, 'persons in the database');
* });
* // Example of a more complex WHERE clause. This generates:
* // SELECT * FROM "Person" WHERE ("firstName" = 'Jennifer' AND "age" < 30) OR ("firstName" = "Mark" AND "age" > 30)
* Person
* .query()
* .where(function () {
* this.where('firstName', 'Jennifer').where('age', '<', 30);
* })
* .orWhere(function () {
* this.where('firstName', 'Mark').where('age', '>', 30);
* })
* .then(function (marksAndJennifers) {
* console.log(marksAndJennifers);
* });
* // Get a subset of rows and fetch related models for each row.
* Person
* .query()
* .where('age', '>', 60)
* .eager('children.children.movies')
* .then(function (oldPeople) {
* console.log('some old person\'s grand child has appeared in',
* oldPeople[0].children[0].children[0].movies.length,
* 'movies');
* });
* ```
* Insert models to the database:
* ```js
* Person.query().insert({firstName: 'Sylvester', lastName: 'Stallone'}).then(function (sylvester) {
* console.log(sylvester.fullName()); // --> 'Sylvester Stallone'.
* });
* // Batch insert. This only works on Postgresql as it is the only database that returns the
* // identifiers of _all_ inserted rows. If you need to do batch inserts on other databases use
* // *knex* directly. (See .knexQuery() method).
* Person
* .query()
* .insert([
* {firstName: 'Arnold', lastName: 'Schwarzenegger'},
* {firstName: 'Sylvester', lastName: 'Stallone'}
* ])
* .then(function (inserted) {
* console.log(inserted[0].fullName()); // --> 'Arnold Schwarzenegger'
* });
* ```
* `update` and `patch` can be used to update models. Only difference between the mentioned methods
* is that `update` validates the input objects using the model class's full jsonSchema and `patch`
* ignores the `required` property of the schema. Use `update` when you want to update _all_ properties
* of a model and `patch` when only a subset should be updated.
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .update({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 35})
* .where('id',
* .then(function (updatedJennifer) {
* console.log('Jennifer is now', updatedJennifer.age, 'years old');
* });
* // This will throw assuming that `firstName` or `lastName` is a required property for a Person.
* Person.query().patch({age: 100});
* // This will _not_ throw.
* Person
* .query()
* .patch({age: 100})
* .then(function () {
* console.log('Everyone is now 100 years old');
* });
* ```
* Models can be deleted using the delete method. Naturally the delete query can be chained with
* any *knex* methods:
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .delete()
* .where('age', '>', 90)
* .then(function () {
* console.log('anyone over 90 is now removed from the database');
* });
* ```
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -1012,22 +367,3 @@ */

* Get/Set the knex instance for this model class.
* Subclasses inherit the connection. A system-wide knex instance can thus be set by calling
* `Model.knex(knex)`. This works even after subclasses have been created.
* ```js
* var knex = require('knex')({
* client: 'sqlite3',
* connection: {
* filename: 'database.db'
* }
* });
* Model.knex(knex);
* knex = Model.knex();
* ```
* @param {knex=} knex
* The knex to set.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -1051,16 +387,2 @@ */

* Returns the transaction this model class is bound to using `bindTransaction` methods.
* Handy for making sure two model class are bound to the same transaction:
* ```js
* Person
* .bindTransaction(Animal.transaction())
* .query()
* ...
* ```
* The example above works even if `Animal` is not bound to any transaction. The
* `bindTransaction` call does nothing in this case.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -1073,3 +395,3 @@ */

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().raw()`.
* @return {Raw}

@@ -1082,3 +404,3 @@ static raw() {

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().fn`.
* @return {Object}

@@ -1091,4 +413,2 @@ static fn() {

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().client.formatter()`.
* @return {Formatter}

@@ -1101,4 +421,2 @@ */

* Shortcut for `SomeModel.knex().table(SomeModel.tableName)`.
* @returns {knex.QueryBuilder}

@@ -1111,46 +429,2 @@ */

* Creates a subclass of this class that is bound to the given knex.
* This method can be used to bind a Model subclass to multiple databases for example in
* a multi tenant system.
* Example:
* ```js
* var knex1 = require('knex')({
* client: 'sqlite3',
* connection: {
* filename: 'database1.db'
* }
* });
* var knex2 = require('knex')({
* client: 'sqlite3',
* connection: {
* filename: 'database2.db'
* }
* });
* SomeModel.knex(null);
* var BoundModel1 = SomeModel.bindKnex(knex1);
* var BoundModel2 = SomeModel.bindKnex(knex2);
* // Throws since the knex instance is null.
* SomeModel.query().then();
* // Works.
* BoundModel1.query().then(function (models) {
* console.log(models[0] instanceof SomeModel); // --> true
* console.log(models[0] instanceof BoundModel1); // --> true
* });
* // Works.
* BoundModel2.query().then(function (models) {
* console.log(models[0] instanceof SomeModel); // --> true
* console.log(models[0] instanceof BoundModel2); // --> true
* });
* ```
* @param {knex} knex

@@ -1188,28 +462,3 @@ * @returns {Constructor.<Model>}

* Creates a subclass of this class that is bound to the given transaction.
* ```js
* var Person = require('./models/Person');
* var transaction;
* objection.transaction.start(Person).then(function (trx) {
* transaction = trx;
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer'});
* }).then(function (jennifer) {
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .patch({lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .where('id',;
* }).then(function () {
* return transaction.commit();
* }).catch(function () {
* return transaction.rollback();
* });
* ```
* @param trx
* @param {knex} trx
* @returns {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -1222,6 +471,2 @@ */

* Ensures that the given model is an instance of this class.
* If `model` is already an instance of this class, nothing is done.
* @param {Model|Object} model

@@ -1248,6 +493,2 @@ * @param {ModelOptions=} options

* Ensures that each element in the given array is an instance of this class.
* If an element is already an instance of this class, nothing is done for it.
* @param {Array.<Model|Object>} input

@@ -1278,10 +519,12 @@ * @param {ModelOptions=} options

* @ignore
* @returns {number}
static getIdColumnDimension() {
if (_.isArray(this.idColumn)) {
return this.idColumn.length;
static getIdPropertyArray() {
let ModelClass = this;
if (_.isArray(ModelClass.idColumn)) {
return, col => idColumnToIdProperty(ModelClass, col));
} else {
return 1;
return [idColumnToIdProperty(ModelClass, ModelClass.idColumn)];

@@ -1291,8 +534,2 @@ }

* Returns the name of the identifier property.
* The identifier property is equal to the `idColumn` if `$parseDatabaseJson` is not
* implemented. If `$parseDatabaseJson` is implemented it may change the id property's
* name. This method passes the `idColumn` through `$parseDatabaseJson`.
* @returns {string|Array.<string>}

@@ -1312,4 +549,2 @@ */

* Full identifier column name like ''.
* @returns {string|Array.<string>}

@@ -1327,4 +562,2 @@ */

* All relations of this class.
* @return {Object.<string, Relation>}

@@ -1348,6 +581,2 @@ */

* Get a relation by name.
* This should not be used to make queries. Use `$relatedQuery` or `loadRelated` instead.
* @return {Relation}

@@ -1366,32 +595,2 @@ */

* Exactly like $loadRelated but for multiple instances.
* ```js
* Person.loadRelated([person1, person2], 'children.pets').then(function (persons) {
* var person1 = persons[0];
* var person2 = persons[1];
* });
* ```
* Relations can be filtered by giving named filter functions as arguments
* to the relations:
* ```js
* Person
* .loadRelated([person1, person2], 'children(orderByAge).[pets(onlyDogs, orderByName), movies]', {
* orderByAge: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('age')
* },
* orderByName: function (builder) {
* builder.orderBy('name');
* },
* onlyDogs: function (builder) {
* builder.where('species', 'dog')
* }
* })
* .then(function (persons) {
* console.log(persons[1].children.pets[0]);
* });
* ```
* @param {Array.<Model|Object>} $models

@@ -1418,38 +617,5 @@ * @param {string|RelationExpression} expression

* Traverses the relation tree of a list of models.
* Calls the callback for each related model recursively. The callback is called
* also for the input models themselves.
* There are two ways to call this method:
* ```js
* Model.traverse(models, function (model, parentModel, relationName) {
* doSomething(model);
* });
* ```
* and
* ```js
* Model.traverse(Person, models, function (person, parentModel, relationName) {
* doSomethingForPerson(person);
* });
* ```
* In the second example the traverser function is only called for `Person` instances.
* @param {function=} filterConstructor
* If this optional constructor is given, the `traverser` is only called for
* models for which `model instanceof filterConstructor` returns true.
* @param {Constructor.<Model>=} filterConstructor
* @param {Model|Array.<Model>} models
* The model(s) whose relation trees to traverse.
* @param {function(Model, Model, string)} traverser
* The traverser function that is called for each model. The first argument
* is the model itself. If the model is in a relation of some other model
* the second argument is the parent model and the third argument is the
* name of the relation.
* @return {Model}

@@ -1510,5 +676,2 @@ */

* @private
function ensureArray(obj) {

@@ -1522,5 +685,2 @@ if (_.isArray(obj)) {

* @private
function traverse(models, parent, relationName, modelClass, callback) {

@@ -1540,5 +700,2 @@ if (!_.isObject(models)) {

* @private
function traverseOne(model, parent, relationName, modelClass, callback) {

@@ -1560,5 +717,2 @@ if (!(model instanceof Model)) {

* @private
function idColumnToIdProperty(ModelClass, idColumn) {

