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perfect-freehand - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.5 to 0.3.0



@@ -0,1 +1,22 @@

# 0.3.0
This version has breaking changes.
- Removes polygon-clipping as a dependency. The problems it solved are no longer problems but a developer might still use it separately for aesthetic reasons.
- Removes `clipPath`.
- Removes options types other than `StrokeOptions`.
- Removes `getShortStrokeOutlinePoints`.
- Removes `pressure` option.
- Removes `minSize` and `maxSize` options.
- Adds `size` and `thinning` options.
- Renames `smooth` to `smoothing`.
- Improves caps.
- Improves dots and short strokes.
- You can now use `thinning` to create strokes that shink at high pressure as well as at low pressure. This is a normalized value based on the `size` option:
- at `0` the `thinning` property will have no effect on a stroke's width.
- at `1` a stroke will reach zero width at the lowest pressure and its full width (`size`) at the highest pressure
- at `-1` a stroke will reach zero width at the highest pressure and its full width at the lowest pressure.
- Setting `thinning` to zero has the same effect as had setting the now removed `pressure` option to `false`.
- Improves code organization and comments.
# 0.2.5

@@ -2,0 +23,0 @@



@@ -1,16 +0,2 @@

import polygonClipping from 'polygon-clipping';
export declare function lerpAngles(a0: number, a1: number, t: number): number;
export interface StrokePointsOptions {
streamline?: number;
export interface StrokeOutlineOptions extends StrokePointsOptions {
simulatePressure?: boolean;
pressure?: boolean;
minSize?: number;
maxSize?: number;
smooth?: number;
export interface StrokeOptions extends StrokeOutlineOptions {
clip?: boolean;
import { StrokeOptions } from './types';

@@ -20,3 +6,3 @@ * ## getStrokePoints

* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param streamline How much to streamline the stroke.

@@ -27,11 +13,4 @@ export declare function getStrokePoints<T extends number[], K extends {

pressure?: number;
}>(points: (T | K)[], options?: StrokePointsOptions): number[][];
}>(points: (T | K)[], streamline?: number): number[][];
* ## getShortStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Draw an outline around a short stroke.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
export declare function getShortStrokeOutlinePoints(points: number[][], options?: StrokeOutlineOptions): number[][];
* ## getStrokeOutlinePoints

@@ -41,20 +20,24 @@ * @description Get an array of points (as `[x, y]`) representing the outline of a stroke.

* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
export declare function getStrokeOutlinePoints(points: number[][], options?: StrokeOutlineOptions): number[][];
export declare function getStrokeOutlinePoints(points: number[][], options?: StrokeOptions): number[][];
* ## clipPath
* @description Returns a clipped polygon of the provided points.
* @param points An array of points (as number[]), the output of getStrokeOutlinePoints.
export declare function clipPath(points: number[][]): polygonClipping.MultiPolygon;
* ## getPath
* @description Returns a pressure sensitive stroke SVG data
* ## getStroke
* @description Returns a stroke as an array of points.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.streamline How much to streamline the stroke.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
export default function getPath<T extends number[], K extends {
export default function getStroke<T extends number[], K extends {
x: number;
y: number;
pressure?: number;
}>(points: (T | K)[], options?: StrokeOptions): string;
}>(points: (T | K)[], options?: StrokeOptions): number[][];
export { StrokeOptions };

@@ -5,52 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
var polygonClipping = _interopDefault(require('polygon-clipping'));
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
if (!o) return;
if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
var n =, -1);
if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =;
if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);
if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
function _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(o, allowArrayLike) {
var it;
if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || o[Symbol.iterator] == null) {
if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") {
if (it) o = it;
var i = 0;
return function () {
if (i >= o.length) return {
done: true
return {
done: false,
value: o[i++]
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
it = o[Symbol.iterator]();
/* --------------------- Helpers -------------------- */
var abs = Math.abs,
hypot = Math.hypot,
var hypot = Math.hypot,
cos = Math.cos,

@@ -61,12 +12,28 @@ max = Math.max,

atan2 = Math.atan2,
PI = Math.PI,
TAU = PI / 2,
PI2 = PI * 2;
PI = Math.PI;
* Linear interpolation betwen two numbers.
* @param y1
* @param y2
* @param mu
function projectPoint(x0, y0, a, d) {
return [cos(a) * d + x0, sin(a) * d + y0];
function lerp(y1, y2, mu) {
return y1 * (1 - mu) + y2 * mu;
* Project a point in a direction, by an angle.
* @param x0
* @param y0
* @param a
* @param d
* @returns
function projectPoint(p0, a, d) {
return [cos(a) * d + p0[0], sin(a) * d + p0[1]];
function shortAngleDist(a0, a1) {
var max = PI2;
var max = PI * 2;
var da = (a1 - a0) % max;

@@ -76,11 +43,6 @@ return 2 * da % max - da;

function lerpAngles(a0, a1, t) {
return a0 + shortAngleDist(a0, a1) * t;
function angleDelta(a0, a1) {
function getAngleDelta(a0, a1) {
return shortAngleDist(a0, a1);
function getPointBetween(x0, y0, x1, y1, d) {
function getPointBetween(p0, p1, d) {
if (d === void 0) {

@@ -90,17 +52,13 @@ d = 0.5;

return [x0 + (x1 - x0) * d, y0 + (y1 - y0) * d];
return [p0[0] + (p1[0] - p0[0]) * d, p0[1] + (p1[1] - p0[1]) * d];
function getAngle(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
return atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0);
function getAngle(p0, p1) {
return atan2(p1[1] - p0[1], p1[0] - p0[0]);
function getDistance(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
return hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0);
function getDistance(p0, p1) {
return hypot(p1[1] - p0[1], p1[0] - p0[0]);
function clamp(n, a, b) {
return max(a, min(b, n));
function toPointsArray(points) {

@@ -125,4 +83,8 @@ if (Array.isArray(points[0])) {

/* --------------------- Methods -------------------- */
var abs = Math.abs,
min$1 = Math.min,
PI$1 = Math.PI,
TAU = PI$1 / 2,
SHARP = PI$1 * 0.7;

@@ -132,14 +94,10 @@ * ## getStrokePoints

* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param streamline How much to streamline the stroke.
function getStrokePoints(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
function getStrokePoints(points, streamline) {
if (streamline === void 0) {
streamline = 0.5;
var _options = options,
_options$streamline = _options.streamline,
streamline = _options$streamline === void 0 ? 0.5 : _options$streamline;
var aPoints = toPointsArray(points);

@@ -149,3 +107,3 @@ var x,

length = 0,
totalLength = 0,
distance = 0.01,

@@ -172,15 +130,9 @@ len = aPoints.length,

distance = getDistance(x, y, px, py); // Angle
distance = getDistance([x, y], prev); // Angle
angle = getAngle(px, py, x, y); // If distance is very short, blend the angles
angle = getAngle(prev, [x, y]); // Increment total length
if (distance < 1) angle = lerpAngles(prev[2], angle, 0.5);
length += distance;
prev = [x, y, angle, ip, distance, length];
totalLength += distance;
prev = [x, y, ip, angle, distance, totalLength];
} // Assign second angle to first point
if (pts.length > 1) {
pts[0][2] = pts[1][2];

@@ -191,9 +143,13 @@

* ## getShortStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Draw an outline around a short stroke.
* ## getStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Get an array of points (as `[x, y]`) representing the outline of a stroke.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
function getShortStrokeOutlinePoints(points, options) {
function getStrokeOutlinePoints(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {

@@ -203,163 +159,147 @@ options = {};

var _options2 = options,
_options2$minSize = _options2.minSize,
minSize = _options2$minSize === void 0 ? 2.5 : _options2$minSize,
_options2$maxSize = _options2.maxSize,
maxSize = _options2$maxSize === void 0 ? 8 : _options2$maxSize;
var len = points.length; // Can't draw an outline without any points
var _options = options,
_options$size = _options.size,
size = _options$size === void 0 ? 8 : _options$size,
_options$thinning = _options.thinning,
thinning = _options$thinning === void 0 ? 0.5 : _options$thinning,
_options$smoothing = _options.smoothing,
smoothing = _options$smoothing === void 0 ? 0.5 : _options$smoothing,
_options$simulatePres = _options.simulatePressure,
simulatePressure = _options$simulatePres === void 0 ? true : _options$simulatePres;
var len = points.length,
totalLength = points[len - 1][5],
// The total length of the line
minDist = size * smoothing,
// The minimum distance for measurements
leftPts = [],
// Our collected left and right points
rightPts = [];
var pl = points[0],
// Previous left and right points
pr = points[0],
tl = pl,
// Points to test distance from
tr = pr,
pp = 0,
// Previous (maybe simulated) pressure
r = size / 2,
// The current point radius
_short = true; // Whether the line is drawn far enough
// We can't do anything with an empty array.
if (len === 0) {
return [];
} // If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.
var _points$ = points[0],
x0 = _points$[0],
y0 = _points$[1],
_points = points[len - 1],
x1 = _points[0],
y1 = _points[1],
p = points[len - 1][3],
leftPts = [],
rightPts = [],
size = clamp(minSize + (maxSize - minSize) * (p ? p : 0.5), minSize, maxSize),
angle = x0 === x1 ? 0 : getAngle(x0, y0, x1, y1);
for (var t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
leftPts.push(projectPoint(x1, y1, angle + TAU - t * PI, size - 1));
rightPts.push(projectPoint(x0, y0, angle + TAU + t * PI, size - 1));
if (len === 1 || totalLength < size / 2) {
var first = points[0],
last = points[len - 1],
angle = getAngle(first, last);
return leftPts.concat(rightPts.reverse());
* ## getStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Get an array of points (as `[x, y]`) representing the outline of a stroke.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
if (thinning) {
var pressure = last[3] ? clamp(last[3], 0, 1) : 0.5;
r = (thinning > 0 ? lerp(size - size * thinning, size, clamp(pressure, 0, 1)) : lerp(size, size + size * thinning, clamp(pressure, 0, 1))) / 2;
function getStrokeOutlinePoints(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
for (var t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
tl = projectPoint(first, angle + PI$1 + TAU - t * PI$1, r - 1);
tr = projectPoint(last, angle + TAU - t * PI$1, r - 1);
var _options3 = options,
_options3$simulatePre = _options3.simulatePressure,
simulatePressure = _options3$simulatePre === void 0 ? true : _options3$simulatePre,
_options3$pressure = _options3.pressure,
pressure = _options3$pressure === void 0 ? true : _options3$pressure,
_options3$minSize = _options3.minSize,
minSize = _options3$minSize === void 0 ? 2.5 : _options3$minSize,
_options3$maxSize = _options3.maxSize,
maxSize = _options3$maxSize === void 0 ? 8 : _options3$maxSize,
_options3$smooth = _options3.smooth,
smooth = _options3$smooth === void 0 ? 8 : _options3$smooth;
var len = points.length,
p0 = points[0],
p1 = points[0],
t0 = p0,
t1 = p1,
m0 = p0,
m1 = p0,
size = 0,
pp = 0.5,
started = false,
length = 0,
leftPts = [p0],
rightPts = [p0],
return leftPts.concat(rightPts);
} // For a point with more than one point, create an outline shape.
if (len === 0) {
return [];
} // Use the points to create an outline shape, where the width
// of the shape is determined by the pressure at each point.
for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
var _points2 = points[i - 1],
px = _points2[0],
py = _points2[1],
pa = _points2[2];
var prev = points[i - 1],
pa = prev[3];
var _points$i = points[i],
x = _points$i[0],
y = _points$i[1],
angle = _points$i[2],
ip = _points$i[3],
_pressure = _points$i[2],
_angle = _points$i[3],
distance = _points$i[4],
clen = _points$i[5];
length += clen; // Size
clen = _points$i[5]; // 1.
// Calculate the size of the current point.
if (pressure) {
if (thinning) {
if (simulatePressure) {
// Simulate pressure by accellerating the reported pressure.
var rp = min(1 - distance / maxSize, 1);
var sp = min(distance / maxSize, 1);
ip = min(1, pp + (rp - pp) * (sp / 2));
} // Compute the size based on the pressure.
var rp = min$1(1 - distance / size, 1);
var sp = min$1(distance / size, 1);
_pressure = min$1(1, pp + (rp - pp) * (sp / 2));
} // Compute the size based on the pressure and thinning.
size = clamp(minSize + ip * (maxSize - minSize), minSize, maxSize);
} else {
size = maxSize;
} // Handle line start
r = (thinning > 0 ? lerp(size - size * thinning, size, clamp(_pressure, 0, 1)) : lerp(size, size + size * thinning, clamp(_pressure, 0, 1))) / 2;
} // 2.
// Draw a cap once we've reached the minimum length.
if (!started && length > size / 2) {
var _points$2 = points[0],
sx = _points$2[0],
sy = _points$2[1];
if (_short) {
if (clen < size / 2) {
} // The first point after we've reached the minimum length.
for (var t = 0, step = 0.25; t <= 1; t += step) {
m0 = projectPoint(sx, sy, angle + TAU + t * PI, size - 1);
m1 = projectPoint(sx, sy, angle - TAU + t * -PI, size - 1);
started = true;
} // 3. Shape
_short = false; // Draw a cap at the first point angled toward the current point.
var _first = points[0];
p0 = projectPoint(x, y, angle - TAU, size); // left
for (var _t = 0, _step = 0.1; _t <= 1; _t += _step) {
tl = projectPoint(_first, _angle + TAU + _t * PI$1, r - 1);
p1 = projectPoint(x, y, angle + TAU, size); // right
tr = projectPoint(_first, _angle + TAU, r - 1);
} // 3.
// Add points for the current point.
var delta = angleDelta(pa, angle); // Handle sharp corners differently
if (i === points.length - 1 || abs(delta) > PI * 0.75 && length > size) {
var _getPointBetween = getPointBetween(px, py, x, y, 0.5),
mx = _getPointBetween[0],
my = _getPointBetween[1];
for (var _t = 0, _step = 0.25; _t <= 1; _t += _step) {
m0 = projectPoint(mx, my, pa - TAU + _t * PI, size - 1);
m1 = projectPoint(mx, my, pa + TAU + _t * -PI, size - 1);
if (i === len - 1) {
// The last point in the line.
// Add points for an end cap.
for (var _t2 = 0, _step2 = 0.1; _t2 <= 1; _t2 += _step2) {
tr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU - _t2 * PI$1, r - 1);
t0 = m0;
t1 = m1;
} else {
// Project sideways
d0 = getDistance(p0[0], p0[1], t0[0], t0[1]);
// Find the delta between the current and previous angle.
var delta = getAngleDelta(prev[3], _angle);
if (d0 > smooth) {
m0 = getPointBetween(t0[0], t0[1], p0[0], p0[1], 0.5);
t0 = p0;
if (abs(delta) > SHARP && clen > r) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
var mid = getPointBetween(prev, [x, y], 0.5);
d1 = getDistance(p1[0], p1[1], t1[0], t1[1]);
for (var _t3 = 0, _step3 = 0.25; _t3 <= 1; _t3 += _step3) {
tl = projectPoint(mid, pa - TAU + _t3 * PI$1, r - 1);
tr = projectPoint(mid, pa + TAU + _t3 * -PI$1, r - 1);
} else {
// A regular point.
// Add projected points left and right.
pl = projectPoint([x, y], _angle - TAU, r);
pr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU, r); // Add projected point if far enough away from last left point
if (d1 > smooth) {
m1 = getPointBetween(t1[0], t1[1], p1[0], p1[1], 0.5);
t1 = p1;
if (getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl, 0.5));
tl = pl;
} // Add point if far enough away from last right point
if (getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr, 0.5));
tr = pr;
pp = _pressure;
pp = ip;

