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@@ -1,11 +0,11 @@

var x = Object.defineProperty;
var R = (s, e, t) => e in s ? x(s, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : s[e] = t;
var u = (s, e, t) => R(s, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, t);
import { debug as q, CoreRequestError as T, Core as C } from "p2p-media-loader-core";
class L {
var R = Object.defineProperty;
var L = (o, e, t) => e in o ? R(o, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : o[e] = t;
var g = (o, e, t) => L(o, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, t);
import { debug as T, CoreRequestError as C, Core as H } from "p2p-media-loader-core";
class w {
constructor(e, t) {
u(this, "debug", q("p2pml-shaka:manifest-parser"));
u(this, "isHls");
u(this, "segmentManager");
u(this, "player");
g(this, "debug", T("p2pml-shaka:manifest-parser"));
g(this, "isHls");
g(this, "segmentManager");
g(this, "player");
this.originalManifestParser = t, this.isHls = this.originalManifestParser instanceof e.hls.HlsParser;

@@ -28,6 +28,3 @@ }

const n = await this.originalManifestParser.start(
const n = await this.originalManifestParser.start(e, t);
return r && (this.isHls && this.hookHlsStreamMediaSequenceTimeMaps(n.variants), this.processStreams(n.variants)), n;

@@ -42,6 +39,3 @@ }

onExpirationUpdated(e, t) {
return this.originalManifestParser.onExpirationUpdated(
return this.originalManifestParser.onExpirationUpdated(e, t);

@@ -51,7 +45,7 @@ processStreams(e) {

if (!t) return;
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), n = (c, d, a) => (this.hookSegmentIndex(c), t.setStream(c, d, a), r.add(, !0);
let i = 0, o = 0;
for (const c of e) {
const { video: d, audio: a } = c;
d && !r.has( && n(d, "main", i++), a && !r.has( && n(a, d ? "secondary" : "main", o++);
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), n = (a, h, i) => (this.hookSegmentIndex(a), t.setStream(a, h, i), r.add(, !0);
let s = 0, d = 0;
for (const a of e) {
const { video: h, audio: i } = a;
h && !r.has( && n(h, "main", s++), i && !r.has( && n(i, h ? "secondary" : "main", d++);

