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Type-safe, ergonomic, polymorphic optics for TypeScript

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optics-ts provides type-safe, ergonomic, polymorphic optics for TypeScript:

  • Optics allow you to read or modify values from deeply nested data structures, while keeping all data immutable.
  • Ergonomic: Optics are composed with method chaining, making it easy and fun!
  • Polymorphic: When writing through the optics, you can change the data types in the nested structure.
  • Type-safe: The compiler will type check all operations you do. No any, ever.

Table of Contents


npm install --save optics-ts


yarn add optics-ts


TypeScript >= 4.1 and the strictNullChecks compiler option are required.

I strongly recommend enabling all strict options in your project's tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true

If this is not possible for your project, enable only the strictNullChecks option:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strictNullChecks": true


The following import is assumed in all the examples below:

import * as O from 'optics-ts'


Lens is the most common optic you're going to use. You can create an optic for a data structure by calling O.optic(), and turn in into a lens that focuses on a property of an object with .prop():

type Data = {
  foo: { bar: number }
  other: string
const foo = O.optic<Data>().prop('foo')

foo is now a lens that focuses on

To dig deeper, just call .prop() again:

const bar = O.optic<Data>().prop('foo').prop('bar')
// or from the `foo` lens we defined above
const bar = foo.prop('bar')
// or use .path() to compose multiple prop lenses with a single call
const bar = O.optic<Data>().path('foo', 'bar')
// or use path with a dotted string path
const bar = O.optic<Data>().path('')

Use get() to read a value through the lens:

const data: Data = {
  foo: { bar: 42 },
  other: 'stuff',

// => 42

Use set() or modify() to write the focused value through the lens:

// => {
//   foo: { bar: 99 },
//   other: 'stuff'
// }

O.modify(bar)((x) => x * 100)(data)
// => {
//   foo: { bar: 4200 },
//   other: 'stuff'
// }

Writing through optics always creates a new data structure instead of modifying the existing one. In other words, data is immutable.


Lenses are great for focusing to a part of a larger structure. Prisms are much like lenses, but they don't necessarily match anything, i.e. they can have zero focuses.

A practical example is focusing on a branch of a union type. Here, the User.age field can be number or undefined. With the .optional() prism we can focus only when the value is a number, and do nothing when it's undefined:

type User = {
  name: string
  age?: number | undefined

const age = O.optic<User>().prop('age').optional()

You read through a prism using the preview() function. When the prism doesn't match, it returns undefined.

const userWithAge: User = {
  name: 'Betty',
  age: 42,
// ==> 42

const userWithoutAge: User = {
  name: 'Max',
  age: undefined,
// ==> undefined

If the prism doesn't match, preview() returns undefined, as seen above.

You can write through a prism normally with set() and modify(). If the prism doesn't match, the value is unchanged:

O.modify(age)((n) => n + 1)(userWithAge)
// ==> {
//   name: 'Betty',
//   age: 43,
// }

// ==> {
//   name: 'Max',
//   age: undefined,
// }

.guard() is another method that creates a prism. It's a generalization of .optional() in the sense that you can match on any branch of a union type instead of just the non-undefined part:

interface Square {
  kind: 'square'
  size: number
interface Rectangle {
  kind: 'rectangle'
  width: number
  height: number
type Shape = Square | Rectangle

function isRectangle(s: Shape): s is Rectangle {
  return s.kind === 'rectangle'

const rectWidth = O.optic<Shape>().guard(isRectangle).prop('width')

O.preview(rectWidth)({ kind: 'square', size: 10 })
// ==> undefined

O.preview(rectWidth)({ kind: 'rectangle', width: 5, height: 7 })
// ==> 5

O.modify(rectWidth)((w) => w * 2)({ kind: 'rectangle', width: 5, height: 7 })
// ==> { kind: 'rectangle', width: 10, height: 7 })

Notice how above we used .guard(...).prop(...), composing a prism with a lens. This yields a prism, so we used preview() to read through it. See Types of optics for the rules of composition.

Removable optics

Some optics are removable. This means that they focus on an element of a container (e.g. an array), and you can remove the element from the container.

.at() is a removable prism. It focuses on an index of an array, and lets you also remove that index:

interface User {
  name: string

const secondUser = O.optic<User[]>().at(1)

const threeUsers: User[] = [
  { name: 'Max' },
  { name: 'Betty' },
  { name: 'Alice' },
// ==> [{ name: 'Max' }, { name: 'Alice' }]

If the optic doesn't match, removing has no effect:

const oneUser: User[] = [{ name: 'Max' }]

// ==> [{ name: 'Max' }]


The next optic type is the traversal. While lenses have 1 focus and prisms have 0 or 1 focus (no match or match), traversals have 0 or more focuses.