@@ -1574,5 +728,2 @@ let idProperty = ModelClass.columnNameToPropertyName(idColumn);

* @private
function setId(model, id) {

@@ -1611,5 +762,2 @@ const idProp = model.constructor.getIdProperty();

* @private
function getId(model) {

@@ -1616,0 +764,0 @@ const idProp = model.constructor.getIdProperty();

@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ import _ from 'lodash';

import ValidationError from '../ValidationError';
import hiddenDataGetterSetter from '../utils/decorators/hiddenDataGetterSetter';
import splitQueryProps from '../utils/splitQueryProps';
import {inherits} from '../utils/classUtils';
import {memoize} from '../utils/decorators';
import memoize from '../utils/decorators/memoize';

@@ -13,101 +15,8 @@ /**

* @property {boolean} [patch]
* If true the json is treated as a patch and the `required` field of the json schema is
* ignored in the validation. This allows us to create models with a subset of required
* properties for patch operations.
* @property {boolean} [skipValidation]
* If true the json schema validation is skipped.
* Base class for models.
* ModelBase provides a mechanism for automatic JSON validation and a way to attach
* functionality to plain javascript objects. A subclass can be created like this:
* ```js
* function Person() {
* ModelBase.apply(this, arguments);
* }
* ModelBase.extend(Person);
* Person.prototype.fullName = function () {
* return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
* };
* Person.jsonSchema = {
* type: 'object',
* properties: {
* id: {type: 'integer'},
* firstName: {type: 'string'},
* lastName: {type: 'string'}
* }
* };
* ```
* Use `ModelBase.from*Json` methods to create models from JSON objects:
* ```js
* var person = Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'});
* console.log(person.firstName); // --> 'Jennifer'
* console.log(person.lastName); // --> 'Lawrence'
* console.log(person.fullName()); // --> 'Jennifer Lawrence'
* // This throws because the schema validation fails.
* var person2 = Person.fromJson({firstName: 10});
* ```
* Properties that are prefixed with '$' are excluded from all JSON representations:
* ```js
* var person = Person.fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer');
* person.$spam = 100;
* console.log(person); // --> {firstName: 'Jennifer'}
* console.log(person.$toJson()); // --> {firstName: 'Jennifer'}
* ```
* ModelBase makes it possible to have a different database representation for a model.
* For example if your column names are snake_cased in the database but you want to use
* camelCased properties in the code and outside the server you can do this:
* ```js
* // This is called when an object is serialized to database format.
* Person.prototype.$formatDatabaseJson = function (json) {
* // Call superclass implementation.
* json = ModelBase.prototype.$, json);
* return _.mapKeys(json, function (value, key) {
* return _.snakeCase(key);
* });
* };
* // This is called when an object is read from database.
* Person.prototype.$parseDatabaseJson = function (json) {
* json = _.mapKeys(json, function (value, key) {
* return _.camelCase(key);
* });
* // Call superclass implementation.
* return ModelBase.prototype.$, json);
* };
* ```
* @constructor
export default class ModelBase {
* The optional schema against which the JSON is validated.
* The jsonSchema can be dynamically modified in the `$beforeValidate` method.
* Must follow specification. If null no validation is done.
* @see $beforeValidate()
* @see $validate()
* @see $afterValidate()
* @type {Object}

@@ -118,17 +27,6 @@ */

* This is called before validation.
* Here you can dynamically edit the jsonSchema if needed.
* @param {Object} jsonSchema
* A deep clone of this class's jsonSchema.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object to be validated.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @return {Object}
* The (possibly) modified jsonSchema.

@@ -141,19 +39,6 @@ $beforeValidate(jsonSchema, json, options) {

* Validates the given JSON object.
* Calls `$beforeValidation` and `$afterValidation` methods. This method is called
* automatically from `fromJson` and `$setJson` methods. This method can also be
* called explicitly when needed.
* @throws {ValidationError}
* If validation fails.
* @param {Object=} json
* If not given ==> this.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @return {Object}
* The input json

@@ -186,11 +71,4 @@ $validate(json = this, options = {}) {

* This is called after successful validation.
* You can do further validation here and throw a ValidationError if something goes wrong.
* @param {Object=} json
* The JSON object to validate.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.

@@ -202,18 +80,4 @@ $afterValidate(json, options) {

* This is called when a ModelBase is created from a database JSON object.
* Converts the JSON object from the database format to the internal format.
* @note This function must handle the case where any subset of the columns comes
* in the `json` argument. You cannot assume that all columns are present as it
* depends on the select statement. There can also be additional columns because
* of join clauses, aliases etc.
* @note If you override this remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in database format.
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in internal format.

@@ -225,13 +89,4 @@ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {

* This is called when a ModelBase is converted to database format.
* Converts the JSON object from the internal format to the database format.
* @note If you override this remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in internal format.
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in database format.

@@ -243,16 +98,5 @@ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {

* This is called when a ModelBase is created from a JSON object.
* Converts the JSON object to the internal format.
* @note If you override this remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in external format.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in internal format.

@@ -264,11 +108,4 @@ $parseJson(json, options) {

* This is called when a ModelBase is converted to JSON.
* @note Remember to call the super class's implementation.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in internal format
* @return {Object}
* The JSON object in external format.

@@ -280,8 +117,3 @@ $formatJson(json) {

* Exports this model as a database JSON object.
* Calls `$formatDatabaseJson()`.
* @return {Object}
* This model as a JSON object in database format.

@@ -293,8 +125,3 @@ $toDatabaseJson() {

* Exports this model as a JSON object.
* Calls `$formatJson()`.
* @return {Object}
* This model as a JSON object.

@@ -305,7 +132,2 @@ $toJson() {

* Alias for `this.$toJson()`.
* For JSON.stringify compatibility.
toJSON() {

@@ -316,16 +138,6 @@ return this.$toJson();

* Sets the values from a JSON object.
* Validates the JSON before setting values. Calls `this.$parseJson()`.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object to set.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}
* @throws ValidationError
* If validation fails.

@@ -353,17 +165,21 @@ $setJson(json, options = {}) {

json = this.$parseJson(json, options);
json = this.$validate(json, options);
// If the json contains query properties like, knex Raw queries or knex/objection query
// builders, we need to split those off into a separate object. This object will be
// joined back in the $toDatabaseJson method.
const split = splitQueryProps(this.constructor, json);
return this.$set(json);
if (split.query) {
// Stash the query properties for later use in $toDatabaseJson method.
split.json = this.$parseJson(split.json, options);
split.json = this.$validate(split.json, options);
return this.$set(split.json);
* Sets the values from a JSON object in database format.
* Calls `this.$parseDatabaseJson()`.
* @param {Object} json
* The JSON object in database format.
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}

@@ -381,9 +197,4 @@ $setDatabaseJson(json = {}) {

* Sets the values from another model or object.
* Unlike $setJson, this doesn't call any `$parseJson` methods or validate the input.
* This simply sets each value in the object to this object.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}

@@ -403,37 +214,25 @@ $set(obj) {

* Omits a set of properties.
* The selected properties are set to `undefined`. Note that this is done in-place.
* Properties are set to undefined instead of deleting them for performance reasons
* (V8 doesn't like delete).
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$omit('lastName')
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$omit(['lastName'])
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$omit({lastName: true})
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* @param {Array.<string>=} keys
* @returns {Array.<string>}
$omitFromJson(keys) {}
* @param {Array.<string>=} keys
* @returns {Array.<string>}
$omitFromDatabaseJson(keys) {}
* @param {Object=} queryProps
* @returns {Object}
$stashedQueryProps(queryProps) {}
* @param {string|Array.<string>|Object.<string, boolean>} keys
* @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.
* @returns {ModelBase}

@@ -457,35 +256,2 @@ $omit() {

* Picks a set of properties.
* All other properties but the selected ones are set to `undefined`. Note that
* this is done in-place. Properties are set to undefined instead of deleting
* them for performance reasons (V8 doesn't like delete).
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$pick('firstName', 'age')
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$pick(['firstName', 'age'])
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* ```js
* var json = person
* .fromJson({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence', age: 24})
* .$pick({firstName: true, age: true})
* .toJSON();
* console.log(_.has(json, 'lastName')); // --> false
* ```
* @param {string|Array.<string>|Object.<string, boolean>} keys