@@ -370,18 +310,14 @@

* ## clipPath
* @description Returns a clipped polygon of the provided points.
* @param points An array of points (as number[]), the output of getStrokeOutlinePoints.
function clipPath(points) {
return polygonClipping.union([points]);
* ## getPath
* @description Returns a pressure sensitive stroke SVG data
* ## getStroke
* @description Returns a stroke as an array of points.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.streamline How much to streamline the stroke.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
function getPath(points, options) {
function getStroke(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {

@@ -391,69 +327,8 @@ options = {};

if (points.length === 0) {
return '';
var _options4 = options,
_options4$clip = _options4.clip,
clip = _options4$clip === void 0 ? true : _options4$clip,
_options4$maxSize = _options4.maxSize,
maxSize = _options4$maxSize === void 0 ? 8 : _options4$maxSize;
var ps = getStrokePoints(points, options),
totalLength = ps[ps.length - 1][5],
pts = totalLength < maxSize ? getShortStrokeOutlinePoints(ps, options) : getStrokeOutlinePoints(ps, options),
d = []; // If the length is too short, just draw a dot.
// If we're clipping the path, then find the polygon and add its faces.
if (clip) {
var poly = clipPath(pts);
for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(poly), _step2; !(_step2 = _iterator()).done;) {
var face = _step2.value;
for (var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(face), _step3; !(_step3 = _iterator2()).done;) {
var verts = _step3.value;
var v0 = verts[0];
var v1 = verts[1];
d.push("M " + v0[0] + " " + v0[1]);
for (var i = 1; i < verts.length; i++) {
var _getPointBetween2 = getPointBetween(v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1], 0.5),
mpx = _getPointBetween2[0],
mpy = _getPointBetween2[1];
d.push(" Q " + v0[0] + "," + v0[1] + " " + mpx + "," + mpy);
v0 = v1;
v1 = verts[i + 1];
} else {
// If we're not clipping the path, just trace it.
var _v = pts[0];
var _v2 = pts[1];
d.push("M " + _v[0] + " " + _v[1]);
for (var _i = 1; _i < pts.length; _i++) {
var _getPointBetween3 = getPointBetween(_v[0], _v[1], _v2[0], _v2[1], 0.5),
_mpx = _getPointBetween3[0],
_mpy = _getPointBetween3[1];
d.push("Q " + _v[0] + "," + _v[1] + " " + _mpx + "," + _mpy);
_v = _v2;
_v2 = pts[_i + 1];
return d.join(' ');
return getStrokeOutlinePoints(getStrokePoints(points, options.streamline), options);
exports.clipPath = clipPath;
exports.default = getPath;
exports.getShortStrokeOutlinePoints = getShortStrokeOutlinePoints;
exports.default = getStroke;
exports.getStrokeOutlinePoints = getStrokeOutlinePoints;
exports.getStrokePoints = getStrokePoints;
exports.lerpAngles = lerpAngles;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var r,t=(r=require("polygon-clipping"))&&"object"==typeof r&&"default"in r?r.default:r;function e(r,t){(null==t||t>r.length)&&(t=r.length);for(var e=0,n=new Array(t);e<t;e++)n[e]=r[e];return n}function n(r,t){var n;if("undefined"==typeof Symbol||null==r[Symbol.iterator]){if(Array.isArray(r)||(n=function(r,t){if(r){if("string"==typeof r)return e(r,void 0);var,-1);return"Object"===n&&r.constructor&&(,"Map"===n||"Set"===n?Array.from(r):"Arguments"===n||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)?e(r,void 0):void 0}}(r))||t&&r&&"number"==typeof r.length){n&&(r=n);var o=0;return function(){return o>=r.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:r[o++]}}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}return(n=r[Symbol.iterator]()).next.bind(n)}var o=Math.abs,i=Math.hypot,u=Math.cos,a=Math.max,s=Math.min,v=Math.sin,f=Math.atan2,l=Math.PI,p=l/2,h=2*l;function c(r,t,e,n){return[u(e)*n+r,v(e)*n+t]}function d(r,t){var e=(t-r)%h;return 2*e%h-e}function m(r,t,e){return r+d(r,t)*e}function g(r,t,e,n,o){return void 0===o&&(o=.5),[r+(e-r)*o,t+(n-t)*o]}function y(r,t,e,n){return f(n-t,e-r)}function b(r,t,e,n){return i(n-t,e-r)}function S(r,t,e){return a(t,s(e,r))}function x(r,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var e,n,o,i=t.streamline,u=void 0===i?.5:i,a=function(r){return Array.isArray(r[0])?{var t=r[2];return[r[0],r[1],void 0===t?.5:t]})){var t=r.pressure;return[r.x,r.y,void 0===t?.5:t]}))}(r),s=0,v=.01,f=a.length,l=[].concat(a[0],[0,0,0]),p=[l];if(0===f)return[];for(var h=1;h<f;h++){var c=a[h],d=c[2],g=l[0],S=l[1];v=b(e=g+(c[0]-g)*(1-u),n=S+(c[1]-S)*(1-u),g,S),o=y(g,S,e,n),v<1&&(o=m(l[2],o,.5)),p.push(l=[e,n,o,d,v,s+=v])}return p.length>1&&(p[0][2]=p[1][2]),p}function M(r,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var e=t.minSize,n=void 0===e?2.5:e,o=t.maxSize,i=void 0===o?8:o,u=r.length;if(0===u)return[];for(var a=r[0],s=a[0],v=a[1],f=r[u-1],h=f[0],d=f[1],m=[],g=[],b=S(n+(i-n)*(r[u-1][3]||.5),n,i),x=s===h?0:y(s,v,h,d),M=0;M<=1;M+=.1)m.push(c(h,d,x+p-M*l,b-1)),g.push(c(s,v,x+p+M*l,b-1));return m.concat(g.reverse())}function A(r,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var e=t.simulatePressure,n=void 0===e||e,i=t.pressure,u=void 0===i||i,a=t.minSize,v=void 0===a?2.5:a,f=t.maxSize,h=void 0===f?8:f,m=t.smooth,y=void 0===m?8:m,x=r.length,M=r[0],A=r[0],P=M,j=A,z=M,O=M,I=0,k=.5,w=!1,Q=0,_=[M],q=[M];if(0===x)return[];for(var C=1;C<x;C++){var E=r[C-1],T=E[0],U=E[1],Z=E[2],$=r[C],B=$[0],D=$[1],F=$[2],G=$[3],H=$[4];if(Q+=$[5],u){if(n){var J=s(1-H/h,1),K=s(H/h,1);G=s(1,k+K/2*(J-k))}I=S(v+G*(h-v),v,h)}else I=h;if(!w&&Q>I/2){for(var L=r[0],N=L[0],R=L[1],V=0;V<=1;V+=.25)z=c(N,R,F+p+V*l,I-1),_.push(z),O=c(N,R,F-p+V*-l,I-1),q.push(O);w=!0}else{M=c(B,D,F-p,I),A=c(B,D,F+p,I);var W=d(Z,F);if(C===r.length-1||o(W)>.75*l&&Q>I){for(var X=g(T,U,B,D,.5),Y=X[0],rr=X[1],tr=0;tr<=1;tr+=.25)z=c(Y,rr,Z-p+tr*l,I-1),_.push(z),O=c(Y,rr,Z+p+tr*-l,I-1),q.push(O);P=z,j=O}else b(M[0],M[1],P[0],P[1])>y&&(_.push(z),z=g(P[0],P[1],M[0],M[1],.5),P=M),b(A[0],A[1],j[0],j[1])>y&&(q.push(O),O=g(j[0],j[1],A[0],A[1],.5),j=A);k=G}}return _.concat(q.reverse())}function P(r){return t.union([r])}exports.clipPath=P,exports.default=function(r,t){if(void 0===t&&(t={}),0===r.length)return"";var e=t.clip,o=void 0===e||e,i=t.maxSize,u=void 0===i?8:i,a=x(r,t),s=a[a.length-1][5]<u?M(a,t):A(a,t),v=[];if(o)for(var f,l=n(P(s));!(f=l()).done;)for(var p,h=n(f.value);!(p=h()).done;){var c=p.value,d=c[0],m=c[1];c.push(d),v.push("M "+d[0]+" "+d[1]);for(var y=1;y<c.length;y++){var b=g(d[0],d[1],m[0],m[1],.5);v.push(" Q "+d[0]+","+d[1]+" "+b[0]+","+b[1]),d=m,m=c[y+1]}}else{var S=s[0],j=s[1];s.push(S),v.push("M "+S[0]+" "+S[1]);for(var z=1;z<s.length;z++){var O=g(S[0],S[1],j[0],j[1],.5);v.push("Q "+S[0]+","+S[1]+" "+O[0]+","+O[1]),S=j,j=s[z+1]}}return v.push("Z"),v.join(" ")},exports.getShortStrokeOutlinePoints=M,exports.getStrokeOutlinePoints=A,exports.getStrokePoints=x,exports.lerpAngles=m;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var r=Math.hypot,t=Math.cos,n=Math.max,e=Math.min,i=Math.sin,u=Math.atan2,o=Math.PI;function a(r,t,n){return r*(1-n)+t*n}function s(r,n,e){return[t(n)*e+r[0],i(n)*e+r[1]]}function f(r,t,n){return void 0===n&&(n=.5),[r[0]+(t[0]-r[0])*n,r[1]+(t[1]-r[1])*n]}function v(r,t){return u(t[1]-r[1],t[0]-r[0])}function h(t,n){return r(n[1]-t[1],n[0]-t[0])}function c(r,t,i){return n(t,e(i,r))}var p=Math.abs,d=Math.min,M=Math.PI,l=M/2,m=.7*M;function g(r,t){void 0===t&&(t=.5);var n,e,i,u=function(r){return Array.isArray(r[0])?{var t=r[2];return[r[0],r[1],void 0===t?.5:t]})){var t=r.pressure;return[r.x,r.y,void 0===t?.5:t]}))}(r),o=0,a=.01,s=u.length,f=[].concat(u[0],[0,0,0]),c=[f];if(0===s)return[];for(var p=1;p<s;p++){var d=u[p],M=d[2],l=f[0],m=f[1];a=h([n=l+(d[0]-l)*(1-t),e=m+(d[1]-m)*(1-t)],f),i=v(f,[n,e]),c.push(f=[n,e,M,i,a,o+=a])}return c}function x(r,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var n=t.size,e=void 0===n?8:n,i=t.thinning,u=void 0===i?.5:i,g=t.smoothing,x=t.simulatePressure,P=void 0===x||x,y=r.length,b=e*(void 0===g?.5:g),k=[],A=[],I=r[0],O=r[0],S=I,_=O,j=0,z=e/2,q=!0;if(0===y)return[];if(1===y||r[y-1][5]<e/2){var w=r[0],B=r[y-1],C=v(w,B);if(u){var D=B[3]?c(B[3],0,1):.5;z=(u>0?a(e-e*u,e,c(D,0,1)):a(e,e+e*u,c(D,0,1)))/2}for(var E=0;E<=1;E+=.1)S=s(w,C+M+l-E*M,z-1),_=s(B,C+l-E*M,z-1),k.push(S),A.push(_);return k.concat(A)}for(var F=1;F<y;F++){var G=r[F-1],H=G[3],J=r[F],K=J[0],L=J[1],N=J[2],Q=J[3],R=J[4],T=J[5];if(u){if(P){var U=d(1-R/e,1),V=d(R/e,1);N=d(1,j+V/2*(U-j))}z=(u>0?a(e-e*u,e,c(N,0,1)):a(e,e+e*u,c(N,0,1)))/2}if(q){if(T<e/2)continue;q=!1;for(var W=r[0],X=0;X<=1;X+=.1)S=s(W,Q+l+X*M,z-1),k.push(S);_=s(W,Q+l,z-1),A.push(_)}if(F===y-1)for(var Y=0;Y<=1;Y+=.1)_=s([K,L],Q+l-Y*M,z-1),A.push(_);else{var Z=function(r,t){var n=2*o,e=(t-r)%n;return 2*e%n-e}(G[3],Q);if(p(Z)>m&&T>z)for(var $=f(G,[K,L],.5),rr=0;rr<=1;rr+=.25)S=s($,H-l+rr*M,z-1),_=s($,H+l+rr*-M,z-1),k.push(S),A.push(_);else I=s([K,L],Q-l,z),O=s([K,L],Q+l,z),h(I,S)>b&&(k.push(f(S,I,.5)),S=I),h(O,_)>b&&(A.push(f(_,O,.5)),_=O);j=N}}return k.concat(A.reverse())}exports.default=function(r,t){return void 0===t&&(t={}),x(g(r,t.streamline),t)},exports.getStrokeOutlinePoints=x,exports.getStrokePoints=g;