The simplest example of a traversal is to focus on the elements of an array. To create such a traversal, use .elems():

type Person {
  name: string
  friends: Person[]

const friendsNames = O.optic<Person>()

To read through a traversal, call collect() to collect all focused elements into an array:

const john = { name: 'John', friends: [] }
const bruce = { name: 'Bruce', friends: [] }
const amy = { name: 'Amy', friends: [john, bruce] }

// ==> [ 'John', 'Bruce' ]

Writing through a traversal writes to all focused values:

O.modify(friendsNames)((name) => `${name} Wayne`)(amy)
// ==> {
//   name: 'Amy',
//   friends: [
//     { name: 'John Wayne', friends: [] },
//     { name: 'Bruce Wayne', friends: [] },
//   ],
// }

Note again how we used .prop(...).elems(...).prop(...), composing a lens with a traversal, and then with a lens again. This yields a traversal. See Types of optics for more info.

It's sometimes useful to further focus on certain elements of a traversal. This can be done by composing a traversal with a prism like .when() that skips items that don't match a predicate:

const even = O.optic<number[]>()
  .when((n) => n % 2 === 0)

O.modify(even)((n) => -n)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
// ==> [1, -2, 3, -4, 5]

Other types of optics

In fact, calling O.optic() also yields an optic, but instead of being a lens, prism or traversal, it's an equivalence. As the name suggests, equivalence keeps the value equal, in both reading and writing directions:

const str = O.optic<string>()

// ==> 'original'

// ==> 'new' ('original' is discarded)

Supported optic types also include isomorphism, which can be used to do 2-way data transformations. Furthermore, there are read-only optics analoguous to isomorphism, prism, and traversal. While isomorphism is 2-way transformation (a mapping function and its inverse), getter is a one-way transformation (just a mapping function). Affine fold and fold are read-only variants of prism and traversal.


Optics can be polymorphic, which means you can change the type of the focus when you write through an optic. Since this is a relatively rare use case, and may be confusing if done by accident, polymorphic optics are created with optic_() (note the underscore):

type Data = {
  foo: { bar: string }
  other: boolean
const bar = O.optic_<Data>().path('')

Let's modify bar to contain the length of the original string instead:

const data: Data = {
  foo: { bar: 'hello there' },
  other: true,

const updated = O.modify(bar)((str) => str.length)(data)
// ==> {
//   foo: { bar: 11 },
//   other: true
// }

This is a type-safe operation, i.e. the compiler knows that the type of is number, editor autocomplete works correctly, etc.

If you ever see a DisallowedTypeChange type being returned from an optics-ts function, it means that you tried to change the type when writing through a non-polymorphic (monomorphic) optic.

API reference

Types of optics

The supported optic classes are Equivalence, Iso (isomorphism), Lens, Prism, Traversal, Getter, AffineFold, Fold and Setter.

Equivalence, Iso, Lens, Prism and Traversal are read-write, i.e. you can read and write through them. Getter, AffineFold and Fold are read-only. Setter is write-only.

Equivalence, Iso, Lens and Getter have one focus, i.e. you can always read and write through them (Getter doesn't support writing). Prism and AffineFold have zero or one focus, i.e. reading may yield no value and writing may have no effect if there's no focus. Traversal and Fold have zero or more focuses, meaning that reading yields zero or more values, and writing modifies zero or more values.

Any read-write and read-only optic can be composed with another read-write and read-only optic. The type of the resulting optic can be determined from this diagram:

Equivalence -> Iso -> Lens ---> Prism ------> Traversal
                      |         |             |
                      v         v             v
                      Getter -> AffineFold -> Fold

When you compose two optics A and B, the result is the nearest optic that you get by following the arrows starting from both A and B.

For example, composing a Getter with a Traversal yields a Fold. Composing an Iso with a Prism yields a Prism.


Setter is special. You can only compose writable optics with setters. Setters cannot be further composed with any other optic.


RemovablePrism behaves like a regular prism, but it can be removed from its containing container. When composed with other optics, composes like a regular Prism.

The naming of the optic classes was inspired by Glassery by Oleg Grenrus.

