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pbts-grpc-transcoder is a [TypeScript]( library that provides [gRPC]( to HTTP/1 & JSON transcoding for the [protobuf.js library](

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pbts-grpc-transcoder is a TypeScript library that provides gRPC to HTTP/1 & JSON transcoding for the protobuf.js library.

The library is published via npm. Get it via:

npm i pbts-grpc-transcoder


gRPC uses HTTP/2 as its transfer protocol and typically sends messages as binary payloads. However, when we define a gRPC service, we can optionally specify HTTP Options for the RPCs, so that REST clients can interact with our service using HTTP/1 and JSON.

We can implement our service as usual in gRPC, and then pass client requests through a transcoding proxy to our service. The following applications can transcode HTTP/1 + JSON to gRPC:

Transcoding is useful if the client does not support gRPC and is not able to use gRPC-Web.

Example Service

Let's look at an example Todo service, defined using Protocol Buffers as:

package todo;

service TodoService {
  rpc CreateTodo(CreateTodoRequest) returns (Todo);
  rpc DeleteTodo(DeleteTodoRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

message CreateTodoRequest {
  string title = 1;
  bool completed = 2;

message Todo {
  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  bool completed = 3;

message DeleteTodoRequest {
  string id = 1;

If we define the following HTTP options for the RPCs:

service TodoService {
  rpc CreateTodo(CreateTodoRequest) returns (Todo) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      post: "/v1/todos"
      body: "*"
  rpc DeleteTodo(DeleteTodoRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      delete: "/v1/todos/{id}"

We can then create a new Todo item by making a POST HTTP request to /v1/todos with the following JSON payload:

  "title": "Book flight to Mauritius",
  "completed": false

We can delete a Todo item by making a HTTP request such as:

DELETE /v1/todos/123

Reverse Transcoding

That's great, we can now communicate with a gRPC service through plain HTTP/1 and JSON. However, we have lost our strongly typed calls and messages and are now dealing with ad hoc HTTP requests and hand-crafted JSON.

What if we could still make fully-typed RPC calls to the server while still going over HTTP/1 with JSON payloads? We would like to use protobuf.js with TypeScript to call our service like this:

    title: "This request is type-checked",
    completed: true,
  .then(response => {
    console.log(`id: ${}`)
    console.log(`title: ${response.title}`)
    console.log(`completed: ${response.completed}`)

This is what pbts-grpc-transcoder allows us to do. We call our service as if we were making a normal gRPC call using protobuf.js. pbts-grpc-transcoder transcodes the call to HTTP/1 and JSON using the HTTP options specified for the RPC. The proxy receives the HTTP/1 and JSON request and transcodes that to a gRPC call to the underlying service.


Install pbts-grpc-transcoder via npm:

npm i pbts-grpc-transcoder

protobuf.js will be installed as a dependency and the pbjs and pbts utilities will be available in your node_modules/.bin directory.

Generate the JSON protobuf descriptor. This will be used by the transcoder. For example:

node_modules/.bin/pbjs -t json \
  -o src/generated/protobuf-descriptor.json \
  src/protobuf/todo.proto \

Next, generate the JavaScript client library as a static module that you can import:

node_modules/.bin/pbjs -t static-module \
  -o src/generated/protobuf.js \
  src/protobuf/todo.proto \

Finally, generate the TypeScript types:

node_modules/.bin/pbts \
  -o src/generated/protobuf.d.ts \


pbts-grpc-transcoder provides a HTTP executor for protobuf.js. The executor supports automatic call retries via a RetryPolicy. Here's an example showing how to create an executor and provide it to protobuf.js.

import { todo as TodoApi } from "generated/protobuf"
const descriptor = require("generated/protobuf-descriptor.json")

// Request decorator to add the user's ID token for authentication.
const configureRequest = (): RequestInit => ({
  headers: {
    "Authorization": "Bearer ID_TOKEN_HERE",

const willRetry = () => {
  // Here we could attempt to exchange user's refresh token for an ID token...
  // Call will be retried when the promise resolves.
  return Promise.resolve()

const onGiveUp = () => {
  // For example, force user logout...

// Set up a retry policy that will cause the RPC executor to automatically
// retry calls if they fail with status 401 Unauthorized. The executor will
// run willRetry() before retrying the call. It will retry up to 2 times with
// exponential backoff. If the call still fails after 2 retries, the executor
// calls the onGiveUp() callback.
const retryPolicy = responseNotOk(
  (response: Response) => response.status === 401,

// Create the RPC executor. The createHttpExecutor function is auto-curried.
// You can preconfigure various versions as needed.
const executor = createHttpExecutor(
  window.fetch, retryPolicy, "http://localhost", descriptor, configureRequest

const todoService = ReportApi.ReportService.create(

// An RPC message is type checked.
const deleteRequest = TodoApi.DeleteTodoRequest.create({ id: "123" })

// Call the service.
  .then(response => {
    // ...


  • This library implements HTTP Options transcoding. It only supports unary RPCs.
  • Please ensure that the JavaScript files that are generated from Protobuf aren't minified.


Last updated on 14 Nov 2022

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