@@ -1,49 +0,2 @@

import polygonClipping from 'polygon-clipping';
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
if (!o) return;
if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
var n =, -1);
if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =;
if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);
if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
function _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(o, allowArrayLike) {
var it;
if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || o[Symbol.iterator] == null) {
if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") {
if (it) o = it;
var i = 0;
return function () {
if (i >= o.length) return {
done: true
return {
done: false,
value: o[i++]
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
it = o[Symbol.iterator]();
/* --------------------- Helpers -------------------- */
var abs = Math.abs,
hypot = Math.hypot,
var hypot = Math.hypot,
cos = Math.cos,

@@ -54,12 +7,28 @@ max = Math.max,

atan2 = Math.atan2,
PI = Math.PI,
TAU = PI / 2,
PI2 = PI * 2;
PI = Math.PI;
* Linear interpolation betwen two numbers.
* @param y1
* @param y2
* @param mu
function projectPoint(x0, y0, a, d) {
return [cos(a) * d + x0, sin(a) * d + y0];
function lerp(y1, y2, mu) {
return y1 * (1 - mu) + y2 * mu;
* Project a point in a direction, by an angle.
* @param x0
* @param y0
* @param a
* @param d
* @returns
function projectPoint(p0, a, d) {
return [cos(a) * d + p0[0], sin(a) * d + p0[1]];
function shortAngleDist(a0, a1) {
var max = PI2;
var max = PI * 2;
var da = (a1 - a0) % max;

@@ -69,11 +38,6 @@ return 2 * da % max - da;

function lerpAngles(a0, a1, t) {
return a0 + shortAngleDist(a0, a1) * t;
function angleDelta(a0, a1) {
function getAngleDelta(a0, a1) {
return shortAngleDist(a0, a1);
function getPointBetween(x0, y0, x1, y1, d) {
function getPointBetween(p0, p1, d) {
if (d === void 0) {

@@ -83,17 +47,13 @@ d = 0.5;

return [x0 + (x1 - x0) * d, y0 + (y1 - y0) * d];
return [p0[0] + (p1[0] - p0[0]) * d, p0[1] + (p1[1] - p0[1]) * d];
function getAngle(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
return atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0);
function getAngle(p0, p1) {
return atan2(p1[1] - p0[1], p1[0] - p0[0]);
function getDistance(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
return hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0);
function getDistance(p0, p1) {
return hypot(p1[1] - p0[1], p1[0] - p0[0]);
function clamp(n, a, b) {
return max(a, min(b, n));
function toPointsArray(points) {

@@ -118,4 +78,8 @@ if (Array.isArray(points[0])) {

/* --------------------- Methods -------------------- */
var abs = Math.abs,
min$1 = Math.min,
PI$1 = Math.PI,
TAU = PI$1 / 2,
SHARP = PI$1 * 0.7;

@@ -125,14 +89,10 @@ * ## getStrokePoints

* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param streamline How much to streamline the stroke.
function getStrokePoints(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
function getStrokePoints(points, streamline) {
if (streamline === void 0) {
streamline = 0.5;
var _options = options,
_options$streamline = _options.streamline,
streamline = _options$streamline === void 0 ? 0.5 : _options$streamline;
var aPoints = toPointsArray(points);