@@ -511,4 +277,2 @@ * @returns {ModelBase} `this` for chaining.

* Returns the values of the given properties as an array.
* @param {Array.<string>} props

@@ -528,7 +292,2 @@ * @return {Array.<*>}

* Returns a deep copy of this model.
* If this object has instances of ModelBase as properties (or arrays of them)
* they are cloned using their `.$clone()` method.
* @return {ModelBase}

@@ -564,6 +323,4 @@ */

* Makes the given constructor a subclass of this class.
* @param {function=} subclassConstructor
* @return {function}
* @return {Constructor.<ModelBase>}

@@ -580,16 +337,6 @@ static extend(subclassConstructor) {

* Creates a model instance from a JSON object.
* The object is checked against `jsonSchema` and an exception is thrown on failure.
* @param {Object=} json
* The JSON from which to create the model.
* @param {ModelOptions=} options
* Optional options.
* @returns {Model}
* @throws ValidationError
* If validation fails.

@@ -603,7 +350,3 @@ static fromJson(json, options) {

* Creates a model instance from a JSON object in database format.
* @param {Object=} json
* The JSON from which to create the model.
* @returns {Model}

@@ -618,8 +361,2 @@ */

* Omit implementation to use.
* The default just sets the property to undefined for performance reasons.
* If the slight performance drop is not an issue for you, you can override
* this method to delete the property instead.
* @param {Object} obj

@@ -633,3 +370,2 @@ * @param {string} prop

* @ignore
* @param {string} columnName

@@ -653,3 +389,2 @@ * @returns {string}

* @ignore
* @param {string} propertyName

@@ -673,5 +408,2 @@ * @returns {string}

* @private
function mergeWithDefaults(jsonSchema, json) {

@@ -709,5 +441,2 @@ let merged = null;

* @private
function tryValidate(jsonSchema, json, options) {

@@ -730,5 +459,2 @@ let required;

* @private
function parseValidationError(report) {

@@ -764,9 +490,17 @@ let errorHash = {};

* @private
function toJsonImpl(self, createDbJson, omit, pick) {
function toJsonImpl(model, createDbJson, omit, pick) {
let json = {};
_.each(self, (value, key) => {
const omitFromJson = createDbJson
? model.$omitFromDatabaseJson()
: model.$omitFromJson();
if (createDbJson) {
// If creating a database json object, restore the query properties.
_.each(model.$stashedQueryProps(), (query, key) => {
json[key] = query;
_.each(model, (value, key) => {
if (key.charAt(0) !== '$'

@@ -776,3 +510,4 @@ && !_.isFunction(value)

&& (!omit || !omit[key])
&& (!pick || pick[key])) {
&& (!pick || pick[key])
&& (!omitFromJson || !contains(omitFromJson, key))) {

@@ -790,5 +525,2 @@ if (_.isObject(value)) {

* @private
function toJsonObject(value, createDbJson) {

@@ -803,2 +535,4 @@ if (_.isArray(value)) {

} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) {
return value;
} else {

@@ -809,5 +543,2 @@ return _.cloneDeep(value);

* @private
function toJsonArray(value, createDbJson) {

@@ -817,5 +548,2 @@ return, (value) => toJsonObject(value, createDbJson));

* @private
function cloneObject(value) {

@@ -826,2 +554,4 @@ if (_.isArray(value)) {

return value.$clone();
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) {
return new Buffer(value);
} else {

@@ -832,5 +562,2 @@ return _.cloneDeep(value);

* @private
function cloneArray(value) {

@@ -840,5 +567,2 @@ return, cloneObject);

* @private
function omitObject(model, keyObj) {

@@ -854,5 +578,2 @@ const ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function omitArray(model, keys) {

@@ -868,5 +589,2 @@ const ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function pickObject(model, keyObj) {

@@ -882,5 +600,2 @@ const ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function pickArray(model, keys) {

@@ -896,5 +611,2 @@ const ModelClass = model.constructor;

* @private
function contains(arr, value) {

@@ -901,0 +613,0 @@ for (let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) {

@@ -6,5 +6,2 @@ import _ from 'lodash';

* @ignore
export default class EagerFetcher {

@@ -11,0 +8,0 @@

import _ from 'lodash';
import QueryBuilderBase from './QueryBuilderBase';
* Internal representation of insert and update data.
* Data passed to update or insert queries can be:
* 1. Javascript primitives
* 2. knex raw SQL expressions
* 3. knex queries
* 4. objection queries
* This class splits the insert data into two parts:
* Part 1:
* * Javascript primitives
* Part 2:
* * everything else
* The part 1 is converted into `Model` instances and the part 2 is left untouched. As the `InsertionOrUpdate`
* instance passes through objection during an insert or update operation, the different functions can operate
* on the models (for example call $beforeInsert etc. methods on them). When the `InsertionOrUpdate` instance
* finally reaches knex, the two parts are glued back together.
* @ignore
export default class InsertionOrUpdate {
constructor({ModelClass, modelsOrObjects, modelOptions}) {
this.ModelClass = ModelClass;
this._models = [];
this._rawOrQuery = [];
this._modelClass = ModelClass;
this._arrayInput = false;
this._models = null;
this.setData(modelsOrObjects, modelOptions);

@@ -50,5 +22,2 @@ }

* Returns true if the input to `setData` method was an array.
* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}

@@ -61,70 +30,10 @@ */

* Sets the actual insert/update data.
* @ignore
* @param {(Object|Array.<Object>)} data
* @param {(Object|Array.<Object>)} modelsOrObjects
* @param {ModelOptions} modelOptions
setData(data, modelOptions) {
let knex = this.ModelClass.knex();
let KnexQueryBuilder = knex.client.QueryBuilder;
let Raw = knex.client.Raw;
// knex.QueryBuilder and knex.Raw are not documented properties.
// We make sure here that things break if knex changes things.
if (!_.isFunction(KnexQueryBuilder) || !_.isFunction(Raw)) {
throw new Error('knex API has changed: knex.QueryBuilder or knex.Raw constructor missing.');
this._models = [];
this._rawOrQuery = [];
this._arrayInput = _.isArray(data);
if (!this._arrayInput) {
data = _.isObject(data) ? [data] : [];
// Separate raw queries and query builders from javascript primitives.
// The javascript primitives are converted into a Model instance and the
// "query" properties are stored separately.
_.forEach(data, obj => {
if (obj instanceof this.ModelClass) {
} else {
let modelJson = {};
let rawOrSubquery = {};
_.forEach(obj, (value, key) => {
if (value instanceof KnexQueryBuilder|| value instanceof Raw) {
rawOrSubquery[key] = value;
} else if (value instanceof QueryBuilderBase) {
rawOrSubquery[key] =;
} else {
modelJson[key] = value;
this._models.push(this.ModelClass.fromJson(modelJson, modelOptions));
setData(modelsOrObjects, modelOptions) {
this._models = this._modelClass.ensureModelArray(modelsOrObjects, modelOptions);
this._arrayInput = _.isArray(modelsOrObjects);
* Create an object that can be given for the knex update or insert method.
* @ignore
* @returns {Object|Array.<Object>}
toKnexInput() {
let knexInput =, (model, i) => {
return _.merge(model.$toDatabaseJson(), _.mapKeys(this._rawOrQuery[i], (value, key) => {
return model.constructor.propertyNameToColumnName(key);
return knexInput.length === 1 ? knexInput[0] : knexInput;

@@ -10,8 +10,2 @@ import _ from 'lodash';

* Given an model with nested relations, finds a fast way to insert the models into
* database so that not-null constraints are not broken.
* @ignore
export default class InsertWithRelated {

@@ -163,6 +157,3 @@

let sourceVal = node.model.$values(conn.relation.ownerProp);
let targetVal = conn.node.model.$values(conn.relation.relatedProp);
let joinModel = {};
let ownerProp = node.model.$values(conn.relation.ownerProp);
let knex = conn.relation.ownerModelClass.knex();

