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private-box - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.3 to 0.1.0




@@ -17,2 +17,3 @@

exports.encrypt =
exports.multibox = function (msg, recipients) {

@@ -42,2 +43,3 @@

exports.decrypt =
exports.multibox_open = function (ctxt, sk) { //, groups...

@@ -44,0 +46,0 @@


"name": "private-box",
"description": "encrypt a message to a secret number of recipients",
"version": "0.0.3",
"version": "0.1.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "repository": {

# private-box
an unaddressed box, with a private note-to-self so the sender can remember who it was for.
format for encrypting a private message between from 1 to many parties.
`private-box` is designed according to the [auditdrivencrypto design process](
``` js
## API
private_box(msg, nonce, recipient_pk, sender_sk, sender_key) => ciphertext
### encrypt (plaintext Buffer, recipients Array<curve25519_pk>)
//then, the receiver can open it if they know the sender.
Take a `plaintext` Buffer of the message you want to encrypt,
and an array of recipient public keys.
Returns a message that is encrypted to all recipients
and openable by them with `PrivateBox.decrypt`.
The `recipients` must be between 1 and 7 items long.
private_unbox(msg, nonce, sender_pk, recipient_sk) => plaintext
The encrypted length will be between `56 + (recipients.length * 33) + plaintext.length` bytes long.
(minimum 89 and maximum 287 bytes longer than the plaintext)
//OR, the sender can decrypt.
### decrypt (cyphertext Buffer, secretKey curve25519_sk)
private_unbox2(msg, nonce, sender_sk, sender_key) => plaintext
Attempt to decrypt a private-box message, using your secret key.
If you where an intended recipient then the plaintext will be returned.
If it was not for you, then `undefined` will be returned.
## protocol
In secure scuttlebutt, a potential receiver knows who posted
a message, because it has a pk/signature. The envelope is marked
with a _from_ field, but there is no _to_ field.
### encryption
However, sometimes the sender needs to look at a message
they sent. If there is no _to_ field, the sender must encrypt
a short message _to themselves_.
`private-box` generates an ephemeral curve25519 keypair that will only be used with this message (`ephemeral_keys`),
and a random `key` that will be used to encrypt the plaintext body (`body_key`).
first, private-box outputs the ephemeral public key, then takes each recipient public key and
multiplies it with the ephemeral private key to produce ephemeral shared keys (`shared_keys[1..n]`).
Then private-box concatenates `body_key` with the number of recipients,
and then encrypts that to each shared key, then concatenates the encrypted body.
## generate one time key.
generate a onetime keypair, box a message to the receipient
with it, and also box a message back to your self, including
the onetime secret, so that you can reopen the message if necessary.
//two scalarmult + key_pair
//152 byte overhead
function private_box (msg, nonce, recipient_pk, sender_sk) {
var onetime = box_keypair()
return concat([
nonce, //24 bytes
onetime.publicKey, //32 bytes
box_easy( //32+32+16 = 80 bytes
concat([recipient_pk, onetime.secretKey]),
//msg.length + 16 bytes
box_easy(msg, nonce, recipient_pk, onetime.secretKey)
this design generates a new key pair on ever write,
and then uses two scalarmult operations.
there are 152 bytes of overhead.
One interesting benefit is that you could have a oneway
write, where the author forgets the onetime secret key,
so the box can only be opened by it's recipient.
## keep a symmetric key for the note-to-self
We have to keep track of another secret key
(it could be derived from the private key, though)
``` js
function private_box (msg, nonce, recipient_pk, sender_sk, sender_key) {
function encrypt (plaintext, recipients) {
var ephemeral = keypair()
var nonce = random(24)
var key = random(32)
var key_with_length = concat([key, recipients.length])
return concat([
nonce, //24 bytes
secretbox_easy(recipient_pk, nonce, sender_key), //32+16=40 bytes
box_easy(msg, nonce, recipient_pk, sender_sk) //msg.length + 16
Only 80 bytes overhead (just over half as much) and only one
scalarmult. This will be a more performant encrypt operation,
but decrypt will be only slightly better.
This construction could be used to store encrypted messages
for yourself, by "sending them" to a onetime key.
Also, it would mean that `sender_key` is
## one way box
you could have a box that only the recipient can open.
``` js
function oneway_box (msg, nonce, recipient_pk) {
var onetime = keypair()
return concat([
box_easy(msg, nonce, recipient_pk, onetime.secretKey)