@@ -62,72 +56,59 @@ }

if (!t) return;
const r = (i, o = !1) => {
let c = null, d, a;
const l = i.get, h = (m) => {
var v, P;
const g =, m);
if (g === c || !((v = this.player) != null && v.isLive()) && e.isSegmentIndexAlreadyRead)
return g;
c = g, i.get = l;
const r = (s, d = !1) => {
let a, h, i = null;
const c = s.get, l = (u) => {
var M, P;
const m =, u);
if (m === i || !((M = this.player) != null && M.isLive()) && e.isSegmentIndexAlreadyRead) return m;
i = m, s.get = c;
try {
const f = [...i], I = f[0], E = f[f.length - 1];
if (I === d && E === a)
return g;
d = I, a = E, t.updateStreamSegments(e, f), e.isSegmentIndexAlreadyRead = !0, this.debug(`Stream ${} is updated`);
const p = [...s], k = p[0], E = p[p.length - 1];
if (k === a && E === h) return m;
a = k, h = E, t.updateStreamSegments(e, p), e.isSegmentIndexAlreadyRead = !0, this.debug(`Stream ${} is updated`);
} catch {
} finally {
(!e.isSegmentIndexAlreadyRead || (P = this.player) != null && P.isLive() || !o) && (i.get = h);
e.isSegmentIndexAlreadyRead && !((P = this.player) != null && P.isLive()) && d || (s.get = l);
return g;
return m;
i.get = h;
s.get = l;
if (e.segmentIndex) {
if (e.segmentIndex) return void r(e.segmentIndex);
const n = e.createSegmentIndex;
e.createSegmentIndex = async () => {
const i = await;
return e.segmentIndex && r(e.segmentIndex, !0), i;
const s = await;
return e.segmentIndex && r(e.segmentIndex, !0), s;
hookHlsStreamMediaSequenceTimeMaps(e) {
var d;
const t = w(
var h;
const t = I(this.originalManifestParser);
let r, n;
const i = ["video", "audio", "text", "image"];
for (const a of t)
i.every((l) => a.has(l)) && (r = a.get("video"), n = a.get("audio"));
const s = ["video", "audio", "text", "image"];
for (const i of t) s.every((c) => i.has(c)) && (r = i.get("video"), n = i.get("audio"));
if (r && n) {
for (const a of e) {
const { video: l, audio: h } = a;
l && r && (l.mediaSequenceTimeMap = r), h && n && (h.mediaSequenceTimeMap = r);
for (const i of e) {
const { video: c, audio: l } = i;
c && r && (c.mediaSequenceTimeMap = r), l && n && (l.mediaSequenceTimeMap = r);
const o = t.find((a) => {
var h;
const l = a.values().next().value;
return (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
typeof l == "object" && ((h = l == null ? void 0 : l.streams) == null ? void 0 : h.createSegmentIndex)
const d = t.find((i) => {
var l;
const c = i.values().next().value;
return typeof c == "object" && ((l = c == null ? void 0 : c.streams) == null ? void 0 : l.createSegmentIndex);
if (!o) return;
const c = [...o.values()];
for (const a of c) {
if ((d = a == null ? void 0 : != null && d.mediaSequenceTimeMap) continue;
const l = w(
).find((h) => {
const [m, g] = h.entries().next().value ?? [];
return typeof m == "number" && typeof g == "number";
if (!d) return;
const a = [...d.values()];
for (const i of a) {
if ((h = i == null ? void 0 : != null && h.mediaSequenceTimeMap) continue;
const c = I(i).find((l) => {
const [u, m] = l.entries().next().value ?? [];
return typeof u == "number" && typeof m == "number";
l && ( = l);
c && ( = c);
class H extends L {
class q extends w {
constructor(e) {

@@ -137,3 +118,3 @@ super(e, new e.hls.HlsParser());

class B extends L {
class U extends w {
constructor(e) {

@@ -143,66 +124,34 @@ super(e, new e.dash.DashParser());

function w(s) {
return Object.values(s).filter(
(e) => e instanceof Map
function I(o) {
return Object.values(o).filter((e) => e instanceof Map);
function S({
segmentReference: s,
externalId: e,
runtimeId: t
}) {
const { byteRange: r, url: n, startTime: i, endTime: o } = b(s);
return {
runtimeId: t ?? M(n, r),
externalId: e,
byteRange: r,
url: n,
startTime: i,
endTime: o
function y({ segmentReference: o, externalId: e, runtimeId: t }) {
const { byteRange: r, url: n, startTime: s, endTime: d } = b(o);
return { runtimeId: t ?? v(n, r), externalId: e, byteRange: r, url: n, startTime: s, endTime: d };
function k(s) {
const { url: e, byteRange: t } = b(s);
return M(e, t);
function x(o) {
const { url: e, byteRange: t } = b(o);
return v(e, t);
function M(s, e) {
if (!e) return s;
const t = typeof e == "string" ? D(e) : e;
return t ? `${s}|${t.start}-${t.end}` : s;
function v(o, e) {
if (!e) return o;
const t = typeof e == "string" ? function(r) {
if (!r || !r.includes("bytes=")) return;
const n = r.split("=")[1].split("-").map((a) => parseInt(a)), [s, d] = n;
return { start: s, end: d };
}(e) : e;
return t ? `${o}|${t.start}-${t.end}` : o;
function D(s) {
if (!s || !s.includes("bytes=")) return;
const e = s.split("=")[1].split("-").map((n) => parseInt(n)), [t, r] = e;
return { start: t, end: r };
function b(o) {
const e = o.getUris(), t = e[1] ?? e[0], r = o.getStartByte(), n = o.getEndByte() ?? void 0;
return { byteRange: n !== void 0 ? { start: r, end: n } : void 0, url: t, startTime: o.getStartTime(), endTime: o.getEndTime() };
function b(s) {
const e = s.getUris(), t = e[1] ?? e[0], r = s.getStartByte(), n = s.getEndByte() ?? void 0, i = s.getStartTime(), o = s.getEndTime();
return {
byteRange: n !== void 0 ? { start: r, end: n } : void 0,
url: t,
startTime: i,
endTime: o
function N(s) {
const { shakaStream: e } = s, t = e.mediaSequenceTimeMap;
if (!t) return;
const r = t.keys().next().value;
if (r !== void 0)
return r + t.size - 1;
const F = 0.5;
class U {
class N {
constructor(e, t) {
u(this, "core");
u(this, "streamInfo");
g(this, "core");
g(this, "streamInfo");
this.core = t, this.streamInfo = e;
setStream(e, t, r = -1) {
type: t,
index: r,
shakaStream: e
}), e.segmentIndex && this.updateStreamSegments(e);
this.core.addStreamIfNoneExists({ runtimeId:, type: t, index: r, shakaStream: e }), e.segmentIndex && this.updateStreamSegments(e);