@@ -176,12 +167,5 @@ let modelClass = conn.relation.joinTableModelClass;

for (let i = 0; i < sourceVal.length; ++i) {
joinModel[conn.relation.joinTableOwnerProp[i]] = sourceVal[i];
let joinModel = conn.relation.createJoinModels(ownerProp, [conn.node.model]);
joinModel = modelClass.fromJson(joinModel[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < targetVal.length; ++i) {
joinModel[conn.relation.joinTableRelatedProp[i]] = targetVal[i];
joinModel = modelClass.fromJson(joinModel);
if (!tableInsertion) {

@@ -297,2 +281,3 @@ tableInsertion = new TableInsertion(modelClass, true);

this.relation = relation;

@@ -299,0 +284,0 @@

import _ from 'lodash';
import jsonFieldExpressionParser from './parsers/jsonFieldExpressionParser';
import InsertionOrUpdate from './InsertionOrUpdate';
import {inherits} from '../utils/classUtils';

@@ -8,9 +7,4 @@ import {isKnexQueryBuilder, overwriteForDatabase} from '../utils/dbUtils';

* Knex query builder wrapper.
* This class is a thin wrapper around knex query builder. This class allows us to add our own
* query builder methods without monkey patching knex query builder.
* @constructor
* @ignore

@@ -29,6 +23,4 @@ @overwriteForDatabase()

* Makes the given constructor a subclass of this class.
* @param {function=} subclassConstructor
* @return {Class.<QueryBuilderBase>}
* @return {Constructor.<QueryBuilderBase>}

@@ -54,6 +46,2 @@ static extend(subclassConstructor) {

* Sets/gets the query's internal context.
* For internal use only.
* @ignore

@@ -70,5 +58,3 @@ internalContext() {

* Returns the knex connection passed to the constructor.
* @ignore
* @returns {knex}

@@ -80,14 +66,2 @@ knex() {

* Calls the given function immediately and passes `this` as an argument.
* Handy for chaining conditional stuff:
* ```js
* new QueryBuilderBase().call(function (builder) {
* if (someCondition) {
* builder.where('something', someValue);
* }
* });
* ```
* @param {function} func

@@ -102,4 +76,2 @@ * @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

* Returns the SQL string.
* @returns {string}

@@ -112,4 +84,2 @@ */

* Returns the SQL string.
* @returns {string}

@@ -122,4 +92,2 @@ */

* Create a clone of this builder.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -143,9 +111,3 @@ */

* Removes query builder method calls.
* @param {RegExp=} methodNameRegex
* Optional patter to that must match the method names to remove.
* If not given, all calls are removed.
* @ignore

@@ -165,11 +127,4 @@ clear(methodNameRegex) {

* Copy query builder method calls from another query builder.
* @param {QueryBuilderBase} queryBuilder
* The builder to copy from.
* @param {RegExp} methodNameRegex
* Optional regular expression to filter which method calls are copied.
* @ignore

@@ -189,7 +144,4 @@ copyFrom(queryBuilder, methodNameRegex) {

* Returns true if the builder has a call to a method whose name matches the `methodNameRegex`.
* @param {RegExp} methodNameRegex
* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}

@@ -203,8 +155,4 @@ has(methodNameRegex) {

* Builds the query into a knex query builder.
* @protected
* @returns {knex.QueryBuilder}
* The built knex query builder.
* @protected

@@ -259,3 +207,2 @@ build() {

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -267,3 +214,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -275,3 +221,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -283,3 +228,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -291,3 +235,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -299,3 +242,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -307,3 +249,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -315,3 +256,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -323,3 +263,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -331,3 +270,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -339,3 +277,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -347,3 +284,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -355,3 +291,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -363,3 +298,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -371,3 +305,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -379,3 +312,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -387,3 +319,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -395,3 +326,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -403,3 +333,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -411,3 +340,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -419,3 +347,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -427,3 +354,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -435,3 +361,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -443,3 +368,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -451,3 +375,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -459,3 +382,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -467,3 +389,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -475,3 +396,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -483,3 +403,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -491,3 +410,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -499,3 +417,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -507,3 +424,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -515,3 +431,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -523,3 +438,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -530,5 +444,3 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -540,3 +452,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -548,3 +459,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -556,3 +466,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -564,3 +473,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -572,3 +480,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -580,3 +487,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -588,3 +494,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -596,3 +501,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>

@@ -603,3 +507,2 @@ @knexQueryMethod()

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -611,3 +514,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -619,3 +521,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -627,3 +528,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -635,3 +535,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -643,3 +542,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -651,3 +549,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -659,3 +556,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -667,3 +563,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -675,3 +570,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -683,3 +577,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -691,3 +584,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -699,3 +591,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -707,3 +598,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -715,3 +605,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -723,3 +612,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -731,3 +619,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -739,3 +626,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -747,3 +633,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -755,3 +640,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -763,3 +647,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -771,3 +654,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -779,3 +661,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -787,3 +668,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -795,3 +675,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -803,3 +682,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -811,3 +689,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -819,3 +696,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -827,3 +703,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -835,3 +710,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -843,3 +717,2 @@ */

* See <a href="">knex documentation</a>
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -851,7 +724,3 @@ */

* Compares a column reference to another
* ```js
* builder.whereRef('', '=', 'Animal.ownerId');
* ```
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -863,7 +732,3 @@ whereRef(lhs, op, rhs) {

* Compares a column reference to another
* ```js
* builder.orWhereRef('', '=', 'Animal.ownerId');
* ```
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -875,16 +740,2 @@ orWhereRef(lhs, op, rhs) {

* `where` for (possibly) composite keys.
* ```js
* builder.whereComposite(['id', 'name'], [1, 'Jennifer']);
* ```
* ```js
* builder.whereComposite('id', '=', 1);
* ```
* @param {string|Array.<string>} cols
* @param {string|*|Array.<*>} op
* @param {*|Array.<*>=} values
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -914,21 +765,2 @@ */

* `whereIn` for (possibly) composite keys.
* ```js
* builder.whereInComposite(['a', 'b'], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 4]]);
* ```
* ```js
* builder.whereInComposite('a', [[1], [3], [1]]);
* ```
* ```js
* builder.whereInComposite('a', [1, 3, 1]);
* ```
* ```js
* builder.whereInComposite(['a', 'b'], SomeModel.query().select('a', 'b'));
* ```
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1044,29 +876,4 @@ */

* Where jsonb field reference equals jsonb object or other field reference.
* Also supports having field expression in both sides of equality.
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .whereJsonEquals('additionalData:myDogs', 'additionalData:dogsAtHome')
* .then(function (people) {
* // oh joy! these people have all their dogs at home!
* });
* Person
* .query()
* .whereJsonEquals('additionalData:myDogs[0]', { name: "peter"})
* .then(function (people) {
* // these people's first dog name is "peter" and the dog has no other
* // attributes, but its name
* });
* ```
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression
* Reference to column / json field.
* @param {Object|Array|FieldExpression} jsonObjectOrFieldExpression
* Reference to column / json field or json object.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1079,3 +886,3 @@ */

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonEquals}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1087,3 +894,3 @@ orWhereJsonEquals(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonEquals}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1095,3 +902,3 @@ whereJsonNotEquals(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonEquals}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1103,62 +910,4 @@ orWhereJsonNotEquals(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* Where left hand json field reference is a superset of the right hand json value or reference.
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .whereJsonSupersetOf('additionalData:myDogs', 'additionalData:dogsAtHome')
* .then(function (people) {
* // These people have all or some of their dogs at home. Person might have some
* // additional dogs in their custody since myDogs is superset of dogsAtHome.
* });
* Person
* .query()
* .whereJsonSupersetOf('additionalData:myDogs[0]', { name: "peter"})
* .then(function (people) {
* // These people's first dog name is "peter", but the dog might have
* // additional attributes as well.
* });
* ```
* Object and array are always their own supersets.
* For arrays this means that left side matches if it has all the elements
* listed in the right hand side. e.g.
* ```
* [1,2,3] isSuperSetOf [2] => true
* [1,2,3] isSuperSetOf [2,1,3] => true
* [1,2,3] isSuperSetOf [2,null] => false
* [1,2,3] isSuperSetOf [] => true
* ```
* The `not` variants with jsonb operators behave in a way that they won't match rows, which don't have
* the referred json key referred in field expression. e.g. for table
* ```
* id | jsonObject
* ----+--------------------------
* 1 | {}
* 2 | NULL
* 3 | {"a": 1}
* 4 | {"a": 1, "b": 2}
* 5 | {"a": ['3'], "b": ['3']}
* ```
* query:
* ```js
* builder.whereJsonNotEquals("jsonObject:a", "jsonObject:b")
* ```
* Returns only the row `4` which has keys `a` and `b` and `a` != `b`, but it won't return any rows which
* does not have `jsonObject.a` or `jsonObject.b`.
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression
* Reference to column / json field, which is tested for being a superset.
* @param {Object|Array|FieldExpression} jsonObjectOrFieldExpression
* To which to compare.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1171,3 +920,3 @@ */