concat( (publicKey) {
return secretbox(
scalarmult(publicKey, ephemeral.secretKey)
secretbox(plaintext, nonce, key)
This would have the interesting property that the message
could not be opened by the sender (once they have deleted
This doesn't seem very useful for a database.
## decrypt
## multiple recipients
private-box takes the nonce and ephemeral public key,
multiplies that with your secret key, then tests each possible
recipient slot until it either decrypts a key or runs out of slots.
If it runs out of slots, the message was not addressed to you,
so `undefined` is returned. Else, the message is found and the body
is decrypted.
maybe, a way to generalize this would be to have multiple
``` js
function decrypt (cyphertext, secretKey) {
var next = reader(cyphertext) //reader returns a function that
var nonce = next(24)
var publicKey = next(32)
var sharedKey = salarmult(publicKey, secretKey)
function multibox (msg, nonce, recipients, sender_sk) {
var key = random(32)
return concat([
nonce, //24 bytes
//1 byte
new Buffer([recipients.length & 255]), //MAX 1 byte!
//recipients.length * 16+32 (r_pk) {
return box(key, nonce, r_pk, sender_sk)
//msg.length + 16
secretbox_easy(msg, nonce, key)
for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
var maybe_key = next(33)
var key_with_length = secretbox_open(maybe_key, nonce, sharedKey)
if(key_with_length) {//decrypted!
var key = key_with_length.slice(0, 32)
var length = key_with_length[32]
return secretbox_open(
cyphertext.slice(56 + 33*(length+1), cyphertext.length),
//this message was not addressed to the owner of secretKey
return undefined
So, to use this model, you would normally make the first recipient
your self. This would support messages to N recipients,
and also support one way messages, or messages to yourself.
## Assumptions
To decrypt, you would take `scalarmult(your_sk, sender_pk)`
and then use that to unbox recipients until you get a valid
mac. This could be pretty fast, because there would be only one
curve op, and then the rest is symmetric crypto.
Messages will be posted in public, so that the sender is likely to be known,
but everyone can read the messages. (this makes it possible to hide the recipient,
but probably not the sender)
Resisting traffic analysis of the timing or size of messages is out of scope of this spec.
## a more private multibox
## Prior Art
The properties might get a bit cleaner
### pgp
``` js
In pgp the recipient, the sender, and the subject are sent as plaintext.
If the recipient is known then the metadata graph of who is communicating with who can be read,
which, since it is easier to analyze than the content, is important to protect.
function multibox2 (msg, nonce, recipients) {
### sodium seal
var key = random(32)
//MAX 16 recipients
var _key = concat([new Buffer([(recipients.length-1) && 15]), key)
var onetime = box_keypair()
The sodium library provides a _seal_ function that generates an ephemeral keypair,
derives a shared key to encrypt a message, and then sends the ephemeral public key and the message.
The recipient is hidden, and it is forward secure if the sender throws out the ephemeral key.
However, it's only possible to have one recipient.
return concat([
nonce, //24 bytes
onetime.publicKey, //32 bytes
//recipients.length * 16+33 (r_pk) {
return box(_key, nonce, r_pk, onetime.secretKey)
//msg.length + 16
secretbox_easy(msg, nonce, key)
### minilock
An interesting property of this is that the recipient
identities are forward secure (though, since I am assuming
that the sender encrypts this message back to themself,
whoever has their private key can read the message, and
those id's are likely written in the message)
minilock uses a similar approach to `private-box` but does not hide the
number of recipients. In the case of a group discussion where multiple rounds
of messages are sent to everyone, this may enable an eavesdropper to deanonymize
the participiants of a discussion if the sender of each message is known.
Note, here that the recipient length field is encrypted to each
recipient! If the number of recipients is not hidden,
and I send a group message to a weird number, then someone
hits "reply-all" it would suggest it was a reply.
By hiding the number of "to" addresses, the messages will be _very private_.
## Properties
They will be more expensive to calculate, but since an `secretbox_open`
attempt is actually very cheap (about 50 make 1 `scalarmult` op)
so if you have 1 asym operation, then doing less than say, 50
unboxes won't matter much.
[see sodiumperf tests](
This protocol was designed for use with secure-scuttlebutt,