@@ -142,3 +102,3 @@ var x,

length = 0,
totalLength = 0,
distance = 0.01,

@@ -165,15 +125,9 @@ len = aPoints.length,

distance = getDistance(x, y, px, py); // Angle
distance = getDistance([x, y], prev); // Angle
angle = getAngle(px, py, x, y); // If distance is very short, blend the angles
angle = getAngle(prev, [x, y]); // Increment total length
if (distance < 1) angle = lerpAngles(prev[2], angle, 0.5);
length += distance;
prev = [x, y, angle, ip, distance, length];
totalLength += distance;
prev = [x, y, ip, angle, distance, totalLength];
} // Assign second angle to first point
if (pts.length > 1) {
pts[0][2] = pts[1][2];

@@ -184,9 +138,13 @@

* ## getShortStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Draw an outline around a short stroke.
* ## getStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Get an array of points (as `[x, y]`) representing the outline of a stroke.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
function getShortStrokeOutlinePoints(points, options) {
function getStrokeOutlinePoints(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {

@@ -196,163 +154,147 @@ options = {};

var _options2 = options,
_options2$minSize = _options2.minSize,
minSize = _options2$minSize === void 0 ? 2.5 : _options2$minSize,
_options2$maxSize = _options2.maxSize,
maxSize = _options2$maxSize === void 0 ? 8 : _options2$maxSize;
var len = points.length; // Can't draw an outline without any points
var _options = options,
_options$size = _options.size,
size = _options$size === void 0 ? 8 : _options$size,
_options$thinning = _options.thinning,
thinning = _options$thinning === void 0 ? 0.5 : _options$thinning,
_options$smoothing = _options.smoothing,
smoothing = _options$smoothing === void 0 ? 0.5 : _options$smoothing,
_options$simulatePres = _options.simulatePressure,
simulatePressure = _options$simulatePres === void 0 ? true : _options$simulatePres;
var len = points.length,
totalLength = points[len - 1][5],
// The total length of the line
minDist = size * smoothing,
// The minimum distance for measurements
leftPts = [],
// Our collected left and right points
rightPts = [];
var pl = points[0],
// Previous left and right points
pr = points[0],
tl = pl,
// Points to test distance from
tr = pr,
pp = 0,
// Previous (maybe simulated) pressure
r = size / 2,
// The current point radius
_short = true; // Whether the line is drawn far enough
// We can't do anything with an empty array.
if (len === 0) {
return [];
} // If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.
var _points$ = points[0],
x0 = _points$[0],
y0 = _points$[1],
_points = points[len - 1],
x1 = _points[0],
y1 = _points[1],
p = points[len - 1][3],
leftPts = [],
rightPts = [],
size = clamp(minSize + (maxSize - minSize) * (p ? p : 0.5), minSize, maxSize),
angle = x0 === x1 ? 0 : getAngle(x0, y0, x1, y1);
for (var t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
leftPts.push(projectPoint(x1, y1, angle + TAU - t * PI, size - 1));
rightPts.push(projectPoint(x0, y0, angle + TAU + t * PI, size - 1));
if (len === 1 || totalLength < size / 2) {
var first = points[0],
last = points[len - 1],
angle = getAngle(first, last);
return leftPts.concat(rightPts.reverse());
* ## getStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Get an array of points (as `[x, y]`) representing the outline of a stroke.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
if (thinning) {
var pressure = last[3] ? clamp(last[3], 0, 1) : 0.5;
r = (thinning > 0 ? lerp(size - size * thinning, size, clamp(pressure, 0, 1)) : lerp(size, size + size * thinning, clamp(pressure, 0, 1))) / 2;
function getStrokeOutlinePoints(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
for (var t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
tl = projectPoint(first, angle + PI$1 + TAU - t * PI$1, r - 1);
tr = projectPoint(last, angle + TAU - t * PI$1, r - 1);
var _options3 = options,
_options3$simulatePre = _options3.simulatePressure,
simulatePressure = _options3$simulatePre === void 0 ? true : _options3$simulatePre,
_options3$pressure = _options3.pressure,
pressure = _options3$pressure === void 0 ? true : _options3$pressure,
_options3$minSize = _options3.minSize,
minSize = _options3$minSize === void 0 ? 2.5 : _options3$minSize,
_options3$maxSize = _options3.maxSize,
maxSize = _options3$maxSize === void 0 ? 8 : _options3$maxSize,
_options3$smooth = _options3.smooth,
smooth = _options3$smooth === void 0 ? 8 : _options3$smooth;
var len = points.length,
p0 = points[0],
p1 = points[0],
t0 = p0,
t1 = p1,
m0 = p0,
m1 = p0,
size = 0,
pp = 0.5,
started = false,
length = 0,
leftPts = [p0],
rightPts = [p0],
return leftPts.concat(rightPts);
} // For a point with more than one point, create an outline shape.
if (len === 0) {
return [];
} // Use the points to create an outline shape, where the width
// of the shape is determined by the pressure at each point.
for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
var _points2 = points[i - 1],
px = _points2[0],
py = _points2[1],
pa = _points2[2];
var prev = points[i - 1],
pa = prev[3];
var _points$i = points[i],
x = _points$i[0],
y = _points$i[1],
angle = _points$i[2],
ip = _points$i[3],
_pressure = _points$i[2],
_angle = _points$i[3],
distance = _points$i[4],
clen = _points$i[5];
length += clen; // Size
clen = _points$i[5]; // 1.
// Calculate the size of the current point.
if (pressure) {
if (thinning) {
if (simulatePressure) {
// Simulate pressure by accellerating the reported pressure.
var rp = min(1 - distance / maxSize, 1);
var sp = min(distance / maxSize, 1);
ip = min(1, pp + (rp - pp) * (sp / 2));
} // Compute the size based on the pressure.
var rp = min$1(1 - distance / size, 1);
var sp = min$1(distance / size, 1);
_pressure = min$1(1, pp + (rp - pp) * (sp / 2));
} // Compute the size based on the pressure and thinning.
size = clamp(minSize + ip * (maxSize - minSize), minSize, maxSize);
} else {
size = maxSize;
} // Handle line start
r = (thinning > 0 ? lerp(size - size * thinning, size, clamp(_pressure, 0, 1)) : lerp(size, size + size * thinning, clamp(_pressure, 0, 1))) / 2;
} // 2.
// Draw a cap once we've reached the minimum length.
if (!started && length > size / 2) {
var _points$2 = points[0],
sx = _points$2[0],
sy = _points$2[1];
if (_short) {
if (clen < size / 2) {
} // The first point after we've reached the minimum length.
for (var t = 0, step = 0.25; t <= 1; t += step) {
m0 = projectPoint(sx, sy, angle + TAU + t * PI, size - 1);
m1 = projectPoint(sx, sy, angle - TAU + t * -PI, size - 1);
started = true;
} // 3. Shape
_short = false; // Draw a cap at the first point angled toward the current point.
var _first = points[0];
p0 = projectPoint(x, y, angle - TAU, size); // left
for (var _t = 0, _step = 0.1; _t <= 1; _t += _step) {
tl = projectPoint(_first, _angle + TAU + _t * PI$1, r - 1);
p1 = projectPoint(x, y, angle + TAU, size); // right
tr = projectPoint(_first, _angle + TAU, r - 1);
} // 3.
// Add points for the current point.
var delta = angleDelta(pa, angle); // Handle sharp corners differently
if (i === points.length - 1 || abs(delta) > PI * 0.75 && length > size) {
var _getPointBetween = getPointBetween(px, py, x, y, 0.5),
mx = _getPointBetween[0],
my = _getPointBetween[1];
for (var _t = 0, _step = 0.25; _t <= 1; _t += _step) {
m0 = projectPoint(mx, my, pa - TAU + _t * PI, size - 1);
m1 = projectPoint(mx, my, pa + TAU + _t * -PI, size - 1);
if (i === len - 1) {
// The last point in the line.
// Add points for an end cap.
for (var _t2 = 0, _step2 = 0.1; _t2 <= 1; _t2 += _step2) {
tr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU - _t2 * PI$1, r - 1);
t0 = m0;
t1 = m1;
} else {
// Project sideways
d0 = getDistance(p0[0], p0[1], t0[0], t0[1]);
// Find the delta between the current and previous angle.
var delta = getAngleDelta(prev[3], _angle);
if (d0 > smooth) {
m0 = getPointBetween(t0[0], t0[1], p0[0], p0[1], 0.5);
t0 = p0;
if (abs(delta) > SHARP && clen > r) {
// A sharp corner.
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
var mid = getPointBetween(prev, [x, y], 0.5);
d1 = getDistance(p1[0], p1[1], t1[0], t1[1]);
for (var _t3 = 0, _step3 = 0.25; _t3 <= 1; _t3 += _step3) {
tl = projectPoint(mid, pa - TAU + _t3 * PI$1, r - 1);
tr = projectPoint(mid, pa + TAU + _t3 * -PI$1, r - 1);
} else {
// A regular point.
// Add projected points left and right.
pl = projectPoint([x, y], _angle - TAU, r);
pr = projectPoint([x, y], _angle + TAU, r); // Add projected point if far enough away from last left point
if (d1 > smooth) {
m1 = getPointBetween(t1[0], t1[1], p1[0], p1[1], 0.5);
t1 = p1;
if (getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl, 0.5));
tl = pl;
} // Add point if far enough away from last right point
if (getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr, 0.5));
tr = pr;
pp = _pressure;
pp = ip;