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonSupersetOf}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1179,3 +928,3 @@ orWhereJsonSupersetOf(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonSupersetOf}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1187,3 +936,3 @@ whereJsonNotSupersetOf(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonSupersetOf}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1195,8 +944,2 @@ orWhereJsonNotSupersetOf(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* Where left hand json field reference is a subset of the right hand json value or reference.
* Object and array are always their own subsets.
* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonSupersetOf}
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression

@@ -1211,3 +954,3 @@ * @param {Object|Array|FieldExpression} jsonObjectOrFieldExpression

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonSubsetOf}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1219,3 +962,3 @@ orWhereJsonSubsetOf(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonSubsetOf}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1227,3 +970,3 @@ whereJsonNotSubsetOf(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonSubsetOf}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1235,4 +978,2 @@ orWhereJsonNotSubsetOf(fieldExpression, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression) {

* Where json field reference is an array.
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression

@@ -1246,3 +987,3 @@ * @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonIsArray}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1254,4 +995,3 @@ orWhereJsonIsArray(fieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonIsArray}
* @note Also returns rows where `fieldExpression` does not exist.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1271,4 +1011,3 @@ whereJsonNotArray(fieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonIsArray}
* @note Also returns rows where `fieldExpression` does not exist.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1287,4 +1026,2 @@ orWhereJsonNotArray(fieldExpression) {

* Where json field reference is an object.
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression

@@ -1298,3 +1035,3 @@ * @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonIsObject}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1306,4 +1043,3 @@ orWhereJsonIsObject(fieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonIsObject}
* @note Also returns rows where `fieldExpression` does not exist.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1322,4 +1058,3 @@ whereJsonNotObject(fieldExpression) {

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonIsObject}
* @note Also returns rows where `fieldExpression` does not exist.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1338,6 +1073,4 @@ orWhereJsonNotObject(fieldExpression) {

* Where any of given strings is found from json object key(s) or array items.
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression
* @param {string|Array.<string>} keys Strings that are looked from object or array.
* @param {string|Array.<string>} keys
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1350,3 +1083,3 @@ */

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonHasAny}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1358,6 +1091,4 @@ orWhereJsonHasAny(fieldExpression, keys) {

* Where all of given strings are found from json object key(s) or array items.
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression
* @param {string|Array.<string>} keys Strings that are looked from object or array.
* @param {string|Array.<string>} keys
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1370,3 +1101,3 @@ */

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonHasAll}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1378,18 +1109,5 @@ orWhereJsonHasAll(fieldExpression, keys) {

* Where referred json field value casted to same type with value fulfill given operand.
* Value may be number, string, null, boolean and referred json field is converted
* to TEXT, NUMERIC or BOOLEAN sql type for comparison.
* If left hand field does not exist rows appear IS null so if one needs to get only
* rows, which has key and it's value is null one may use e.g.
* `.whereJsonSupersetOf("column", { field: null })` or check is key exist and
* then `.whereJsonField('column:field', 'IS', null)`
* For testing against objects or arrays one should see tested with whereJsonEqual,
* whereJsonSupersetOf and whereJsonSubsetOf methods.
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression Expression pointing to certain value.
* @param {string} operator SQL comparator usually `<`, `>`, `<>`, `=` or `!=`
* @param {boolean|Number|string|null} value Value to which field is compared to.
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression
* @param {string} operator
* @param {boolean|Number|string|null} value
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1403,3 +1121,3 @@ */

* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonField}
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}

@@ -1436,5 +1154,2 @@ orWhereJsonField(fieldExpression, operator, value) {

* @private
function knexQueryMethod(overrideMethodName) {

@@ -1448,5 +1163,2 @@ return function (target, methodName, descriptor) {

* @private
function wrapFunctionArg(func, query) {

@@ -1464,27 +1176,2 @@ return function () {

* Parses a objection.js json field expression into a postgres jsonb field reference.
* For example, assume we have this object stored in the column `jsonColumn` of a table `Table`:
* ```
* {obj: { "key.with.dots": [{"key": { "0": { me : [ "I was referred" ] } } } ] } }
* ```
* We can refer to the value "I was referred" using the following field expression:
* ```
* Table.jsonColumn:obj[key.with.dots][0][0]
* ```
* Since Postgresql #>{field,0,field2,...} operator does not make difference if
* reference is string or a number, one can actually use also jsonArray.0 notation
* to refer index of an array. Like wise one can use object[123] notation to refer
* key of an object { "123" : null }.
* @private
* @param {string} expression
* @param {boolean} extractAsText Return text instead of jsonb object (useful for type casting).
* @returns {string} postgres json reference.
function parseFieldExpression(expression, extractAsText) {

@@ -1498,24 +1185,2 @@ let parsed = jsonFieldExpressionParser.parse(expression);

* Where jsonb reference on left hand side is compared to jsonb value or reference on the right hand side.
* Converts left and right hand values to PostgreSQL acceptable format and add user chosen
* operator between left and right hand expressions.
* ```javascript
* whereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRight(queryBuilder, "ModelJson.jsonObject:objectField", "<@", { key: 1 })
* ```
* ```sql
* select * from "ModelJson" where ("ModelJson"."jsonObject"#>'{objectField}')::jsonb <@ '{\"key\":\ 1}'::jsonb
* ```
* @private
* @param {QueryBuilderBase} builder
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression Reference to column / jsonField.
* @param {string} operator operator to apply.
* @param {Object|Array|FieldExpression} jsonObjectOrFieldExpression Reference to column / jsonField or json object.
* @param {string=} queryPrefix string prepended to query e.g. 'not'. Space after string added implicitly.
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}
function whereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRight(builder, fieldExpression, operator, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression, queryPrefix) {

@@ -1526,6 +1191,2 @@ let queryParams = whereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRightRawQueryParams(fieldExpression, operator, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression, queryPrefix);

* @private
* @see {@link whereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRight} for documentation.
function orWhereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRight(builder, fieldExpression, operator, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression, queryPrefix) {

@@ -1536,7 +1197,2 @@ let queryParams = whereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRightRawQueryParams(fieldExpression, operator, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression, queryPrefix);

* @private
* @see {@link whereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRight} for documentation.
* @return {Array} Parameters for whereRaw call.
function whereJsonbRefOnLeftJsonbValOrRefOnRightRawQueryParams(fieldExpression, operator, jsonObjectOrFieldExpression, queryPrefix) {

@@ -1563,20 +1219,2 @@ let fieldReference = parseFieldExpression(fieldExpression);

* Where field expression on left side and string or an array of strings on right hand side.
* ```javascript
* whereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeft(queryBuilder, "ModelJson.jsonObject:a", "?&", ["1","2"])
* ```
* ```sql
* select * from "ModelJson" where "ModelJson"."jsonObject"#>'{a}' ?& array['1','2']
* ```
* @private
* @param {QueryBuilderBase} builder
* @param {FieldExpression} fieldExpression
* @param {string} operator
* @param {Array.<string>} keys
* @returns {QueryBuilderBase}
function whereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeft(builder, fieldExpression, operator, keys) {

@@ -1586,6 +1224,2 @@ return builder.whereRaw(whereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeftQuery(builder, fieldExpression, operator, keys));

* @private
* @see {@link whereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeft} for documentation.
function orWhereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeft(builder, fieldExpression, operator, keys) {

@@ -1595,6 +1229,2 @@ return builder.orWhereRaw(whereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeftQuery(builder, fieldExpression, operator, keys));

* @private
* @see {@link whereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeft} for documentation.
function whereJsonFieldRightStringArrayOnLeftQuery(builder, fieldExpression, operator, keys) {

@@ -1618,6 +1248,2 @@ let knex = builder._knex;

* @private
* @see {@link QueryBuilderBase#whereJsonField} for documentation.
function whereJsonFieldQuery(knex, fieldExpression, operator, value) {

@@ -1646,8 +1272,2 @@ let fieldReference = parseFieldExpression(fieldExpression, true);

* @private
* @param knex
* @param {string} operator
* @returns {string}
function normalizeOperator(knex, operator) {

@@ -1654,0 +1274,0 @@ let trimmedLowerCase = operator.trim().toLowerCase();

@@ -5,64 +5,10 @@ import _ from 'lodash';