in this place, messages are placed in public, and the sender is known.
(via a signature) but we can hide the recipient and the content.
So this wouldn't be very much slower than any of the above
algorithms, but it would be more private, even though it supports
multiple recipients. Also, since the encrypted message has a one-off
key, you could reveal the key to one message... if you needed
to prove someone was harassing you, for example. Or, if you wanted
to implement moderated groups, you could post a message to the moderator
who would then reveal the key for that message to the group.
### recipients are hidden.
Decrypt might look like this:
An eaves dropper cannot know the recipients or their number.
since the message is encrypted to each recipient, and then placed in public,
to receive a message you will have to decrypt every message posted.
This would not be scalable if you had to decrypt every message on the internet,
but if you can restrict the number of messages you might have to decrypt,
then it's reasonable. For example, if you frequented a forum which contained these messages,
then it would only be a reasonable number of messages, and posting a message would only
reveal that you where talking to some other member of that forum.
Hiding access to such a forum is another problem, out of the current scope.
``` js
function multibox2_open (ctxt, sk) {
var nonce = ctxt.slice(0, 24)
var onetime_pk = ctxt.slice(24, 24+32)
var my_key = scalarmult(sk, onetime_pk)
//try a bunch of keys
var _key, start = 24+32, keysize = 16+1+32
for(var i = 0; i < 8 || !key; i++) {
var s = start+(keysize*i), e = s + keysize
_key = secretbox_easy_open(ctxt.slice(s, e), nonce, my_key)
if(!key) return //message not addressed to us
### the number of recipients are hidden.
var length = key[0]
var rest = ctxt.slice(start + keysize*length, ctxt.length)
If the number of recipients was not hidden, then sometimes it would be possible
to deanonymise the number of recipients, if there was a large group discussion with
an unusual number of recipients. Encrypting the number of recipients means that
when you fail to decrypt a message you must attempt to decrypt same number of times
as the maximum recipients.
return secretbox_easy_open(rest, nonce, key.slice(1, 33))
### a valid recipient does not know the other recipients.
A valid recipient knows the number of recipients but now who they are.
This is more a sideeffect of the design than an intentional design element.
## Groups
### by providing the `key` for a message a outside party could decrypt the message.
Often we want to communicate not just with individuals, but with groups.
Although if more actors know the secret, then it's less secure.
When you tell someone a secret you must trust them not to reveal it.
Anyone who knows the `key` could reveal that to some other party who could then read the message content,
but not the recipients (unless the sender revealed the ephemeral secret key)
I can see two ways this could work,
## License
### One Way Groups
an author delegates a read cap (key) to selected peers,
and then posts messages that holders of that key can read.
The dynamic here is similar to facebook - if I add you
as my friend then you can read my posts.
When a peer is decrypting messages, they will try the keys
on each message received from that author. In most cases,
a given actor will create a handful of groups (friends, family, work,
hobby group, etc) and any other peer is probably only a member
of one or two of those.
The cost of this would be `groups_added*max_groups`,
the max number of groups a message should be broadcast to
should probably be very small, like 2 or 3, then if
A adds B to 3 groups, B will only need to attempt 9 unboxings
to read a message.
### Shared Groups
In othercases, there are groups of people who do not personally
know each other form around a common interest. Facebook groups
work like this.
In this situation, it could be quite complicated to know what
groups a given actor is in. For example, A creates group G,
then adds B, who adds C. C then posts a message to group G.
suppose that A sees C's message before she hears from A that
C is now a member of G. Either A dosen't know to try G_key on
C's message, or A just tries every group key on every message A sees.
As long as A is not a member of more than a few groups, this is not
too much of a problem. But, if there are two types of groups,
then G that could be many groups to check. Probably the simplest
way to mitigate this is _prevent cross posting_, allow only one
shared group per message, then only check for group keys
on the first slot!
## License
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