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Stringify any JavaScript value.

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20.5 kB
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Package description

What is pretty-format?

The pretty-format npm package is a JavaScript library that allows you to serialize any JavaScript value into a string with a human-readable format. It is particularly useful for snapshot testing, where you want to compare the expected and actual output of your test cases.

What are pretty-format's main functionalities?

Pretty-printing of basic JavaScript types

This feature allows you to convert basic JavaScript types like objects, arrays, strings, numbers, etc., into a nicely formatted string.

const prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
const value = { foo: 'bar', baz: 42 };

Customizing output with plugins

pretty-format supports plugins that can be used to customize the output for specific types of values, such as React elements.

const prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
const ReactElementPlugin = require('pretty-format/plugins/ReactElement');
const reactElement = <div>Hello World</div>;
console.log(prettyFormat(reactElement, { plugins: [ReactElementPlugin] }));

Minimizing diff output

By using pretty-format in combination with a diffing library like jest-diff, you can minimize the output of diffs to make them easier to read and understand.

const prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
const diff = require('jest-diff');
const oldValue = { a: 'old', b: 'values' };
const newValue = { a: 'new', b: 'values' };
const difference = diff(prettyFormat(oldValue), prettyFormat(newValue));

Other packages similar to pretty-format




We skipped 24.2.0 because a draft was accidentally published. Please use 24.3.0 or a newer version instead.


  • [expect]: Improve report when matcher fails, part 10 (#7960)
  • [expect]: Improve report when matcher fails, part 11 (#8008)
  • [expect]: Improve report when matcher fails, part 12 (#8033)
  • [expect]: Improve report when matcher fails, part 7 (#7866)
  • [expect]: Improve report when matcher fails, part 8 (#7876)
  • [expect]: Improve report when matcher fails, part 9 (#7940)
  • [jest-circus/jest-jasmine2] Warn if describe returns a value (#7852)
  • [jest-config] Print error information on preset normalization error (#7935)
  • [jest-get-type] Add isPrimitive function (#7708)
  • [jest-haste-map] Add skipPackageJson option (#7778)
  • [jest-util] Add isPromise (#7852)
  • [pretty-format] Support React.memo (#7891)