* Relation expression is a simple DSL for expressing relation trees.
* For example an expression `children.[movies.actors.[pets, children], pets]` represents a tree:
* ```
* children
* (Person)
* |
* -----------------
* | |
* movies pets
* (Movie) (Animal)
* |
* actors
* (Person)
* |
* -----------
* | |
* pets children
* (Animal) (Person)
* ```
* The model classes are shown in parenthesis.
* This class rarely needs to be used directly. The relation expression can be given to a bunch
* of functions in objection.js. For example:
* ```js
* Person
* .query()
* .eager('children.[movies.actors.[pets, children], pets]')
* .then(function (persons) {
* // All persons have the given relation tree fetched.
* console.log(persons[0].children[0].movies[0].actors[0].pets[0].name);
* });
* ```
* There are two tokens that have special meaning: `*` and `^`. `*` means "all relations recursively" and
* `^` means "this relation recursively".
* For example `children.*` means "relation `children` and all its relations, and all their relations and ...".
* The `*` token must be used with caution or you will end up fetching your entire database.
* Expression `parent.^` is equivalent to `parent.parent.parent.parent...` up to the point a relation no longer
* has results for the `parent` relation.
* Relation expressions can also have arguments. Arguments are listed in parenthesis after the relation names
* like this:
* ```js
* children(arg1, arg2).[movies.actors(arg3), pets]
* ```
* In this example `children` relation had arguments `arg1` and `arg2` and `actors` relation had
* the argument `arg3`.
const RECURSIVE_REGEX = /^\^(\d*)$/;
const ALL_RECURSIVE_REGEX = /^\*$/;
export default class RelationExpression {
constructor(node) {
constructor(node, recursionDepth) {
node = node || {}; = || null;

@@ -72,7 +18,10 @@ this.args = node.args || [];

this.children = node.children || {};
Object.defineProperty(this, 'recursionDepth', {
enumerable: false,
value: recursionDepth || 0
* Parses an expression string into a {@link RelationExpression} object.
* @param {string|RelationExpression} expr

@@ -99,18 +48,2 @@ * @returns {RelationExpression}

* Tests if another expression is a sub expression of this one.
* Expression B is a sub expression of expression A if:
* - A and B have the same root
* - And each path from root to a leaf in B can be found in A
* For example sub expressions of `children.[movies.actors, pets]` are:
* - `children`
* - `children.movies`
* - `children.pets`
* - `children.movies.actors`
* - `children.[movies, pets]`
* - `children.[movies.actors, pets]`
* @param {string|RelationExpression} expr

@@ -134,4 +67,6 @@ * @returns {boolean}

if (expr.isRecursive()) {
return this.isAllRecursive() || this.isRecursive();
const maxRecursionDepth = expr.maxRecursionDepth();
if (maxRecursionDepth > 0) {
return this.isAllRecursive() || this.maxRecursionDepth() >= maxRecursionDepth;

@@ -148,24 +83,39 @@

* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}
* @returns {number}
isRecursive() {
return !!this.children['^'];
maxRecursionDepth() {
if (this.numChildren !== 1) {
return 0;
return, (val, key) => {
const rec = RECURSIVE_REGEX.exec(key);
if (rec) {
const maxDepth = rec[1];
if (maxDepth) {
return parseInt(maxDepth, 10);
} else {
} else {
return 0;
* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}
isAllRecursive() {
return this.numChildren === 1 && !!this.children['*'];
return this.numChildren === 1 && _.all(this.children, (val, key) => ALL_RECURSIVE_REGEX.test(key));
* @ignore
* @returns {RelationExpression}
childExpression(childName) {
if (this.isAllRecursive() || (this.isRecursive() && childName === {
return this;
if (this.isAllRecursive() || (childName === && this.recursionDepth < this.maxRecursionDepth() - 1)) {
return new RelationExpression(this, this.recursionDepth + 1);

@@ -181,3 +131,3 @@

* @ignore
* @returns {RelationExpression}

@@ -188,8 +138,5 @@ clone() {

* @ignore
forEachChild(cb) {
_.each(this.children, (child, childName) => {
if (childName !== '*' && childName !== '^') {
if (!ALL_RECURSIVE_REGEX.test(childName) && !RECURSIVE_REGEX.test(childName)) {
cb(child, childName);

@@ -201,3 +148,2 @@ }

* @ignore
* @return {Array.<RelationExpression>}

@@ -204,0 +150,0 @@ */

import _ from 'lodash';
import Relation from './Relation';
import normalizeIds from '../utils/normalizeIds';
* @ignore
* @extends Relation
export default class BelongsToOneRelation extends Relation {
* @override
* @inheritDoc
createRelationProp(owners, related) {

@@ -22,6 +16,2 @@ let relatedByOwnerId = _.indexBy(related, related => related.$values(this.relatedProp));

* @override
* @inheritDoc
insert(builder, owner, insertion) {

@@ -55,8 +45,4 @@ if (insertion.models().length > 1) {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
relate(builder, owner, ids) {
ids = this.normalizeId(ids, this.relatedProp.length);
ids = normalizeIds(ids, this.relatedProp, {arrayOutput: true});

@@ -85,6 +71,2 @@ if (ids.length > 1) {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
unrelate(builder, owner) {

@@ -91,0 +73,0 @@ builder.setQueryExecutor(builder => {

import _ from 'lodash';
import Relation from './Relation';
import normalizeIds from '../utils/normalizeIds';
* @ignore
* @extends Relation
export default class HasManyRelation extends Relation {
* @override
* @inheritDoc
createRelationProp(owners, related) {

@@ -22,6 +16,2 @@ let relatedByOwnerId = _.groupBy(related, related => related.$values(this.relatedProp));

* @override
* @inheritDoc
insert(builder, owner, insertion) {

@@ -44,5 +34,2 @@ _.each(insertion.models(), insert => {

* @protected
appendRelationProp(owner, related) {

@@ -52,8 +39,4 @@ owner[] = this.mergeModels(owner[], related);

* @override
* @inheritDoc
relate(builder, owner, ids) {
ids = this.normalizeId(ids, this.relatedModelClass.getIdColumnDimension());
ids = normalizeIds(ids, this.relatedModelClass.getIdPropertyArray(), {arrayOutput: true});

@@ -78,6 +61,2 @@ builder.setQueryExecutor(builder => {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
unrelate(builder, owner) {

@@ -84,0 +63,0 @@ builder.setQueryExecutor(builder => {

import _ from 'lodash';
import HasManyRelation from './HasManyRelation';
* @ignore
* @extends HasManyRelation
export default class HasOneRelation extends HasManyRelation {
* @override
* @inheritDoc
createRelationProp(owners, related) {

@@ -22,6 +15,2 @@ let relatedByOwnerId = _.indexBy(related, related => related.$values(this.relatedProp));

* @override
* @inheritDoc
appendRelationProp(owner, related) {

@@ -28,0 +17,0 @@ owner[] = related[0] || null;

import _ from 'lodash';
import Relation from './Relation';
import ModelBase from '../model/ModelBase';
import inheritModel from '../model/inheritModel';
import normalizeIds from '../utils/normalizeIds';
import {overwriteForDatabase} from '../utils/dbUtils';
import {isSubclassOf} from '../utils/classUtils';
import {memoize} from '../utils/decorators';
import memoize from '../utils/decorators/memoize';

@@ -11,6 +13,2 @@ const ownerJoinColumnAliasPrefix = 'objectiontmpjoin';

* @ignore
* @extends Relation

@@ -23,4 +21,2 @@ export default class ManyToManyRelation extends Relation {

* The join table.
* @type {string}

@@ -31,4 +27,2 @@ */

* The relation column in the join table that points to the owner table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -39,4 +33,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the join model that points to the owner table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -47,4 +39,2 @@ */

* The relation column in the join table that points to the related table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -55,4 +45,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the join model that points to the related table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -63,16 +51,17 @@ */

* The join table model class.
* This can be optionally given using the `join.through.modelClass` property,
* otherwise an anonymous model class is created in `setMapping` method.
* @type {Class.<Model>}
* @type {Constructor.<Model>}
this.joinTableModelClass = null;
* @type {Array.<string>}
this.joinTableExtraCols = null;
* @type {Array.<string>}
this.joinTableExtraProps = null;
* @override
* @inheritDoc
setMapping(mapping) {

@@ -95,2 +84,3 @@ let retVal = super.setMapping(mapping);

let joinTableTo = this.parseReference(;
let joinTableExtra = mapping.join.through.extra || [];

@@ -110,2 +100,3 @@ if (!joinTableFrom.table || _.isEmpty(joinTableFrom.columns)) {

this.joinTable = joinTableFrom.table;
this.joinTableExtraCols = joinTableExtra;

