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Models & Promises for Firebase

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OnFire is a library that makes it easier to develop and maintain Firebase apps that have complex data structures, whether they are browser-based or run on Node.js.

Already implemented:

  • Schema-driven, live models. Where appropriate, property values are also models, automatically.
  • Makes Promises, instead of actually calling you back. :laughing:

Coming soon:

  • Atomic operations that involve multiple models simultaneously.
  • Persistence! This is for loading data while offline, or for priming your app for a quick start.

Here are more details.



var Person = onfire.defineModel(
        firstName: 'string',
        lastName: 'string',
        jobs: {
            $id: {
                title: 'string',
                company: 'string',
                startYear: 'number',
                endYear: 'number'

// Access an object at a specific location:
var person = new Person(ref);
    then(function(person) {
        // Do something with the person.

// A getter/setter is generated for each property specified in the schema.

// The jobs property is automatically instantiated as a collection model.

// Chainable setters:

// After setting the values, we need to save the changes:; // a promise.

// or all together:

// This will throw an exception, because of the mis-spelt property name.
// Schema-driven modules reduce the chances of unintentional errors in your code.

// Collections can be conveniently manipulated.'abc-123-def').
    then(function(job) {
        // job is a model. It is already loaded, i.e. no need to call .whenLoaded().

// Add a new member to a collection.
        title: 'VP Sales',
        company: 'Claritude Software Ltd.',
        startYear: 2014
        // job is a model.
        // A key was automatically generated for it.
        // It is already loaded.

// When a member's ID is predetermined, fetchOrCreate() will fetch it if it already exists, and
// create it if it doesn't. This is, of course, performed transactionally.'zyx-321-cba',
        title: 'Team Leader',
        company: 'ABC & Co. Ltd.',
        startYear: 2013,
        endYear: 2014
    then(function(job) {
        // job now exists in the database.



 * An analogue of a Firebase reference.
 * @see
 * @param {string|!Firebase} urlOrRef A Firebase URL or a Firebase reference instance.
 * @constructor
 * @final
onfire.Ref = function(urlOrRef) {};

 * Firebase.authAnonymously() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {!Object=} opt_options
 * @return {!Promise<!Firebase.AuthCallbackData,!Error>} A promise which resolves to the authData,
 *      or is rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.authAnonymously = function(opt_options) {};

 * Firebase.authWithCustomToken() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {string} authToken
 * @param {!Object=} opt_options
 * @return {!Promise<!Firebase.AuthCallbackData,!Error>} A promise which resolves to the authData,
 *      or is rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.authWithCustomToken = function(authToken, opt_options) {};

 * Firebase.authWithOAuthPopup() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {string} provider
 * @param {!Object=} opt_options
 * @return {!Promise<!Firebase.AuthCallbackData,!Error>} A promise which resolves to the authData,
 *      or is rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.authWithOAuthPopup = function(provider, opt_options) {};

 * Firebase.authWithOAuthRedirect() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {string} provider
 * @param {!Object=} opt_options
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise which is rejected with an error if the authentication
 *      fails.
onfire.Ref.prototype.authWithOAuthRedirect = function(provider, opt_options) {};

 * Firebase.authWithOAuthToken() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {string} provider
 * @param {string|!Object} credentials
 * @param {!Object=} opt_options
 * @return {!Promise<!Firebase.AuthCallbackData,!Error>} A promise which resolves to the authData,
 *      or is rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.authWithOAuthToken = function(provider, credentials, opt_options) {};

 * Firebase.authWithPassword() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {!Firebase.AuthPasswordCredentials} credentials
 * @param {!Object=} opt_options
 * @return {!Promise<!Firebase.AuthCallbackData,!Error>} A promise which resolves to the authData,
 *      or is rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.authWithPassword = function(credentials, opt_options) {};

 * Firebase.changeEmail() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {!{oldEmail:string, password:string, newEmail:string}} credentials
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise which resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.changeEmail = function(credentials) {};

 * Firebase.changePassword() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {!{email:string, oldPassword:string, newPassword:string}} credentials
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise which resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.changePassword = function(credentials) {};

 * Firebase.createUser() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {!Firebase.AuthPasswordCredentials} credentials
 * @return {!Promise<!{uid:string}},!Error>} A promise which resolves to a userData object, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.createUser = function(credentials) {};