@@ -213,8 +162,7 @@ updateStreamSegments(e, t) {

const { segmentIndex: n } = r.shakaStream;
if (!t && n)
try {
t = [...n];
} catch {
if (!t && n) try {
t = [...n];
} catch {
t && (this.streamInfo.protocol === "hls" ? this.processHlsSegmentReferences(r, t) : this.processDashSegmentReferences(r, t));

@@ -224,72 +172,52 @@ }

const r = new Set(e.segments.keys()), n = [];
for (const i of t) {
const o = Math.trunc(
i.getStartTime() / F
), c = k(i);
if (!e.segments.has(c)) {
const d = S({
segmentReference: i,
externalId: o,
runtimeId: c
for (const s of t) {
const d = Math.trunc(s.getStartTime() / 0.5), a = x(s);
if (!e.segments.has(a)) {
const h = y({ segmentReference: s, externalId: d, runtimeId: a });
!n.length && !r.size || this.core.updateStream(
(n.length || r.size) && this.core.updateStream(e.runtimeId, n, r.values());
processHlsSegmentReferences(e, t) {
const { segments: r } = e, n = N(e), i = [];
const { segments: r } = e, n = function(i) {
const { shakaStream: c } = i, l = c.mediaSequenceTimeMap;
if (!l) return;
const u = l.keys().next().value;
return u !== void 0 ? u + l.size - 1 : void 0;
}(e), s = [];
if (r.size === 0) {
const a = n === void 0 ? 0 : n - t.length + 1;
for (const [l, h] of t.entries()) {
const m = S({
segmentReference: h,
externalId: a + l
const i = n === void 0 ? 0 : n - t.length + 1;
for (const [c, l] of t.entries()) {
const u = y({ segmentReference: l, externalId: i + c });
this.core.updateStream(e.runtimeId, i);
return void this.core.updateStream(e.runtimeId, s);
if (!n) return;
let o = n;
for (const a of O(t)) {
const l = k(a);
if (r.has(l)) break;
const h = S({
runtimeId: l,
segmentReference: a,
externalId: o
i.push(h), o--;
let d = n;
for (const i of function* (c) {
for (let l = c.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) yield c[l];
}(t)) {
const c = x(i);
if (r.has(c)) break;
const l = y({ runtimeId: c, segmentReference: i, externalId: d });
s.push(l), d--;
const c = [], d = i.length;
for (const a of A(r, d))
!i.length && !c.length || this.core.updateStream(
const a = [], h = s.length;
for (const i of function* (c, l) {
let u = 0;
for (const m of c.values()) {
if (u >= l) break;
yield m, u++;
}(r, h)) a.push(i.runtimeId);
(s.length || a.length) && this.core.updateStream(e.runtimeId, s, a);
function* O(s) {
for (let e = s.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) yield s[e];
function* A(s, e) {
let t = 0;
for (const r of s.values()) {
if (t >= e) break;
yield r, t++;
class V {
class B {
constructor(e, t, r) {
u(this, "loadArgs");
g(this, "loadArgs");
this.shaka = e, this.core = t, this.streamInfo = r;

