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File Explorer

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Comparing version 3.4.7-beta.1 to 3.4.7-beta.2


var _ = require('../util').lodash,
PropertyBase = require('./property-base').PropertyBase,
PropertyList = require('./property-list').PropertyList,
VariableList = require('./variable-list').VariableList,
QueryParam = require('./query-param').QueryParam,
FormParam = require('./form-param').FormParam,
EMPTY = '',
EMPTY = '';

@@ -43,4 +42,4 @@ _.inherit((

urlencoded = options.urlencoded,
transform = options.transform,
formdata = options.formdata,
graphql = options.graphql,
file = options.file,

@@ -52,3 +51,6 @@ raw = options.raw;

_.isString(options.urlencoded) && (urlencoded = QueryParam.parse(options.urlencoded));
urlencoded = new PropertyList(QueryParam, this, urlencoded);
// @todo: The fallback in the ternary expression will never be hit, as urlencoded points to
// @todo: options.urlencoded
urlencoded = urlencoded ? new PropertyList(QueryParam, this, urlencoded) :
new PropertyList(QueryParam, this, []);

@@ -58,25 +60,19 @@

if (options.formdata) {
formdata = new PropertyList(FormParam, this, formdata);
// @todo: The fallback in the ternary expression will never be hit, as formdata points to
// @todo: options.formdata
formdata = formdata ? new PropertyList(FormParam, this, options.formdata) :
new PropertyList(FormParam, this, []);
// Handle File
if (_.isString(options.file)) {
// @todo Variable#type file ?
file = { src: options.file };
// Handle Transform mode data
// @todo add tests
if (options.transform) {
transform = {
// @todo bail out if type is empty?
type: transform.type,
version: transform.version,
content: transform.content || EMPTY,
params: transform.params || {},
// @todo add Variable#type `file`
resources: new VariableList(this, transform.resources || [])
// Handle GraphQL data
if (options.graphql) {
graphql = {
query: graphql.query || EMPTY,
operationName: graphql.operationName || undefined,
variables: graphql.variables
_.isString(options.file) && (file = { src: file });
// If mode is raw but options does not give raw content, set it to empty string

@@ -88,5 +84,8 @@ (mode === RequestBody.MODES.raw && !raw) && (raw = '');

// If mode is urlencoded but options does not provide any content, set it to an empty property list
// If mode is formdata but options does not provide any content, set it to an empty property list
(mode === RequestBody.MODES.formdata && !formdata) && (formdata = new PropertyList(FormParam, this, []));
// If mode is graphql but options does not provide any content, set empty query
(mode === RequestBody.MODES.graphql && !graphql) && (graphql = { query: EMPTY });
_.assign(this, /** @lends RequestBody.prototype */ {

@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@

* Transform data properties for this request are held in this field.
* If the request has raw graphql data associated with it, the data is held in this field.
* @type {Object}
transform: transform,
graphql: graphql,

@@ -157,10 +156,6 @@ /**

if (this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.formdata || this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.file) {
// @todo formdata structure is predictable (boundary, part headers)
// @todo for files, clone ReadStream?
// @todo: implement this, check if we need to return undefined or something.
return EMPTY;
// Transform. @formdata Am I a Joke To You? (;-_-)
if (this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.transform) {
return EMPTY;
if (this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.urlencoded) {

@@ -174,2 +169,3 @@ return PropertyList.isPropertyList(this.urlencoded) ? QueryParam.unparse(this.urlencoded.all()) :

return EMPTY;

@@ -187,13 +183,18 @@ },

// Handle file mode.
// bail out if there's no data for the selected mode
if (!data) {
return true;
// Handle file mode
if (mode === RequestBody.MODES.file) {
return !(data && (data.src || data.content));
return !(data.src || data.content);
// Handle transform mode.
if (mode === RequestBody.MODES.transform) {
return !(data && data.type);
// Handle graphql mode, send empty query anyways
if (mode === RequestBody.MODES.graphql) {
return !data;
return !data || !(_.isString(data) ? data.length : (_.isFunction(data.count) && data.count()));
return !(_.isString(data) ? data.length : (_.isFunction(data.count) && data.count()));

@@ -217,4 +218,4 @@ });

formdata: 'formdata',
graphql: 'graphql',
raw: 'raw',
transform: 'transform',
urlencoded: 'urlencoded'

@@ -221,0 +222,0 @@ }

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"author": "Postman Labs <>",
"version": "3.4.7-beta.1",
"version": "3.4.7-beta.2",
"keywords": [

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "postman"

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