Method chaining

Optics are composed with method chaining. This means that each optic type has most of the methods documented below, regardless of the type of the optic that the method creates. The only difference is the return type, which is determined by the composition rules above.

For example, assume we have a variable myLens that holds a Lens, and call .optional() on it:

const newOptic = myLens.optional()

.optional() creates a prism, so newOptic will be a composition of lens and prism, i.e. a prism.

Which methods each optic type has depends on the composition rules presented in Typef of optic. For example, the .prop() method creates a lens, so a getter has that method because you can compose a getter and a lens. On the other hand, the .appendTo() method, which creates a setter, is not available in a getter, because getters cannot be composed with setters.

Type parameters

All writable optics have 3 type parameters: <S, T, A>, and all read-only optics have 2 type parameters: <S, A>:

  • S is the source on which the optic operates

  • A is the type of the focus or focuses

  • T is a type that encodes how the output type is constructed with polymorphic writes, as well as info about the optic's removability

Conceptually, when you write a value of type B, the output type will be S with A replaced by B at the focus(es) of the optic. T contains a mechanism that transforms B to the output type. This construct makes it possible for the optics to be polymorphic on the type level. The read-only optics don't need T because you cannot write through them or remove their focus.

In the following, we leave the exact definition of T for each optic out for clarity, writing just _ in its place. It's usually clear from how the optic works what will come out if you write a value of a different type.

In the documentation of functions that can be used to write through an optic, the return type is denoted by T<B>. While not valid TypeScript syntax (because T is a type parameter instead of a concrete type), this captures the meaning quite well: B is applied to the "higher-kinded" type T, yielding the output type.

Interested readers can refer to hkt.ts to see how the higher-kinded types / partially applied type operators are actually implemented.

Top-level functions

These functions are available as top level exports of the optics-ts module.

Most functions have Optic in their signature. It means that multiple optics work with the function. The optic classes that are actually applicable are documented in the function description.

optic<S>(): Equivalence<S, _, S>

Create a monomorphic equivalence for S. If you ever see the type DisallowedTypeChange, it means that you have attempted to change a type with a monomorphic optic.

optic_<S>(): Equivalence<S, _, S>

Create a polymorphic equivalence for S.

get<S, A>(optic: Optic<S, _, A>) => (source: S) => A

Read a value through an Equivalence, Iso, Lens or Getter.

preview<S, A>(optic: Optic<S, _, A>) => (source: S) => A | undefined

Read a value through a Prism, Traversal, AffineFold or Fold. For Prism and AffineFold, return undefined if the optic doesn't match (has zero focuses). For Traversal and Fold, returns the value of the first focus, or undefined if there are no focuses.

collect<S, A>(optic: Optic<S, _, A>) => (source: S) => A[]

Read all focused values through a Prism, Traversal, AffineFold or Fold. For Prism and AffineFold, the return value is an array of 0 or 1 elements. For Traversal and Fold, the return value is an array of zero or more elements.

modify<S, T, A>(optic: Optic<S, T, A>) => <B>(f: (a: A) => B) => (source: S) => T<B>

Modify the focused value(s) through an Equivalence, Iso, Lens, Prism or Traversal. Returns an updated copy of source with all focuses modified by mapping them through the function f.

set<S, T, A>(optic: Optic<S, T, A>) => <B>(value: B) => (source: S) => T<B>

Write a constant value through an Equivalence, Iso, Lens, Prism or Traversal. Returns an updated copy of source with all focuses replaced by value.

remove<S, T, A>(optic: Optic<S, T, A>) => (source: S) => S

Remove the focus of a RemovablePrism from its containing container.

compose<S, A1, A2><optic1: Optic<S, _, A1>, optic2: Optic<A1, _, A2>): Optic<S, _, A2>

Compose two optics. If the first optic is from S to A1, and the second optic is from A1 to A2, the result is from S to A2.

See Types of optics for the rules of composition.

Creating optics

The methods documented below are available on all optics types: Equivalence, Iso, Lens, Prism, Traversal, Getter, AffineFold and Fold. The documented return type is the type of the optic that these methods create. The actual return type is the composition of the optic on which the method is called and on the optic that the method creates.

Note that there are no functions to create AffineFold or Fold optics. You can only get these by composing other types of optics. Equivalence can be created by calling the top-level optic() function.