@@ -302,7 +230,6 @@ }

this.loadArgs = e;
const { RequestType: t } =, [r, n, i] = e;
if (i === t.SEGMENT)
return this.loadSegment(r, n.headers.Range);
const o = this.defaultLoad();
return i === t.MANIFEST && this.handleManifestLoading(o.promise), o;
const { RequestType: t } =, [r, n, s] = e;
if (s === t.SEGMENT) return this.loadSegment(r, n.headers.Range);
const d = this.defaultLoad();
return s === t.MANIFEST && this.handleManifestLoading(d.promise), d;

@@ -316,40 +243,22 @@ async handleManifestLoading(e) {

loadSegment(e, t) {
const r = M(
), n = this.core.isSegmentLoadable(r);
if (!this.core.hasSegment(r) || n === !1)
return this.defaultLoad();
const i = async () => {
const { request: o, callbacks: c } = $();
this.core.loadSegment(r, c);
const r = v(e, t), n = this.core.isSegmentLoadable(r);
return !this.core.hasSegment(r) || n === !1 ? this.defaultLoad() : new this.shaka.util.AbortableOperation((async () => {
const { request: s, callbacks: d } = function() {
let a, h;
return { request: new Promise((c, l) => {
a = c, h = l;
}), callbacks: { onSuccess: a, onError: h } };
this.core.loadSegment(r, d);
try {
const { data: d, bandwidth: a } = await o;
return {
data: d,
headers: {},
uri: e,
originalUri: e,
timeMs: G(
} catch (d) {
if (d instanceof T) {
const { Error: a } = this.shaka.util;
if (d.type === "aborted")
throw new a(
const { data: a, bandwidth: h } = await s;
return { data: a, headers: {}, uri: e, originalUri: e, timeMs: A(h, a.byteLength) };
} catch (a) {
if (a instanceof C) {
const { Error: h } = this.shaka.util;
if (a.type === "aborted") throw new h(h.Severity.RECOVERABLE, h.Category.NETWORK, this.shaka.util.Error.Code.OPERATION_ABORTED);
throw d;
throw a;
return new this.shaka.util.AbortableOperation(
() => Promise.resolve(this.core.abortSegmentLoading(r))
})(), () => Promise.resolve(this.core.abortSegmentLoading(r)));

@@ -360,57 +269,28 @@ setManifestResponseUrl(e) {

function G(s, e) {
const t = e * 8;
return Math.round(t / s) * 1e3;
function A(o, e) {
const t = 8 * e;
return 1e3 * Math.round(t / o);
function $() {
let s, e;
return {
request: new Promise((r, n) => {
s = r, e = n;
callbacks: {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
onSuccess: s,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
onError: e
const j = 25;
class p {
* Constructs an instance of ShakaP2PEngine.
* @param config Optional configuration for customizing the P2P engine's behavior.
* @param shaka The Shaka Player library instance.
class f {
constructor(e, t = window.shaka) {
u(this, "player");
u(this, "shaka");
u(this, "streamInfo", {});
u(this, "core");
u(this, "segmentManager");
u(this, "requestFilter");
u(this, "updatePlayerEventHandlers", (e) => {
g(this, "player");
g(this, "shaka");
g(this, "streamInfo", {});
g(this, "core");
g(this, "segmentManager");
g(this, "requestFilter");
g(this, "updatePlayerEventHandlers", (e) => {
const { player: t } = this;
if (!t) return;
const r = t.getNetworkingEngine();
if (r)
if (e === "register") {
const i = {
player: t,
shaka: this.shaka,
core: this.core,
streamInfo: this.streamInfo,
segmentManager: this.segmentManager
this.requestFilter = (o, c) => {
c.p2pml = i;
}, r.p2pml = i, r.registerRequestFilter(this.requestFilter);
} else
r.p2pml = void 0, this.requestFilter && r.unregisterRequestFilter(this.requestFilter);
if (r) if (e === "register") {
const s = { player: t, shaka: this.shaka, core: this.core, streamInfo: this.streamInfo, segmentManager: this.segmentManager };
this.requestFilter = (d, a) => {
a.p2pml = s;
}, r.p2pml = s, r.registerRequestFilter(this.requestFilter);
} else r.p2pml = void 0, this.requestFilter && r.unregisterRequestFilter(this.requestFilter);
const n = e === "register" ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";
t[n]("loaded", this.handlePlayerLoaded), t[n]("loading", this.destroyCurrentStreamContext), t[n]("unloading", this.handlePlayerUnloading), t[n]("adaptation", this.onVariantChanged), t[n]("variantchanged", this.onVariantChanged);
u(this, "onVariantChanged", () => {
g(this, "onVariantChanged", () => {
if (!this.player) return;