  • [expect] Fix toStrictEqual not considering arrays with objects having undefined values correctly (#7938)
  • [expect] Fix custom async matcher stack trace (#7652)
  • [expect] Fix non-object received value in toHaveProperty (#7986, #8067)
  • [expect] Fix non-symmetric equal for Number (#7948)
  • [expect] Remove duck typing and obsolete browser support code when comparing DOM nodes and use DOM-Level-3 API instead (#7995)
  • [jest-changed-files] Fix getChangedFilesFromRoots to not return parts of the commit messages as if they were files, when the commit messages contained multiple paragraphs (#7961)
  • [jest-changed-files] Fix pattern for HG changed files (#8066)
  • [jest-changed-files] Improve default file selection for Mercurial repos (#7880)
  • [jest-circus] Fix bug with test.only (#7888)
  • [jest-circus]: Throw explicit error when errors happen after test is considered complete (#8005)
  • [jest-cli] Fix prototype pollution vulnerability in dependency (#7904)
  • [jest-cli] Refactor -o and --coverage combined (#7611)
  • [jest-environment-node] Add missing globals: TextEncoder and TextDecoder (#8022)
  • [jest-haste-map] Enforce uniqueness in names (mocks and haste ids) (#8002)
  • [jest-jasmine2]: Throw explicit error when errors happen after test is considered complete (#8005)
  • [jest-mock] Adds a type check to prototype to allow mocks of objects with a primitive prototype property. (#8040)
  • [jest-transform] Normalize config and remove unnecessary checks, convert TestUtils.js to TypeScript (#7801)
  • [jest-util]Make sure to not fail if unable to assign toStringTag to the process object, which is read only in Node 12 (#8050)
  • [jest-validate] Fix validating async functions (#7894)
  • [jest-worker] Fix jest-worker when using pre-allocated jobs (#7934)
  • [static] Remove console log '-' on the front page (#7977)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [*]: Setup building, linting and testing of TypeScript (#7808, #7855, #7951)
  • [@jest/console]: Extract custom console implementations from jest-util into a new separate package (#8030)
  • [@jest/core] Create new package, which is jest-cli minus yargs and prompts (#7696)
  • [@jest/core]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7998)
  • [@jest/fake-timers]: Extract FakeTimers class from jest-util into a new separate package (#7987)
  • [@jest/reporter]: New package extracted from jest-cli (#7902)
  • [@jest/reporters]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7994, #8045)
  • [@jest/source-map]: Extract getCallsite function from jest-util into a new separate package (#8029)
  • [@jest/test-result]: Extract TestResult types and helpers into a new separate package (#8034)
  • [@jest/transform]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7918, #7945)
  • [@jest/transform]: New package extracted from jest-runtime (#7915)
  • [@jest/types]: New package to handle shared types (#7834)
  • [babel-jest]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7862)
  • [babel-plugin-jest-hoist]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7898)
  • [diff-sequences]: Migrate to Typescript (#7820)
  • [docs] Add missing import to docs (#7928)
  • [docs] Update automock configuration, add note related to manual mocks (#8051)
  • [docs] Update/Organize TestSequencer and testSchedulerHelper code comments(#7984)
  • [docs]: Fix image paths in for current and version 24 (#7872)
  • [docs]: Improve runAllTimers doc (it exhausts the micro-task queue) (#8031)
  • [docs]: Update to add information about running jest with jest-circus locally (#8013).
  • [expect]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7919, #8028)
  • [jest-changed-files]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7827)
  • [jest-circus]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7916)
  • [jest-cli]: Migrate to TypeScript (#8024)
  • [jest-diff]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7824, #8027)
  • [jest-docblock]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7836)
  • [jest-each]: Migrate to Typescript (#8007)
  • [jest-each]: Refactor into multiple files with better types (#8018)
  • [jest-environment-jsdom]: Migrate to TypeScript (#8003)
  • [jest-environment-node]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7985)
  • [jest-get-type]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7818)
  • [jest-haste-map]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7854, #7951)
  • [jest-jasmine2]: TS migration (#7970)
  • [jest-leak-detector]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7825)
  • [jest-matcher-utils]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7835)
  • [jest-message-util]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7834)
  • [jest-mock]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7847, #7850, #7971)
  • [jest-phabricator]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7965)
  • [jest-regex-util]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7822)
  • [jest-repl]: Migrate to TypeScript (#8000)
  • [jest-resolve-dependencies]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7922)
  • [jest-resolve]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7871)
  • [jest-runner]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7968)
  • [jest-runtime]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7964, #7988)
  • [jest-serializer]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7841)
  • [jest-snapshot]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7899)
  • [jest-util]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7844, #8021)
  • [jest-validate]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7991)
  • [jest-watcher]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7843)
  • [jest-worker]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7853)
  • [jest]: Migrate to TypeScript (#8024)
  • [pretty-format]: Migrate to TypeScript (#7809, #7972)


  • [jest-haste-map] Optimize haste map tracking of deleted files with Watchman. (#8056)



pretty-format Travis build status

Stringify any JavaScript value.


$ npm install pretty-format


var prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');

var obj = { property: {} };
obj.circularReference = obj;
obj[Symbol('foo')] = 'foo'; = new Map();'prop', 'value');
obj.array = [1, NaN, Infinity];



Object {
  "property": Object {},
  "circularReference": [Circular],
  "map": Map {
    "prop" => "value"
  "array": Array [
  Symbol(foo): "foo"
Type Support

Object, Array, ArrayBuffer, DataView, Float32Array, Float64Array, Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, arguments, Boolean, Date, Error, Function, Infinity, Map, NaN, null, Number, RegExp, Set, String, Symbol, undefined, WeakMap, WeakSet


Pretty format also supports adding plugins:

var fooPlugin = {
  test: function(val) {
    return val && val.hasOwnProperty('foo');
  print: function(val, print, indent) {
    return 'Foo: ' + print(;

var obj = { foo: { bar: {} } };

prettyFormat(obj, {
  plugins: [fooPlugin]
// Foo: Object {
//   "bar": Object {}
// }
ReactTestComponent and ReactElement plugins
var prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
var reactTestPlugin = require('pretty-format/plugins/ReactTestComponent');
var reactElementPlugin = require('pretty-format/plugins/ReactElement');

var React = require('react');
var renderer = require('react/lib/ReactTestRenderer');

var jsx = React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello World');

prettyFormat(renderer.create(jsx).toJSON(), {
  plugins: [reactTestPlugin, reactElementPlugin]
// <h1>
//   Hello World
// </h1>


Last updated on 18 Nov 2016

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