Isomorphisms have the type Iso<S, T, A>. In the following, we omit the exact definition of T for clarity, and use _ instead. See Type parameters for the meanings of type parameters.

iso<U>(there: (a: A) => U, back: (u: U) => A): Iso<S, _, U>

Create an isomorphism from functions there and back. there takes the focus and transforms it to another value. back is the inverse of there.

Note that iso is monomorphic. There's no polymorphic alternative (yet).

indexed(): Iso<S, _, [number, ElemType<A>][]>

Only works on arrays. ElemType<A> is the element type of the array type A.

Ceate an isomorphism from an array of values to an array of index-value pairs, i.e. from [a, b, ...] to [[0, a], [1, b], ...].

In the write direction, elements are sorted by index, and only the last one of duplicate indices are kept.


Lenses have the type Lens<S, T, A>. In the following, we omit the exact definition of T for clarity, and use _ instead. See Type parameters for the meanings of type parameters.

prop<K extends keyof A>(key: K): Lens<S, _, A[K]>

Create a lens that focuses on the property K of A.

Note: prop() only works for string properties, even though TypeScript's type system also allows array's numeric indices when using keyof. Use the .at() prism to focus on an array element at a given index.

path<K1, K2, ...>(...keys: [K1, K2, ...]): Lens<S, _, A[K1][K2]...>

A shortcut for focusing on chain of properties.


is equal to

foo.path('a', 'b', 'c')

which is equal to


nth<N extends number>(n: N): Lens<S, _, Nth<A, N>>

Only works on tuples whose length is a least N + 1.

Create a lens that focuses on the index N of A. This is a lens because the length of A is checked on type level, so index N is always defined.

See at() below for a similar prism that works on arrays of arbitrary length.

pick<K extends keyof A>(keys: K[]): Lens<S, _, Pick<A, K>>

Create a lens that focuses on a sub-object of A with the given properties. When writing through a polymorphic .pick() lens, you can add or remove properties.


const data = {
  foo: 'something',
  bar: 42,
  baz: true,
const lens = O.optic_<typeof data>().pick(['foo', 'bar'])

// ==> {
//  foo: 'something',
//  baz: true,
// }

O.set(lens)({ quux: null })(data)
// ==> {
//   quux: null,
//   baz: true,
// }

// monomorphic version of the same lens
const monoLens = O.optic<typeof data>().compose(lens)

O.set(monoLens)({ quux: null })(data)
// ==> DisallowedTypeChange
filter(pred: (item: ElemType<A>) => boolean): Lens<S, _, A>
filter<B>(pred: (item: ElemType<A>) => item is B): Lens<S, _, B[]>

Only works on arrays. ElemType<A> is the element type of the array type A.

Create a lens that focuses on the elements matched by pred. If pred is a type guard of B, narrow the type of the focus to B[].

const l = O.optic_<number[]>().filter((x) => x % 2 === 1)

// Writing an array of the same length replaces elements
O.set(l)(['a', 'b', 'c'])([1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) // => ['a', 2, 'b', 'c', 6]

// Writing a shorter array removes elements
O.set(l)(['a', 'b'])([1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) // => ['a', 2, 'b', 6]

// Writing a longer array adds elements to the end
O.set(l)(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])([1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) // => ['a', 2, 'b', 'c', 6, 'd', 'e']

When writing an array of the same length, the values at matching indices are replaced by the new values.

written array must have the same length as the original one, i.e. elements cannot be added or removed through filter.

When a different type B (array) is written, the result will have the type A | B, i.e. (ElemType<A> | ElemType<B>)[].

valueOr<B>(defaultValue: B): Lens<S, _, Exclude<A, undefined> | B>

Create a lens that, when read through, returns defaultValue when the focused value is undefined. If the focus is not undefined, the focus is returned unchanged.

Fully polymorphic in the write direction.

partsOf(traversal: Traversal<A, _, B>): Lens<S, _, B[]>
partsOf(makeTraversal: (o: Optic<A>) => Traversal<A, _, B>): Lens<S, _, B[]>

Create a lens from the given traversal, or from the traversal returned by the given function. When read through, the result is an array of elements as if produced by collect(). When written through, the focuses of the traversal are replaced with the values from the written array. For a polymorphic write, the focuses of the tarversal get the type of the written array elements. If a shorter or longer array is written, throws an error. This is to ensure that all focuses are replaced and the types are correct.