@@ -363,18 +305,14 @@

* ## clipPath
* @description Returns a clipped polygon of the provided points.
* @param points An array of points (as number[]), the output of getStrokeOutlinePoints.
function clipPath(points) {
return polygonClipping.union([points]);
* ## getPath
* @description Returns a pressure sensitive stroke SVG data
* ## getStroke
* @description Returns a stroke as an array of points.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.streamline How much to streamline the stroke.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
function getPath(points, options) {
function getStroke(points, options) {
if (options === void 0) {

@@ -384,65 +322,7 @@ options = {};

if (points.length === 0) {
return '';
var _options4 = options,
_options4$clip = _options4.clip,
clip = _options4$clip === void 0 ? true : _options4$clip,
_options4$maxSize = _options4.maxSize,
maxSize = _options4$maxSize === void 0 ? 8 : _options4$maxSize;
var ps = getStrokePoints(points, options),
totalLength = ps[ps.length - 1][5],
pts = totalLength < maxSize ? getShortStrokeOutlinePoints(ps, options) : getStrokeOutlinePoints(ps, options),
d = []; // If the length is too short, just draw a dot.
// If we're clipping the path, then find the polygon and add its faces.
if (clip) {
var poly = clipPath(pts);
for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(poly), _step2; !(_step2 = _iterator()).done;) {
var face = _step2.value;
for (var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(face), _step3; !(_step3 = _iterator2()).done;) {
var verts = _step3.value;
var v0 = verts[0];
var v1 = verts[1];
d.push("M " + v0[0] + " " + v0[1]);
for (var i = 1; i < verts.length; i++) {
var _getPointBetween2 = getPointBetween(v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1], 0.5),
mpx = _getPointBetween2[0],
mpy = _getPointBetween2[1];
d.push(" Q " + v0[0] + "," + v0[1] + " " + mpx + "," + mpy);
v0 = v1;
v1 = verts[i + 1];
} else {
// If we're not clipping the path, just trace it.
var _v = pts[0];
var _v2 = pts[1];
d.push("M " + _v[0] + " " + _v[1]);
for (var _i = 1; _i < pts.length; _i++) {
var _getPointBetween3 = getPointBetween(_v[0], _v[1], _v2[0], _v2[1], 0.5),
_mpx = _getPointBetween3[0],
_mpy = _getPointBetween3[1];
d.push("Q " + _v[0] + "," + _v[1] + " " + _mpx + "," + _mpy);
_v = _v2;
_v2 = pts[_i + 1];
return d.join(' ');
return getStrokeOutlinePoints(getStrokePoints(points, options.streamline), options);
export default getPath;
export { clipPath, getShortStrokeOutlinePoints, getStrokeOutlinePoints, getStrokePoints, lerpAngles };
export default getStroke;
export { getStrokeOutlinePoints, getStrokePoints };
"version": "0.2.5",
"version": "0.3.0",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -55,5 +55,3 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"polygon-clipping": "^0.15.2"
"dependencies": {}

@@ -23,16 +23,15 @@ # Perfect Freehand

The library exports a default function, `getPath`, that accepts an array of points and an (optional) options object and returns SVG path data for a stroke.
The library exports a default function, `getStroke`, that:
The array of points may be _either_ an array of number pairs representing the point's x, y, and (optionally) pressure...
- accepts an array of points and an (optional) options object
- returns a stroke as an array of points formatted as `[x, y]`
import getPath from 'perfect-freehand'
import getStroke from 'perfect-freehand'
const path = getPath([
[0, 0],
[10, 5],
[20, 8],
You may format your input points _either_ as an array or an object as shown below. In both cases, the pressure value is optional.
const path = getPath([
[0, 0, 0],

@@ -42,15 +41,5 @@ [10, 5, 0.5],

...or an array of objects with `x`, `y`, and (optionally) `pressure` properties.
{ x: 0, y: 0 },
{ x: 10, y: 5 },
{ x: 20, y: 8 },
{ x: 0, y: 0, pressure: 0, },
{ x: 0, y: 0, pressure: 0 },
{ x: 10, y: 5, pressure: 0.5 },

@@ -63,31 +52,61 @@ { x: 20, y: 8, pressure: 0.3 },

The options object is optional, as are its properties.
The options object is optional, as are each of its properties.
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------ | ------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| `minSize` | number | 2.5 | The thinnest size of the stroke. |
| `maxSize` | number | 8 | The thickest size of the stroke. |
| `simulatePressure` | boolean | true | Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity. |
| `pressure` | boolean | true | Whether to apply pressure. |
| `streamline` | number | .5 | How much to streamline the stroke. |
| `smooth` | number | .5 | How much to soften the stroke's edges. |
| `clip` | boolean | true | Whether to flatten the stroke into a single polygon. |
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------ | ------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `size` | number | 8 | The base size (diameter) of the stroke. |
| `thinning` | number | .5 | The effect of pressure on the stroke's size. |
| `smoothing` | number | .5 | How much to soften the stroke's edges. |
| `streamline` | number | .5 | How much to streamline the stroke. |
| `simulatePressure` | boolean | true | Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity. |
getPath(myPoints, {
minSize: 2.5,
maxSize: 8,
getStroke(myPoints, {
size: 8,
thinning: 0.5,
smoothing: 0.5,
streamline: 0.5,
simulatePressure: true,
pressure: true,
streamline: 0.5,
smooth: 0.5,
clip: true,
## Example
> **Tip:** To create a stroke that gets thinner with pressure instead of thicker, use a negative number for the `thinning` option.
### Rendering
While `getStroke` returns an array of points representing a stroke, it's up to you to decide how you will render the stroke. The library does not export any rendering solutions.
For example, here is a function that takes in a stroke and returns SVG path data. You can use the string returned by this function in two ways. For SVG, you can pass the data into `path` element's [`d` property]( For HTML canvas, you can pass the string into the [`Path2D` constructor]( and then stroke or fill the path.
import getStroke from 'perfect-freehand'
// Create SVG path data using the points from perfect-freehand.
function getSvgPathFromStroke(stroke) {
const d = []
let [p0, p1] = stroke
d.push(`M ${p0[0]} ${p0[1]} Q`)
for (let i = 1; i < stroke.length; i++) {
const mpx = p0[0] + (p1[0] - p0[0]) / 2
const mpy = p0[1] + (p1[1] - p0[1]) / 2
d.push(`${p0[0]},${p0[1]} ${mpx},${mpy}`)
p0 = p1
p1 = stroke[i + 1]
return d.join(' ')
# Example
import * as React from 'react'
import getPath from 'perfect-freehand'
import getStroke from 'perfect-freehand'
import getSvgPathFromStroke from './utils' // See "Rendering" section above.