 * Returns a reference that is relative to the current location.
 * @see
 * @param {string} childPath
 * @return {!onfire.Ref} A reference that is relative to the current location.
onfire.Ref.prototype.child = function(childPath) {};

 * Generates a push ID. This takes the place of .push() when all we want is a unique ID, via a
 * synchronous method instead of a promise, which is what .push() returns.
 * @return {string} A unique ID.
onfire.Ref.prototype.generateId = function() {};

 * A proxy for Firebase.getAuth().
 * @see
 * @return {Firebase.AuthCallbackData}
onfire.Ref.prototype.getAuth = function() {};

 * Returns the key of the current location.
 * @see
 * @return {string} The key of the current location.
onfire.Ref.prototype.key = function() {};

 * Deregisters a previously registered callback.
 * @see
 * @param {string=} opt_eventType
 * @param {!Firebase.EventCallback=} opt_callback If provided, this MUST be the *wrapped* callback
 *      returned by the .on() method.
 * @param {!Object=} opt_context
 */ = function(opt_eventType, opt_callback, opt_context) {};

 * A proxy for Firebase.offAuth().
 * @see
 * @param {!function(Firebase.AuthCallbackData)} onComplete
 * @param {!Object=} opt_context
onfire.Ref.prototype.offAuth = function(onComplete, opt_context) {};

 * Deregisters a previously registered .onValue() callback.
 * @param {!function(Firebase.Value)} callback This MUST be the *wrapped* callback returned
 *      by .onValue().
 * @param {!Object=} context
onfire.Ref.prototype.offValue = function(callback, context) {};

 * Registers a callback for an event of a specified type at the current location. Make sure to keep
 * the return value for use when turning this off -- see the off() method.
 * @see
 * @param {string} eventType
 * @param {!Firebase.EventCallback} callback
 * @param {function(!Error)=} cancelCallback
 * @param {Object=} context
 * @return {!function(!Firebase.DataSnapshot, ?string=)} A handler function that may be needed when
 *      deregistering the callback.
onfire.Ref.prototype.on = function(eventType, callback, cancelCallback, context) {};

 * A proxy for Firebase.onAuth().
 * @see
 * @param {!function(Firebase.AuthCallbackData)} onComplete
 * @param {!Object=} opt_context
onfire.Ref.prototype.onAuth = function(onComplete, opt_context) {};

 * Waits for the first event of a specified type at the current location. A promisified analogue
 * of Firebase's .once() method.
 * @see
 * @param {string} eventType
 * @return {!Promise<!Firebase.DataSnapshot,!Error>} A promise that resolves to a Firebase snapshot,
 *      or is rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.once = function(eventType) {};

 * Retrieves the value that is stored at the current location. This is shorthand for calling .once()
 * for the 'value' event and then extracting the value of the returned snapshot.
 * @return {!Promise<Firebase.Value,!Error>} A promise that
 *      resolves to the value stored at the current location, or is rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.onceValue = function() {};

 * Registers a callback for value changes at the current location. This is shorthand for calling
 * .on() for the 'value' event and then extracting the value of each returned snapshot. Make sure to
 * keep the return value for when you want to turn this off. See the .offValue() method.
 * @param {!function(Firebase.Value)} callback
 * @param {!function(!Error)=} cancelCallback
 * @param {!Object=} context
 * @return {!function(!Firebase.DataSnapshot)}
onfire.Ref.prototype.onValue = function(callback, cancelCallback, context) {};

 * Returns a reference to the parent of the current location.
 * @see
 * @return {onfire.Ref} A reference to the parent of the current location.
onfire.Ref.prototype.parent = function() {};

 * Returns the path of this reference relative to the root, i.e. not including the
 * domain.
 * @return {string} The path of this reference relative to the root.
onfire.Ref.prototype.path = function() {};

 * Pushes a value under the current location. A promisified analogue of Firebase's .push() method.
 * @see
 * @param {Firebase.Value=} opt_value
 * @return {!Promise<!onfire.Ref,!Error>} A promise that resolves to the Ref of the newly pushed
 *      child.
onfire.Ref.prototype.push = function(opt_value) {};

 * Returns an unwrapped Firebase reference to the current location.
 * @return {!Firebase} An unwrapped Firebase reference to the current location.
onfire.Ref.prototype.ref = function() {};