@@ -151,2 +142,3 @@ if (joinFrom.table === this.ownerModelClass.tableName) {

this.joinTableRelatedProp = this.propertyName(this.joinTableRelatedCol, this.joinTableModelClass);
this.joinTableExtraProps = this.propertyName(this.joinTableExtraCols, this.joinTableModelClass);

@@ -157,6 +149,2 @@ return retVal;

* Reference to the column in the join table that refers to `fullOwnerCol()`.
* For example: [`Person_Movie.actorId`].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -170,6 +158,2 @@ */

* Reference to the column in the join table that refers to `fullRelatedCol()`.
* For example: [`Person_Movie.movieId`].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -183,6 +167,10 @@ */

* Alias to use for the join table when joining with the owner table.
* For example: `Person_Movie_rel_movies`.
* @returns {Array.<string>}
fullJoinTableExtraCols() {
return, col => this.joinTable + '.' + col);
* @returns {string}

@@ -195,4 +183,3 @@ */

* @inheritDoc
* @override
* @returns {ManyToManyRelation}

@@ -208,2 +195,4 @@ clone() {

relation.joinTableModelClass = this.joinTableModelClass;
relation.joinTableExtraCols = this.joinTableExtraCols;
relation.joinTableExtraProps = this.joinTableExtraProps;

@@ -214,4 +203,3 @@ return relation;

* @inheritDoc
* @override
* @returns {ManyToManyRelation}

@@ -225,4 +213,2 @@ bindKnex(knex) {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -256,4 +242,2 @@ */

* @override
* @inheritDoc
* @returns {QueryBuilder}

@@ -292,6 +276,2 @@ */

* @override
* @inheritDoc
find(builder, owners) {

@@ -311,2 +291,7 @@ const ownerJoinColumnAlias = _.times(this.joinTableOwnerCol.length, idx => ownerJoinColumnAliasPrefix + idx); + '.*');
// Also select all extra columns.
_.each(this.fullJoinTableExtraCols(), col => {;

@@ -341,7 +326,5 @@

* @override
* @inheritDoc
insert(builder, owner, insertion) {
builder.onBuild(builder => {

@@ -353,4 +336,3 @@ builder.$$insert(insertion);

let ownerId = owner.$values(this.ownerProp);
let relatedIds =, related => related.$values(this.relatedProp));
let joinModels = this._createJoinModels(ownerId, relatedIds);
let joinModels = this.createJoinModels(ownerId, related);

@@ -369,6 +351,2 @@ owner[] = this.mergeModels(owner[], related);

* @override
* @inheritDoc
update(builder, owner, update) {

@@ -380,6 +358,2 @@ builder.onBuild(builder => {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
delete(builder, owner) {

@@ -391,11 +365,7 @@ builder.onBuild(builder => {

* @override
* @inheritDoc
relate(builder, owner, ids) {
ids = this.normalizeId(ids, this.relatedProp.length);
ids = normalizeIds(ids, this.relatedProp);
builder.setQueryExecutor(builder => {
let joinModels = this._createJoinModels(owner.$values(this.ownerProp), ids);
let joinModels = this.createJoinModels(owner.$values(this.ownerProp), ids);

@@ -411,6 +381,2 @@ return this.joinTableModelClass

* @override
* @inheritDoc

@@ -440,5 +406,2 @@ sqlite3: 'unrelate_sqlite3'

* Special unrelate implementation for sqlite3. sqlite3 doesn't support multi-value
* where-in clauses. We need to use the built-in _rowid_ instead.
* @private

@@ -499,5 +462,2 @@ */

* Special _selectForModify implementation for sqlite3. sqlite3 doesn't support multi-value
* where-in clauses. We need to use the built-in _rowid_ instead.
* @private

@@ -530,7 +490,4 @@ */

* @private
_createJoinModels(ownerId, relatedIds) {
return, relatedId => {
createJoinModels(ownerId, related) {
return, related => {
let joinModel = {};

@@ -543,8 +500,18 @@

_.each(this.joinTableRelatedProp, (joinTableRelatedProp, idx) => {
joinModel[joinTableRelatedProp] = relatedId[idx];
joinModel[joinTableRelatedProp] = related[this.relatedProp[idx]];
_.each(this.joinTableExtraProps, extraProp => {
if (!_.isUndefined(related[extraProp])) {
joinModel[extraProp] = related[extraProp];
return joinModel;
omitExtraProps(models) {
_.each(models, model => model.$omitFromDatabaseJson(this.joinTableExtraProps));
import _ from 'lodash';
import {inherits, isSubclassOf} from '../utils/classUtils';
import {memoize} from '../utils/decorators';
import memoize from '../utils/decorators/memoize';
import QueryBuilder from '../queryBuilder/QueryBuilder';

@@ -8,54 +8,10 @@

* @typedef {Object} RelationJoin
* An object literal that describes how two tables are related to one another. For example:
* ```js
* {
* from: 'Animal.ownerId',
* to: ''
* }
* ```
* or in the case of a many-to-many relation:
* ```js
* {
* from: '',
* through: {
* from: 'Person_Movie.actorId',
* to: 'Person_Movie.movieId'
* },
* to: ''
* }
* ```
* @property {string|Array.<string>} from
* The relation column in the owner table. Must be given with the table name.
* For example ``. Composite key can be specified using an array of
* columns e.g. `['Person.a', 'Person.b']`. Note that neither this nor `to`
* need to be foreign keys or primary keys. You can join any column to
* any column.
* @property {string|Array.<string>} to
* The relation column in the related table. Must be given with the table name.
* For example ``. Composite key can be specified using an array of
* columns e.g. `['Movie.a', 'Movie.b']`. Note that neither this nor `from`
* need to be foreign keys or primary keys. You can join any column to any column.
* @property {Object} through
* Describes the join table if the models are related through one.
* @property {Class.<Model>} through.modelClass
* If the there is model class available for the join table, it can be provided
* using this property.
* @property {Constructor.<Model>} through.modelClass
* @property {string|Array.<string>} through.from
* The column that is joined to `from` property of the `RelationJoin`. For example
* `Person_Movie.actorId` where `Person_Movie` is the join table. Composite key can
* be specified using an array of columns e.g. `['Person_Movie.a', 'Person_Movie.b']`.
* @property {string|Array.<string>}
* The column that is joined to `to` property of the `RelationJoin`. For example
* `Person_Movie.movieId` where `Person_Movie` is the join table. Composite key can
* be specified using an array of columns e.g. `['Person_Movie.a', 'Person_Movie.b']`.
* @property {Array.<string>} through.extra

@@ -66,29 +22,9 @@

* @property {Class.<Model>|string} modelClass
* A {@link Model} subclass constructor or an absolute path to a module that exports one.
* @property {Constructor.<Model>|string} modelClass
* @property {Relation} relation
* A relation constructor. You can use one of Model.BelongsToOneRelation, Model.HasOneRelation, Model.HasManyRelation and
* Model.ManyToManyRelation or even write your own relation type by subclassing {@link Relation}.
* @property {Object|function(QueryBuilder)} filter
* Additional filter for the relation. It can be either a hash of {column: 'value'} pairs or
* a function that takes a QueryBuilder as a parameter.
* @property {RelationJoin} [join]
* An object that describes how the two models are related.
* Represents a relation between two `Model` subclasses.
* This is an abstract base class and should never be instantiated.
* @param {string} relationName
* Name of the relation.
* @param {Model} OwnerClass
* The Model subclass that owns this relation.
* @ignore
* @abstract

@@ -100,4 +36,2 @@ */

* Name of the relation.
* @type {string}

@@ -108,7 +42,3 @@ */

* The owner class of this relation.
* This must be a subclass of Model.
* @type {Class.<Model>}
* @type {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -118,7 +48,3 @@ this.ownerModelClass = OwnerClass;

* The related class.
* This must be a subclass of Model.
* @type {Class.<Model>}
* @type {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -128,4 +54,2 @@ this.relatedModelClass = null;

* The relation column in the owner table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -136,4 +60,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the owner model.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -144,4 +66,2 @@ */

* The relation column in the related table.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -152,4 +72,2 @@ */

* The relation property in the related model.
* @type {Array.<string>}

@@ -160,4 +78,2 @@ */

* Optional additional filter query.
* @type {function (QueryBuilder)}

@@ -169,6 +85,4 @@ */

* Makes the given constructor a subclass of this class.
* @param {function=} subclassConstructor
* @return {Class.<Model>}
* @return {Constructor.<Model>}

@@ -181,4 +95,2 @@ static extend(subclassConstructor) {

* Constructs the instance based on a mapping data.
* @param {RelationMapping} mapping