@@ -420,12 +300,12 @@ const e = this.player.getVariantTracks().find((t) =>;

u(this, "handlePlayerLoaded", () => {
g(this, "handlePlayerLoaded", () => {
this.player && (this.core.setIsLive(this.player.isLive()), this.updateMediaElementEventHandlers("register"));
u(this, "handlePlayerUnloading", () => {
g(this, "handlePlayerUnloading", () => {
this.destroyCurrentStreamContext(), this.updateMediaElementEventHandlers("unregister");
u(this, "destroyCurrentStreamContext", () => {
g(this, "destroyCurrentStreamContext", () => {
this.streamInfo.protocol = void 0, this.streamInfo.manifestResponseUrl = void 0, this.core.destroy();
u(this, "updateMediaElementEventHandlers", (e) => {
g(this, "updateMediaElementEventHandlers", (e) => {
var n;

@@ -437,85 +317,23 @@ const t = (n = this.player) == null ? void 0 : n.getMediaElement();

u(this, "handlePlaybackUpdate", (e) => {
g(this, "handlePlaybackUpdate", (e) => {
const t =;
this.core.updatePlayback(t.currentTime, t.playbackRate);
y(t), this.shaka = t, this.core = new C(e == null ? void 0 : e.core), this.segmentManager = new U(this.streamInfo, this.core);
S(t), this.shaka = t, this.core = new H(e == null ? void 0 : e.core), this.segmentManager = new N(this.streamInfo, this.core);
* Configures and initializes the Shaka Player instance with predefined settings for optimal P2P performance.
* @param player The Shaka Player instance to configure.
bindShakaPlayer(e) {
this.player !== e && (this.player && this.destroy(), this.player = e, this.player.configure("manifest.defaultPresentationDelay", j), this.player.configure(
), this.player.configure("streaming.useNativeHlsOnSafari", !1), this.updatePlayerEventHandlers("register"));
this.player !== e && (this.player && this.destroy(), this.player = e, this.player.configure("manifest.defaultPresentationDelay", 25), this.player.configure("manifest.dash.ignoreSuggestedPresentationDelay", !0), this.player.configure("streaming.useNativeHlsOnSafari", !1), this.updatePlayerEventHandlers("register"));
* Applies dynamic configuration updates to the P2P engine.
* @param dynamicConfig Configuration changes to apply.
* @example
* // Assuming `shakaP2PEngine` is an instance of ShakaP2PEngine
* const newDynamicConfig = {
* core: {
* // Increase the number of cached segments to 1000
* cachedSegmentsCount: 1000,
* // 50 minutes of segments will be downloaded further through HTTP connections if P2P fails
* httpDownloadTimeWindow: 3000,
* // 100 minutes of segments will be downloaded further through P2P connections
* p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6000,
* };
* shakaP2PEngine.applyDynamicConfig(newDynamicConfig);
applyDynamicConfig(e) {
e.core && this.core.applyDynamicConfig(e.core);
* Retrieves the current configuration of the ShakaP2PEngine.
* @returns The configuration as a readonly object.
getConfig() {
return { core: this.core.getConfig() };
* Adds an event listener for the specified event.
* @param eventName The name of the event to listen for.
* @param listener The callback function to be invoked when the event is triggered.
* @example
* // Listening for a segment being successfully loaded
* shakaP2PEngine.addEventListener('onSegmentLoaded', (details) => {
* console.log('Segment Loaded:', details);
* });
* @example
* // Handling segment load errors
* shakaP2PEngine.addEventListener('onSegmentError', (errorDetails) => {
* console.error('Error loading segment:', errorDetails);
* });
* @example
* // Tracking data downloaded from peers
* shakaP2PEngine.addEventListener('onChunkDownloaded', (bytesLength, downloadSource, peerId) => {
* console.log(`Downloaded ${bytesLength} bytes from ${downloadSource} ${peerId ? 'from peer ' + peerId : 'from server'}`);
* });
addEventListener(e, t) {
this.core.addEventListener(e, t);
* Removes an event listener for the specified event.
* @param eventName The name of the event.
* @param listener The callback function that was previously added.
removeEventListener(e, t) {
this.core.removeEventListener(e, t);
/** Clean up and release all resources. Unregister all event handlers. */
destroy() {