 * Removes the data that is stored at the current location. A promisified analogue of Firebase's
 * .remove() method.
 * @see
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise that resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.remove = function() {};

 * Firebase.removeUser() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {!Firebase.AuthPasswordCredentials} credentials
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise which resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.removeUser = function(credentials) {};

 * Firebase.resetPassword() wrapped in a promise.
 * @see
 * @param {!{email:string}} credentials
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise which resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.resetPassword = function(credentials) {};

 * Returns a reference that represents the root of the tree.
 * @see
 * @return {!onfire.Ref} A reference that represents the root of the tree.
onfire.Ref.prototype.root = function() {};

 * Stores a value at the current location. A promisified analogue of Firebase's .set() method.
 * @see
 * @param {Firebase.Value} value
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise that resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.set = function(value) {};

 * Sets a the values stored at the current location, atomically. A promisified analogue of
 * Firebase's .transaction() method.
 * @see
 * @param {Firebase.TransactionUpdateFunction} updateFn
 * @return {!Promise<!{{isCommitted:boolean,snapshot:Firebase.DataSnapshot}},!Error>} A promise that
 *      resolves when the operation is complete, or is rejected with an error. The value provided
 *      when the promise resolves is an object with two properties:
 *          isCommitted: whether the operation actually committed a value to the database.
 *          snapshot: a snapshot of the current data.
onfire.Ref.prototype.transaction = function(updateFn) {};

 * A proxy for Firebase.unauth().
 * @see
onfire.Ref.prototype.unauth = function() {};

 * Updates multiple key/value pairs stored at the current location. A promisified analogue of
 * Firebase's .update() method.
 * @see
 * @param {!Object<string,Firebase.Value>} values An object containing the key/value pairs.
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise that resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
onfire.Ref.prototype.update = function(values) {};


 * Generates a subclass of onfire.model.Model or onfire.model.Collection with a baked in schema.
 * @param {!Object} schema A schema object.
 * @return {!function(new:onfire.model.Model, !onfire.Ref)} A model constructor.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.defineModel = function(schema) {};


 * Base class to represent objects that live in Firebase.
 * @param {!onfire.Ref} ref The reference of the current object.
 * @constructor
onfire.model.Model = function(ref) {};

 * Releases resources used by the model. Call this when you no longer need the instance.
onfire.model.Model.prototype.dispose = function() {};

 * Determines whether the underlying data exists. We may have retrieved a non-existent object, or
 * it may have subsequently been deleted.
 * @return {boolean} Whether the underlying data actually exists.
 * @throws {Error} if called before the model has loaded.
onfire.model.Model.prototype.exists = function() {};

 * Synchronously retrieves the value associated with a key. If the value is not a primitive, a model
 * instance will be returned, in which case .whenLoaded() should be called on the returned model in
 * order to know when it is ready to use. If the key is already known to represent a model, it is
 * better to obtain it via the asynchronous .fetch() method.
 * If the key is specified in the schema, its value, or a model representing its value,  will be
 * returned. If the key represents a primitive but missing value, the return value will be null.
 * If the key is not specified in the schema, but does have a value in the underlying data, that
 * value will be returned. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
 * @param {string} key
 * @return {Firebase.Value|onfire.model.Model} A primitive value or a model instance.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Model.prototype.get = function(key) {};

 * Synchronously retrieves the primitive value associated with a key. If the value is an object, it
 * is returned unwrapped, i.e. not as a model instance.
 * If the key is specified in the schema, its value will be returned. If the key does not have a
 * value the return value will be null.
 * If the key is not specified in the schema, but does have a value in the underlying data, that
 * value will be returned. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
 * @param {string} key The key under which the value is stored.
 * @return {Firebase.Value} The value or unwrapped object associated with the key.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Model.prototype.getBasicValue = function(key) {};

 * Synchronously retrieves the model instance that represents a non-primitive value that is
 * associated with a key. Make sure to call .whenLoaded() on the returned model in order to know when
 * it is ready to use. In many cases it may be more convenient to call the asynchronous .fetch()
 * method instead.
 * If the key is not specified in the schema, an exception will be thrown.
 * @param {string} key
 * @return {!onfire.model.Model}
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Model.prototype.getModel = function(key) {};