@@ -267,3 +179,3 @@ */

* Return the knex connection.
* @returns {knex}

@@ -275,6 +187,2 @@ knex() {

* Reference to the relation column in the owner model's table.
* For example: [``].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -288,6 +196,2 @@ */

* Reference to the relation column in the related model's table.
* For example: [``].
* @returns {Array.<string>}

@@ -301,6 +205,2 @@ */

* Alias to use for the related table when joining with the owner table.
* For example: `Movie_rel_movies`.
* @returns {string}

@@ -314,4 +214,2 @@ */

* Clones this relation.
* @returns {Relation}

@@ -333,7 +231,3 @@ */

* Returns a clone of this relation with `relatedModelClass` and `ownerModelClass` bound to the given knex.
* See `Model.bindKnex`.
* @param knex
* @param {knex} knex
* @returns {Relation}

@@ -568,5 +462,6 @@ */

for (let i = 0; i < ref.length; ++i) {
let parts = ref[i].split('.');
let tableName = parts[0] && parts[0].trim();
let columnName = parts[1] && parts[1].trim();
const refItem = ref[i];
const ndx = refItem.lastIndexOf('.');
let tableName = refItem.substr(0, ndx).trim();
let columnName = refItem.substr(ndx + 1, refItem.length).trim();

@@ -594,40 +489,2 @@ if (!tableName || (table && table !== tableName) || !columnName) {

normalizeId(ids, compositeLength) {
let isComposite = compositeLength > 1;
if (isComposite) {
// For composite ids these two are okay:
// 1. [1, 3, 4]
// 2. [[1, 3, 4], [4, 6, 1]]
if (!_.isArray(ids) || (!_.isArray(ids[0]) && ids.length !== compositeLength)) {
this.throwError(`Invalid composite key ${ids}`);
// Normalize to array of arrays.
if (!_.isArray(ids[0])) {
ids = [ids];
} else {
// Normalize to array of arrays.
if (!_.isArray(ids)) {
ids = [[ids]];
} else if (!_.isArray(ids[0])) {
ids =, id => [id]);
_.each(ids, id => {
if (id.length !== compositeLength) {
this.throwError(`Id ${id} has invalid length. Expected ${compositeLength}`)
return ids;
* @protected
throwError(message) {

@@ -634,0 +491,0 @@ if (this.ownerModelClass && && {

@@ -7,76 +7,2 @@ import _ from 'lodash';

* Starts a transaction.
* Give the the model classes you want to use in the transaction as arguments to this
* function. The model classes are bound to a newly created transaction and passed to
* the callback. All queries created using the bound model classes or any result acquired
* through them take part in the same transaction.
* You must return a promise from the callback. If this promise is fulfilled the transaction
* is committed. If the promise is rejected the transaction is rolled back.
* Examples:
* ```js
* objection.transaction(Person, Animal, function (Person, Animal) {
* return Person
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .then(function () {
* return Animal.query().insert({name: 'Scrappy'});
* });
* }).then(function (scrappy) {
* console.log('Jennifer and Scrappy were successfully inserted');
* }).catch(function (err) {
* console.log('Something went wrong. Neither Jennifer nor Scrappy were inserted');
* });
* ```
* Related model classes are automatically bound to the same transaction. So if you use
* `Animal` implicitly through `Person`'s relations you don't have to bind Animal explicitly.
* The following example clarifies this:
* ```js
* objection.transaction(Person, function (Person) {
* return Person
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .then(function (jennifer) {
* // This insert takes part in the transaction even though we didn't explicitly
* // bind the `Animal` model class.
* return jennifer.$relatedQuery('pets').insert({name: 'Scrappy'});
* });
* }).then(function (scrappy) {
* console.log('Jennifer and Scrappy were successfully inserted');
* }).catch(function (err) {
* console.log('Something went wrong. Neither Jennifer nor Scrappy were inserted');
* });
* ```
* Inside the callback `this` is the knex transaction object. So if you need to create
* knex queries you can do this:
* ```js
* objection.transaction(Person, function (Person) {
* let knex = this;
* return Person
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer', lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .then(function (jennifer) {
* return knex.insert({name: 'Scrappy'}}.into('Animal');
* });
* }).then(function () {
* console.log('Jennifer and Scrappy were successfully inserted');
* }).catch(function (err) {
* console.log('Something went wrong. Neither Jennifer nor Scrappy were inserted');
* });
* ```
* @function transaction
* @returns {Promise}

@@ -125,37 +51,3 @@ */

* Starts a transaction.
* The returned promise is resolved with a knex transaction object that can be used as
* a query builder. You can bind `Model` classes to the transaction using the `Model.bindTransaction`
* method. The transaction object has `commit` and `rollback` methods for committing and
* rolling back the transaction.
* ```js
* let Person = require('./models/Person');
* let transaction;
* objection.transaction.start(Person).then(function (trx) {
* transaction = trx;
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .insert({firstName: 'Jennifer'});
* }).then(function (jennifer) {
* return Person
* .bindTransaction(transaction)
* .query()
* .patch({lastName: 'Lawrence'})
* .where('id',;
* }).then(function () {
* return transaction.commit();
* }).catch(function () {
* return transaction.rollback();
* });
* ```
* @param {Class.<Model>|knex} modelClassOrKnex
* A knex instance or any model that has a knex connection set. Note that you can bind any model
* to the created transaction regardless of the model given to this method. This argument is used
* only to get a knex connection for starting the transaction.
* @param {Constructor.<Model>|knex} modelClassOrKnex
* @returns {Promise}

@@ -162,0 +54,0 @@ */

@@ -11,3 +11,2 @@ import _ from 'lodash';

* @ignore
* @param {Object} subClass

@@ -40,3 +39,2 @@ * @param {Object} superClass

* @ignore
* @param {Object} Constructor

@@ -43,0 +41,0 @@ * @param {Object} SuperConstructor

import _ from 'lodash';
* @ignore
const OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY = `@overwriteForDatabase`;
export function getDialect(knex) {

@@ -10,5 +9,2 @@ return knex.client.dialect;

* @ignore
export function isPostgres(knex) {

@@ -18,5 +14,2 @@ return getDialect(knex) === 'postgresql';

* @ignore
export function isMySql(knex) {

@@ -26,5 +19,2 @@ return getDialect(knex) === 'mysql';

* @ignore
export function isSqlite(knex) {

@@ -34,5 +24,2 @@ return getDialect(knex) === 'sqlite3';

* @ignore
export function isKnexQueryBuilder(knexQueryBuilder) {

@@ -44,12 +31,18 @@ return knexQueryBuilder

* @ignore
export function overwriteForDatabase(input) {
if (!input) {
input = (inst) => inst.knex();
// If there is no input or if the input is a function, we assume that the
// decorator was applied to a class instead of a method.
let isClassDecorator = _.isUndefined(input) || _.isFunction(input);
if (_.isFunction(input)) {
return overwriteForDatabaseClass(input);
if (isClassDecorator) {
// In case of class decorator, the input should be a function that returns
// a knex instance that the method version can use.
let getKnex = input;
if (_.isUndefined(getKnex)) {
// The default getter attempts to call a function called `knex`.
getKnex = (inst) => inst.knex();
return overwriteForDatabaseClass(getKnex);
} else {

@@ -60,14 +53,10 @@ return overwriteForDatabaseMethod(input);

* @ignore
function overwriteForDatabaseClass(input) {
function overwriteForDatabaseClass(getKnex) {
return function (constructor) {
const getKnex = input;
if (constructor['@overwriteForDatabase']) {
if (constructor[OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY]) {
// Knex getter is already registered. Do nothing.
Object.defineProperty(constructor, '@overwriteForDatabase', {
Object.defineProperty(constructor, OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY, {
enumerable: false,

@@ -80,5 +69,2 @@ writable: false,

* @ignore
function overwriteForDatabaseMethod(input) {

@@ -90,5 +76,6 @@ return function (target, property, descriptor) {

descriptor.value = function () {
let knex = this.constructor['@overwriteForDatabase'].getKnex(this);
let knex = this.constructor[OVERWRITE_FOR_DATABASE_KEY].getKnex(this);
let dialect = getDialect(knex);
// Call the correct method based on the dialect.
if (dialect in methodNameByDialect) {

@@ -95,0 +82,0 @@ let methodName = methodNameByDialect[dialect];

@@ -7,6 +7,3 @@ import util from 'util';

* Error of this class is thrown when a Model validation fails.
* @param {Object} errors
* @constructor

@@ -18,4 +15,2 @@ export default function ValidationError(errors) {

* Any data that describes the errors.
* @type {Object}

@@ -22,0 +17,0 @@ */

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