For example, this reverses the words of string:

const lens = O.optic<string>().partsOf((o) => o.words())
O.modify(lens)((words) => [...words].reverse())('this is a test')
// 'test a is this'

Note that composing partsOf with setters (like appendTo or prependTo) or removing elements through partsOf will not wobk, because the extra element added by the setter or the removed element will cause partsOf to throw.

reread(fn: (value: A) => A): Lens<S, _, A>
rewrite(fn: (value: A) => A): Lens<S, _, A>

Create a lens that can modify the value in the read direction (reread()) or write direction (rewrite()). This is useful to e.g. ensure data structure invariants in some cases.

Note that both reread and rewrite are monomorphic.


Prisms have the type Prism<S, T, A>. In the following, we omit the exact definition of T for clarity, and use _ instead. See Type parameters for the meanings of type parameters.

optional(): Prism<S, _, Exclude<A, undefined>>

Create a prism that focuses on the non-undefined subtype of A.

guard<U extends A>(g: (a: A) => a is U): Prism<S, _, U>

Create a prism that focuses on the subtype U of A that matches the type guard g.

Note that guard() is monomorphic. Use guard_ if you want a polymorphic guard.

guard_<F extends HKT>(): <U extends A>(g: (a: A) => a is U) => Prism<S, T · F, U>

Create a prism that focuses on the subtype of A that matches the type guard g. When written to, uses the higher-kinded type F to construct the output type.

at(i: number): RemovablePrism<S, _, ElemType<A>>

Only works on arrays and strings. Removable. ElemType<A> is the element type of the array type A.

Create a prism that focuses on the element type of the array A, or on a substring of length 1 if A is string.

When an element of a different type B is written to an array, the resulting array will have the type Array<A | B>.

When writing to a string, only strings can be written. The length of the written string can be something else than 1.

head(): Prism<S, _, ElemType<A>>

Short for at(0).

index(i: number): RemovablePrism<S, _, ElemType<A>>

Deprecated. Alias for .at().

find(p: (e: ElemType<A>) => boolean): RemovablePrism<S, _, ElemType<A>>

Only works on array types. Removable. ElemType<A> is the element type of the array type A.

Like .at(), but the index to be focused on is determined by finding the first element that matches the given predicate.

When a different type B is written through this optic, the resulting array will have the type Array<A | B>.

when(f: (a: A) => boolean): Prism<S, _, A>

Create a prism that skips the focus if it doesn't match the given predicate. Especially useful for filtering the focuses of a travesal.

When a different type B is written through this optic, the resulting value will have the type A | B.


Traversals have the type Traversal<S, T, A>. In the following, we omit the exact definition of T for clarity, and use _ instead. See Type parameters for the meanings of type parameters.

elems(): Traversal<S, _, ElemType<A>>

Only works on array types. ElemType<A> is the element type of the array type A.

Create a traversal that focuses on all the elements of the array.


Getters are read-only optics with a single focus. You can think of them like one-way isomorphisms or read-only lenses.

Getters have the type Getter<S, A>. See Type parameters for the meanings of type parameters.

to<B>(f: (a: A) => B): Getter<S, B>

Create a getter that applies the function f to its focus.


Setters have the type Setter<S, T, A>. In the following, we omit the exact definition of T for clarity, and use _ instead. See Type parameters for the meanings of type parameters.

prependTo(): Setter<S, _, ElemType<A>>
appendTo(): Setter<S, _, ElemType<A>>

Only works on arrays. ElemType<A> is the element type of the array type A.

Create a setter that focuses on the part before the first element or after the last element of the focus array. When written through, prepends or appends the value to the array.

When an element of a different type B is written, the resulting array will have the type Array<A | B>.


compose<B>(other: Optic<A, _, B>): Optic<S, _, B>


The following optics only work on strings.

chars(): Traversal<S, _, string>

Create a traversal that focuses on all the characters of the current string focus.

When written through, characters can be removed by writing the empty string, or changed to longer strings.

words(): Traversal<S, _, string>

Create a traversal that focuses on all the words of the current string focus. Words are substrings that are separated by whitespace.

When written through, words can be removed by writing the empty string, or changed to longer or shorter strings.

Prior art

There are many existing optics libraries of varying degree for JavaScript, but only few for TypeScript. It's generally hard to create good typings for optics in TypeScript, and the task becomes impossible if one tried to retrofit types on an existing JavaScript implementation.

  • monocle-ts is probably the most popular TypeScript optics library.

  • @grammarly/focal is not an optics library per se, rather an UI framework for TypeScript.



Last updated on 27 Mar 2021

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