 * Determines whether there are any unsaved changes on this model.
 * @return {boolean} Whether there are any unsaved changes on this model.
onfire.model.Model.prototype.hasChanges = function() {};

 * Returns the key of the model's reference.
 * @return {string} The key of the model's reference
onfire.model.Model.prototype.key = function() {};

 * Register the callback function that will be called whenever the model is updated. To deregister
 * an existing callback, just pass null as the callback argument.
 * @param {function()|null} callback
onfire.model.Model.prototype.onValueChanged = function(callback) {};

 * Asynchronously commits the outstanding changes.
 * @return {!Promise<!onfire.model.Model,!Error>} A promise that resolves to this model instance
 *      when the operation completes successfully, or is rejected with an error.
 * @throws {Error} if called before the model has loaded.
 */ = function() {};

 * Registers the desire to change the primitive value associated with a key. The value will be
 * committed only when .save() is called. Returns a reference to the current model to allow
 * chaining, e.g.,
 *      person.set('firstName', 'John').set('lastName', 'Smith').save()
 * Throws an error if the key is not specified in the schema and does not already have a value in
 * the underlying data.
 * @param {string} key The name of a property.
 * @param {Firebase.Value} value The primitive value to assign to the property.
 * @return {!onfire.model.Model} This model instance, in order to make the method chainable.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Model.prototype.set = function(key, value) {};

 * Returns a promise that is resolved to this instance when the data has been loaded.
 * @return {!Promise<!onfire.model.Model,!Error>} A promise resolves to this instance when the data
 *      has been loaded.
onfire.model.Model.prototype.whenLoaded = function() {};


Offers all the Model properties with the following additions and changes.

 * Base class for collections that live in Firebase. If collection members are not primitives, they
 * are lazily loaded -- only when requested.
 * @param {!onfire.Ref} ref The reference of the current object.
 * @param {!function(new:onfire.model.Model, !onfire.Ref, number=)=} opt_memberCtor The model
 *      constructor to use for instances of collection members. If the members are primitives,
 *      this should not be supplied.
 * @constructor
 * @extends {onfire.model.Model}
onfire.model.Collection = function(ref, opt_memberCtor) {};

 * Determines whether the collection already has an entry for the provided key.
 * @param {string} key
 * @return {boolean}
 * @throws {Error} if called before the model has loaded.
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.containsKey = function(key) {};

 * Returns the number of values in the collection.
 * @return {number} The number of values in the collection.
 * @throws {Error} if called before the model has loaded.
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.count = function() {};

 * Asynchronously creates a model instance and adds it as a member of the collection, with an
 * automatically generated key.
 * @param {!Object<string,Firebase.Value>=} opt_values An object containing the property/value pairs
 *        to initialize the new object with.
 * @return {!Promise<!onfire.model.Model,!Error>} A promise that resolves to a model instance, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.create = function(opt_values) {};

 * Asynchronously retrieves a model instance that represents a member of the collection. Throws an
 * exception if the key does not exist.
 * @param {string} key The key of the member.
 * @return {!Promise<!onfire.model.Model,!Error>} A promise that resolves to a model instance, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.fetch = function(key) {};

 * Asynchronously retrieves an existing item by its key, or creates it if it does not yet exist, and
 * adds it to the collection.
 * @param {string} key
 * @param {!Object<string,Firebase.Value>=} values A set of property/value pairs to assign if
 *      created. If null, don't set any values. The object will come into existence only when a
 *      value is set and committed to the database.
 * @return {!Promise<!onfire.model.Model,!Error>} A promise that resolves to a model instance, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.fetchOrCreate = function(key, values) {};

 * Calls a callback for each member of the collection. Returns a promise that is resolved once all
 * the callbacks have been invoked, and any promises returned by callbacks have themselves been
 * resolved.
 * The callback function should accept a primitive value or a model instance, according to the type
 * of members in the collection. It does not need to return anything, but if it returns a promise,
 * the main return value of this method (a promise) will depend on it.
 * @param {!function((!onfire.model.Model|Firebase.Value), string=):(!Promise|undefined)} callback
 * @return {!Promise} A promise that in resolved when all callbacks have completed.
 * @throws {Error} if called before the model has loaded.
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.forEach = function(callback) {};