@@ -525,7 +343,4 @@ this.destroyCurrentStreamContext(), this.updatePlayerEventHandlers("unregister"), this.updateMediaElementEventHandlers("unregister"), this.player = void 0;

static registerManifestParsers(e) {
const t = () => new H(e), r = () => new B(e), n =;
n.registerParserByMime("application/dash+xml", r), n.registerParserByMime("application/x-mpegurl", t), n.registerParserByMime(
const t = () => new q(e), r =;
r.registerParserByMime("application/dash+xml", () => new U(e)), r.registerParserByMime("application/x-mpegurl", t), r.registerParserByMime("application/", t);

@@ -538,6 +353,4 @@ static unregisterManifestParsers(e) {

const { NetworkingEngine: t } =, r = (...n) => {
const i = n[1], { p2pml: o } = i;
return o ? new V(o.shaka, o.core, o.streamInfo).load(...n) :
const s = n[1], { p2pml: d } = s;
return d ? new B(d.shaka, d.core, d.streamInfo).load(...n) :;

@@ -550,29 +363,15 @@ t.registerScheme("http", r), t.registerScheme("https", r);

* Registers plugins related to P2P functionality into the Shaka Player.
* Plugins must be registered before initializing the player to ensure proper integration.
* @param shaka - The Shaka Player library. Defaults to the global Shaka Player instance if not provided.
static registerPlugins(e = window.shaka) {
y(e), p.registerManifestParsers(e), p.registerNetworkingEngineSchemes(e);
S(e), f.registerManifestParsers(e), f.registerNetworkingEngineSchemes(e);
* Unregister plugins related to P2P functionality from the Shaka Player.
* @param shaka - The Shaka Player library. Defaults to the global Shaka Player instance if not provided.
static unregisterPlugins(e = window.shaka) {
y(e), p.unregisterManifestParsers(e), p.unregisterNetworkingEngineSchemes(e);
S(e), f.unregisterManifestParsers(e), f.unregisterNetworkingEngineSchemes(e);
function y(s) {
if (!s)
throw new Error(
"shaka namespace is not defined in global scope and not passed as an argument to Shaka P2P engine constructor"
function S(o) {
if (!o) throw new Error("shaka namespace is not defined in global scope and not passed as an argument to Shaka P2P engine constructor");
export {
p as ShakaP2PEngine
f as ShakaP2PEngine
"name": "p2p-media-loader-shaka",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "P2P Media Loader Shaka Player integration",

@@ -39,5 +39,6 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"dependencies": {
"p2p-media-loader-core": "1.0.0"
"p2p-media-loader-core": "1.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-terser": "^0.4.4",
"shaka-player": "^4.9.9"

@@ -44,0 +45,0 @@ },

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