@@ -98,5 +117,7 @@ export default function Example() {

function handlePointerDown(e) {
const point = [e.pageX, e.pageY, e.pressure]
type: e.pointerType,
points: [[e.pageX, e.pageY, e.pressure]],
points: [point],

@@ -106,6 +127,8 @@ }

function handlePointerMove(e) {
const point = [e.pageX, e.pageY, e.pressure]
if (e.buttons === 1) {
points: [...currentMark.points, [e.pageX, e.pageY, e.pressure]],
points: [...currentMark.points, point],

@@ -115,2 +138,10 @@ }

const stroke = getStroke(currentMark.points, {
size: 8,
thinning: 0.5,
smoothing: 0.5,
streamline: 0.5,
simulatePressure: currentMark.type !== 'pen',
return (

@@ -124,9 +155,3 @@ <svg

{currentMark && (
d={getPath(currentMark.points, {
simulatePressure: currentMark.type !== 'pen',
{currentMark && <path d={getSvgPathFromStroke(stroke)} />}

@@ -139,6 +164,8 @@ )

## Advanced Usage
# Advanced Usage
For advanced usage, the library also exports smaller functions that `getPath` uses to generate its SVG data. While you can use `getPath`'s data to render strokes with an HTML canvas (via the Path2D element) or with SVG paths, these new functions will allow you to create paths in other rendering technologies.
## Functions
For advanced usage, the library also exports smaller functions that `getStroke` uses to generate its SVG data. While you can use `getStroke`'s data to render strokes with an HTML canvas (via the Path2D element) or with SVG paths, these new functions will allow you to create paths in other rendering technologies.
#### `getStrokePoints`

@@ -152,8 +179,36 @@

#### `getShortStrokeOutlinePoints`
## Rendering a Flattened Stroke
Works like `getStrokeOutlinePoints`, but designed to work with short paths.
To render a stroke as a flat polygon, add the `polygon-clipping` package and use (or refer to) the following function.
#### `clipPath`
import getStroke from 'perfect-freehand'
import polygonClipping from 'polygon-clipping'
Accepts a series of points (formatted as `[x, y]`, i.e. the output of `getStrokeOutlinePoints` or `getShortStrokeOutlinePoints`) and returns a polygon (a series of faces) from the stroke.
function getFlatSvgPathFromStroke(stroke) {
const poly = polygonClipping.union([stroke] as any)
const d = []
for (let face of poly) {
for (let pts of face) {
let [p0, p1] = pts
d.push(`M ${p0[0]} ${p0[1]} Q`)
for (let i = 1; i < pts.length; i++) {
const mpx = p0[0] + (p1[0] - p0[0]) / 2
const mpy = p0[1] + (p1[1] - p0[1]) / 2
d.push(`${p0[0]},${p0[1]} ${mpx},${mpy}`)
p0 = p1
p1 = pts[i + 1]
return d.join(' ')

@@ -1,87 +0,17 @@

import polygonClipping from 'polygon-clipping'
import {
} from './utils'
import { StrokeOptions } from './types'
/* --------------------- Helpers -------------------- */
const { abs, hypot, cos, max, min, sin, atan2, PI } = Math,
const { abs, min, PI } = Math,
TAU = PI / 2,
PI2 = PI * 2
SHARP = PI * 0.7
function projectPoint(x0: number, y0: number, a: number, d: number) {
return [cos(a) * d + x0, sin(a) * d + y0]
function shortAngleDist(a0: number, a1: number) {
var max = PI2
var da = (a1 - a0) % max
return ((2 * da) % max) - da
export function lerpAngles(a0: number, a1: number, t: number) {
return a0 + shortAngleDist(a0, a1) * t
function angleDelta(a0: number, a1: number) {
return shortAngleDist(a0, a1)
function getPointBetween(
x0: number,
y0: number,
x1: number,
y1: number,
d = 0.5
) {
return [x0 + (x1 - x0) * d, y0 + (y1 - y0) * d]
function getAngle(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) {
return atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
function getDistance(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) {
return hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
function clamp(n: number, a: number, b: number) {
return max(a, min(b, n))
function toPointsArray<
T extends number[],
K extends { x: number; y: number; pressure?: number }
>(points: (T | K)[]): number[][] {
if (Array.isArray(points[0])) {
return (points as number[][]).map(([x, y, pressure = 0.5]) => [
} else {
return (points as {
x: number
y: number
pressure?: number
}[]).map(({ x, y, pressure = 0.5 }) => [x, y, pressure])
/* ---------------------- Types --------------------- */
export interface StrokePointsOptions {
streamline?: number
export interface StrokeOutlineOptions extends StrokePointsOptions {
simulatePressure?: boolean
pressure?: boolean
minSize?: number
maxSize?: number
smooth?: number
export interface StrokeOptions extends StrokeOutlineOptions {
clip?: boolean
/* --------------------- Methods -------------------- */

@@ -91,3 +21,3 @@ * ## getStrokePoints

* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param streamline How much to streamline the stroke.

@@ -97,8 +27,3 @@ export function getStrokePoints<

K extends { x: number; y: number; pressure?: number }
points: (T | K)[],
options: StrokePointsOptions = {} as StrokePointsOptions
): number[][] {
const { streamline = 0.5 } = options
>(points: (T | K)[], streamline = 0.5): number[][] {
const aPoints = toPointsArray(points)

@@ -109,3 +34,3 @@

angle: number,
length = 0,
totalLength = 0,
distance = 0.01,

@@ -129,20 +54,15 @@ len = aPoints.length,

// Distance
distance = getDistance(x, y, px, py)
distance = getDistance([x, y], prev)
// Angle
angle = getAngle(px, py, x, y)
angle = getAngle(prev, [x, y])
// If distance is very short, blend the angles
if (distance < 1) angle = lerpAngles(prev[2], angle, 0.5)
// Increment total length
totalLength += distance
length += distance
prev = [x, y, angle, ip, distance, length]
prev = [x, y, ip, angle, distance, totalLength]
// Assign second angle to first point
if (pts.length > 1) {
pts[0][2] = pts[1][2]
return pts

@@ -152,40 +72,2 @@ }

* ## getShortStrokeOutlinePoints
* @description Draw an outline around a short stroke.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
export function getShortStrokeOutlinePoints(
points: number[][],
options: StrokeOutlineOptions = {} as StrokeOutlineOptions
) {
const { minSize = 2.5, maxSize = 8 } = options
const len = points.length
// Can't draw an outline without any points
if (len === 0) {
return []
const [x0, y0] = points[0],
[x1, y1] = points[len - 1],
p = points[len - 1][3],
leftPts: number[][] = [],
rightPts: number[][] = [],
size = clamp(
minSize + (maxSize - minSize) * (p ? p : 0.5),
angle = x0 === x1 ? 0 : getAngle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
for (let t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
leftPts.push(projectPoint(x1, y1, angle + TAU - t * PI, size - 1))
rightPts.push(projectPoint(x0, y0, angle + TAU + t * PI, size - 1))
return leftPts.concat(rightPts.reverse())
* ## getStrokeOutlinePoints

@@ -195,31 +77,33 @@ * @description Get an array of points (as `[x, y]`) representing the outline of a stroke.

* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
export function getStrokeOutlinePoints(
points: number[][],
options: StrokeOutlineOptions = {} as StrokeOutlineOptions
options: StrokeOptions = {} as StrokeOptions
): number[][] {
const {
size = 8,
thinning = 0.5,
smoothing = 0.5,
simulatePressure = true,
pressure = true,
minSize = 2.5,
maxSize = 8,
smooth = 8,
} = options
let len = points.length,
p0 = points[0],
p1 = points[0],
t0 = p0,
t1 = p1,
m0 = p0,
m1 = p0,
size = 0,
pp = 0.5,
started = false,
length = 0,
leftPts: number[][] = [p0],
rightPts: number[][] = [p0],
d0: number,
d1: number
const len = points.length,
totalLength = points[len - 1][5], // The total length of the line
minDist = size * smoothing, // The minimum distance for measurements
leftPts: number[][] = [], // Our collected left and right points
rightPts: number[][] = []
let pl = points[0], // Previous left and right points
pr = points[0],
tl = pl, // Points to test distance from
tr = pr,
pp = 0, // Previous (maybe simulated) pressure
r = size / 2, // The current point radius
short = true // Whether the line is drawn far enough
// We can't do anything with an empty array.
if (len === 0) {

@@ -229,77 +113,122 @@ return []

// Use the points to create an outline shape, where the width
// of the shape is determined by the pressure at each point.
// If the point is only one point long, draw two caps at either end.
if (len === 1 || totalLength < size / 2) {
let first = points[0],
last = points[len - 1],
angle = getAngle(first, last)
if (thinning) {
const pressure = last[3] ? clamp(last[3], 0, 1) : 0.5
r =
(thinning > 0
? lerp(size - size * thinning, size, clamp(pressure, 0, 1))
: lerp(size, size + size * thinning, clamp(pressure, 0, 1))) / 2
for (let t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
tl = projectPoint(first, angle + PI + TAU - t * PI, r - 1)
tr = projectPoint(last, angle + TAU - t * PI, r - 1)
return leftPts.concat(rightPts)
// For a point with more than one point, create an outline shape.
for (let i = 1; i < len; i++) {
const [px, py, pa] = points[i - 1]
let [x, y, angle, ip, distance, clen] = points[i]
const prev = points[i - 1],
pa = prev[3]
length += clen
let [x, y, pressure, angle, distance, clen] = points[i]
// Size
if (pressure) {
// 1.
// Calculate the size of the current point.
if (thinning) {
if (simulatePressure) {
// Simulate pressure by accellerating the reported pressure.
const rp = min(1 - distance / maxSize, 1)
const sp = min(distance / maxSize, 1)
ip = min(1, pp + (rp - pp) * (sp / 2))
const rp = min(1 - distance / size, 1)
const sp = min(distance / size, 1)
pressure = min(1, pp + (rp - pp) * (sp / 2))
// Compute the size based on the pressure.
size = clamp(minSize + ip * (maxSize - minSize), minSize, maxSize)
} else {
size = maxSize
// Compute the size based on the pressure and thinning.
r =
(thinning > 0
? lerp(size - size * thinning, size, clamp(pressure, 0, 1))
: lerp(size, size + size * thinning, clamp(pressure, 0, 1))) / 2
// Handle line start
if (!started && length > size / 2) {
const [sx, sy] = points[0]
// 2.
// Draw a cap once we've reached the minimum length.
if (short) {
if (clen < size / 2) {
for (let t = 0, step = 0.25; t <= 1; t += step) {
m0 = projectPoint(sx, sy, angle + TAU + t * PI, size - 1)
// The first point after we've reached the minimum length.
short = false
m1 = projectPoint(sx, sy, angle - TAU + t * -PI, size - 1)
// Draw a cap at the first point angled toward the current point.
const first = points[0]
for (let t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
tl = projectPoint(first, angle + TAU + t * PI, r - 1)
started = true
tr = projectPoint(first, angle + TAU, r - 1)
// 3. Shape
p0 = projectPoint(x, y, angle - TAU, size) // left
p1 = projectPoint(x, y, angle + TAU, size) // right
// 3.
// Add points for the current point.
if (i === len - 1) {
// The last point in the line.
const delta = angleDelta(pa, angle)
// Add points for an end cap.
for (let t = 0, step = 0.1; t <= 1; t += step) {
tr = projectPoint([x, y], angle + TAU - t * PI, r - 1)
} else {
// Find the delta between the current and previous angle.
const delta = getAngleDelta(prev[3], angle)
// Handle sharp corners differently
if (i === points.length - 1 || (abs(delta) > PI * 0.75 && length > size)) {
const [mx, my] = getPointBetween(px, py, x, y, 0.5)
if (abs(delta) > SHARP && clen > r) {
// A sharp corner.
for (let t = 0, step = 0.25; t <= 1; t += step) {
m0 = projectPoint(mx, my, pa - TAU + t * PI, size - 1)
// Project points (left and right) for a cap.
const mid = getPointBetween(prev, [x, y], 0.5)
m1 = projectPoint(mx, my, pa + TAU + t * -PI, size - 1)
for (let t = 0, step = 0.25; t <= 1; t += step) {
tl = projectPoint(mid, pa - TAU + t * PI, r - 1)
tr = projectPoint(mid, pa + TAU + t * -PI, r - 1)
} else {
// A regular point.
// Add projected points left and right.
pl = projectPoint([x, y], angle - TAU, r)
pr = projectPoint([x, y], angle + TAU, r)
// Add projected point if far enough away from last left point
if (getDistance(pl, tl) > minDist) {
leftPts.push(getPointBetween(tl, pl, 0.5))
tl = pl
// Add point if far enough away from last right point
if (getDistance(pr, tr) > minDist) {
rightPts.push(getPointBetween(tr, pr, 0.5))
tr = pr
t0 = m0
t1 = m1
} else {
// Project sideways
d0 = getDistance(p0[0], p0[1], t0[0], t0[1])
if (d0 > smooth) {
m0 = getPointBetween(t0[0], t0[1], p0[0], p0[1], 0.5)
t0 = p0
d1 = getDistance(p1[0], p1[1], t1[0], t1[1])
if (d1 > smooth) {
m1 = getPointBetween(t1[0], t1[1], p1[0], p1[1], 0.5)
t1 = p1
pp = pressure
pp = ip

@@ -311,72 +240,22 @@

* ## clipPath
* @description Returns a clipped polygon of the provided points.
* @param points An array of points (as number[]), the output of getStrokeOutlinePoints.
export function clipPath(points: number[][]) {
return polygonClipping.union([points] as any)
* ## getPath
* @description Returns a pressure sensitive stroke SVG data
* ## getStroke
* @description Returns a stroke as an array of points.
* @param points An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is optional.
* @param options An (optional) object with options.
* @param options.size The base size (diameter) of the stroke.
* @param options.thinning The effect of pressure on the stroke's size.
* @param options.smoothing How much to soften the stroke's edges.
* @param options.streamline How much to streamline the stroke.
* @param options.simulatePressure Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
export default function getPath<
export default function getStroke<
T extends number[],
K extends { x: number; y: number; pressure?: number }
>(points: (T | K)[], options: StrokeOptions = {} as StrokeOptions): string {
if (points.length === 0) {
return ''
>(points: (T | K)[], options: StrokeOptions = {} as StrokeOptions): number[][] {
return getStrokeOutlinePoints(
getStrokePoints(points, options.streamline),
const { clip = true, maxSize = 8 } = options
let ps = getStrokePoints(points, options),
totalLength = ps[ps.length - 1][5],
pts =
totalLength < maxSize
? getShortStrokeOutlinePoints(ps, options)
: getStrokeOutlinePoints(ps, options),
d: string[] = []
// If the length is too short, just draw a dot.
// If we're clipping the path, then find the polygon and add its faces.
if (clip) {
const poly = clipPath(pts)
for (let face of poly) {
for (let verts of face) {
let v0 = verts[0]
let v1 = verts[1]
d.push(`M ${v0[0]} ${v0[1]}`)
for (let i = 1; i < verts.length; i++) {
const [mpx, mpy] = getPointBetween(v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1], 0.5)
d.push(` Q ${v0[0]},${v0[1]} ${mpx},${mpy}`)
v0 = v1
v1 = verts[i + 1]
} else {
// If we're not clipping the path, just trace it.
let v0 = pts[0]
let v1 = pts[1]
d.push(`M ${v0[0]} ${v0[1]}`)
for (let i = 1; i < pts.length; i++) {
const [mpx, mpy] = getPointBetween(v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1], 0.5)
d.push(`Q ${v0[0]},${v0[1]} ${mpx},${mpy}`)
v0 = v1
v1 = pts[i + 1]
return d.join(' ')
export { StrokeOptions }

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