 * Synchronously retrieves the value associated with a key. If the collection members are not
 * primitive values, a model instance will be returned, in which case .whenLoaded() should be called
 * on the returned model in order to know when it is ready to use. Consider using the asynchronous
 * .fetch() method instead.
 * Throws an exception if the key does not have a value in the underlying data.
 * @override
 * @param {string} key An key of an item in the collection.
 * @return {Firebase.Value|onfire.model.Model} A primitive value or a model instance.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.get = function(key) {};

 * Synchronously retrieves the primitive value associated with a key. If the value is an object, it
 * is returned unwrapped, i.e. not as a model instance.
 * Throws an exception if the key does not have a value in the underlying data.
 * @param {string} key The key of the desired value.
 * @return {Firebase.Value}
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.getBasicValue = function(key) {};

 * Synchronously retrieves the value associated with a key and wraps it in a model instance. Make
 * sure to call .whenLoaded() on the returned model in order to know when it is ready to use.
 * Consider using the asynchronous .fetch() method instead.
 * Throws an exception if the key does not have a value in the underlying data.
 * @param {string} key The key of the desired item.
 * @return {!onfire.model.Model} A model instance.
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.getModel = function(key) {};

 * Returns an array of the keys of members in the collection.
 * @return {!Array<string>} An array of the keys of members in the collection.
 * @throws {Error} if called before the model has loaded.
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.keys = function() {};

 * Register the callback function that will be called whenever a child is added. To deregister
 * an existing callback, just pass null as the callback argument.
 * @param {function(string)|null} callback A function that will be called with the key of the new
 *      child.
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.onChildAdded = function(callback) {};

 * Register the callback function that will be called whenever a child is removed. To deregister
 * an existing callback, just pass null as the callback argument.
 * @param {function(string)|null} callback A function that will be called with the key of the
 *      removed child.
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.onChildRemoved = function(callback) {};

 * Asynchronously removes the specified member of the collection. The promise is not rejected if the
 * member is not present.
 * @param {string} key The key of the member.
 * @return {!Promise<null,!Error>} A promise that resolves when the operation is complete, or is
 *      rejected with an error.
 * @throws {Error} if called before the model has loaded.
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.remove = function(key) {};

 * Registers the desire to change the primitive value associated with a key. The value will be
 * committed only when .save() is called. Returns a reference to the current model to allow
 * chaining, e.g.,
 *      person.set('firstName', 'John').set('lastName', 'Smith').save()
 * Throws an error if the key is not specified in the schema and does not already have a value in
 * the underlying data.
 * @override return type.
 * @param {string} key The name of a property.
 * @param {Firebase.Value} value The primitive value to assign to the property.
 * @return {!onfire.model.Collection}
 * @throws {Error}
onfire.model.Collection.prototype.set = function(key, value) {};

Error Messages

 * Thrown when the argument provided to the model constructor is not an onfire.Ref instance.
 * @type {string}

 * Thrown when a property or method is accessed before the model has finished loading, and the
 * result would be incorrect or unavailable.
 * @type {string}

 * Thrown when an attempt is made to get or set the value of a key that is not specified in the
 * schema and does not exist in the underlying data.
 * @type {string}

 * Thrown when an attempt is made to obtain a model to represent a primitive value, e.g. calling
 * .getModel('abc') when .abc has an integer value according to the schema or in reality.
 * Another example is calling a collection's .create(), .fetch() or fetchOrCreate() methods
 * when the collection is a colection of primitive values and not models.
 * @type {string}

 * Thrown when an attempt is made to assign a value to a key that represents a model. Any
 * changes need to be assigned via the model itself. In order to add a model instance to a
 * collection use .create() or .fetchOrCreate() instead of .set().
 * @type {string}

How to use OnFire in your project

Browser based projects

  • Load onfire.min.js into your project, after the line that references Firebase. For example:
    <script src="./bower_components/onfire/dist/onfire.min.js"></script>
  • Optional: bower install --save isabo/onfire

Node.js based projects

  • npm install --save onfire
  • var onfire = require('onfire');

How to set up the development environment

This is not needed if you just want to use OnFire in your project.


  • Java - used by Google Closure Compiler to optimise and minify Javascript.
  • NPM - used to manage dependencies. This is usually installed together with Node.js.


  • Install the dependencies locally: npm install
  • Update the dependencies to the most recent compatible versions: npm update

How To Run the Test Suite

npm test

How to Build the Distributables

npm run build



Last updated on 25 Feb 2016

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